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Roma and Travellers Glossary Compiled by Claire PEDOTTI (French Translation Department) and Michal GUET (DGIII oma and Tra!ellers Di!ision) in cons"ltation #ith the En$lish and French Translation Departments and %"rora %I&I'C%I (DGI( Pro)ect *+choolin$ ,or oma Children in E"rope-). /indly translated into En$lish by (incent '%+0 (En$lish Translation Department).

General comments: The many different terms found in Council of Europe texts and on Council websites make harmonisation of the Organisations usage essential. That is the purpose of this glossary which will be up!dated regularly . This glossary reflects the current consensus. "ollowing its suggestions is thus strongly recommended #if in doubt use the underlined term$.

%ast update : && 'ecember ())*

The terminology used by the Council of Europe #CoE$ has +aried considerably since the early &,-)s : .Gypsies and other tra+ellers/ & .nomads/( . populations of nomadic origin/0 .Gypsies/1 .2roma #Gypsies$/3 .2oma/* . 2oma4Gypsies/- .2oma4Gypsies and Tra+ellers/5 . 2oms et Gens du +oyage /,. 6ome of our decisions on terminology are based on the conclusions of a seminar held at the Council of Europe in 6eptember ())0 on .The cultural identities of 2oma Gypsies Tra+ellers and related groups in Europe/ which was attended by representati+es of the +arious groups in Europe #2oma 6inti 7ale 2omanichals 8oyash 9shkali Egyptians :enish Tra+ellers etc.$ and of +arious international organisations #O6CE!O';<2 European Commission =><C2 and others$. The ?uestions complexity has obliged us to lay down a number of linguistic principles which may seem a little arbitrary. ;n "rench for example we ha+e decided to use the standard .s/ plural for words which may now be regarded as being in common use. "or rarer terms we ha+e stuck to the grammar of the language of origin. >ote too that ad@ecti+es agree in number but not gender.

& (

2ecommandation 3*0 #&,*,$ of the Consultati+e 9ssembly on the situation of Gypsies and other travellers in Europe #&,*,$. 2esolution >o. #-3$&0 of the Comittee of Ainisters on the social situation of nomads in Europe #&,-3$ and 2ecommendation >o. #50$& of the Committee of Ainisters on stateless nomads amd nomads of undetermined nationality #&,50$. 0 2esolution &(3#&,5&$ of the C%29E on the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities in regard to the cultural and social problems of populations of nomadic origin #&,5&$. 1 2esolution (1,#&,,0$ of the C%29E on Gypsies in Europe: the role and responsibility of local and regional authorities #&,,0$ and 2ecommendation >o. &()0 of the Barliamentary 9ssembly on Gypsies en Europe #&,,0$. 3 2esolutions && and &*#&,,3$ of the C%29E on .Towards a Tolerant Europe: the contribution of the Rroma (Gypsies) #&,,3$. * 2esolution 11#&,,-$ of the C%29E on CTowards a Tolerant Europe: the contribution of Roma #&,,-$ and 2ecommendation >o. &33- of the Barliamentary 9ssembly on the legal situation of Roma in Europe #())($. 2ecommendation >o. 2#()))$1 of the Committee of Ainisters on the education of Roma/Gypsy children in Europe #()))$D Council of Europe Co!ordinator for Roma/Gypsies and Group of 6pecialists on Roma/Gypsies #&,,3$D EC2; General Bolicy 2ecommendation on combating racism and intolerance against Roma/Gypsies #&,,5$. 5 2ecommendation >o. 2#())&$&- of the Committee of Ainisters on impro+ing the economic and employment situation of Roma/Gypsies and Travellers #())&$D Group of 6pecialists on Roma, Gypsies amd Travellers #())($. , 2ecommendation >o. 2#())1$&1 of the Committee of Ainisters on the mo+ement and encampment of Travellers in Europe #())1$D European Roma and Travellers "orum #())1$D Co!ordinator of acti+ities concerning Roma and Travellers #())1$ D 2ecommendation >o. 2#())3$1 of the Committee of Ainisters on impro+ing the housing conditions of Roma and Travellers in Europe #())3$D 2ecommendation >o. 2#())*$&) of the Committee of Ainisters on better access to health care for Roma and Travellers in Europe #())*$D Comittee of Experts on Roma and Travellers E AG!6!2OA #())*$.

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English terms a 2om #n.$ 2oma #pl.$ 2oma #ad@.$ 4 2omani #ad@.$

French terms "n om #n. m. sing.$ "ne om #n. f. sing.$ des oms #pl.$ rom #ad@. sing.$ roms #ad@. pl.$ romani #ad@. limited use$

Titles linked ith groups and their language Originally the "rench term stayed the same in the plural .les 2om/. >ow that it is in common use it takes an .s/. 6ome +ariants of 2omani double the .r/ in .2rom -D this spelling is also used for political reasons in certain countries e.g. 2omania #to distinguish 2roma from 2omanians$. .2om/ is the recommended ad@ecti+e in "rench agreeing in number but not gender: .le peuple rom/ .des femmes roms/ etc. .2omani/ #in+ariable$ should be kept for the language and culture : .la langue romani/ . la culture romani/. ;n English both .2oma/ and .2omani/ are used: .2oma#ni$ woman/ .2oma#ni$ communities/ but .2omani/ is definitely preferred for the language and culture : .2omani language/ .2omani culture/. .2oma/ means .man of the 2oma ethnic group/ or .husband/ depending on the +ariant of 2omani or the author. The 2oma are E with the 6inti and 7ale E one of the three main branches of the 2oma #generic term$ a people originally from northern ;ndia. The first ritten traces of their arrival in Europe date from the !"#th century. There are appro$imately %& million Roma in Europe #estimates +ary from 5 to &3 millionD .approximately &) million/ seems best to us$. They are mainly found in the 8alkans and in Central and Eastern Europe. Aost of them speak 2omani #romani chib$ E see below. They are di+ided into sub!groups #.endaFa/$: the 7elderash the %o+ari the Gurbeti the Churari the =rsari etc. ;n the 8alkans there are also groups who regard themsel+es as 2oma but do not speak 2omani. These include the 8oyash #8eash 8ayash 8anyash 8aiesi or 2udari depending on the country$ whose language deri+es from 2omanian and some 9shkali

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a 6into #n.$ 6inti #pl.$ 6inti #ad@.$

"n +into #n.m. sing.$ "ne +inti #n.f. sing.$ des +int12+int1s or des +inti2+intis #pl.$ sinto #ad@. sing.$ sint12sint1s or sinti2sintis #ad@. pl.$

who speak 9lbanian. Other groups who resemble the 2oma in certain respects such as the Egyptians #so!called because they reputedly came from Egypt and who also speak 9lbanian$ and some 9shkali insist on their ethnic difference. "or the sake of logic #a logic based on 2omani$ application of the o4i4G rule for masculine feminine and plural #.un 6into/ .une 6inti/ .des 6intG/ and see below 7alo47ali47alG gad@o4gad@i4gad@G$ is recommended in "rench together with the traditional CsH!form plural now current for .2oms/ and ! although CGH already denotes the plural in 2omani E for C6intGs47alGs4gad@GsH. >onetheless most O6CE!O';<2 =><C2 E= and earlier Council of Europe texts use the plural .6intis/ in "rench and this is thus acceptable. 6into #romnepen in the language itself$ is a Germanised +ersion of the 2omani language. The 6inti are mainly found in the German!speaking regions #Germany 6witIerland 9ustria$ the 8enelux and some of the 6candina+ian countries. ;n "rance #the east particularly 9lsace$ they are called .Aanouches/ #English: .Aanush/$ .Aanush/ comes from a 2omani word meaning .human being/. There is a southern sub!branch of the 6inti in northern ;taly #Biedmont %ombardy$ and Bro+ence who use a partly ;talian!based +ocabulary. 9s with .2oms/ and .6intGs/ the .s/ plural is tending to become general in "rench and is recommended for reasons of consistency. The 7ale #more commonly called CGitanosH or C6panish GypsiesH$ in the ;berian Beninsula and southern "rance ha+e more or less stopped using 2omani. They speak /al4 which deri+es from 6panish #+ocabulary and grammar$ with some 2omani borrowings. Today there are two +ariants #6panish /al4 and Catalan /al4$. ;t is spelt with a .c/ in 6panish: Cal4 Cal1 but .k/ is the recommended international +ersion . There is also a .7aalG/ group in "inland which is stri+ing to preser+e its traditions and there are 7ale in Jales who ha+e stopped speaking 7alo since the &,3)s.

a 7alo #n.$ 7ale #pl.$ 7ale #ad@.$

"n /alo #n.m .sing.$ "ne /ali #n.f. sing.$ des /al12/al1s #pl.$ 3alo #ad@. sing.$ 3al123al1s #ad@. pl.$

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2omani #language$

romani 2 roman5s 2 lan$"e romani

2omani or .romani chib/ in 2omani is an ;ndo!European language #;ndo!9ryan sub! branch$ like Greek the 2omance Germanic 6la+ 8altic Celtic languages etc.$ ;n "rench contexts the term .romanKs/ #pronounced roman5ss$ is used fairly often to denote 2omani. ;n English .2omani/ is preferable to .2omany/ although the latter still appears fre?uently in dictionaries. 2omani is a fully!fledged language E do not speak of Romani languages in the plural' E and is understood by a +ery large proportion of European 2oma although there are numerous +ariants #it is better to speak of .+ariants/ of 2omani than .dialects/$. These +ariants are due to the fact that some groups ha+e forgotten part of the +ocabulary and ha+e borrowed from the language of their en+ironment. ;nterpretation in 2omani has long been pro+ided as a matter of course at meetings of the AG!6!2OA and at official Council of Europe and O6CE!O';<2 meetings on 2oma issues. 6ome 2oma communities ha+e practically lost the use of 2omani or speak a language #a kind of pidgin or hybrid language$ which is largely influenced by the official language e.g. the 7ale in 6pain the 6inti in the Germanic countries the 2omungrGs in <ungary or the Gypsies in 8ritain #see below$. .Gens du +oyage/ used in "rance is an administrati+e term which also applies to non! 2oma groups with itinerant lifestyles. ;t thus co+ers the +arious branches of 2oma #2oma 6inti4Aanush 7ale4Gypsies whose ancestors came from northern ;ndia$ but other communities as well. .Loyageurs/ #closer to the English .Tra+ellers/$ is used in 8elgium and 6witIerland. ;t is sometimes used by associations in "rance but not in official texts. %ike .Gens du +oyage/ it can co+er +arious ethnic groups. .Loyageurs/ was the "rench term originally used at the Council of Europe #cf. the title of the AG!6!2OA from ())( to ())*: .Groupe de 6pGcialistes sur les 2oms Tsiganes et Loyageurs/$ increasingly .Gens du +oyage/ #upper case .G/ for .Gens/ lower case .+/ for .+oyage/$ is now being used to harmonise texts and structures.

a Tra+eller #n.$ Tra+ellers #pl.$ Tra+eller #ad@.$

"n repr1sentant des Gens d" !oya$e2"n (oya$e"r2"n Tra+eller #n. m. sing.$ des Gens d" !oya$e2des (oya$e"rs2des Tra+ellers #plur.$ appartenant a"6 Gens d" !oya$e2a"6 (oya$e"r2a"6 Tra+ellers #ad@.$

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.Tra+ellers/ proper are found in ;reland and Great 8ritain and are ethnically distinct from the 2oma46inti47ale. ;n ;reland they are officially regarded as a nati+e community which is not distinct from the ma@ority in terms of race colour ancestry or ethnic origin. Originally they were itinerant but 5)M are now sedentary. ;t should not therefore be assumed that Tra+ellers li+e on the roadD in >orway Tra+ellers are sedentary while 2oma mo+e aroundN ;rish Tra+ellers call themsel+es Pa!ee in their own language. This language known as Cant7 +helta or Gammon7 has an essentially English and ;rish +ocabulary #with a few 2omani borrowings$ and grammar close to that of English. Aany words are formed by re+ersing syllables. "or a long time Tra+ellers were also known as Tin3ers or Tin3lers #which they regard as pe@orati+e as 2oma do the term CGypsyH E see below$. ;t is best to keep the term .Tra+ellers/ for these communities in "rench and use .Gens du +oyage/ in English texts since their meaning is not entirely the same. There are no .8ritish Tra+ellers/ proper in the =nited 7ingdom where the only terms used ! particularly in England E are .;rish Tra+ellers/ or .Tra+ellers of ;rish <eritage/. %ike 2oma4Gypsies #see under .Gypsies/ below they are regarded as a distinct ethnic group co+ered #unlike Tra+ellers in ;relandN$ by the "ramework Con+ention for the Brotection of >ational Ainorities. ;n >orthern ;reland howe+er and in 6cotland the terms .6cottish Tra+ellers/ and .;rish Tra+ellers/ are used. ;n 6cotland the .6cottish Gypsies4Tra+ellers/ #some accept the term .Gypsies/7 others do not$ ha+e sometimes been called .>awkins/7 or .>achins/ E both pe@orati+e #see .Tinkers/7 abo+e$. ;n Jales there are two groups E the 2omanichals #see below$ who now speak 9nglo! 2omani and in the north the 7ale #who came from 6pain +ia "rance and Cornwall$.

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a 2omanichal #n.$ 2omanichals #pl.$ 2omanichal #ad@.$

"n omanichel #n. m. sing.$ ;n the =nited 7ingdom mainly in England and south Jales there is a group the "ne omanichelle #n. f. sing.$ 2omanichals #.2omanichels/ in "rench$ who identify themsel+es as .Gypsies/ des omanichels #pl.$ #sometimes .2oma4Gypsies/ in official texts$. They speak 9nglo!2omani which has a romanichel2le #ad@. sing.$ mixed English42omani +ocabulary and English grammar. romanichels2les #ad@. pl.$ The term .2omanichels/ #from the 2omani . romani cel- E .2oma people/$ is little used in "rance today #like .8ohGmiens/ linked to the fact that the 7ing of 8ohemia ga+e them passports for use when crossing borders$. The former Chairman of the AG!6!2OA used the fact that some groups accept the terms .Tsiganes/ and .Gypsies/ as an argument for keeping them #until Ouly ())*$ in the Committees title. %ike the ;rish Tra+ellers7 the :enish are an indigenous non!2oma community mainly li+ing in 6witIerland who ha+e an itinerant lifestyle although most #o+er ,)M$ are now sedentary. %ocally they are sometimes called /arner &anin$er /e9ler Fec3er ou +pen$ler. They speak German with some 2omani %atin and <ebrew loan!words. The traditional "rench usage at the Council of Europe is .Tsigane/ with .s/ not .I/. The binome .2oma4Gypsies/ was used for many years at the Council of Europe since it co+ered most fields and situations in Europe. ;n fact the term .2oma/ is fairly widely used in Central and Eastern Europe while .Gypsies/ has a pe@orati+e ring for many European 2oma and 6inti who re@ect it as an alien term linked with negati+e paternalistic stereotypes which still pursue them in Europe. ;n Jestern Europe #=nited 7ingdom 6pain "rance etc.$ <ungary and some parts of 2ussia .Gypsy/ or its national e?ui+alent #.Tsigane/ .Gitanos/ .CigPny/ .Tsyganye/ etc.$ is better accepted and sometimes more appropriate.

a :enish #n.$ :enish #pl.$ :enish #ad@.$ a Gypsy #n.$ Gypsies #pl.$ Gypsy #ad@.$

"n 81niche #n. m. sing.$ "ne 81niche #n. f. sing.$ des 81niches #pl.$ y1niche #ad@. sing.$ y1niches #ad@. pl.$ "n Tsi$ane #n. m. sing.$ "ne Tsi$ane #n. f. sing$ des Tsi$anes #pl.$ tsi$ane #ad@. sing.$ tsi$anes #ad@. pl.$

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anti!Gypsyism #romaphobia anti!tsiganism gypsophobia$

antitsi$anisme (romaphobie7 tsi$anophobie)

6ince around ())3 explicit references to .antitsiganisme/ as a specific form of racism ha+e become increasingly common at international le+el. This often comes out as .anti! Gypsyism/ in English although many continental 2oma prefer .9nti!Tsiganism/ or .9nti!Qiganism/ which is closer to the local deri+ates #e.g. .9ntiIiganismus/ in German$. .2omaphobia/ means the same thing as .9nti!Gypsyism/. "earing that careless @ournalists may start gi+ing us .2omaniaphobia/ instead we prefer to use the terms .antitsiganisme 4 anti!Gypsyism/ at the Council of Europe. ;f anyone ob@ects that we are straying close to .Gypsy/ and .Tsigane/ and that these should not be used #see abo+e$ our answer is that these are indeed E and must remain E terms with negati+e connotations which are in any case aimed not at 2oma but at the ma@ority and so must be instantly clear to non!2oma #.antitsiganisme/ has echoes of .anti!6emitism/ and so connects ?uickly with the concept of racism though we must be careful not to o+er! simplify and lump things together$. The resolution adopted by the European Barliament in 9pril ())3 is the first official text to speak of .9nti!Gypsyism42omaphobia/. The international O6CE4E=4CoE conferences on 2oma 6inti and Tra+ellers in Jarsaw #October ())3$ and 8ucharest #Aay ())*$ confirmed use of the term .anti!Gypsyism/ at international le+el. The former 'irector of E2;O #E"ropean oma In,ormation O,,ice based in 8russels$ has suggested the following definition see : http:44www.erionet.org49ntigypsyism.html : .9nti!Gypsyism is not @ust another type of racial discrimination. ;t is at the same time similar different and intertwined with racism/. Laleriu >icolae now 6ecretary General of E2GO #E"ropean oma Grassroots Or$anisation$ has up!dated its definition as follows: .9nti!gypsyism is a specific form of racism an ideology of racial superiority a form of dehumanisation and of institutional racism RST fuelled by historical discrimination/.

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#"ull definition on: http:44www.ergonetwork.org4antigypsyism.htm$. The EC2; also recognises that racism directed at 2oma has certain special features: it is persistent both historically and geographically #permanent and not decreasing$D it is systematic #accepted by practically all the community$D it is often accompanied by acts of +iolence REC2; speech in JarsawT. .>on!2oma/ in 2omani. =nlike .2oma/4.6inti/4.7ale/ the term does not denote a people so capitalisation is not recommended. This is the name which 2oma apply to those outside their community #cf. $oy2$oyim E non!Oew4Oews$. The sound .d@/ is rendered by a special letter in the 2omani alphabet R T E and is thus transcribed differently in English and "rench. (ouncil of Europe )tructures 9ttached to 'G ;;; 6ocial Cohesion.

a gadgo #n.$ gadge #pl.$ gadge #ad@.$ Aigration and 2oma 'epartment 2oma and Tra+ellers 'i+ision #CoE$ Co!ordinator for acti+ities concerning 2oma and Tra+ellers

"n $ad)o #n. m. sing.$ "ne $ad)i #n. f. sing.$ des $ad)1s #pl.$ $ad)o #ad@.$ $ad)1s #ad@. pl.$

+er!ice des mi$rations et des oms Di!ision des oms et 9ttached to the Aigration and 2oma 'epartment des Gens d" !oya$e Coordinate"r (d" CdE) 9ttached to the Bri+ate Office of the 6ecretary General but physically to 'G ;;; 6ocial po"r les acti!it1s Cohesion. concernant les oms et les Gens d" !oya$e Group of 6pecialists on Gro"pe de sp1cialistes Title of the AG!6!2OA from ())( to mid!())* replacing . Groupe de spGcialistes sur 2oma Gypsies and s"r les oms7 Tsi$anes les 2oms4Tsiganes/4.Group of 6pecialists on 2oma4Gypsies/ #used from &,,3 to ())($. Tra+ellers #AG!6!2OA$ et (oya$e"rs (MG:+: OM) Committee of Experts Comit1 d;E6perts s"r les >ew title of the AG!6!2OA E see terms of reference adopted on &( Ouly ())*. on 2oma and Tra+ellers oms et les Gens d" !oya$e #AG!6!2OA$ (MG:+: OM) "nternational Roma *G+s/,ssociations and informal structures dealing ith Roma issues European 2oma and For"m e"rop1en des ;nternational >GO based in 6trasbourg #" 8uilding at the CoE$ which signed a Tra+ellers "orum oms et des Gens d" partnership agreement with the 6ecretary General in 'ecember ())1. Jebsite: #E2T"$ !oya$e (FE ()

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"orum of European 2oma :oung Beople #"E2:B$ 'ecade for 2oma ;nclusion

For"m des )e"nes oms e"rop1ens (FE 8P) D1cennie po"r l;int1$ration 2 l;incl"sion des oms Gro"pe de contact in,ormel des or$anisations inter: $o"!ernementales s"r les oms7 les +int1s et les Gens d" !oya$e

'uring CA discussions preceding the signing of the partnership agreement GT!2OA6 documents use the title .European "orum for 2oma and Tra+ellers 4 For"m e"rop1en po"r les oms et les Gens d" !oya$e/. ;nternational >GO based in 6trasbourg #registered office at the 9ssociation 92BOAT$. The "E2:B is a member of the E2T" #see abo+e$. 2egional initiati+e launched by the Jorld 8ank and the O6; #Open 6ociety ;nstitute46oros "oundation) for the period ())3!()&3. The nine countries co+ered are 8ulgaria Croatia the CIech 2epublic <ungary Aacedonia #under that name$ Aontenegro 2omania 6erbia amd the 6lo+ak 2epublic. .;nclusion/ is sometimes translated as .;nclusion/ in "rench. This informal group meets under e+ery E= Bresidency #minimum of two meetings per year$. Oointly launched by the O6CE4O';<2 and the CoE #'G ;;;$ it has gradually extended to +arious European Commission departments the European Barliament the =><C2 the =>'B the Jorld 8ank and +ery recently two >GOs which ha+e special links with the European institutions4organisations: the European 2oma and Tra+ellers "orum #E2T"$ and the European 2oma ;nformation Office #E2;O$. ;ts meetings are chaired by the country which holds the E= Bresidency. The Council of Europes CA Chairmanship and the O6CE Bresidency are also represented. Council of Europe texts since 2000 2ecommendation #()))$ 1 on the education of 2oma4Gypsy children in Europe ecommandation (<===) > s"r l?1d"cation des en,ants roms2tsi$anes en E"rope 2ecommendation #())&$ &- on impro+ing the economic and employment situation of 2oma4Gypsies and Tra+ellers in Europe ecommandation (<==@) @A s"r l;am1lioration de la sit"ation 1conomiB"e et de l;emploi des om2Tsi$anes et des !oya$e"rs en E"rope 2ecommendation #())1$ &1 on the Ao+ement and Encampment of Tra+ellers in Europe ecommandation (<==>) @> relati!e C la circ"lation et a" stationnement des Gens d" !oya$e en E"rope

;nformal Contact Group of ;ntergo+ernmental Organisations on 2oma 6inti and Tra+ellers

CA 2ecommendation #()))$ 1 CA 2ecommendation #())&$ &CA 2ecommendation #())1$ &1

ecommandation d" CM (<===) > ecommandation d" CM (<==@) @A ecommandation d" CM (<==>) @>

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CA 2ecommendation #())3$ 1 CA 2ecommendation #())*$ &) 'raft recommendation on policies for 2oma and Tra+ellers in Europe B9 2ecommendation &*00 #())0$

ecommandation d" CM (<==D) > ecommandation d" CM (<==E) @= Pro)et de recommandation s"r les politiB"es en ,a!e"r des oms et des Gens d" !oya$e en E"rope ecommandation %P @EFF (<==F)

2ecommendation #())3$ 1 on ;mpro+ing <ousing Conditions for 2oma and Tra+ellers in Europe ecommandation (<==D) > s"r l?am1lioration des conditions de lo$ement des oms et des Gens d" !oya$e en E"rope 2ecommandation #())*$ &) on better access of 2oma and Tra+ellers to public health care in Europe ecommandation (<==E) @= relati!e C "n meille"r acc5s des oms et des Gens d" !oya$e a"6 soins de sant1 en E"rope under discussion in the AG!6!2OA.

2ecommendation &*00 #())0$ on "orced 2eturns of 2oma from the former "ederal 2epublic of :ugosla+ia including 7oso+o to 6erbia and Aontenegro from Council of Europe member 6tates ecommandation @EFF (<==F) s"r les reto"rs ,orc1s de oms ori$inaires de l;e6: 1p"bliB"e ,1d1rale de 8o"$osla!ie7 y compris d" /oso!o7 en +erbie:Mont1n1$ro7 en pro!enance d;Etats membres d" Conseil de l;E"rope

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9ction Blan on ;mpro+ing the 6ituation of 2oma and 6inti within the O6CE 9rea

Brogramme for 2oma and Tra+ellers in Europe

Ooint Council of Europe4 European Commission4O6CE! O';<2 pro@ect on 2oma under the 6tability Bact for 6outh!Eastern Europe

+ther international te$ts Plan d;action !isant C "or full text see decision >o. 3** of the Bermanent Council of (- >o+ember ())0 : am1liorer la sit"ation http:44www.osce.org4documents4pc4())04&&4&33)Ufr.pdf des oms et des +intis http:44www.osce.org4documents4pc4())04&&4&33)Uen.pdf dans l;espace de l;O+CE >ote use of .6intis/ #with .s/$ in the "rench +ersion of this text. =nlike the Council of Europe which uses . oms et Gens d" !oya$e 4 2oma and Tra+ellers / the O6CE!O';<2 officially uses . oms et +intis 4 2oma and 6inti /. 9t @oint meetings4conferences of the two organisations the terms . oms7 +intis #or +int1s$ et Gens d" !oya$e 4 2oma 6inti and Tra+ellers/ are now normally used. Titles of (ouncil of Europe meetings/seminars/conferences/pro-ects Pro$ramme en ,a!e"r Current title of the special account managed by 'G ;;; 6ocial Cohesion for acti+ities des oms et des Gens connected with 2oma and Tra+ellers. This account relies on +oluntary contributions d" !oya$e en E"rope #essentially in recent years from "inland. The =nited 7ingdom the >etherlands 6lo+akia and >orway ha+e also contributed sporadically$. ;t was first called .Bro@ect on 2oma4Gypsies in Central and Eastern Europe4 Pro)et po"r les oms2Tsi$anes en E"rope centrale et orientale / #&,,*!())($ and later .Bro@ect for policies toward 2oma Gypsies and Tra+ellers in Europe4 Pro)et s"r les politiB"es concernant les oms7 Tsi$anes et Gens d" !oya$e en E"rope/ #())(!())1$. Pro$ramme comm"n >ormal title of the two @oint Council of Europe 4 European Commission programmes for Conseil de l;E"rope2 2oma in the 8alkans. 9lthough separate contracts were concluded between the CoE and Commission e"rop1enne2 the EC and between the EC and the O6CE!O';<2 the three organisations were usually O+CE:GIDD0 s"r les mentioned to underline the pro@ects tripartite approach. ;t was implemented within the oms dans le cadre d" broader context of the 6tability Bact for 6outh!Eastern Europe which is no longer the Pacte de stabilit1 po"r case with the 0rd @oint programme #see below$. l;E"rope d" s"d:est

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Ooint Council of Europe4 European Commission programme CE?ual rights and treatment for 2oma in 6outh East EuropeH CoE awareness!raising campaign: C'O6T9N Go beyond pre)"dice7 Disco!er the omaHI Education of 2oma children in Europe

Pro$ramme comm"n Conseil de l;E"rope2 Commission e"rop1enne *E$alit1 de droits et de traitement po"r les oms en E"rope d" s"d:estCampa$ne de sensibilisation d" CdE J * DO+T% H 'Gpassons les prG@ugGs N 9llons V la rencontre des 2oms N / Ed"cation des en,ants roms en E"rope

Title of the new #0rd$ @oint Council of Europe 4 European Commission programme on 2oma in the 8alkans #Oanuary ())*!'ecember ())-$. =nlike the earlier @oint programmes #see abo+e$ it is not being conducted under the 6tability Bact. ;n +iew of the delay in implementing the pre+ious @oint programme the O6CE!O';<2 is not in+ol+ed in this one although efforts are being made to co!ordinate the acti+ities of the two organisations in the region. . Dosta / is a 2omani word #8alkan +ariant$ meaning .Thats enoughN /. ;t has been chosen as the title for the awareness!raising campaign launched under the third @oint Council of Europe 4 European Commission programme #see abo+e$. "or more information on the campaign see the site : Bro@ect de+eloped by 'G ;Ls 'i+ision for the European 'imension of Education to implement Committee of Ainisters 2ecommendation 2ec #()))$ on the education of 2oma4Gypsy children in Europe Rsee document C'!E'!8= #())($&0T E which is why the terms .tsi$ane/ and .Gypsy/ were kept during the first stage of the pro@ect #())0! ())3$. >onetheless to harmonise the terminology used by 'G ;;; and 'G ;L the 6teering Commmittee for Education has adopted the following title for the next stage of the pro@ect #())*!()),$: .Education of 2oma children in Europe 4 Ed"cation des en,ants roms en E"rope/. 'G ;L pro@ect. .Gypsy Cultural 2oute/ is found in Oean!Bierre %iGgeois &,,0 and &,,reports. The new title was adopted in 8rno #CIech 2epublic$ in ())0 Rref. 'G;L4E'=42OA#())1$5T. 6ome texts still use .2oma4Gypsy Cultural 2oute/ as the pro@ects first name.

2oma Cultural 2oute

Itin1raire c"lt"rel rom

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6eminar on Cultural ;dentities of 2oma Tra+ellers and related groups 2oma :outh and 9lternati+es to Aigration 9ssistance programme on issues relating to 2oma refugees and displaced persons

+1minaire s"r les identit1s c"lt"relles des oms7 Gens d" !oya$e et $ro"pes apparent1s &es )e"nes roms et les alternati!es C la mi$ration

Council of Europe seminar held in 6trasbourg on &3!&* 6eptember ())0 at which se+eral decisions on 2oma and Tra+eller terminology were taken. 2omani has a word for the soul and traditions of this people : C romanipe(n)H. Bublication based on a workshop organised by the "E2:B at the 8udapest E:C on &3! &- October ())1 as part of a pro@ect funded by the >orwegian Go+ernment #+oluntary contribution to the special account E see abo+e$. >ote use of .2rom/ in the "rench title by the >GO. Ooint Council of Europe 4 =><C2 programme in the 8alkans launched in ())1. E+ery year the two organisations select @oint ob@ecti+es and these lead to the co!funding of certain acti+ities #training seminars workshops$.

Pro$ramme d;assistance s"r les B"estions relati!es a"6 oms r1,"$i1s o" d1plac1s Terms and e$pressions ith specific uses nomadic itin1rant .>omade/ is pe@orati+e in "rench and should be a+oided. ;n English .itinerant/ is thought more pe@orati+e than .nomadic/. settlement B"artier ;n "rench .?uartier/ is used for sedentary communities and .campement/ #or .camp/$ campement (camp) for itinerant communities. site d;acc"eil ;f the context is not clear .site daccueil/ can be used. informal +. illegal camps non a"toris1s !s. >ot all texts make a clear distinction. .;nformal settlement/ can be made clearer by using settlement campements interdits the term .non!authorised site/. encampment stationnement .Encampment/ is the term used when Tra+ellers their families and their mobile homes remain on a site for a considerable time Rcf. CA 2r+#())1$&1T. site +. encampment area aire !s. aire d?acc"eil .Encampment areas/ are those specially reser+ed or established for Tra+ellers including those where semi!nomadic Tra+ellers spend the winter #maximum period of about six months$. .6ites/ are any sites used by Tra+ellers including encampment areas traditional encampment areas and occasional sites Rsee CA 2.#())1$&1T.

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traditional encampment aires traditionnelles areas stationnement short!stay areas mobile home minimum facilities transit4halting site health mediators

school assistants and mediators

de .Traditional encampment areas/ are those habitually used by Tra+ellers. ;n the case of semi!nomadic Tra+ellers encampment areas are places where Tra+ellers normally spend the winter #approximati+ely * months maximum$ Rcf. CA 2ec#())1$&1T. aires de passa$e C6hort!stay areasH are those where Tra+ellers stop for a few days or weeks during the period when they are on the road #for a maximum period of about one month$ Rcf. CA 2ec#())1$&1T. abri mobile 9ccommodation on wheels usually towed #cara+an$ occasionally self!powered #camper +an$ Rcf. CA 2ec#())1$&1T. 1B"ipement minimal en .Ainimum facilities/ include water electricity sanitation and rubbish collection Rcf. CA in,rastr"ct"res 2ec#())1$&1T. site de transit2de halte .Transit4halting sites/ are sites to which Tra+ellers are admitted while waiting to be re! housed or mo+e on Rcf. CA 2ec#())3$1T. m1diate"rs sanitaires The role of health mediators is to mediate between 2omani patients and health professionals pro+ide basic health education and assist 2oma communities in obtaining necessary insurance and documents Rcf. CA 2ec#())*$&)T. They are social workers usually of 2oma origin and fre?uently women and they liaise between 2oma and 2oma families in remote areas #neighbourhoods +illages$ and public institutions #doctors hospitals etc.$. 2oma mediators operate in other areas too #schools employment agencies etc.$. assistants et m1diate"rs 9ccording to a 'G ;L report #'G;L4E'=42OA#())1$&&$ a distinction should be made scolaires between the two concepts: school assistants ha+e a surbordinate function which may actually perpetuate ine?uality between 2oma and non!2oma while the term .school mediator/ implies a process in+ol+ing e?ual parties E a process which may help to build a more balanced relationship between schools and the 2oma community. 9nother difference: school assistants work mainly in schools and classrooms while school mediators act as an interface between schools and the community. .Aediation/ is common to both howe+er since school assistants also mediate between pupils and parents.

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2oma <olocaust

0oloca"ste des oms

There are two 2omani terms for the <olocaust #depending on communuties and linguistic +ariants$: .6amudaripe#n$/ or .Bor#r$a@mos/. .6amudaripe#n$/ means .murder of e+eryone/ and recalls the Oewish term .6hoah/ #.destruction/$. .Bor#r$a@mos/ means .that which de+ours/. 6ince it has sexual connotations in many +ariants of 2omani .6amudaripe#n$/ is the recommended term. 8etween 3)) ))) and &.3 million 2oma were murdered during the second Jorld Jar representing approximately 5)M of the total 2oma population and o+er ,)M in certain countries R6ource J The 0oloca"st o, Gypsies by Oan!Otto Oohanssen #&,,)$ which brings together information on the 2oma <olocaust from the 6imon Jiesenthal ;nstitute the Olof Balme ;nstitute and the Airiam >o+ich "oundationT. 9 report RA;>!%9>G #())3$&,T by the 6ecretariat of the Charter of 2egional and Ainority %anguages in 'G ; issued after a public hearing with the European 2oma and Tra+ellers "orum recommends that .standardisation/ #of the 2omani language$ which may suggest .unification/ and .assimilation/ be a+oided ! particularly in "rench E and .codification/ used instead. The 2oma differ from most other minorities in ha+ing no kin state in Europe and li+ing in numerous countries #one speaks of minorities without a compact territory$. "ederal or national organisation co+ering a series of smaller non!go+ernemental organisations. The "rench .faWtiKre/ is a 6wiss term. 2eturn of sedentary communities to an itinerant lifestyle.

codification +. standardisation Rof the 2omani languageT kin state umbrella organisation renomadising

codi,ication !s. standardisation Kde la lan$"e romaniL Etat parent 2 pays de rattachement or$anisation ,aMti5re renomadisation

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