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Nama : Muhamad Hafiyan Rusyda

NPM :110 110 180 208

Fakultas : HUKUM
Keterangan : Tugas Akhir UAS (Bahasa Inggris)

No Poverty

PovertyIisIa basic humanitarianIproblemIthatIhasIbecome global and isIstill a centralIissue inIany

nlyIexperienced byIdevelopingIcountries butIdeveloped countriesIsuch asIBritain andItheIUnited
States. Until theIend of the 20thIcentury povertyIis still a burdenIonIthe world. It seems thatIthe
poverty issue willIcontinueIto beIissuesIthat will never be lostIat this world. TheIworldIresponds
aIdeclarationIknownIasITheIMillennium DevelopmentIGoals (MDG's). OneItarget is to reduce
theInumber of poorIpeople is up to 50%Iin 2015. ThisIdeclaration givesIan indication that the
problemIof poverty is still beingIbig world problemsIthat must beIaddressedItogether.

difficultIaccessItoIeducationIandIemployment.IPovertyIisIaIhuge globalIproblems.ISomeIpeople
understandIthis termIsubjectively andIcomparatively, whileIothers from aImoral andIevaluative
point ofIview, andIothers understandIit from a scientificIperspective.Ithis is an issueIwhich has
troubled theInation for thousandsIof years. ToIeradicate extremeIpoverty andIhunger is oneIof the
eightIMillenniumIDevelopment GoalsI(MDGs). AroundI21,000 peopleIdie every dayIbecause of
extremeIhunger. IfIthey don’t haveImoney, they won’tIbe ableIto affordIfood, waterIand shelter.
ThisIcauses themIto haveIless energy toIwork whichIcauses themIto becomeIeven poorerIand
hungrier. And therefore,Ithey’re constantly malnourished,Iand get sick easily. Usually, theIfirst
thing that comes to mind when peopleIspeak aboutIpoverty isIlaziness, it can beIright but it
isImostly wrong. EachIperson has a different causeIof poverty andIit is moreIthan justIlaziness.
Sometimes, it alsoIhasIsomething to do withIthe nationIeconomy.

In the perspective of social welfare, poverty leads to the limitations of individuals or groups to
access networks and social structures that support in getting opportunities for increased
productivity. Individual limitations due to the existence of inhibiting factors in the form of
internal factors originating from the poor themselves, such as low education and cultural barriers.
Meanwhile, external factors come from outside the ability of such a person, such as bureaucracy
or official regulations that prevent a person from getting resources. In simple terms, poverty in
social welfare perspectives is defined as poverty which was initially caused by economic
poverty, because too long is in poor condition either because of accidental, intentional or
maintained factors causing domino effects, in the form of pathology or social problems. While
the risks when poverty has become a social problem are in addition to having to solve economic
problems themselves also overcome social problems that arise. Examples of the emergence of
crime, lazy culture, corruption, social disparity that causes conflict, and dependence on other
There areIthree dimensionsIof poverty,Inamely: First,Ipoverty meansIthat humanIneeds areIvary,
then povertyIhas manyIaspects. From aspectIof knowledgeIand skills in theIform of poorIsocial
networksIand financialIresources andIputting themselvesIin the formIof malnutrition,Iwater and
unhealthyIhousingIand poor healthIcare and poorIteaching.
Second, theIaspects ofIpoverty are interrelated bothIdirectlyIand indirectly. ThisImeans that
progressIin one aspectIcan affectIprogress orIdeclineIin otherIaspects.
Third,Ithat theIpoor are human beings bothIindividually andIcollectively. WeIoften hear rural
poverty andIso on, butIthese are notIvillagesIor cities,IWhich experienceIpoverty isIthe people.
AndIthese the characteristicsIof poverty inIgeneral. First, inIgeneral theyIdo not haveIproduction
factors suchIas land capitalIor skills soIthat the abilityIto obtainIincome isIlimited. Second,Ithey
do notIhave the possibilityIto obtainIproduction assetsIwith their ownIstrength. Third, Ilevels of
educationIare low in theirItime taken toImake a living andIearn income. Fourth,Imost of them live
inIthe countryside. Fifth, thoseIwho live in theIbig city are stillIyoungIand not endIup with
adequateIskills. Here, though, areIjust a fewIreasons thatIcan beIaddressed.
1. Lack of education
A populationIlacking in educationIcan occur eitherIdue to the absenceIof facilities provided byIthe
government,Ior because there isIsimply no encouragement. RegardlessIof the reason, aIlack of
educationIleads to poverty. WithoutIeducation, a personIstruggles to findIemployment, andIwith
noIincome, fallsIunder theIpoverty line.
2. Overpopulation
OverpopulationIaffects a societyIin several negativeIways. When a populationIis increasing atIan
uncontrollableIrate, then the authoritativeIsystem struggles toIprovide theIpeople withInecessary
facilities,ISuch asIeducation. As we mentionedIabove, a lackIof education can leadIto poverty.
Additionally, aIlarge population consumesIthe country’s resourcesIat a fasterIrate, meaningIthat
soon, anIinefficient supplyIof resources isIpresent. This leaves manyIwith a deficiencyIin food,
water, andIeven shelter.
3. Natural disasters
ThereIare several examplesIthat can be givenIto illustrateIhow natural disastersIcan generate
poverty. In timesIof droughts, farmersIstruggle to growIcrops. WithoutIany crops to sell, theyIgain
noIprofit, and asisuch, fallIintoIpoverty. WhenIextreme flooding orIan earthquake occurs,Ipeople
are evacuatedIfrom the affectedIarea, leavingIbehind their homes,Ijobs, and property. Often,Ithey
are not immediatelyIcompensated for theirIlosses, and dueIto that, they sufferIfrom a state
Problems that occur in the city are inseparable with the problems that occur in the village. For
example, the lack of productive human resources due to urbanization. The narrow paradigm that
by making a fortune in the city life becomes happy and prosperous, becomes a serious problem.
While in rural areas there are actually a lot of job fields that have bigger opportunities to be
prosperous and fortune than job fields in city because most of them are needed by human being
Actually It will not be a serious problem if the government focuses more on theIdevelopment of
rural areas by openingIemployment inIruralIareas as well as theIflow of investmentIfrom the city.
AndIalso implementing decentralizationIof regional autonomyIthat gives freedom to all regions to
develop their potential to be better, so that cities and villages supportIeach other in allIaspects of
TheIproblem is that people in the government are often filled by people who are incompetent in
their fields because there are some who do not pass the fit and proper test to screen their employees,
so that the system implemented by the government is often misdirected or easily inserted by
foreigners whose impact can make the community in a very weak and exploited position. Not to
mention the culture of corruption rooted in the government so that it is difficult to be able to hold
evenly distributed and the welfare of the population if this mandate is still held by people who are
still selfis, belong to themselves and their groups.
Nevertheless, we can not directly blame the government because the people in the government at
first were ordinary people like us. The ruler or government is certainly a reflection of the people.
Therefore, before far criticizing the government, to overcome this problem of poverty is to improve
ourselves first. This might sound not popular in every scientific journal about poverty, but actually
by knowing Our Creator and our position as human being can solve poverty problems in the world.
By that, humans are learning and applying simple values in life that goes along with our nature,
which we often forget to learn before studying complicated sub-knowledge, such as honesty,
obedience, and caring for others.
One good individual, if portrayed by a father, will make a good family. If each family applies this
simple thing, it will create a familiy that is honest, caring, kind, and good at all aspects in life.
Imagine if this happen in every families in one region, it will make a very kind commuity.
Therefore if in this region there are wealthy families and poor families, those who are rich can
immediately help the poor.
If our community is already consists of individuals who are honest, caring, trusted, and kind at all
aspects in life, then we hope that these individuals will fullfil the position in the government.
Therefore, we hope that the problem of poverty throughout the world can be overcome by these
high quality individuals.

But there is a lot of hope. The governments make a big move to build a new environment that
people can live happily by providing those people with water, food, shelter, and education. And
we as the society should make a different. If we have much money, we should help the people who
need it more. Or by staying at school/studying you just make the world more different in a good
way. People need to wake up and see the reality. Because the world needs us. We are the agent of
change. Especially the teenagers. No matter how smart the solution is, if we don’t take a place of
our hand, never in a million years the government can’t fix the poverty. Starting by now tell your
friends, teacher, family or everyone that we should stop arguing about things that we don’t need
to argue. SinceI1990, about 1.1 billionIpeople have movedIout of poverty, and itIis expected that
throughIcontinuous efforts, extremeIpoverty can be eliminatedIby 2030.

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