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‫ ציוד ומשאבים דרושים אחרים‬,‫הארגון של והעברת אספקה‬

‫(כגון אנשים) מהמקור עד למטרה‬.

Logistics - is the art and science of managing and controlling the flow of
goods, energy, information and other resources like products, services, and
people, from the source of production to the marketplace.

Logistics can be defined as having the right quantity at the right time for
the right price.
It is the science of process and incorporates all industry sectors.

Military logistics

In military logistics, experts manage how and

when to move resources to the places they
are needed.
- ‫ומשדה הקרב אל‬, ‫ איך‬,‫מומחים דואגים להעברת אספקה אל‬
‫המקומות הדרושים‬.
In military science, maintaining one's supply lines while disrupting those of the enemy is a crucial—
some would say the most crucial—element of military strategy, since an armed force without food,
fuel and ammunition is defenseless.

The Iraq war was a dramatic example of the importance of logistics. It had become very necessary
for the US and its allies to move huge amounts of men, materials and equipment over great

The defeat of the British in the American War of Independence, and the defeat of Rommel in
World War II, have been largely attributed to logistical failure.

The historical leaders Hannibal Barca and Alexander the Great are considered to have been logistical

Main points:

"Opening outline - picture of a Tree with the army being the branches - It's main
roots are ?" - >
"An army marches on it's _______" ->

Explanation/definition )PAGE 1(.

1( Russia - Napoleon 1812. )Main problems -

-Weak supply lines, lack of horses/no mechanization at the time/sheer
territory, Scorched Earth, supplies, size of the army. - Too much territory(.
Number/Statistic - Army of 691,000 French initially )largest single ground
army ever up till that point(, only 22,000 left at the end

2( USSR - The Eastern Front/WW2 1942.

- Amount of equipment )Hitler couldn't/didn't supply Winter equipment - the
logistical problems couldn't handle the army and winter equipment
simultaneously, it was all or nothing. Cutting of supply lines )Especially after
Uranus & Little Uranus left the army isolated and starving/freezing to death
at Stalingrad(, attempts at aerial provisions ineffective later on in the war due
to Soviet airplanes shooting planes down and fuel costs.
+ The soviets massive logistical abilities due to moving their factories
thousands of miles behind the lines and rebuilding the annihgalated airforce
+ Army.

3( Lebanon War 2 - 2006.

- Organization of the equipment - The equipment was there but mismanaged,
in the south or not transfered. )Most deaths/damages were things like soldiers
without "vests", goggles [-<Eye strain from dust], food, etc'(
Statistic: 119 soldier Deaths, 400 ‫חיילים פצועים‬
Main comments from practices and previous )2( speeches:
- I talk too Fast . - Lack of confidence )Body language

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