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Some of the Books Ive Enjoyed

Albom, M. 1997. Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson. 224. A true story about a man and his mentor as the old man lies dying from a terminal illness. Ale ander, !. 2"1". #2 loa$es: one man's relentless %ursuit of truth, meaning, and a %erfe&t &rust. ''9. A boo( about a )uest to ba(e the %erfe&t loaf of bread. Ambrose, *r. +. 199,. Undaunted journey. A detailed e aminatin of the e &ursion of -ewis and .lar(. / &ellent &o$erage of %re, during, and after tri%. 0obri&(, 0. 2""1. !ide as the waters: the story of the /nglish 0ible and the re$olution it ins%ired. +imon 1 +&huster. '79. The story of the translation of the bible from 2ebrew and 3ree( into /nglish and the history of /ngland as influen&ed by it 0ur(e, 4.-. 199,. Cadillac Jubilee. A no$el about a small town sherrif who runs a bait sho% outside 5ew 6rleans. 3ets in$ol$ed in serious &rime. .ornwell, 0. 2""'. 2ereti&. 2ar%er .ollins, 4'# %%. 7ery good. 1'47 and an /nglish ar&her goes to the south of 8ran&e to loo( for the holy grail. 90. 2istory, ad$enture, religion :elaney, 8. 2""#. ;reland. 2ar%er .ollins. ##9. A histori&al no$el of ;reland told through stories by a tra$eling storyteller and others. +tories run from ,"" ad to 1<""'s. :elaney, 8. 2""9. +hannon: A no$el. 41,. ;n the summer of 1922, =obert +hannon, a Marine &ha%lain and a young Ameri&an hero of the 3reat !ar, lands in ;reland. 2e still suffers from shell sho&(, and his mentor ho%es that a *ourney =obert had always wanted to ma(e>to find his family roots along the ban(s of the =i$er +hannon>will restore his e)uilibrium and his $o&ation. 0ut there is more to the story: 6n his return from the war, =obert had witnessed startling &orru%tion in the Ar&hdio&ese of 0oston. 2e has been sent to ;reland to se&ure his silen&e>%ermanently. As =obert fa&es the dangers of a strife?torn ;reland roiling in &i$il war, the nation@s myths and %eo%le, its beliefs and traditions, unfurl healingly before him. And the =i$er +hannon gi$es &omfort to the young man who is ins%ired by the words of his mentor: A8ind your soul and you@ll li$e.B. :iamond, 4. 2""#. Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed. 0y the author of guns, germs, and steel. Also wrote Cwhy se is funC. :ugard, M. 2""7. ;nto Afri&a: the e%i& ad$entures of +tanley 1 -i$ingstone. :oubleday. '4". The tra$els of :a$id -i$ingstone and the res&ue mission of 2enry +tanley to Afri&a. /&(ert, A. !. The 8rontiersman. A great story about +imon Denton who was a &ontem%orary of :aniel 0oone. +et mostly in Dentu&(y and 6hio. 9ortrays the &onfli&t between the whites and indians from about 17<" to 1<11. 2i&(am, 2. 4. 1999. 6&tober +(y. ;sland 0oo(s. 42<. A grou% of high s&hool boys in 19#7 E+%utni( yearF de&ide they want to be ro&(et laun&hers. They laun&h the &oal mining town in 7irginia into the ro&(et age. 2ar$ell, =. 2"1". The 0ells: a no$el. '<4. The story of Moses 8roben an 1<th &entury singer from his birth in a small +wiss $illage to the o%era halls of 7eni&e and those he met along the way. Ding, :. 2""#. +(eletons on the Gahara. 7i(ing. '#1. The true story of a shi% &rew wre&(ed off the &oast of Afri&a in the early 19""s and their attem%t at sur$i$al. Durlans(y, M. 2""2. +alt: a world history. !al(er 1 .o.. 4<4. /$erything you e$er wanted to (now about salt. Author of .od H The 0as)ue 2istory of the !orld. -angaewies&he, !. 199,. +ahara In$eiled: A *ourney a&ross the desert. 9antheon. 299. A writer ta(es a tri% a&ross the +ahara. -e$ine, 9. 2""#. +olomon $s. -ord. 0antam. #'7%%. / &ellent: really funny. Two attorneys team u% to defend a murder &ase they ha$e no &han&e of winning. -aw, mystery. -oewen, 4. 199#. -ies my tea&her told me. Tou&hstone. '<'. /$erything from .olumbus' treatment of the indigenous to !oodrow !ilson as a white su%rema&ist. A detailed loo( at the omissions from the history boo(s being used in s&hools today and why. Man&hester, !. =. 197<. Ameri&an .aesar. The story of :ouglas M&Arthur and the army. Man&hester, !. =. 19<'. The last lion: !inston +%en&er .hur&hill.

Moynahan, 0. 2""4. 3od's 0estseller. +t. Martins 9ress. 421. A great boo( about the translation of the bible from 3ree(J2ebrew into /nglish by !illiam Tynndale E1494?1#',F. Mu(her*ee, +. 2"1". The em%eror of all maladies: a biogra%hy of &an&er. #71. The history of &an&er and those that try to &on)uer it. 5emiro$s(y, ;. 2""4. +uite 8ran&aise. '9#. +he was a =ussian 4ew who wrote other no$els. This is about the !!;; in 8ran&e seen from the eyes of 8ren&h %eo%le. The author after writing the manus&ri%t in o&&u%ied 8ran&e was ta(en into &ustody and died at Aus&hwitK Eas did her husband a few wee(s laterF. The no$el was %ublished si ty years later by her daughter who herself and her younger sister only barely es&a%ed &a%ture by the authorities in 8ran&e. !ell worth reading. 9aulsen, 3. 1994. !interdan&e: the fine madness of running the iditarod. A great boo( about a guy who de&ides to run the Alas(a ;ditarod dog ra&e. 9aush, = and 4 Gaslow. 2""<. The last le&ture. 2<1. The story of the last le&ture gi$en by 9rof. =andy 9aush a few wee(s before he died of %an&reati& &an&er. =utherford, /. 2""4. The 9rin&es of ;reland: the :ublin +aga. :oubleday. 77,. A histori&al no$el about ;reland from #""A: to 1#"" A:. +haara, 4. 199,. 3ods and generals. 0allantine. 49<. A histori&al %ortrayal with dialogue about the early and mid? .i$il war in 7irginia. A $ery easy reading %ortrayal of 4a&(son, -ee, 2an&o&(, .hamberlain, +tuart. +haara, 4. 2""1. =ise to rebellion. 0allantine. 492. The e$ents leadingu% to the :e&laration of ;nde%enden&e from 0ritain. +haara, 4. 2""2. The 3lorious .ause. 0allantine. ,'<. The military story of the Ameri&an =e$olution %ost 0un(er 2ill to Lor(town +haara, M. The (iller angels. A $ery readable %ortrayal of the battle of 3ettysburg. / &ellent history lesson. Thom%son, 2. 2"",. To the edge of the world. Also: This thing of :ar(ness E/ngland %ubli&ationF. The story of the 0eagle, :arwin, 8itKroy and the great ad$enture of all. Inger, 2. 3. 2"11. Ameri&an tem%est: how the 0oston tea %arty s%ar(ed a re$olution. 2<<. An e &ellent history of the times %re&eeding he re$olutionary war with an e &ellent e amination of the role of 4ohn 2an&o&(, +am Adams, and 4ohn Adams therein. Also wrote The last founding father and -ion of -iberty. !ade, 5. 2"",. Before the Dawn: recovering the lost history of our ancestors. A $ery readable a&&ount of the history of man(ind from a geneti& %oint of $iew. !in&hester, +. 199<. The 9rofessor and the Madman. 2ar%er?.ollins. 2'7. The ma(ing of the 6 ford /nglish :i&tionary

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