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I've watch many article about smartphone addiction and the negative effects of social media on our society

because two or now irrevocably intertwined. I woke up yesterday morning I got on the train to work and I took a look around me. I saw people's on the fight on their phones about 25 percent to people were engrossed in their handsets now to be fair this seems perfectly fine it's no different people reading newspapers or books on public transport but as we all know there's something I might more sinister about the smartphone phenomenon. There's a little game to watch the play it's called sparked the smartphone user. The next time you go anywhere and I need anywhere, down the street to your nearest city or town, whether you're stuck in traffic in a restaurant, pub, cinema, in the park or in the gym, I want you to count how many people are either on their smartphone holding their smartphone or talking on their smartphone, I mean people really can't be separated from them. It's like an extra limb once you are primed to see people with blank expression on their faces heads down their grip tightly fastened to these rectangular devices, you will never be able to go back, to not noticing this and I guarantee you, you'll find it just a little bit disturbing. Now it's clear that smartphones are an amazing piece of technology of science fiction proportions from software to hardware their all-round genius and the devices themselves are not the problem it's what they do their users, it's the addictive features and the applications that are the problems. The detrimental impact they have on concentration levels, social skills and the anxiety experience from dependency on them. Now when I've raise this issue before there has been some people who have disagreed with me which is fine, it's a free world and I respect everyone's opinion I've been criticized for being load ice and when I took this argument too extreme citing a potential nightmare world from the developer of products like Google glass. I received many comments saying that I was being hypocritical because I was using the very technology I was bashing, so I'd like to address this concern, I love technology and have done since I saw my first Star Trek episode. I'm a big fan of what the technology can do for us, but not a fan what it does to us in my criticism of the conversation technologies are smartphone, social media and Google glass I was not also lumping in all other technologies with them. To believe that was my intension is an oversimplification of my original argument my ASUS allows me to create videos and be creative. Facebook is a place where people effectively in a virtual reality world removed from their lives I'd also like to take my justification for this reason a little bit reason, I really fear for the future the children being born now, digital natives as they are known they will never known what it's like to live in a world without smartphone or iPad which again in itself is the problem. I don't know what it's like to live in a world without motorcar, microwave, cooker, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, radio or the television, but I don't get craving to sit in my car or use my microwave. I don't become anxious in public or when conversation with a friend in a restaurant that maybe I should go home in microwave some popcorn, in a manner similar to how addicted smartphone Facebook user would rudely pick up their phone in mid-conversation to check if someone had like to in a comment they'd made about what their eating at that moment, when people say to me, Shim, you're leveling the same argument that smartphone and Facebook as previous generation have towards the mass consumerization of television or any other form of entertainment, again this is an absolutist interpretation of what I'm saying. I don't have any problem with any of these products but it's important to make a critical distinction here, Facebook is not entertainment like television or radio before us it's supposedly a form of communication and socializing ,and as I said before, a great many people are using it to replace real world interaction. They're using Twitter hash tags to begin conversation with their friends that they really should have been a more fulfilling and meaningful way in person. That television

cars and microwaves contribute their fair share to pollution, but besides that they aren't a big problem in how we socialize. We should absolutely invent machines to do boring painful are dangerous physical labor or to carry out number crunching tasks but I don't think we should invent machines to replace our social abilities, if we do think about what's left, what's left our humanity if we lose the very things that make a splash in blood to quote Sherry Turkle in her TED talk Alone Together "Not that long ago we were trying to figure out how we would keep computers busy, now we know that once we networked each other, once computers were our portal to being with each other we really don't have to worry about keeping computers busy, they keep us busy. It's kind of as though we are their killer apps." it seems that people are as busy now as CEO's of corporations were 20 years ago, I mean does the average Joe really need a personal organizer app to manage their daily lives? there's so much distraction, so many online social media services to be invested. The remaining bandwidth for your attention is very small. Furthermore, smartphones have also blurred the lines between work and home. Many companies now expect their employees to check work emails while commuting at home after hours or on weekends because they can and employees feel the need to do is in order to either look busy or deal with their increasing workloads. The problem with this is although it may make people initially fairly productive overtime when this unwritten rule becomes a requirement, personal time will be a relative term. The employees will be given more work and the added advantage that they gain from being able to respond to client and customer emails or do work from home will be gone. Technology is an excellent means of communication but there's a big difference between communicating and socializing. When you see all these people compulsively reaching for their smartphones when driving a car or walking down the street occasionally glancing upwards to check if they're going to bump into someone. You get the sense that the next logical steps is the integration of this technology into their bodies already (6:14)

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