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MACASAET VS MACASAET (Bel) *Parents filed and ejectment case against their child and his wife.

Septem er !" #$$%" Pangani an" &.'

FACTS: (. Petiti)ner Sp)*ses +smael and Teresita Macasaet and ,esp)ndent Vicente and ,)sari) Macasaet are first-degree +smael is the s)n )f resp)ndents. #. ,esp)ndents filed an ejectment s*it against petiti)ners. The/ alleged that the/ were the )wners )f # parcels )f land c).ered / TCT 0)s. T-123#( and T-($!(%( l)cated in 4ipa Cit/. !. B/ wa/ )f a .er al lease agreement" +smael and Teresita )cc*pied these and *sed them as their residence and the sit*s )f their c)nstr*cti)n *siness5 and that despite repeated demands" petiti)ners failed t) pa/ the agreed rental )f P3$$ per wee6. %. Petiti)ners )n the )ther hand denied the e7istence )f an/ .er al lease agreement. The/ alleged that the resp)ndents in.ited them t) c)nstr*ct their residence and *siness )n the s* ject l)t s) that the/ c)*ld all li.e t)gether and help in res) famil/ pr) lems. 3. The/ added that it was the p)lic/ )f resp)ndents t) all)t the land the/ )wned as an ad.ance grant )f inheritance in fa.)r )f their children. 8. Th*s" the/ c)ntended that the l)t c).ered / TCT 0). T-($!(%( had een all)tted t) +smael as ad.ance inheritance. 9n the )ther hand" the l)t c).ered / TCT 0). T-123#( was allegedl/ gi.en t) petiti)ners as pa/ment f)r c)nstr*cti)n materials *sed in the ren).ati)n )f resp)ndents: h)*se. 1. The MTCC r*led in fa.)r )f resp)ndents. +t r*led that the petiti)ners )cc*pied the land / mere t)lerance )f the resp)ndents. The MTCC dismissed their c)ntenti)n that )ne l)t had een all)tted as an ad.ance inheritance" )n the gr)*nd that s*ccessi)nal rights were inch)ate. M)re).er" it dis elie.ed petiti)ners: allegati)n that the )ther parcel had een gi.en as pa/ment f)r c)nstr*cti)n materials 2. The ,TC *pheld MTCC;s decisi)n. +t all)wed resp)ndents t) appr)priate the *ilding and )ther impr).ements intr)d*ced / petiti)ners" after pa/ment )f the indemnit/ pr).ided f)r / Article %%2 in relati)n t) Articles 3%8 and 3%2 )f the C)de. +t added that resp)ndents c)*ld ) lige petiti)ners t) p*rchase the land" *nless its .al*e was c)nsidera l/ m)re than the *ilding. +n the latter sit*ati)n" petiti)ners sh)*ld pa/ rent if resp)ndents w)*ld n)t ch))se t) appr)priate the *ilding. <. The CA *pheld the said the said decisi)n hence the present case. ISSUE: =hether )r n)t Article (812 )f the C)de sh)*ld appl/ t) the case )n the matters )f impr).ements" )r is it Article %%1 )f the C)de in relati)n t) the Article %3! and %3% there)f that sh)*ld appl/" if t) appl/ the C)de HELD: Article %%2 is Applica le DECISION: ,emanded

RULING: (. Article %%1 is n)t applica le" eca*se it relates t) the r*les that appl/ when the )wner )f the pr)pert/ *ses the materials )f an)ther. +t d)es n)t refer t) the instance when a p)ssess)r *ilds )n the pr)pert/ )f an)ther" which is the fact*al milie* here.

#. This C)*rt has r*led that this pr).isi)n c).ers )nl/ cases in which the *ilders" s)wers )r planters elie.e t) e )wners )f the land )r" at least" t) ha.e a claim )f title theret). +t d)es n)t appl/ when the interest is merel/ that )f a h)lder" s*ch as a mere tenant" agent )r *s*fr*ct*ar/ >r)m these pr)n)*ncements" g))d faith is identified / the elief that the land is )wned5 )r that -- / s)me title -- )ne has the right t) *ild" plant" )r s)w there)n. !. 9n the )ther hand" when a pers)n *ilds in g))d faith )n the land )f an)ther" the applica le pr).isi)n is Article %%2. %. ?)" in s)me special cases" this C)*rt has *sed Article %%2 / rec)gni@ing g))d faith e/)nd this limited definiti)n. Th*s" in Ael Camp) .. A esia" this pr).isi)n was applied t) )ne wh)se h)*se -- despite een *ilt at the time he was still c)-)wner -- ).erlapped with the land )f an)ther. 3. This article was als) applied t) cases wherein a *ilder had c)nstr*cted impr).ements with the c)nsent )f the )wner. The C)*rt r*led that the law deemed the *ilder t) e in g))d faith.B1$C +n Sarmient) .. Agana" the *ilders were f)*nd t) e in g))d faith despite their reliance )n the c)nsent )f an)ther" wh)m the/ had mista6enl/ elie.ed t) e the )wner )f the land.

8. Based )n the af)recited special cases" Article %%2 applies t) the present fact*al milie*. The esta lished facts )f this case sh)w that resp)ndents f*ll/ c)nsented t) the impr).ements intr)d*ced / petiti)ners. 1. 2. +n fact" eca*se the children )cc*pied the l)ts *p)n their in.itati)n" the parents certainl/ 6new and appr).ed )f the c)nstr*cti)n )f the impr).ements intr)d*ced there)n. Th*s" petiti)ners ma/ e deemed t) ha.e een in g))d faith when the/ *ilt the str*ct*res )n th)se l)ts

<. The instant case is fact*all/ similar t) &a.ier .. &a.ier. +n that case" this C)*rt deemed the s)n t) e in g))d faith f)r *ilding the impr).ement (the h)*se) with the 6n)wledge and c)nsent )f his father" t) wh)m el)nged the land *p)n which it was *ilt. Th*s" Article %%2 was applied. ($. The str*ct*res *ilt / petiti)ners were D*sef*lE impr).ements" eca*se the/ a*gmented the .al*e )r inc)me )f the are l)ts.Th*s" the indemnit/ t) e paid / resp)ndents *nder Article %%2 is pr).ided f)r / Article 3%8 ((. C)nseF*entl/" resp)ndents ha.e the right t) appr)priate -- as their )wn -- the *ilding and )ther impr).ements )n the s* ject l)ts" *t )nl/ after (() ref*nding the e7penses )f petiti)ners )r (#) pa/ing the increase in .al*e acF*ired / the pr)perties / reas)n there)f. The/ ha.e the )pti)n t) ) lige petiti)ners t) pa/ the price )f the land" *nless its .al*e is c)nsidera l/ m)re than that )f the str*ct*res -- in which case" petiti)ners shall pa/ reas)na le rent. (#. +n acc)rdance with Aepra .. A*mla)" this case m*st e remanded t) the trial c)*rt t) determine matters necessar/ f)r the pr)per applicati)n )f Article %%2 in relati)n t) Article 3%8. S*ch matters incl*de the )pti)n that resp)ndents w)*ld ta6e and the am)*nt )f indemnit/ that the/ w)*ld pa/" sh)*ld the/ decide t) appr)priate the impr).ements )n the l)ts. =e disagree with the CA:s c)mp*tati)n )f *sef*l e7penses" which were ased )nl/ )n petiti)ners: are allegati)ns in their Answer.

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