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Edgar Gonzlez Gutirrez A012015562 English V Alicia Gutirrez

Junk Food

In this project I will talk about the classic war between Organic food vs. GM, this is a important war that we are going to be the referee and is our decision what food we are going to choose and this will be the food that we are going to consume our whole life so the right choose is yours I think that the best food is that mother nature has for us not the food that humans have modified so I prefer organic food. I will start my project with the GMO the GMO are organism that are modified by scientist who modified his gens to make them more stronger or bigger1, this process is common with animals from the farm who are eaten like the pigs or cows the gens of this animal are modified to make his meat more bigger, this could be an example, imagine a sportsman and to make his muscles more bigger he consumes steroids. In the case of the plants is making bigger like tomatoes and pumpkins. Combining genes from different organisms is known as recombinant DNA technology, and the resulting organism is said to be "genetically modified," "genetically engineered," or "transgenic."1 This text says to us those scientists are playing to be God I say this because DNA is part of God creation so the scientist can play with the DNA structure.
In 2006, 252 million acres of transgenic crops were planted in 22 countries by 10.3 million farmers. The majority of these crops were herbicide- and insect-resistant soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, and alfalfa. Other crops grown commercially or field-tested are a sweet potato resistant to a virus that could decimate most of the African harvest, rice with increased iron and vitamins that may alleviate chronic malnutrition in Asian countries, and a variety of plants able to 1 survive weather extremes.

The benefits of GMO are this: Reduces the time of maturation1 Makes more bigger the organism1 Increase nutrients1 Conservation of Water1

The controversies of GMO food are this:


Sickness on humans1 Violation of animal organism1 Exploitation of natural resources1 Not mandatory in some countries1

So if you eat GMO you will be sick in a few days, of course this is in special case because the persons who do this process has a lot of time they introduce into the market so you probably know that GMO exist a few years ago, but you are consuming this products maybe 10 years ago so the problem is in the scientists that doesnt says to us the risks of consuming this problem so if you had checked what you eat you could be more healthy. I will continue my project with Organic food, I think that if you consume organic food you are healthy this is true because organic food natural. Organic food is the food that was been planted in field free of chemicals then they are package and transported without chemicals only of this ways products are call organic1
Organic farming does not pose the threat of pesticide and chemical run-off which could contamination watersheds and drinking water, while many traditional modern farming methods do just that. Organic farms also tend to maintain richer, more sustainable soil through the use of cover crops, crop rotations and 2 composts.

So the organic process nowadays is becoming more difficult because the government where the GMOS are permitted they buy farms cleans because the want more GMOS so for a person who consumes organic food is difficult find clan farms if the government dont buy many farms there would be more organic farms, the organic food was created by the man since the people want some more natural that the other food.
The nutritional pros from organic foods include higher levels of vitamins A, B, C, E, vitamins, elements such as zinc and minerals such as calcium. Organic foods also do not carry the risk of some health complications linked to pesticides and antibiotics.3

So this told to us that if we eat organic food we will be sick that is totally false because all is from nature and like the past paragraph contain a lot of vitamins that our body needs so is good and it doesnt contain pesticides so its better because like the GMOS they contain a lot pesticides and the organic food dont so its better and healthier to eat organic food than GMOS. In conclusion

Works Cited:

Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms Human Genome protection


Date of access: 22 of November 7:53 More about organic foods and health Organic Food Info <> Date of access: 22 of November 8:23 Conditionals The four Conditionals <> Date of access: 22 of November 9:33

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