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By David Harrison and Blain Neale

In a fictional world controlled by outbroken prisoners, two brothers seek refuge.

SCENE 1. EXT. WOODLAND. DAY. A masked man breathes intensely as he points a gun at his victim, his hand shaking throughout. CUT TO SCENE 2. EXT. ROAD. DAY. MYLES and his brother DEACON both rugged in appearance make their way along what appears to be an endless road. At roadside, smoke from burnt out fires fill the air. They are dehydrated and weak, wearing long thick coats and fur as they try to brave the cold. Their belongings hang over their shoulders in brown sacks. MYLES spots a dead animal on the side of the road and rushes towards it. DEACON What is it? MYLES Dinner. MYLES grins. CUT TO SCENE 3. EXT. WOODLAND. NIGHT. They sit around a small fire. DEACON takes the last bite of the meat as MYLES warms his hands on the fire before placing them under his armpits. DEACON You cold little brother? MYLES nods in acknowledgment and DEACON throws him his coat. CUT TO SCENE 4. EXT. WOODLAND. DAY. Smoke rises from the remains of their fire as they continue to search for refuge. A scream of pain is heard in the distance. MYLES stops and whispers.




MYLES Did you hear that? DEACON What? The scream is heard again, this time louder. MYLES immediately moves, DEACON grabs his arm and pulls him back. DEACON What are you doing? MYLES Someone needs us. MYLES shrugs off DEACONS arm. DEACON Stop it! Look, you dont know who that is. We dont know who owns this territory. The scream is heard again. MYLES You would want help (pause) wouldnt you? DEACON shows reluctance as they follow the scream. They approach with caution, crouching behind nearby bushes. MYLES Its just a girl DEACON. DEACON How do you know shes alone? MYLES Stay here if you want (pause) Im going to help her. Deacon crouches hidden in silence as MYLES approaches the girl. She is sitting on the ground holding her leg in pain. SOPHIE (panting) Who are you? MYLES My names MYLES, can I see your leg?




SOPHIE It hurts. MYLES Its okay, just breathe calmly. SOPHIE gasps as MYLES takes a knife out of his sack. He cuts the clothing around the wound. MYLES Im just going to apply some pressure to your leg. DEACON enters the scene. MYLES DEACON, you hold the leg. DEACON takes her leg, MYLES rips some material from him shirt, wraps it around SOPHIES leg and applies pressure with his hands. SOPHIE tries to hold in her pain but shows signs of anguish. MYLES Here, take these (pause) they will make you feel better. DEACON Come on MYLES, lets go. SOPHIE Thank you. MASKED MAN Go where? Everybody freezes for a moment. DEACON and MYLES stand up slowly and help SOPHIE to her feet. Three well built men armed with weapons stand tall, dressed in all black with distressing brown masks covering their faces. MASKED MAN So where is it that you think your going? (pause) One masked man slowly moves towards them, everybody is tense, he strokes his fingers across SOPHIES face. DEACON Sorry, we dont want any trouble, were just..




MASKED MAN Now why would you think that were bringing trouble your way. Were merely just passing by (pause) it is funny though, coming across strangers on META territory, you do know that this is META territory, right? MYLES and SOPHIE look away in fear as they stay silent. DEACON We didnt. The MASKED MAN approached DEACON, he strikes him in the face and knocks him to the ground. MYLES immediately moves towards him, the MASKED MAN pulls out his gun and aims it at MYLES head, it goes silent for a moment. MASKED MAN Get down, on your knees, all of you. DEACON stands holding his face. DEACON Wait, wait, we can help you (pause) Were doctors, we were just fixing up this girls leg when you got here. The MASKED MAN stares at DEACON as they stand face to face, he seems intrigued. MASKED MAN Huh, Doctors. CUT TO SCENE 5. INT. OFFICE. DAY. DEACON, MYLES and SOPHIE have their hands tied behind their back as the MASKED MAN nudges them in to a room. The room consists of a table with a figure sitting at it, there is very little light and you cannot make out this persons face. LEADER OF META Welcome to META. I hear you could be of use to us. See our empire is built on hard working people like yourselves. That and the trust and ability of our soldiers. When the (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: LEADER OF META (contd) world crumbled it allowed us, so say criminals, a chance. A chance to reach our true potential, think about it, a world run by the deadliest animals on earth. Im not sure if you are aware that we are not the only organization out there, there are more of our kind, working together to rule (pause) and we will rule, for years to come. So I am going to give you an opportunity, an opportunity to show me that you deserve to live in our community. I am told that two of you are doctors, and you, girl, you are hurt?


He waits for a reply, but the three of them stand there unable to overcome their fear and speak. The MASKED MAN enters and grabs SOPHIE. He slams her to her knees and tapes over her mouth. LEADER OF META To prove that you are worth my time you must do something for me. The MASKED MAN hands MYLES a gun. In shock MYLES stares at SOPHIE. He mumbles so extreme that you cannot understand a word he says. The LEADER OF META begins to raise his voice. LEADER OF META There is no space for the weak here in META. Tension builds. MYLES mumbles. MYLES No, no, no. The MASKED MAN, pushes MYLES down to the floor and withdraws a knife. LEADER OF META Think about your choice here boy. DEACON Wait! Wait (pause) Ill do it (pause) Ill do it. The room falls silent, the LEADER OF META gestures for the gun to be passed over to DEACON, it is so. He points the gun at SOPHIES head, he pauses as he hears her weep, takes a deep breath, and pulls the trigger. (CONTINUED)



CUT TO SCENE 6. BROTHERS BEDROOM. INT. DAY. A few days on from the shooting MYLES and DEACON lie on their beds at either side of the room, both gazing at the ceiling. MYLES Hey, do you remember when we were kids (pause) Mum used to take us to the gardens near Southbridge to mess around, and there was always that woman playing the violin, you used to love nothing more than to sit there and listen to her play, I never understood what was so great about it, but I loved that you did. You know, when things get bad I swear I can hear that same violin, playing that same tune, and suddenly everything seems okay, you know? DEACON says nothing, just turns away facing the wall. CUT TO SCENE 7. INJURED SOLDIERS ROOM. INT. DAY. A solider is lying injured in his bed, MYLES and DEACON stand next to him assessing his situation. PASSING SOLDIER Deacon. DEACON turns and walks out of the room to talk to one of the soldiers. CUT TO SCENE 8. CORRIDOR. INT. DAY. MYLES paces around in his room. He hears the sounds of footsteps outside, he slightly opens the door and looks out, he sees DEACON knocking on a door, a MASKED MAN opens it, he enters and the door closes behind him. CUT TO


SCENE 9. BROTHERS ROOM. INT. DAY Alone in the room MYLES seems frustrated as he tried to plan his escape. He wanders around the room trying to find any way out other than the door, instead he discovers a META mask amongst DEACONS belongings. CUT TO SCENE 10. BROTHERS ROOM. INT. DAY. MYLES enters the room covered in blood from a recent patient, he takes a seat on his bed and looks across the room at his brother, DEACON is sitting on his bed tending to a cut on his arm whilst wearing the mask of META. (2-minute scene) Ext. Woodland. Day. Mist falls on a dampened forest. DEACON sits on a log as he tends to his wound. He is wearing the mask of META. MYLES shouts from a distance. MYLES DEACON! DEACON (pause) Where have you been? He gets no reply. MYLES Where have you been? And whats happened to your arm? DEACON Its nothing. MYLES Ive had enough of this place, you dont need to act like this anymore. DEACON Act like what? MYLES One of them, you dont need to wear that mask. DEACON sends no response as he sits and tends to his arm.




MYLES Are you listening to me? (pause) Ive found a way out. We can get out of here. (PAUSE) DEACON. DEACON What if I dont want to leave. MYLES What?! we need to leave. DEACON No (pause) we dont. MYLES What are you saying? DEACON They look after us here. Were finally safe. MYLES You think were safe here, you really think that, snap out of it and take of the mask. DEACON I cant. MYLES Take off the mask, please (pause) please. DEACON This mask distinguishes us from them, you should be proud to wear it. MYLES Us, are you listening to yourself. Youre acting crazy, youre turning in to one of them, youre not one of them. Youre name is DEACON GRAY, you had a mother and father that loved you, and you still have a brother, just take off the mask and come with me!




MYLES reaches to take the mask from DEACONS face, he pulls it off which displeases DEACON, he jumps to his feet and forces MYLES against the wall, they stand face to face with DEACONS hand surrounding MYLES neck, there is a long pause and DEACON breathes intensely. DEACON lets go of MYLES who drops to one knee. DEACON turns away from MYLES and picks up his mask from the floor. He pauses, looks back at MYLES and slowly pulls the mask over his face before turning and walking away. CUT TO SCENE 11. BROTHERS BEDROOM. INT. DAY. MYLES packs all of his belongings in to his sack throws it over his shoulder and approaches the doorway. CUT TO SCENE 12. LEADER OF METAS OFFICE. INT. DAY. DEACON is called in to the LEADERS office. He enters. The room still dark and the LEADERS face unlit. LEADER OF META Hello DEACON. I have been extremely impressed with your commitment to our cause. You have shown great promise. However today we have encountered somewhat of an inconvenience. I need you to go out in to the woodland and handle this minor issue. DEACON No problem. CUT TO SCENE 13. WOODLAND. EXT. DAY. Masked DEACON walks alongside his fellow soldiers through the woodlands. He comes across MYLES, knelt in the mud with his hands behind his head. He pauses, a MASKED MAN holds out a gun. He takes the gun and approaches MYLES. CUT TO




The opening shot of the film. Deacon stands in front of MYLES with the gun raised and aimed at his head. He stands motionless for a moment, his hand then starts to shake. He lowers the gun and looks back at his men. DEACON I need to do this alone. The men acknowledge his request and leave. DEACON lifts the gun again aimed at MYLES head. He pulls his mask up revealing the majority of his face. MYLES looks up at him as we begin to hear the violins from their childhood. DEACON Stand up. MYLES stands. They stand and stare at one and other with the gun still pointing at MYLES head. DEACON Goodbye brother. CUT TO DEACONS men stand and turn their heads as they hear the gunshot. DEACON walks through the trees with gun in hand. MASKED MAN What shall we do with the body? DEACON Let it rot. They all walk away. CUT TO MYLES sack lies alone on the ground, his hand then reaches and lifts the bag, hanging it over his shoulder as he walks away in to the distance.

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