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Works Cited Primary Sources Adams, Abigail. Letter to John Adams. 31 Mar. 1774. MS. Massachusetts istorical Societ!.

" #n this letter, Abigail Adams, the $i%e o% John Adams, $rites to John to &remember the ladies& $hen %ormulating ne$ la$s in the Continental Congress. 'his relates to the to(ic o% $omen)s rights because it sho$s ho$ earl! the rights o% $omen $ere sought a%ter. 'here is some bias in this s(eci%ic letter as Abigail makes remarks against men that are %airl! o(inionated. o$e*er, it is im(ortant to take note o% $omen $ho take stands against $omen as earl! as she did. Anthon!, Susan +. &Susan +. Anthon! 'alks o% er Li%e,Long -%%orts in +ehal% o% er Se. , /oesn)t /es(air !et o% 0ltimate Winning o% Su%%rage 1ictor! , Man)s Li%e +roader than Woman)s.& #nter*ie$ b! -mma orn Smith. Saint Paul Globe 2St. 3aul, Minnesota4 1 Ma! 15647 n. (ag. 3rint. 'his inter*ie$ %rom the Saint 3aul 8lobe ne$s(a(er $as made b! -mma orn Smith to a %amous $omen)s rights ad*ocate Susan +. Anthon!. Anthon! ga*e her thoughts on ho$ her &li%e,long e%%orts& $ould (la! out and i% she belie*ed one da! her e%%orts could achie*e e9ualit! %or $omen. 'he inter*ie$ is largel! based on Anthon!)s o(inions. Elizabeth Cady Stanton. :.d. 3hotogra(h. Lib. o% Cong. 'his (hotogra(h o% -li;abeth Cad! Stanton is im(ortant to (ro*ide an understanding o% $hat she looked like. She $as a note$orth! $omen)s right acti*ist and co%ounder o% :WSA. er $ork to$ards $omen)s su%%rage $as signi%icant. Henry Browne Blackwell. :.d. 3hotogra(h. Lib. o% Cong.

'his is a (ortrait o% enr! +ro$ne +lack$ell, a man $ho made a signi%icant im(act on the $omen)s rights mo*ement $ith his $ork $ith his $i%e, Luc! Stone, on the Woman's Journal. e is notable because it $as rare to see men su((orting this mo*ement. &#s #t a Crime %or a 0.S. Citi;en to 1ote< b! Susan +. Anthon! =1>7?@.& n.(ag. SI S Go!ernment e"orter# Web. 1A Bct ?613. 'his court case $as com(osed b! Susan +. Anthon! an ad*ocate %or $omen)s *oting rights in the 0nited States o% America during the late 1>66)s and earl! 1566)s. Anthon!, along $ith %i%teen other $omen, $as arrested %or *oting in the 3residential election o% 1>7? and in her case stated that she had not *iolated the Constitution but in %act had &e.ercised her citi;en)s right& to *ote. 'he case is %ree o% bias and is there%ore a reliable source that clearl! states the argument that some $omen)s rights acti*ists in the 0nited States belie*ed in. $aiser Wilson. :.d. 3hotogra(h. 0.S. :ational Archi*es and Cecords Administration. 'his (hotogra(h is a $oman $ho is (rotesting against the $ords o% 3resident Wilson. 'he (oster the $oman is holding declares the 0nited States is not a democrac! and is in %act similar to 8erman!)s go*ernment because t$ent! million $omen $ant to *ote and the! aren)t being allo$ed to. 'his is e.tremel! signi%icant because $omen $ho (rotested in these times $ere ultimatel! Dailed due to $ar,time conditions. o$e*er (rotests like these e*entuall! turned Wilson)s *ie$s on $omen)s rights around. Eeen, -d L. &'ennessee ouse 3onders Cescinding Women)s Su%%rage Cati%ication.& %PI's &'th Century (o" Stories. Aug. 15 15?67 n.(. SI S Issues esearcher# Web. 63 :o* ?613. 'he %PI's &'th Century (o" Stories ne$s(a(er)s article titled &'ennessee ouse 3onders Cescinding Women)s Su%%rage Cati%ication& states that the State o% 'ennessee $as *er!

con%licted as $hether to rati%! an amendment %or $omen)s su%%rage or not. 'hat makes the article essential because it (ro*ides con%licting elements %rom both sides o% the $omen)s rights mo*ement. 'he source is strictl! in%ormati*e but slightl! biased as it $as $ritten %rom a man)s (oint o% *ie$. Eeen, -d L. &Women)s Cight to 1ote :o$ B%%icial in 0nited States.& %PI's &'th Century (o" Stories. Aug. ?A 15?67 n.(. SI S Issues esearcher# Web. 63 :o* ?613. From %PI'S &'th Century (o" Stories, a ne$s(a(er article (ublished on August ?Ath, 15?6 states that $omen in the 0nited States o%%iciall! had the right to *ote. 'his $as a historic date in the (ast o% the 0nited States because it marks a *ictor! o% $omen)s rights ad*ocates that had taken man! decades i% not centuries to accom(lish. 'here ma! be bias in this source as it $as $ritten b! a man. Luc! Stone. :.d. 3hotogra(h. Lib. o% Cong. 'his daguerreot!(e o% Luc! Stone is %rom the Librar! o% Congress. She $as a large $omen)s rights su((orter and %ounded the AWSA, making her a (i*otal %igure o% the mo*ement. Matthe$s, 8lenna. )nthony* Susan Brownell. :.d. 3hotogra(h. Lib. o% Cong. 'his (icture de(icts t$o %amous 0S Women)s Cights ad*ocates (osing. 'he $omen are Susan +. Anthon! and -li;abeth C. Stanton, $ho %ought %or things such as $omen)s su%%rage in the late 1>66s and earl! 1566s. While the (hotogra(h is being (osed, it is demonstrating the team$ork the t$o had $ith each other so there is *er! little bias as the! did $ork together e.tensi*el!. , , ,. +ea,ue o- Women .oters. :.d. 3hotogra(h. Schlesinger Lib., Cadcli%%e #nst., ar*ard 0. From the Schlesinger Librar!, Cadcli%%e #nstitute o% ar*ard 0ni*ersit!, this (hotogra(h

sho$s t$o $omen holding a sign that lists some demands o% $omen $ho attended a democratic con*ention in the !ear o% 15?6. #t demonstrates ho$ $omen $ere *er! in*ol*ed in go*ernment a%%airs. /ational Women's Su--ra,e )ssociation. ?? A(r. 1513. 3hotogra(h. Lib. o% Cong. 'his (hotogra(h de(icts t$o su%%ragists, Mrs. Stanle! McCormick =Eatharine McCormick@ and Mrs. Charles 3arker, standing to the sides o% a banner that reads :ational Women)s Su%%rage Association. 'he %act that t$o $omen $ere used to sho$case the organi;ation sho$s that there has been (rogression %or $omen in societ!. /ew 0ork /)WS) Parade. :.d. 3hotogra(h. +r!n Ma$r Coll. Lib. 'his image sho$s a (arade, a %orm o% (eace%ul (rotest, %or $omen)s rights. #t $as organi;ed b! the :ational American Women)s Su%%rage Association, a Doint organi;ation made u( o% the :WSA and the AWSA. 'his sho$s that $omen $ere not in the least aggressi*e $hen $orking to$ards their goal. #nstead the! took digni%ied a((roaches such as (eace%ul (rotest and making cases. Presidents o- /)WS). 1>5?. 3hotogra(h. +r!n Ma$r Coll. Lib. 'his (hotogra(h de(icts the man! (residents o% the :ational American Women)s Su%%rage Association. Also belo$ the (hotogra(h is a list that names some o% the (eo(le in the (hotogra(h. 'his (ro*ides %actual in%ormation as to $ho lead the organi;ations as $ell as a *isual o% $hat the (eo(le looked like. 'he (hotogra(h (ro*ides e*idence that mostl! $omen com(rised this association and that man! o% them $ere o% *er! old ages. Seneca 1alls Con!ention# ?7 /ec. ?613. 3hotogra(h. Lib. o% Cong. 'his is a (hotogra(h taken in the !ear o% 1>4> at $hat is o%ten noted as the %irst $omen)s rights con*ention. 'his con*ention took (lace in Seneca Falls, :e$ Gork and had man!

attendees including man! $omen)s right ad*ocates. 'he (hoto sho$s that there $ere man! su((orters o% the mo*ement e*en at its *er! earl! beginnings. Stanton, -li;abeth Cad!. Ei,hty 0ears 2 3ore. +oston7 :orthern 03, 1553. 3rint. 'his $ork is a book $ritten b! -li;abeth Cad! Stanton in the %inal !ears o% her li%e that reminisces the eight! !ears o% her li%e and her in*ol*ement in man! di%%erent mo*ements that $ere bent on im(ro*ing societ!. er old age ma! be e*ident in ho$ she $rote the book because her o(inions $ould)*e changed o*er eight! !ears. o$e*er the o(inions in this book are still *er! rele*ant because o% her outstanding $ork in the :ational American Women)s Su%%rage Association. Susan B )nthony4 (he 1emale Geor,e Washin,ton5 :.d. 3hotogra(h. Lib. o% Cong. 'his is a (ortrait o% Susan +. Anthon!, a (i*otal $omen)s rights ad*ocate. She $as in%luential due to her co,%ounding o% the :WSA and other $ork %or $omen)s su%%rage. 0nited States. Cong. Senate. Washington7 83B, 1517. 3rint. #n this address to the congress, 3resident Woodro$ Wilson declared that the 8reat War $as a $ar o% democrac!, and %or that reason the 0nited States should enter the $ar. 'his relates to the to(ic o% $omen)s rights because the! retaliated b! sa!ing that the 0nited States is not democratic i% a %ull t$ent! million $omen are asking %or the right to *ote and are not recei*ing it. 'his e*entuall! lead to the change o% Wilson)s o(inions on $omen)s rights in order to gain their su((ort $hen the! $ould achie*e the right to *ote.

Secondary Sources &American Women Su%%rage Association.& Memo. :.d. 'S.

'his is a (oster ad*ertising the u(coming annual meeting %or the American Women)s Su%%rage Association. #t ad*ertises the numerous s(eakers that $ill (resent their thoughts and o(inions on $omen)s rights as $ell as detail their (lans %or the %uture. +enDamin, Anne. ) History o- the )nti6Su--ra,e 3o!ement in the %nited States -rom 789: to 79&'4 Women a,ainst E;uality. :.(.7 -d$in Mellen 3r, 155?. 3rint. Written b! Anne +enDamin, this book details the anti,su%%rage mo*ement that $as $idel! in%luential in the 0nited States in the earl! 1566s Dust (rior to the (assing o% the 15th amendment. 'he (eo(le $ho tried to con*ince (eo(le to *ote against $omen)s su%%rage $ere able to create doubt in *oters, making them notable and $orth e.amination. o$e*er there ma! be bias in this source due to its (ublication being in 155?, man! !ears a%ter the e*ents occurred. &/eclaration o% Cights %or Women =1>7A@.& )merican History. A+C,CL#B, ?613. Web. ?7 Bct. ?613. 'he )merican History A+C,CL#B re%erence source (ro*ided a basic o*er*ie$ o% the &/eclaration o% Cights %or Women& in the 0nited States %rom 1>7A. 'he com(onents o% this declaration s(oken b! Susan +. Anthon!, an ad*ocate o% $omen)s rights in the 0nited States, include the rights o% an! citi;en o% the 0nited States and ho$ $omen should clearl! be considered deser*ing o% those rights as the! are also citi;ens o% the countr!. Susan +. Anthon!)s declaration had some bias because she stated in%ormation in a manner that made $omen)s li*es seems un%air $hich $as not necessaril! true. o$e*er, this source is still *iable, as it states the argument that $omen)s rights ad*ocates used.

8oodier, Susan. /o .otes -or Women4 (he /ew 0ork State )nti6Su--ra,e 3o!ement <Women in )merican History=. :.(.7 n.(., ?613. 3rint. 'his book $as $ritten b! Susan 8oodier and the book details an anti,su%%rage mo*ement that $ent on in :e$ Gork in the late 1>66s to earl! 1566s. #t is im(ortant to detail the o((osition to the $omen)s rights mo*ements in order to Dusti%! $omen)s rights. 'here is bias in this source ho$e*er because it $as $ritten in ?613 b! a $oman $ho did not e.(erience an! o% the e*ents %irst,hand. Million, Joelle. Woman's .oice* Woman's Place. :.(.7 n.(., n.d. 3rint. #n this $ork, Joelle Million details the $ork o% Luc! Stone (rimaril! as a $oman)s rights acti*ist but also as an abolitionist. S(eci%icall!, Million elaborates on Stone)s (ublic s(eaking and ho$ she had strong belie% in $omen being allo$ed to s(eak and e.(ress %eelings in (ublic. M):e*in, J. (he )mazonian Con!ention. 11 June 1>H5. #llustration. An illustration made b! J M):e*in in 1>H5 %or the Har"er's Weekly ne$s(a(er de(icts se*eral $omen at a con*ention %or $omen)s rights in Seneca Falls. 'his is im(ortant because it sho$s &hecklers& interru(ting the meeting as to sho$ that the $omen)s rights mo*ement $as looked do$n u(on b! man!. 'his ma! sho$ bias that man! (eo(le in the 0nited States thought that gi*ing $omen e9ual rights $as laughable. &'he :ational American Woman Su%%rage Association.& /ational )merican Women Su--ra,e )ssociation Collection. Lib. o% Cong., 15 Bct. 155>. Web. ? /ec. ?613. Ihtt(7JJmemor!.loc.go*JammemJna$Jna$shome.htmlK. 'he Librar! o% Congress has a $ebsite that holds a collection o% a 1A7,item subset o% the larger :ational American Women Su%%rage Association Collection. 'he original

collection is held b! the Librar! o% Congress and contains books, memorials, (am(hlets, (roceedingsJre(orts, and serials that $ere concerned $ith the :AWSA =:ational American Women Su%%rage Association@. 'his source contains no bias in itsel% and the contents are mostl! %actual and not o(inionated. :e$man, Jason. =?613@. (ublic education. #n )merican History. Cetrie*ed /ecember >, ?613, %rom Ihtt(7JJamericanhistor!.abc,clio.comJK 'his re%erence source details the man! (oints throughout histor! that (ublic education $as (ursued. S(eci%icall!, the section that stated 0nited States (ublic education e%%orts o% the 1>66s $as use%ul to connect $ith the beginning o% $omen)s rights mo*ements. 'here is no bias in this source as it is %actual. .ote /o on Women's Su--ra,e. 3rint. 'his is a ne$sletter (roduced b! the :e$ Gork State Brgani;ation B((osed to Women)s Su%%rage and ad*ertised that &less than 16 (ercent o% :e$ Gork $omen $ant the *ote&. 'his is essential because it (ro*ides an o% anti,su%%rage ad*ertisement. #t is (ossible that in %act more than 16 (ercent o% :e$ Gork $omen did $ant the *ote so their is bias in this source. &*oting rights.& )merican History. A+C,CL#B, ?613. Web. 1 /ec. ?613. A+C,CL#B here has a re%erence source titled &*oting rights& $hich states the im(ortance o% *oting rights to the american (eo(le. 'he article does not contain bias but states reasons $h! *oting rights are signi%icant. Wa!ne, 'i%%an! E. &'em(erance Mo*ement7 'em(erance as the Foundation o% the Women)s Cights Mo*ement.&)merican History. A+C,CL#B, ?613. Web. ?7 Bct. ?613.

An o*er*ie$ o% the tem(erance mo*ement in the 0nited States $as (ro*ided b! the )merican History A+C,CL#B re%erence source. 'he tem(erance mo*ement is one o% ho$ $omen in the late 1>66)s and earl! 1566)s took action to re%orm the customs o% the 0nited States. 'his source has mostl! unbiased $ritingL $hile it states other)s o(inions it doesn)t sa! i% that o(inion is correct or incorrect. &We B((ose Woman Su%%rage.& )nti6Su--ra,ist7 n. (ag. 3rint. 'he Anti,Su%%ragist ne$s(a(er ad*ertised the argument against $omen)s su%%rage, and this article lists the reasons the! held. M'he image o% this article $ill create an understanding that the *ie$s o% the anti,su%%ragists $ere e.tremel! $eak and sometimes biased. &WomenNs Cights.& Current Issues7 3acmillan Social Science +ibrary. /etroit7 8ale, ?616. >""osin, .iew"oints In Conte?t. Web. ?7 Bct. ?613. 'his re%erence source %rom the 3acmillan Social Science +ibrary (ublished b! 8ale states a basic o*er*ie$ o% $omen)s (lace in modern societ!, $hich is essential to (ro*e that the $omen)s rights mo*ements in the 0nited States $ere success%ul. #t also states ho$ religion $as a common ground $hich $omen used to ad*ocate their rights. 'here is little bias in this source as $hat is stated is strictl! %actual in%ormation. &Women)s Cights Con*entions.& )merican History. A+C,CL#B, ?613. Web. ?7 Bct. ?613. Women)s rights con*entions $ere held throughout the mid 15th centur! into the earl! ?6th centur!. 3ublished in ?613, this re%erence source states the origins o% the $omen)s su%%rage mo*ement, the tem(erance mo*ement, abolition mo*ement and man! more ideas that $ere lead b! $omen. 'here is little bias in this source as the in%ormation is

strictl! %act. An! (iece o% in%ormation that is o(inion,based is 9uoted %rom another (erson or article.

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