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I TESS ;7 THE %HVER,ILLES T;MAS HAR%Y Ye elves of hills, brooks, stan in! lakes an !roves, An "e that on the san s #ith $rintless foot %o &hase the ebbin! 'e$t(ne an o fl" hi) When he &o)es ba&k* "o( e)i+$($$ets that ," )oonshine o the !reen so(r rin!lets )ake, Whereof the e#e not bites, an "o( #hose $asti)e Is to )ake )i ni!ht )(shroo)s, that re-oi&e To hear the sole)n &(rfe#* b" #hose ai , Weak )asters tho(!h "e be, I have be i)). The noonti e s(n, &all. forth the )(tino(s #in s, An .t#i/t the !reen sea an the a0(re va(lt Set roarin! #ar1 to the rea rattlin! th(n er Have I !iven fire an rifte 2ove.s sto(t oak With his o#n bolt* the stron!+base $ro)ontor" Have I )a e shake an b" the s$(rs $l(&k. ($ The $ine an &e ar1 !raves at )" &o))an Have #ake their slee$ers, o$e , an let .e) forth ," )" so $otent art. ,(t this ro(!h )a!i& I here ab-(re, an , #hen I have re3(ire So)e heavenl" )(si&, #hi&h even no# I o, Voi, ia0)e ale a$ei 4i $5 (rii, 6i voi, &e f5r5 (r)e $e nisi$ 7(!i8i ($5 'e$t(n, &9n s&a e )area, 6i+l o&oli8i, &9n &re4te iar. Voi, (h(ri :e 9n l()ina l(nii se)5na8i ; iarb5 &rea85, n( e oi $5s&(t5 < 6i voi, &e+n )ie0 e noa$te 9)$lini8i :i($er&ile < $re&() 4i voi, &e r9 e8i :9n s(n5 &eas(l stin!erii, < $rin voi, ;ri&9t e slabe+a8i fi, a) fost 9n stare S5 s&a l()ina soarel(i e+a)ia05, S5 slobo0es& n5$rasni&ele v9nt(ri 6i s5 9n&aier bol8ile &( )area. A) at $e )9na t(net(l(i fo&(l* L(i 2($iter, &( $ro$ri(l s5( tr5snet I+a) es$i&at ste-ar(l. =!( (in %in te)elii 9nalt(l $ro)ontori(, A) s)(ls in r5 5&in5 $ini 4i &e ri. Tot e( a) at )or)intelor $or(n&5 S5 se es&hi 5 4i tre0in (+4i )or8ii S5+i lase+n l()e... %e )a!ia+)i &r(nt5 M5 le$5 , iat5. Vrea( sa )ai st9rnes& ; )(0i&5 ivin5, &a s5+i fa&5 7eelin! si e#a"s the" en&o(ntere another to#er+like $illar, s3(are an (n&o)$ro)isin! as the fi rst* be"on it another an another. The $la&e #as all oors an $illars, so)e &onne&te above b" &ontin(o(s ar&hitraves. IA ver" Te)$le of the Win s,C he sai . The ne/t $illar #as isolate * others &o)$ose a trilithon* others #ere $rostrate, their fl anks for)in! a &a(se#a" #i e eno(!h for a &arria!e an it #as soon obvio(s that the" )a e ($ a forest of )onoliths !ro($e ($on the !rass" e/$anse of the $lain. The &o($le a van&e f(rther into this $avilion of the ni!ht till the" stoo in its )i st. IIt is Stonehen!eGC, sai :lare. IThe heathen te)$le, "o( )eanFC IYes. ;l er than the &ent(ries* ol er than the C>rbervillesG Well, #hat shall #e o, arlin!F We )a" fi n shelter f(rther on.C ,(t Tess, reall" tire b" this ti)e, fl (n! herself ($on an oblon! slab that la" &lose at han , an #as sheltere fro) the #in b" a $illar. ;#in! to the a&tion of the s(n (rin! the $re&e in! a" the stone #as #ar) an r", in &o)fortin! &ontrast to the ro(!h an &hill !rass aro(n , #hi&h ha a)$e her skirts an shoes. Pi$5in intr+o $arte, 5 (r5 e alt stil$, &are, &a 4i $ri)(l, avea as$e&t(l (n(i t(rn $5trat, )asiv 4i neorna)entat, iar in&olo e e.l )ai !5sir5 4i al8ii. Toat5 &onstr(&8ia era al&5t(it5 in bol8i 4i stil$i, intre &are (nii era( le!a8i $e eas($ra e arhitrave neintrer($te. < >n a ev5rat te)$l( al vint(rilor, s$(se An!el. Stil$(l (r)5tor era i0olat, (nii for)a( (n tri+liton J iar al8ii era( &50(8i la $5)int* lat(rile lor era( atit e late, in&it (4or ai fi $(t(t tre&e &( tr5s(ra $este ele. %($5 (n ti)$ i4i 5 (r5 sea)a &5 to8i a&e4ti stil$i for)a( o $5 (re e )onoli8i, a4e0a8i in !r($(ri $e &i)$ia a&o$erit5 e iarb5. :ei oi inaintar5 e+a l(n!(l a&est(i $avilion al no$8ii, $in5 a-(nser5 in )i-lo&(l l(i. < E Stonehen!e B G s$(se :lare. < A i&5 te)$l(l a&ela $5!an F < %a. E )ai b5trin e&it vea&(rile, )ai ve&hi e&it nea)(l .>rberville G Ei, 4i+a&() &e fa&e), ra!a )ea F S5 in&er&5) s5 !5si) (n a 5$ost )ai in&olo. %ar Tess, &are era frint5 e oboseal5, se intinse $e o les$e e l(n!(ia85 a 5$ostit5 e (n stil$. Piatra f(sese toat5 0i(a b5t(t5 e soare 4i a&() era &al 5 4i (s&at5 * &ontrast(l &( iarba as$r5 Ki ()e 5 in -(r, &are+i ( ase f(sta 4i $antofii, era $l5&(t.

VAR.II %AVI% :;PPER7IEL% :HARLES %I:KE'S I K';W eno(!h of the #orl no#, to have al)ost lost the &a$a&it" of bein! )(&h s(r$rise b" an"thin!* b(t it is )atter of so)e s(r$rise to )e, even no#, that I &an have been so easil" thro#n a#a" at s(&h an a!e. A &hil of e/&ellent abilities, an #ith stron! $o#ers of observation, 3(i&k, ea!er, eli&ate, an soon h(rt bo il" or )entall", it see)s #on erf(l to )e that nobo " sho(l have )a e an" si!n in )" behalf. ,(t none #as )a e* an I be&a)e, at ten "ears ol , a little labo(rin! hin in the servi&e of M(r stone an ?rinb". M(r stone an ?rinb"Cs #areho(se #as at the #ater+si e. It #as o#n in ,la&kfriars. Mo ern i)$rove)ents have altere the $la&e* b(t it #as the last ho(se at the botto) of a narro# street, &(rvin! o#n hill to the river, #ith so)e stairs at the en , #here $eo$le took boat. It #as a &ra0" ol ho(se #ith a #harf of its o#n, ab(ttin! on the #ater #hen the ti e #as in, an on the )( #hen the ti e #as o(t, an literall" overr(n #ith rats. Its $anelle roo)s, is&olo(re #ith the irt an s)oke of a h(n re "ears, I are sa"* its e&a"in! floors an stair&ase* the s3(eakin! an s&(fflin! of the ol !re" rats o#n in the &ellars* an the irt an rottenness of the $la&e* are thin!s, not of )an" "ears a!o, in )" )in , b(t of the $resent instant. The" are all before )e, -(st as the" #ere in the evil ho(r #hen I #ent a)on! then for the first ti)e, #ith )" tre)blin! han in Mr. L(inionCs. :(nos& est(l e bine l()ea a0i, &a s5 n( )5 )ai )ir e ni)i&*li (n4i, ni&i a&() n( 9n8ele! &() a fost &( $(tin85 s5 fi( ar(n&at $e r()(ri &( at9ta ne$5sare la o v9rst5 at9t e fra!e 5. Mi se $are ene&re0(t &5 n( s+a aflat ni)eni s5 fa&5 )5&ar (n !est 9n a$5rarea)ea, &( toate &5 era) (n &o$il eosebit e 9n0estrat, $ers$i&a&e,iiMtT, vioi, !in!a4, e ti)$(ri( 9n&er&at tr($e4te 4i s(flete4te. 7a$t e si ni)eni n+a ri i&at )5&ar (n e!et* 4i astfel )+ara tre0it, la v9rstaN Ir 0e&e ani, ar!E8in la fir)a OM(r stone P ?rinb"Q.%e$o0it(l OM(r stone P ?rinb"Q se afla $e )al(l Ta)isei,(n eva, l9n!5 ,la&kfriars. Ast50i, atorit5 9)b(n5t58irilor re&ente,ns$e&t(l lo&(rilor a&elora este s&hi)bat* era 9n (lti)a &as5, la &a$5t(l e -os al (nei (li8e &are &obora 4er$(in s$re fl(vi(, 9n $rel(n!irea &5reia se afla( &9teva tre$te, folosite &a ebar&a er. Era oI h(lire ve&he, 5r5$5nat5, $lin5 e 4obolani, &( s&hel5 $ro$rie, &are in ti)$(i fl(/(l(i 9nainta 9n a$5, iar 9n orele refl(/(l(i r5)9nea 9n&on-(rat5 e n5)ol. ; 5ile &( $ere8ii 9)br5&a8i &( $ano(ri e le)n af()ate 4i 9)b9&site e )(r 5rie e )ai bine e (n vea& $o elele 4i s&5rile, $(tre e* &hi8&5it(l bEtr9nilor 4obolani &en(4ii&are forfotea( $ret(tin eni s9nt $re0ente 9n )intea )ea n( &a ni4tei)a!ini ale (n(i tre&(t 9n e$5rtat, &i vii &a sen0a8iile &li$ei e fa85.Le a) $e toate aievea 9naintea o&hilor, a4a &() le+a) av(t 9n &ea+s(l bleste)at &9n a) $54it 9n )i-lo&(l lor 9nt9ia oar5, &( )9na+)itre)(r9n E 9n )9na l(i )ister L(inion.

VAR.II THE :A'TER,>RY TALES ?;77REY :HA>SER @Sir :lerk of ;/for ,A sai o(r Host, @"o( ri e as 3(iet an e)(re as a ne#l" )arrie )ai en, sittin! at the #e in! feast. This a" I have not hear one #or fro) "o(r ton!(e, I believe "o( are $on erin! so)e &o)$le/ ar!()ent* b(t @ever"thin! has its ti)eB,A -(st as Solo)on sa"s. 7or ?o Cs sake, be of )errier &o(ntenan&e* it is not the ti)e to st( " no#. Tell (s so)e )err" tale, b" "o(r faith. 7or ever"one #ho has entere into a !a)e )(st a!ree to the r(les of the !a)e. ,(t $rea&h not, like friars in Lent, to )ake (s be#ail o(r ol sins, an o not let "o(r tale $(t (s to slee$. Tell (s so)e )err" ha$$enin!. P(t a#a" "o(r learne ter)s an &olorsD of rhetori& an fi!(res* kee$ the) in reserve (ntil a ti)e #hen "o( )a" be &o)$osin! in hi!h st"le, s(&h as #hen )en #rite to kin!s. I $ra" "o( to s$eak so $lainl" no# that #e )a" (n erstan #hat "o( sa". "Sir Clerk din Oxford,", a declarat gazda noastr , "v deplasai cam linitit i modest ca o fat proaspt cstorita, stnd la ospul de nunt. In aceasta zi nu am auzit nici un cuvnt din limba ta, eu cred c suntei reflecie unele argument complex, dar "tot ceea ce i are time! ", la fel cum spune Solomon. "entru numele lui #umnezeu, fie de veseli c$ip, aceasta nu este timp pentru a studia acum. Spune%ne o poveste vesel, prin credina ta. "entru toat lumea care a intrat ntr%un &oc trebuie s fii de acord cu regulile &ocului. #ar nu predica, ca i clugri, n "ostul 'are, s ne fac s plng vec$i pcatele noastre, i nu lasa povestea ta ne%a pus s doarm. Spune%ne ceva vesel ntmpl. "une deoparte dvs. nvat termeni i colors( de retoric i cifre) a le menine n rezerv pn la un moment n care s%ar putea fi compun n stil mare, cum ar fi atunci cnd oamenii scrie la regi. ' rog s vorbii att de clar acum ca noi ar putea nelege ceea ce spui.

VAR.III %A'IEL %E7;E R;,I'S;' :R>S;E ';V. R. + This )ornin! I be!an to or er )" ti)es of #ork, of !oin! o(t #ith )" !(n, ti)e of slee$, an ti)e of iversion + vi0. ever" )ornin! I #alke o(t #ith )" !(n for t#o or three ho(rs, if it i not rain* then e)$lo"e )"self to #ork till abo(t eleven o.&lo&k* then eat #hat I ha to live on* an fro) t#elve to t#o I la" o#n to slee$, the #eather bein! e/&essivel" hot* an then, in the evenin!, to #ork a!ain. The #orkin! $art of this a" an of the ne/t #ere #holl" e)$lo"e in )akin! )" table, for I #as "et b(t a ver" sorr" #ork)an, tho(!h ti)e an ne&essit" )a e )e a &o)$lete nat(ral )e&hani& soon after, as I believe the" #o(l o an" one else. ';V. S. + This a" #ent abroa #ith )" !(n an )" o!, an kille a #il &at* her skin $rett" soft, b(t her flesh !oo for nothin!* ever" &reat(re that I kille I took of the skins an $reserve the). :o)in! ba&k b" the sea+shore, I sa# )an" sorts of sea+fo#ls, #hi&h I i not (n erstan * b(t #as s(r$rise , an al)ost fri!htene , #ith t#o or three seals, #hi&h, #hile I #as !a0in! at, not #ell kno#in! #hat the" #ere, !ot into the sea, an es&a$e )e for that ti)e. R noie)brie.A0i+ i)inea85 )+a) hot5r9t s5+)i 9)$art ti)$(l 9n or& el(&r(, e.v9nat, e or)it 4i e istra&8ii.Tn fie&are i)inea85 ies &( $(4&a o(5sa( trei ore &9n n( $lo(5.L(&re0 $9n5 la ora BB.A$oi $r9n0(l.%e la BD la D sta(&(l&at,&5&i este foarte &al .Pe (r)5 l(&re0 $9n5 seara.A) )(n&it o(5 0ile la9n-!hebat(l )esei,&5&i s9nt 9n&5 (n )e4ter est(l e $rost, e4i vre)ea 4i nevoia )+a( f5&(t s5 )5 $ri&e$ &() s5 l(&re0,a4a &() ar fa&e in ori&ine. S noie)brie.+ A) ie4it &( $(4&a 4i inele.A) 9)$(4&at o $isi&5s5lbati&5.,lana e foarte )oale, ar &arnea n(+ i b(n5 e ni)i&.A) -($(it )ere(toate ani)alele $e &are le 9)$(4&a) 4i le +a) $5strat $ieile.Tntor +&9n (+)5 e+a l(n!(l 85r)(l(i,a) 05rit o $(0 erie e $5s5ri e )are.Soi ne&(nos&(t.A) fosts(r$rins 4i a$roa$e s$eriat e ni4te fo&i,&are 9n ti)$ &e le $rivea) s +a( ar(n&at 9n )are 4i )i +a( s&5$at.

*+,.III "+,+#IS- .OS/ 0O12 'I./O2 ;f Mans 7irst %isobe ien&e, an the 7r(it ;f that 7orbi en Tree, #hose )ortal tast ,ro(!ht %eath into the Worl , an all o(r #oe, With loss of E en, till one !reater Man Restore (s, an re!ain the blissf(l Seat, Sin!" M(se, that on the se&ret to$ ;f ;reb, or of Sinai, i st ins$ire That She$her , #ho first ta(!ht the &hosen See , In the ,e!innin! ho# the Heav.ns an Earth Rose o(t of :haos1 ;r if Sion Hill %eli!ht thee )ore, an Siloa.s ,rook that flo#. 7ast b" the ;ra&le of ?o * I then&e Invoke th" ai to )" a ventro(s Son!, That #ith no )i le fli!ht inten s to soar Above th. Aonian Mo(nt, #hile it $(rs(es Thin!s (natte)$te "et in Prose or Rhi)e. AtEt e feri&i8i 9n :er(ri, ei, st5$Enii l()ii, %e :reator(l lor s+a( 9n e$5rtat, neso&otin (+i voia, %oar $entr( &5 li s+a o$rit (n fr(&t. S$re+a&east5 r50vr5tire &ine oare i+a 9)$insF %oar infernal(l 4ar$e, &e &(+a sa vi&lenie, MEnat e r50b(nare 4i invi ie, a a)5!it Pe+a o)enirii )a)5, Tr(fia &En l+a i0!onit in Rai, &( toat5 !loata+i %e 9n!eri r50vr5ti8i, &( a &5ror a-(tor s$era s5 se 9nal8e 9ntEi(l, $rintre &ei ase)eni l(i, La fel &( 9ns(4i Prea9nalt(l, %a&5 G se va 9)$otrivi* 4i as$irEn La tron(l 4i o)nia sfEnt5, 'ele!i(it r50boi stErni 9n :er(ri 6i l($t5 9n 0a ar, &5&i Atot$(terni&(l Poto$ e fl5&5ri a0vErli in :er(ri 6i+I ar(n&5 ar0En S$re+a En&(ri f5r5 f(n , s5 0a&5 9n lan8(ri fere&at 4i+n fo&(l &a0nei, Pe &el &e+a &(te0at s5+nfr(nte $e Atot$(terni&. %e no(5 ori r5sti)$(l &e )5soar5 =i(a 4i noa$tea $entr( )(ritori, El, &( &()$iita+i hoar 5

VAR.VII :A'TER,>RY TALES ?E;77REY :HA>:ER VAR.IV A P;RTRAIT ;7 THE ARTIST AS A Y;>'? MA' 2AMES 2;Y:E A #orth" #o)an fro) besi e ,ath &it" Was #ith (s, so)e#hat eaf, #hi&h #as a $it". In )akin! &loth she sho#e so !reat a bent She bettere those of Y$res an ?hent. In all the $arish not a a)e are stir To#ar s the altar ste$s in front of her, An if in ee the" i , so #rath #as she As to be 3(ite $(t o(t of &harit". Her ker&hiefs #ere of finel" #oven !ro(n * I are have s#orn the" #ei!he a !oo ten $o(n , The ones she #ore on S(n a", on her hea . O femeie demn de lng oraul 5at$ + fost cu noi, oarecum surda, care a fost un pcat. ;n a face pnz a artat att de mare un ndoit -a a imbunatatit cele din 8pres i 3$ent. ;n toat paro$ia nu o doamn ndrznit agitaie Spre paii altar n faa ei, i dac ntr%adevr au fcut, astfel nct mnia a fost ea Ca s fie destul de scos din caritate. 5atiste ei au fost de sol fin esute) +m ndrznit s &ur au cntrit un bun de zece lire, Cei ea a purtat duminica, pe capul ei.

It #as his first :hrist)as inner an he tho(!ht of his little brothers an sisters #ho #ere #aitin! in the n(rser", as he ha often #aite , till the $( in! &a)e. The ee$ lo# &ollar an the Eton -a&ket )a e hi) feel 3(eer an ol ish1 an that )ornin! #hen his )other ha bro(!ht hi) o#n to the $arlo(r, resse for )ass, his father ha &rie . That #as be&a(se he #as thinkin! of his o#n father. An (n&le :harles ha sai so too.

Mr %e al(s &overe the ish an be!an to eat h(n!ril". Then he sai 1 <Poor ol :hrist", he.s nearl" lo$si e no# #ith ro!(er". <Si)on, sai Mrs %e al(s, "o( haven.t !iven Mrs Rior an an" sa(&e. Mr %e al(s sei0e the sa(&eboat. <Haven.t IF he &rie . Mrs Rior an, $it" the $oor blin . %ante &overe her $late #ith her han s an sai 1 <'o, thanks. Mr %e al(s t(rne to (n&le :harles. <Ho# are "o( off, sirF <Ri!ht as the )ail, Si)on. <Yo(, 2ohnF <I.) all ri!ht. ?o on "o(rself. <Mar"F Here, Ste$hen, here.s so)ethin! to )ake "o(r hair &(rl. +cesta a fost prima sa cina de Crciun i el s%a gandit la fraii i surorile mici care ateptau n pepinier, cum ar fi asteptat si el, pn budinca ar fi venit. 3ulerul sczut profund i sacoul -ton il fceau s se simt ciudat i batran4 iar in acea dimineata , atunci cnd mama sa l%a adus la salon, s%a mbrcat de mas, tatl su a strigat. +sta a tatl sau i%au dat lacrimile. +ceasta s%a intamplat din cauza ca se gandea la propriul sau tata. i unc$iul C$arles a spus la fel. #l #edalus acoperit vasul i a nceput s mnnce cu poft. +poi, el a spus4 %5ietul C$rist6, e aproape dezec$ilibrat acum cu tl$ria. %Simon, a declarat doamna #edalus, nu i%ai dat doamnei ,iordan niciun sos. #l #edalus a sesizat sosiera. %2u i%am dat7 strig el. #oamna ,iordan, mil pe cei sraci orbi. #ante acoperi farfuria ei cu minile i spuse4 %2u, multumesc. 'r #edalus a apelat la unc$iul C$arles. %Cum te duci, domnule7 %Ca si corespondenta, Simon. %/u, 0o$n7 %Sunt n regul. Continua . %'ar67 +ici, Step$en, aici e ceva pentru a%ti face parul ondulat.

VAR.VIII THE ;L% MA' A'% THE SEA ER'EST HAMI'?WAY Ever"thin! abo(t hi) #as ol e/&e$t his e"es an the" #ere the sa)e &olor as the sea an #ere &heerf(l an (n efeate . @Santia!o,A the bo" sai to hi) as the" &li)be the bank fro) #here the skiff #as ha(le ($. @I &o(l !o #ith "o( a!ain. WeCve )a e so)e )one".A The ol )an ha ta(!ht the bo" to fish an the bo" love hi). @'o,A the ol )an sai . @Yo(Cre #ith a l(&k" boat. Sta" #ith the).A @,(t re)e)ber ho# "o( #ent ei!ht"+seven a"s #itho(t fish an then #e &a(!ht bi! ones ever" a" for three #eeks.A @I re)e)ber,A the ol )an sai . @I kno# "o( i not leave )e be&a(se "o( o(bte .A @It #as $a$a )a e )e leave. I a) a bo" an I )(st obe" hi).A @I kno#,A the ol )an sai . @It is 3(ite nor)al.A @He hasnCt )(&h faith.A XBYZ @'o,A the ol )an sai . @,(t #e have. HavenCt #eFA IYes,A the bo" sai . @:an I offer "o( a beer on the Terra&e an then #eCll take the st(ff ho)e.A @Wh" notFA the ol )an sai . @,et#een fisher)en.A Tot(l la el era b5trEn, &( e/&e$8ia o&hilor, iar ei avea( a&eea4i &(loare &a 4i )area 4i era( veseli 4i ne9nfrEn8i.

*+,.* /1- 3,-+/ 3+/S58 0.S. 9I/:3-,+.# I believe that on the first ni!ht I #ent to ?atsb"Cs ho(se I #as one of the fe# !(ests #ho ha a&t(all" been invite . Peo$le #ere not invite < the" #ent there. The" !ot into a(to)obiles #hi&h bore the) o(t to Lon! Islan , an so)eho# the" en e ($ at ?atsb"Cs oor. ;n&e there the" #ere intro (&e b" so)ebo " #ho kne# ?atsb", an after that the" &on (&te the)selves a&&or in! to the r(les of behavior asso&iate #ith a)(se)ent $arks. So)eti)es the" &a)e an #ent #itho(t havin! )et ?atsb" at all, &a)e for the $art" #ith a si)$li&it" of heart that #as its o#n ti&ket of a )ission. I ha been a&t(all" invite . A &ha(ffe(r in a (nifor) of robinCs+e!! bl(e &rosse )" la#n earl" that Sat(r a" )ornin! #ith a s(r$risin!l" for)al note fro) his e)$lo"er1 the honor #o( l be entirel" ?atsb"Cs, it sai , if I #o(l atten his @little $art"A that ni!ht. He ha seen )e several ti)es, an ha inten e to &all on )e lon! before, b(t a $e&(liar &o)bination of &ir&()stan&es ha $revente it < si!ne 2a" ?atsb", in a )a-esti& han . %resse ($ in #hite flannels I #ent over to his la#n a little after seven, an #an ere aro(n rather ill at ease a)on! s#irls an e ies of $eo$le I i nCt kno#<tho(!h here an there #as a fa&e I ha noti&e on the &o))(tin! train. I #as on )" #a" to !et roarin! r(nk fro) sheer e)barrass)ent #hen 2or an ,aker &a)e o(t of the ho(se an stoo at the hea of the )arble ste$s, leanin! a little ba&k#ar an lookin! #ith &onte)$t(o(s interest o#n into the !ar en. :re &5 in $ri)a noa$te &En a) $arti&i$at la o ase)enea re&e$8ie ?atsb", era) (n(l intre $(8inii oas$e8i &are f(seser5 &( a ev5rat invita8iG oa)enii n( era( $ofti8i, ei venea( $(r 4i si)$l(G Se s(ia( in a(to)obile &are+i (&ea( &5tre lon! islan 4i, intr+(n fel sa( alt(l, sfEr4ea( $rin a aU(n!e la (4a l(i !atsb" o at5 sosi8i, era( $re0enta8i e &ineva &are+l &(no4tea $e ?atsb" 4i ($5 a&eea se $(rta( ($5 re!(lile intr+(n $ar& e istra&8iiG :Eteo at5 venea( 4i $le&a( e la &Ete o ase)enea re&e$8ie f5r5 a+l fi intElnit )5&ar $e ?atsb", ar o f5&ea( &( a&ea non4alan85 &are &onstit(ie, $rin ea ins54i, (n fel e bilet e intrareG i)br5&at intr+(n &ost() e flanel alb, )5 in re$tai &5tre !r5 ina sa $(8in ($5 &eas(rile 4a$te, r5t5&in e &olo $En5 &olo &a) stEn-enit, $rintre !r($(ri 4i &(ren8i e oa)eni ne&(nos&(8i P e4i i&i 4i &olo se 05rea &Ete o fa85 $e &are o re)ar&ase) in tren(rile s(b(rbaneG Ara) $e &ale s5 )5 i)b5t &Et $(tea) e tare, $(r 4i si)$l( $entr( &5 )5 si)8ea) $rea stEnUenit &a s5 $ot fa&e alt&eva, &En Kor an VaEer ie4i in &as5 o$rin (+se (n )o)ent in &a$(l s&5rilor e )ar)(r5, in atit( inea ei obi4n(it5, &( ()erii i)$in4i ina$oi 4i $rivin &( (n interes is$re8(itor Uos in !r5 in5G

Santia!o, 9i 0ise $(4ti(l $e &En se &585ra( $e )al, ($5 &e tr5seser5 bar&a la 85r). A4

$(tea veni iar &( tine. A) f5&(t 4i noi &eva bani. ,5trEn(l 9l 9nv58ase $e $(4ti s5 $es&(ias&5, iar $(4ti(l 9l a ora.

l(&r(rile a&as5.

'(, 9i r5s$(nse b5trEn(l. E4ti 9ntr+o bar&5 noro&oas5. R5)Ei &( ei. %ar a)inte4te+8i &() ai av(t o$t0e&i 4i 4a$te e 0ile 9n &are n+ai $rins ni&i(n $e4te 4i

($5 aia ai $rins n()ai in &ei )ari trei s5$t5)Eni la rEn . 9)i a)intes&, s$(se b5trEn(l. 6ti( &5 n+ai $le&at e la )ine fiin &5 te+ai fi 9n oit. Tata )+a $(s s5 $le&. S(nt (n $(4ti 4i treb(ie s5 9l as&(lt. 6ti(, r5s$(nse b5trEn(l. E absol(t nor)al. El n+are $rea )(lt5 9n&re ere. '(, 0ise b5trEn(l. %ar noi ave). '(+i a4aF ,a a, r5s$(nse $(4ti(l. Hai s5+8i ia( o bere la Teras5 4i ($5 aia )er!e) s5 &5r5)

%e &e n(F s$(se b5trEn(l. :a 9ntre $es&ari.

VAR.VI T; TH LI?HT H;>SE VIR?I'IA W;;L7 What oes it )ean then, #hat &an it all )eanF Lil" ,ris&oe aske herself, #on erin! #hether, sin&e she ha been left alone, it behove her to !o to the kit&hen to fet&h another &($ of &offee or #ait here. What oes it )eanF<a &at&h#or that #as, &a(!ht ($ fro) so)e book, fittin! her tho(!ht loosel", for she &o(l not, this first )ornin! #ith the Ra)sa"s, &ontra&t her feelin!s, &o(l onl" )ake a $hrase reso(n to &over the blankness of her )in (ntil these va$o(rs ha shr(nk. 7or reall", #hat i she feel, &o)e ba&k after all these "ears an Mrs. Ra)sa" ea F 'othin!, nothin!<nothin! that she &o(l e/$ress at all. She ha &o)e late last ni!ht #hen it #as all )"sterio(s, ark. 'o# she #as a#ake, at her ol $la&e at the breakfast table, b(t alone. It #as ver" earl" too, not "et ei!ht. There #as this e/$e ition<the" #ere !oin! to the Li!htho(se, Mr. Ra)sa", :a), an 2a)es. The" sho(l have !one alrea "<the" ha to &at&h the ti e or so)ethin!. An :a) #as not rea " an 2a)es #as not rea " an 'an&" ha for!otten to or er the san #i&hes an Mr. Ra)sa" ha lost his te)$er an ban!e o(t of the roo). O:e 9nsea)n5 toate astea, &e $ot s5 9nse)ne FQ se 9ntreba Lil" ,ris&oe e0it9n a&5, in )o)ent &e era sin!(r5 in &as5, se &(venea s5 se (&5 la b(&5t5rie s5+si )ai ia o &ea4&5 e &afea, sa( treb(ia s5 a4te$te la lo&(l ei. O:e 9nsea)n5 toate astea FWW era (n leit+)otiv livres&, (n ii$ar 9n !9n (rile ei n( era( &on8in(te $e e+a+ntre!(l $entr( &5 in a&east5 $ri)5 i)inea85 $etre&(ta la fa)ilia Ra)sa", n( se si)8ea 9n stare s5+4i &on&entre0e si)85)intele, n( $(tea e&9t s5 &onstr(ias&5 o fra05 al &5rei e&o( era )enit s5+i vina in )inte, $9n5 &9n ab(rii avea( sa se risi$eas&5. :5&i, 9ntr+a ev5r, &e si)8ea a&() revenise ai&i ($5 at9ta a)ar e vre)e, 4i %na Ra)sa" n( )ai era $rintre &ei vii F 'i+9i)i& < ni)i& in &e+ar fi $(t(t e/$ri)a. Venise tar0i( noa$tea tre&(ta &9n toate era( (n )ister, 9n 9nt(neri&. A&() era trea05, o&($a ve&hi(l ei lo& la )i&(l e-(n, ar sin!(ra. Era 9n&5 foarte evre)e, 9nainte e o$t. A0i (r)a s5 aib5 lo& e/$e i8ia < se (&ea( la 7ar, o)n(l Ra)sa", ?a) 4i 2a)es. Ar fi treb(it s5 fi $le&at $9n5 a&() < treb(ia( s5 $rin 5 )areea, sa( a4a &eva. 6i ?a) n( era 9n&5 !ata, 4i 2a)es n( era 9n&5 !ata, 4i 'an&" (itase sE &o + )an e san vi4(rile, 4i o)n(l Ra)sa" 94i ie4ise in s5rite 4i $5r5sise s(fra!eria trintin (4a.

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