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Lesson Planning

Lesson Title: Early Georgians: The Creek and Cherokee Objective(s) (What will students be able to know and do at the end of the lesson? Must be observable & measureable. How will you know that they know it? What will you observe them doing to know that they know?) Students will be able to summarize the contributions of the Creek and Cherokee Native Americans as well as differentiate between the two cultures. The students will create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the Creek and Cherokee Native American Tribes. The students in groups will create a short skit to demonstrate their understanding of these early Georgians contributions to our states history.


TAES2.2 Developing scripts through improvisation and other theatrical methods a. Uses the playwriting process: pre-write/pre-play; prepare to write/dramatize; write/dramatize; reflect and edit; re-write/re-dramatize; publish/present b. Collaborates to generate story ideas c. Develops characters and settings through action and dialogue e. Creates dramatizations and scripts for a specific audience TAES2.3 Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining roles within a variety of situations and environments SS2H1 The student will read about and describe the lives of historical figures in Georgia history. SS2H2 The student will describe the Georgia Creek and Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living, and accomplishments.

Resources/Materials (What do I need to learn to be able to teach this? What visuals/media is available? Manipulatives? Guest speaker/field trip?) Social Studies Text: Treasures Venn Diagram Templates (One for each student) Props for Skits Academic Language/Vocabulary Environment-your surroundings Crop- plants people grow for food or other uses Culture- the way of life of a group of people

Barter- to trade things without using money Communication- the way people share ideas, thoughts, or information Contribution- something that is given or done for others Colony-a place that is ruled by another country Cooperation- people working together Translator- a person who changes the words of one language into the words of another language Treaty- a signed agreement Charter- an official document that gives someone permission to do something

Motivation-how can I hook them? Pique their interest so they want to learn? We will read together background information from our Social Studies text. The passages Include information on the Creek and Cherokee tribes, how they used the land to survive, Barter with each other and created a written language. Instruction (Demo/presentation) We will discuss how the early Georgians lives were different and similar to our own lives. Guided Practice (Working together through examples) Students will be given a Venn Diagram template to compare and contrast the two tribes (Creek and Cherokee)

Transitions EPRFormative Assessment Differentiation who, when, how? PACINGCheck for Understanding

We will work together after time is given to independently write down our thoughts on the tribes similarities and differences to create a class Venn Diagram. Independent Practice (Working independently to practice the learned concept/skill) Students will be broken up into groups to create a short skit to show what we have learned. Student groups will act out how -Early Georgians used their environment to survive -The Creek and Cherokee worked together and bartered for goods - Sequoyah was a Cherokee man who gave his people a new way to communicate. Sequoyah created a Cherokee written language.

*Students will be provided a handout to give directions on how to create their short drama.

Assessment Formative? Summative? Students will show their understanding of the Creek and Cherokee contribution to early Georgia by performing a short skit in small groups. This is a summative assessment of the students understanding of Early Georgia. Closure (Check for Understanding, Return to the objective, Exit Cards, Demonstration, EPR) Exit Ticket: How did the Creek and Cherokee contribute to our states history?

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