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Nama NIM Lecturer

: Novia Winardi : 04091401043 : Safri Daini,S.Psi.

SSI!NM"N# : "$$"%#I&" %'MM(NI% #I'N

Communication is the process of exchanging information between two persons or more than two persons. To make the communication, it need some substances. The substances are source, receiver, message and media. The communication process is SMCR(Sender-Message-Channe -Receiver and then happen feedback between sender and receiver! Mode . The purpose of communication is " To reach the same meaning To reach the trust To deve op action To p an the strateg# To do division work To share fee ing $n the communication, we must have the channe to sa# the information with others. The channe of communication is " Sensor# channe s (base on five sense "sight, sound, sme , taste, touch! $nstitutiona channe s (face to face conversation, e ectronic media, and printed materia s! Some person needs the communication because the# want to sa# the information. The information that the# wi give ma#be good news or bad news. So we must know how to sa# the news to other person.

!''D N"WS
%ood news is a news that has good meaning and it usua # appropriate with the hope of receiver. &urpose to give the news " - To give the information to the person. - To make the# to become happ# because the# wi get the good news. $t means that she'he gets what she'he wants. - To share fee ing with another. (or examp e $na wins the otter# that she wi get new handphone from this. She sa# with me that she wins the otter# and she fee s ver# happ#. So $na wants to share her fee ing with another person. )a# to give the news " - *se the good and respectfu word. $t wi be better if we want to communicate with the other peop e, we use the good word because if we use the bad word, it wi make other peop e don+t respect with us and ma#be the# become angr#.

)e sa# the news carefu #. )e must see the ps#cho og# of other peop e. $f the# get the good news, ma#be the# wi be shock and unconscious. So we must sa# the news carefu #. *se the understand anguage. $t wi make the other peop e become understand what we sa#. ,oesn+t speak fast #. $f we speak fast #, the other peop e wi n+t understand what we sa# so we can+t give the good news. Speak the important thing.

-xamp e " The examp e is .ni passes from senior high schoo . She wants to stud# in the */SR$ universit# and she wants to take medica facu t# as a doctor because she has a dream to become a doctor. So she tries to attend the */M&T/ test. She studies hard so she can pass from the test. 0ut when the notice went out, she fee s ver# sad and disappointed, because she doesn+t pass to that facu t#. 0ut she doesn+t become sad again because she knows that */SR$ wi receive the new student with *SM test. So she attends the test. )hen the notice went out in */SR$ 0*1$T, her friend ca s her. So .ni goes to */SR$ and she meets her friend. She sa#s carefu # so .ni doesn+t shock. 2er friend sa#s 3$ had seen #our resu t. Congratu ation, #ou succeed to stud# in medica facu t# at */SR$.4 .ni fee s ver# happ#. .nd she sa#s 3Thank #ou for #our information, $ am ver# happ# now.4 2er friend sa#s 3)e come4 (rom the examp e, we know that her friend speaks to .ni to inform .ni that she passes from the test and she can stud# in medica facu t# at *nsri. 2er friend want to give the good news to .ni but she speaks carefu #, so .ni doesn+t shock. .nd then her friend a so uses the good and true word, so .ni can understand what she sa#. (or the examp e, if her friend use 3Sorr#4, it means that .ni can+t stud# in medica facu t#. .ni+s friend doesn+t use the unimportant word and man# words but he 5ust sa# the core of sentences so .ni can understand what her friend mean fast #. (or examp e " (irst sentence " Congratu ation, #ou succeed to stud# in medica facu t# at */SR$. Second sentence " $ see #our resu t and congratu ation, #ou pass from the test in *nsri. So #ou can stud# in *nsri and $ hope #ou wi become a success person. (rom the examp e above, in first sentence, her friend uses the true word so .ni can understand that she can stud# in medica facu t#. 0ut in second sentence, her friend uses the good word too so .ni knows the meaning that she passes from the test and she wi be happ#. 0ut she doesn+t know what facu t# that she passes. $t wi make .ni become doesn+t understand where she passes.

) D N"WS
0ad news is a news that has bad meaning and it usua # doesn+t appropriate with the hope of receiver. &urpose to give the news " - To give the information to the other person - To sa# the fact to other peop e. (or examp e, .ni can+t pass the */SR$ test. 2er friend wi sa# the fact to .ni a though .ni wi be sad to hear that. 0ut if her friend can+t sa# the fact, ma#be .ni wi be ver# sad. )a# to give the news " - Sa# the fact news. Man# of peop e don+t want to sa# the fact because it wi make the other person to become sad. 0ut we must think positive #. $f we sa# about the fact, the# wi be sad but ma#be the# can be better again. - *se the good word so the other person can understand what we sa#. - *se true emotion. (or the examp e if we want to sa# the bad news, we don+t use the happ# emotion. - 6ook for the right time. $t means that if we want to sa# the bad news, we see the right time when we want to sa# it. (or the examp e, $na can+t pass the *SM *nsri. )e as her friend wi sa# about it, but we must see the time. So if we te her about it, she wi n+t shock and accept it. -xamp e " The examp e is .ni is a doctor. 7ne da# in the hospita , the woman comes to .ni+s practice. She wants to check up her hea th. So .ni checks the woman+s hea th. The woman does some medica check up for the examp e rontgen, etc. Tomorrow, the resu t exit. .ni opens the resu t and she fee s shock because her patient is sick eukemia. 0ut as a doctor, she must sa# the fact to the patient and she must tr# her best to cure the woman from the eukemia. So .ni ca s the woman to come to the hospita . )hen the woman came, the woman asks to the doctor. She sa#s 3,octor, what is the resu t of m# medica test. $ don+t have a disease. Right.4 So .ni answers 3$ had seen the resu t. 0ut the resu t is no good. 8ou have a eukemia disease. 0ut #ou don+t want afraid. $ wi tr# m# best to care #our disease. .nd now, we sti have the modern techno og# so #ou can care from this disease. 8ou must 5ust a wa#s come to the hospita to check up, so $ can see #our deve opment. $ 5ust want #ou to be enthusiasm.4 The woman 5ust cr# but she can receive the fact that she has eukemia disease. (rom the examp e, we know that .ni as a doctor want to inform the fact that the woman has eukemia disease. .ni as a doctor tries her best to speak with the woman in order to the woman wi n+t fee sad and shock. .ni as a doctor sa# the bad news to the woman, but .ni adds some words that it wi make the woman to become keep spirit high to recover from this disease. (or examp e " 8ou don+t want afraid. $ wi tr# m# best to care #our disease. .nd now, we sti have the modern techno og# so #ou can care from this disease. 8ou must 5ust a wa#s come to the hospita to check up, so $ can see #our deve opment. $ 5ust want #ou to be enthusiasm.

This word wi make the patient to become enthusiasm to recover from the disease. *se the good word and see the ps#cho og# of the person. (or examp e " (irst sentence " $ had seen the resu t. 0ut the resu t is no good. 8ou have a eukemia disease. 0ut #ou don+t want afraid. $ wi tr# m# best to care #our disease. Second sentence " 8ou have a eukemia disease and #ou must be operation. (rom the examp e above, in the first sentence, .ni uses the true word to sa# the bad news because she don+t want to make the woman to become shock and unconscious. 0ut she wants the woman to become spirit high so she can recover from her disease. $n the second sentence, .ni uses the true word too because she want to sa# to the woman that she has eukemia disease. 0ut she doesn+t think about fee ing and ps#cho og# of the woman. $f she sa# with this word, it wi make the woman become shock and ma#be unconscious. .nd then the woman a wa#s wi be think about this prob em and ma#be she wi n+t recover from this disease. Sa# the fact news. .ni as a doctor, she sa#s the fact that the woman has eukemia disease. She

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