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Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 2 Part 1: Analysis Why this answer would score well...

Speaking Lab 2

The Basics: The candidate s !oice is loud and clear enough to be understood. Pronunciation is clear and easy to understand. The candidate s !ocabulary is appropriate in relation to the "uestions asked. There are no gra##atical inaccuracies. Presentation: The candidate sounds !ery rela$ed% &riendly and con&ident' Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the "uestions asked. The answers are well structured: the "uestions are answered and in all cases additional% related details are gi!en. (ontent: The responses answer the "uestions the e$a#iner asks in detail )no one or two word answers'*. The candidate s &riendly personality is e!ident right &ro# the !ery beginning #aking the e$perience an en+oyable one &or both candidate and e$a#iner. The candidate answers the "uestions with good e$a#ples and in!ol!es the e$a#iner with a rhetorical "uestion. This is a good% con&ident start'

Texas Academy

Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 2 Part 2: Analysis Why this answer would score well...

Speaking Lab 2

The Basics: The candidate s !oice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood. Pronunciation is e$cellent and the candidate s use o& words,!ocabulary shows he can co##unicate on the topic e&&ecti!ely. There are no gra##atical inaccuracies. Presentation: The candidate sounds rela$ed and con&ident. The personality o& the candidate co#es through and through the use o& !ocal !ariety% the topic is #ade #ore interesting. Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the "uestions asked on the (andidate (ard. The &irst two "uestions are answered al#ost i##ediately lea!ing #ost o& the ti#e to e$pand upon "uestions - . / )personality and in&luence o& the person*. A point is #ade and then additional% related details are gi!en. (ontent: 0e#e#ber the "uestion re"uired the candidate to discuss: 1. who he or she is 2. how you #et hi#,her -. what his,her personality is like /. e$plain how this person has in&luenced you. All o& these aspects o& the "uestion were answered. 1ood idio#atic e$pression ) co#es out o& her shell * and general e$pression ) centre o& attention *. 2ne o& the interesting things about the presentation is that the candidate ran out o& things to say. She decided to talk about the ad!antages and disad!antages o& ha!ing children. The use o& Ad!antages,3isad!antages was a good way to &urther elaborate on how this person has in&luenced you . She used A43 )See speaking lesson -*. This is a good% con&ident continuation o& the test'

Texas Academy

Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 2 Part -: Analysis Why this answer would score well...

Speaking Lab 2

The Basics: The candidate s !oice is loud and clear enough to be easily understood. Pronunciation is e$cellent and the candidate s use o& words,!ocabulary shows she can co##unicate on each topic raised by the e$a#iner e&&ecti!ely. There are no gra##atical inaccuracies. Presentation: The candidate continues to sound rela$ed and con&ident. The personality o& the candidate continues to co#e through and builds upon the rapport established through Parts 1 . 2. Structure: The candidate responds appropriately to the "uestions asked. 5irstly% she answers the "uestion then con!ersationally% she e$pands upon the topic. 6n other words% a point is #ade and then additional% related details are gi!en. (ontent: The in&or#ation presented in the con!ersation clearly answers the "uestions. The candidate de#onstrates !ery well that she has a di!erse !ocabulary on #any di&&erent topics 4 a de#onstration o& a !ery ad!anced knowledge o& the language. So#e good% acade#ic words are used )eg: &unctions% wisdo#% assu#e% realistic% theory,practical* When she was not sure about an answer% she #ade a &unny state#ent ) you see# to know how to ask di&&icult "uestions * which reduced the tension and allowed her a little #ore ti#e to think about what she would say. This is a good% con&ident conclusion'

Texas Academy

Sample Speaking Test Speaking Lab 2 Part 1:

Speaking Lab 2

Q1 Can we talk about your home town? Tell me about the biggest industries in your town. 7es u#% 68# &ro# 9itch&ord which is a coastal town. We !e got a lot o& white% sandy A1 beaches and a pleasant cli#ate all 6 # sure you can guess what our #ain industry is: Touris#. ;ach year we get about a "uarter o& a #illion !isitors to our town so as a result another big industry is building and all our !isitors ha!e got so#ewhere to stay' <#...restaurants...the &ood industry is another big industry in #y town. We ha!e all kinds o& restaurants = 6ndian% Thai% (hinese% 6talian% Turkish% you na#e it% we !e got it' 6& you like eating out% 9itch&ord is a wonder&ul place to !isit. There s one restaurant called (urry in a >urry which% you can probably guess% is an 6ndian restaurant...i& you e!er !isit 9itch&ord 6 highly reco##end it' Q2 It sounds like you really like your home town. Are there any things you dislike about it? A2 9##% that s a di&&icult "uestion. >onestly% there aren t #any things 6 dislike about 9itch&ord....but....6 guess.....6 d ha!e to say one o& the things 6 dislike about 9itch&ord is the &act that #y grandparents don t li!e there' 9y grandparents li!e about ? hours car% so we don t get to see the# that o&ten. 6t would be great i& they li!ed in 9itch&ord. Q !ine. Let"s mo#e on to the topi$ o% %ood and restaurants. &hat kinds o% %oods do you like to eat? A 5ood...#y &a!ourite topic' Well% that s an easy one &or #e to answer. ;!er since 6 was a child% #y &a!ourite &ood s been (hicken @ie!. >a!e you tried it be&ore: '()aminer* +o, I ha#en"t- 6t s #ade &ro# the leg and thigh o& a chicken. The chicken is wrapped in butter and garlic. 6t s then co!ered in bread cru#bs and &ried. The chicken co#es out golden brown and when you cut it% the butter and garlic runs s absolutely delicious...probably not too healthy &or you but the taste is incredible' Q. &hat about dislike? Are there any %oods you don/t like to eat? A. Well% the &irst thing that co#es to #ind is brussel sprouts' 6 re#e#ber the &irst day Texas Academy

Sample Speaking Test

Speaking Lab 2

#y #other ser!ed the# &or dinner. Aeedless to say% #y brother and sisters co#plained loudly' They ha!e such a sharp taste...6 don t like the# at all. Also% at ti#es...u#...Bucchini has the sa#e kind o& sharp taste. 6n &act% 6 had Bucchini on top o& a ho#e4#ade piBBa recently and in #y opinion% the sharp taste o& the Bucchini ruined the piBBa. Q0 &hat do you think are the ad#antages and disad#antages o% home1$ooked meals? >o#e cooked #eals...###...well% the &irst idea that co#es to #ind is ho#e cooked A0 #eals are generally healthier. The idea% 6 guess% is that i& you re cooking the #eal at ho#e% you know what ingredients are that ha!e gone into #aking the &ood should be healthier. 5or e$a#ple% i& you re using oil to cook your #eal% it will be with &resh% unused oil. 6 know that so#e restaurants reuse their oil o!er and o!er again...6 don t think that s good &or health. '()aminer* 2isad#antages?- 3isad!antages...u#...yes...well &or a start% the kitchen is le&t in a #ess' 6 # speaking &ro# e$perience here' At the #o#ent 6 share a &lat with 2 other people and e!ery e!ening around dinner ti#e% the kitchen looks like a total #ess' Pots and pans...containers hal& opened...the sink &ull o& dishes and cutlery...stu&& e!erywhere' A&ter cooking our &lat looks like a danger Bone. So% related to this point is that it takes so long to clean all the #ess up. 9ost ti#es% 6 couldn t be bothered with all the hassle o& cooking...6 pick up so#e kind o& &ast & s #uch #ore con!enient'

Texas Academy

Sample Speaking Test

Speaking Lab 2

Speaking Lab 2 Part 2: Transcript Q1 3k that was #ery good. I/m now going to gi#e you a topi$ that you will need to speak about %or 112 minutes. 4ou $an take notes i% you want. 4ou ha#e 1 minute to prepare what you want to say. I want you to talk about a young person who has in%luen$ed your li%e. 3k. 4ou ha#e a ma)imum o% 2 minutes to speak so i% you go o#er 2 minutes, I will ask you to stop. Can you please begin speaking now? A1 A young person who has had a big in&luence on #y li&e is #y niece...#y sister s child. 6 ll ne!er &orget the day that 6 &irst #et was at the hospital and #y #other and 6 went to !isit #y sister and it was only a &ew hours a&ter she had the baby. She8s now si$ years old. >er na#e8s @ate. She s got blonde hair and brown eyes 4 she s so cute' 9y sister always dresses her in cute clothes and puts her hair in pig tails. She has her #other s personality too' She s "uite shy and reser!ed around strangers but when she s around #y &a#ily% she really co#es out o& her shell...she starts talking and talking...and #y sister is actually teaching her how to sing. 9y sister s always asking her to sing &or know% twinkle% twinkle little star % the AB(,alphabet song . 9y parents 4 her grandparents 4 delight in her per&or#ances% 6 d say she s beco#e the centre o& attention at 3ad and 9u# s place. 6 do #iss her. 6n so#e ways% her being born re#inded #e that 6 # growing up and...that 6 needed to start thinking #ore seriously about #y own &uture. 6 suppose 6 began to wonder what it would be like to ha!e #y own children. 5or a long ti#e% 6 didn t care too #uch about kids% but a&ter spending ti#e with @ate% 6 realised that 6 d lo!e a child or two o& #y own. <##....let8s see...68d ha!e to say that 6 think there are #ore ad!antages than disad!antages with ha!ing children. 6 !e learned that o& course% it s not all easy looking a&ter a child all day. When @ate was really young% #y sister see#ed to hardly get any sleep and they ne!er see#ed to go out all that #uch. But when you see her cute little &ace and her cute little s#ile% all that sacri&ice see#s to be worth it. 6 !e ne!er seen #y sister so happy since @ate ca#e into her li&e.

Texas Academy

Sample Speaking Test

Speaking Lab 2

Speaking Lab 2 Part -: Transcript Q13k, that/s great. &e/#e been talking about a young person and I/d like to dis$uss one or two more 5uestions that are related to this. !irstly, let/s $onsider attitudes. In your $ountry, what is the attitude older people ha#e toward younger people? A1 >##C6 think% the older generation tend to look at the younger generation as being in a hurry to go so#ewhere or do so#ething. 6 suppose this is pretty natural considering when a person gets old% they tend not to #o!e so " know% instead o& going out% #ost old people tend to +ust stay at ho#e. 6 don t #ean all old people are like this% but 6 think it s probably true o& a #a+ority o& the older generation '()aminer* 6ight-. Q2 In your $ountry, what are the ad#antages and disad#antages o% being younger? A2 Well% 6 # young so 6 ob!iously think it s an ad!antage' <#% the &irst thing that co#es to #ind is the &act that technology is changing so "uickly% it takes an alert% young #ind to keep up with it...u#...there are bene&its in keeping up with can do things "uicker. 5or e$a#ple% i& you understand e#ail% then you can co##unicate &aster with people...all around the world. A lot o& older people #ay use e#ail but they #ay not know all the & use it to their best ad!antage. 6& you don t know how to properly use new co#puter so&tware% you can end up wasting great a#ounts o& ti#e...u#...the disad!antages...well...the disad!antage o& being young...u#....let s see... well% 6 think one disad!antage is that you ha!e a little li&e e$perience. What 6 #ean is that you don t ha!e #uch wisdo#% you re starting out. 7ou #ight #ake a lot o& silly #istakes in your li&e because you don t know any better u#...that s a de&inite disad!antage.

Texas Academy

Sample Speaking Test

Speaking Lab 2

Q 7ood. Let/s now $onsider young people and edu$ation. Can you tell me about the numbers o% young people in your $ountry studying o#erseas? A 6 # not too sure about that...the total nu#bers% that is...u#...6 know &ro# #y high 6 graduated there were / or D students who wanted to tra!el and study in ;ngland. 6 !e lost contact with the#% 6 assu#e they went ahead with their plans. (onsidering #y high school had around 1EEE students...u#... and we had / or D who wanted to study o!erseas% 6 assu#e there are a lot o& students who had the sa#e goal. Q. 2o young people re$ei#e any go#ernment assistan$e in your $ountry when it $omes to edu$ation? A. Actually% yes and no. 7es% because i& they decide to study at uni!ersity and they ha!e no #oney 4 this is assu#ing they are accepted into a course = u#% they can apply &or a student loan. What happens is the go!ern#ent pays the #oney &or their education = that s the good news...but the bad news 4 and this is the Fno8 part o& #y answer 4 is you ha!e to pay the #oney back once you get a +ob. 6 belie!e i& you don t pay it back by a certain ti#e% the go!ern#ent starts to charge you interest on the loan or so#ething... '()aminer* 3kQ0 &hat %uture $hanges would you like to see in your $ountry regarding young people and edu$ation? A0 2h% that s another di&&icult "uestion to sure see# to know how to ask di&&icult "uestions' '()aminer* Thank you8- <#% 6 guess a change 6 would hope &or is that the student loans would not ha!e to be paid back' 6 don8t think this is realistic% a&ter all% it would be too e$pensi!e &or the go!ern#ent...perhaps re#o!ing the repay#ent with interest part o& the loan would be a good change &or the &uture....oh yea...another thing that ca#e to #ind...6 think education will beco#e #ore Fhands on8 = less theory and #ore practical. 6 think head knowledge is &ine% but it #ust be backed up with practical application...6 d like to see this change in the &uture.

Texas Academy

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