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Realized by Romania to request of Mr. Lacy B.V.

Netherlands 12 Feb2014

Footwear Sellers - Market Overview ROMANIA

Romania is administratively divided in 41 counties plus a municipality. Throu hout the county there are 1!"0 companies actin in this sector of foot#ear. Total sales are situated to around $.4 billions R%N &appro' 1billion (uro) to regular footwear and 1.1* billions R%N &appro' $00 millions (uro) to sport footwear per year+ accordin to !"2 ,. -ain directions for regular footwear end sellers in Romania are constituted from. 1. Franchise / 0hain stores 2. 1ndividual stores $. Factories outlets 2elo# is a dia ram sho#in the volume of sales divided per direction.
Market share %
100 80 60 % 40 20 0 Franchise/Chain Individual stores Factory outlet

1. Franchise / Chain stores This roup contains a lar e number of players li3e. 4eonardo+ 2envenuti+ 5tonecree3+ %tter 5hop+ #eichman$ %%%$ Minipri&$ ,ldo+ ,ra+ 2ata+ 2a att+ 0lar3s+ 0orso0omo+ (cco+ (nzo 2ertini+ ,mely+ 0ameleon+ 6azz+ 5amsonite+ Tamaris+ 7ara shoes+ Fioran elo+ 8eo'+ 8uban+ 9ispanitas+ 9umanic+ 9ush :uppies+ 1l :asso+ -usette+ %ffice 5hoes+ :epper+ ;hy <enis+.. and more. 0ertainly they can be rouped by the o#ner. For e'ample %tter portfolio consists from 0lar3s+ 8eo'+ ,ra+ 8abor+ %tter or 4e coq sportif The main five lar est companies are. 1.1 4eonardo+ #ith over 100 stores 1.2 %tter #ith $$ stores 1.$ 2envenuti #ith $= stores 1.4 1l :asso #ith 1$ stores

Realized by Romania to request of Mr. Lacy B.V. Netherlands 12 Feb2014

1.* -usette #ith 24 stores

This mar3et is continuously ro#in + for instance N82 >ust recently enter the mar3et trou h 000 net#or3. 2. Individual stores This roup contains a smaller number of players li3e. <enis 5hoes+ 0atali 5hoes+ 0orvaris+ ,liss 5hoes 0raiova+ ,urora+ -opiel+ 0hamp 8rup 5R4 2ucuresti+ ?orile 0onstanta+ 8uban Timosoara -ost of these are importers and distribution stores. . Factor! Outlets This roup contains the old Romanian traditional factories and also ne# forei n factories established in Romania. ,ntilopa+ 8uban + 0lasicor + 5.0 <ambovita 5.,+ 5.0 Flaros 5.,+ @ The total number of factories is over *00 as per the lin3 belo#. 0lic3 on each one from the counties &hi hli ted in blue) for factories.

%ver B0C from the production of these factories is e'portedD the rest is bein sold internally. %nly $*C from the #hole foot#ear sold annually in Romania is imported from forei n countries li3e 1taly+ 8ermany+ 0hina+ 4u'embur .. 2. 1n re ards to sport footwear there are also 0hain stores+ 1ndividual stores and Factory outlets. The lar est 0hain stores in Romania are. 1ntersport+ <ecathlon+ Famous 2rands+ 4otto+ Reebo3+ Ni3e+ ,didas+ :uma+ not in this particular order. This mar3et is increasin in volume at a rate much hi her than the re ular foot#ear. 2est e'ample is the brand 0onverse from Ni3e #hich #as in the 1st place last year as ro#th after $ other brands and received millions of Eli3esF on mar3etin pa es as Faceboo3+ #hich #e also intend to develop.

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