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Preschools Teacher Questionnaire Main Survey

Our proud IPGKSM will hold a competition on the themed Innovation in Early Childhood Education in conjunction with the International Conference on The Early Childhood Education (iCON) 2013. This conference is an ongoing effort to transform early childhood education towards inclusive education in order to produce creative and excellent talents. The success of this conference is an asset to the Ministry of Education, Institute of Teacher Education, the State Government and the Institute of Teacher Education Sultan Mizan Campus, in promoting early childhood education, nationally and internationally. This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of preschool, who are asked to supply information about their academic and professional backgrounds, instructional practises, adaptations used when developing student main strategies resources for teaching and attitudes towards teaching mathematics (Shapes and Spaces). This questionnaire highlights the teaching methods favoured to the teacher when dealing with dyslexic children. Since your class has been selected as part of our group research, your responses are very important in helping to describe preschools education in country. It is important that you answer each question carefully so that the information provided reflects your situation as accurately as possible. It is estimated that it will require approximately 20 minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your cooperation in completing this questionnaire is greatly appreciated.


1. By the end of this school year, how many years will you have been teaching preschoolers altogether? ____________years 2. Are you female or male? I. II. MaleFemale .. .. .. ..

3. How old are you? I. II. III. IV. Under 2525-29 30-39 40-49

4. During your <post-secondary> education, what was your major or main area(s) of study? YES I. II. III. IV. V. Education-Primary/Elementary Education-Secondary Mathematics Sciences Other . . . . . NO . . . . .

5. If your major or main idea of study was education, did you have a specialization in any of the following YES NO


Mathematics Science English Other subject

. . .

. . .


6. In typical week, how much time do you spend teaching mathematics to the students in this class? ____________hours and __________minutes per week

7. In teaching mathematics to this class how confident do you feel to do the following?

Very confident i. Answer students questions about mathematics ii. Show students a variety of

Somewhat confidents

Not confident

problem solving strategies iii. Provide challenging tasks for

capable students iv. Adapt my teaching to engage students interest

8. When you teach mathematics to this class, how do you use the following resources?


for Supplement

Not used

instruction i. ii. Textbooks Concrete objects or material that help students to

understand iii. Computer software

9. When teaching mathematics to this class, do you aware that few or some children are having difficulties in understanding the concept of geometrical shapes as mentioned below? How do you overcome this situation if any?

least aware

less aware

not sure

often aware

most aware

Square Rectangle Circle Triangle


10. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly disagree i. Shapes are primarily an abstract 1 subject ii. Shape are primarily a formal way of 1 representing the real world iii. Some students have natural talent for 1 mathematics iv. More than one representation ( 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 agree 4

pictures, concrete material, natural surrounding) should be used in

teaching geometrical shapes v. Computer should be used as an 1 optional tool for teaching and learning vi. Computer should be used as a 1 complimentary tool for teaching and learning 2 3 4 2 3 4

11. In a typical month of lessons for your class, what percentage of time is spent on each of the following activities?

I. II. III. IV. V.

Lecture-style presentation by teacher..______% Teacher-guided student practice..______% Student-teaching aids interaction.______% Student-game orientation...______% Student independent practice with guidance______%

12. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly disagree i. I preferred to use power point 1 2 3 agree 4

presentation as medium to teach ii. I like using the materials available in 1 the class to teach iii. I like to use the natural materials 1 rather than human-made materials iv. I preferred to use chalk and talk style 1 when teaching 13. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly disagree i. I like to build my own teaching aids 1 rather than using the one available in school ii. I tend to ask children to build a 3- 1 dimensional construction iii. I recommended students to work in 1 group consists of not more than 4 persons per group iv. I always give the student an 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 agree 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4

opportunity to build their own new ideas from their learning experiences v. Learning by doing is not appropriate 1 for preschool students vi. Constructivist approach is not 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

suitable for kids aged 5 to 8 years old

14. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Questions: Strongly Disagree Agree disagree 1. When you found children 1 2 3 Strongly agree 4

wrote in a reverse direction such as writing p as q, would you correct them by using activity? 2. When you found children 1 2 3 4 drilling (repetition)

wrote in a reverse direction such as writing p as q, would you help them correct their mistake by manipulating concrete object around them? 3. Do you use some of the 1 concrete objects around us to help children overcome their problem in reverse writing? 4. Do you teach shapes and 1 spaces by using power point presentation software to the children? 5. Have you ever asked the 1 children to play with the 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4

objects around them when introducing the shapes and spaces concept?

6. Have you ever asked children 1 to draw and colour the shapes then told them to memorise by mentioning the words loudly in a group? 7. Have you ever asked the 1 children to form an alphabet from the objects founded

around us?


1. Does constructivist approach is the best method used to teach preschool children? 2. How far does the Learning by Doing Approach affect children achievement? ........................................................................................................... ... 3. How far do you think that the cognitive approach helps children to grab the idea of topics taught in class?

4. Based on your experienced, what do you think the best way to teach the dyslexia children?

5. How do you conduct a constructivist approach during teaching and learning in your classroom?

6. Do you think constructivist approach is suitable to be used in dyslexic classroom?

7. Do you think constructivist approach could help dyslexic children to foster their cognitive development?

8. What is the biggest challenge in teaching constructivist approach in dyslexic classroom? How to overcome the challenging situation? 9. Dyslexic children are often related to poor retention. Do you think learning by doing approach could improve their memory in retaining the knowledge they had learnt?

10. Do you think dyslexic children have any problem regarding to the type of shapes? What shape that they faced most difficult to identify? 11. How far do you think the integration of shapes and learning -by-doing approach could help dyslexic children to overcome their learning disabilities? Thank you for your wonderful commitment Have a good time! Soal selidik ini telah disemak sepenuhnya oleh Dr. Fan Siong Peng selaku Doktor Falsafah ( Pendidikan Matematik). Soal selidik ini telah memenuhi semua criteriakriteria yang telah ditetapkan untuk menyediakan borang soal selidik.

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