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jSelecteD JSibliogtapbp

Primary Sources
Recent editions of the writings of the major Carolingian authors, important musical texts, and photographic reproductions of basic art works are provided in the notes appended to each of the essays in this collection. The fundamental guide to Carolingian written sources is Wilhelm Wattenbach, Wilhelm Levison, and Heinz Lowe, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter: Vorzeit und Karolinger. A convenient brief listing can be found in Arnold Angenendt, Das Friihmittelalter: Die abendldndischen Christenheit von 400 bis 900, pp. 462-65. Helpful information about Carolingian primary sources can be found in the articles related to Carolingian cultural figures and to Carolingian cultural activities published in two recent historical encyclopedias: Lexikon des Mittelalters, vols. 1 - (Munich and Zurich, 1900-), and Dictionary of'the Middle Ages, 13 vols. (New York, 1982-89). Invaluable guidance in utilizing the basic sources is provided by the many volumes published in the series entitled Typolqgie des sources du moyen age, ed. Leopold Genicot (Turnhout, 1972-). Each volume in this series (more than sixty have now been published) deals with a separate genre of source materials, seeking to identify its unique features, describe the kind of information that can be gleaned from it, and highlight the methodological problems inherent in utilizing the genre. The surest way to keep abreast of new publications of basic Carolingian source materials is to review the annual bibliographies published in Revue d'histoire ecclesiatique or in Medioevo latino: Bulletino, bibliografico della cultura europae del secolo VI al XIII, ed. Claudio Leonardi, et al., vols. 1 - (Spoleto, 1980-).

Secondary Sources
A B E L , Sigurd, and Bernhard Simson. Jahrbiicher des frankischen Reiches unter Karl dem Grossen. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1883-88. A F F E L D T , Werner. "Untersuchungen zur Konigserhebung Pippins: Das



Selected Bibliography

Papsttum und die Begriindung des karolingischen Konigtum im Jahre 751." Fruhmittelalterliche Studien 14 (1980): 95-187. A H ERNE, Consuelo Maria. "Late Visigothic Bishops, Their Schools and the Transmission of Culture." Traditio 22 (1966): 435-44. "AHR Forum: The Old History and the New." American Historical Review 94 (1989): 654-98. AiGRAIN, Rene. UHagiographie: Sessources, ses methodes, son histoire. Paris, 19 A L E X A N D R E N K O , Nicolai. "The Poetry of Theodulf of Orleans: A Translation and Critical Study." Ph.D. diss., Tulane University, 1971. A L L A R D , Guy-H., ed. Jean Scot ecrivain. Montreal, 1986. A L L G E I E R , Arthur. "Das Psalmenbuch des Konstanzer Bischofs Salomon III. in Bamberg: Eine Untersuchung zur Frage der mehrspaltigen Psalterien." In Jabresbericht der Gb'rresgesellschaft 1938 (Cologne, 1939): 104-5. A L L O T T , Stephen. Alcuin ofYork, His Life and Letters. York, 1974. A L T A N E R , Berthold, and Alfred Stuiber. Patrologie: Leben, Schriften undLehre der Kirchenvater. 8th ed. Freiburg, 1978. A M A N N , Emile. UEpoque carolingienne. Histoire de PEglise 6. Edited by Augustin Fliche and Victor Martin. Paris, 1947. A M P E R E , J.-J. Histoire litteraire de la France avant le douzieme siecle. 3 vols. Paris 1839-40. A N D E R S O N , Perry. Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism. London, 1974. A N D O L O R O , Maria. "II Liber Pontificalis et la questione delle immagini da Sergio I a Adriano I." In Roma e Veta carolingi, pp. 6977. A N G E N E N D T , Arnold. DasFruhmittelalter: Die abendlandische Christenbeit von 400 bis 900. Stuttgart, Berlin, and Cologne, 1990. . Monachi Peregrini: Studien zu Pirmin und den monastischen Vorstellungen der fruhen Mittelalters. Miinstersche Mittelalter-Schriften 6. Munich, 1972. A N T O N , Hans Hubert. Furstenspiegel andHerrscherethos in derKarolingerzeit. Bonner historische Forschungen 32. Bonn, 1968. . "Zum politischen Konzept karolingischer Synoden und zur karolingischen Briidergcmcinschaft." HistorischesJahrbucb 99 (1979): 55132. A P E L , Willi. Gregorian Chant. Bloomington, Ind., 1958. A P P L E BY, David. "Holy Relic and Holy Image: Saints' Relics in the Western Controversy over Images in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries." Word and Image 8 (1992): 333-43. A P P U H N , Horst. "Zum Thron Karls des Grossen." Aachener Kunstblatter 24/25(1962/63): 127-36. A R C A R I , Paola Maria. Idee e sentimentipolitici deWalto medioevo. Universita di Cagliari, Publicazioni della Facolta di Giurisprudenza, serie 2, Scienze politiche 1. Milan, 1968. A R I E S , Philippe. "L'Histoire des mentalites." In LaNouvelleHistoire, edited by Jacques Le Goff, et al., pp. 402-23. ARLT, W., et al., eds. Gattungen derMusik in Einzeldarstellungen. Bern, 1973.

Selected Bibliography


Girolamo. "La questione dei Libri Carolini." In Culto cristiano, pp. 61-86. A R Q U I L L I E R E , H.-X. LAugustinisme politique: Essaisur la formation des theories politiques du moyen age. L'Eglise et l'etat au moyen-age 2. 2nd ed. Paris, 1955. "L'Art et la societe a l'epoque carolingienne: Actes des XXIIIe Journees romanes de Cuxa." Les Cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa 23 (1992): 3-131. A T K I N S O N , Charles. "The Parapteres: Nothi or Not?" Musical Quarterly 68 (1982): 32-59. A T T R I D G E , Derek, Geoff Bennington, and Robert Young, eds. Poststructuralism and the Question ofHistory. Cambridge and New York, 1987. AUDA, Antoine. UEcole musicale liegeoise au Xe siecle: Etienne de Liege. Academ royale de Belgique, Classe des beaux arts, Memoires 2/1. Brussels, 1923. A U E R B A C H , Erich. Literary Language and Its Public in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Translated by Ralph Mannheim. Bollingen Series 74. New York, 1965. Aus der Welt des Buches: Festgabe zum 70. Geburtstag von Georg Leyh. Leipzig, 1950. BAILEY, Terence. "Accented and Cursive Cadences in Gregorian Psalmody." Journal of the American Musicological Society 29 (1976): 463-71. BAKER, Derek, ed. The Church in Town and Countryside. Studies in Church History 16. Oxford, 1979. , ed. Medieval Women. Studies in Church History, Subsidia 1. Oxford, 1978. -, ed. The Orthodox Churches and the West. Studies in Church History 13. Oxford, 1976. -, ed. Renaissance and Renewal in Christian History. Studies in Church History 14. Oxford, 1977. B A L D O V I N , John. The Urban Character ofChristian Worship: The Origins, Development, and Meaning of Stational Liturgy. Orientalia Christiana Analecta 228. Rome, 1987. B A N N I A R D , Michel. Viva Voce: Communication ecrite et communication orale du We au LXe siecle en Occident latin. Collection des etudes augustiniennes, serie moyen-age et temps modernes 25. Paris, 1992. B A R B E RA , A., ed. Music Theory and Its Sources: Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Notre Dame, Ind., 1990. B A R I O N , Hans. Dasfrankisch-deutsche Synodalrecht desFruhmittelalters. Kanonistische Studien und Texte 5-6. Bonn, 1931. . "Der kirchenrechtliche Charakter des Konzils von Frankfurt 794." Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, kanonistische Abteilung 19 (1930): 139-70. BARK, William Carroll. Origins of the Medieval World. Stanford Studies in History, Economics, and Political Science 14. Stanford, Calif., 1958.


Selected Bibliography

B A R Z U N , Jacques. Clio and the Doctors: Psycho-History, Quanto-History, and History. Chicago, 1974. B A S T G E N , Hubert. "Das Kapitulare Karls des Grossen iiber die Bilder oder die sogennanten Libri Carolini."NeuesArchiv 36 (1911): 629-66. B A T T I S T I , Carlo. "Latini e germani nella Gallia del nord nei secoli VII e VIII." In Camtteri delsecolo VLT in Occidente, 2:445-83, 509-18. B A U N A R D , L. Oznam d'apres sa correspondance. Paris, 1912. Published in English as Ozanam in His Correspondence. Dublin, 1925. B E C H E R , Matthias. "Drogo und die Konigserhebung Pippins." Fruhmittelalterliche Studien 23 (1989): 131-53. B E C K , Hans-Georg. Von der Fragwurdigkeit derlkone. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, phil.-hist. Klasse, Sitzungberichte, Jahrgang 1975, Heft 7. Munich, 1975. B E C K E R , H., and R. Kaczynski, eds. Liturgie undDichtung: Ein interdisziplinares Kompendium. 2 vols. Pietas liturgica 2. S. Ottilien, 1983. B E C K W I T H , John. "Byzantine Influences on Carolingian Art." In Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, edited by Wolfgang Braunfels, et al., 3:288-300. B E I E R W A L T E S , Werner, ed. Eriugena: Studien zur seinenQuellen, Vortrage des IH. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg itn Breisgau, 27.-30. August 1979. Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Abhandlungen, phil.-hist. Klasse, Jahrgang 1980, Heft 3. Heidelberg, 1980. B E L T I N G, Hans. The End of the History of Art? Translated by Christopher S. Wood. Chicago, 1987. B E R G M A N N , Werner. "Dicuils De mensura orbis terraeP In Science in Western and Eastern Civilization in Carolingian Times, edited by Paul Leo Butzer and Dietrich Lohrmann, pp. 52537. B E R N H E I M , Ernst. Lehrbuch der historischenMethode. Leipzig, 1889. B E R N T , Giinter, Fidel Radel, and Gabriel Silagi, eds. Tradition und Wertung: Festschrift fur Franz Brunholzl zum 65'. Geburtstag. Sigmaringen, 1988. B E R S C H I N , Walter. Biographie undEpochenstil im lateinischenMittelalter. 3 vols.

Stuttgart, 1986-91.
. Greek Letters and the Latin Middle Ages: From Jerome to Nicholas ofCusa. Translated by Jerold C. Frakes. Rev. and exp. ed. Washington, D.C., 1988. -. "Salomons III. Psalterium quadrupartitum in Koln und Heidelberg." In Kaiserin Theophanu, edited by Anton von Euw and Peter Schreiner, 1:327-34. B E T Z , Werner. "Karl der Grosse und die Lingua Theodisca." In Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, edited by Wolfgang Braunfels, et al., 2:300-306. B E U M A N N , Helmut. Ideengeschichtliche Studien zu Einhard und anderen Geschichtsschreibern des fruheren Mittelalters. Darmstadt, 1962. B E z z o L A , Reto R. Les Origines et la formation de la litterature courtoise en Occident (500-1200). 3 vols. Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, IVe

Selected Bibliography


section, Sciences historiques et philologiques 286, 313, 31920. Paris, 1944-63. B I L L A N O V I C H , Giuseppe. "DalPantica Ravenna alle biblioteche umanistiche." Universita cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Annuario (195556): 73-107. Bisanzio, Roma e Vltalia nelValto tnedioevo. 2 vols. Settimane 34. Spoleto, 1988. B I S C H O F F , Bernhard. DieAbteiLorsch im Spiegel ihrerHandschriften. 2nd enl. ed. Geschichtsblatter Kreis Bergstrasse, Sonderband 10. Lorsch, 1989. . "Elementarunterricht und Probationes Pennae in der ersten Halfte des Mittelalters." In Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Studien, 1:74-87. -. "Die Hofbibliothek unter Ludwig dem Frommen." In Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Studien, 3:17086. -. "Die Kolner Nonnenhandschriften und das Skriptorium von Chelles." In Karolingische und ottonische Kunst: Werden, Wesen, Wirkung, pp. 395411. Repr. in Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Studien, 1:1634. -. Mittelalterliche Studien: Ausgewahlte Aufsatze zur Schriftkunde und Literaturgeschichte. 3 vols. Stuttgart, 1966-81. "Palaographische Fragen deutschen Denkmaler der Karolingerzeit." Fruhmittelalterliche Studien 5 (1971): 101-34. -. "Panorama der Handschrifteniiberlieferung aus der Zeit Karls des Grossen." In Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, edited by Wolfgang Braunfels, et al., 2:23354. -. Salzburger Formelbiicher undBriefe aus tassilonischer und karolingischer Zeit. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sitzungberichte, 1973, Heft 4. Munich, 1973. "Eine Sammelhandschrift Walahfrid Strabos (Cod. Sangall. 878)." In Bischoff', Mittelalterliche Studien, 2:3451. -. "The Study of Foreign Languages in the Middle Ages." In Bischoff, Mittelalterliche Studien, 2:22745. . Die sudostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken. Vol. 1: Die bayerischen Dib'zesen. Vol. 2: Die vorwiegend b'sterreichischen Diozesen. Stuttgart, 1974, 1980. . "Theodulf und der Ire Cadac-Andreas." In Bischoff', Mittelalterliche Studien, 2:19-25. B I S C H O F F , Bernhard, and Josef Hoffmann. Libri sancti Kyliani: Die Wiirzburger Schreibschule und die Dombibliothek im VIII. und DC. Jahrhundert. Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Bistums und Hochstifts Wiirzburg 6. Wiirzburg, 1952. B I S H O P , T. A. M. "The Scribes of the Corbie a-b." In Charlemagne's Heir, edited by Peter Godman and Roger Collins, pp. 521-36. B J O R K , David. "The Kyrie Repertory in Aquitanian Manuscripts of the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries." 2 vols. Ph.D. diss., University of California at Berkeley, 1976. B L O C H , Peter. "Das Apsismosaik von Germigny-des-Pres: Karl der Grosse and


Selected Bibliography

der Alte Bund." In Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, edited by Wolfgang Braunfels, et al., 3:23461, and fig. 5. B L O C H , Peter, and Hermann Schnitzler. Die ottonischeKolnerMalerschule. 2 vols. Diisseldorf, 1967-70. B L U M E N T H A L , Uta-Renate, ed. Carolingian Essays: Andrew W. Mellon Lectures in Early Christian Studies. Washington, D.C., 1983. B O E C K L E R , Albert. "Die Evangelistenbilder der Ada-Gruppe."Miinchener Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst, 3rd ser., 34 (195253): 12144. B O E S P F L U G , R, and N. Lossky, eds. Niceell, 787-1987: Douze siecles dHmages religieuses. Paris, 1987. B O H N E , Winfried. "Beobachtungen zur Perikopenreihe des GodescalcEvangeliars." Wurzburger Diozesansblatter 37 / 38 (1975): 14967. B O L G A R , R. R. The Classical Heritage and Its Beneficiariesfromthe Carolingian Age to the End of the Renaissance. London and New York, 1954; repr., New York, 1964. B O R S T , Arno. "Alkuin und die Enzyklopadie von 809." In Science in Western and Eastern Civilization in Carolingian Times, edited by Paul Leo Butzer and Dietrich Lohrmann, pp. 5378. . "Das Karlsbild in der Geschichtswissenschaft vom Humanismus bis heute." In Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, edited by Wolfgang Braunfels, et al., 4:364-402. . Lebensform imMittelalter. Frankfurt, 1973. . "Ranke und Karl der Grosse." In Dauer und Wandel der Geschichte, edited by Rudolf Vierhaus and Manfred Botzenhart, pp. 44882. -, ed. Monchtum, Episkopat undAdel zur Griindungzeit des Klosters Reichenau. Vortrage und Forschungen 20. Sigmaringen, 1974. B o s H o F , Egon. ErzbischofAgobard von Lyon: Leben und Werk. Kolner historische Abhandlungen 17. Cologne, 1969. B O S S E , Detlov. Untersuchungen einstimmiger mittelalterlicher Melodien zum Gloria in excelsis. Erlangen, 1954. B O U C H A R D , Constance B. "The Origins of the French Nobility: A Reassessment." American Historical Review 86 (1981): 50132. B O U H O T , Jean-Paul. Ratram de Corbie: Histoire litteraire et controverses doctrinales. Paris, 1976. B o U M AN , C. A. Sacring and Crowning: The Development of the Latin Ritual for the Anointing ofKings and the Coronation of an Emperor before the Eleventh Century. Bijdragen van het Instituut voor Middeleeuwse Geschiednis der Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht 30. Groningen, 1957. B R A N D M U L L E R , Walter. ilTraditio Scripturae Interpres: The Teaching of the Councils on the Right Interpretation of Scripture up to the Council of Trent." Catholic Historical Review 73 (1987): 523-40. B R A U N F E L S , Wolfgang. "Karolingischer Klassizismus als politisches Programm und karolingischer Humanismus als Lebenshaltung." In Nascita delVEuropa edEuropa carolingia, 2:82149.

Selected Bibliography


. Das Lorscher Evangeliar. Munich, 1967. B R A U N F E L S , Wolfgang, et al., eds. Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk undNachleben. 5 vols. Vol. 1: Personlichkeit und Geschichte, edited by Helmut Beumann. 2nd ed. Vol. 2: Dasgeistige Leben, edited by Bernhard Bischoff. 2nd ed. Vol. 3: Karolingische Kunst, edited by Braunfels and Hermann Schnitzler. 3rd ed. Vol. 4: Das Nachleben, edited by Braunfels and Percy Ernst Schramm. Vol. 5: Registerband, edited by Braunfels. Diisseldorf, 1966-68. B R E I S A C H , Ernst. Historiography: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern. Chicago and London, 1983. B R O O K, Thomas. The New Historicism and Other Old-Fashioned Topics. Princeton, N.J., 1991. B R O O K S , Nicholas, ed. Latin and the Vernacular Languages in Early Medieval Britain. Studies in the Early History of Britain. Leicester, 1982. B R O W N , Giles. "Introduction: The Carolingian Renaissance." In Carolingian Culture, edited by Rosamond McKitterick, pp. 151. B R U C K N E R , A. Scriptoria HelveticaMediiAevi. Vols. 2 - 3 . Geneva, 1936-38. B R U N H O L Z L , Franz. "Der Bildungsauftrag der Hofschule." In Karl der Grosse: Lebenswerk und Nachleben, edited by Wolfgang Braunfels, et al., 2:2841. . Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters. Vol. 1: Von Cassiodor bis zumAusklang der karolingischen Erneuerung. Munich, 1975. B U C H T H A L , Hugo. The Miniatures of the Paris Psalter: A Study in Middle Byzantine Painting. Studies of the Warburg Institute 2. London, 1938. B U H L E R , Arnold. "Capitularia Relecta: Studien zur Entstehung und Uberlieferung der Kapitularien Karls des Grossen und Ludwig des Frommcn." Archiv fur Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde 32 (1986): 305-501. B U L L , F. "Die Kloster Franken bis zum IX. Jahrhundert." Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktiner-Ordens und seiner Zweige 104 (1993): 9-40. B U L L O U G H , Donald A. The Age of Charlemagne. 2nd ed. London, 1973. . "Alcuin and the Kingdom of Heaven: Liturgy, Theology, and the Carolingian Age." In Carolingian Essays, edited by Uta-Renate Blumenthal, pp. 169. Repr. with revisions in Bullough, Carolingian Renewal, pp. 161 240. . ilAula Renovata: The Carolingian Court before the Aachen Palace (Raleigh Lecture on History, 1985)." Proceedings of the British Academy 71 (1985): 267301. Repr. with revisions in Bullough, Carolingian Renewal, pp. 123-60. -. Carolingian Renewal: Sources and Heritage. Manchester and New York, 1991. . "Ethnic History and the Carolingians: An Alternative Reading of Paul the Deacon's Historia Langobardorum^ In The Inheritance ofHistoriography, 350-900, edited by Christopher Holdsworth and T. P. Wiseman, pp. 85-105. Repr. in Bullough, Carolingian Renewal, pp. 97-122.


Selected Bibliography

. "Europae Pater: Charlemagne and His Achievements in the Light of Recent Scholarship." English Historical Review 85 (1970): 59-105. 'Imagines Regum' and Their Significance in the Early Medieval West." In Studies in Memory of David TalbotRice, edited by Giles Robertson and George Henderson, pp. 223-76. Repr. in Bullough, Carolingian Renewal, pp. 39-96. -. "Roman Books and Carolingian RenovatioP In Renaissance and Renewal in Christian History, edited by Derek Baker, pp. 2350. Repr. in Bullough, Carolingian Renewal, pp. 133. B U L L O U G H , Donald A., and Alice L. H. Correa. "Texts, Chant, and the Chapel of Louis the Pious." In Charlemagne's Heir, edited by Peter Godman and Roger Collins, pp. 489508. Repr. with revisions in Bullough, Carolingian Renewal, pp. 24171. B U R K E , Peter, ed. New Perspectives on Historical Writing. Cambridge, 1991. B URN s, C. Delisle. The First Europe: A Study of the Establishment of Medieval Christendom, A.D. 400-800. London, 1947. B U T Z E R , Paul Leo, and Dietrich Lohrmann, eds. Science in Western and Eastern Civilization in Carolingian Times. Basel, 1993. CAB AN i ss, Allen. Agobard ofLyons: Churchman and Critic. Syracuse, N.Y., 1953. The Cambridge History ofLater Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy. Edited by A. H. Armstrong. Cambridge, 1970. The Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought, c. 350-c. 1450. Edited by J. H. Burns. Cambridge and New York, 1988. The Cambridge History ofthe Bible. Edited by G. W. H. Lampe. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1963-69. The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middles Ages. Vol. 1: 350-950. Edited by Robert Fossier. Translated by Janet Sondheimer. Cambridge and New York, 1989. Originally published as Robert Fossier, et al., LaMoyen age, vol. 1: Les Mondes nouveaux (Paris, 1982). C A M E R O N , M. L. "The Sources of Medical Knowledge in Anglo-Saxon England " Anglo-Saxon England 11 (1983): 133-55. C A N N A D I N E , David, and Simon Price, eds. Rituals ofRoyalty: Power and Ceremonial in Traditional Societies. Cambridge, 1987. C A N T E L L I , Silvia. Angelomo e la scuola esegetica di Luxeuil. 2 vols. Biblioteca di "Medioevo Latino." Collana della "Societa internazionale per lo studio del medioevo latino" 1. Spoleto, 1990. . "L'Esegesi al tempo di Ludovico il Pio e Carlo il Calvo." In Giovanni Scoto nel suo tempo: Uorganizzazione del sapere in eta carolingi, edited by Claudio Leonardi and Enrico Menesto, pp. 261-336. C A N T O R , Norman F. Inventing the Middle Ages. New York, 1991. C A P P U Y N S , Maicul. Jean Scot Erigene: Sa vie, son oeuvre, sapensee. Louvain, 1933.

Selected Bibliography


Camtteri del secolo VII in Occidente. 2 vols. Settimane 5. Spoleto, 1958. C A R D I N E , Eugene. Gregorian Semiolqgy. Translated by R. Fowels. Solesmes, 1982. C A R I L E , Antonio. "L'iconoclasmo fra bisanzio e PItalia." In Culto delle immagini e crisi iconoclasta, pp. 1354. C A R O Z Z I , Claude. Introduction to Adalberon deLaon: Poeme au roi Robert, edited by Carozzi, pp. ixcxl. Les classiques de l'histoire de France au Moyen Age 32. Paris, 1979. C A R R A R D , Philippe. Poetics of the New History: French Historical Discourse from Braudel to Chartier. Parallax: Re-visions of Culture and Society. Baltimore, Md., 1992. C A S T I L L E , C. H. Parallele entre Cesar, Charlemagne etNapoleon: UEmpire et la democratic, philosophie de la legende imperiale. Paris, 1858. C A V A L L O , Guglielmo, Jean Gribomont, and William C. Loerke. Codex purpureus Rossanensis: Museo dellArcivescovado, Rossano Calabro. Rome and Graz, 1987. C H A D W I C K , Henry. Boethius: The Consolations of Music, Logic, Theology, and Philosophy. Oxford and New York, 1981. C H A Z E L L E , Celia M. "Images, Scripture, the Church, and the Libri Carolini." Proceedings of the PMR Conference 16/17 (1992-93): 53-76. . "Matter, Spirit, and Image in the Libri Carolini." Recherches augustiniennes 21 (1986): 163-84. "Pictures, Books and the Illiterate: Pope Gregory Fs Letters to Serenus of Marseilles." Word and Image 6 (1990): 138-53. -, ed. Literacy, Politics, and Artistic Innovation in the Early Medieval West: Papers Delivered at a Symposium on Early Medieval Culture, Bryn Mawr College. Lanham, Md., and London, 1992. C H E L i N i, Jean. LAube du moyen age: Naissance de la chretiente occidentale: La Vie religieuse des laics dans VEurope carolingienne (750-900). Paris, 1991. La chiesa nei regni dalVEuropa occidentale e i loro rapporti con Roma sino all}800. 2 vols. Settimane 7. Spoleto, 1960. CHIOVARO, F., et al., eds. Histoire des saints et de la saintete chretienne. Vol. 4: Les Voies nouvelles de la saintete, 605-814, edited by Pierre Riche. Vol. 5: Les Saintetes dans les empires rivaux, 815-1053, edited by Pierre Riche. Paris, 1986. C L A S S E N , Peter. "Die hohen Schulen und die Gesellschaft im 12. Jahrhundert." Archivfur Kulturgeschichte 48 (1966): 155-80. Repr. in Classen, Studium und Gesellschaft im Mittelalter, pp. 126. . Studium und Gesellschaft im Mittelalter. Edited by Johannes Fried. MGH, Schriften 29. Stuttgart, 1983. , ed. Recht und Schrift im Mittelalter. Vortrage und Forschungen 23. Sigmaringen, 1977. C L I V I O , Gianrenzo P., and Riccardo Massano, eds. Civilita del Piemonte: Studi in onore di Renzo Gandolfo nel suo settantacinquesimo compleanno. Turin, 1975.


Selected Bibliography

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Selected Bibliography

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Selected Bibliography

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Selected Bibliography


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Selected Bibliography

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pp. 101-202.
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Selected Bibliography


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Selected Bibliography

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Selected Bibliography

Erziehungswesens. Miinchener Beitrage zur Mediavistik und RenaissanceForschung 7. Munich, 1971. -. "Totum namque in sola experientia usque consistit: Eine Studie zur monastischen Erziehung und Sprache." In Monchtum und Gesellschaft im Friihmittelalter, edited by Friedrich Prinz, pp. 43055. I O G N A - P R A T , Dominique, Colette Jeudy, and Guy Lobrichon, eds. UEcole carolingienne dAuxerre deMurethach dRemi, 830-908. Paris, 1991. ITALIANi, Giuliana. La tradizione esegetica nel Commento aiRe di Claudio di Torino. Quaderni delPIstituto di filologia classica "Giorgio Pasquali" dell'Universita degli studi di Firenze 3. Florence, 1979. J A C O B S E N , Werner. "Die Lorscher Torhalle: Zum Problem ihrer Datierung und Deutung." Jahrbuch desZmtmlinstitutsfurKunstgeschichte 1 (1985): 975. JACOBY, Russell. "A New Intellectual History?" American Historical Review 97 (1992): 405-24. J A F F , Philippus. RegestaPontificumRomanorum. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. Leipzig, 1885. J A N K U H N , Herbert. Einfiihrung in die Siedlungsarchdologie. Berlin and New York, 1977. J A N K U H N , Herbert, and Reinhard Wenskus, eds. Geschichtswissenschaft und Archdologie: Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs-, Wirtschafts-, und Kirchengeschich Vortrage und Forschungen 22. Sigmaringen, 1979. J A R N U T , Jorg. "Bonifatius und die frankischen Reformkonzilien (743-748)." Zeitschrift der Savigny-StiftungfiirRechtsgeschichte, kanonistische Abteilung 65 (1979): 1-26. . "Chlodwig und Chlothar: Anmerkungen zu den Namen zweier Sohne Karls des Grossen." Francia 12 (1984): 645-51. J E A U N E A U , Edouard. "Jean Scot Erigene et le grcc." Archivum Latinitatis MediiAevi (Bulletin du Cange) 41 (1979): 5-50. . "Jean Scot Erigene: Grandeur et misere du metier de traducteur." In Traduction et traducteurs au moyen age, edited by Genevieve Contamine, pp. 99-108. -. Quatre themes erigeniens. Conference Albert-le-Grand, 1974. Paris, 1978. J E D I N , Hubert, ed. Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Vol. 3: Die mittelalterliche Kirche, pt. 1, Vom kirchlichen Friihmittelalter zurgregorianischen Reform, by Friedrich Kempf, et al. Freiburg, Basel, and Vienna, 1966. Published in English as Handbook ofChurch History. Edited by Jedin and Joseph Dolan. Vol. 3: The Church in the Age ofFeudalism, by Kempf, et al. Translated by Anselm Biggs. London and New York, 1969. J E F F E R Y , Peter. "The Oldest Sources of the Gradual: A Preliminary Checklist of Manuscripts Copied before about 900 A.D." Journal ofMusicology 2 (1983): 316-21. , Re-Envisioning Fast Musical Cultures: Ethnomusicology in the Study of Gregorian Chant. Chicago, 1992. J E U D Y , Colette. "Le Florilege grammatical inedit du manuscrit 8 8 de la

Selected Bibliography bibliotheque d'Erfurt." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi (Bulletin du Cange)


44-45 (1985): 91-128.

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textes 12-13 (1982-83): 181-93.

J o L I V E T , Jean. Godescalc d'Orbais et la Trinite: LaMethode de la theologie a Vepoque carolingienne. Etudes de la philosophic medievale 47. Paris, 1958. J O N E S , Charles W. Introduction to Bedae Opera de temporibus, edited by Jones, pp. 3-172. Mediaeval Academy of America Publications 41. Cambridge, Mass., 1943. . Introduction to De temporum ratione Liber, edited by Jones. In Bedae Venerabilis opera, pt. 6, Opera didascalica, 2:241-61. CCSL 123B. Turnhout, 1977. J U N G B L U T , Renate. Hieronymus: Darstellung und Verehrung eines Kirchenvaters. Tubingen, 1967. K A C Z Y N S K I , Bernice M. "Greek Glosses on Jerome's Ep. CVI, Ad Sunniam et Fretelam, in Ms. Berlin (East), Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Phillipps 1674." In The Sacred Nectar of the Greeks, edited by Michael W. Herren, pp. 215-27. . Greek in the Carolingian Age: The St. Gall Manuscripts. Speculum Anniversary Monographs 13. Cambridge, Mass., 1988. . "Medieval Translations: Latin and Greek." In Medieval Latin Studies, edited by F. A. C. Mantello and A. G. Rigg, forthcoming. K A I S E R , Reinhold. "Konigtum und Bischofsherrschaft im fruhmittelalterlichen Neustrien." In Herrschaft und Kirche, edited by Friedrich Prinz, pp. 83108. K A M E S A R , Adam. Jerome, Greek Scholarship, and the Hebrew Bible: A Study of the a Quaestiones Hebraicae in Genesim." Oxford, 1993. K A M M E N , Michael, ed. The Past Before Us: Contemporary Historical Writing in the United States. Ithaca, N.Y., 1980. K A M P , Norbert, and Joachim Wollasch, eds. Tradition als historische Kraft: Interdisziplinare Forschungen zur Geschichte desfruheren Mittelalters. Berlin and New York, 1982. K A M P E R S , Franz. "Rex et Sacerdos." HistorischesJahrbuch 45 (1925): 495-515. K A N T O R O W I C Z , Ernst H. Laudes Regiae: A Study in Liturgical Acclamations and Mediaeval Ruler Worship. University of California Publications in History 33. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1946. Karl der Grosse oder Charlemagne? Acht Antworten deutscher Geschichtsforscher. Probleme der Gegenwart. Berlin, 1935. Karl der Grosse: Werk und Wirkung. Exhibition catalogue. Aachen, 1965. Karolingische und ottonische Kunst: Werden, Wesen, Wirkung: VI. internationaler Kongressfur Fruhmittelalterforschung. Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und christliche Archaologie 3. Wiesbaden, 1957. K A S T E N , Brigitte. Adalhard von Corbie: DieBiographie eines karolingischen Politikers und Klostervorstehers. Studia humaniora 3. Diisseldorf, 1985. R A S T E R , Robert A. The Tradition of the Text of the "Aeneid" in the Ninth Century. New York and London, 1990.


Selected Bibliography

K E i L , Gundolf, and Paul Schnitzler, eds. Das Lorscher Arzneibuch und die fruhmittelalterliche Medizin. Verhandlungen des medizinhistorischen Symposiums im September 1989 in Lorsch. Geschichtsblatter Kreis Bergstrasse, Sonderband 12. Lorsch, 1991. K E L L E Y , Donald R. "Horizons of Intellectual History: Retrospect, Circumspect, Prospect." Journal of the History ofIdeas 48 (1987): 143-69. K E L L Y , J. N. D. Jerome: His Life, Writings, and Controversies. London, 1975. K E N N E Y, James F. The Sources for the Early History ofIreland, Ecclesiastical: An Introduction and Guide. New York, 1929; repr., New York, 1966. K E S S L E R , Herbert L. "An Apostle in Armor and the Mission of Carolingian Art." Arte medievale, 2nd ser., 4 (1990): 17-39. . "'Fades bibliotheca revelata': Carolingian Art as Spiritual Seeing." In Testo e immagine neWalto medioevo, 2:53394. -. The Illustrated Bibles from Tours. Studies in Manuscript Illumination 7. Princeton, N.J., 1977. "A Lay Abbot as Patron: Count Vivian and the First Bible of Charles the Bald." In Committenti eproduzione artistico-letteraria nelValto medioevo occidentale^ 2:647-79. "On the State of Medieval Art History." Art Bulletin 70 (1988): 166-87. K I E S E L , Georges, and Jean Schroeder, eds. Willibrord, Apostel derNiederlande, Griinder derAbtei Echternach: Gedenkgaben zum 1250. Todestag des angelsachsischen Missionars. Luxemburg, 1987. K I L L I O N , Steven B. "Bede's Irish Legacy: Knowledge and Use of Bede's Works in Ireland from the Eighth through the Sixteenth Century." Ph.D. diss., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992. K I N G , Edward B., Jacqueline T. Schaefer, and William B. Wadley, eds. Monks, Nuns, and Friars in Mediaeval Society. Sewanee Mediaeval Studies 4. Sewanee, Term., 1989. K I N G , Margot H., and Wesley M. Stevens, eds. Saints, Scholars, and Heroes: Studies in Medieval Culture in Honour ofCharles W.Jones. 2 vols. Collegeville, Minn., 1979. K I N G , P. D., trans. Charlemagne: Translated Sources. Kendal, 1987. K O C H , Josef. Artes Liberates von der antiken Bildung zur Wissenschaft des Mittelalters. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters 5. Leiden, 1959. K O E H L E R , Wilhelm. Die karolingischen Miniaturen. Vol. 1: Die Schule von Tours. Berlin, 1933; repr., Berlin, 1963. Vol. 2: Die Hofschule Karls des Grossen. Berlin, 1958. Vol. 5 (with Florentine Mutherich): Die Hofschule Karls des Kahlen. Berlin, 1982. K O P P , P., ed. Vademecum einesfriihmittelalterlichenArztes: Diegefaltete lateinische Handschrift medizinischen Inhalts im Codex 217 und der Fragmentensammlung 1396 der Stiftsbibliothek in St. Gallen. Veroffentlichungen der

Selected Bibliography


Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften 34. Aurau, 1980. K O R N B L U T H , Genevra A. "Carolingian Treasure: Engraved Gems of the Ninth and Tenth Centuries." Ph.D. diss., University of North Carolina, 1986. . "The Susanna Crystal of Lothar II: Chastity, the Church, and Royal Justice." Gesta 31 (1992): 25-39. K O T T J E , Raymund. Die Bussbiicher Halitgars von Cambrai und des Hmbanus Maurus: Ihre Uberlieferung und ihre Quellen. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Quellenkunde des Mittelalters 8. Berlin and New York, 1980. K O T T J E , Raymund, and Helmut Maurer, eds. MonastischeReform im 9. und 10. Jahrhundert. Vortrage und Forschungen 38. Sigmaringen, 1989. K O T T J E , Raymund, and Harald Zimmermann, eds. HrabanusMaurus: Lehrer, Abt und Bischof. Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur, Mainz; Abhandlungen der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse, Einzelveroffentlichung 4. Wiesbaden, 1982. K O Z I C K I , Henry, ed. Developments in Modern Historiography. New York, 1993. K R A M E R , Sigrid, and Michael Bernhard, eds. Scire Litteras: Forschungen zum mittelalterlichen Geistesleben. Munich, 1988. K R A N T Z I U S , Albertus. Saxonia. Frankfurt, 1575. K R A U T H E I M E R , Richard. "The Carolingian Revival of Early Christian Architecture." Art Bulletin 24 (1942): 1-38. Repr. with appendix in Krautheimer, Studies in Early Christian, Medieval, and Renaissance Architecture pp. 203-56. . Studies in Early Christian, Medieval, and Renaissance Architecture. New York, 1969. K R i E G E R , Leonard. Time's Reason: Philosophies ofHistory Old and New. Chicago, 1989. K U C H E N B U C H , Ludolf. Bduerliche Gesellschaft undKlosterherrschaft im 9. Jahrhundert: Studien zur Sozialstruktur derFamilie derAbtei Pru'm. Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beihefte 66. Wiesbaden, 1978. . "Die Klostergrundherrschaft im Fruhmittelalter: Eine Zwischenbilanz." In Herrschaft und Kirche, edited by Friedrich Prinz, pp. 297343. K U N Z E L , Rudi. "Paganisme, syncretisme et culture religieuse populaire au haut moyen age: Reflexions de mcxhode." Annales: Economies, societes, civilisations 4 (1992): 1055-69. L A C A P R A , Dominick. History and Criticism. Ithaca, N.Y., 1985. L A C A P R A , Dominick, and Steven L. Kaplan, eds. Modern European Intellectual History: Reappraisals and New Perspectives. Ithaca, N.Y., and London, 1982. L A I S T N E R , M. L. W. "The Study of St. Jerome in the Early Middle Ages." In A Monument to SaintJerome, edited by Francis X. Murphy, pp. 233-56.


Selected Bibliography

, Thought and Letters in Western Europe, A.D. 500 to 900. Rev. ed. Ithaca, N.Y., 1957. L A M B E R T , Bernard. Bibliotheca Hieronymiana Manuscripta: La Tradition manuscrite des oeuvres de saintJerome. 4 vols. in 6. Instruments Patristica 4. Steenbrugge, 1969-72. L A M P R E C H T , Karl. Deutsche Geschichte. Vol. 2. Freiburg, 1904. L A N D W E H R - M E L N I c K I , Margareta. Das einstimmige Kyrie des lateinischen Mittelalters. Forschungsbeitrage zur Musikwissenschaft 1. Regensburg, 1968. L A N G L O I S , Charles-Victor, and Charles Seignobos. Introduction aux etudes historiques. Paris, 1898. Published in English as Introduction to the Study of History, translated by G. G. Berry (New York, 1898). L A P I D G E , Michael. "The Study of Latin Texts in Late Anglo-Saxon England, 1: The Evidence of Latin Glosses." In Latin and the Vernacular Languages in Early Medieval Britain, edited by Nicholas Brooks, pp. 99140. L A P I D G E , Michael, and Richard Sharpe. A Bibliography ofCeltic-Latin Literature, 400-1200. Dublin, 1985. Latin vulgairelatin tardif: Actes du Ier Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif (Pecs, 2-5 septembre 1985). Edited by Josef Herman. Tubingen, 1987. Latin vulgairelatin tardif: Actes du lie Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif (Bologna, 29 aout-2 septembre 1988). Edited by G. Calboli. Tubingen, 1990. Latin vulgairelatin tardif: Actes du Hie Colloque international sur le latin vulgair et tardif (Innsbruck, 2-5 septembre 1991). Edited by M. Iliescu and W. Marxgut. Tubingen, 1992. L A U E R , P. "Le Joyau carolingien de Waulsort-sur-Meuse." Bulletin de la Societe nationale des antiquaires de France (1908): 102-7. L A U N O Y , Jean. De scholis celebrioribus seu a CaroloMagno et seupost eundum Carolum in occidentem instauratis Liber. Paris, 1672. LAW, Vivien. The Insular Latin Grammarians. Woodbridge, 1982. . "The Study of Grammar." In Carolingian Culture, edited by Rosamond McKitterick, pp. 88-110. LE B O U R D E L L E S , H . "De Astronomia more Christiano." Studi Medievali, 3rd ser., 32(1991): 385-444. L E C L E R C Q , Jean. The Love ofLearning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture. Translated by Catharine Misrahi. 3rd ed. New York, 1982; repr., 1988. L E C L E R C Q , Jean, Francois Vandenbroucke, and Louis Bouyer. La Spiritualite du moyen age. Histoire de la spiritualite chretienne 2. Paris, 1961. Published in English as The Spirituality ofthe Middle Ages, A History of Spirituality 2 (New York, 1982).
Lectures medievales de Virgile: Actes du colloque organise par UEcole franfaise de

Rome (Rome, 25-28 octobre 1982). Collection de L'Ecole franchise de Rome 80. Rome, 1985.

Selected Bibliography


L E G O F F , Jacques. "Les Mentalites: Une Histoire ambigue." In Faire de I'histoire, edited by Le Goff and Pierre Nora, 3:79-94. Published in English as "Mentalities: A History of Ambiguities," translated by David Denby, in Constructing the Past, edited by Le Goff and Nora, pp. 166-80. L E G O F F , Jacques, and Pierre Nora, eds. Faire de Vhistoire. 3 vols. Paris, 1974; 2nd ed., 1986. A selection of these essays was published in English as Constructing the Past: Essays in Historical Methodology, edited by Le Goff and Nora (Cambridge and New York, 1985). L E G O F F , Jacques, et al., eds. La nouvelle histoire. Les encyclopedies de savoir moderne. Paris, 1978; new ed., Brussels, 1988. L E H M A N N , Paul. Mittelalterliche BibliothekskatalogeDeutschlands und der Schweiz. 2 vols. Munich, 191828. L E N T R I C C H I A , Frank. After the New Criticism. Chicago, 1980. L E O N A R D I , Claudio. "Alcuino e la scuola palatina: Le ambizioni di una cultura unitaria." In Nascita deWEuropa edEuropa carolingia, 1:459-506. . "I codici de Marziono Capella."vlm*m 33 (1959): 443-89; 34 (1960): 1-99,411-524. -. "Martianus Capella et Jean Scot: Nouvelle presentation d'un vieux probleme." In Jean Scot ecrivain, edited by Guy-H. Allard, pp. 187-207. L E O N A R D I , Claudio, and Enrico Menesto, eds. GiovanniScoto nelsuo tempo: Uorganizzazione del sapere in eta carolingia. Atti dei convegni delFAccademia Tudertina e del Centro di studi sulla spiritualita medievale, new ser., 1. Spoleto, 1989. L E O N A R D I , Claudio, et al., eds. Medioevo latino: Bulletino bibliografico della cultura europea delsecolo VI al XIII. Vols 1. Spoleto, 1980-. L E S N E , Emile. Histoire de lapropriete ecclesiastique en France. Vol. 4: LesLivres, "scriptoria" et bibliotheques du commencement du VHIe a la fin du Xle siecle. Vol. 5: Les Ecoles de la fin du Vllle siecle a la fin du Xlle siecle. Memoires et travaux publies par des professeurs des facultes catholiques de Lille 46, 50. Lille, 1938, 1940. L E v i s o N , Wilhelm. England and the Continent in the Eighth Century (The Ford Lectures). Oxford, 1946. L E V Y , Kenneth. "Charlemagne's Archetype of Gregorian Chant." Journal of the American Musicological Society 40 (1987): 1-30. . "On Gregorian Orality." Journal of the American Musicological Society 43 (1990): 185-227. -. "On the Origin of the Neumes." Early Music History 7 (1987): 59-90. L E W I S , Archibald R. Emerging Medieval Europe, A.D. 400-1000. New York, 1967. La Lexicographie du latin medievale et ses rapports avec les recherches actuelles sur la civilisation du moyen age. Colloques international du Centre national de la recherche scientifique 589. Paris, 1981. Lexikon desMittelalters. Vols. 1. Munich and Zurich, 1980-.


Selected Bibliography

K. "The German Aristocracy from the Ninth to the Early Twelfth Century: A Historical and Cultural Sketch." Past and Present 41 (1968): 25-53. L I G H T , Laura. "Versions et revisions du texte biblique." InLeMoyenAge et la Bible, edited by Pierre Riche and Guy Lobrichon, pp. 5593. L I N D S A Y , W. M. The Corfus, Epinal, Erfurt, and Leiden Glossaries. Publications of the Philological Society 8. London and New York, 1921. L O E W E , Raphael. "The Medieval History of the Latin Vulgate." In The Cambridge History ofthe Bible, edited by G. W. H. Lampe, 2:102-54. L O E W E N B E R G , Peter. Decoding the Past: The Psychohistorical Approach. New York, 1983. L O H R M A N N , Dietrich. "Alcuins Korrespondenz mit Karl dem Grossen iiber Kalender und Astronomic" In Science in Western and Eastern Civilization in Carolingian Times, edited by Paul Leo Butzer and Lohrmann, pp. 79-114. L O T , Ferdinand. "A quelle epoque a-t-on cesse de parler latin?" Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi (Bulletin du Cange) 6 (1931): 97-159. . "Quels sont les dialectes romans que pouvaient connaitre les Carolingiens?" Romania 64 (1938): 433-53. L O T , Ferdinand, and Robert Fawtier, eds. Histoire des institutionsfranpaises au moyen age. Vol. 3: Institutions ecclesiastiques, by Jean-Francois Lemarignier, Jean Gaudemet, and Guillaume Mollat. Paris, 1962. L O U R D A U X , W., and D. Verhelst, eds. Benedictine Culture, 750-1050. Medievalia Lovaniensia, ser. 1, Studia 11. Leuven, 1983. L O W D E N , John. "The Royal/Imperial Book and the Image or Self-Image of the Medieval Ruler." In Kings and Kingship in Medieval Europe, edited by Anne J. Duggan, pp. 213-40. L O W E , E. A. Codices Latini Antiquiores: A Palaeographical Guide to Latin Manuscripts Prior to the Ninth Century. 11 vols. and Suppl. Oxford, 193471. L O W E , Heinz, ed. Die Iren und Europe in friiheren Mittelalter. 2 vols. Veroffentlichungen des Europa-Zentrums Tubingen, Kulturwissenschaftliche Reihe. Stuttgart, 1982. L O Y N , H. R., and John Percival, trans. The Reign ofCharlemagne: Documents on Carolingian Government and Administration. Documents of Medieval History 2. London, 1975. L U N D G R E E N , Peter, ed. Wissenschaft im dritten Reich. Frankfurt, 1984. M A B I L L E , E . "Les Invasions normandes dans la Loire et les peregrinations du corps de St. Martin." Bibliotheque de UEcole des chartes 30 (1870): 149-94, 425-69. M C C O R M I C K , Michael. Eternal Victory: Triumphal Rulership in Late Antiquity, Byzantium, and the Early Medieval West. Past and Present Publications. Cambridge and Paris, 1986. M C C U L L O H , John M. Introduction toRabaniMauriMartyrologium, edited by McCulloh, pp. xi-xxiv. CC cont. med. 44. Turnhout, 1979.

Selected Bibliography


Patrick. "Carolingian Astrological Manuscripts." In Charles the Bald, edited by Margaret T. Gibson and Janet L. Nelson, pp. 31732 (1981 ed.). M A C K E N Z I E , Mary Margaret, and Charlotte Roueche, eds. Images of Authority: Papers Presented to Joyce Reynolds on the Occasion ofHer 70th Birthday.

Cambridge, 1989. M C K E O N , Peter R. Hincmar ofLoon and Carolingian Politics. Urbana, 111., 1978. M C K I N N O N , James. "Christian Antiquity." In Antiquity and the Middle Ages, edited by McKinnon, pp. 6887. , "Emergence of Gregorian Chant in the Carolingian Era." In Antiquity and the Middle Ages, edited by McKinnon, pp. 88119. -, ed. Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1990. M C K I T T E R I C K , Rosamond. The Carolingians and the Written Word. Cambridge and New York, 1989. . The Prankish Church and the Carolingian Reforms, 789-895. Royal Historical Society Studies in History. London, 1977. -. The Prankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians, 751-987. London and New York, 1983. . "Frauen und Schriftlichkeit im Fruhmittelalter." In Weibliche Lebensgestaltung im fruhen Mittelalter, edited by Hans-Werner Goetz, pp. 65-118. "The Palace School of Charles the Bald." In Charles the Bald, edited by Margaret T. Gibson and Janet L. Nelson, pp. 326-39 (1990 ed.). "Le Role culturel des monasteres dans les royaumes carolingiens du VHIe au Xe siecle." Revue benedictine 103 (1993): 117-30. -. "Royal Patronage of Culture in the Frankish Kingdoms under the Carolingians: Motives and Consequences." In Committenti eproduzione
artistico-letteraria nelValto medioevo occidentale, 1:93-129.

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M A I T R E , Leon. Les Ecoles episcopates et monastiques de Poccident depuis Charlemagne jusqu'a Philippe-Auguste (768-1180). Paris, 1866.

M A N I T I U S , MAX.

Selected Bibliography

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Selected Bibliography


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Selected Bibliography

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Selected Bibliography

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Selected Bibliography


W A R D , Elizabeth. "Agobard of Lyons and Paschasius Radbertus as Critics of the Empress Judith." In Women in the Church, edited by W. J. Sheils and Diana Wood, pp. 15-25. . "Caesar's Wife: The Career of the Empress Judith, 819-829." In Charlemagne's Heir, edited by Peter Godman and Roger Collins, pp. 20527. W A T T E N B A C H , Wilhelm, Wilhelm Levison, and Heinz Lowe. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter: Vorzeit und Karolinger. 5 vols. and Beiheft. Weimar, 1952-73. W E A K L A N D , Rembert. "The Compositions of Hucbald." Etudesgregoriennes 3 (1959): 155-62. . "Hucbald as Musician and Theorist." Musical Quarterly 42 (1956): 66-84. W E I N R I C H , Lorenz. Wala, Graf, Mb'nch undRebell: DieBiqgraphie eines Karolingers. Historische Studien 386. Liibeck, 1963. W E I T Z M A N N , Kurt. Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illustration. New York, 1977. . Studies in Classical and Byzantine Manuscript Illumination. Edited by Herbert L. Kessler. Chicago, 1971. -. "A Tabula Odysseaca." American Journal ofArchaeology 45 (1941): 16681. Repr. in Weitzmann, Studies in Classical and Byzantine Manuscript Illumination, pp. 1-19. -, ed. Age of Spirituality: Late Antique and Early Christian Art, Third to Seventh Century. New York, 1979. W E M P L E , Suzanne F. Women in Frankish Society: Marriage and the Cloister, 500 to 900. Philadelphia, 1981. W E N T z E L , Hans. "Der Bergkristall mit der Geschichte der Susanna." Pantheon 28 (1970): 365-72. W E R N E R , Joachim, and Eugen Ewig, eds. Von der Spatantike zumfruhen Mittelalter: Aktuelle Probleme in historischer und archaologischer Sicht. Vortrage und Forschungen 25. Sigmaringen, 1979. W E R N E R , Karl Ferdinand. "Du nouveau sur un vieux theme: Les Origines de la 'noblesse' et de la 'chevalerie.'" In Comptes rendus des seances de VAcademie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris, 1985, pp. 186-200. Paris, 1986. . uHludowicus Augustus: Gouverner l'empire chretienidees et realites." In Charlemagne's Heir, edited by Peter Godman and Roger Collins, pp. 3 123. . Das NS-Geschichtsbild und die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft. Stuttgart, 1957. W E T H E R L Y , Paul, ed. Marx's Theory ofHistory: The Contemporary Debate. Avebury Series in Philosophy. Aldershot, England, and Brookfield, Vt., 1992. W H I T E , Hay den. Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Baltimore, Md., 1973. . Tropics ofDiscourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism. Baltimore, Md., 1978.


Selected Bibliography

Ernest. LesManuscrits latins de medecine du haut moyen age dans les bibliotheques de France. Paris, 1966. W I C K H A M , Chris. "The Other Transition: From the Ancient World to Feudalism." Past and Present 103 (1984): 3-36. W I E D E M A N N , Walter. Untersuchungen zu demfruhmittelalterlichen medizinischen Briefbuch des Codex Bruxelliensis 3701-3715. Berlin, 1976. WiELAND, Gernot. "The Glossed Manuscript: Classbook or Library Book?" Anglo-Saxon England 14 (1985): 153-73. . "Latin LemmaLatin Gloss: The Stepchild of Glossologists.".M^/lateinisches Jahrbuch 19 (1984): 91-99. W I L L I A M S , Schafer. Codices Pseudo-Isidoriani: A Palaeographico-Historical Stud Monumenta Iuris Canonica, Series C, 3. New York, 1971. W I L M A R T , Andre. "La Lettre philosophique d'Altmann et son contexte litteraire." Archives d}histoire doctrinale et litteraire du moyen age 3 (1928): 285-319. W o H L M U T H , Josef, ed. Streit um dasBild: Das zweite Konzil von Nicda (787) in okumenischerPerspektive. Studium universale 9. Bonn, 1989. W O L F , G. "Grifos Erbe, die Einsetzung Konig Childerichs III. und der Kampf um die Macht: Zugleich Bemerkungen zur karolingischen 'Hofhistoriographie.'" Archiv fur Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde 38 (1992): 1-16. W O L F F , Philippe. Les Origines linguistiques de I'Europe occidentale. Univers des connaissances 63. Paris, 1970. Published in English as Western Languages, A.D. 100-1500, translated by Frances Partridge, World University Library (New York, 1971). W o L LA s c H , Joachim. Mbnchtum des Mittelalters zwischen Kirche und Welt. Miinstersche Mittelalter-Schriften 7. Munich, 1972. . "Zu den personlichen Notizen des Heiricus von S. Germain d'Auxerre." Deutsches Archiv fur Erforschung des Mittelalters 15 (1959): 21126. W O O D , Diana, ed. The Church and the Arts. Studies in Church History 28. Oxford, 1992. W R I G H T , Roger. Late Latin and Early Romance in Spain and Carolingian France. ARCA Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 8. Liverpool, 1982. . "On Editing 'Latin' Texts Written by Romance Speakers." In Linguistic Studies in Medieval Spanish, edited by Ray-Harris Northall and Thomas D. Cravens, pp. 191-208. Y U D K I N , Jeremy. Music in Medieval Europe. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1989. Z I E L I N S K I , Herbert. "Die Kloster- und Kirchengriindungen der Karolinger." In Beitrdge zu Geschichte und Struktur der mittelalterlichen Germania Sacra, edited by Irene Crusius, pp. 95-134.

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