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SCHOOL : Scoala cu cls. I-VIII Acad.M.Voiculescu Giurgiu GRADE : the 7th C LEVEL : Intermediate TEXTBOOK : High Flyer LESSON : Superstitions !st conditional DATE : the !"th o# March $%!$ TEACHER : &irnacop 'enisa Camelia OBJECTIVES : -to tal( a)out superstitions - to re*ise and practice the !st conditional +ith the help o# the conte,t o# superstitions -to promote discussions -to listen and read a te,t #or speci#ic in#ormation -to ans+er the -uestions -to complete sentences +ith the missing +ords METHODS : -spea(ing . listening. +riting MATERIALS : - te,t)oo( . pictures . C' player. +or(sheets ACTIVITY 1 : /rganising the class : -greeting the class -+riting do+n the a)sentees -chec(ing the home+or( " minutes 0arm up - students are as(ed to say i# they (no+ +hat is the current day cele)ration 1they ha*e a monthly calendar +here each day is mar(ed )y one or more important e*ents2 and i# they (no+ something a)out the e*ent 1it3s the !"th o# March- the 4i 'ay2 Aim - to promote discussions. Interaction the +hole class Strategy : discussion &ime : " minutes ACTIVITY 2 : &eacher +rites the title o# the lesson on the )lac()oard 5Superstitions6 and e,plains that they +ill tal( a)out those common )elie#s. things people are used to )elie*e in +ithout really (no+ +hy. &hese are called superstitions. &eacher sho+s a picture o# a )lac( cat and as(s students +hat )elie#1s2 they (no+ a)out it. She +ill +rite on the )lac()oard a sentence containing a superstition using the ! st conditional. eg. 5I# a )lac( cat crosses the road in #ront o# you. you +ill ha*e )ad luc(6. &hen she sho+s a picture o# a mirror. a ladder. a shooting star. a hand. salt or pepper and elicits the sentences #rom the students. Students are gi*en +or(sheets tal(ing a)out Irish superstitions and she e,plains that she has chosen to tal( a)out that )ecause on the !7th o# March the Irish are cele)rating Saint 4atric(3s 'ay 1+hich is the Ireland3s patron saint2. She as(s students to recogni7e some o# the most +ell-(no+n sym)ols o# the Irish1the three-lea# clo*er. the leprechaun. the rain)o+. the green hat2. she allots $ minutes to read silently the te,t a)out the Irish superstitions. &hen they are as(ed to sol*e e,ercises ! and $ as a te,t comprehension and )y sounding. they +ill chec( them. &he last e,ercise rein#orces the rules o# the ! st conditional as they ha*e to use the gi*en *er)s into the right tense 1present simple #or the conditional clause and +ill8+on3t 9 in#initi*e #or the main clause2. Aims - to re*ise and practice the !st conditional +ith the help o# the conte,t o# superstitions - to read the te,t to get the general idea and #or speci#ic in#ormation

- to ans+er the -uestions Interaction indi*idual +or(. group +or( Strategy reading. discussing. ans+ering &ime : !: minutes ACTIVITY 3 : &eacher announces that another (ind o# acti*ity is going to )e per#ormed ne,t and she hands out +or(sheets containing some tas(s related to the #amous poem 5I#6 )y ;udyard <ipling. She tells students that they3ll listen to the poem #irst and then +ill ha*e to sol*e the tas(s one )y one. As a pre-reading acti*ity the teacher o##ers some short pre*ie+ on the author and the poem. as(ing i# they ha*e heard a)out ;udyard <ipling )e#ore and i# they (no+ the title o# the most #amous +or( o# his 1the no*el 5&he =ungle )oo(62. &he poem 5I#63 is #ull o# meanings and sense. the author is tal(ing a)out (eeping the moral *alues throughout the li#e. a)out principles and *irtues. &he teacher +ill play the entire poem once and then she as(s students to do the tas(s on their +or(sheets: +hile they are listening again they ha*e to #ill in the gaps +ith the missing +ords #or the !st stan7a. then to arrange the lines o# the $nd stan7a in the correct order and to choose the correct +ord to complete the lines o# the >rd stan7a. 0ithout listening. they +ill )e as(ed i# they can read the #orth stan7a correctly )ecause some +ords are =um)led and then listen to the C' to see i# they +ere right. &he #inal e,ercise consists o# #our -uestions each +ith #our choices as ans+ers. !: minutes As another te,t comprehension acti*ity. teacher +ill hand out other pieces o# papers +ith the +hole poem and +ith some e,planations o# +ords and phrases #rom the te,t and she +ill engage students in discussions )ased on the +ords and the te,t. She +ill as( students +hy is the poem entitled 5I#6 and together they +ill come to the conclusion that the entire poem is a condition. the #ather3s ad*ice to his son a)out ho+ to handle things in li#e. ho+ to #ace challenges. o*ercome o)stacles and remain positi*e. optimistic. *irtuous. and +hen all these conditions +ill )e #ul#illed the person can call himsel# a real 5Man6. !% minutes Aims - to listen to the te,t #or speci#ic in#ormation -to #ind speci#ic +ords in the te,t - to promote discussions - to complete sentences +ith the missing +ords Interaction : - indi*idual +or(. +hole class +or( Strategy : listening. discussing. s(imming. completing. ans+ering &ime : $: minutes ACTIVITY 5 : Home assessment 4ro=ect - Students are as(ed to design a pro=ect a)out superstitions 1most or less (no+n2. &eacher praises all the students #or their contri)ution and grants mar(s #or the most acti*e ones. Aim - to understand the tas( Strategy : e,plaining &ime : $ minutes

?ote: @ou can #ind the poem recited on @ou &u)e to do+nload and con*ert 1as I did2.

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