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FABIZ IIIrd year, EN, Business Negotiations

Brlic Denisa Andreea

Title of the article Author ! authors of the article 'u lishing (ear +evie, ! -ournal /olume0 Num er 'ages 3..N ! 3.BN A stract #e( ,ords 8+% 9,,,:

Group 136

Negotiation skills A factor for insurance development in conditions of changea le surrounding "lena #oseska$ %il&ana Batkoska$ #liment Arnaudov

)*1) 'rocedia .ocial and Behavioral .ciences 11 123 122 14556*1)4

Negotiating techni7ues$ integrative negotiation$ deceitful tactics http;!!,,,<sciencedirect<com!science!article!pii!.1455*1)41)*1111= The purpose of this article is to sho, ho, important negotiation skills are for insurance in a changing environment< 3f ,e have a good .u &ect of the paper enough communication ,ith the potential clients the( could easil( > &ectives turn into active clients and eventuall( help to increase the level of insurance< 3n order for this to happen it is important to anal(?e the usiness negotiation st(les< Design The paper is divided in siA main sections; an a stract0 an @ethodolog( introduction0 the methodolog( of the approach0 then it follo,s a part Approach dedicated to the negotiation techni7ues0 another one for the deceitful tactics and the last section is dedicated to conclusions and recommendations< The data in this paper ,as collected from usiness literature and from Triple . %earning ,hich is the first training center in @acedonia0 speciali?ed in the fields of sales0 service and success< Boncerning the approach the authors tr( to introduce a ne, vie, of the negotiation< The( sa( that the negotiations donCt have to e seen as a ,in6lose situation as the( might appear at first look ut as a ,in6 ,in situation< The( sa( ,e must pass through a process that helps reaching integrative agreement< 3n this ,a( the negotiators should create conditions for open discussions< Also the( should tr( to interpret the real needs and goals of the other negotiator and tr( to seek solutions that ,ould satisf( the goals of oth parties<

FABIZ IIIrd year, EN, Business Negotiations

+esults 3mplications

The methodolog( of the ne, approach is constructed in three parts< 3n the first place ,e have to ensure understanding through uilding trust< De have to impose trust ( influencing the perception of the other part(< De also have to use appropriate terminolog( for usiness insurance meaning to speak their language< De have to manage our o,n reputation ecause it can help us in the development of relations ,ith the others negotiators< Another method to uild trust is to make dependence a factor ecause the more ,e depend on a person the more ,e trust that person< 3t is important that oth parties trust each other ecause in this ,a( etter results ,ill e achieved< De also have to make sure that the interlocutor understands ,hat ,e specificall( ,ant0 ,h( ,e ,ant that0 ,hat our intentions are< 3n the second part of this methodolog( the authors present a practical case of an argumentative negotiation< The( tell the stor( of Tom0 an o,ner of a car ,hich ,as destro(ed ( a goods truck< The compan(Cs loss ad&uster initiall( tries to give him as recompense E66** ut Tom asks for a right argument that eAplains eAactl( that amount< Also he sa(s that he sa, a similar car that together ,ith the eApenses ,ould e E4***< At the end after the calculations Tom got E4*)F< This is an eAample of ho, the argumentative negotiation can lead to the ,ished results< 3n the third part of the methodolog( the authors suggest that ,e have to separate the people from the pro lem and to remem er that the negotiators are primaril( people< The( usuall( have t,o interests; on one hand the( have the actual interest ,hich the( tend to satisf( first and on the other hand the( ,ant to develop a relationship ,ith the other part(< Another suggestion is that as negotiators ,e donCt have to give the ,orst possi le interpretation of ,hat the other part( has done< The authors also underline the importance of communication< The negotiators need to consider themselves as e7ual partners and hear each other out< There is no results section< The results are ,ished 9successful negotiations0 improve insurance0 etc<: and the paper presents ho, ,e can achieve those results< The authors present some negotiation techni7ues and deceitful tactics and the results of using these techni7ues are presented throughout almost all the sections of the paper; in the introduction0 in the section a out the methodolog( of the approach and also at the end of the paper in the conclusion section< The ideal results are ,hen the negotiations ,ould end ,ith their final goal meaning a common satisfactor( contract< 3n the third section of

FABIZ IIIrd year, EN, Business Negotiations


the article the authors present some negotiation techni7ues and let us see the results of using these techni7ues< The first techni7ue is Gmake the emotions measura leH< The result of assuming things in this ,a( is that ,e can accomplish them easier< The neAt techni7ues are Gthe 7uestion I,h(CH and Gseeking informationH< The results are that ,e ,ill have a etter understanding of the pro lem0 of our goal and a etter image of the negotiation< The fourth techni7ue is called Gshut upH and it sho,s that the meaning of Gsilence is goldH is not in vain< The result is that ,e ,ill gain the a ilit( to hear the other part(< This a ilit( gives us an advantage in the further development of negotiation< The authors also present us some deceitful tactics ,hich might lead us to negative results< .uch of these tactics are a ,rong presentation of some od(Cs position to the other part(0 luffing or falsification< The( are used ecause negotiators are usuall( interested in maAimi?ing their o,n interest and the( ma( ,ant to manipulate ( tr(ing to inform the other part( as little as possi le a out their positions< Another tactic is the GdeceitH< This tactic consists in a set of true and ,rong arguments used to lead the other part( to,ards a false conclusion< The conse7uences of using this kind of tactic can e oth positive and negative< The results depend on ,hether the tactic is effective< There are certain &ustifications a out the use of this tactic such as ,hen the tactic couldnCt e avoid0 ,hen it ,ould help to avoid negative conse7uences0 ,hen the other part( act the same or ,hen it is harmless< Jor sho,ing ho, the ,anted results can e achieved the authors also use something more practical< The( use the case of the argumentative negotiation ,ith the carCs o,ner and the loss ad&uster ,here ,e see that ,e should have the right information and communicative skills in order to get to the real argument and present it< The most important implications for the ones interested in usiness negotiation are; the a ilit( to recogni?e non6ver al communication0 effective use of negotiation techni7ues and tactics0 colla oration and leading to,ards achieving an agreement0 the a ilit( to recogni?e the Glanguage of the clientCs needH0 consideration and acceptance of mutual perspectives0 values and goals< The added value rought ( the paper consists in a ne, approach for development and managing the relationships in conditions of changea le and compleA surrounding< 8ntil no, most of people thought of the economic eAchanges as a ,in6lose situation< The

FABIZ IIIrd year, EN, Business Negotiations

paper tries to sho, us that these negotiations can e structured as ,in6,in situations ,here oth negotiation parties can e ,inners< 3n m( opinion this article has oth good and ad points< 3 think the a stract is a little ig ecause it usuall( should e comprised in onl( one paragraph< "ven if it is not concise it compensates ( eing clear and accurate< Another pro lem of this paper is that the authors didnCt ,rite a section ,here to eAplain their research methodolog( and ho, the data ,as collected< De can onl( figure this out ( looking at the references and see that the data ,as collected and revie,ed mainl( from ooks< There are also some positive elements regarding the article< 3 think this article needs attention ecause it sho,s ho, to use Kour opinions and effectivel( some negotiation techni7ues and tactics and teaches us comments some valua le lessons a out ho, to act at a negotiation< 3t teaches regarding the article us ho, to communicate our perspectives and ho, to uild trust and impose respect< 3 reall( appreciate that the( use a case of argumentative negotiation in order to sho, ho, important this might e for the ,hished results< 3 like that the( didnCt stick to the theor( and 3 think this practical eAample can e more convincing than the detailed eAplanations a out the negotiation techni7ues and tactics< All in all0 the article makes a ver( interesting contri ution to the stud( of negotiation st(les< The article is a ,orth,hile read for students0 researchers0 academics and managers alike and helps them ,ith etter strategies and counterstrategies<

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