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Bloodlines By Jessyca Pascua

INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT A typical bachelor pad. INVADED. On the coffee table, sports magazines and a bag of beef jerky are partially hidden beneath a palette of eyeshadow and a Downton Abbey DVD. Atop that is an "Ask Me About My T-Rex" t-shirt. Dried blood stains the front. DIANA, 20s, a scrubbed clean natural beauty, sits on the couch, DOWNING a glass of wine. She isnt a big drinker. But helps herself to well over the standard pour. Tonight -- she needs it. The front door SWINGS open. MASON, 20s, a cute, scruffy ex-frat boy, walks in. Drops his tool belt by the door. Mason kisses Dianas cheek. She doesnt react. Odd. MASON You okay? DIANA When were you planning on telling me youre a serial killer? Diana is so serious. Mason smiles. MASON So hows the job search going? Because you, here alone, watching Dexter all day -- not healthy. Diana holds up the t-shirt. Oh. DIANA Did you get hurt at work? MASON No. Its nothing. (beat) Remember when I told you my sister when AWOL, ran off to France, came back and now she teaches cooking classes? Well, my mom had her bipolar midlife crisis thing and complained my family doesnt spend enough time together. So last week we all took one of Cams classes. DIANA Cooking class? Okay, but still. Whats with all the blood?




MASON Cooking class. Butchery. Same thing...? Diana tosses the shirt away as if it stung her. DIANA Butchery? Oh, my God. You are a serial killer! MASON With a dramatic girlfriend. DIANA (ignoring him) Are you hiding livestock blood slides in the air conditioner too? MASON Dust bunnies. If those count. DIANA Mason! MASON See, this is why I didnt tell you. Honestly, its not as bad as you thinks and how do you even know what to think without trying it? Were going again next week. You should come. Meet the family. Once they get to know you maybe theyll stop teasing me about dating a vegan hipster. DIANA "Vegan hipster"? And this is supposed to convince me to go? MASON Please? For me? DIANA Fine. But only because I love you. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Dinner table. Two chairs. Mason and Diana sit close. Zucchini pizza between them.




DIANA Ive taken three showers. Washed my hands about a dozen times. And I still feel disgusting! Ill admit your sisters good with words, but seeing the poor rabbits eyes and how he was shaking... Did you even notice or were you too preoccupied with snapping his neck? MASON (joking) R.I.P Peter Rabbit. Diana throws her pizza crust at him. Mason laughs. MASON Yeah, yeah. I know. Never again. And Im lucky you love me. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Their things on the coffee table have been shoved aside to accommodate a carriage with a rabbit inside. MASON So you just take in a rabbit without even asking me first? DIANA I need your permission? Last I checked, this is our apartment. MASON Last I checked, Im the one paying rent every month! DIANA All the other foster homes were full! And I was on the list before I got kicked out of my house and moved in with you. The organization asked. What was I supposed to do? MASON I just wish you wouldve told me first. DIANA Yeah, well, I wish you wouldve told me you and your family get off (MORE) (CONTINUED)



DIANA (contd) on killing innocent animals before we started dating. Mason avoids eye contact. Diana glares. Judges him. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT MASON You and everyone else need to return those rabbits! DIANA Return them so they can be killed? But, of course, you would say that! Mason the Helpless Bunny Butcher. MASON You just cant let it go, can you? (beat) Those rabbits are stolen property, Diana! They belong to Levi and Chris. Ive met them. Theyre friends with my sister-DIANA (sarcastic) Didnt see that one coming. MASON Theyre good people and theyre the victims here! It isnt even about the rabbits! DIANA Of course, its about the rabbits! Whoever saved them did it with good intentions. MASON Whoever stole them left ten baby bunnies to die. Whos the serial killer now? Silence. An uneasy tension. Felt by both. MASON (CONTD) I guess we just disagree. DIANA Yeah. Id say we disagree on a lot.

5. Mason stares at Diana coolly. Shrugs. Off Mason, as Diana walks away. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT The carriage with the rabbit has disappeared from the coffee table. Her things are spread out. His are on the floor. Mason and Diana sit on opposite sides of the dinner table. MASON Diana, returning the rabbits was the right thing to do. I know youre upset... I just wish youd at least try to understand where Im coming from. Diana ignores him. Pours herself a glass of wine. MASON (CONTD) So now youre just not going to talk to me? Thats mature. Diana stabs at her salad with a fork. MASON (CONTD) Fine. Mason reaches for his phone, dials, holds it to his ear. MASON Hi. Id like to order for delivery. A large meat lovers pizza. Extra bacon. Dianas eyes snap to him. Mason stares right back. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT Dark. Quiet. Cold. The front door SQUEALS open. Mason enters. On his phone. MASON Hey, mom, Im running late. I just got home from work....Yup. Ill remember my apron this time. CLOSE on the coffee table. Dianas things are gone. Just the sports magazines and the empty bag of beef jerky remain. FADE OUT.

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