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Of these experiences, which was the most valuable to you?

Smartboard training from outside consultant.

NYSATA conference in which art teachers demonstrated their content specific use of
Smartboard and document camera equipment.
Curriculum Mapping session

Each of the PD experiences this year have been extremely valuable as I have guided
my school through the transition process. I now have a better understanding of NC
and how to best function with a larger district.
Having someone show me what I can do using the district's technology resources in
MY content area.
I like them all! I would like to try, direct support from a mentor.....and any other
professional development available.
I like them all! I would like to try, direct support from a mentor.....and any other
professional development available.
summer curriculum workshops
The video tutorials were very helpful.
Offsite workshops
The curriculum steering committee work was the most valuable. I was able to help
create curriculum that is used in the classroom.
grade level meetings
video tutorials
Curriculum committee work and grade level meetings
The content area meetings and curriculum Steering Committee work was most
helpful. I found it helpful because teachers from various grade levels participated.
It's helpful to get ideas and different perspectives from people in other grades. The
summer workshops are also helpful because. I feel like I get a lot of information and
knowledge in one area.
Grade Level Meeting
Getting together with grade level colleagues on staff development day to brainstorm
online resources for our social studies units.
I thought the after school workshops were most helpful as I was usually provided the
opportunity to practice using the technology while having the instructor available. I
also found the 3-day technology day to be extremely helpful as we were able to
develop ideas we could use in the classroom.
Grade level meetings and the curriculm Steering committee was most valuable to me,
because it provided me with practical ideas that could be used in the classroom.
direct support from tech staff
March workshop
the meetings and workshops
Grade level meetings
after school workshops
After school workshops
New Books for Grades 4-6 workshop
After school workshops
New Books for Grades 4-6 workshop
Grade level meetings
off-site workshops
Off-site workshops and content area meetings or curriculum steering committee
Off-site workshops and content area meetings or curriculum steering committee
The after school workshops and summer curriculum workshops.
The classes offered during our workshop day.
off site workshops
Summer Curriculum Workshop
Off-site workshops
conference day and video tutorials
Video Tutorials
The on-line courses & video tutorials were benefitial due to the timeliness of these
courses. The off-site workshops were well-known professionals, so this was
extremely valuable in the area of writing. However, I believe the most valuable was
the summer curriculum workshops & continuation of that work throughout the year.
We are so rarely given an opportunity to converse with our colleagues from different
buildings about how to better our own instruction, and different view points...this is
really one of those only times (should you take advantage of this opportunity).
One on one work. Skype as well as other Conference Call programs. This gave me the
great opportunity to hold meetings with international classroom teachers.
All were valuable.
Direct support from a mentor.
I think the Summer Curriculum workshops are the most valuable for me. At that time
I am able to work directly with other members of my department for a good amoount
of uninterrupted time.
Working with a teacher mentor... Liz Samuels rocks!!
direct support from a tech resource person
Off-site workshops
Summer Curriculum, Saturday Curriculum, Grade Level meetings
Wellness - the variety of choices was excellent. I felt that I learned something and
had a wonderful day!
Some the of the technology for data analysis
Direct support from a Technology Resource Teacher
Off site workshops through the BOCES School Library System and CASDA. That was
for my professional work. For my soul, the after school art history inservice was very

video tutorials
Off-Site Workshops and Online courses
Content area workshops
support from TRT
time given during workshpo days to further my own projects.
time given during workshpo days to further my own projects.
Content are meetings
summer curriculum
Summer Curriculum and Video tutorial
all were useful. However, during the workshop day, videos seemed slow. I watched
them later with no trouble.
After school workshops
summer curriculum workshops
Summer Curriculum Workshops
off-site wkshp / in house technology training
after school workshops
Department Meetings
Those that focussed on the content that I teach
Off-site workshops.
After school workshops because there was additional interaction and networking with
other professionals.
The after school workshops and the video tutorials were the most helpful.
Summer Curriculum, and off site.
off-site, Saturday conference of math workshops.
summer curriculum workshop
I felt I got more out of the after school workshops...more time to utilize what I had
The TRT was very helpful in answering my specific questions. Working with my music
department colleagues was helpful, as we were able to address technology specific to
our area.
Off site workshops allow nurses to learn valuable tools to provide up to date health
care for the student population of our schools.
Both are equally enriching.
Afterschool workshops that meet one or two times.
I learn better when I have a person of whom I can ask questions.
Off-site workshops
Mentor support and afterschool classes
off-site workshops & consultation with specialists
Both have value. They covered two different topics.
Both have value. They covered two different topics.
The off-site workshops I attended on Autism Related Disorders.
Off-site workshops
Off-site workshops
Direct support from a mentor
After school workshops.
After school workshops (continuing education classes)
Content area meetings and direct support from a tech resource teacher are tied. They
were extremely beneficial.
Content area: continuity of all and discussions
tech: specific, individual help with a lesson
Summer Curriculum.
tech: specific, individual help with a lesson
Summer Curriculum.
I found the after school workshops, direct support from a technology resource
teacher, and grade level meetings were the most valuable to me.
The tutorial because it was something new.
summer curriculum workshops
grade level meetings

content area meetings

All. I enjoyed some webinars and online course offered during the March workshop
Day. From each I have gained a few choice ideas and 'tools" that I have been able to
apply in my work.
The tutorials have been a great resource, I have only touched on this resource.
Steering committee work is a little frustrating, but i like the direction we re going.
Off site workshops are always invigorating, sometimes hard to sustain the engergy
and focus when back in the "real world".
I like the after school workshops but didn't have time to take any last year.

I find the video tutorials valuable because I can access them at any time, however it is
frustrating when I try to use them in the classroom and they don't completely work or
are not user friendly. It may be helpful to have written directions for each program,
so that we can use them for our students.

The conference in Rochester.

Summer Workshops

I prefer the summer programs because we actually have time to process and think
I thought work with the mentor was very beneficial. Also off-site observations and
clinics were very helpful.
The afterschool workshops are great for content such as "noteworthy books" or
general interest classes like the art history classes offered at the high school. These
classes are all wonderful. The "noteworthy books" classes are especially relevant for
me when I purchase books and talk to the students about books. For technology,
hands on in a lab is wonderful opportunity, but there is not always the time to
practice the skills or not the equivalent technology in the room to be able try some of
the same things. In the lab, on workshop day, a couple of the applications would not
after school workshops and summer curriculum
The after school workshops have helped the most. They have been in areas that help
me grow as a professional (but they are not always specific to what I teach- thats ok)
Grade level meetings
One-on-one tutorials after school in a formal computer lab setting.
The on-site workshop- time is the most valuable resource to me. I like to be taught
something and then have the chance to use it right away.
NYSBDA Annual Symposium
Off site workshops
The off-site workshop was the most beneficial and valuable as is pertained
Off site workshops
The off-site workshop was the most beneficial and valuable as is pertained
specifically to Physical Education. However my after school workshops (CPR &
Computer work) were helpful and needed as well.
The Staff Development on Smartboard and Keynote. These programs are extremely
useful for our grade level.

Serving as the TRT.

Working with my TRT has helped me learn so much on a day to day basis even though
I am a TRT too!! We have learned and shared so many short cuts and tricks to make
teaching with technology work!!
after school workshops

Writing workshop

Off-site workshop that specifically dealt with changes in curriculum and approaches
in pedagogy.

Summer curriculum workshops.

Attending Physical Education Conferenc
I really like the video tutorials. They were very convienent and very informative. In a
busy schedule, they worked best for me.
summer curriculum workshops
the time we were given on teacher workshop days to learn about itunes, garage band,
and other to work with a music teacher from our department who taught us what she
knew... Brooke Grecco from Blue Creek

Renata Relyea helped me with basic word processing stuff on my computer

We need more in school time to work together as a department on equipment that we

will have - or currenty have in our rooms that we can practice the skills on.
grade level meetings

Both were valuable to me in different areas of instruction.
those that offer solid, concrete examples of use
those that offer solid, concrete examples of use
Support and instruction from G. Cimorelli
I like hands-on workshops like after school workshops.
Summer curriculum time to develop a new course. However, more time was needed
this summer which was cut from the budget. This was very disappointing. I also
enjoyed an afterschool staff development workshop on smartboard.
enjoyed an afterschool staff development workshop on smartboard.

Off-site workshop
Direct mentor support
After school workshops.
Summer Curriculum
Scetch Up Training
Blackboard Training
Off-site workshops
my mentor
Off Site workshops
off-site workshops
Direct support mentor, tech

the workshop day conferences were most beneficial to me.

The BOCES summer reading/writing conference was the most valuable becauseI was
able to be exposed to current philosopies presented by leaders in this field. In the
past, the districct paid for these workshops, but this year I will not be going due to
the cost.

Meeting with other collegues to discuss what was successful or not within the
What is your greatest interest and need for professional development for the
upcoming year?
Software training for staff on art content programs!
photoshop, illustrator, in design, animation and movie editting programs
College program connections for UHS focus courses
I think we need to look at science K-12 and create a vision for the future. Some of this
work is being done 9-12, but I believe it should be a district wide process to provide
consistency across the elementary.
What can I do in my content area and what are others doing.
I want to try my hand at writting webquests for my older grades. Also, I would like to
expand my wiki and use Google Docs.
I want to try my hand at writting webquests for my older grades. Also, I would like to
expand my wiki and use Google Docs.
Time to update materials and create new materials using updated software. Courses
using photoshop on the PC for use in classes.
Time to update and develop new lessons
Intergrating technology into lessons
Integrating technology in the classroom. I need more than one lesson. I need support
when I am using it during the day and when I am developing the lessons.
developing a plethora of lessons and materials to assist in teaching the social studies
curriculum and how to effectively use the classroom computer for students when I
have one computer but 23 kids in a class.
Technology infusion
After school workshops that are offered in new areas such as mainstreaming special
education students and grade level differentiated activities. Offering courses where
teachers are teaching their grade level colleagues would be great! Technology
workshops that are organized by grade level or content would be more helpful as well.
I would like to attend more workshops on using technology in my classroom.
Continuing to integrate technology into the classroom.
I would like to develop a series of computer lab activities that are engaging and
purposeful for the primary level.
My greatest interest and need for professional development for the upcoming year is to
share lesson and unit design and planning with my fellow teachers.
to create authentic assessment opportunities for the content areas- less testing!
designing writing units for primary grades that are student-centered
smartboard and colleague sharing
RTI (Response to Intervention)
time to work collaboratively with colleagues, since mine are in other buildings
Management of writing process
Sharing lessons collaboratively developing units to share between schools- talking
about what we all do to teach certain topics.
differentiated instruction
As the district invests in electronic equipment such as the smart board, it would be
differentiated instruction
As the district invests in electronic equipment such as the smart board, it would be
beneficial for all of us to take a workshop/inservice in this area
As the district invests in electronic equipment such as the smart board, it would be
beneficial for all of us to take a workshop/inservice in this area
differentiated instruction IN the computer lab
how to schedule and plan curriculum for the year
Creating a definitive plan for our writing program and how skill work in English is
going to fit into that
Notebook Software Use- more in-depth teaching of it
Ways to improve my writing instruction
Sharing ways others are integrating technology in various content areas
practical integration of technology into curriculum objectives
Special Education - not only HOW to reach their needs, but more specifics on their
disabilities (example: there is more than one type of reading disability - so teach the
staff more about the most common disabilities we see & how to assist those students).
As the students move along in the elementary buildings, and definitely into the junior
high school we need to teach them about how they learn best & how to advocate for
Learning about other great programs that are out there to bring international
classrooms and international classroom projects into our classrooms.
Exploring software specific to my field.
Implementation of science curriculum for grades four, five, and six.

intergreting technology into the classroom and increasing my ability to meet the needs
of Special Ed students in my classroom
I would really like to have the smartboard mounted in my classroom. I have used it
everyday this year with maybe 10 days that others have borrowed it. It is very difficult
to constantly line it up and deal with not being able to use the rest of the board since
the smartboard sticks out so far. Kids on the ends can't see.
Time to work with teachers who are using new technology
Greatest need would be having more knowledge of special needs students in my
classroom, and being informed with updated needs/issues. I would love to see time
devoted to developing a usable working system to keep non-block teachers informed.
Working with special education students in a G level setting as a regular ed teacher

How to collaborate with a TA/understanding the role of the TA in a regular ed.

Technology and Wellness - I always find the Technology workshops helpful and
interesting and have applied what I learned about to my lessons. The Wellness was a
wonderful experience that I would like to see happen again at North Colonie.
Understaning diverse learning styles
more training in using technology for lesson development
Library 2.0 instruction.
More humanities based inservices.
using elmo and scanner for more technology integration
I would like to complete a trial of an online science textbook and go paperless.
using elmo and scanner for more technology integration
I would like to complete a trial of an online science textbook and go paperless.
it is necessary for the technology in the classrooms to be current in order for me to be
able to enhance my instruction
integrating video from the web into the classroom
I need and would like time to share ideas with the members of my department. We do
great things and rarely get a chance to learn from each other.
A laptop and time to get acquainted with it!
?? I just enjoy learning new tools and software and then picking/choosing from what is
available to me
Smart Board in the classroom
More time to talk with our collegues about the lesson content
time to work on curriculum development
quality recording software / laptop / portable stereo system

curriculum mapping
time for lesson planning - content enhancement
Time to share ideas and explore content
Funding to attend conferences and workshops outside of the district.
continued training in technology. knowing what is available online and how to access
anand use it with my students.
I would like to use more Web 2.0 and / or current technology.
I need time for individual work and for course/curriculum meetings to collaborate with
time to collaborate with colleagues on lesson development.
give teachers time to share ideas with each other. North Colonie has the most
professional and intelligent group of teachers. Let us talk to one another and share
ideas. I think, however, if you make this very structured and accountable, people will
be less willing to fully share.
I would like a vehicle for exploring what is available in the music area through What programs are out there that will be useful for students...
software/technology specific to my area-music... how to integrate it into the
curriculum where it is valuable, and not just using a computer just to say I am using
technology; finding activities that promote whole group learning so if 3-4 students are
working, the rest of the class has something meaningful to do...
Having subs provided for the learning opportunities for nurses to attend off campus
inservices. Extra money provided to pay for such necessary inservices.
An opportunity to stay current in my content area as well as have professional
conversations about the latest research.
I would like to learn about more online resources that could enhance my lessons.
I love some more collaboration time to find out what strategies are working for other
teachers in the department.
Use of ELMO, Smartboard Presentations
teachers in the department.
Use of ELMO, Smartboard Presentations
book club to focus on educational issues
really too specific to list here. probably to broaden my knowledge of certain special
education areas....specifically IMPLEMENTATION & ACTIVITY ideas.
smart board training
smart board training
working with regular education teachers to create effective programing for students
with special needs. collaboration and differentation of instruction
What is new in education? I would like to increase my knowledge of my profession and
what is being developed to increase student achievement.
Using more technology in the classroom in order to gain student investment.
Classroom management and software training.
continue learning about programs that can save time and enhance my lessons (pbwiki,
kidspiration, excel)
sharing of ideas and projects in content areas
more practice incorporating the smart board
effective lessons for computer lab
technology integration in the classroom
I would like to attend more professional development courses on the implementation
of technology in the classroom. I would like time to learn about how to use the
technology, and then time to implement the use of the technology in my own
A specific plan for RTI at North Colonie and perhaps a way to track students involved
in the plan.

Pooling together our lesson ideas and units to see what we already have. We have such
great resources and ideas already being used by teachers and there never is any time to
share them. Everyone is spending time creating the same things and wasting time
doing that.
Progress and support for all in the area of curriculum mapping and UBD.
Dedicated time for training on use of software and mapping principles.

Smartboard - took the workshop to learn how to create things with the software, but
need a class at our school to learn how to use it, especially the traveling Smartboard. I
want to learn how to use it to edit student writing with the different colored pens.

Use of vocational assessments and tracking of student interests

Curriculum and content information at the elementary level

Literature related courses, especially those highlighting new literature; General interest
Literature related courses, especially those highlighting new literature; General interest
courses such as art history, etc.; Assistance with integrating technology into my
content area in a way that involves students in creating a project. I have not tried the
video tutorials yet - I would like to try them next year.
integrate smartboard further into lessons. I wish it was easier to access video clips in
class. Maybe if I could save them into a general folder that could be approved or
whatever for later school access.
My greatest need is addressing our changing ESL population. We are getting more
students with interrupted formal education and it is very hard to fill in those years of
gaps while trying to keep them up with the JH curriculum. I think this is a pressing

Time! To truly integrate technology into the curriculum, on workshop days, eliminate
the guest speaker in the morning, eliminate department meetings (which can be
conducted after school), and allow full days of technology integration. Time is the
biggest hang up for teachers.

Continued development of student engagement during band rehearsal and lessons.

More Physical Education specific workshops as well as collegue discussion and sharing
of lessons and ideas
I really enjoyed how in the past we had time to plan a unit project/ differentiated
activity with our grade level team and then have the opportunity to share at Grade Level

Just keeping up with what the latest tools available are.

how to use the existing software. Online training is not useful to me. I need an expert
that can answer questions. Video tutorials are not useful to me.
software tools

Have time to complete the work and iniatives already in progress.

To continue to gather new ideas for subject activities or techniques in teaching those
Continue to integrate technology within the classroom.
Streamlining curriculum to eliminate repeats and develop consistency
After we elementary music teachers get our updated computers with burners.... and
other materials we requested..... our mobil lab... software we can actually use with what
we have

We need in school professional time to work together with our new stuff! It is the only
way we will be able to use what we get effectively in our teaching areas.... Sharing what
works is necc.!
way we will be able to use what we get effectively in our teaching areas.... Sharing what
works is necc.!

We as music teachers do too much outside of school hours to be expected to do more

meetings to learn about tech. as well outside school

the teaching of writing.

guided instruction for the smartboard

sharing projects across grade levels
I would like to learn how to use the Smartboards in my school.
computer hardware and computer use ideas
computer hardware and computer use ideas
What are other successful and innovative schools doing to engage reluctant learners?

I want to learn how to create a power point presentation. (And that's an embarrassing
see above (technology)
Working with colleagues within my department on curriculum and smartboard lessons.
technology in the classroom

Library 2.0 training

technology integration

classroom management ideas

I would like more professional development in the area of writing.

Just a thought...
The most amazing and inspiring professional development sessions that I have been a
part of were when I was able to attend workshops led by leaders in the field of
education. I have the experience of attending the Literacy for All Conference in Boston,
as well as having leading educators lead workshops right in my school/classroom,
modeling, teaching and inspiring. This has had the biggest impact and is still with me
today-although both were many years ago in another district.
I would like more practice with speech to text programs
how (philosophy, logistics,wording, types) to make exams, tests, quizzes etc.

how to develop an online visual data base for students to access examplars of project
solutions done by past students

assessing student growth within my classroom

assessing student growth within my classroom

As an older teacher, I have difficulty with technology. I have taken basic classes
through North Colonie workshops, but unless I get time to practice I forget what I
learned at the class. Having online tutorials for basic software would be nice for me so
that I could refer to it when I am stuck For example, how to make a powerpoint
presentation, etc. I have taken the classes, but need more support.

What seems to successful or not with the new math curriculum.

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