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3 Homemade Scents That Make For Perfect Holiday Gifts 109 Like 25 T eet 231 Pin it 3 !

1 "3St#m$le 9 %mail 1 &omments '( )M( *+,S) -%&%M'%, 19. 2012 /039 PM %ST For me. there1s nothin2 more f#n than 3#ttin2 on some holiday m#sic or a fa4orite holiday film and 2ettin2 do n to some serio#s holiday 2ift craftin25

6o matter hat 3artic#lar inter holiday yo# cele$rate 7if any8. the occ#rrence of the solstice 7that is. the s#n makin2 its ret#rn 9o#rney as e t#rn to ard s3rin2: ell. at least in the 6orthern Hemis3here8 is the 3erfect e;c#se to 2i4e 2ifts5

&ele$rate the t#rnin2 of the heel of the year ith these nat#ral. homemade 2ifts<

=e14e all e;3erienced the 3o er of scent>ho a fra2rance can trans3ort #s $ack to a 3artic#lar moment ithin a lifetime of moments or ho a 3artic#lar scent can dra #s o#t of o#rsel4es and o#r an;ieties. clearin2 the ay for a still and 3eacef#l mind5

?r hat a$o#t that ish that comes to mind at the seaside or in a dee3 e4er2reen forest> that if someone co#ld $ottle this fra2rance. they1d make a killin2@ Scent is that 3o erf#l

and here are a fe

ays to 2i4e the 3riceless 2ift of nostal2ia. of 3eace. of ellA$ein2 for

a 4ery fe dollars indeed5

15 Scents of S#mmer

The dark days of inter can $e drainin2. not only on o#r mood $#t on o#r o#tlook and on o#r daily interactions5 +ncl#de the scents of citr#s 7s#mmery. #3liftin2. and in4i2oratin28. as ell as 4anilla 7 arm and comfortin28. rose 7 armin2 and romantic8 and ylan2 ylan2 7calmin2 and soothin2 to fr#stration and an2er85 (o# can com$ine these in any ratio yo#1d like. so feel free to e;3eriment: the follo in2 reci3e is 9#st a 2#ideline5

Find a small 2lass $ottle>a re3#r3osed 7and clean8 essential oil 4ial or an old tinct#re $ottle ork ell5 )nother o3tion is to 4isit antiB#e stores>they often ha4e ine;3ensi4e and 2roo4y 3erf#me $ottles in many siCes>those atomiCerDmister $ottles are 2reat for this 3ro9ect5

+nto this clean $ottle. com$ine ten dro3s of citr#s 7+ like oran2e8. ten dro3s of 4anilla. fi4e of ylan2 ylan2. and three of rose5 )dd t o ta$les3oons of itch haCel and to3 the $ottle off ith ater5

Shake it #3. la$el. and ra35 This makes a 2reat stockin2 st#ffer or a more s#$stantial 2ift hen 3aired ith. say. a yo2a mat or a 2ift certificate for a massa2e5

25 Scents of the Season

+ don1t kno a$o#t yo#. $#t + can ne4er 2et eno#2h of the 3ineAandAs3ice aromas of the holiday season5 There1s somethin2 so in4i2oratin2 a$o#t the scent of $alsam fir as ell as

somethin2 so comfortin2 a$o#t the cinnamon and 4anilla of a arm holiday kitchen5 This season. hy not craft a scent 7or t o8 feat#rin2 these inter armers@

This first o3tion is really nice for anyone ho doesn1t ant an o4erly s eet or floral scent5 Try com$inin2 3 dro3s $alsam fir essential oil 7refreshin2 and soothin2 for the mind8. 3 dro3s cinnamon 7 armin2 and in4i2oratin28. 3 dro3s lemon2rass 7cleansin2 and in4i2oratin28. 2 dro3s 3e33ermint 7coolin2 and stim#latin28. and 2 dro3s e#caly3t#s 7a akenin2 and o3enin2 for the l#n2s85 Then contin#e ith the reci3e a$o4e5 6ote0 this makes a 2reat aftersha4e as ell<

The second o3tion e4okes the armth and comfort of a sno edAin session of afternoon $akin25 &om$ine 10 dro3s 4anilla 7+ #se 4anilla e;tract: yo# 3ro$a$ly ha4e some in yo#r kitchen already>9#st make s#re it1s real and not imitation 4anilla e;tract8. E dro3s cinnamon 7s3icy and armin28. E dro3s s eet oran2e 7refreshin2. #3liftin2 and calmin28. and 2 dro3s la4ender 7calmin285 Follo the directions a$o4e5

35 Scents for %4enin2

=hile e 3ro$a$ly 3refer earin2 #3liftin2 scents d#rin2 the day 7es3ecially d#rin2 the dark days of inter8. in 2eneral. the $ody 3refers to ind do n once the s#n starts to sink5 =hether yo# ear the follo in2 fra2rance for a ni2ht o#t or s3ray a little on yo#r 3#lse 3oints $efore $ed 7yo# co#ld e4en s3ritC it on yo#r 3illo 8. yo#1ll find an;iety sli33in2 a ay ith this $lend5

&om$ine / dro3s la4ender essential oil 7calmin2 and rela;in28. / dro3s chamomile 7a soothin2 sedati4e8. E dro3s ylan2 ylan2 7calmin2 and soothin285 &ontin#e $y follo in2 the a$o4e reci3e5


Scents are 4ery 3ersonal and int#iti4e. so think a$o#t the 3erson to hom yo#1re 2i4in25 +f any of these scents don1t mesh. e;3eriment and find yo#r o n $lend5 Hey. there1s nothin2 ron2 ith standin2 the health and $ea#ty aisle of yo#r local nat#ral market. sniffin2 yo#r ay thro#2h the essential oil collection5

Gee3 sam3lin2 those scents>one ill 9#m3 o#t as a$sol#tely 3erfect5

Ha33y 2iftin2<

Photo &redit0 Sh#tterstock5com -+(0 Make (o#r ? n &o#2h -ro3s and &o#2h Syr#3 E91 Like E1 T eet 9/H Pin it 9 !1 1/2St#m$le / %mail H &omments '( )M( *+,S) *)6I),( 10. 2013 E015 PM %ST ?ne es3ecially tiresome com3onent of o#r inter illnesses can $e that st#$$orn co#2h. hich o#tstays e4en the sin#s 3ain. draina2e. headaches. and r#nny noses5

'rin2 on the her$s<

Here are 3 reci3es to make yo#r o n co#2h dro3s and co#2h syr#3s0

Her$ Honey Syr#30 J 1 c#3 honey 7or2anic8 J 1 ta$les3oon lemon 9#ice J 2 ts3 her$ of choice 7sa2e. ild cherry. or horeho#nd>yo# can com$ine t o or three of these her$s: yo#r choice85 Stir all the in2redients o4er medi#m heat #ntil they simmer. then remo4e from heat. co4er. and stee3 ten min#tes5 Strain and $ottle5 (o# can kee3 this in the frid2e for se4eral months5 Take $y the ta$les3oon as often as needed for co#2hs 7do not 2i4e to children #nder the a2e of t o85

Her$al &o#2h -ro3s 7in4ol4ed 4ersion80 J K c#3 dried her$s of choice 7+ recommend horeho#nd here8 J 1 c#3 ater J 2 c#3s s#2ar J 2 t$s honey Simmer yo#r her$ in the ater for 20 min#tes>kee3 the 3ot co4ered5 Strain and ret#rn inf#sed ater to the 3ot5 )dd s#2ar and honey. stir. and $rin2 to a $oil5 Simmer 2ently5

6e;t. cli3 on yo#r candy thermometer and $oil to 330 de2rees5 This is the tricky $it> kee3 stirrin2 as the tem3erat#re rises5 )s it 2ets close. let the syr#3 dri3 from yo#r 7 ooden8 s3oon: if it forms a thread. then allo a dro3 to fall into a c#3 of cool ater5

6o the f#n 3art>$ite that little dro3 of syr#35 +s it 2ooey and stickin2 to yo#r teeth@ Gee3 cookin25 +f it cracks hen yo# $ite it. yo#1re done5 Take that 3#33y off the heat5

6o . if yo#r syr#3 starts to crystaliCe. 9#st add a c#3 of ater and an e;tra ta$les3oon of honey. scra3e in the crystals. and start a2ain5

=hen yo#1re at the hardAcrack sta2e. line a $akin2 sheet ith 3archment and 3o#r the syr#3 in5 Let it cool a $it. then score ith a shar3 knife>this allo s the co#2h dro3s to $reak a3art easily once cooled5 Store $y ra33in2 each in 3archment 3a3er or d#st them ith 3o dered s#2ar to kee3 them from stickin2 to each other5

Her$ &o#2h -ro3s 7easy 4ersion80 J 1 t3s dried horeho#nd J 1 c#3 honey Heat the honey in a sa#ce3an. stir in the her$s5 Simmer. then take the honey off the heat. co4er. and stee3 10 min#tes5 6e;t. strain o#t the her$ and ret#rn the honey to the sa#ce 3an5 6o . follo the directions a$o4e. cli33in2 on yo#r thermometer and heatin2 to a$o#t 300 de2rees5 -ro3 the syr#3 in the cold ater. test for crackin2. then remo4e it from the heat $ein2 4ery caref#l $eca#se honey $#rns easily5

?n a 3iece of 3archment 3a3er or a; 3a3er. 3o#r teas3oon siCed dro3s lea4in2 room for them to s3read5 Lea4e them to harden. then store $y ra33in2 each in 3archment 3a3er or d#st them ith 3o dered s#2ar to kee3 them from stickin2 to each other5

Photo &redit0 Sh#tterstock5com Ho to Ise Tea as Medicine

153k Like H1 T eet "0E Pin it 13 !1 0St#m$le 1H %mail 11 &omments '( )M( *+,S) S%PT%M'%, 2E. 2012 3035 PM %-T

Traditional &hinese Medicine 7T&M8 is an ancient. ancient art and science5 +1ll admit here that it is not one in hich + am ell 4ersed5 Ho e4er. + ill say that + ha4e itnessed more Lmiracles1 occ#r in those #sin2 the T&M system ofhealin2 than in any other5 )ny ay. the other day + ent to a onderf#l Taoist Tea &eremony and listened to a three ho#r lect#re a$o#t tea. its history. and its role in healin25 )s an her$alist 7of the =estern tradition8. + recommend tea to my clients all the time: ho e4er. hat + hadn1t tho#2ht a$o#t $efore as ho often 3eo3le drink her$al Ltea1 for leis#re. not realiCin2 that these teas are 3otent medicine5 =itho#t kno in2 hat yo#1re drinkin2. yo# co#ld $e makin2 yo#rself ill or makin2 an e;istin2 condition orse5

6o most of #s kno that 2reen tea is 2ood for #s>it hel3s red#ce inflammation. is a 3otent antio;idant. and may hel3 ith ei2ht loss and 2eneral feelA2oodness5 '#t did yo# kno that $lack tea 7the &hinese 4ariety. not the %n2lish8. oolon2. and a mar4elo#s tea called 3#1er are also 3otent medicines@ 6either did +5 So let1s look at a fe common teas 7and a fe #ncommon ones as ell85 +f any of these are yo#r 2oAto $e4era2es of choice. 9#st make s#re that hate4er yo#1re drinkin2 is hel3in2. rather than harmin2 yo#5 ,emem$er0 all her$s are medicine. hether they1re in the form of Ltea1 7act#ally. the correct term hen talkin2 a$o#t her$s is Linf#sion1 or Ltisane18. tinct#re. or ca3s#le5 Her$al Fa4orites0 =ho doesn1t lo4e a 2ood c#3 of mint or chamomile tea@ '#t did yo# kno that 3e33ermint is a stron2 intestinal medicine 7may$e too stron2 for some>es3ecially children8. $#t s3earmint is m#ch 2entler and is a tonic for the stomach. s3ecifically. rather than the entire system@ =hile 3e33ermint is a 2ood tonic for lon2Aterm di2esti4e com3laints. it1s $etter to ha4e s3earmint after a meal $eca#se it stim#lates di2esti4e enCymes and hel3s di2est 3rotein in a ay that 3e33ermint doesn1t5 F#rther. if yo# are a Lhot1 3erson 73rone to an2er. s eatin2. hi2h $lood 3ress#re8. 3e33ermint can heat yo# #3 e4en more: s3earmint. on the other hand. is B#ite coolin2 and calmin25 6e;t to $lack tea. chamomile is the most 3o3#lar tea in the orld5 Most e4eryone kno s that chamomile is a calmin2 her$. s#ita$le for cranky children 7and cranky ad#lts8. $#t chamomile is also coolin2 and dryin25 +f yo# are already chilled or s#ffer from a dry condition. chamomile can a22ra4ate yo#r com3laints5 F#rther. as a mem$er of the ra2 eed family. 3eo3le can occasionally ha4e aller2ic reactions to the chamomile flo er5 So. as yo# can see. her$s are medicine. hether they1re ser4ed after dinner or dis3ensed $y an her$al 3ractitioner5 'e s#re to ed#cate yo#rself. ne4er takin2 for 2ranted the a33ro3riateness of hat yo#1re si33in25

&hinese Teas0 ?kay>on to the f#n ne st#ff5 So here1s hat +14e learned. and this is essential to all of the &hinese teas 7and 3erha3s to her$al ones. as ell>+ ha4en1t tried it yet80 they m#st $e rinsed 3rior to $re in25 =hat does rinsin2 do@ +t takes most of the caffeine a ay. rinses off any d#st or de$ris the lea4es may ha4e acc#m#lated. and also L akes1 the lea4es #3. creatin2 s3ace $et een them and allo in2 for a $etter $re 5 Ho to rinse the tea@ Sim3ly inf#se the lea4es $y 3o#rin2 hot ater o4er them. s irl the 3ot once or t ice. then 3o#r the ater off5 Then #se fresh. hot ater to inf#se yo#r tea5 +f yo#1re #sin2 really 2ood tea lea4es. yo# can #s#ally #se the same lea4es for three or fo#r $re s 79#st make s#re these are all in the same day: don1t 2o 3#ttin2 yo#r lea4es in the frid2e to #se tomorro 85 Green Tea0 So. most of #s kno a$o#t the medicinal $enefits of 2reen tea0 it1s an antio;idant. lo ers cholesterol and raises H-L 7that1s the 2ood cholesterol8. and raises meta$olism5 '#t 2reen tea can also red#ce fatty de3osits in the li4er. can $oost imm#ne f#nction. and kill $acteria li4in2 in the mo#th 7hello. date ni2ht@85 To #se0 rinse yo#r tea. then $re in a 3reheated 3ot ith ater that has $oiled. $#t then cooled 3A5 min#tes5 Isin2 2ood lea4es@ (o# only ha4e to $re 2reen tea for 30A"0 seconds to 2et all the health $enefits5 're #3 to three min#tes5 -rink 2reen tea in the mornin2 only>it1s too stim#latin2 for later in the day 7and a4oid 3#ttin2 milk in it>9#st drink it strai2ht: if yo# only $re for a min#te or so. the tea on1t $e $itter and on1t need any 3alata$le additi4es85 ?olon2 Tea0 There are se4eral kinds of oolon2 teas5 ?olon2 is a ty3e of tea that has $een dried in the s#n and then o;idiCed 7or fermented85 'enefits incl#de0 ei2ht loss. a2in2 3re4ention 7d#e to antio;idants8. lo er $lood 3ress#re. 3re4ention of tooth decay 7anti$acterial8. stress relief. and li4er deto; 7 hich. in t#rn. hel3s treat skin 3ro$lems s#ch as acne and

ecCema8. and lo er $lood s#2ar le4els5 To #se0 rinse tea and then $re ith $oilin2 ater. any here from 30 seconds to a fe

min#tes5 (o# can $re 2ood lea4es se4eral times o4er5 -rink oolon2 a$o#t 20 min#tes after l#nch for ma;im#m di2estion and fat $#rnin2 teaAa esomeness 7and a2ain>no milk85 P#1er Tea0 P#1er Tea 7named for the to n in the (#nnan Pro4ince8 is $asically 74ery $asically8 a 2reen tea hich has $een a2ed in a dark location for years. lea4in2 it o;idiCed and fermented5 P#1er tea has all the $enefits of 2reen and oolon2 teas. $#t has also $een sho n to ha4e a 3re4entati4e and 3ositi4e effect on fi2htin2 cancer5 To #se0 rinse and $re like oolon2 tea5 (o# can drink 3#1er tea at ni2ht. as it can hel3 3re3are the $ody for slee35 Try it $efore H3m 7#nless yo#1re like me and that1s yo#r $edtimeMthen try it at "00085 FFF 6o for the disclaimer0 aside from the #s#al Lcons#lt yo#r doctor1 and Lfor yo#r information only1 $#siness. note that + am not a T&M 3ractitioner5 There is tons of fascinatin2 info on tea o#t there 7and e4en more fascinatin2 e;3erts85 +f this st#ff fascinates yo#. + #r2e yo# to 2o o#t and do some di22in25 *#st make s#re yo# sto3 for a tea $reak5

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