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Our beloved old lady reached the ripe old age of 11 and a 1/2.

Having survived a horrendous bout of bloat and having to have her spleen removed and stomach stitched, she went on to live full and happy life until passing away (naturally & unaided in front of the fire here at home with all of her family, human!s and her canine grand"daughter sat right by her. On the day she died, #pril $rd, 2%%$, she actually had a run on the &ew 'orest, indeed, she ran after a s(uirrel and than sat by the bottom of it!s tree loo)ing pleased with herself. *ven now, nine months on, she is still very, very badly missed. +he is buried in the bottom of our garden with her favourite toys and bones, and blan)ets. ,e have planted a beautiful !,illow! tree ne-t to her, called .in)y!s tree. &ever has one dog shown such total love and devotion, always there for me, when / was very ill, she would simply 0ust come and lay by my side, with her head resting on my bed, or when / was scared, stay very close by my side. ,ill never be able to replace .in)y. .his is our very special blac) girl +ophie, who lived until she was 12 1/2. ,e were very luc)y to have such a special dog for that long, because she was such a loyal, loving friend to me. / can remember with each year that she got older, / would marvel at her, and beg her to 0ust stay with me 1for one more year +ophie1. +he did her best, and / en0oyed her companionship every day. +ophie is one of those dogs that will never leave my heart. / love you girl2 .his is 3uby, my very first 4ane. +he was with us for 1$ wonderful years. Our 5et was ama6ed she was this old. / guess nobody told her she wasn!t supposed to live this long. /!ve never )nown a dog to be as gentle and loving as she was. +he mothered everything from baby duc)s to )ittens. +he never left my side when we were outside, even to play with the other dogs. +he was my )ids self appointed babysitter, and my best friend. /t still brings tears to my eyes when / thin) about her. +he may be gone, but never forgotten.

.han) you Hershey bar, for so much that you added to my life. 7ou were my 18r. +pecial12 *ven though your ears didn!t hear, you had a love for life and it was a happy life. / remember every time that / came up from the basement, you would be at the top of the stairway waiting to 0ump at me and bite me, in play. +ometimes you got so e-cited, you would bite hard and / had to run from you2 7our nose always found me, no matter where / was. ,e had a great time together. .he hardest thing / ever had to do was let you go on that cold &ovember morning. 7our bac) legs had given out and you could no longer wal). .han) you Hershel, for almost 11 years together. Have fun at the rainbow bridge with your daddy, +tetson and your brother, 9etson. +omeday we!ll all be together again and / can!t thin) of a better way to spend

eternity2 # big hug, )iss and than) you, to you my sweet Hershel. :ove, 8ommy :ynne /t!s been $ days since we released 8iss ;ayce from her increasing pain. .his was so hard to do but we )new it was the best thing for her. ;ayce turned 1% in 9une of this year and was our first <reat 4ane. +he had been showing off for company this past summer (chasing li6ards and appeared to have hurt her bac)= 6igging when she should have 6agged. .he vet suspected a mass on her spine or a slipped dis)= one leg became wea). +he was on pain medication but after about > months her leg became worse overnight. On 8onday, October >, 2%%>, she could not get up from her bed, could not bare weight on the leg, and collapsed when she would go out. +he became very upset that she could not ta)e care of herself= she was very proud, hated to be helped, and we wanted her to remain the proud matriarch. ;ayce was a fighter and survived cancer when she was > years old but / suspect it had returned very recently. 8y heart is bro)en, my eyes ache, / miss her so much. ,e love you 8iss ; stubborn, sweet angel..........we )now you are with all your buddies that have gone before you chasing li6ards around rainbow bridge ..........wait for 8om and 4ay and we!ll cross together someday2

7ou will live in my heart until it stops beating. 7ou were my brave, sassy, sweet, funny, smart, loving girl. 7ou gave me 1%? years of wonderful memories. .han) you beautiful girl. 7ou have been released from your pain, and for that / am eternally grateful.

Here are .aylor and 8oo in a picture ta)en last summer when they were 0ust shy of 11 years old. +adly, 8oo left us on 8arch @, 2%%A. *very day brings another volley of memories that spar) smiles and tears. 8oo had a very loving personality, and he was always getting up to chec) on his 1parents1 to ma)e sure everything was fine. He remained active and in(uisitive up until the end. ,e had to have him humanely euthani6ed after a horrible episode of bloat. 8y husband and / agree that although .aylor is sweet, 8oo was the driving force behind the pair, and the pawprints on my heart belong to him. He will be sorely missed, and for a very long time.

.his is 1;herryhill!s &ightwind .ea6er1. +he had a rough start going from home to home, left outside until the hair on her was bleached blond and falling off by the hand full, she also had a large cut on her bac) side from a barbed"wire fence and had bloated and had her stomach fi-ed. But / )new the minute / saw her she was not staying in that house, she was coming home with me. +he was $ months shy of 2 years old when we got her.

But this rough start only proved to ma)e more loving and gentle. / never considered my a true animal lover until / had .ea6er. +he was truly a gift from <od. ,e can never replace her, but we definately will have another 4ane2 8y family is lost without her. But it was time to let her go. 11 years and C months. ,e love you .ea6er and you will live forever in our hearts. +oon the tears will stop and the laughter of the 0oyous memories will prevail.

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