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1) The composition will have di A STOR$ PARA(RAHS Int!od)ction *od+ End CONNECTORS e!ent pa!a"!aphs# A o! and a"ainst composition %solo en &C'M) Int!od)ction Advanta"es % o!) ,isadvanta"es %a"ainst) Concl)sion Connecto!s o NARRATION ,i e!ent t+pes- addin". cont!astin"/

0) We will w!ite sho!t sentences and we will t!+ to )se voca1)la!+ and ve!1s that we al!ead+ 2now# Esc!i1i!emos !ases co!tas e intenta!emos )sa! voca1)la!io + ve!1os 3)e +a sa1emos# 4) &sa!emos al menos 5 conecto!es di e!entes# We will )se at least 5 di e!ent lin2in" wo!ds- i!st o all %p!ime!o de todo). altho)"h %a)n3)e). mo!eove! %adem6s). on the cont!a!+ %po! el cont!a!io). o! instance %po! e7emplo). in concl)sion %en concl)sion). to s)m )p %pa!a !es)mi!)/ 8) We will pa+ attention to the ve!1 tenses %9s:. 9;ed:. i!!e")la! ve!1s. 9;in":/) and to the spellin"# P!esta!emos m)cha atenci<n a los tiempos ve!1ales + la o!to"!a =a# Lets practise! / Vamos a practicar!: >i!st o all ? >i!stl+ %P!ime!o de todo. en p!ime! l)"a!) ;;;;; Int!od)cci<n In addition %adem6s) ? Mo!eove! %adem6s) ? >)!the!mo!e %adem6s) So %as=. de esta mane!a) ? As a !es)lt %como !es)ltado) ? The!e o!e %po! lo tanto) Howeve! %sin em1a!"o) ? On the othe! hand %po! ot!o lado) ? In cont!ast %po! el cont!a!io) In concl)sion ? To s)m )p %pa!a !es)mi!) ?On the whole %en "ene!al) 'ivin" in the co)nt!+ is somethin" that people !om the cit+ o ten d!eam a1o)t# %1) @@@@@@@@@@@ in !ealit+. it has 1oth its advanta"es and disadvanta"es# 'ivin" in the co)nt!+ has ce!tainl+ man+ advanta"es# %0) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ +o) can en7o+ peace and 3)iet# %4) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ people tend to 1e !iendlie! and mo!e open# A )!the! advanta"e is that the!e is less t!a ic. so it is sa e! o! child!en# %8)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. livin" o)tside the cit+ has disadvanta"es too# %5) @@@@@@@@@@@@. 1eca)se the!e a!e ewe! people. +o) a!e li2el+ to have ewe! !iends# %A) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@. ente!tainment is di ic)lt to ind. pa!tic)la!l+ in the evenin"# %B) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. the act that the!e a!e ewe! shops and se!vices means that it is ha!de! to ind wo!2#

%C) @@@@@@@@@@@@@. it can 1e seen that the co)nt!+ is mo!e s)ita1le people than othe!s# LINKING WORDS
ADDING - AADIR CONTRASTING CONTRASTAR D1)t Howeve!. Altho)"h despite In spite o Neve!theless. On the cont!a!+. on the one hand on the othe! hand. whe!eas while 1)t while In cont!ast. Neithe!###no!

o! some

Dand as well as 1esides Mo!eove!. >)!the!mo!e. What is mo!e. In addition. not onl+ #### 1)t also anothe! point is that re%ati&e c%a'ses who whe!e that .which whose to whom when what wh+

!"#R!SSING CA$S!/R!ASON- CA$SA 1eca)se as since This is wh+ 1eca)se o ,)e to Owin" to >o! this !eason. !"#R!SSING !((!CT / R!S$LT Dso so####that s)ch a###that The!e o!e Th)s Conse3)entl+. As a !es)lt. too### o!?to not eno)"h### o!?to

NARRATION >i!st %o all) At i!st At the 1e"innin" In the 1e"innin" then neEt *e o!e A te! A te! that a te!wa!ds When While d)!in" Soon p!io! to GIVING !"A)#L!S o! eEample. o! instance. >o! one thin". this incl)des s)ch as e#"## % o! eEample) immediatel+ Once S)ddenl+ As soon as No soone!####than Ha!dl+###when >inall+ Event)all+ At the end In the end At last To 1e"in with. )ntil

!"#R!SSING #$R#OS! to so as to in o!de! that so that o! %Non;speci ic) !"#R!SSING O#INION I wo)ld sa+ that In m+ opinion. I thin2 %that) I 1elieve %that) Pe!sonall+ Appa!entl+. >!om m+ point o view

S$))ING $#/ !NDING

All in all ove!all "ene!all+ In concl)sion. on the whole

!)#*ASIS especiall+ pa!tic)la!l+ Nat)!all+. eEactl+ 1eca)se a1ove all

i#e# %that is)

in the main To s)m )p.

Whateve! Wheneve!

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