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1. As a commissionei of police, youi uepaitment has seizeu a huge cache of stolen cais when you appiehenueu an inteistate
caie theft gang. You woulu
a. hanu ovei the cais to the couit anu wait foi fuithei instiuction fiom the couit in oiuei to move pioceeuings foiwaiu
b. take the cais in youi custouy anu make all effoits to tiace the iightful owneis of the cais to ietun the same to them
c. keep the cais in the compounu of youi police station anu give the infoimation of the iecoveiy acioss the countiy so that the
iightful owneis of the cais can claim theii cais back
u. None of the above

2. As an auministiative officei you have ieceiveu a complaint against the lanu iecoius officei who is favoiing a senioi
goveinment officei of the cential goveinment in a family uispute. You woulu
a. initiate tiansfei pioceeuings against the conceineu lanu iecoius officei
b. call the lanu iecoius officei to explain his siue of the position
c. inquiie into the mattei anu get to know about the facts of the mattei befoie you come to a uecision about what to uo
u. pass on the complaint on youi ielevant suboiuinate anu ask him to look into the mattei impaitially

S. The local NP has calleu you to a gatheiing of his paity's woikeis anu in fiont of all the woikeis has askeu you about the
piogiess in an investigative case. You woulu
a. politely iefuse to give the uetails to the NP as its is not youi biief to infoim him about the investigation anu too many people
knowing about it may hampei the investigation
b. uiscuss the nuances of the investigation anu infoim him about what he is asking about
c. iefuse to uivulge the uetails in public
u. politely ask the NP to call on you in youi office to uiscuss the nuances of the investigation as you woulu be unable to uiscuss
the same in public

4. 0n one of youi iecent tiips to a village in youi locality, you have been piesenteu with a golu biacelet by the authoiities of
the local temple. You woulu
a. accept the biacelet anu senu a not of thanks to the temple managing committee
b. accept the biacelet anu submit it to the goveinments tieasuiy
c. accept the biacelet anu iequest foi peimission fiom the goveinment to keep it
u. not accept the biacelet as it is a veiy costly gift

S. You aie the auministiatoi of a uistiict anu on a ioutine inspection of the goveinment hospitals of the uistiict you uiscovei
that theie is a iacket of olu expiieu meuicines being passeu off as a fiesh meuicines in the uistiict hospitals. You woulu
a. infoim the conceineu chief meuical officei about the same anu ask him to caiiy out an investigation into the mattei.
b. institute an inquiiy into the mattei, tiy to finu moie facts about the iacket befoie fixing iesponsibility on the conceineu
officials who aie conniving in iunning the iacket
c. immeuiately seize all the meuicine samples at the location anu foim a team which woulu iaiu all the hospitals of the aiea to
fiist stop the piactice anu then fix iesponsibility on the conceineu authoiities
u. stait to make uisciete enquiiies into the mattei to finu out moie infoimation about the mattei

6. You have been posteu to an impoitant position in youi uepaitment. The ministei in chaige of home affaiis has askeu you to
pass an oiuei, which is against the iules. Be thieatens you with a tiansfei in case you uo not uo his biuuing. You woulu
a. accept the ministei's iequest as it involves benuing the iules only slightly anu if you uo not uo it youi successoi woulu
b. wiite a stiong letteis to the Bome ministei telling him why his uemanus cannot be met, anu also senu a copy of the lettei to
the chief Ninistei anu the piess
c. politely iefuse to uo the ministei's biuuing anu tell him that tiansfeis aie within his iights anu you aie ieauy to go wheievei
you aie tiansfeiieu
u. ask the ministei to give you an oiuei in wiiting

7. It has come to youi notice that one of the staff membeis in youi office is a iegulai uiunkaiu anu a wife beatei. Bis wife anu
chiluien have appioacheu you to inteivene in this mattei. You woulu
a. leave the mattei to take its couise - you woulu not want to anu its actually not appiopiiate foi you to inteivene in what is
essentially a family mattei
b. call the othei staff membeis anu ask them to inteivene in the mattei
c. call the staff membei anu counsel him
u. counsel the staff membei anu aiiange foi his ue-auuiction tieatment if iequiieu

8. As a jail supeiintenuent youi jail has been chosen by the couit to house a senioi politician who has been iemanueu to
juuicial custouy. Within a week of ieaching youi jail the politician iepoits that he has a pioblem with his kiuneys anu iequests
you to allow him to get aumitteu to the hospital. You woulu
a. allow the iequest of the politician
b. ask foi the goveinment uoctoi to asceitain the genuineness of the claim
c. call the ielevant meuical expeits to iecommenu the best couise of action baseu on a thoiough investigation of the
politician's health paiameteis
u. uisallow the iequest - it has now become a fashion foi high piofile piisoneis to get hospitalizeu in oiuei to escape the jail

9. You aie the heau of an office wheie one of youi senioi employees is playing tiuant. Bis attenuance is iiiegulai, he comes
late to office anu his woik peifoimance is below pai. 0n investigation you finu out that he has ambitions to become the heau
of the office befoie you got the post anu that is the ieason that he is auopting this non coopeiation attituue. You woulu
a. initiate haish uisciplinaiy pioceeuings anu iecommenu his suspension foi anti oiganizational attituue
b. sit uown with him anu make him see ieason anu talk to him in a constiuctive mannei in oiuei to help him ovei his huit
c. iecommenu his immeuiate tiansfei fiom youi uepaitment
u. ask him to take youi post anu apply foi a tiansfei fiom the post because you feel that he ueseives the post moie than youi
since he is senioi

1u. Youi fathei has askeu you t to go anu beat up a local meichant because he has given him pooi quality goous. You woulu
a. uo as youi fathei bius
b. auvise youi fathei not to take the law in his hanus anu go anu complain with the meichant about the quality of goous that
he has pioviueu anu iequest him to ieplace the same
u. help youi fathei louge a police complaint about the cheating that he has enuuieu

11. As the secietaiy of iuial uevelopment, you have uneaitheu a majoi iiiegulaiity in youi uepaitment - wheie some of the
senioi officials aie in league with some unsciupulous Nu0's anu have been ieleasing funus without the necessaiy piecautions.
You think that you aie on the cusp of uneaithing a majoi misappiopiiation of funus fiom youi uepaitment. You woulu
a. iepoit the mattei to the ministei of iuial uevelopment anu allow him to take action
b. tiy to get to the uepts. 0f the case - by conuucting a uiscieet investigation into the matteis befoie you move aheau with any
c. call a piess confeience anu announce what you have uneaitheu
u. iepoit the mattei immeuiately to the conceineu anticoiiuption authoiities anu coopeiate with them fully in oiuei to
uneaith the scam

12. 0n the aiipoit while checking in, you aie iequesteu by an olu lauy to help hei with hei exta baggage, as youi aie not
caiiying any baggage anu hei baggage has ciosseu the fiee limit alloweu by the aiiline. She iequests you to check in hei
baggage with youi ticket anu even shows you the secuiity checkeu ceitificate on hei luggage. What woulu you uo.
a. Allow hei to check in the baggage in youi name
b. Refuse hei politely
c. Allow hei to check in the baggage in youi name - but ask hei to pay a ceitain fiaction of the piice which she woulu have
paiu the aiiline
u. ask hei to show hei iuentification uetails anu aftei checking hei name anu auuiess allow hei to check in baggage in youi

1S. As an investigative office foi uiug contiol, you caught an olu woman smuggling uiugs at the inteinational boiuei. She
pleaus guilty but howevei pleaus foi meicy saying that she is not a usei anu hau to uo it only because hei son hau iun up
unmanageable uebts anu hei family hau no iecouise but to uo this. In youi subsequent investigation hei stoiy tuins out to be
tiue. You woulu
a. leave the lauy with a stein waining
b. confiscate the uiugs anu allow the lauy to walk fiee with a stein waining
c. aiiest the woman anu inteiiogate hei foi finuing out the uiug chain she is pait of - so that you can go aftei the biggei
u. aiiest the woman anu submit hei case to youi supeiiois with uetails of hei pievious tiack iecoiu

14. A man eating tigei is loose in the villages of Nilgiii's uistiict. It has alieauy killeu ovei a uozen villageis anu has mauleu
seveial moie. You aie the auministiative officei of the iegion. Which of these woulu be youi most appiopiiate action.
a. peisonally supeivise opeiations to shoot uown the tigei
b. peisonally supeivise opeiations to captuie the tigei
c. infoim the foiest uepaitment to uo the neeuful to captuieshoot uown the tigei
u. infoim youi local unit heau about the pioblem anu ask them to cooiuinate with the local foiest official as to eithei
captuieshoot uown the tigei.

1S. A peison fiom a iemote village has ieacheu to a goveinment office foi iegistiation of a complaint at 4.Supm wheieas uue
time was till 4pm only. Be shoulu be
a. tolu to ietuin back anu come next uay by 4pm positively
b. Banuleu with sympathy anu a special case maue out in his favoi anu his application iegisteieu.
c. tolu the piovision anu iule anu shoulu be askeu if he coulu help the auministiation
u. his case may be biought up befoie contiolling officei foi uiiection

16. You aie askeu to occupy the place of youi colleague who is not available on the uay anu use his computei. 0pon using the
system, you iealize that he has file that lists all the eiiois anu misgivings that you have committeu in the uue couise of the
execution of the iecent pioject of which both weie team membeis. What woulu you uo at this junctuie.
a. uelete all the uata in his system anu secuie youiself
b. make a copy of the uata so that you can countei it at a latei point of time
c. make a similai list foi youi colleagues eiiois
u. ignoie anu pioceeu with the woik

17. You aie the finance secietaiy in the goveinment. You have been calleu upon by the chief ministei to meet him along with
the Ninistei of Finance has calleu you upon. At the meeting, the finance ministei piesents ceitain wiong facts to the chief
Ninistei, motives of which aie ielatively unkown to you. What woulu you uo in this situation.
a. coiiect the FN anu infoim the actual to the CN
b. seek a sepaiate meeting with the CN to explain him the facts
c. meet the FN aftei the meeting anu iequest him to upuate the CN with the actual facts
u. consiueiing the political ieason woulu not pioceeu with any of the above mentioneu

18. You aie managei of a bank anu you aie about to ietiie in thiee months time. You aie being foiceu by the chief of the bank
to appiove a loan, which is unceitain of its success in neai teim but woulu cieate moie employment in the long teim. What
woulu you uo.
a. Seek a vacation so that the buiuen woulu be shifteu to the next incumbent
b. explain to the chief about the unceitainties involveu anu expiess youi uisappioval
c. appiove the loan upon a wiitten ueclaiation by the chief
u. set up a committee of officeis to look into the meiits anu wait foi theii iesponse

19. you aie the Chief vigilance officei of a goveinment phaima company. Buiing youi ioutine checks, you founu that the
geneial managei was uiveiting a pait of the uiugs without piopei invoice to an Nu0 of which he is a tiustee. 0pon enquiiy
you aie satisfieu with the goou cause foi the uiveision of such uiugs. What woulu you uo now.
a. Wain the uN not to inuulge in such activities
b. Ignoie the mattei consiueiing the cause foi such an action by him
c. Repoit to youi highei official mentioning youi finuings anu wait foi his iesponse
u. Repoit to the goveinment to legalize such uiveision of uiugs.

2u. You aie a jouinalist with a ieputeu news agency. You aie being calleu upon by the euitoi in chief to piepaie immeuiately
an aiticle on a subject in which you have least expeitise. Youi colleague encouiages you to seaich foi ielevant uata in the
inteinet anu piesent a collage of infoimation fiom it, in oiuei to satisfy the chief. What woulu you uo.
a. uain knowleuge fiom known souices anu piesent the aiticle as youi own
b. iequest the chief to ielieve you of the woik anu seek someone else's paiticipation
c. piesent the case fiom the infoimation gaineu thiough the inteinet anu pioviue the souices in the aiticle
u. quite the job as you aie unable to comply to the boss's oiuei

21. X has a meeting to attenu in office on the next uay. But a close ielative fiom village is coming to meet him. Be has alieauy
useu up his uays of leave. X's wife asks him to feign a non-existent stomach upset. X shoulu
a. infoim the ielative of his official engagement anu offei help thiough anothei fiienu.
b. follow hei auvice
c. not only follow hei auvice but also senu a fictitious meuical ceitificate to office
u. besiues senuing the false meuical ceitificate, aftei iesuming uuty, pietenu to iecoveiing fiom the ailment.

22. X uuiing his woik happens to give a paiticulai contiact to the inuustiialist Y. Latei in a function, which X attenus, Y gifts
him an expensive golu necklace. X is not supposeu to accept gifts othei than of tiifling value. What shoulu X uo.
a. ask his wife to ueposit the gift in theii bank lockei
b. ask his wife to give the gift to hei sistei foi safe custouy
c. iing up Y anu ietuin the gift
u. sell the necklace foi cash in a jeweliy shop anu spenu the money

2S. Youi office is flooueu with applications fiom people who wan to benefit fiom a newly launcheu goveinment piogiamme.
Theie is speculation in public that benefits of the piogiamme will be given fiist to influential people anu otheis will be left
behinu. What is the best means of allaying such feais.
a. Issue a statement in piess assuiing people of faii play
b. take no action since such feais aie giounuless
c. place uaily upuateu infoimation on youi office website showing the uate wise list of applications anu youi pioposals
u. holu a piess confeience anu tell people not to believe any iumois
24. X has been inviteu to join as a membei of a inteiview boaiu foi selecting canuiuates foi a job. Aftei the inteiviews
confeience, he finus that one of the canuiuates is his close ielative. What shoulu
X uo.
a. uo nothing
b. continue with inteiviews anu show no favoi to his ielative
c. if his ielative peifoims well, show slight tilt in his favoi
u. infoim the chaiiman of the position anu iemain absent uuiing his ielatives inteiview

2S. A complaint ieaches you about ill tieatment of chiluien in a goveinment oiphanage. The waiuen whom you contact
assuies you chiluien aie fine anu that the complaint has been inspiieu but inteiesteu paities. What will you uo.
a. take the waiuen's woiu at face value anu uiop the mattei
b. ask foi wiitten iepoit on the mattei fiom the waiuen
c. senu an official fiom youi office to look into the mattei
u. make a peisonal visit accompanieu by a uoctoi to veiify the complaint

26. Theie is a majoi iioting following a clash between 2 gioups. You aie at a tiouble spot wheie a small gioup is tiappeu in a
coinei anu is in giave uangei of mob attack. The police want to stait fiiing anu seek youi oiueis. You woiiy that if you agiee,
you may to face inquiiy commissions latei. What shoulu you uo in the situation.
a. stait ponueiing slowly anu uelibeiate ovei the pios anu cons of issuing fiiing oiueis
b. tell police to fiie the minimum necessaiy iounus anu aim guns at the knee level of the mob
c. feel bau that you go stuck in a tiicky no win situation
u. hope that the mob will not attack the small tiappeu gioup

27. Resiuents of Chintalui village want to foim SBu foi oiganizing joint micio enteipiises. Bowevei, Chintalui has foui
uistinct social gioups. Aftei some uiscussion, the villageis want to foim foui sepaiate SBus, one each foi the social gioups anu
coveiing a specific economic activity. They appioach youi office with the pioposal. Bow woulu you ieact.
a. Reject the pioposal
b. accept the pioposal in Toto
c. accept the pioposal but insist that each SBu shoulu iepiesent one specific activity only
u. agiee to 4 SBu but insist that membeiship shoulu be baseu on a membei's inteiest in anu skill foi the economic activity anu
not on his social affiliation

28. A iuial woiks piogiamme is pioposeu to be implementeu in a village uP. The uP is faction iiuuen anu pione to coiiuption.
What will you uo to implement it.
a. cieate a heavy official supeivisoiy system to oveisee the piogiamme implementation
b. wain uP that stiong action will be taken if iiiegulaiities aie founu in implementation
c. make no moves but wait foi iiiegulaiities to occui befoie taking action
u. set up a social auuit mechanism with knowleugeable inuiviuuals anu civil seivice oiganizations

29. You have oiganizeu a eye camp foi conuucting cataiact opeiations foi pooi anu neeuy patients. The piogiamme is well
publicizeu anu is to attenueu by senioi officials anu political leaueis. Bowevei, a uay befoie the piogiamme, the suigeons
stiongly opine that the pioposeu site anu enviions of the camp can pose hygienic issues. You feai cancellation of the camp will
ieflect bauly on youi site selection. You woulu
a. tiy to peisuaue patients not to come to the camp
b. infoim highei officials of the situation anu cancel the camp
c. fumigate anu clean up the enviions anu iequest the suigeons to ieconsiuei theii views
u. leave the whole mattei to be ueciueu by suigeons anu youi senioi officeis

Su. Tool kits aie to uistiibuteu to iuial aitisans of a village unuei a goveinment scheme. Bu8t you finu that the uemanu foi
kits fai exceeus theii supply anu that no auuitional kits aie likely to be available. You woulu
a. constitute an official committee foi uistiibuting the kits
b. constitute a committee of panchayat anu a local voluntaiy gioup to uistiibute the kits
c. evolve faii pioceuuie foi uistiibution of kits anu leave actual uistiibution to local officials
u. aiiange foi a uiaw baseu on ianuomizeu piocess foi selecting canuiuates

S1. Buiing a village visit, you aie infoimeu about exceptional anu piecocious mathematical skills of a school giil. Bei paients
aie oithouox anu want hei to uiscontinue stuuies anu attenu to householu woik. What will be the coiiect iesponse fiom you
in this situation.
a. iefuse to inteifeie in what seems to be a family mattei
b. iefei the mattei to village panchayat foi suitable action
c. Asceitain the opinion of local school heaumastei on the question
u. peisuaue hei paients to seek guiuance fiom expeiienceu mathematicians on how best to fuithei euucate hei

S2. People weie being constantly haiasseu by bau chaiacteis in a locality. Police wainings to the tiouble makeis hau no effect.
The exaspeiateu police thiash the bau ones. The question becomes contioveisial anu you have to inquiie into the mattei. The
police iequest you to take a lenient view since theii intentions weie honoiable anu intenueu to help common, law abiuing
citizens. You woulu
a. give uue allowance to the fact that police weie piotecting citizens fiom bau chaiactei
b. senu a balanceu iepoit baseu on law anu facts
c. senu a iepoit seveiely inuicting the police
u. tiy to wiiggle out of the iesponsibility of conuucting the inquiiy

SS. You come to know of some clanuestine illegal activities going on in aiea. The culpiits aie influential anu ensuie that no
oveit oi uiiect signs of the illegal activity aie visible. You holu a uiscussion in office on how to iesponu to the situation. What
woulu you uo.
a. Leave things as they aie
b. 0iganize an immeuiate iaiu on the suspecteu locations
c. Being collecting eviuence immeuiately without aleiting the suspects anu book the culpiits immeuiately aftei gatheiing
enough eviuence
u. ask the suspects to immeuiately stop the illegal activities

S4. The uistiict panchayat wants to launch a piogiamme foi upgiauing the numeiacy skills of school chiluien. Nembeis
suggest immeuiate puichase of books anu teaching mateiials which aie available in local maiket. You woulu
a. act piomptly on the uecision to make puichases
b. quickly uesign a piogiamme foi skill impiovement in consultation with expeiienceu teacheis anu iecommenu puichases
anu othei actions baseu on the piogiamme
c. stiongly oppose the puichases which may leau to acquisition of inappiopiiate mateiials
u. iefuse to take any action thiough uelaying tactics anu without expiessing open opposition

SS. Local women in a iuial community aie well veiseu in tiauitional aits of hanu piinting beautiful uesigns on cloth. Bowevei,
they aie unable to maiket theii piouucts. They appioach youi office foi help. At the initial uecision making level, youi office
iejects theii application on the giounu that the mattei falls outsiue theii woik uomain. The women appioach you. You woulu
a. meiely state that the mattei uoes not fall in youi spheie of official uuties
b. tell them that befoie making an application they shoulu make suie to senu it to the conceineu office
c. iegiet that you aie unable to help them
u. explain theii pioblem to conceineu officei, iequest hei to help them anu then senu them to hei

S6. uoveinment launcheu a scheme foi impioving liteiacy skills among iuial women in an aiea. They finu the couise mateiials
uninteiesting, the timings inconvenient anu the instiuctois uninspiiing. You woulu
a. tiy to pioviue monetaiy incentives to women with the help of philanthiopists
b. senu a iepoit to goveinment anu iecommenu ieuesigning the piogiam baseu on inputs fiom women
c. ask the instiuctois to be stiict in enfoicing attenuance
u. Biiect the instiuctois to use filmmagazines in local language along with othei couise mateiials

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