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Appropriate Preposititon

(gb Pjv) (mv_ _vKv) (evm Kiv) (cwic~Y _vKv) (cPzi cwigvb _vKv) (Kvb wKQzZ wbgM ) Absent from (AbycwZ) Absence from (Kvbv RvqMvZ AbywcZ) Abstain from (weiZ _vKv) Abhorrent to (NYv) Accede to (ivwR nIqv) Accuse of (AwfhvM Kiv) Access to (KvQ hvIqvi AwaKvi) Acceptable to (MnYhvM) Accommodate with (mvnvh Kiv) Accompanied by (m wbq) Accomplished in (`,cUz) Accord to (c`vb Kiv) Abide by Abide with Abide in Abound with abound in Absorbed in According to Account for Account to Accountable to Acquit of Acquainted with Accustomed to Add to Adhere to Addocted to Addiction to Adiacent to Adapted from Adequate to (Abymvi) (Kvb wKQzi Rb Revew`wn Kiv) (Kviv KvQ Reve w`wn Kiv) (Kvb wKQzi Rb Kviv KvQ `vqx) (eKmyi Lvjvm `Iqv) (cwiwPZ) (Af) (hy Kiv) (jM _vKv) (Lvivc KvR Avm) (Lvivc KvR Avmw) (msjM) (Kvbv wKQz _K MnxZ) (h_, chv)

Fahad always abides by his teachers advice. Rafiq sometimes abides with me. I abide in Faridpur. Our rivers abound with fishes. Fish abounds in our rivers. Rasel is absorbed in studies. He was absent from school. My absence from the field was right. You should abstain from playing at cards. Smoking was abhorrent to him. He acceded to go there He was accused of theft. I have access to my friend house. My proposal was acceptable to everyone. He accommodates me with much money. I went there accompanied by father. Mehedi is accomplished in playing cricket. Ahmadullah accorded three prizes to the winners. He acts according to my advice. He had to account to his leader for his acts. He had to account to his leader for his acts. We are accountable to Allah for our deeds. Rahim was acquitted of the charge of murder. Afridi is accuained with everyone. He is accustomed to hard work. I added his name to the list. All should adhere to their teacher He was addicted to drinking. He has an addiction to drinking. My garden is adjacent to my reading room. The poem is adapted from the text book. These books are adequate to our students.

Adapted for Admit to Advantageous to Adverse to Affection for Affectionate to Afflicted with Afraid of Agree on Agree to Agree with Agreeable to Anead of Aim at Akin to Alrmed at by Alarmed for Almight form Alive to Alloted to Allocated to Allot to Aloof from Altenate with Amazed at Ambition for Ambitious of Angry with Angry for Angry at, about Annoyed with Anxious about for Annoyed for Antipathy against Apathy towards Apologize for Apologize to

(DchvMx) (fwZ nIqv) (myweavRbK) (cwZK~j, wei) (mn) (mn civqb) (e_v wK) (fxZ) (Kvbv welq ivRx nIqv) (Kvb cve ivRx nIqv) (ZK Kiv) (iwP mZ, gbi gZ) (mvgb) (j Kiv) (mv`kc~Y) (AvZwZ,fxZ) (AvZZM) (bvgv, AeZib Kiv) (vZ) (eUbKZ) (eiv Kiv) (eUb Kiv) (mi _vKv, `~i _vKv) (NUv) (chvqg) (wewZ) (DPvwfjvlx) (ivMw^Z) (Kvbv wKQzi Kivi Rb wei) (Kvbv wKQzi Rb wei) (Kviv cwZ wei) (wPwZ, DM) (Kvbv wKQzi Rb wei) (Kviv cwZ wel) (Abxnv) (Kvb wKQzi Rb gv PvIqv) (Kviv wbKU gv PvIqv)

This poem is adapted for the primary students. Marjan was admitted to Rajendra college. The place was advantageous to us. The weather was adverse to us. I have affection for the students My parents are affectionate to us. He is afflicted with their behavior. He is afraid of snake. I agreed to his proposal. I agreed to his proposal. He always argued with his parents. This place is agreeable to me You should not go ahead of your teacher. The police aimed at criminal His feeling for me is akin to respect. Every body was alarmed at the news. He was alarmed for his safety. He alighted from the plane slowly. The teacher was alive to his students. The mango have been alloted to the friends. The money was allocated to the poor children. Fifty shares were alloted to me. You should aloof from smoking. light alernates withdarkness. I was amazed his behaviour. He has ambition for fame. The boy is ambitious of fame. Nazrul was angry with ebrahim unfortunately. I was angry for such kind of conduct. Father was angry at his behaviour. I was annoyed with the boy. He is anxious about his exam. I was annoyed with the boy for doing so answer to that question. I have no antipathy against him. I have a great apathy towards my studies. He had to apologize to his teacher for doing it. He had to apologize to his teacher for doing it.

Apply for Apply to Apprised of Appear to before Appeared in Appeal for Appeal to Apply to Appropriate to Appetie for Apprise of Aptitude for Ashmed of Astonished at Assure of Ask for Aspiration for, after Associated with Attacked by Attribute to Attend at Attend to Attentive to Attach to Attend on Aspire after to Appoint to Atone for Authority for Authority over with Authority no Available to Awar of

(Kvb wKQzi Rb `iLv Kiv) (Kviv KvQ Ave`b/`iLv) ( vZ) (nvwRi nIqv, cZxqgvb nIqv) (cKvwkZ nIqv) (Kvb wKQzi Rb Ave`b Kiv) (Kviv KvQ Ave`b Kiv) (cqvM Kiv) (Dchy) (zav) (vZ Kiv, Rvbvbv) (AvMn, ceYZv) (jwZ) (wewZ , AevK) (wbwZ Kiv) (wKQz PvIqv) (DP AvKvLv) (ewi mv_ RwoZ) (ewi viv Avv) (ewi Avivc Kiv) (Mgb Kiv, hvIqv) (gbvhvMx nIqv) (gbvhvMx) (Ryo `Iqv, hy Kiv) (mev Kiv) (AvKLv Kiv) (wbqvM `Iqv) (cvqvwZ Kiv) (AwaKvi) (AvwacZ, gZv) (Kvb wKQzZ wekl) (chv, mnR cvc) (AeMZ, mPZb)

He applied to him for the job. He applied to him for the post. Everybody was apprised of him If appears to or before me that he was quilty. The news appeared in the news paper. I appeal to him for help. I appeal to him for help This law should be applied to the criminals. That field was appropriate for food. I have a great appetie for food, I apprised him of the matter. Maujan had a great aptitude for cricket game. He was ashamed of his brothers conduct. I was astonishey at his behaviour. The man assured us of his help. We asked him for five bats. The man has an aspiration for riches. I was associated with him in the club. Mr. faruk was attacked by robbers on the boat. He attributed the lost to me. He did not attend at the field yesterday. He does not attend to his lessons. Soomayya is always attentive to her lessons. I attached the stamp to the letter. One should attend on ones parents. Everybody aspires after happyness He appointed me to the post A Snnner has to atone for his sins. I have an authority for doing so. I have authority over the students. Lutfor Rahman has authority on English language. My help was available to them. I am aware of the fact

Bare of Bark at Based on Bask in Beware of Beg of, for

Belive in Beneficial to Bereft of Beset with Blind of Blind to Boat of Born in Borrow From Bow to Busy at Busy in Busy with

(Lvwj, k~Y) (ND ND Kiv) (wfwi Dci _vKv) (i` cvnvbv) (mZK ev mPZb nIqv) (Kviv KvQ Kvb wKQzi Rb cv_bv Kiv) (wekvm Kiv) (DcKvi) (ewZ) (Pvwiw`K ewZ) (A) (`LI bv `Lv D`vmxb) (AnsKvi Kiv) (Rb Mnb Kiv) (avi Kiv) (bZ nIqv) (e) (Kvb KvR e) (Kvb welq e)

The tress are bare of leaves. The dog always barks at a stranger. This low is based on the construction. In Winter people bask in the sun. Beware of bad friends. I begged pardon of the head teacher.

I believe in Allah. Walking is beneficial to health. The boy was bereft of motherly affection. The criminal is beset with the police. The man is blind of one eye. His father is blind to sons fautt. We should not boast of our riches. He was born in a poor family I borrowed a pen from my friend. you should bow to your teachers. Smiul is busy at his table. Utsho is busy in doing his home work. He is busy with his lessons.

Capble of Care for Careful of, about Capacity for Cause of Certain of charge on Cheat of Close to Cling to Certain of Charge against clothed in Compromise with Communicate with Compare with compare to Cmment on Common to

(mg) (Mvn Kiv) (hZevb) (hvMZv, `Zv) (Kvib) (wbwZ ) (AwfhvM) (ebv Kiv) (wbKU KvQ) (hy _vKv jM _vKv) (wbwZ) (Kviv wei AwfhvM) (cvlvK cwiwnZ) (Avcvl ev gxgvsmv Kiv) (hvMvhvM Kiv) (ei mv_ Zzjbv Kiv) (eimv_ Zzjbv Kiv) (ge Kiv) (mvaviY, cwiwPwZ)

The Man is Capable of Solving the Problem. He does not care for his parents. We should be careful of our health. He has capacity for hard work. I know the cause of his accident He is certain of the matter. The murder was charged on the boy. He was cheated of his conduct. My School is close to my house. You shuold cling to your English teacher He is certain of the matter. The police brought a charge against him. The boy was clothed in black. we will Never compromise with you. I have to communicate with my big brother. Nazrul is comp[ared with shelly. Life not comment on the decision. Death is common to all.

Common on Competent for Compete with Complain to Complain against Concentrate on Concerned for Conclusion of Conclusion to Condole with, on Confident of Confined in Confined to Congrtulate on conscious of Consist of Consideration for Consistent with Contemporary of Contend with Contrbute to Control of over Converse with Converted to Cope with cure of Cure for Connected with Connection with Connection between Consent for Consult with consult on or about Contact with

(i nIqv) (Dchy, hvM) (cwZhvwMZv Kiv) (AwfhvM Kiv) (Kviv wei AwfhvM Kiv) (gbvhvM `Iqv) (wPwZ) (Dcmsnvi) (Dcmsnvi) (mge`bv Rvbvbv) (cZvkx, Avkvev`x) ( Kvbv K Ave) (weQvbvq khvMZ) (Awfb`b Rvbvbv) (mPZb) (MwVZ nIqv) (weePbv) (wgj) (GKB mgqi mgmvgwqK) (cwZhvwMZv Kiv) (`vbi gvag mvnvh Kiv) (wbqb ) ( AvjvPbv Kiv) (ag cwieZb Kiv, agvwiZ) (mvgjvbv ) (AvivM jvf Kiv) (cwZKvi) (mwKZ gy) (mK) (`yRbi ga mK)

Our function will commence on Friday. He is compe text for the post. I will not compete with my brother for the prize He complained to his teacher He complained to me against my borther. You should concentrate on your studies. I am concerned for my exam. At the conclusion of the party every body clapped. This is the conclusion to the story. I condoled with my friend on his mothers death. I am confident of my success. She was confined in the room. He was confined to bed for a week. Congratulated him on his good result. I am concious of the fact. Our family consists of eight members. There was a consideration for the poor man. His words are not consistent with his actions. Nazrul was contemporary of pabind ranth. I will not contend with my brother. He contributed huge amount of money to the poor. He has no control at or over his sons. I Conversed with him on the fact. He was converted to Islam,

I could not cope with the new place. The patient has been cured of his disese. Napa is cure for headacke. He was connected with the matter. I have no connection with them. There is a close Connection between the two borthers. He gave his consent for the marriage. (mwZ) ( Kviv mv_ civgk Kiv) He consulted with him about the matter He Consulted with him about the matter (Kvbv welq civgk Kiv) I Have no contact with them. (hvMvhvM)

Contempt for of Contented with co-operate with D Deal in Deal with Defend from Defemd against Delete from Delight in Deliver to Demand for Demand from or of Depend upon, on Dependent on Deprived of Desire for or of Despair of Destrucitve of or to Detach from Determined on Devote to Die by Die for Die from Die of Differ with Different from Disqusted With at Dislike to for Displeased with Dissimilar to Distinguish between Distinguish from

(Nybv) (m _vKv, Zz _vKv) (mnhvwMZv Kiv) ( eemv Kiv) (eenvi Kiv, AvPvib Kiv) (iv Kiv) (wbivc` ivLv) (ev` `Iqv) (Avb` jvfKiv) (cQ `Iqv) ( Pvwn`v) (`vwe Kiv) (wbfi Kiv) (wbfikxj) (ewZ ) (AvKvsLv) (nZvk nIqv) (wZKi asmvZK ) ( wewQb nIqv) (mse) (DrmM Kiv) (BQvKZ fve gviv hvIqv) ( AvZZvM Kiv) ( Kvbv Kvib gviv hvIqv) (Kvbv ivM gviv hvIqv) (wfb gZ cvlb Kiv) (c_K, Avjv`v) (wei) (AcQ`) (Am) (Awgj) (c_K Kiv) (`ywU wRwbmi ga

I have a great contempt for him He is contented with what he has. He co-operated with me in my work. he deals in ferlilizer. He does not know how to deal with a getleman. You should depend yourself from bad works. We should defend our country against the enemies. We deleted him from the list. He delights in games and sports. He delivers the letter to the villagers. I have no demand for a huge sum-of money. He demanded a huge some of money from the rich man. I do not depend upon his work. Our family is dependent on my father He was deprived of the property. He has no desire for fame Dont despair of success in life. Smoking is destructive of or to health. He Was detached from his family. He was determine on going to the cinema. He Devoted his life to the wealfare of the country. He died by suicide. He died for his country. He died from over eating. He died of cholera. he differed with me on that point. this shirt is different from that shirt. The girl was disgusted with the boy a his misconduct. He has a dislike to or for smoking. I was displease with my friend. This is dissimilar to that bat He distinguished between the two words. He tried to distinguish right from wrong.

Distract from Disturst Disappointed at Disappointed of Disappointed with Disagree with Discriminate from Divide into Due to Dull at Duty to Dwell in Dull of E Expert at Expert in Excuse from of Excuse for Expect from Eager for Easy of Emerge from End in Engaged in Envy at, of Envious of Enter into Enlist in Equal in with Escape from Essential to Exception to Experience in F Faith with Faithful to Faith in Familiar with Famous for

cv_K `Lvbv) (AgbvhvMx) (Awekvm) ( Kvb wKQzZ nZvk) (Kvb wKQzi Rb nZvk) (Kviv mv_ nZvk) (ivwR bv nIqv) (c_K Kiv Avjv` Kiv) (fvM Kiv) (Kvib) (KuvPv A`) (KZe ) (evm Kiv) (eva kwnxb) (`) (`) (gvd Kiv) (Reve w`wnZv ) (cZvkv Kiv) (AvMnx BQzK) (mnR) ( ei nIqv) (kl nIqv) (wbgM) (Kvb wKQzBZ Clv) (Clvcivqb) (cek Kiv) (ZvwjKvf~ Kiv) (mgvb mgK) ( gyw) (AvewkK, `iKvwi) (ewZg) (AwfZv, `Zv) (wekZv) (wekvmx) (wekvm) (cwiwPwZ Nwb) (weLvZ)

The music distracted me from my study. I have no distrust of him. He was disappointed at his result. He was disappointed of the Prize. I was disappointed with him. I disagreed with him on the matter He discriminated the bad mangoes from the good ones. He divided the mangoes into two parts I could not go to school due to bad weather. He is dull at english. We must do our duty to our parents. My big brother dwelld in Dhaka. The man dull of hearing The boy is expert at singing. Kaium Sir is expert in english. The Head teacher excused the boy from fine. He has no excuse for being absent in the meeting. I expected a good result from my big brother. The Man was eager for knowledge. The Problem was easy of solution. Suddenly a tiger emerged from the bush. All his attempts ended in smoke. Marjan is engaged making English sheet. His heart was Filled with envy at my good result. He is envious of my Success. The boy enter into the class slowly. Ripon was enlisted in the function. Everybody is equal in the eye of Islam Man has no escape from death Money is essential to do the work. There is an exception to every rule. Ahmadullah has vast experience indebting he has broken faith with me. The dog is faithful to us He has no faith in her word. A ricks haw puller is familiar with all. Afridi is famous for his big hit in cricket

Fear for Fearful of Feed on Fire upon Fire at Filled with Fit for Fond of Free from Full of G Glance at Glance over Good at Grateful to for Greedy of Guilty of H Hanker after Heed to Hesitate at Hinder from Hindrance to Hope of for Hopeful of Hit upon I Impatient of Impose upon Include in Indebted to Influence on/ upon Influenced by Inherent in Innocent of Iquire of / abour Inspire with Interest in Interfere with, in Intimate with

(fq cvIqv) (fxZ) (Lq euP _vKv) (Mywj Kiv) (wj Kiv) (c~Y) (Dchy, hvM) (wcq, cQ`) (gy) (cwic~Y) (ZvKvbv, `w `Iqv) (PvL eyjvbv) (`) (KZ) (jvfx) (`vlx Acivax) (jvjvwqZ nIqv) (gbvhvM mnKvi kvbv) (wav eva Kiv) (evav `Iqv) (evav) (Avkv, cZvkv) (cZvkx, Avkvev`x) (gZje LvUvbv) (Aaxi, Aah) (avh Kiv) (Af~) (Fbx) (cfve) (cfvweZ) (mnRvZ) (wb`vl) (wRm Kiv) (AbycvwbZ Kiv) (AvMn) (nc Kiv) (Nwb)

game. The thieves fear for their lives. The criminal was fearful of the police. The cow feeds on grass The police fired upon the criminal. The police Fired at the criminal The thief was filled with fear. The man was Fit for the post. Shoma is fond of sweets man is not free from cares and anxieties. Our Pond is full of fishes. The boy glanced at the girl. I glance over he paper. Sonet Mirdha is good at cricket. He was grateful to me for my help. Abul khair is not greedy of riches. The man was guilty of theft. He hankers after money. We pay heed to our teachers advice. He did not hesitate at anything. My sister hindered me from going to cinema Poverty was hindrance to his success. he has no hope of success in life. Fahad is hopeful of his success. He hit upon a plan The audience are impatient of delay. The tax was imposed upon him. His name was included in the list. I am greatly indebted to my friends. There was on influence on or upon the students. I was influenced by my fathers honesty. Forgiveness was inherent in the prophet (s.m) The man was innocent of the murder. The police inquired of him about the murder. The song inspired us with courage. Marjan was interest in English. You should not interfere with him in his work. Fahad was intimate with Rafik.

Introduced to Involve in J Jealous of Jeer at Jest at Justification for K Key to Kind to L Lame of Laugh at Lavish of level with Lack of Liable for, to Lack in Likeness to liking for Live on Long for M Marry to Meet with Mix with Mourn for N Necessity for Necessary for Need of Neglectful of Natural to Noted for O Objection against Oblige to, for Occupied in Open to Opportunity for

(cwiPq Kwiq `Iqv) (RwiZ nIqv) (Clvcivqb) (we`c Kiv) (Vvv Kiv, Zvgvk Kiv) (mg_b) (PvweKvwV) (`qvjy) (Lvov, jvsWv) (Dcnvm Kiv) (AwgZevqx) (mgvb Kiv) (Afve) (`vqx) (Afve _vKv) (mv`k wgj) (cQ`) (Lq euvPv) (AvkvKiv, BQv Kiv) (weevwnZ) (myLxb nIhv) (wgk hvIqv) (kvK Kiv) (cqvRbxqZv) (cqvRbxq) (`iKvi cqvRb) (AgbvhvMx) (^vfvweK) (LvZ) (Avcw) (evwaZ) (evcZ) (Lvjv) (myhvM)

He introduced himself to my friends. He is involved in the affair. He Jealous of my success. He always jeers at the poor. He always jests at the poor. There was no justification for his doing so. Industry is the key to success. Abul khair is kind to the poor. The beggar is lame of one leg. He laugh at the poor. Abdul Ahad is lavish of money. The rich and the poor should be levelled with. He had not lack of money. Man is liable to error. He lack in truthfulness. The boy has likeness to his father. He has no linking for her. The cow lives on grass. Man longs for peace and happiness. Shahid Afridi was married to his cousin. My friend met with a terrible accident last night. Oil does not mix with water. We greatly mourns for Gaddafi. We have the necessity for learning English. English is necessary for all to us. He is badly in need of one thousand taka. We should not be neglectful of our studies. Death is natural to all. Michel jakson was noted for pop song. I have no objection against his proposal. I am obliged to him for granting my proposal. Mehedi hasan is occupied in writing a grammar sheet. The national musium is open to all. The poor have no opportunity for going abroad.

Opposition to Owe to p Part from Partial to Partiality to. for Passion for Patient of Patience with Play at Play on Play with Popular with for Possessed of Prefer to Preferable to Prepare for Preside over Pretend to Prevent from Previous to Pride in Profitable to Prohibit from Provide with Protect from Provide against Provide with R Rely on Remarkable for Remedy for Remind of Respect for Respond to Responsible to Relived of Reslt in

(weivwaZv) (Fbx nIqv) (ew _K wewQb nIqv) (ccvZ `y) (ccvwZZ) (AveM, AvMn) (ahkxj) (ah) (Ljv Kiv) (evRvbv) (njvwg Kiv) (Rbwcq) ( AwaKvix gvwjK) (AwaK cQ` Kiv) (AwaK wcq) (cwZ bIqv) (mfvcwZZ Kiv) (fvb Kiv) (c~e) (wkKvi) (AnsKvi) (jvf RbK) (weiZ ivLv) (hvMvb `qv) (iv Kiv) (mq Kiv) (hvMvb `qv) (wbfi Kiv) (weLvZ) (cwZKvi) (ib Kwiq `qv) (mvb, kv) (Di `Iqv) (`vqx) ( gy) (dj chewmZ nIqv)

We had an opposition to the decision of the head teacher. I really owe to my younger brother fahad. You should not part from your parents. He was partial to his friend. He has no partiality for or to his friend. The boy had a passion for music. He is patient of his sufferings. I lost all patience with him. We should not play at cards. He plays on the piano. Do not play with me. Afridi is popular with all for his hard hitting shots. He was possessed of vast wealth. He prefers fish to meat. Cricket is preferable to football. He is Preparing for exam. Fahad presided over the meeting. He pretends to high birth. you should prevent him from smoking. I was happy previous to that job. We should not take pride in ourselves. That business was profitable to me. Please prohibit your self from smoking. Trees provide with various fruits. He protected me from danger. We should proive something against the rainy day Trees provide with fruits. He relies on me for help He was remarkable for his kindness. There is no remedy for his disease. The event reminds me of my childhood. He has no respect for his teachers. he responed to my letter. You are responsible to the socity for your work. You are now relived of pain. AIDS results in death.

Result from Result of Retire from Revenge upon Rich in Rab of Ready at Ready for Rebel against Recover from Refer to Regard for S Satisfied with Satisfaction in Search for Seek for Sensible of Sanguine of Short of Sick of Side with Sin against Smite upon Sorry for Stick to Subject to Submit to Slave to Success in Sufficient for Suffer from Suitable for Supply with Supply to Sure of Suspicious of Sympathy for Suited to Q Qualified for Quarrel about

(De nIqv) (dj) (Aemi bIqv) (cwZkva) (abx, mg) (Pzwi Kiv) (`) (cZ) (we`vn Kiv) (ivM _K gyw cvIqv) (evSvq, BwZ Kiv) (kv) (m) (mvl, mw) (LuvRv, Zvjvk Kiv) (LuvR Kiv) (AeMZ) (Avkvev`x) (Afve) (Kv) (c bIqv) (cvc Kiv) (cmb nIqv) (`ytwLZ) (jM _vKv) (wbfikxj) (gv_v bZ Kiv) (Mvjvg, `vm) (mdj nIqv) (chv) (fvMv) ( Dchy) (mieivn Kiv (KvDK wKQz mieivn Kiv) (wbwZ) (m`n ceb) (mnvbyf~wZ) (Dchy) (hvM Dchy) (Kvb welq SMov Kiv)

Cancer result from smoking. The result of by exam is out. He retired from service. He revenged upon them. Iran is rich in oil. He robbed me of my all. He was ready at drawing. I am ready to die for you. Nazrul had to rebel against the British. He has recovered from fever. His word refers to the power of his father. I have a great regard for the fighters. He is not satisfied with what he has. He finds satisfaction in helping the poor. We searched for gold in the house. I am seeking for the bat. He was sensible to his duty. I am sanguine of getting the job. The club is short of money. He was sich of his life. He sided with his friend. He has sinned against God. Fotune smiled upon him. He felt sorry for his conduct. I always stick to my teachers. We are Subject to trees for fruits. We should not to human being. We are slave to Allah. He successded in his work. This money is not sufficient for the purpose. He is suffering from fever. The house in suitable for us. The boy suplied us with milk. The milkman supplied milk to us. I am sure of my success. I was suspicious of his movements. He was sympathy for me. This place is suited to us. He is qualified for the post. You should not quarrel about the land

Quarrel with Quick at Qualified for T Taste of Thakful for to Thirst for Tired of Tolerant of Triumph over Trust in True to Trust to U Use of Use for Used to Useful to V very from Victim to Visit to Vote for W Want of Wait for Wink at wish for Worthy of Wonder at Yield to Z Zealous for Zest for Zeal for Difference between Exclude from Eligible for Favorable for Furnish with

(Kviv mv_ SMov Kiv) (PUcU, Pvjy) (Dchy) (^v` _vKv) (KZ) (evmbv Zv) (Kv) (ahkxj) (Rqx nIqv) (wekvm Kiv) (AUj, AwePj) (wbfi Kiv) (cqvRb) (cqvRb `iKvi) ( Af) (`iKvix) (cv_K nIqv) (^xKvi cwibZ nIqv) (cwi`kb) (fvU `qv) (Afve) (Acv Kiv) (`L I bv `Lv) (BQv Kiv) (hvM) (wewZ nIqv) (gv_v bZ Kiv) (AvMnx, DrmyK) (AbyivM) (Drmvnx) (cv_K) (ev` `Iqv) (hvM) (AbyKzj) (mvRvbv)

Dont quarrel with your friend. He is quick at figures. He was qualified for the post. This dish tastes of sour. I am thankful to the boy for his help. He has a great thirst for knowledge. I feel tired of my idle life. We must be tolerant of opposition. Truth always truimphs over falsehood. We trust in Allah He was true to his word. He trusts the work to me. What is the use of the picture? What is the use for it? He was used to Catching fish every morning Milk is useful to us. Hoby varies from man to man He died a victim to his folly. It is my first visit to Sylhet. We voted for him He had no want of money. please wait for me here. A father should not wint at his sons faults. He always wishes for happiness. He is worthy of the post. I Wonder at his conduct. We should not yield to mankind. We are zealous for riches. He has no zest for I have a great zeal for education. There is a different between right and wrong He was excluded the list. He is eligible for the post. This time is favorable for help. We furnished the room with many colourful flowers.

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