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Protiva Academic Coaching

2nd Weekly Model Test 2014

!"#ect$ %nglish Time $ 1'00 (o!r
[The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]

Class$ &ive &!ll Marks$ 40

Read the given text carefully and answer the questions 1 and 2.
Raju is a fire-fighter. Long time ago, when Raju was in class 5, there was a fire in his school building, everyone got panicked. But soon a fire brigade came and put out the fire. Raju could not forget this for many days. fter finishing !"#, he joined a volunteer fire department. $ow, Raju is a fulltime fire-fighter. !is main job is putting out fires. !e also-trains young people to become, fire-fighters. %n his free time, Raju likes to visit schools. !e speaks about preventing fires. !e tells students what to do if there is a fire. !e also tells them that they should be physically fit, brave and careful to be fire-fighters.

viii. &hat is the main job of a fire-fighter' (a) lighting up fires (b) putting out fires (c) running with fires (d) working in fires i,. &hat is the team of fire-fighters called' (a) a fire cricket (b) a fire re server (c) a fire trader (d) a fire brigade ,. !ow should be a fire-fighter-s physi.ue' (a) strong (b) weak (c) fat (d) thin

2. #nswer the following questions.

(a) &hat is Raju' / (b) &hen did he join a volunteer fire department' / (c) &rite three sentences - why Raju visit schools in his free time. 0

$. Rewrite the sentence using %unctuations and ca%ital letters. &

the man says well you can surely take a picture

'. Translate into (engali.


1. Choose the right answer.

1! " 1!

i. &hat is Raju' (a) doctor (b) commander (c) fire-fighter (d) driver ii. &hy was everyone panicked' Because... (a) there was a robbery (b) there was a fire in Raju*s school building (c) there was a violent dispute (d) there were some army officers iii. &hen did Raju join into fire department' (a) after finishing ""# (b) before finishing ""# (c) after finishing !"# (d) before finishing !"# iv. &ho are trained under Raju+ (a) soldiers (b) cricketers (c) singers (d) fire-fighters v. &hat does Raju do during his free time' (a) travels places (b) visits schools (c) plays football (d) paints pictures vi. &hat does Raju speak about' (a) spreading fires (b) storing fires (c) using fires (d) preventing fires vii. !ow should be a fire-fighter' (a) brave and careful (b) timid and careful (c) greedy and strong (d) selfish and intelligent

!ealth is wealth. 1ood health depends on our eating habit. &e must take healthy food to keep us fit. 2ur body needs proper food items to perform its works. "o we must avoid fatty food.

&. )ake a request dialogue. *se would or could.

You want to borrow a dictionary from your friend.

& & &

+. )ake a request dialogue. *se would or could.

You want to go to a book fair with one of your friends.

,. -ill u% the form that your teacher has given you.

$ame $ationally 4lace of Birth 5ate of Birth ddress 6ather-s $ame 7other-s $ame !obby 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

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