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MINUTES REORGANIZATION MEETING JANUARY 8, 2014 The Reorganization Meeting of the Gloucester Township Housing Authority was held

on January 8, 20 ! at the "o##unity "enter located at Gloucester Township $enior "a#pus %, Gloucester Township, &ew Jersey' (pening state#ents were #ade )y *oard "hair "arla#ere' The #eeting was called to order )y *oard "hair "arla#ere at +,00 p'#' A roll call for attendance was ta-en, "(MM%$$%(&.R /(&TA&.0 "(MM%$$%(&.R MATTH.4$ "(MM%$$%(&.R M2$$.R "(MM%$$%(&.R (R&.R 6%". "HA%R 5%""(7( "(MM%$$%(&.R 4A$H%&GT(& *(AR3 "HA%R "AR7AM.R. .1"2$.3 5R.$.&T 5R.$.&T 5R.$.&T .1"2$.3 5R.$.&T 5R.$.&T

Also in attendance were, 3e))ie "ala)rese8 (perations Manager, A#y $hot#eyer8Attorney and 7ou Riccio8.9ecuti:e 3irector' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE "o##issioner /ontanez and "o##issioner Musser were sworn in prior to the #eeting' RESOLUTION 14-8-1-1 NOMINATION OF CHAIRPERSON "o##issioner Matthews no#inated "ynthia "arla#ere as "hairperson' "o##issioner 4ashington seconded the no#ination' *eing as there were no other no#inations, the no#inations were closed and the *oard unani#ously appro:ed Ms' "arla#ere as "hairperson in a roll call :ote' RESOLUTION 14-8-1-2 NOMINATION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON "o##issioner 4ashington no#inated $tephen 5iccolo as 6ice "hairperson' "o##issioner Matthews seconded the no#ination' *eing as there were no other no#inations, the no#inations were closed and the *oard unani#ously appro:ed Mr' 5iccolo as 6ice "hairperson in a roll call :ote'

RESOLUTION 14-8-1-3 NOMINATION OF TREASURER "o##issioner (rner no#inated ;elly Matthews as Treasurer' "o##issioner 4ashington seconded the no#ination' *eing as there were no other no#inations, the no#inations were closed and the *oard unani#ously appro:ed Ms' Matthews as Treasurer in a roll call :ote' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio apologized for getting the pac-ets out late and stated in the future the *oard will recei:e their pac-ets the /riday )efore the #eetings' MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES: "o##issioner Matthews #ade a #otion to appro:e the #inutes of the Regular Meeting of the *oard held on 3ece#)er 8, 20 <' "o##issioner (rner seconded the #otion' The #inutes were appro:ed in a roll call :ote with one a)stention fro# "o##issioner Musser' "o##issioner (rner #ade a #otion to appro:e the #inutes of the .9ecuti:e $ession held on 3ece#)er 8, 20 <' "o##issioner Matthews seconded the #otion' The #inutes were appro:ed in a roll call :ote with one a)stention fro# "o##issioner Musser' RESOLUTION S 14-8-1-4 PAYMENT OF INVOICES "o##issioner 4ashington #ade a #otion to appro:e the )ill list' "o##issioner Matthews seconded the #otion' The Resolution was appro:ed in a roll call :ote with one a)stention fro# "o##issioner Musser' E ECUTIVE DIRECTOR!S REPORT .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio stated it=s )een a )usy ti#e of year' He stated they had a )ro-en pipe in the )uilding that has )een fi9ed' He stated they su)#itted all the docu#ents to HM/A and did recei:e an appro:ed 20 < )udget' He stated they are now wor-ing on their 20 ! )udget as well as the rent increase re>uest' 3e))ie "ala)rese stated right now they ha:e two :acancies' $he stated they ?ust filled two@ one is #o:ing in on the Ath and one is #o:ing in $unday' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio discussed the "3*G fund' He stated they will )e using the# :ery shortly to fi9 the ansul syste# in the -itchen as well as getting proposals for the fencing

around the solar panels' Also they are ha:ing wor- done on the solar far#' He stated he hopes )y /e)ruary they will )e a)le to su)#it an in:oice to the township and )e rei#)ursed' He stated all this wor- will pro)a)ly co#e to around fifty8thousand dollars' Mr' Riccio also stated that our in:estor is :ery happy with the new #anage#ent as she is getting all the reports she needs' He stated he would li-e to than- her pu)licly for gi:ing the# the ti#e they needed to get e:erything straightened out' ATTORNEY!S REPORT Ms' $hot#eyer stated she doesn=t ha:e anything to report this e:ening and there will )e no need for an e9ecuti:e session' OLD "USINESS &one NE# "USINESS .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio e9plained they ha:e a host of resolutions they ha:e to adopt e:ery year at the reorganization #eeting' He stated they are all standard resolutions, he will go through the# and then do a consent agenda if the *oard appro:es' B R$%&'()*&+ 14-8-1-, A--&*+)*+. / 0(/'*1*$2 -(345/%*+. /.$+) 6 Mr' Riccio and Mr' $nyder are )oth >ualified purchasing agents' Mr' $nyder is a certified #unicipal finance officer and Mr' Riccio has attended all the classes and has a certification of a C5A' 2B R$%&'()*&+ 14-8-1-7-C/%5 M/+/.$8$+) P'/+ .:ery Authority #ust ha:e a cash #anage#ent plan' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio stated our cash #anage#ent plan has not changed in years and e9plained to the *oard' <B R$%&'()*&+% 14-8-1-9 : R$%&'()*&+ 14-8-1-8-These two Resolutions inde#nify the *oard' They protect the *oard against cri#inal and ci:il charges' .9ecuti:e 3irector e9plained to the *oard' !B R$%&'()*&+ 14-8-1-;-D$%*.+/)*&+ &1 &11*4*/' +$<%-/-$3 1&3 '$./' +&)*4$% ' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio stated it will pro)a)ly )e the "ourier 5ost andDor the 5hiladelphia %n>uirer'


AB R$%&'()*&+ 14-8-1-10-I+)3&2(4)*&+ &1 &-$3/)*+. =(2.$)' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio stated unfortunately he did not ha:e it with hi#, )ut it will go out to#orrow' He as-ed the *oard for a little leeway, where they can ha:e a special #eeting later in the #onth or adopt a resolution' He stated it will not )e su)#itted until the *oard all recei:es a copy and they will get a copy so#eti#e this wee-' +B R$%&'()*&+ 14-8-1-11-A--&*+)8$+) &1 S&'*4*)&3' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio stated they went out to )id and ad:ertise for a $olicitor' He stated they only recei:ed two proposals' He stated he selected )ased on the infor#ation presented to stay with 3e"otiis' Their price will )e eighteen8thousand dollars for their retainer so it=s within the )udget' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio stated the *oard can either do a consent agenda or if there is any resolution they want to poll, they can :ote on that separately' "o##issioner Musser as-ed since Resolution E, the operating )udget, isn=t a:aila)le shouldn=t they pull it fro# the agenda' Mr' Riccio answered they can or they can lea:e it in and after the fact they will get a copy of the )udget, )ut he doesn=t want to hold this up' He stated they will ha:e to call a special #eeting so#eti#e this #onth as it has to go in this #onth' "o##issioner Matthews e9plained that the *oard has to pass the Resolution )efore the .9ecuti:e 3irector can su)#it it to the state' "o##issioner Musser stated she was not co#forta)le with passing so#ething without seeing it' "o##issioner Matthews e9plained this is the sa#e )udget they ha:e all seen copies of pre:iously' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio agreed' He stated it=s the sa#e )udget, they ?ust had to put it on the state for#s' "hairperson "arla#ere as-ed "o##issioner Musser if she would feel #ore co#forta)le a)staining fro# that Resolution to which she agreed' MOTION ON RESOLUTIONS "o##issioner Matthews #ade a #otion to adopt all Resolutions e9cept for the )udget ite#' "o##issioner (rner seconded the #otion' The Motion was appro:ed in a unani#ous :oice :ote'

MOTION TO APPROVE OPERATING "UDGET "o##issioner 4ashington #ade a #otion to appro:e the operating )udget for 20 !' "o##issioner Matthews seconded the #otion' The #otion was appro:e in a roll call :ote, with one a)stention fro# "o##issioner Musser'

COMMITTEE REPORTS "hairperson "arla#ere stated they ha:e no "o##ittee Reports at this ti#e )ut she understands "o##issioner Musser would li-e to go on the 5ro?ect 5lanning F "onstruction "o##ittee' "hairperson "arla#ere stated the "o##ittees for 20 ! would )e as follows, P$3%&++$' F*+/+4$: "hairperson "arla#ere, "o##issioner Matthews F "o##issioner (rner' P3&>$4) P'/++*+. : C&+%)3(4)*&+: "o##issioner 4ashington, "o##issioner (rner F "o##issioner Musser' E)5*4/' S)/+2/32%: "o##issioner /ontanez, "o##issioner Matthews F "o##issioner 4ashington'

PU"LIC COMMENT Tony 5riolo8Apt' !8 discussed the pro)le# with the concrete )y the front doors'

.9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio stated they are going to replace the two concrete )loc-s and do so#ething with the drainage' Ms' "ala)rese stated is has so#ething to do with the weather' *ar)ara Maulo8Apt' 22A8 As-ed a)out the sto:e' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio answered he was waiting for the new )udget year to spend the #oney' He stated they ha:e to get a couple #ore prices' Ms' "ala)rese stated she has the two original proposals and contacted the# yesterday to see if still :alid' .9ecuti:e 3irector Riccio stated his hope is to ha:e it done within the ne9t #onth'

CHAIRPERSONS REPORT *oard "hair "arla#ere than-ed e:eryone' $he stated it has )een an honor and a pri:ilege to ser:e as "hairperson' $he welco#ed "o##issioner Musser and told residents she hopes they en?oy li:ing in their ho#es' $he than-ed "o##issioner ;elly Matthews for :olunteering her ti#e, together with the great ?o) 3e))ie has )een doing' $he than-ed the .9ecuti:e 3irector tea#' MOTION TO ADJOURN *eing as there was no further )usiness, "hairperson "arla#ere stated she would entertain a Motion to Ad?ourn' All in fa:or' &one opposed'

R.$5."T/277G $2*M%TT.3,

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 3e)ra A' "ala)rese8(perations Manager Gloucester Township Housing Authority

3ated, /e)ruary <, 20 !

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