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Vinay Prakash Dubey

Address: 49/2c Karl Marx Sarani, Bhukailash Rajbari, Kolkata - !!!2", #est Ben$al, %h: &R' - 9(-""-24)9 )9) &M' - 9(-9*"+!"!"(* ,-ail - ./2.dub0hot-ail1co-

CAREER OBJECTIVE Seekin$ challen$in$ Role as 2est Anal3st or Seniour So4t5are 2estin$ ,n$ineer to be a 6art o4 5ell re6uted and established business unit o4 7ational / 8nternational sco6e, 5hich o44ers di.erse res6onsibilities and 5ill 4ull3 utili9e both -3 Anal3tical and 8nter6ersonal abilities1 SUMMARY :ands on ex6osure to auto-ation tools like ;oad runner, #in runner, <uick 2est %ro4essional Success4ull3 co-6leted li.e 6roject based on load runner tool1 #orked 4or international clients like Microso4t, =isa electron1 Kno5led$e o4 sales and -arketin$1

Tes in! C"n#e$ s Au "%a i"n T""&s

- S>;?, S2;?, Bu$ ;i4e ?3cle, R@% ?once6ts - <2%, #in Runner, ;oad Runner, 2est >irector, Rational Robot, Rational 2est Mana$er1 Pr"!ra%%in! Lan!ua!es - ?, ?AA, =?AA, =B +1! Da abase - S3base, MSAccess, S<; 2!!! OS - #indo5s 72, 9*, M,, 2!!!, B%, =ista


(1 #ritin$ Cunctional, 8nte$ration D S3ste- 2est ?ases 4or the di44erent t36es o4 A66lications 1,xecutin$ these test cases to trace the bu$s1 2estin$ the 4unctionalit3 o4 di44erent -odules in an a66lication1 Cindin$ the bu$s and u6loadin$ it on the Share %oint &8ntranet' 5ebsite1 @6datin$ D re6ortin$ the Bu$s in the 2raceabilit3 Matrix >ocu-ents1 %re6arin$ Bu$ D 2ask Re6ort1 21 >ata >ri.en 2estin$?heckin$ di44erent kind o4 5ebsite that 5hether itEs 5orkin$ 6ro6erl3 or not b3 enterin$ a set o4 )!-(!! di44erent .alues usin$ <2% (!121 A66l3in$ ?heck6oints to see 5hether the ele-ent o4 the 5ebsite is 5orkin$1 >e.elo6-ent and -aintenance o4 scri6ts to -onitor the 4unctionalit3 o4 the a66lications1 Resolution o4 technical 6roble-

"1 %er4or-ance 2estin$2his includes 6re6arin$ 6er4or-ance test scri6t, 6re6ares scenario, test execution, anal39in$ re6orts and sendin$ reco--endations usin$ ;oad Runner *1!1>e.elo6-ent and -aintenance o4 scri6ts to -onitor the a.ailabilit3 and 6er4or-ance o4 the a66lication1 Resolution o4 technical 6roble41$ inbound calls and$ Fueries on 8nternet D #inB% GS related issues the 6hone on behal4 o4 our co-6an3 ?$es Ser.ices 8ndia %.t1 ;td1Makin$ outbound calls and sellin$ Cinancial %roducts like Master, =isa, and A-ex ?ard the %hone1 Sellin$ @SA Mobile %hones ?ontracts the 6hone as a 6art o4 -3 job in =ishnu Solutions %.t1 ;td1

)OR* E(PERIENCE +, Gr$ani9ation >esi$nation 2ea- Si9e >uration : : : : 8n4otech %.t1 ;td1 Seniour So4t5are 2est ,n$ineer + Cro- (st Gct 2!(! till 7o5

%roject 2itle : Rocket Cuel &%ros6ect Mort$a$e' %roject >escri6tion: Cor a decade %ros6ect Mort$a$e has 6ro.ided real estate co-6anies and other businesses 5ith a 5a3 to bene4it 4ro- o44erin$ clients -ore one-sto6 sho66in$ con.enience and control1 2here -ort$a$e joint .enture 6ro$ra- is a 6ro.en, 6o5er4ul in-house -ort$a$e lendin$ solution1 %recisel3 4or-ulaic, turnke3, and R,S%A co-6liant 4or ease o4 entr3 - 3et 4lexible 5ith 4eatures like custo- -arketin$ and hotline su66ort - 2here -ort$a$e joint .entures result in increased re.enue and $reater client lo3alt31 Res6onsibilities: #ritin$ 2est %lan, 2est ?ases 4or rocket 4uel business a66lication1>e4ine the testin$ strate$3 as 5ell as assi$nin$ task t5o di44erent tea- -e-bers1 ,xecutin$ unit, inte$ration D s3ste- test cases and re6ortin$ bu$s on the share6oint1@sin$ re$ression test -ethodolo$31 #orkin$ in a$ile testin$ en.iron-ent1 >irect interaction 5ith the 6roject -ana$er and the client1 >iscussin$ the ne5 task assi$ned to the de.elo6er and u6date the 4unctional docu-ents1 -, Gr$ani9ation >esi$nation 2ea- Si9e >uration : : : : MSR 82 Solutions %.t1 ;td1 So4t5are 2est ,n$ineer " Cro- (2th Ceb 2!(! till "!th Se6 2!(!

%roject 2itle : <uadri$a &SensiF' @K %roject >escri6tion: A uniFue $uest co--unications 6ortal - indi.iduall3 tailored to the hos6italit3 sector1 Rede4inin$ the $uest ex6erience1 >esi$ned to the ulti-ate $uest satis4action and create ne5 .alue o66ortunities 4or hotels1 ,nabled b3 next $eneration di$ital technolo$3 and 6o5ered b3 the 8nternet1SensiF - the intelli$ent choice 4or hotels1<uadri$a 2= 6ortal is co-6letel3 de.elo6ed b3 usin$ HA=A, H2,,, Struts, and BM;1

Res6onsibilities: Runnin$ S<; Fueries on database, BM; 6rocessin$,1>o5nloadin$ build 4ro- intranet site1 Burnin$ on >=>, kickstartin$ all in one 5ith the do5nloaded build, :@B inter$ration, ,n.iron-ent setu61 2estin$ the 4unctionalit3 o4 the :otel Sta44 ?onsole a66lication 5hich consists o4 the 4ollo5in$ Menus i1e1 8nstallation D Maintenance, ?on4i$uration D Setu6, Iuest Mana$e-ent, :otel Mana$e-ent, Re6orts D Audit ;o$1 %re6arin$ D executin$ test cases 4or the 4ollo5in$ ite-s1 2estin$ the 4unctionalit3 o4 the 2= 6ortal1 Iot an ex6osure o4 usin$ HBGSS ser.er1 @6loadin$ bu$s on Bu$9illa1 ., Gr$ani9ation >esi$nation 2ea- Si9e >uration : : : : #ebtek ;abs %.t1 ;td &Kolkata' So4t5are 2ester * Cro- (st Hul3 2!!9 to "(st >ec 2!!9 &+ Months'

%roject 2itle : 5551b.ca1co1uk %roject >escri6tion: 2he British %ri.ate ,Fuit3 D =enture ?a6ital Association &B=?A' is the industr3 bod3 and 6ublic %olic3 ad.ocate 4or the 6ri.ate eFuit3 and .enture ca6ital industr3 in the @K1 2estin$ the 4unctionalit3 o4 the 5ebsite 5551b.ca1co1uk usin$ an auto-ation tool called <uick 2est %ro4essional 9121 Ieneratin$ test scri6ts to check di44erent ele-ents o4 the 5ebsite throu$h <2%1 Res6onsibilities: ?heckin$ the research s3ste- o4 the 5ebsite that 5hether itEs 5orkin$ 6ro6erl3 or not b3 enterin$ a set o4 )!-(!! di44erent .alues1 A66l3in$ ?heck6oints to see 5hether the ele-ent o4 the 5ebsite is 5orkin$1 >e.elo6-ent and -aintenance o4 scri6ts to -onitor the 4unctionalit3 o4 the a66lications1 Resolution o4 technical 6roble/, Gr$ani9ation >esi$nation 2ea- Si9e >uration %roject 2itle : iRel3 So4t Ser.ices 8ndia %.t1 ;td1 : 2estin$ ,n$ineer : + : Cro- (st March 2!!* to "!th Hune 2!!9&(+ Months' : i2est, iMake D iSchedule

%roject >escri6tion: iTes i2est a66lication do anal3ses o4 co44ee sa-6les o4 .arious brands recei.ed 4ro- di44erent custo-ers1 2hen #ork orders ha.e been created and ca6ture data 4or the .arious tests 6er4or-ed 4or these sa-6les1 ?usto-er has been in.oiced 4or the 6acka$e selected 4or each sa-6le1 A 6acka$e is co-bined o4 tests and one 6acka$e 4or each sa-6le has been selected in the anal3sis screen1 iMa0 iMax a66lication 6ro-ises to enhance .isibilit3 o4 3our co--odit3 throu$hout 3our -anu4acturin$ 6rocess1 iMax is desi$ned to J-i-icK 3our o6erations on the sho61 And because it -i-ics 3our o6erations in the s3ste-, 3ou $et real ti-e in.entor3 trackin$, includin$ #8%, inte$rated lot traceabilit3, 3ield -ana$e-ent and 8nte$rated Fualit3 ca6ture at e.er3 ste6 o4 the 6rocess1

iS#he1u&e 2his so4t5are reFuire-ents s6eci4ication 6ro.ides a co-6lete descri6tion o4 all the 4unctions and s6eci4ications o4 the 5ork order schedulin$ 6rocess at Southern 2ea ?o-6an3 &S2?', Marietta, IA, @SA1 2his docu-ent also ex6lains the 4unctionalit3 o4 existin$ MS Access based schedulin$ a66lication1 2he Crontier iSchedule a66lication is an 8ntranet based a66lication desi$ned to su66ort the d3na-ic schedulin$ o4 re6lenish-ent orders into 6roduction batches or runs based on the actual 6roduct -ix and user-de4ined schedulin$ criteria1 Crontier iSchedule 6ro.ides access to critical 6roduction, ca6acit3, sales and 6roduct in4or-ation 4or use in de4inin$ the o6ti-al si9e and seFuencin$ 4or 6roduction runs1 Res6onsibilities: Cunctionalit3 2estin$ - 2his includes co-6lete -anual testin$ o4 all the -odules in the iMax, iSchedule D i2est a66lication1#ritin$ unit, inte$ration D s3ste- test cases, u6loadin$ bu$ on the intrantet,u6datin$ traceabilit3 -atrix D <A trackin$ sheet1 Cor iMax A66lication s6eciall3 reFuired to test the 5eb a66lication 4or %al- de.ices 5hich is used 4or all the 5arehouses across @S1 : : : : #ebtek ;abs %.t1 ;td &Kolkata' So4t5are 2ester * Cro- (st Hune 2!! to "(st Hanuar3 2!!* &* Months'

2, Gr$ani9ation >esi$nation 2ea- Si9e >uration

%roject 2itle : K882 @ni.ersit3 %roject Project Description: @ni.ersit3 8n4or-ation ?entre &@8?' is a .ital o44ice o4 K882 @ni.ersit31 Strate$icall3 situated at the -ain entrance o4 Kharashrota ?a-6us &?hintan Buildin$', @8? as a centrali9ed in4or-ation s3ste- to 4acilitate authentic and Fuick in4or-ation 4lo5 to the .isitors, sta44 and students about .arious 6ro$ra--es, de6art-ents and acti.ities o4 K8821 2estin$ the load and 6er4or-ance o4 the 5ebsite usin$ an auto-ation tool ;oad Runner *1!1 Ieneratin$ test scri6ts to check di44erent ele-ents o4 the 5ebsite throu$h load runner1 ?heckin$ text, i-a$e, h36erlinks, 4or-s etc1 Res6onsibilities: %er4or-ance 2estin$ - 2his includes 6re6arin$ 6er4or-ance test scri6t, 6re6ares scenario, test execution, anal39in$ re6orts and sendin$ reco--endations1 >e.elo6-ent and -aintenance o4 scri6ts to -onitor the a.ailabilit3 and 6er4or-ance o4 the a66lications1 Resolution o4 technical 6roble%roject 2itle : >BA Manu4acturin$ So4t5are %roject >escri6tion: 2his so4t5are is basicall3 4or 8n.entor3, Sales, Cinancial Resource, %urchase, Material Mana$e-ent 4or Manu4acturin$ ?o-6anies1 #e had to test the Material Mana$e-ent and Cinancial Mana$e-ent Modules o4 So4t5are1 Cinancial Mana$e-ent Module included testin$ o4 Bank Reconciliation State-ents, Account, Accounts %a3able, Ieneral ;ed$ers, Bank, ,-6lo3ees, etc1 Material Mana$e-ent Module included testin$ o4 MR%, 8n.entor3, Bills o4 Material, %urchasin$, etc1

Res6onsibilities: 8n.ol.ed in the 6re6aration o4 2est %lan1 #ritin$ o4 2est ?ases, execution o4 -anual test cases, creatin$ bu$ re6ort, coordinatin$ the tea-1 3, #orked and tra.elled in the @1K 4ro- (!th Au$ust 2!!4 till (!th Au$ust 2!!+ on a 5orkin$ holida3 -aker &.isa status'1 GRIA78SA28G7: 8on Irou6 @1K &A$enc3 ->e-on Recruit-ent' >@RA28G7 : (st March 2!!+ to *th Au$ust 2!!+ >,S8I7A28G7 : ?lient Relationshi6 Associate R,S%G7S8B8;82L: 8on Irou6 is an in4or-ation deli.er3 contact center1 2he3 deal 5ith all kind o4 s-all D bi$ cars in the ,uro6ean -arket1 M3 job includes sendin$ brochures to ne5 custo-ers and $$ the- in4or-ation about ne5 cars1 As 6er the reFuest 5e also book a test dri.e 4or the-1 GRIA78SA28G7: Sitel @K >@RA28G7 : (st March 2!!) to "(st Ma3 2!!) >,S8I7A28G7 : ?lient Relationshi6 Associate R,S%G7S8B8;82L: Makin$ outbound calls and sellin$ 4inancial 6roducts1 GRIA78SA28G7 : Bid-2= @K >@RA28G7 : (4th Gctober 2!!4 to "(st Han 2!!) >,S8I7A28G7 : ?lient Relationshi6 Associate R,S%G7S8B8;82L : 2akin$ inbound calls and con4ir-in$ the bid orders 6laced the 6hone1 ?on4ir-in$ the credit card details as 5ell assurin$ the deli.er3 6eriod o4 the $oods to the custo-er1 41 GRIA78SA28G7 : ?$3s 8ndia %.t1 ;td1 >@RA28G7 : !*th Se6te-ber 2!!" to 2(st Ma3 2!!4 >,S8I7A28G7 : 2echnical Su66ort G44icer R,S%G7S8B8;82L :$ inbound calls, troubleshootin$ on 8nternet and #indo5s B% G6eratin$ S3ste- related issues1 5, GRIA78SA28G7 >@RA28G7 >,S8I7A28G7 R,S%G7S8B8;82L ?lients1 : =ishnu Solutions %.t1 ;td1 : (9th 7o.e-ber 2!!( to 2)th Au$ust 2!!" : ?lient Relationshi6 ,xecuti.e : Sellin$ credit cards, -obile contracts the 6hone to the @S D @K

6, GRIA78SA28G7 : 88S 8n4o2ech ;td1 >@RA28G7 : ("th Au$ust 2!!! to "!th Hune 2!!( >,S8I7A28G7 : ?o-6uter Cacult3 R,S%G7S8B8;82L : 2akin$ technical classes on di44erent so4t5are lan$ua$es ?AA, =?AA and =B +1


%I>BA B1S? B88 S2A7>AR> B S2A7>AR>

A77AMA;A8 @78=,RS82L ?A;?@22A @78=,RS82L (99+ #1B1B1S1,

CERTI'ICATION #eb2ek ?erti4ied 2ester &#?2' 4ro- #eb2ek ;abs %.t1 ;td, Kolkata1 " 3ears &I7882' >i6lo-a is S3ste- Mana$e-ent 4ro- 78821 ( 3ear 7et5orkin$ Mana$e-ent ?erti4icate 4ro- 78821


- 92: MAR?: (9 9 - ,2+ ()92 - M3 hobbies includes 2ra.elin$, S6orts and Readin$ Books1 - :ard 5orkin$, honest, tea- 6la3er1 - Ii.en on reFuest1



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