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RAGESH GANGADHARAN Contact No.: +91 9765882622/ E-Mail: gangadharanragesh@gail.

!ee"ing assignents in !o#t$are %e&elo'ent $ith an organi(ation o# high re')te
*##ering o&er + ,ears- e.'erience in !o#t$are %e&elo'ent in /0 ind)str,
1ained e.'ertise in C*2*34 5C34 %224 C/C!4 6!7M
%eonstrated s"ills in anaging onsite and o##shore tea e8ers thro)gho)t the 'ro9ect li#ec,cle $hile
aintaining coordination $ith sta"eholders and 'ro&iding the $ith reg)lar )'dates a8o)t the 'ro9ect
E##icientl, and e##ecti&el, in&estigate4 diagnose4 'rogress and resol&e all incidents to the agreed target
%istinction o# instit)ting ne$ 'ractices to achie&e 8)siness e.cellence at the lo$est o&erall cost
7n e##ecti&e co)nicator $ith e.cellent relationshi' 8)ilding : inter'ersonal s"ills
;e<)ireent 1athering =rograing : Coding >easi8ilit, 7nal,sis
%esign : %e&elo'ent ;eso)rce *'tii(ation !o#t$are 0esting
Jun 10 - Till Date it! HS"# S$%ta&e De'el$()ent In*ia P't+ Lt*+, Pune a- S$%ta&e En.inee&
O/t 00- Jan 10 it! Te/! Ma!in*&a Lt*+, Pune a- Te/!ni/al A--$/iate
?el'ing c)stoers in deciding roada' as 'er the 8)siness 'rocesses and aligning $ith 8)siness o89ecti&es
Meeting deadlines and t)rnaro)nd tie $itho)t co'roising on <)alit, nors and adhering to !37
?andling client interaction #or re<)ireent gathering4 #inali(ation o# #)nctional s'eci#ications
!)ggesting a''ro'riate as $ell as technolog,-8ased sol)tions #or enhancing #)nctional e##icienc, o# the
organi(ation and achie&ing 8)siness e.cellence
anaging &ario)s technical as'ects li"e 'ro9ect doc)entation4 s,ste design : integration4 onitoring
critical 'aths : ta"ing a''ro'riate actions
2)ilding the technical s'eci#ications 8ased on the #)nctional re<)ireents
=ro9ect ?andled:
=ro9ect: ?2@! >inancial 0rans#oration =lat#or A>0=B
Client: ?!2C 2an" @!
=eriod: 5)n- 1C - 0ill %ate
%escri'tion: >0= =lat#or is the #inancial re'orting and D2oo" o# ;ecordsE #or ?!2C North
7erica. 0he >0= =lat#or is an />;! co'liant 8ased a''lication $hich incl)des
)lti-diensional 1eneral 3edger4 >oreign C)rrenc, ;e&al)ation4 ;econciliation
and Control ;e'orting4 Consolidation and Eliinations and c)stoi(ed #inancial
e.tracts to s)''ort ;eg)lator,4 1ro)' and Manageent ;e'orting.
;ole: !o#t$are Engineer
0ools: >ile-7id4 F'editer4 Ende&or4 >ile Manager4 /2M %e8)g4 M! 7ccess
=la,ed a stellar role in )sing the c)rrent 8est 'ractices and organi(ational <)alit, nors to design and deli&er
high <)alit, #)nctionalit, enhanceents that eet re<)ireents on an agreed sched)le
E##ecti&el, cond)cted design4 coding and )nit testing acti&ities #or co'le. od)les
>or)lated the )nit test cases 8ased on the technical design/#)nctional design in a $a, that is co'rehensi&e
and &eri#ies acc)rac, o# de&elo'ed #eat)res
?olds the distinction o# 're'aring and re&ie$ing the test scenario and test cases 8ased on re<)ireent and
design doc)ent
Cond)cted detailed chec"s #or the co&erage o# all as'ects o# the re<)ireent in the design4 code and test case
Ens)red the resol)tion o# the critical 'rod)ction iss)es and in code i'leentation and s)''ort acti&ities
?olds the distinction o# cond)cting "no$ledge trans#er to ens)re that tea e8ers ha&e a 8etter gras' o#
ne$ a''lications
%esign =hase:
=ro#icientl, $or"ed on the #ile la,o)t changes and data #oratting #or high-'er#orance
Concl)ded detailed anal,sis o# the 8)siness re<)ireent4 co'licated 'rogras and created Modi#ication
%esign %oc)ent in an e##ecti&e anner
=i&otal in the creation o# the %22 ta8le la,o)ts as 'er the #ile la,o)ts
%e&elo'ent =hase:
Co'leted the coding #or &ario)s od)les $hich incl)ded de&elo'ent o# &ario)s ne$ 'rogras
7ddressed the co'le. re<)ireents related to Mortgage 3oan a''lications right #ro design till de'lo,ent
/n&ol&ed in the creation o# the M! 7ccess la,o)t as 'er the #ile la,o)ts and loaded Main#rae #ile #or the @sers
to &alidate the res)lts
>acilitated technical and 'rograing s)''ort and entored the 7''lication %e&elo'ers $ithin the tea
>acilitated technical training to the internal de&elo'ent teas
0esting =hase:
Co'leted @nit 0esting $hich in&ol&ed:
o =re'aration o# )nit test cases
o %e8)gging o# 8atch od)les )sing E.'editor4 /2M %e8)g
o 6eri#,ing the o)t')t #iles are in correcting the #orat )sing >ile 7id4 >ile Manager
o =re'aring @ser )nderstanda8le re'orts #or #acilitating @70 to the >inance 0ea
Concl)ded !,ste and @70 0esting $hich in&ol&ed:
o Creation o# the !,ste and @70 9o8s
o >acilitating s)''ort to the C77 tea to resol&e the iss)es related to the a''lication
o Ens)ring the resol)tion o# a8ends in ini) t)rnaro)nd tie
=rod)ction =hase:
Ens)red the resol)tion o# the 8atch 9o8 #ail)res/iss)es to 'ro&ide a 'eranent sol)tion or recoending
$or"aro)nds to 8)siness )sers
Concl)ded 'rod)ction s)''ort acti&ities $hich in&ol&ed iss)e anal,sis and resol)tion $ithin the s'eci#ied !37s
>acilitated 0echnical and >)nctional assistance to the =rod)cation !)''ort 0ea
;ecei&ed !07; *> 0?E 0E7M a$ard #or the contri8)tion to$ards deli&ering a critical Mortgage a''lication
$ith high <)alit,
;ecei&ed )lti'le a''reciations #ro %eli&er, anagers and *nshore anagers #or consistent e##orts ')t in
the 'ro9ect and co'leting tas"s in sti## deadlines
2E Mechanical #ro %r. 7/04 2angalore A6is&es&ara,a 0echnological @ni&ersit,B in 2CC8 $ith 62.++G

Ot!e& #&e*ential-1 Co'leted /2M Main#rae Co'etenc, >rae$or" H 3e&el / : // in ?!2C
0itle: /2M- Main#rae 7''lication =rograing
*rganisation: Ma'les E!M 0echnologies 3td.4 =)ne
=eriod: + Months
%escri'tion: 0he 'ro9ect $as )nderta"en #or 5C34 C*2*34 6!7M4 %224 C/C! and other related od)les
I/*! ;elated 0echnologies: C*2*34 5C34 C/C!
%ata8ases: %224 6!7M
0ools: >ile 7id4 F'editer4 Ende&or4 >ile Manager4 !=@>/4 3ot)s a''lications4 Clarit,4
?= J)alit, Centre4 M! 7ccess4 %oino %oc
*'en !,stes 0echnologies: C
*'erating !,stes: Kindo$s 98/F=4 @N/F4 I/*!
3ang)ages Lno$n : English4 ?indi4 Lannada and Mala,ala
%ate o# 2irth : +1
5an)ar, 1986
=eranent 7ddress : No. 2 12 Miner&a Mill Jtrs4 Magadi ;oad4 2angalore- 56CC2+
C)rrent 7ddress : No. 2 M 4 =atil ;egenc,4 Near !harada Center4 Erad$ane4 =)ne H
=ass'ort No. : ?C9+6MC9
Nationalit, : /ndian
Marital !tat)s : !ingle
3ang)ages Lno$n : English4 ?indi4 Lannada and Mala,ala.
%ate o# 2irth : +1
5an 1986
3ocation =re#erence : 2angalore

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