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School of Music


Reference Level Points EFTS

Course Coor inator an Teaching Staff Teaching hours!"# $u%&er of "ee#s Co%%ence%ent 'ate

Jazz arranging and composition

School of Music Stage 3 15 20 Roger Manins 3 12 ( March 201( 1 201( 201( +20 - 30, +20 - 10+

Se%ester )ear *ersion 'ate *enue!Ti%e -ffice an -ffice .ours Prerequisites

MUS 275
Restrictions /011 302

Course Rationale The co%3etitive /a44 gra uate nee s to have a goo all roun 5 functional un erstan ing of 6a44 arranging an co%3osition5 an the a&ilit7 to a a3t these s#ills to suit s3ecific 3ur3oses8 Music 3,5 further soli ifies an e93an s on %aterial 3resente in Mus 2,5 :/a44 202;5 "ith a focus on evelo3ing functional s#ills in <ig <an arranging5 arranging for 6a44 ense%&le5 an further stu 7 in %o ern 6a44 co%3ositional techni=ues an their a33lications8

Aims of t e course The ai% of this course is to 3rovi e the /a44 stu ent "ith &asic fun a%ental s#ills in arranging for large ense%&le :<ig <an ;5 an to further e93lore conte%3orar7 co%3ositional an arranging techni=ues8

Intended Student !earning "utcomes 18 0&ilit7 to co%3ose5 arrange an score for s%all to large /a44 ense%&le :<ig <an ;8; 28 0&ilit7 to "rite for ifferent genres of /a44 %usic fro% tra itional to current5 inclu ing 3utting te9t to 6a44 setting8 38 0&ilit7 to create an evelo3 %usical i eas into "or#a&le co%3ositions an arrange%ents (8 0&ilit7 to transcri&e an for%all7 anal7se co%3ositions5 i entif7 co%3ositional evises use 5 an a33l7 in co%3osition8 Indicati#e Course Content

E9tensive revie" an 3ractice in ( 3art "riting techni=ues >riting <ass lines Safe lo" interval li%its .ar%onic notation an articulation S#etch charts Five 3art "riting >riting for five horns or %ore? ( 3art &loc# "ith ou&le lea @ 'ro3 2 "ith ou&le lea @ 'ro3 2 "ith 5th 3art on lo" roots@ Five 3arts using clusters@ 'ro3 2 an (5 ( an 5 3art s3rea voicingAs

Soli "riting :( an 5 voice; .o" to "rite for Sa9o3hones@ 3ro3erties of the instru%ents an soun .o" to "rite for <rass@ 3ro3erties5 classic instru%entation .o" to "rite for rh7th% section Trans3osition5 range5 register >riting s"ing rh7th%s5 a ing s7nco3ation to %elo ies8 .o" to "rite for <ig <an @ &ac#groun s5 intro uctions5 interlu es5 en ings5 %o ulation5 shout choruses5 arrange%ent strategies5 0nal7sis of conte%3orar7 /a44 %usic e9a%3les Conte%3orar7 "riting st7les an techni=ues Mo ern co%3osition techni=ues Putting 3oetr7 ! "or s to %usic Mo ern co%3osition transcri3tion5 anal7sis an co%3osition assign%ent

$ee%l& Course 'rea%do(n) "rganisation) *imeta+le $ee%s ,-./ 'ig 'and arranging 0n in e3th loo# at the fun a%entals in &ig &an arranging8 0t the en of the si9 "ee#s stu ents "ill han in a &ig &an arrange%ent5 an later in the 7ear have the o33ortunit7 to have it 3la7e &7 the universit7 &ig &an 8 Te9t? 0rranging for Large Ense%&le :<er#lee; $ee%s 7-0 Poetr& to Jazz Bn this %o ule5 "e stu 7 e9a%3les of Poetr7 set to /a44 setting8 >e s3ecificall7 loo# at "riting st7les5 co%3ositional techni=ues an orchestration8 Stu ents "ill source an set a :%ini%u% (0 "or ; 3oe% to s%all to %e iu% /a44 ense%&le8 $ee%s ,1-,2 Modern Jazz Composition/ transcription/ anal&sis
Bn this %o ule "e loo# at %o ern techni=ues use in current 6a44 co%3osition8 >e also cover tra itional co%3ositional techni=ues8 0t the en of this %o ule stu ents "ill han in a %aster score of a current /a44 co%3osition the7 have transcri&e :recor e in the last 10 7ears;5 a &rief "ritten anal7sis :1000 "or s at least; an a co%3osition of their o"n "hich is influence &7 their transcri3tion8

Indicati#e Student $or%load

T73e of Stu 7 Lectures


'etails 2(9 185 hr lecture 29 185 hour lecture 3er "ee#

Su& total Bn e3en ent Stu 7 Research an stu 7 ti%e

32 hours

E9tensive stu 7 an 100 hours anal7sis of relevant %usic e9a%3les an e9tensive 3ractice in a33l7ing co%3osition

an arranging techni=ues are essential for successful co%3letion of the class -ther 3ro6ects 1( hours Bn e3en ent rehearsal ti%e8

T-T0L .-CRS 150 hours

Mode of 3eli#er& Lectures - classroo% st7le teaching "ith the hel3 of various %e ia an notation!3la7&ac# soft"are an Relevant han out %aterial E9a%3les fro% te9t&oo# Bn class "or#sho33ing Si&elius on large screen Cecil evices

Assessment Procedure Stu ents co%3lete 3 0ssign%ents5 "hich are "eighte their "or#loa 8 0ssign%ent 1 -<ig-<an arrange%ent 0ssign%ent 2 - Conte%3orar7 "riting assign%ent 1- Poetr7 to /a44 Music 0ssign%ent 3 - Conte%3orar7 "riting assign%ent 2 D Mo ern /a44 Transcri3tion5 anal7sis an co%3osition ifferentl7 accor ing to

Mo e of 0ssess%ent

Learning -utco%es assesse



0ssign%ent 1 0ssign%ent 2 0ssign%ent 3 0tten ance ! 3artici3ation Total

1525 3 152535( 152535 (

50E 20E 20E 10E


Assessment criteria

Stu ents are e93ecte to %eet all the re=uire%ents for each assign%ent to achieve a 3ass gra e8 The7 "ill &e assesse "ith consi eration given to accurac75 3resentation5 content an ho" the finishe 3ro uct %eets re=uire%ents set in outline8 0ssign%ents "ill &e han e in at the office :S7%on s Street; on ue ate an set ti%e8 Late assign%ents are 3enali4e at 10 E of initial %ar# 3er "ee#- i8e8 1-, a7s late looses 10E8 0ssign%ents %ore than 2 "ee#s late "ill not &e acce3te 0ll assign%ents %ust &e co%3lete in or er to receive a 3ass gra e for this course8 0ll "riting assign%ents "ill inclu e Score :Printe ; Bn ivi ual 3arts :Printe ; C' "ith Si&elius files of all 3arts! scores5 an an7 other relevant %aterial8

<ig <an arrange%ent- this "ill have a Master score :Concert; an a C-$'CCT-RS score :>ith Parts Trans3ose ;

Academic Integrit& The Cniversit7 of 0uc#lan "ill not tolerate cheating5 or assisting others to cheat5 an vie"s cheating in course"or# as a serious offence8 The "or# that a stu ent su&%its for gra ing %ust &e the stu entAs o"n "or#5 reflecting his or her learning8 >here "or# fro% other sources is use 5 it %ust &e 3ro3erl7 ac#no"le ge an reference 8 This re=uire%ent also a33lies to sources on the "orl "i e "e&8 0 stu entAs assesse "or# %a7 &e revie"e against electronic source %aterial using co%3uterise etection %echanis%s8 C3on reasona&le re=uest5 stu ents %a7 &e re=uire to 3rovi e an electronic version of their "or# for co%3uterise revie"8

Indicati#e 'i+liograp &)Resources

Required *e4t 0rranging for large /a44 Ense%&le? 'ic# Lo"ell an Fen Pullig :<er#lee; .ighl7 Reco%%en e Mo ern /a44 voicings? Te Pease an Fen Pullig :<er#lee; Gar7 Lin sa7? /a44 0rranging Techni=ues5 fro% Huartet to <ig <an Mar# Levine? The /a44 theor7 <oo# Reco%%en e Rea ing <ill 'o&&ins@ /a44 0rranging an co%3osition- a linear a33roach Peter .er&orn? /a44 0rrange%ent Russ Garcia? The Professional 0rranger Sa%%7 $estico? The co%3lete 0rranger

Grades and Standards Judgement Work of high to exceptionally high musical quality sho ing excellent kno le!ge an! !epth of un!erstan!ing of su"#ect matter$ style an! aesthetic$ an appreciation of issues$ a high le%el of creati%e a"ility$ originality an! critical thinking& excellent technical$ communication an! presentation skills' Work of goo! musical quality sho ing goo! to strong grasp of su"#ect matter an! un!erstan!ing of ma#or issues though not necessarily of the finer points& e%i!ence of creati%e a"ility$ originality an! critical thinking& goo! technical$ communication an! presentation skills' Work sho ing some e%i!ence of musicality$ a kno le!ge of su"#ect matter an! appreciation of main issues though possi"ly ith some inconsistencies$ lapses an! ina!equacies& creati%e a"ility$ originality an! critical thinking present "ut limite!& a!equate technical$ communication an! presentation skills' Work lacking "rea!th an! !epth of musical quality an! !epth of kno le!ge of the su"#ect matter' Work generally has gaps' 2requently ork of this gra!e sho s ina!equate co%erage of material& !oes not attempt to interpret the material& at the lo er en!$ in!icates a nee! for consi!era"le effort to achie%e impro%ement& technical$ communication an! presentation skills are poor' 4ighly unsatisfactory' Work sho s a lack of musical un!erstan!ing$ lack of kno le!ge a"out an! un!erstan!ing of the issues' 5na!equate in !egree of rele%ance$ sometimes completeness$ sometimes "oth' 6echnical$ communication an! presentation skills are eak' Grade () ( (* 0) 0 0* 1) 1 1* 3) 3 % Value +, - .,, /5 - /+ /, - /4 75 - 7+ 7, - 74 65 - 6+ 6, - 64 55 - 5+ 5, - 54 45 - 4+ 4, - 44


, - 3+

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