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Cooperation and the Commons Bjrn Vollan, et al. Science 330, 923 (2010); DOI: 10.1126/science.


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Science (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. Copyright 2010 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Science is a registered trademark of AAAS.

innate immune system. Kessler et al.s findings may also have implications for a little-studied phenomenon known as pollen mimicry. Although powdery mildew fungi rarely colonize owers or gain contact with the ovule, other fungiincluding smuts, ergot, and head blight on cereal crops (9, 10)specifically infect flowers. Some fungi mimic pollen by using the same route as pollen to gain access to the hosts ovules (11); spores land on the stigma and germ tubes penetrate the style (see the gure). Overall, the most striking observation by Kessler et al. is that two seemingly distinct processes, i.e., pathogen invasion and sperm cell release, are controlled by the same factors. What do these two processes have in common? As in sex, a successful plantpathogen interaction requires compatible partners. Apparently, tube-like structures of either plant or fungal origin release signals that, directly or indirectly, activate plant cells to allow invasion. Because FER is responsible for redistribution of NTA upon pollination, it is likely that FER is the receptor that senses the signal, and not NTA or MLO. This implies that the same receptor-like kinase can initiate a signaling cascade in two different types of receptive cells, i.e., leaf and synergid cells, and that the penetrating structure (pollen tube or pathogen) provides the ligand that interacts with FER. In recent years, genome sequencing and high-throughput functional analyses of pathogen effectors have boosted the discovery rate of ligands (effectors) that interact with defense receptors (12, 13). The similarities between the goddesses of fertility and the Trojan horses described by Kessler et al. suggest that the ligands produced by powdery mildews and pollen have several features in common, and it would be worth using similar, high-throughput approaches to identify the ligands of FER. Once the ligands are known, the next challenge will be to exploit them for improving seed production without promoting fungal infection.
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Cooperation and the Commons

Bjrn Vollan1 and Elinor Ostrom2

In Ethiopia, groups with a higher propensity to cooperate avoid the tragedy of the commons.


ustainably managing common natural resources, such as sheries, water, and forests, is essential for our longterm survival. Many analysts have assumed, however, that people will maximize shortterm self-benefitsfor example, by cutting as much rewood as they can selland warned that this behavior will inevitably produce a tragedy of the commons (1), such as a stripped forest that no longer produces wood for anyone. But in laboratory simulations of such social dilemmas, the outcome is not always tragedy. Instead, a basic nding is that humans do not universally maximize short-term self-benets, and can cooperate to produce shared, long-term benets (2, 3). Similar ndings have come from eld studies of commonly managed resources (67). It has been challenging, however, to directly relate laboratory ndings to resource conditions in the eld, and identify the conditions that enhance cooperation. On page 961 of this issue, Rustagi et al. (8) help ll this gap. In an innovative study of Ethiopias Oromo people, they use economic experiments and

forest growth data to show that groups that had a higher proportion of conditional cooperators were more likely to invest in forest patrols aimed at enforcing rewood collection rulesand had more productive forests. They also show that other factors, including a groups distance to markets and the quality of its leadership, inuenced the success of cooperative management. Researchers have translated social dilemmas into economic games in which the playerstypically college students in the United States or Europecan earn real money, depending on whether they and others invest in a common good, or become free riders who benet without paying their fair share. Cardenas (9) was the rst to translate a

game carried out with students using computers in a lab (5) into a pen-and-paper version that was played by actual users of local forests in Colombia. This eld effort essentially replicated the lab ndings, but the levels of cooperative behavior observed were more variable. Other eld experiments examined how people who relied on forests, sheries, and grazing lands responded to experimental designs that enabled them to impose sanctions on free riders, including varying monetary penalties (10, 11). Several examined whether rules established by an external authoritysuch as a governmentcrowded out a groups motivation to cooperate (12, 13). In Ethiopias Bale Mountains, Rustagi et al. took these experiments a step fur-

Broader contextual variables Microsituational variables

Learning and norm-adopting individuals

Levels of trust that other participants are reciprocators

Levels of cooperation

Net benefits

Department of Economics, University of Mannheim, L7, 3-5, D-68131 Mannheim, Germany. 2Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA, and Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA. E-mail:;

Trust me. Microsituational and broader contextual variables can inuence levels of trust and cooperation in managing common resources such as forests. [Adapted from (18)] SCIENCE VOL 330 12 NOVEMBER 2010

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ther. There, high livestock density poses a major threat to forests, because the animals browse on young trees. To address this and other problems, ofcials launched a forest management program that gave Bale Oromo groups common ownership of woodlands, and responsibility for maintaining forest cover. To explore the role of cooperation in the success of these efforts, Rustagi et al. rst set up eld labs in a number of villages, and invited residents to play games designed to measure their propensity to cooperate (conditional on others cooperation). They also conducted surveys that gathered socioeconomic data and information about resource monitoring efforts. Finally, they compared the game results and the survey data from 49 groups to measurements of potential crop trees, an indicator of forest productivity. Overall, they found that the groups with the larger shares of conditionally cooperative members were more likely to be successful in managing their forest commons. They also invested more in costly enforcement of cooperation (participating in forest patrols, which promote cooperation by sanctioning free riders). By establishing this link between the levels of cooperation observed in eld labs with local forest conditions, Rustagi et al. have increased the condence that scholars can have in the external validity of results from previous experiments carried out all over the world, with student and nonstudent subjects. In addition, by adding to ndings showing diverse levels of cooperation in social dilemmas, rather than no cooperation, they support the growing acceptance of a behavioral theory of human action (14): Individuals facing dilemmas, who learn from experience and adopt a norm of conditional cooperation, achieve levels of cooperation that increase over timeif a sufcient number of conditional cooperators are present. If a group is composed of a substantial number of free riders, however, cooperation levels fall over time. One way of interpreting Rustagi et al.s ndings is that learning and norm-adopting individuals are attracted to certain situations, and then are affected by the behavior of other actors facing the same situation (see the gure). Initially, this leads to some degree of cooperation (e.g., acceptance of rules of the forest group, monitoring other users, and helping to maintain their forest). If enough individuals initially cooperate, they slowly obtain benets from the forest, and levels of cooperation grow. Alternatively, initial cooperation rates can be low, and then can continue to decline over time. Rustagi et al. identify a number of wellknown variables that can inuence cooperation, including the size of the forest group, its leadership, and the heterogeneity of the group. Other, broader, variables include village elevation and market access, with villages closer to markets for wood products more likely to invest in cooperative management. Other eld studies have found that prior experience in cooperative management increases the likelihood of groups successfully managing a resource. Rustagi et al. also found that the share of conditional cooperators in a group is affected by clan afliation and the leader, who needs to have sufficient prestige to change the norms of the group. Other recent evidence from eld experiments shows that resource users responded prosocially to environmental appeals made by park rangers (15). More details of cultural effects on cooperation are provided by Prediger et al. (16), who use a socioecological framework (17) to identify main differences between two populations before performing eld experiments. They show that historical events that interfere with self-governance, as well as subtle ecological differences, can affect the propensity to cooperate. More research is needed to explain the factors that produce variation in cooperation. Using multiple methods (18) to identify the relevant microsituational and broader contextual variables, and using robust econometric methods to link these variables with differences in behavior and real-world outcomes, will constitute a major step in advancing a behavioral theory of human action.
1. G. Hardin, Science 162, 1243 (1968). 2. E. Fehr, S. Gchter, Am. Econ. Rev. 90, 980 (2000). 3. E. Ostrom, R. Gardner, J. Walker, Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources (Univ. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1994). 4. National Research Council, Conference on Common Property Resource Management (National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 1986). 5. National Research Council, The Drama of the Commons (National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2002). 6. J.-M. Baland, J.-P. Platteau, Halting Degradation of Natural Resources (Clarendon, Oxford, 2005). 7. E. Ostrom, Governing the Commons (Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 1990). 8. D. Rustagi, S. Engel, M. Kosfeld, Science 330, 961 (2010). 9. J.-C. Cardenas, Environ. Dev. Sustain. 2, 305 (2000). 10. J.-C. Cardenas, For. Policy Econ. 6, 229 (2004). 11. M. A. Velez, J. J. Murphy, J. K. Stranlund, Econ. Inq. 48, 254 (2010). 12. J.-C. Cardenas, J. K. Stranlund, C. E. Willis, World Dev. 28, 1719 (2000). 13. B. Vollan, Ecol. Econ. 67, 560 (2008). 14. C. F. Camerer, Behavioral Game Theory (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2003). 15. R. Moreno-Snchez, J. H. Maldonado, Ecol. Econ. 69, 2557 (2010). 16. S. Prediger, B. Vollan, M. Frlich, Ecol. Econ. (2010). 17. E. Ostrom, Science 325, 419 (2009). 18. A. Poteete, M. Janssen, E. Ostrom, Working Together (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, 2010). 10.1126/science.1198349


Glimpsing the Critical Intermediate in Cytochrome P450 Oxidations

Stephen G. Sligar The key intermediate in the oxidation of carbon-hydrogen bonds by cytochrome P450 has been characterized.

lmost all living organisms make use of atmospheric oxygen (O2) for respiration. Another critical role of oxygen is in the partial oxidation of organic compounds, which can remove toxins or create compounds for specialized tasks such as signaling. The enzymes that accomplish this task, the oxygenases, were discovered by Hayaishi in 1955. Among them are the dioxygenases, which insert both of the O atoms into one or more substrates, and the monooxygenases, which incorporate only
Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA. E-mail:

one of the O atoms into a substrate and reduce the other to water. The cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) (1), crucial to metabolism, can catalyze a most difcult transformation: the oxidation of aliphatic carbon-hydrogen bonds. The structure of a key intermediate in this reaction, a heme iron bearing a single oxygen atom, has eluded chemists for three decades. On page 933 of this issue, Rittle and Green (2) used Mssbauer and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, in concert with optical absorption spectroscopy, to characterize this hot oxidant in P450 catalysis as an Fe(IV)oxo-porphyrin cation radical.



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