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12/27/23, 11:08 PM Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas : EnlightenedLife

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Posted by u/DoItYrselfLiberation 11 months ago

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10Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip
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tmullig1 · 11 mo. ago

Great notes on the video by @mohammadaamir

Common wisdom is that fasting makes you tired and

1. Sugar and caffeine seems to temporarily give us energy, but that’s just because we
are sugar junkies
2. There’s no measure of “energy” in the human body; it’s all in the mind 1/7
12/27/23, 11:08 PM Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas : EnlightenedLife

3. When we cut sugar we may feel tired, but that’s because we’re experiencing

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Our mind has interfered with our body and tells us we

need to eat at certain times even if we don’t feel hungry
1. Messages from the media, our social circles, our family
2. It isn’t biologically necessary to eat X times per day

Humans are 2.5 million years old

1. Our bodies are adapted to that ancestral environment in which agriculture didn’t
2. In the last 200 years we’ve developed industrialized, processed foods
3. Vegetable and seed oils are extremely processed and found in everything
4. Our bodies don’t know how to respond to these processed foods that haven’t existed
for 99.9% of our evolution

Our Paleolithic ancestors ate around once a day, and

during the day to avoid predators
1. Our body is made to fast and to feast
2. If your energy went down the longer you went without eating, we would have just
crawled into our caves and died
3. We fast when we’re sick because eating is dangerous; it takes a large proportion of
the calories you ingest to metabolize those calories

Biochemistry of fasting
1. In first 12 hours, all glycogen in your blood will be soaked up
2. You have enough protein in your body to last 40 days; a human body contains
15,000 calories
3. Your blood sugar doesn’t drop easily; you can fast for two weeks and your blood
sugar will barely go down
4. Gluconeogenesis begins: protein gets turned into glucose to maintain blood sugar
5. During next 12 hours, ketosis begins

Fats begin to be utilized only once insulin levels drop

below a certain level
1. As long as insulin remains high, ketosis cannot begin 2/7
12/27/23, 11:08 PM Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas : EnlightenedLife

2. Fats get converted into triglycerides and fatty acids

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3. In liver, fatty acids get converted into ketones
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4. Ketones can be utilized by every cell in the body including the brain
5. We’re told that brain can only use glucose, but that’s wrong; the brain can utilize
6. After a 7-day fast, up to 70% of brain utilization is made up of ketones

Ketosis starts after 18 hours

1. You’ll feel fine
2. After the third 12 hours, ketones go even higher
3. After 3 days, ketone levels are quite high
4. By day 5, you’ll have a lot of ketones
5. You can measure ketone level in urine
6. If you have a low carb diet, you'll go into ketogenesis much faster

What prevents us from going into ketosis?

1. Insulin prevents it; we have to drop insulin levels to burn fat
2. To lower insulin, you must use fasting diet
3. You can’t lose weight if your insulin remains high
4. Mortality is also higher, as well as inflammation, strokes, Alzheimer’s
5. Fasting brings your insulin level down effectively

As your blood sugar drops, your body will become

sensitive to insulin again
1. Your body will start learning to produce less insulin in response to meals
2. Eating after a fast is metabolized completely differently versus non fasting meals;
insulin response will be much lower
3. One day of fasting will give you benefits for days
4. You keep burning fat even when you start eating again

Other benefits
1. The body increases your metabolic rate and epinephrine levels go up to motivate
you to seek food
2. You feel more alert, more motivated, more focused
3. Body starts producing growth hormone that stimulates generation of new brain cells
4. The tiniest vial of human growth hormone costs $400 3/7
12/27/23, 11:08 PM Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas : EnlightenedLife

5. A two day fast produces a 2,000% increase in growth hormone, which makes skin
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1. Starts after 24 hrs and peaks at 3 days
2. When you are nutrient deficient, M2 levels go low, triggering autophagy
3. Autophagy is when excess cells and intracellular organelles get recycled and broken
down for energy
4. Produces energy while also cleaning out cellular membranes
5. Cells don’t die, they just go into recycling mode
6. When you do eat, those organelles get replaced first, essentially rejuvenating your
cells which makes them younger and healthier and more resistant to disease
7. Autophagy is like a reset switch, stimulating bone marrow to produce more stem
8. Stem cells cost tons of money, and are much more effective when produced
naturally than injected
9. Fasting is like getting a stem cell transplant
10. Stem cells go into organs and replenish cells that have died

No industry will support fasting because there’s no

money to be made, only lost

Stem cell mobilization

1. You need a 3 day fast to get the benefits
2. You must prepare yourself psychologically and arrange your environment to do it

1. If you do a 7-day fast, your lifetime likelihood of getting cancer goes down by 70% or
2. Chemotherapy is much more effective, with fewer side effects, after 36 hour fast
3. By strengthening your normal cells, you make it easier to target cancer cells
4. It’s seen as unethical to have cancer patients fast, when doing so would make the
symptoms much less severe
5. Trays of food get forced on patients when they’re not hungry, leading to problems
like aspiration
6. Cancer will be treated in the future with adjunctive fasting 4/7
12/27/23, 11:08 PM Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas : EnlightenedLife

Autoimmune diseases
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1. If you get a flare up, fast for 3 days
2. It makes the bowels totally quiet, where many autoimmune diseases start, giving
gut a chance to heal

1. Don’t feed granny for 3 days if she has dementia, just give her plenty of water, and
the fog will go away

3 day water fast

1. You’ll pee a lot, which means you need to drink more water
2. Electrolytes will be conserved by kidney very well, plus sodium and potassium
3. If you get cramps, put a pinch of salt in water
4. Hunger comes and goes in waves according to circadian rhythm; pay attention and
drink water and it will go away
5. No one continues to be hungry all day long; you may feel cravings if you’re addicted
to sugar
6. After 2nd day, most ppl feel great with plenty of energy

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tmullig1 · 11 mo. ago

Intermittent fasting
1. If you just want to be healthy eat once a day OR twice per day in a 6-8 hour
2. Lunch at 1pm and dinner at 6pm
3. You’ll have a little ketosis and autophagy on a daily basis, burning glycogen and
4. Once a week, extend the fast by skipping an evening meal
5. Immunity will get better because stem cells have kicked in
6. 36 hours is the magic number
7. Some do a 7-day fast every 6 months

Fasting activates antioxidants in your body

1. Vitamin D has no antioxidant effect itself; it activates genes that are antioxidant 5/7
12/27/23, 11:08 PM Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas : EnlightenedLife

2. Almost everyone is Vitamin D deficient; it’s important to check it and supplement

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3. Activates DNA repair mechanisms
4. Makes telomeres less short, lengthening your lifespan

What to eat
1. No processed foods
2. Fruits are overrated; eat fruits with low glycemic index: watermelon, apples,
peaches, plums, apricots
3. Almost everyone is Omega 3 deficient
4. Meditation also lengthens your telomere
5. What you eat every day changes your genetic expression
6. High protein diet increases cancer risk; you don’t need much protein, just 50
grams per day, which you can get as part of your normal diet

Melatonin from sleep

1. Prevents cancer and also activates anti-aging mechanism

Sugar is a poison
1. It’s not found in nature, totally processed

If you can slow down again, you avoid all the ailments
and diseases and conditions
1. Fasting is the way to slow down aging
2. There have been 100,000 generations in human evolution; only 600 of those have
been since agricultural revolution; only 10 have been since Industrial Revolution

First thing to do to fast is minimize carbs and cut out

all processed and artificial foods
1. When you start eating again, drink bone broth to avoid phosphate deficiency
2. Don’t buy ready made bone broth; make it yourself

High glucose levels won’t hurt you long term, but high
insulin levels will

You have to take control over your own life 6/7
12/27/23, 11:08 PM Fasting For Survival Lecture by Dr Pradip Jamnadas : EnlightenedLife

1. No doctor is going to fix this for you

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Group of Rhesus monkeys were give restricted diet of

30% fewer calories, and another group given a
standard American diet
1. First group had longer lifespans, less cardiovascular disease
2. But another study restricted feedings and limited processed foods and saw even
better results; caloric restriction by itself isn’t enough
3. It’s no longer “calories in, calories out”; it’s about the hormonal responses and
timing of the calories and how your body responds to them

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N______A · 11 mo. ago

Hey. I strongly suggest reading "The Immunity Code" by Joel Greene, as it completely
tears apart every health model. He tended to be at the forefront of all diet & fasting
programs and noticed he had great results short-term but long-term everything went
down hill.

If I could condense his discovery down, I would say the word "balance" though it is much
more complicated than that. Understanding the human body as a system, and feeding it
for fuel. No longer hungry for sweets, body functions properly, things will change.

I do believe in fasting though, as a YEC Christian :).

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DoItYrselfLiberation OP · 11 mo. ago

Thanks I'll check it out :)

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N______A · 11 mo. ago

No problem. He has an instagram which gives insight into some of his ideas. :)

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