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@ Slide 1
Eating right is one of the cornerstones of good health. What we eat determines, to a great extent, our risk for
heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Not only does eating a healthy diet help prevent disease, it provides us
with the energy and feeling of well-being to live an active, productive life. The importance of diet has been recognized
since ancient times
@ Slide 2
. More than
1600 years ago, Hippocrates said, “Let food be your
medicine and medicine be your food.”
@ Slide 3
************WHAT MEANS DIET?
To many people, the word “diet” means an eating plan designed to help them lose weight. However, the more
general meaning of diet is the kinds of food a person or people habitually eat. For example, we might say that a typical
Japanese diet contains more fish than the diet of most Americans. The word diet
is also used to describe various types of eating plans, such as a vegan diet or low-salt diet.
Nutrition means the process of obtaining food necessary for health and growth. Nutrients are the
various substances the body uses to grow and function properly. There are six classes of nutrients and
each is essential to good health
@ Slide 4
the nutrition facts label (also known as the nutrition information panel, and other slight variations) is a label required
on most packaged food in many countries, showing what nutrients and other ingredients (to limit and get enough of)
are in the food. Labels are usually based on official nutritional rating systems.
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Proteins: food substances containing amino acids, which are necessary for both building and maintaining the
structural components of the body. Common sources are meat, fish, eggs, legumes (plants with seed pods), nuts,
seeds, and grains.
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Carbohydrates: food substances composed of units of sugars that provide the body with immediate energy. Common
sources are fruits, breads, cereals, and pasta.
@ slide 7
Fats: food substances consisting of fatty acids that provide the most concentrated forms of energy for the body. In
addition to oils and butter, fats are found in meat, fish, nuts, eggs, and certain plants such as olives and avocados
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Vitamins: organic (related to or derived from living organisms) substances found in foods that are essential, in very
small quantities, for growth, health, and life
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Minerals: inorganic (not derived from living matter) substances that must be supplied to the body, in very small
quantities, in order for it to function properly.
@ slide 10
Vegan: Includes only plant-based foods. People who follow this diet do not eat any foods produced by animals such as
milk, cheese, and eggs. Vegans do not use or wear any animal products. When referring to dietary practices, the term
plant-based diet is a more accurate descriptor than vegan.
2. Lacto-vegetarian: Includes milk and milk products along with plant-based foods.
3. Lacto-ovo vegetarian: Includes eggs, milk, and milk products along with plant-based foods.
4. Flexitarian (semi-vegetarian): A mostly plant-based diet, but may occasionally include small amounts of meat or fish.
Lukas part
@(1st slide)
What are the benefits of achieving healthy lifestyle?
•makes us feel good about ourselves and people around us
•helps in dealing with stress and some mental issues
•alleviates burnout , this in return makes us more productive and as a result we will become more successful in the
•getting sick becomes impossible as our body is satisfied with the way we treat it, more nutrients the more powerful
immune system is.
@(2d slide)
how does we achieve healthy lifestyle?
• dopamine detox - procces that helps get ride of excess dopamine , giving us more motivation
• regular exercises - gives you strength, flexibility and mood enhancement.
• nutritious diet - essential vitamins in your diet contribute to greater well-being and weight management.
• adequate sleep - Getting better sleep regularly helps boost our cognitive functions and emotion management.
@(3th slide)
•Dopamine - a chemical messenger in the brain that plays a key role in pleasure, motivation, and reward.
•if an activity released too little dopamine you won't have enough motivation to do it
•if an activity releases a lot of dopamine you will be motivated to repeat it over and over.
• Any activity where you participate there is a potential reward, releases it. But if you know there are no immediate
rewards with the behavior your brain won't release it.
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the rat experiment and how does it correlatie to healthy lifestyle?
• Researchers implemented electrodes in the brains of rats whenever the rat pulled a lever researchers stimulatated
the rats reward system in the brain
•the result : rats developed craving so strong they kept pulling the lever over and over for hours they would refuse to
eat or sleep they would keep pressing the lever until they dropped from tiredness
• then the procces was reversed , scientist blocked the dopamine as a result rats became lethargic even getting up to
get a drink of water was not worth the effort, they didn't crave anything.
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how does dophamine connect to healthy lifestyle?
•main point is that we live in a society where people are addicted to their phones which makes makes people
"dopamine fatigued"
•if we stop using our gadgets and participate in dophamine detox we will have enough willpower and mental energy
to participate in a health lifestyle which will lead to excellent consequences such as successful career or academic
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Sleep and it's correlation to healthy lifestyle
• adequate sleep is essential, it makes our memory stronger, mood regulation and contributes immune system
• not getting enough sleep can contribute to having bad cognitive usage , problems with thinking, weight gain ect.
• lack of sleep makes your Brian "eat itself " basically ,autophagy of the brain , autophagy means recycling procces
where cells break down and remove damaged cells this causes memory problems.
@ (7th slide)
We should ask professionals to give us clear routine to a better lifestyle.
1. Registered dietitian and nutritionis - they can offer personalized nutrition guidance
2. Personal trainer - they can create a personalized excersie plan.

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