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It does not pay to be rash.

Break the cycle


Stare at this picture without blinking for 10 seconds, then quickly look at a surface around you.

That is your moving target (in life).

Aim and shoot.


A boy clutching a bag entered a convenience store with two friends in tow. Give me all your money! he yelled as he pulled out a very real-looking toy gun from his bag. He pointed it in the direction of the cashier while throwing the bag across the counter. The store was run by three young men. They looked on, bemused. How about this, kid. You dont take any of the money in the cash register, and I will let you take anything you want from the store. I will fill up your bags right now. Just point to what you want, The oldest of the three men negotiated.


Go to a large convenience store.

Walk down every single aisle of the store slowly, and take note of what is new. Buy an item. Thank the cashiers by addressing them by their names.


The boy looked at his friends, then turned to face the three men. His fingers tightened around the grip of the Toy gun as he unsteadily pointed it at the shop-owners. The trembling of his hands was visible. Nodding his head toward the shelves, he yelled out a list of food items. Two of the shop-owners jumped into action, picking out the items that the boy wanted while one of them kept his eye on the boy. Do you want the bottle of salsa to go along with your bag of chips? One of the shop-owners asked.


Put it in! yelled the boy. Once the bags had been stashed full of snacks and groceries, they made a dash for it. One of the owners immediately gave chase while the other two stayed behind. They had known that the gun was harmless, yet they had decided to play along. One COULD never be too certain.


This is YOUR secret book of fantasies. Write down at least 2 secret fantasies. Use your own shorthand or code to keep it a mystery!


Meanwhile, the shop-owner lost the boys as they disappeared into the crowd. Just as He decided to give up and return to the shop, he spotted one of the boys talking to a girl. The shop-owner yelled at the boy and started to go after him but was halted in his steps by the girl. The girl asked the shop-owner why he was going after the boy. Upon learning about the theft, she explained that she was a close friend of the boy and apologized on his behalf.


Identify three people to whom you need to say sorry to. Write down an apology for each person.


She volunteered to work at the shop to reimburse the shop owners for their losses. Back at the shop, all three shop-owners had a discussion and agreed, If this girl would be willing to take the rap for her male friends, why not? It was thus decided upon for her to start work immediately. What should I do? She asked. She was told to sweep and mop the floor.


Hall of Fame
Name your trophies and include the recipients name. Award these to someone or yourself.

How often do you appreciate the people around you or thank yourself for the effort you have put in?


Days passed and a friendship developed between the three men and the girl. The attention she was receiving at the shop was more than she had ever received before and she enjoyed it. Hence, Despite having worked off her friends debts, she was contented to continue working on. The owners were happy with the girls work and offered her a permanent position. While she was happy with her job, she had always harboured a curious thought. Hmm ... I wonder who would be most concerned about me if something were to happen to me? she daydreamed of herself being the damsel in distress and her hero rushing to her rescue. One day, an idea struck her.

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How happy are you?

Daily exercise: Before you sleep, write down three things that went well today and why it went well.


In the basement of the shop, there was an unmended hole filled with mud. If she were to fall in by `accident and yell for help, who would be the first to come running? Perhaps then she would be able to tell who was the most anxious about her. She decided she would act upon that thought. But curiosity killed the cat and fate had its own plan. As she walked toward the hole, she tripped and fell head first into the mud. As she struggled and cried out for help, the mud consumed her and she was silenced.


Look at yourself in the mirror for 30 seconds and tell yourself three things you like about yourself.


What were the three things you told yourself? What else came to mind when you were looking at your

1) 2) 3)


Many of us may turn to external sources (eg: doing well in a task or the extent of the support we receive) to affirm ourselves and increase our self-esteem. Lack of self-confidence and self-worth are some of the reasons people display attention-seeking behaviours which may be regarded as childish or unreasonable. Ask yourself why you need all the attention. It is important to look within ourselves and train our minds to think positively about the self. Tell yourself that you are as good as the person you want to be.

Appreciate yourself. List all the things about yourself that you can appreciate yourself for.

Paste a picture of your face here.


Hours passed and no one had seen her. People started getting worried. A search party was sent out and it was not long after that they discovered the body. Investigations were carried out and it was subsequently filed away as an accident. Years went by. The Girls family and friends could not forget and would not forgive the shop owners for negligence. The mother also became paranoid that misfortune would befall her other daughter. She could not bear to lose another child and so she had strict instructions set in place for the young girl. The young girl was forbidden to leave the house on her own. To keep her busy, she was assigned the task of sweeping and mopping the floor in the house.


Recall a time when you were prevented from doing something. What was it? What were the reasons? How did that make you feel?


The girl was bored stiff and wanted desperately to get out. One day, her chance arrived. With her mother distracted by a phone call and some paperwork and no one else around to keep watch on her, she could sneak out. She pretended to sweep the floor while stealthily inching closer to the door. she was free! Out of the house on her own for the first time, excitement washed away all other feelings of nervousness and anxiety. Letting her legs lead her, she crossed the road and bumped into a friend of her older sister. Surprised and worried to see the little girl out on her own, the friend decided to accompany her on her walk. The little girl walked on happily, taking in the sights around her. She stopped at a convenience store. It was the convenience store. But of course, the little girl had no clue.


1. Go to a park. 2. Walk on the grass barefooted. 3.  Focus on nothing but each footstep you are taking. 4: Record your experience.

She went in and was enthralled by a marshmallow the size of a cushion. The friend fidgeted uneasily as she looked at the shop-owners. While she recognized them, they did not know her. The happy chatter and innocence of the little girl carrying a broom drew the attention of the shop owners. There was something familiar about her which they could not comprehend. The little girl, having decided she would get the marshmallow, purchased three pieces one for the friend, one to commemorate her sister, and one for herself. Happy with her purchase, she skipped out of the shop.


Close your eyes. Think of something that represents you in 10 years time. Draw/Describe it and share what it signifies.


The friend, afraid that history may repeat itself, or afraid that the little girls mother might be furious if she were to find out that the little girl and the shop owners HAD become acquainted, turned to face the oldest of the three and said, Bernard, you watch out. then she left. The shop owners turned to look at each other in bewilderment. How did she know his name? Why did that little girl look so familiar? Meanwhile, the little girl and the friend crossed the road and headed back home.


Sit on a Ferris wheel, or anything that goes in circles and reflect on mistakes that have been made.

Remember this:
Failure is the mother of success. Dont be afraid to make new mistakes.


This is Your Guidebook

Think of mistakes you have made and write what you will do to ensure they will not be repeated. For Example: 1. I  will make sure I get my facts right first before I speak to my boss. 2. I  must pause to think for 5 seconds before I speak to ensure I do not say the wrong things. 3. I will not lie to my teacher about my homework.



Robert By rne

The purpo se of life is

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