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Want to stay in the dream. Heart racing with exhilaration. That sense of release ...


Hair tied messily into a bun, a Pallid face with intensely dark eyes and a pair of red lips stared back at her. Heart palpitating, she jumped back with fright. She blinked her eyes and realized that it was only her reflection. I look so horrible ... she mumbled to herself as she tried to rub some colour into her pallid cheeks. Leaving the washroom, friends she bumped into along the way stopped to ask if she was alright. Yeah, I am. Just not feeling too well, she said, her excuse for the way she looked.


Close your eyes. Think of something that represents you now. Draw/describe it and share what it signifies.


Upon leaving the school building, a sudden burst of energy exploded within her as though someone had released her chest from heavy metal chains and blown helium into her. The long heavy skirt she wore felt weightless as well. Breathing in, the air felt crisp. She smiled to herself. her arms wide open, she embraced the world.

Are you able to identify the activities that provide you with energy and the activities that drain you?



All of a sudden, her feet started to lift off the ground. A temporary wave of panic rushed through her as she struggled to prevent herself from falling. Moving her arms up and down like a weighing balance, she finally found equilibrium. With regained confidence, she took a deep breath and with all her might, she flapped her arms and propelled herself upwards.

How ready are you to fly? Are you ready to fight for your survival and success?


ou d o What would y ? if you could fly


This is an elephant.


Step 1: Draw a flying elephant.


Step 2: Ask your friends/family and one five-year-old to draw a flying elephant on separate pieces of paper. Stick the papers here.


Step 3: Compare the drawings. Write your observations here.

Upload your drawings and observations to


Immediately, a mischievous grin spread across her face as an idea lit up in her head. Since i look so pale today and i can fly, why not? Undoing her bun to release her long black hair, she stretched her arms out in a manner that looked like she was about to strangle someone, and swooped down towards her first target.


You are up to no good.

Pick one of the following to do or come up with your own list.

1. L  ook out the window and yell out a selfimposed taboo word. 2. J  ump out from behind a wall and scare somebody with a strong heart. 3. O  rganize a flash mob dressed as monsters. 4.  Make a series of funny faces and send it to people. 5. Add loads of sugar to a persons coffee.


Arghhhhh! A ghost! a high pitched scream pierced the otherwise quiet day. just Before reaching her target, she soared back into the sky giggling with delight.

This is fun! she thought to herself.

She flew to a tree and watched for her next target, ignoring a small but growing crowd that had begun to gather around her first victim, now unconscious on the ground.

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How to draw a portrait of freedom

If drawing is not your forte, imagine the process of drawing.

1. Use pencil to draw a room complete with a door and walls. 2. Draw something attractive to you. 3. Bring this picture out to an open space, preferably a park. 4. Add yourself to the drawing.

5. Erase the door and walls of the room.

You are in control of your own life. Take some time out to do something you enjoy. If nothing comes to mind now, refer to page 19.

fly? o t t n a w u o y Do
Steps on how to fly in your sleep:

1 2 3

Hopping or bouncing along the dreamscape.

Gradually allow yourself to jump higher. Remember it is a dream and you cannot get hurt. It helps to look up and away from the ground.

Soar over the clouds like Superman! Or use a flying aid like a jet pack or giant wings, or even sitting on the back of a dragon!

Flying dreams fall under a category of dreams known as lucid dreams. You will need to have complete control to fly. Practice makes perfect!


Paste a photograph that inspires you here.


Refer to page 137 and 145. Draw your evolution.

Draw your symbol as in page 145.


Draw your symbol as in page 137.


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