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Election 2012!

You are the campaign manager for a presidential candidate in 2012. Your
goal is to win your party’s nomination and move to the general election.
Choose your candidate wisely, refine your position on issues and create ads
that will capture the hearts of American people. Good luck!

1. Choose a candidate
a. They must meet Constitutional requirements for the presidency as of November 2012.
b. They may be fictional or non-fictional.
2. Determine which political party your nominee will align with and pick two issues they will
emphasize in their campaign.
a. If your nominee is fictional, you may choose what the person believes on issues and
what issues will be important to them.
b. If your nominee is non-fictional, research that person to find out what they believe
politically and what issues are important to them.
3. Determine who their target voters are.
a. Which people is your nominee going to focus his or her attention on?
4. Create a slogan and logo for your candidate.
a. Keep in mind your target voters.
5. Create 2 ads
a. One advertisement must be an a/v ad (either a video or sound recording)
i. Include slogan & logo (if video)
ii. Include party and issues
b. One advertisement must be a poster ad
i. Include slogan & logo
ii. Include party and issues
iii. Include a photo of your candidate
6. Create 1 piece a merchandise supporting your candidate- you have freedom on this part
a. Bumper sticker
b. T-shirt
c. Button
d. If you have another idea- ask me
7. Paper
a. Type up
i. Who your candidate is
ii. What political party your candidate is aligned with
iii. What two issues your candidate will focus on
iv. Define who your target voters are and why you have decided to target them.
v. What your slogan is and why you chose it.

* We will be having a primary election and then a general election in class- if your candidate wins, you
will get extra credit*

Rubric on back
An A project will:
• Have a candidate who meets the Constitutional requirements.
• Clearly shows which political party their candidate is a part of.
• Clearly shows which two issues their candidate is focusing on in their two ads and paper
o these issues must be in line with what their political party believes
• Clearly articulates which group of people the candidate will focus his/her attention on
o Both ads target this audience
o The logo and slogan target this audience
• A/V ad is submitted either via e-mail/flash drive/DVD/CD on time
o Includes the slogan and logo (if video)
o Mentions the party and issues important to the candidate
• Poster ad is submitted on time
o Includes the slogan and logo
o Includes a photo of the candidate
o Mentions the party and issues important to the candidate
o Is professional looking
 Colored
 Neat
 Visible from far away
• Piece of merchandise is turned-in on time, professional looking, and targets your desired voter
• Paper is turned in on time
o Paper is typed
o Paper includes the five areas mentioned
o Paper is written in complete sentences and has been proof-read

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