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Notice to our Readers: A Frank Warning W.T.

Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July 4, 1885) The Criminal law mendment !ill, it i" "aid, will #e a#and$ned $win% t$ the late &eri$d $' the "e""i$n and the di''i(ulty $' 'indin% time t$ (arry it thr$u%h the C$mm$n". That mea"ure deal" with a "u#)e(t the im&$rtan(e $' whi(h ha" #een admitted #y #$th &artie", and i" #a"ed u&$n the ur%ent re($mmendati$n $' a *$u"e $' +$rd" C$mmittee $' whi(h the Mar,ui" $' Sali"#ury wa" a &r$minent mem#er. -t ha" thri(e #een &a""ed thr$u%h the *$u"e $' +$rd", and n$w '$r the third time it i" threatened with e.tin(ti$n in the *$u"e $' C$mm$n". The &u#li(, it i" "aid, i" n$t intere"ted in the "u#)e(t, and the #ill, there'$re, may "a'ety #e a#and$ned. That we are t$ld i" the (al(ulati$n in hi%h ,uarter". !ut i' Mini"ter" thin/ $' all$win% the #ill t$ dr$& #e(au"e the &u#li( i" n$t /eenly ali0e t$ it" im&$rtan(e, it i" ne(e""ary t$ $&en the eye" $' the &u#li(, in $rder that a mea"ure the ur%en(y $' whi(h ha" #een re&eatedly admitted may &a"" int$ law thi" "e""i$n. We ha0e, there'$re, determined, with a 'ull "en"e $' the re"&$n"i#ility atta(hin% t$ "u(h a de(i"i$n, t$ &u#li"h the re&$rt $' a S&e(ial and Se(ret C$mmi""i$n $' -n,uiry whi(h we a&&$inted t$ e.amine int$ the wh$le "u#)e(t. -t i" a l$n%, detailed re&$rt, dealin% with th$"e &ha"e" $' "e.ual (riminality whi(h the Criminal +aw mendment !ill wa" 'ramed t$ re&re"". 1$thin% #ut the m$"t im&eri$u" "en"e $' &u#li( duty w$uld )u"ti'y it" &u#li(ati$n. !ut a" we are a""ured $n e0ery hand, $n the #e"t auth$rity, that with$ut it" &u#li(ati$n the #ill will #e a#and$ned '$r the third time, we dare n$t 'a(e the re"&$n"i#ility $' it" "u&&re""i$n. We "hall, there'$re, #e%in it" &u#li(ati$n $n M$nday, and ($ntinue t$ &u#li"h de die in diem until the wh$le in'ernal narrati0e i" ($m&lete. !ut alth$u%h we are thu" ($m&elled, in the &u#li( intere"t, t$ &u#li"h the (a"e '$r the #ill, $r rather '$r th$"e &$rti$n" $' it whi(h are uni0er"ally admitted t$ #e ne(e""ary, we ha0e n$ de"ire t$ in'li(t u&$n unwillin% eye" the %ha"tly "t$ry $' the (riminal de0el$&ment" $' m$dern 0i(e. There'$re we "ay ,uite 'ran/ly t$2day that all th$"e wh$ are ",ueami"h, and all th$"e wh$ are &rudi"h, and all th$"e wh$ &re'er t$ li0e in a '$$l3" &aradi"e $' ima%inary inn$(en(e and &urity, "el'i"hly $#li0i$u" t$ the h$rri#le realitie" whi(h t$rment th$"e wh$"e li0e" are &a""ed in the +$nd$n -n'ern$, will d$ well n$t t$ read the Pall Mall Gazette $' M$nday and the three '$ll$win% day". The "t$ry $' an a(tual &il%rima%e int$ a real hell i" n$t &lea"ant readin%, and i" n$t meant t$ #e. -t i", h$we0er, an authenti( re($rd $' unim&ea(ha#le 'a(t", 4a#$mina#le, unuttera#le, and w$r"e than 'a#le" yet ha0e 'ei%ned $r 'ear ($n(ei0ed.4 !ut it i" true, and it" &u#li(ati$n i" ne(e""ary. We bid you be of Hope W.T. Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July 5, 1885) The 6e&$rt $' $ur Se(ret C$mmi""i$n will #e read t$2day with a "hudderin% h$rr$r that will thrill thr$u%h$ut the w$rld. 'ter thi" aw'ul &i(ture $' the (rime" at &re"ent ($mmitted a" it were under the 0ery ae%i" $' the law ha" #een 'ully un'$lded #e'$re the eye" $' the &u#li(, we

need n$t d$u#t that the *$u"e $' C$mm$n" will 'ind time t$ rai"e the a%e durin% whi(h 7n%li"h %irl" are &r$te(ted 'r$m ine.&ia#le wr$n%. The e0iden(e whi(h we "hall &u#li"h thi" wee/ lea0e" n$ r$$m '$r d$u#t8'ir"t, a" t$ the reality $' the (rime" a%ain"t whi(h the mendment !ill i" dire(ted, and, "e($ndly, a" t$ the e''i(a(y $' the &r$te(ti$n e.tended #y rai"in% the a%e $' ($n"ent. When the re&$rt i" &u#li"hed, the (a"e '$r the #ill will #e ($m&lete, and we d$ n$t #elie0e that mem#er" $n the e0e $' a %eneral ele(ti$n will re'u"e t$ ($n"ider the #ill &r$te(tin% the dau%hter" $' the &$$r, whi(h e0en the *$u"e $' +$rd" ha" in three ($n"e(uti0e year" de(lared t$ #e im&erati0ely ne(e""ary. Thi", h$we0er, i" #ut $ne, and that $ne $' the "malle"t, $' the ($n"iderati$n" whi(h )u"ti'y the &u#li(ati$n $' the 6e&$rt. The %$$d it will d$ i" mani'e"t. The"e re0elati$n", whi(h we #e%in t$ &u#li"h t$2day, (ann$t 'ail t$ t$u(h the heart and r$u"e the ($n"(ien(e $' the 7n%li"h &e$&le. Terri#le a" i" the e.&$"ure, the 0ery h$rr$r $' it i" an in"&irati$n. -t "&ea/" n$t $' leaden de"&air, #ut with a )$y'ul &r$mi"e $' #etter thin%" t$ ($me. Wir hei""en eu(h h$''en9 4We #id y$u #e $' h$&e94 Carlyle3" la"t me""a%e t$ hi" ($untry, the rhythmi( with whi(h G$ethe (l$"e" hi" m$dern &"alm8that i" what we ha0e t$ re&eat t$day, '$r a""uredly the"e h$rr$r", li/e $ther" a%ain"t whi(h the ($n"(ien(e $' man/ind ha" re0$lted, are n$t eternal. 4 m - my "i"ter3" /ee&er:4 that &ara&hra"e $' the e.(u"e $' Cain, will n$t dull the 'ier(e "mart $' &ain whi(h will #e 'elt #y e0ery de(ent man wh$ learn" the /ind $' atr$(itie" whi(h are #ein% &er&etrated in ($$l #l$$d in the 0ery "had$w $' $ur (hur(he" and within a "t$ne3" thr$w $' $ur ($urt". -t i" a 0erita#le "la0e trade that i" %$in% $n ar$und u"; #ut a" it ta/e" &la(e in the heart $' +$nd$n, it i" a "(andal8an $utra%e $n &u#li( m$rality8e0en t$ allude t$ it. We ha0e /e&t "ilen(e 'ar t$$ l$n%. There are a 'ew de0$ted w$r/er" wh$ ha0e #een la#$urin% '$r year" endea0$urin% t$ "a0e th$"e wh$ mi%ht well addre"" G$rd$n3" h$mely re&r$a(h t$ the ma)$rity $' u" < 4While y$u are eatin% and drin/in% and re"tin% $n %$$d #ed", we, and th$"e with me, are wat(hin% #y ni%ht and #y day48w$r/in% a%ain"t thi" %reat wr$n%8ha&&y, indeed, i' they e"(a&ed $#l$,uy and a#u"e '$r endea0$urin% t$ remind u" $' $ur duty. 1$ l$n%er will %$$d men #e a#le with ea"y ($n"(ien(e t$ )$in in that indi%nant 4*u"h94 #y whi(h the e0il2d$er" ha0e hithert$ "ilen(ed e0ery attem&t t$ ma/e arti(ulate the "m$thered wail that ri"e" un(ea"in% 'r$m the w$e'ul under2w$rld. There i" n$w an end t$ that ($n"&ira(y $' "ilen(e #y whi(h, a'ter e0ery in,uiry, 4the d$$r wa" ea(h time ,ui(/ly (l$"ed u&$n the ,ue"ti$n, a" the "t$ne lid u"ed t$ #e "hut d$wn, in the Cam&$ Sant$ $' 1a&le", u&$n the ma"" $' human ($r&"e" that lay 'e"terin% #eneath.4 That 4"t$ne lid 4 i" rai"ed n$w, ne0er a%ain, we may h$&e, t$ #e (l$"ed until "$methin% ha" #een d$ne. =nder the ruthle"" ($m&ul"i$n $' &u#li(ity e0en th$"e #ut indi''erent h$ne"t will d$ m$re %$$d than many $' the m$"t 0irtu$u" when the e0il ($uld #e hidden $ut $' "i%ht. That mu(h may #e d$ne, we ha0e %$$d %r$und '$r h$&in%, i' $nly #e(au"e "$ little ha" hithert$ #een attem&ted. dull de"&air ha" unner0ed the heart" $' th$"e wh$ 'a(e thi" m$n"tr$u" e0il, and %$$d men ha0e "$rr$w'ully turned t$ $ther 'ield" where their e.erti$n" mi%ht e.&e(t a

#etter return. !ut the ma%nitude $' thi" mi"ery $u%ht t$ lead t$ the red$u#lin%, n$t t$ the #enum#in% $' $ur e.erti$n". 1$ $ne (an "ay h$w mu(h Su''erin% and wr$n% i" irremedia#le until the wh$le $' the m$ral and reli%i$u" '$r(e" $' the ($untry are #r$u%ht t$ #ear u&$n it. >et, in dealin% with thi" "u#)e(t, the '$r(e" u&$n whi(h we rely in dealin% with $ther e0il" are alm$"t all &araly"ed. The *$me, the S(h$$l, the Chur(h, the Pre"" are "ilent. The law i" a(tually a((e""$ry t$ (rime. Parent" (ul&a#ly ne%le(t e0en t$ warn their (hildren $' the e.i"ten(e $' dan%er" $' whi(h many learn the 'ir"t time when they ha0e #e($me their &rey. The Pre"", whi(h re&$rt" 0er#atim all the "(a#r$u" detail" $' the &$li(e ($urt", re($il" in &i$u" h$rr$r 'r$m the duty $' "heddin% a 'l$$d $' li%ht u&$n the"e dar/ &la(e", whi(h indeed are 'ull $' the ha#itati$n" $' (ruelty. !ut the 'ailure $' the Chur(he" i", &erha&", the m$"t ($n"&i(u$u" and the m$"t ($m&lete. Chri"t3" mi""i$n wa" t$ re"t$re man t$ a "em#lan(e $' the di0ine. The Child2Pr$"titute $' $ur day i" the ima%e int$ whi(h, with the ta(it a(,uie"(en(e $' th$"e wh$ (all them"el0e" #y *i" name, men ha0e m$ulded the '$rm $n(e 'a"hi$ned in the li/ene"" $' G$d. -' Chi0alry i" e.tin(t and Chri"tianity i" e''ete, there i" "till an$ther, %reat enthu"ia"m t$ whi(h we may with ($n'iden(e a&&eal. The 'uture #el$n%" t$ the ($m#ined '$r(e" $' ?em$(ra(y and S$(iali"m, whi(h when united are irre"i"ti#le. ?i0ided $n many &$int" they will ($m#ine in &r$te"tin% a%ain"t the ($ntinued imm$lati$n $' the dau%hter" $' the &e$&le a" a "a(ri'i(e t$ the 0i(e" $' the ri(h. @' the tw$, it i" S$(iali"m whi(h will 'ind the m$"t &$wer'ul "timulu" in thi" re0elati$n $' the e.tent t$ whi(h under $ur &re"ent "$(ial "y"tem the wealthy are a#le t$"e all the w$r"t a#u"e" $' &$wer whi(h di"%ra(ed the 'eudali"m $' the Middle %e". Wealth i" &$wer, P$0erty i" wea/ne"". The a#u"e $' &$wer lead" dire(tly t$ it" de"tru(ti$n, and in all the annal" $' (rime (an there #e '$und a m$re "hame'ul a#u"e $' the &$wer $' wealth than that #y whi(h in thi" nineteenth (entury $' Chri"tian (i0ilizati$n &rin(e" and du/e", and mini"ter" and )ud%e", and the ri(h $' all (la""e", are &ur(ha"in% '$r damnati$n, tem&$ral i' n$t eternal, the a" yet un($rru&ted dau%hter" $' the &$$r: -t will #e "aid they a""ent t$ their ($rru&ti$n. S$ did the 'emale "er'" 'r$m wh$m the "ei%neur e.a(ted the )u" &rimA n$(ti". nd d$ $ur wealthy thin/ that the a""ent wrun% #y wealth 'r$m &$0erty t$ it" $wn und$in% will a0ert the 0en%ean(e and the d$$m: -' &e$&le (an $nly #e %$t t$ thin/ "eri$u"ly a#$ut thi" matter &r$%re"" will #e made in the ri%ht dire(ti$n. 70il" $n(e a" uni0er"al and a&&arently ine0ita#le a" &r$"tituti$n ha0e di"a&&eared. Bi(e" alm$"t uni0er"al are n$w re%arded with "hudderin% h$rr$r #y the lea"t m$ral $' men. Sla0ery ha" %$ne. "la0e trader i" treated a" h$"ti" humani %eneri". Pira(y ha" di"a&&eared. -nte"tine war i" n$w alm$"t un/n$wn. T$rture ha" #een a#$li"hed. May we n$t h$&e, there'$re, that i' we try t$ d$ $ur duty t$ $ur "i"ter" and t$ $ur"el0e", we may %reatly redu(e, e0en alth$u%h we ne0er entirely e.tir&ate, the &la%ue $' &r$"tituti$n: C$r let u" remem#er that8 Every hope which rises and grows broad In the world's heart, by ordered impulse streams

From the great heart of god. nd i' that ideal "eem" t$$ #lindin% #ri%ht '$r human eye", we (an at lea"t d$ mu(h t$ "a0e the inn$(ent 0i(tim" wh$ unwillin%ly are "we&t int$ the mael"tr$m $' 0i(e. nd wh$ i" there am$n% u" #earin% the name $' man wh$ will dare t$ "it d$wn any l$n%er with '$lded hand" in the &re"en(e $' "$ %reat a wr$n%:

T e Maiden Tribute of Modern !abylon ": t e Report of our #ecret $o%%ission W.T. Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July 5, 1885) In ancient times, i' we may #elie0e the myth" $' *ella", then", a'ter a di"a"tr$u" (am&ai%n, wa" ($m&elled #y her ($n,uer$r t$ "end $n(e e0ery nine year" a tri#ute t$ Crete $' "e0en y$uth" and "e0en maiden". The d$$med '$urteen, wh$ were "ele(ted #y l$t amid the lamentati$n" $' the (itizen", returned n$ m$re. The 0e""el that #$re them t$ Crete un'urled #la(/ "ail" a" the "ym#$l $' de"&air, and $n arri0al her &a""en%er" were 'lun% int$ the 'am$u" +a#yrinth $' ?aedalu", there t$ wander a#$ut #lindly until "u(h time a" they were de0$ured #y the Min$taur, a 'ri%ht'ul m$n"ter, hal' man, hal' #ull, the '$ul &r$du(t $' an unnatural lu"t. 4The la#yrinth wa" a" lar%e a" a t$wn and had ($untle"" ($urt" and %allerie". Th$"e wh$ entered it ($uld ne0er 'ind their way $ut a%ain. -' they hurried 'r$m $ne t$ an$ther $' the num#erle"" r$$m" l$$/in% '$r the entran(e d$$r, it wa" all in 0ain. They $nly #e(ame m$re h$&ele""ly l$"t in the #ewilderin% la#yrinth, until at la"t they were de0$ured #y the Min$taur.4 Twi(e at ea(h ninth year the thenian" &aid the maiden tri#ute t$ Din% Min$", lamentin%

"$rely the dire ne(e""ity $' #$win% t$ hi" ir$n law. When the third tri#ute (ame t$ #e e.a(ted, the di"tre"" $' the (ity $' the Bi$let Cr$wn wa" in"u&&$rta#le. Cr$m the Din%3" &ala(e t$ the &ea"ant3" hamlet, e0erywhere were heard (rie" and %r$an" and the (h$/in% "$# $' de"&air, until the wh$le air "eemed t$ 0i#rate with the "$rr$w $' an unuttera#le an%ui"h. Then it wa" that the her$ The"eu" 0$lunteered t$ #e $''ered u& am$n% th$"e wh$ drew the #la(/ #all" 'r$m the #razen urn $' de"tiny, and the "t$ry $' hi" "el'2"a(ri'i(e, hi" 0i(t$ry, and hi" trium&hant return, i" am$n% the m$"t 'amiliar $' the tale" whi(h "in(e the (hildh$$d $' the w$rld ha0e /indled the ima%inati$n and 'ired the heart $' the human ra(e. The la#yrinth wa" (unnin%ly wr$u%ht li/e a h$u"e; "ay" @0id, with many r$$m" and windin% &a""a%e", that "$ the "hame'ul (reature $' lu"t wh$"e a#$de it wa" t$ #e "h$uld #e 'ar rem$0ed 'r$m "i%ht. Destinat hunc Minos thalamis removere pudorem, Multiplicique domo, caecisque includere tectis. Daedalus ingenio fabra celeberrimus artis onit opus! turbatque notas, et lumina fle"ura Ducit in errorera variarum ambage viarum. nd what ha&&ened t$ the 0i(tim"8the y$un% men and maiden"8wh$ were there interned, n$ $ne ($uld "urely tell. S$me "ay that they were d$ne t$ death; $ther" that they li0ed in "er0ile em&l$yment" t$ $ld a%e. !ut in thi" al$ne d$ all the "t$rie" a%ree, that th$"e wh$ were $n(e

(au%ht in the ($il" ($uld ne0er retra(e their "te&", "$ 4ine.tri(a#le4 were the &ath", "$ 4#lind4 the '$$t"te&", "$ 4innumera#le4 the way" $' wr$n%2d$in%. @n the "$uthern wall $' the &$r(h $' the (athedral at +u((a there i" a "li%htly tra(ed &ie(e $' "(ul&ture, re&re"entin% the Cretan la#yrinth, 4$ut $' whi(h,4 "ay" the le%end written in "tra%%lin% letter" at the "ide, 4n$#$dy ($uld %et wh$ wa" in"ide4<8 #ie quern credicus edit Dedalus est laberinthus De quo nullus vadere quirit qui fuit intus. The 'a(t that the thenian" "h$uld ha0e ta/en "$ #itterly t$ heart the &altry maiden tri#ute that $n(e in nine year" they had t$ &ay t$ the Min$taur "eem" in(redi#le, alm$"t in($n(ei0a#le. Thi" 0ery ni%ht in +$nd$n, and e0ery ni%ht, year in and year $ut, n$t "e0en maiden" $nly, #ut many time" "e0en, "ele(ted alm$"t a" mu(h #y (han(e a" th$"e wh$ in the thenian mar/et2&la(e drew l$t" a" t$ whi(h "h$uld #e 'lun% int$ the Cretan la#yrinth, will #e $''ered u& a" the Maiden Tri#ute $' M$dern !a#yl$n. Maiden" they were when thi" m$rnin% dawned, #ut t$2ni%ht their ruin will #e a(($m&li"hed, and t$2m$rr$w they will 'ind them"el0e" within the &$rtal" $' the maze $' +$nd$n #r$theld$m. Within that la#yrinth wander, li/e l$"t "$ul", the 0a"t h$"t $' +$nd$n &r$"titute", wh$"e num#er" n$ man (an ($m&ute, #ut wh$ are &r$#a#ly n$t mu(h #el$w 5E,EEE "tr$n%. Many, n$ d$u#t, wh$ 0enture #ut a little way within the maze ma/e their e"(a&e. !ut multitude" are "we&t irre"i"ti#ly $n and $n t$ #e de"tr$yed in due "ea"$n, t$ %i0e &la(e t$ $ther", wh$ al"$ will "hare their d$$m. The maw $' the +$nd$n Min$taur i" in"atia#le, and n$ne that %$ int$ the "e(ret re(e""e" $' hi" lair return a%ain. 'ter "$me year"3 d$l$r$u" wanderin% in thi" &ala(e $' de"&air8'$r 4h$&e $' re"t t$ "$la(e there i" n$ne, n$r e3en $' milder &an%,4 "a0e the &$i"$n$u" an$dyne $' drin/8 m$"t $' th$"e en"nared t$2ni%ht will &eri"h, "$me $' them in h$rri#le t$rture. >et, "$ 'ar 'r$m thi" %reat (ity #ein% ($n0ul"ed with w$e, +$nd$n (are" '$r n$ne $' the"e thin%", and the (ultured man $' the w$rld, the heir $' all the a%e", the ultimate &r$du(t $' a l$n% "erie" $' (i0ilizati$n" and reli%i$n", will "hru% hi" "h$ulder" in "($rn at the '$lly $' any $ne wh$ 0enture" in &u#li( &rint t$ rai"e e0en the milde"t &r$te"t a%ain"t a h$rr$r a th$u"and time" m$re h$rri#le than that whi(h, in the y$uth $' the w$rld, haunted li/e a ni%htmare the ima%inati$n $' man/ind. 1e0erthele"", - ha0e n$t yet l$"t 'aith in the heart and ($n"(ien(e $' the 7n%li"h '$l/, the "turdy innate (hi0alry and ri%ht thin/in% $' $ur ($mm$n &e$&le; and alth$u%h - am n$ 0ain dreamer $' =t$&ia" &e$&led "$lely #y Sir Galahad" and 0e"tal 0ir%in", am n$t with$ut h$&e that there may #e "$me (he(/ &la(ed u&$n thi" 0a"t tri#ute $' maiden", unwittin% $r unwillin%, whi(h i" ni%htly le0ied in +$nd$n #y the 0i(e" $' the ri(h u&$n the ne(e""itie" $' the &$$r. +$nd$n3" lu"t annually u"e" u& many th$u"and" $' w$men, wh$ are literally /illed and made away with8li0in% "a(ri'i(e" "lain in the "er0i(e $' 0i(e. That may #e ine0ita#le, and with that ha0e n$thin% t$ d$. !ut - d$ a"/ that th$"e d$$med t$ the h$u"e $' e0il 'ame "hall n$t #e tra&&ed int$ it unwillin%ly, and that n$ne "hall #e #e%uiled int$ the (ham#er $' death #e'$re they are $' an a%e t$ read the in"(ri&ti$n a#$0e the &$rtal84 ll h$&e a#and$n ye wh$ enter

here.4 -' the dau%hter" $' the &e$&le mu"t #e "er0ed u& a" dainty m$r"el" t$ mini"ter t$ the &a""i$n" $' the ri(h, let them at lea"t attain an a%e when they (an under"tand the nature $' the "a(ri'i(e whi(h they are a"/ed t$ ma/e. nd i' we mu"t (a"t maiden"8n$t "e0en, #ut "e0en time" "e0en8 ni%htly int$ the )aw" $' 0i(e, let u" at lea"t "ee t$ it that they a""ent t$ their $wn imm$lati$n, and are n$t unwillin% "a(ri'i(e" &r$(ured #y '$r(e and 'raud. That i" "urely n$t t$$ mu(h t$ a"/ 'r$m the di""$lute ri(h. 70en ($n"iderati$n" $' "el'2intere"t mi%ht lead $ur ruler" t$ a""ent t$ "$ m$de"t a demand. C$r the h$ur $' ?em$(ra(y ha" "tru(/, and there i" n$ wr$n% whi(h a man re"ent" li/e thi". -' it ha" n$t #een re"ented hithert$, it i" n$t #e(au"e it wa" n$t 'elt. The 6$man 6e&u#li( wa" '$unded #y the ra&e $' +u(re(e, #ut +u(re(e wa" a mem#er $' $ne $' the %$0ernin% 'amilie". "imilar $''en(e &la(ed S&ain under the d$minati$n $' the M$$r", #ut there a%ain the 0i(tim $' 6$yal li(en(e wa" the dau%hter $' a C$unt. !ut the 'ather" and #r$ther" wh$"e dau%hter" and "i"ter" are &ur(ha"ed li/e "la0e", n$t '$r la#$ur, #ut '$r lu"t, are n$w at la"t enr$lled am$n% the %$0ernin% (la""e"8a (ir(um"tan(e 'ull $' h$&e '$r the nati$n, #ut #y n$ mean" with$ut mena(e '$r a (la"". Many $' the Cren(h 6e0$luti$ni"t" were di""$lute en$u%h, #ut n$thin% %a0e "u(h an ed%e t$ the %uill$tine a" the mem$ry $' the Parc au& $erfs; and e0en in $ur time the h$rr$r" that attended the "u&&re""i$n $' the C$mmune were lar%ely due t$ the de"&air $' the 'emme 0en%ere""e. *en(e, unle"" the le0yin% $' the maiden2tri#ute in +$nd$n i" "h$rn $' it" w$r"t a#u"e"8at &re"ent, a" - "hall "h$w, 'l$uri"hin% un(he(/ed8re"entment, whi(h mi%ht #e a&&ea"ed #y re'$rm, may herea'ter #e the 0iru" $' a "$(ial re0$luti$n. -t i" the $ne e.&l$"i0e whi(h i" "tr$n% en$u%h t$ wre(/ the Thr$ne. +-!76T> C@6 B-C7, 67P67SS-@1 C@6 C6-M7 T$ a0$id all mi"a&&rehen"i$n a" t$ the $#)e(t with whi(h - &r$&$"e t$ "et '$rth the %ha"tly and (riminal 'eature" $' thi" in'ernal tra''i(, - wi"h t$ "ay em&hati(ally at the $ut"et that, h$we0er "tr$n%ly - may 'eel a" t$ the im&erati0e im&$rtan(e $' m$rality and (ha"tity, - d$ n$t a"/ '$r any &$li(e inter'eren(e with the li#erty $' 0i(e. - a"/ $nly '$r the re&re""i$n $' (rime. Se.ual imm$rality, h$we0er e0il it may #e in it"el' $r in it" ($n"e,uen(e", mu"t #e dealt with n$t #y the &$li(eman #ut #y the tea(her, "$ l$n% a" the &er"$n" ($ntra(tin% are $' 'ull a%e, are &er'e(tly 'ree a%ent", and in their "in are %uilty $' n$ $utra%e $n &u#li( m$ral". +et u" #y all mean" a&&ly the "a(red &rin(i&le" $' 'ree trade t$ trade in 0i(e, and re%ulate the relati$n" $' the "e.e" #y the ha%%lin% $' the mar/et and the li#erty $' &ri0ate ($ntra(t. Whate0er may #e my #elie' a" t$ the reality and the im&$rtan(e $' a tran"(endental the$ry $' &urity in the relati$n" #etween man and w$man, that i" an a''air '$r the m$rali"t, n$t '$r the le%i"lat$r. S$ 'ar 'r$m demandin% any in(rea"ed &$wer '$r the &$li(e, - w$uld rather in(line t$ "ay t$ the &$li(e, 4*and" $'',4 when they inter'ere ar#itrarily with the $rdinary $&erati$n" $' the mar/et $' 0i(e. !ut the m$re 'reely we &ermit t$ adult" a#"$lute li#erty t$ di"&$"e $' their &er"$n" in a(($rdan(e with the &rin(i&le" $' &ri0ate ($ntra(t and 'ree trade, the m$re "trin%ent mu"t #e $ur &re(auti$n" a%ain"t the innumera#le (rime" whi(h "&rin% 'r$m 0i(e, a" 0i(e it"el' "&rin%" 'r$m the im&ure ima%inin%" $' the heart $' man. The"e (rime" 'l$uri"h $n e0ery "ide,

unn$ti(ed and un(he(/ed8i', indeed, they are n$t a#"$lutely en($ura%ed #y the law, a" they are (ertainly &ra(ti"ed #y "$me le%i"lat$r" and win/ed at #y many admini"trat$r" $' the law. T$ e.tir&ate 0i(e #y (t $' Parliament i" im&$""i#le; #ut #e(au"e we mu"t lea0e 0i(e 'ree that i" n$ rea"$n why we "h$uld a(,uie"(e hel&le""ly in the &er&etrati$n $' (rime. nd that (rime $' the m$"t ruthle"" and a#$mina#le de"(ri&ti$n i" ($n"tantly and "y"temati(ally &ra(ti"ed in +$nd$n with$ut let $r hindran(e, - am in a &$"iti$n t$ &r$0e 'r$m my $wn &er"$nal /n$wled%e8a /n$wled%e &ur(ha"ed at a ($"t $' whi(h - &re'er n$t t$ "&ea/. Th$"e (rime" may #e r$u%hly (la""i'ied a" '$ll$w"<8 I. $he sale and purchase and violation of children. II. $he procuration of virgins. III. $he entrapping and ruin of women. I%. $he international slave trade in girls. %. &trocities, brutalities, and unnatural crimes. That i" what - (all "e.ual (riminality, a" $&&$"ed t$ "e.ual imm$rality. -t 'l$uri"he" in all it" #ran(he" $n e0ery "ide t$ an e.tent $' whi(h e0en th$"e "&e(ially en%a%ed in re"(ue w$r/ ha0e #ut little idea. Th$"e wh$ are ($n"tantly en%a%ed in it" &ra(ti(e naturally deny it" e.i"ten(e. !ut - "&ea/ $' that whi(h - d$ /n$w, n$t 'r$m hear"ay $r rum$ur, #ut $' my $wn &er"$nal /n$wled%e. *@W T*7 C CTS W767 B76-C-7? When the Criminal +aw mendment !ill wa" tal/ed $ut )u"t #e'$re the de'eat $' the Mini"try it #e(ame ne(e""ary t$ r$u"e &u#li( attenti$n t$ the ne(e""ity '$r le%i"lati$n $n thi" &ain'ul "u#)e(t. - undert$$/ an in0e"ti%ati$n int$ the 'a(t". The e0iden(e ta/en #e'$re the *$u"e $' +$rd"3 C$mmittee in 188F wa" u"e'ul, #ut the 'a(t" were n$t u& t$ date< mem#er" "aid thin%" had (han%ed "in(e then, and the need '$r le%i"lati$n had &a""ed. -t wa" ne(e""ary t$ #rin% the in'$rmati$n u& t$ date, and that duty8al#eit with "$me relu(tan(e8- re"$lutely undert$$/. C$r '$ur wee/", aided #y tw$ $r three ($ad)ut$r" $' wh$"e de0$ti$n and "el'2"a(ri'i(e, ($m#ined with a rare in"tin(t '$r in0e"ti%ati$n and a "in%ular &er"$nal 'earle""ne"", - (ann$t "&ea/ t$$ hi%hly, - ha0e #een e.&l$rin% the +$nd$n -n'ern$. -t ha" #een a "tran%e and e.&erien(e. C$r a m$nth - ha0e $"(illated #etween the n$#le"t and the meane"t $' man/ind, the "a0i$ur" and the de"tr$yer" $' their ra(e, "&endin% h$ur" alternately in #r$thel" and h$"&ital", in the "treet" and in re'u%e", in the ($m&any $' &r$(ure""e" and $' #i"h$&". +$nd$n #eneath the %a" %lare $' it" innumera#le lam&" #e(ame, n$t li/e Pari" in 1GHI84a na&htha2li%hted (ity $' ?i"4 8 #ut a re"urre(ted and ma%ni'ied City $' the Plain, with all the 0i(e" $' G$m$rrah, darin% the 0en%ean(e $' l$n%2"u''erin% *ea0en. -t "eemed a "tran%e, in0erted w$rld, that in whi(h - li0ed th$"e terri#le wee/"8the w$rld $' the "treet" and $' the #r$thel. -t wa" the "ame, yet n$t the "ame, a" the w$rld $' #u"ine"" and the w$rld $' &$liti(". heard $' mu(h the "ame &e$&le in the h$u"e $' ill2'ame a" th$"e $' wh$m y$u hear in (au(u"e", in law ($urt", and $n Chan%e. !ut all were )ud%ed #y a di''erent "tandard, and their

relati0e im&$rtan(e wa" alt$%ether (han%ed. -t wa" a" i' the &$"iti$n $' $ur w$rld had "uddenly #een altered, and y$u "aw m$"t $' the &lanet" and 'i.ed "tar" in di''erent ($m#inati$n", and $' alt$%ether di''erent ma%nitude", "$ that at 'ir"t it wa" di''i(ult t$ re($%nize them. C$r the h$u"e $' e0il 'ame ha" it" $wn ethi(", and the #e"t man in the w$rld8 the 'ir"t $' 7n%li"hmen, in the e"timati$n $' the #awd8i" $'ten $ne $' wh$m "$(iety /n$w" n$thin% and (are" le"". T$ hear "tate"men re(/$ned u& 'r$m the "tand&$int $' the #r$thel i" at 'ir"t alm$"t a" n$0el and &er& an e.&erien(e a" it i" t$ hear )ud%e" and Jueen3" C$un"el &rai"ed $r #lamed, n$t '$r their )udi(ial a(umen and le%al l$re, #ut '$r their addi(ti$n t$ unnatural (rime" $r their 'amiliarity with $#"(ene literature. 0i(tim" $' the '$ul en(hantre""3" wand meet y$u at e0ery turn. !ut with a di''eren(e, '$r wherea" the en(hanted in $lden time had the head" and the 0$i(e" and the #ri"tle" $' "wine, while the heart $' a man wa" in them "till, the"e ha0e n$t &ut $n in $utward '$rm 4the in%l$ri$u" li/ene"" $' a #ea"t,4 #ut are in "em#lan(e a" $ther men, while within there i" $nly the heart $' a #ea"t8#e"tial, 'er$(i$u", and 'ilthy #ey$nd the ima%inati$n $' de(ent men. C$r day" and ni%ht" it i" a" i' - had "u''ered the &enaltie" in'li(ted u&$n the l$"t "$ul" in the M$"lem hell, '$r - "eemed t$ ha0e t$ drin/ $' the &urulent matter that 'l$w" 'r$m the #$die" $' the damned. !ut the "$)$urn in thi" hell ha" n$t #een 'ruitle"". The 'a(t" whi(h and my ($ad)ut$r" ha0e 0eri'ied - n$w &la(e $n re($rd at $n(e a" a re0elati$n and a warnin%8 a re0elati$n $' the "y"tem, and a warnin% t$ th$"e wh$ may #e it" 0i(tim". -n the "tatement whi(h '$ll$w" - %i0e n$ name" and - $mit addre""e". My &ur&$"e wa" n$t t$ "e(ure the &uni"hment $' (riminal" #ut t$ lay #are the w$r/in% $' a %reat $r%anizati$n $' (rime. !ut a" a &r$$' $' %$$d 'aith, and in $rder t$ "u#"tantiate the a((ura(y $' e0ery "tatement ($ntained herein, - am &re&ared a'ter an a""uran(e ha" #een %i0en me that the in'$rmati$n "$ a''$rded will n$t #e made u"e $' either '$r &ur&$"e" $' indi0idual e.&$"ure $r $' (riminal &r$(eedin%", t$ ($mmuni(ate the name", date", l$(alitie" re'erred t$, t$%ether with 'ull and detailed e.&lanati$n" $' the way in whi(h - "e(ured the in'$rmati$n, in ($n'iden(e t$ any $' the '$ll$win% &er"$n"<8 #is 'race the &rchbishop of (anterbury, $he (ardinal &rchbishop of )estminster, Mr. *amuel Morley, M. ., $he Earl of *haftesbury, $he Earl of Dalhousie, as the author of the (riminal +aw &mendment ,ill, and Mr. #oward %incent, e"-Director of the (riminal Investigation Department. - d$ n$t &r$&$"e t$ ($mmuni(ate thi" in'$rmati$n t$ any mem#er $' the e.e(uti0e G$0ernment, a" the re"&$n"i#ilitie" $' their &$"iti$n mi%ht render it im&$""i#le '$r them t$ %i0e the re,ui"ite a""uran(e a" t$ the ($n'idential (hara(ter $' my ($mmuni(ati$n. M$re than thi" - ($uld n$t d$ unle"" - wa" &re&ared (1) t$ 0i$late the ($n'iden(e re&$"ed in me in the ($ur"e $' my in0e"ti%ati$n, and (F) t$ "&end the ne.t "i. wee/" $' my li'e a" a witne"" in the Criminal C$urt. Thi" - a#"$lutely re'u"e t$ d$. - am an in0e"ti%at$r; - am n$t an in'$rmer. 'ter a time the eye %r$w" 'amiliar with the '$ul and &$i"$n$u" air, #ut at the #e"t y$u wander in a Cir(e3" i"le, where the

T*7 B-@+ T-@1 @C B-6G-1S Thi" #ran(h $' the "u#)e(t i" $ne u&$n whi(h e0en the ($$le"t and m$"t "(ienti'i( $#"er0er may well 'ind it di''i(ult t$ "&ea/ di"&a""i$nately in a "&irit $' (alm and &hil$"$&hi( in0e"ti%ati$n. The 'a(t", h$we0er, a" they ha0e #een elu(idated in the ($ur"e $' a (are'ul and &ain"ta/in% in,uiry are "$ "tartlin%, and the h$rr$r whi(h they e.(ite "$ $0erwhelmin%, that it i" d$u#ly ne(e""ary t$ a&&r$a(h the "u#)e(t with a "(e&ti(i"m &r$$' a%ain"t all #ut the m$"t $0erwhelmin% dem$n"trati$n. -t i", h$we0er, a 'a(t that there i" in 'ull $&erati$n am$n% u" a "y"tem $' whi(h the 0i$lati$n $' 0ir%in" i" $ne $' the $rdinary in(ident"; that the"e 0ir%in" are m$"tly $' tender a%e, #ein% t$$ y$un% in 'a(t t$ under"tand the nature $' the (rime $' whi(h they are the unwillin% 0i(tim"; that the"e $utra%e" are ($n"tantly &er&etrated with alm$"t a#"$lute im&unity; and that the arran%ement" '$r &r$(urin%, (erti'yin%, 0i$latin%, re&airin%, and di"&$"in% $' the"e ruined 0i(tim" $' the lu"t $' +$nd$n are made with a "im&li(ity and e''i(ien(y in(redi#le t$ all wh$ ha0e n$t made a(tual dem$n"trati$n $' the 'a(ility with whi(h the (rime (an #e a(($m&li"hed. T$ a0$id mi"a&&rehen"i$n, - admit that the 0a"t ma)$rity $' th$"e wh$ are $n the "treet" in +$nd$n ha0e n$t ($me there #y the r$ad $' $r%anized ra&e. M$"t w$men 'all either #y the "edu(ti$n $' indi0idual" $r #y the tem&tati$n whi(h well2dre""ed 0i(e (an $''er t$ the &$$r. !ut there i" a min$rity whi(h ha" #een a" mu(h the 0i(tim $' 0i$len(e a" were the !ul%arian maiden" with wh$"e wr$n%" Mr. Glad"t$ne made the w$rld rin% "$me ei%ht year" a%$. S$me are "im&ly "nared, tra&&ed and $utra%ed either when under the in'luen(e $' dru%" $r a'ter a &r$l$n%ed "tru%%le in a l$(/ed r$$m, in whi(h the wea/er "u((um#" t$ "heer d$wnri%ht '$r(e. @ther" are re%ularly &r$(ured; #$u%ht at "$ mu(h &er head in "$me (a"e", $r enti(ed under 0ari$u" &r$mi"e" int$ the 'atal (ham#er 'r$m whi(h they are ne0er all$wed t$ emer%e until they ha0e l$"t what w$man $u%ht t$ 0alue m$re than li'e. -t i" t$ thi" de&artment $' the "u#)e(t that - n$w addre"" my"el'. !e'$re #e%innin% thi" in,uiry - had a ($n'idential inter0iew with $ne $' the m$"t e.&erien(ed $''i(er" wh$ '$r many year" wa" in a &$"iti$n t$ &$""e"" an intimate a(,uaintan(e with all &ha"e" $' +$nd$n (rime. - a"/ed him, 4-" it $r i" it n$t a 'a(t that, at thi" m$ment, i' - were t$ %$ t$ the &r$&er h$u"e", well intr$du(ed, the /ee&er w$uld, in return '$r m$ney d$wn, "u&&ly me in due time with a maid8a %enuine arti(le, - mean, n$t a mere &r$"titute tri(/ed $ut a" a 0ir%in, #ut a %irl wh$ had ne0er #een "edu(ed:4 4Certainly,4 he re&lied with$ut a m$ment3" he"itati$n. 4 t what &ri(e:4 - ($ntinued. 4That i" a di''i(ult ,ue"ti$n,4 he "aid. 4- remem#er $ne (a"e whi(h (ame under my $''i(ial ($%nizan(e in S($tland2yard in whi(h the &ri(e a%reed u&$n wa" "tated t$ #e KFE. S$me &artie" in +am#eth undert$$/ t$ deli0er a maid '$r that "um 2222t$ a h$u"e $' ill 'ame, and - ha0e n$ d$u#t it i" 're,uently d$ne all $0er +$nd$n.4 4!ut, 4- ($ntinued, 4are the"e maid" willin% $r unwillin% &artie" t$ the tran"a(ti$n8that i", are they really maiden, n$t merely in #ein% ea(h a 0ir%$ inta(ta in the &hy"i(al "en"e, #ut a" #ein% (ha"te %irl" wh$ are n$t ($n"entin% &artie" t$ their "edu(ti$n: 4 *e l$$/ed "ur&ri"ed at my ,ue"ti$n, and then re&lied em&hati(ally< 4@' ($ur"e they are rarely willin%, and a" a rule they

d$ n$t /n$w what they are ($min% '$r.4 4!ut,4 - "aid in amazement, 4then d$ y$u mean t$ tell me that in 0ery truth a(tual ra&e", in the le%al "en"e $' the w$rd, are ($n"tantly #ein% &er&etrated in +$nd$n $n unwillin% 0ir%in", &ur0eyed and &r$(ured t$ ri(h men at "$ mu(h a head #y /ee&er" $' #r$thel":4 4Certainly,4 "aid he, 4there i" n$t a d$u#t $' it.4 4Why, 4e.(laimed, 4the 0ery th$u%ht i" en$u%h t$ rai"e hell.4 4-t i" true,4 he "aid; 4and alth$u%h it $u%ht t$ rai"e hell, it d$e" n$t e0en rai"e the nei%h#$ur".4 4!ut d$ the %irl" (ry $ut:4 4@' ($ur"e they d$. !ut what a0ail" "(reamin% in a ,uiet #edr$$m: 6emem#er, the utm$"t limit $' h$wlin% $r e.(e""i0ely 0i$lent "(reamin%, "u(h a" a man $r w$man w$uld ma/e i' a(tual murder wa" #ein% attem&ted, i" $nly tw$ minute", and the limit $' "(reamin% $' any /ind i" $nly 'i0e. Su&&$"e a %irl i" #ein% $utra%ed in a r$$m ne.t t$ y$ur h$u"e. >$u hear her "(reamin%, )u"t a" y$u are d$zin% t$ "lee&. ?$ y$u %et u&, dre"", ru"h d$wn"tair", and in"i"t $n admittan(e: *ardly. !ut "u&&$"e the "(ream" ($ntinue and y$u %et unea"y, y$u #e%in t$ thin/ whether y$u "h$uld n$t d$ "$methin%: !e'$re y$u ha0e made u& y$ur mind and %$t dre""ed the "(ream" (ea"e, and y$u thin/ y$u were a '$$l '$r y$ur &ain".4 4!ut the &$li(eman $n the #eat:4 4*e ha" n$ ri%ht t$ inter'ere, e0en i' he heard anythin%. Su&&$"e that a ($n"ta#le had a ri%ht t$ '$r(e hi" way int$ any h$u"e where a w$man "(reamed 'ear'ully, &$li(emen w$uld #e alm$"t a" re%ular attendant" at (hild#ed a" d$(t$r". @n(e a %irl %et" int$ "u(h a h$u"e "he i" alm$"t hel&le"", and may #e ra0i"hed with ($m&arati0e "a'ety.4 4!ut "urely ra&e i" a 'el$ny &uni"ha#le with &enal "er0itude. Can "he n$t &r$"e(ute:4 4Wh$m i" "he t$ &r$"e(ute: She d$e" n$t /n$w her a""ailant3" name. She mi%ht n$t e0en #e a#le t$ re($%nize him i' "he met him $ut"ide. 70en i' "he did, wh$ w$uld #elie0e her: w$man wh$ ha" l$"t her (ha"tity i" alway" a di"(redited witne"". The 'a(t $' her #ein% in a h$u"e $' ill 'ame w$uld &$""i#ly #e held t$ #e e0iden(e $' her ($n"ent. The /ee&er $' the h$u"e and all the "er0ant" w$uld "wear "he wa" a ($n"entin% &arty; they w$uld "wear that "he had ne0er "(reamed, and the w$man w$uld #e ($ndemned a" an ad0enture"" wh$ wi"hed t$ le0y #la(/ mail.4 4 nd thi" i" %$in% $n t$2day:4 4Certainly it i", and it will %$ $n, and y$u (ann$t hel& it, a" l$n% a" men ha0e m$ney, &r$(ure""e" are "/il'ul, and w$men are wea/ and ine.&erien(ed.4 B-6G-1S W-++-1G 1? =1W-++-1G. S$ "tartlin% a de(larati$n #y "$ eminent an auth$rity led me t$ turn my in0e"ti%ati$n" in thi" dire(ti$n. @n di"(u""in% the matter with a well2/n$wn mem#er $' Parliament, he lau%hed and "aid < 4- d$u#t the unwillin%ne"" $' the"e 0ir%in". That y$u (an ($ntra(t '$r maid" at "$ mu(h a head i" true en$u%h. - my"el' am ,uite ready t$ "u&&ly y$u with 1EE maid" at KF5 ea(h, #ut they will all /n$w 0ery well what they are a#$ut. There are &lenty $' &e$&le am$n% u" entirely de0$id $' m$ral "(ru&le" $n the "($re $' (ha"tity, wh$"e dau%hter" are /e&t "trai%ht until they are "i.teen $r "e0enteen, n$t #e(au"e they l$0e 0irtue, #ut "$lely #e(au"e their 0ir%inity i" a realiza#le a""et, with whi(h they are tau%ht they "h$uld ne0er &art e.(e&t '$r 0alue re(ei0ed. The"e are the %irl" wh$ (an #e had at "$ mu(h a head ; #ut it i" n$n"en"e t$ "ay it i" ra&e ; it i" merely the deli0ery a" &er ($ntra(t $' the a""et 0ir%inity in return '$r (a"h d$wn. @' ($ur"e there may #e "$me (a"e" in whi(h the %irl i" really unwillin%, #ut the re%ular "u&&ly ($me"

'r$m th$"e wh$ ta/e a "tri(tly #u"ine""li/e 0iew $' the "alea#le 0alue $' their maidenhead.4 My interl$(ut$r re'erred me t$ a 'riend wh$m he de"(ri#ed a" the 'ir"t e.&ert $n the "u#)e(t, an e0er%reen $ld %entleman t$ wh$m the #r$thel" $' 7ur$&e were a" 'amiliar a" 1$tre ?ame and St. Paul3". Thi" "&e(iali"t, h$we0er, entirely denied that there wa" "u(h a thin% a" the &r$(urin% $' 0ir%in", willin% $r unwillin%, either here $r $n the C$ntinent. Maidenhead", he maintained, were n$t a""et" that ($uld #e realized in the mar/et, #ut he admitted that there were "$me 'ew men wh$"e ta"te led them t$ #uy little %irl" 'r$m their m$ther" in $rder t$ a#u"e them. My re"&e(t '$r thi" 4eminent auth$rity 4 dimini"hed, h$we0er, $n re(ei0in% hi" a""uran(e that all Pari"ian and !el%ian #r$thel" were mana%ed "$ admira#ly that n$ min$r" ($uld #e har#$ured, and that n$ 7n%li"h %irl" were e0er "ent t$ the C$ntinent '$r imm$ral &ur&$"e". Still e0en he admitted that little %irl" were #$u%ht and "$ld '$r 0i(i$u" &ur&$"e", and thi" unnatural ($m#inati$n $' "la0e trade, ra&e, and unnatural (rime "eemed t$ )u"ti'y 'urther in,uiry. - then &ut my"el' int$ dire(t and ($n'idential ($mmuni(ati$n with #r$thel2/ee&er" in the We"t and 7a"t $' +$nd$n and in the &r$0in(e". S$me $' the"e were "till (arryin% $n their #u"ine"", $ther" had a#and$ned their &r$'e""i$n in di"%u"t, and were n$w li0in% a #etter li'e. The in'$rmati$n whi(h - re(ei0ed 'r$m them wa", $' ($ur"e, ($n'idential. - am n$t a dete(ti0e, and mu(h $' the in'$rmati$n whi(h - re(ei0ed wa" %i0en $nly a'ter the m$"t "$lemn &led%e that - w$uld n$t 0i$late their ($n'iden(e, "$ a" t$ in0$l0e them in a (riminal &r$"e(uti$n. -t wa" "$mewhat un'$rtunate that thi" in,uiry wa" $nly "et $n '$$t a'ter the &r$"e(uti$n $' Mr". Je''erie". The 'ine in'li(ted $n her ha" "tru(/ m$mentary awe int$ the heart $' the thri0in% ($mmunity $' 4intr$du(er".4 They ($uld a(($mm$date n$ $ne #ut their $ld (u"t$mer". new 'a(e, "u%%e"ted Mr. Minahan, and an in,uiry '$r 0ir%in" $r little %irl" #y $ne wh$ had n$t %i0en hi" &r$$'", e.(ited "u"&i(i$n and alarm. !ut, aided #y "$me tru"tw$rthy and e.&erien(ed 'riend", - "u((eeded a'ter a time in $0er($min% the &reliminary $#"ta(le "$ a" t$ $#tain "u''i(ient e0iden(e a" t$ the reality $' the (rime. T*7 C@1C7SS-@1S @C !6@T*7+2D77P76

*ere, '$r in"tan(e, i" a "tatement made t$ me #y a #r$thel /ee&er, wh$ '$rmerly /e&t a n$ted *$u"e in the Mile2end r$ad, #ut wh$ i" n$w endea0$urin% t$ "tart li'e a're"h a" an h$ne"t man. - "aw #$th him and hi" wi'e, her"el' a n$t$ri$u" &r$"titute wh$m he had married $'' the "treet", where "he had earned her li0in% "in(e "he wa" '$urteen<8 Maids, as you call them.fresh girls as we /now them in the trade.are constantly in request, and a /eeper who /nows his business has his eyes open in all directions, his stoc/ of girls is constantly getting used up, and needs replenishing, and he has to be on the alert for li/ely 0mar/s0 to /eep up the reputation of his house. I have been in my time a good deal about the country on these errands. $he getting of fresh girls ta/es time, but it is simple and easy enough when, once you are in it. I have gone and courted girls in the country under all /inds of disguises, occasionally assuming the dress of a parson, and made them believe that I intended to marry them, and so got them in my power to please a

good customer. #ow is it done1 )hy, after courting my girl for a time, I propose to bring her to +ondon to see the sights. I bring her up, ta/e her here and there, giving her plenty to eat and drin/. especially drin/. I ta/e her to the theatre, and then I contrive it so that she loses her last train. ,y this time she is very tired, a little da2ed with the drin/ and e"citement, and very frightened at being left in town with no friends. I offer her nice lodgings for the night! she goes to bed in my house, and then the affair is managed. My client gets his maid, I get my 345 or 365 commission, and in the morning the girl, who has lost her character, and dare not go home, in all probability will do as the others do, and become one of my 0mar/s0.that is, she will ma/e her living in the streets, to the advantage of my house. $he brothel /eeper's profit is, first, the commission down for the price of a maid, and secondly, the continuous profit of the addition of a newly seduced, attractive girl to his establishment. $hat is a fair sample case of the way in which we recruit. &nother very simple mode of supplying maids is by breeding them. Many women who are on the streets have female children. $hey are worth /eeping. )hen they get to be twelve or thirteen they become merchantable. For a very li/ely 0mar/0 of this /ind you may get as much as 365 or 375. I sent my own daughter out on the streets from my own brothel. I /now a couple of very fine little girls now who will be sold before very long. $hey are bred and trained for the life. $hey must ta/e the first step some time, and it is bad business not to ma/e as much out of that as possible. Drun/en parents often sell their children to brothel /eepers. In the East-end, you can always pic/ up as many fresh girls as you want. In one street in Dalston you might buy a do2en. *ometimes the supply is in e"cess of the demand, and you have to seduce your maid yourself, or to employ some one else to do it, which is bad business in a double sense. $here is a man called *.. whom a famous house used to employ to seduce young girls and ma/e them fit for service when there was no demand for maids and there was a demand for girls who had been seduced. ,ut as a rule the number seduced ready to hand is ample, especially among very young children. Did I ever do anything else in the way of recruiting1 8es. I remember one case very well. $he girl, a li/ely 0mar/,0 was a simple country lass living at #orsham. I had heard of her, and I went down to #orsham to see what I could do. #er parents believed that I was in regular business in +ondon, and they were very glad when I proposed to engage their daughter. I brought her to town and made her a servant in our house. )e petted her and made a good deal of her, gradually initiated her into the /ind of life it was9 and then I sold her to a young gentleman for 3l:. )hen I say that I sold her, I mean that he gave me the gold and I gave him the girl, to do what he li/ed with. #e too/ her away and seduced her. I believe he treated her rather well afterwards, but that was not my affair. *he was his after he paid for her and too/ her away. If her parents had inquired, I would have said that she had been a bad girl and run away with a young man. #ow could I help that1 I once sold a girl twelve years old for 365 to a clergyman, who used to come to my house professedly to distribute tracts. $he East is the great mar/et for the children who are imported into )est-end houses, or ta/en abroad wholesale when trade is bris/. I /now of no )est-end houses, having always lived at Dalston or thereabouts, but agents pass to and fro in the course of business. $hey receive the goods, depart, and no questions are as/ed. Mrs. *., a famous procuress, has a mansion at ...., which is one of the worst centres of the trade, with four other houses in other districts, one at *t. ;ohn's-wood. $his lady, when she discovers ability, cultivates it.that is, if a comely young girl of fifteen falls into her net, with some intelligence, she is taught to read and write, and to

play the piano. T*7 +@1?@1 S+ B7 M 6D7T Thi" #r$thel2/ee&er wa" a "mart 'ell$w, and had #een a ($mmer(ial tra0eller $n(e, #ut drin/ had #r$u%ht him d$wn. n.i$u" t$ te"t the truth $' hi" "tatement, - a"/ed him, thr$u%h a tru"ty a%ent, i' he w$uld underta/e t$ "u&&ly me in three day" with a ($u&le $' 're"h %irl", maid", wh$"e 0ir%inity w$uld #e atte"ted #y a d$(t$r3" (erti'i(ate. t 'ir"t he "aid that it w$uld re,uire a l$n%er time. !ut $n #ein% &re""ed, and a""ured that m$ney wa" n$ $#)e(t, he "aid that he w$uld ma/e in,uirie", and "ee what ($uld #e d$ne. -n tw$ day" - re(ei0ed 'r$m the "ame ($n'idential "$ur(e an intimati$n that '$r K1E ($mmi""i$n he w$uld underta/e t$ deli0er t$ my (ham#er", $r t$ any $ther "&$t whi(h - mi%ht (h$$"e t$ "ele(t, tw$ y$un% %irl", ea(h with a d$(t$r3" (erti'i(ate $' the 'a(t that "he wa" a 0ir%$ inta(ta. *e"itatin% t$ (l$"e with thi" $''er, my a%ent re(ei0ed the '$ll$win% tele%ram<8 4- thin/ all ri%ht. - am with &artie". Will tell y$u all t$2m$rr$w a#$ut twel0e $3(l$(/.4 @n (allin% *8 "aid<8 I will underta/e to deliver at your rooms within two days two children at your chambers. ,oth are the daughters of brothel /eepers whom I have /nown and dealt with, and the parents are willing to sell in both cases. I represented that they were intended for a rich old gentleman who had led a life of debauchery for years. I was suspected of baby-farming.that is, peaching, at first, and it required all my /nowledge of the tric/s of the trade to effect my purpose. #owever, after champagne and liquors, my old friend '.., M..lane, #ac/ney, agreed to hand over her own child, a pretty girl of eleven, for 3:. if she could get no more. $he child was virgo intacta, so far as her mother /new. I then went to Mrs. <.., of ,..street, Dalston, =,.. street is a street of brothels from end to end>. Mrs. <.. required little persuasion, but her price was higher. *he would not part with her daughter under 3: or 345, as she was pretty and attractive, and a virgin, aged thirteen, who would probably fetch more in the open mar/et. $hese two children I could deliver up within two days if the money was right. I would, on the same conditions, underta/e to deliver half a do2en girls, ages varying from ten to thirteen, within a wee/ or ten days. - did n$t deem it wi"e t$ (arry the ne%$tiati$n" any 'urther. The &ur(ha"e &ri(e wa" t$ #e &aid $n deli0ery, #ut it wa" t$ #e returned i' the %irl" were '$und t$ ha0e #een tam&ered with. That wa" 'airly ($n'irmat$ry e0iden(e $' the e.i"ten(e $' the tra''i( t$ whi(h $''i(ial auth$rity ha" &$inted; #ut - wa" n$t ($ntent. Ma/in% in,uirie" at the $ther end $' the t$wn, #y %$$d '$rtune - wa" #r$u%ht int$ intimate and ($n'idential ($mmuni(ati$n with an e.2#r$thel /ee&er. When a mere %irl "he had #een "edu(ed #y C$l$nel S88, when a maid"er0ant at Peter"'ield, and had #een thr$wn u&$n the "treet" #y that $''i(er at Man(he"ter. She had "u#"e,uently /e&t a h$u"e $' ill 'ame at a "ea&$rt t$wn, and 'r$m then(e had %ra0itated t$ the ($n%enial nei%h#$urh$$d $' 6e%ent3" Par/. There "he had /e&t a #r$thel '$r "e0eral year". #$ut a year a%$, h$we0er, "he wa" &i(/ed u&, when in a drun/en 'it, #y "$me earne"t w$r/er", and a'ter a hard "tru%%le wa" #r$u%ht #a(/ t$ a de(ent and m$ral li'e. She wa" a w$man wh$ #$re tra(e" $' the ri%$r$u" mill thr$u%h whi(h "he had &a""ed. *er

health wa" im&aired; "he l$$/ed ten year" $lder than her a(tual a%e, and it wa" with the %reate"t relu(tan(e "he ($uld #e &re0ailed u&$n t$ "&ea/ $' the in(ident" $' her &re0i$u" li'e, the h$rr$r $' whi(h "eemed t$ (lin% t$ her li/e a ni%htmare. !y dint $' &atient ,ue"ti$nin%, h$we0er, and the a""uran(e that - w$uld n$t (riminate either her"el' $r any $' her $ld ($m&ani$n", "he #e(ame m$re ($mmuni(ati0e, and an"wered my in,uirie". *er narrati0e wa" "trai%ht'$rward; and - am 'ully ($n0in(ed it wa" entirely %enuine. - ha0e "in(e made "tri(t in,uirie" am$n% th$"e wh$ "ee her daily and /n$w her m$"t intimately, and - am "ati"'ied that the w$man wa" "&ea/in% the truth. She had n$ m$ti0e t$ de(ei0e, and "he 'elt 0ery dee&ly the "hame $' her aw'ul ($n'e""i$n, whi(h wa" $nly wrun% 'r$m her #y the ($n0i(ti$n that it mi%ht hel& t$ "e(ure the &re0enti$n $' "imilar (rime" in the 'uture. *@W G-6+S 67 !@=G*T 1? 6=-17? *er "t$ry, $r rather "$ mu(h $' it a" i" %ermane t$ the &re"ent in,uiry, wa" "$mewhat a" '$ll$w"<8 &s a regular thing, the landlady of a bad house lets her rooms to gay women and lives on their rent and the profits on the drin/ which they compel their customers to buy for the good of the house. *he may go out herself or she may not. If business is very heavy, she will have to do her own share, but us a rule she contents herself with /eeping her girls up to the mar/, and seeing that they at least earn enough to pay their rent, and bring home sufficient customers to consume liquor enough to ma/e it pay. 'irls often shrin/ from going out, and need almost to be driven into the streets. If it was not for gin and the landlady they could never carry it on. *ome girls I used to have would come and sit and cry in my /itchen and declare that they could not go out, they could not stand the life. I had to give them a dram and ta/e them out myself, and set them agoing again, for if they did not see/ gentlemen where was I to get my rent1 Did they begin willingly1 *ome9 others had no choice. #ow had they no choice1 ,ecause they never /new anything about it till the gentleman was in their bedroom, and then it was too late. I or my girls would entice fresh girls in, and persuade them to stay out too late till they were loc/ed out, and then a pinch of snuff in their beer would /eep them snug until the gentleman had his way. #as that happened often1 +ots of times. It is one of the ways by which you /eep your house up. Every woman who has an eye to business is constantly on the loo/out for li/ely girls. retty girls who are poor, and who have either no parents or are away from home, are easiest pic/ed up, #ow is it done1 8ou or your decoy find a li/ely girl, and then you trac/ her down. I remember I once went a hundred, miles and more to pic/ up a girl. I too/ a lodging close to the board school, where I could see the girls go bac/wards and forwards every day. I soon saw one that suited my fancy. *he was a girl of about thirteen, tall and forward for her age, pretty, and li/ely to bring business. I found out she lived with her mother. I engaged her to be my little maid at the lodgings where I was staying. $he very ne"t day I too/ her off with me to +ondon and her mother never saw her again. )hat became of her1 & gentleman paid me 34? for the first of her, soon after she came to town. *he was asleep when he did it. sound asleep. $o tell the truth, she was drugged. It is often done. I gave her a drowse. It is a mi"ture of laudanum and something else. *ometimes chloroform is used, but I always used either snuff or laudanum. )e call it drowse or blac/ draught, and they lie almost as if dead, and the girl never /nows

what has happened till morning. &nd then1 @hA then she cries a great deal from pain, but she is 'ma2ed, and hardly /nows what has happened e"cept that she can hardly move from pain. @f course we tell her it is all right9 all girls have to go through it some time, that she is through it now without /nowing it, and that it is no use crying. It will never be undone for all the crying in the world. *he must now do as the others do. *he can live li/e a lady, do as she pleases, have the best of all that is going, and enBoy herself all day. If she obBects, I scold her and tell her she has lost her character, no one will ta/e her in9 I will have to turn her out on the streets as a bad and ungrateful girl. $he result is that in nine cases out of ten, or ninety-nine out of a hundred, the child, who is usually usually under fifteen, frightened and friendless, her head aching with the effect of the drowse and full of pain and horror, gives up all hope, and in a wee/ she is one of the attractions of the house. 8on say that some men say this is never done. Don't believe them9 if these people spo/e the truth, it might be found that they had done it themselves. +andladies who wish to thrive must humour their customers. If they want a maid we must get them one, or they will go elsewhere. )e cannot afford to lose their custom9 besides, after the maid is seduced, she fills up vacancies caused by disease or drin/. $here are very few brothels which are not occasionally recruited in that way. $hat case which I mentioned was by no means e"ceptional9 in about seven years I remember selling two maids for 365 each, one at 34C, one at 34:, one at 34? and others for less. @f course, where I bought I paid less than that. $he difference represented my profit, commission, and payment for ris/ in procuring, drugging, Dc. !=>-1G G-6+S T T*7 7 ST271? Thi" e.&erien(ed e.2&r$(ure"" a""ured me that i' "he were t$ return t$ her $ld trade "he w$uld ha0e n$ di''i(ulty in layin% her hand", thr$u%h the a%en(y $' 'riend" and relati0e" "till in the trade, u&$n a" many y$un% %irl" a" "he needed. 1$ h$u"e #e%in" alt$%ether with maid", #ut "te&" are at $n(e ta/en t$ "u&&ly $ne $r tw$ y$un% %irl" t$ train in. She did n$t thin/ the alarm $' the Je''erie" trial had &enetrated int$ the "trata where "he u"ed t$ w$r/. !ut "aid -, 4Will the"e (hildren #e really maid", $r will it merely #e a &lant t$ %et $'' dama%ed arti(le" under that %ui"e: 4 *er re&ly wa" "i%ni'i(ant. 4>$u d$ n$t /n$w h$w it i" d$ne. ?$ y$u thin/ w$uld #uy a maid $n her w$rd: >$u (an "$$n 'ind $ut, i' y$u are in the #u"ine"", whether a (hild i" really 're"h $r n$t. >$u ha0e t$ tru"t the &er"$n wh$ "ell", n$ d$u#t, t$ "$me e.tent, #ut i' y$u are in the trade they w$uld n$t de(ei0e y$u in a matter in whi(h 'raud (an #e "$ ea"ily dete(ted. -' $ne h$u"e "u&&lied an$ther with %irl" wh$ had #een "edu(ed, at the &ri(e $' maid", it w$uld %et $ut, and their re&utati$n w$uld "u''er. !e"ide" y$u d$ n$t tru"t them 0ery 'ar. *al' the ($mmi""i$n i" &aid d$wn $n deli0ery, the $ther hal' i" held $0er until the truth i" &r$0ed.4 4*$w i" that d$ne:4 4!y a d$(t$r $r an e.&erien(ed midwi'e. -' y$u are dealin% with a h$u"e y$u tru"t, y$u ta/e their d$(t$r3" (erti'i(ate. -' they tru"t y$u they will a((e&t the 0erdi(t $' y$ur d$(t$r.4 4?$e" the %irl /n$w why y$u are ta/in% her away:4 4Bery "eld$m. She thin/" "he i" %$in% t$ a "ituati$n. When "he 'ind" $ut, it i" t$$ late. -' "he /new what it meant "he either w$uld n$t ($me $r her readine"" w$uld %i0e ri"e t$ a "u"&i(i$n that "he wa" n$t the arti(le y$u wanted8

that, in 'a(t, "he wa" n$ #etter than "he "h$uld #e.4 4Wh$ are the"e %irl":4 4@r&han", dau%hter" $' drun/en &arent", (hildren $' &r$"titute", %irl" wh$"e 'riend" are 'ar away.4 4 nd their &ri(e:4 4-n the trade 'r$m KI t$ K5 i", - "h$uld thin/, a 'air thin%. !ut i' y$u d$u#t it will ma/e in,uirie", i' y$u li/e, in my $ld haunt" and tell y$u what (an #e d$ne ne.t wee/.4 " there i" n$thin% li/e in,uiry $n the "&$t, - ($mmi""i$ned her t$ in,uire a" t$ the maid" then in "t$(/ $r &r$(ura#le at "h$rt n$ti(e #y a "in%le #ad h$u"e in the 7a"t $' +$nd$n, wh$"e /ee&er "he /new. The re&ly wa" #u"ine""li/e and dire(t. -' "he wanted a ($u&le $' maid" '$r a h$u"e in the ($untry three w$uld #e #r$u%ht t$ Waterl$$ railway "tati$n ne.t Saturday at three, 'r$m wh$m tw$ ($uld #e "ele(ted at K5 &er head. @ne %irl, n$t 0ery &retty, a#$ut thirteen, ($uld #e had at $nly at KI. @''er t$ #e a((e&ted $r ($n'irmed #y letter8whi(h $' ($ur"e ne0er arri0ed. G-6+ 7SC P7S CT76 !7-1G S@+? !ein% an.i$u" t$ "ati"'y my"el' a" t$ the reality $' the"e tran"a(ti$n", - in"tru(ted a th$r$u%hly tru"tw$rthy w$man t$ &r$(eed with thi" e.2/ee&er t$ the h$u"e in ,ue"ti$n, and "ee i' "he ($uld "ee any $' the (hildren wh$"e &ri(e wa" ,u$ted li/e that $' lam#" at "$ mu(h a head. The w$man $' the h$u"e wa" "$mewhat "u"&i(i$u", $win% t$ the &re"en(e $' a "tran%er, #ut a'ter "$me ($n0er"ati$n "he "aid that "he had $ne 're"h %irl within rea(h, wh$m "he w$uld ma/e $0er at $n(e i' they ($uld ($me t$ term". The %irl wa" "ent '$r, and duly a&&eared. She wa" t$ld that "he wa" t$ ha0e a %$$d "ituati$n in the ($untry within a 'ew mile" $' +$nd$n. She "aid that "he had #een #r$u%ht u& at a h$me at Streatham, had #een in "er0i(e, #ut had #een $ut $' a &la(e '$r three wee/". She wa" a &lea"ant, #ri%ht2l$$/in% %irl, wh$ "eemed "$mewhat ner0$u" when "he heard "$ many in,uirie" and the tal/ a#$ut ta/in% her int$ the ($untry. The #ar%ain, h$we0er, wa" "tru(/. The /ee&er had t$ re(ei0e KF d$wn, and an$ther "$0erei%n when the %irl wa" &r$0ed a maid. The m$ney wa" &aid, the %irl handed $0er, #ut "$methin% "aid had alarmed her, and "he "$l0ed the di''i(ulty $' di"&$"in% $' her #y ma/in% her e"(a&e. My 'riend wh$ witne""ed the wh$le tran"a(ti$n, and wh$"e &re"en(e &r$#a#ly ($ntri#uted "$methin% t$ the di''i(ulty $' the #ar%ain, a""ure" me that there wa" n$ d$u#t a" t$ the "ale and tran"'er $' the %irl. 4*er e"(a&e,4 "aid the e.2/ee&er, 4i" $ne $' the ri"/" $' the trade. -' had #een really in '$r ",uare #u"ine"", - "h$uld ne0er ha0e a%reed t$ ta/e the %irl 'r$m the h$u"e, &artly in $rder t$ a0$id "u(h e"(a&e and &artly '$r "a'ety. -t i" alm$"t in0aria#ly the rule that the "eller mu"t deli0er the %irl at "$me railway "tati$n. She i" #r$u%ht t$ y$u, &la(ed in y$ur (a# $r y$ur railway (arria%e, and it i" then y$ur #u"ine"", and an ea"y $ne, t$ "ee that "he d$e" n$t e"(a&e y$u. !ut the ri"/" $' deli0ery at a "a'e &la(e are alway" ta/en #y the "eller.4 ?67 ?C=+ P6@C7SS-@1 When - wa" &r$"e(utin% the"e in,uirie" at the 7a"t2end, - wa" "tartled #y a di"($0ery made #y a ($n'idential a%ent at the $ther end $' the t$wn. Thi" wa" n$thin% le"" than the unearthin% $' a h$u"e, /e&t a&&arently #y a hi%hly re"&e(ta#le midwi'e, where (hildren were ta/en #y

&r$(urer" t$ #e (erti'ied a" 0ir%in" #e'$re 0i$lati$n, and where, a'ter 0i$lati$n, they were ta/en t$ #e 4&at(hed u&,4 and where, i' ne(e""ary, a#$rti$n ($uld #e &r$(ured. The e.i"ten(e $' the h$u"e wa" n$ "e(ret. -t wa" well /n$wn in the trade, and my a%ent wa" dire(ted thither with$ut mu(h ad$ #y a %ay w$man with wh$m he had made a (a"ual a(,uaintan(e. 1$ d$u#t the re"&e(ta#le $ld lady ha" $ther #u"ine"" $' a le"" d$u#t'ul (hara(ter, #ut in the trade her re&ute i" unri0alled, 'ir"t a" a (erti'i(at$r $' 0ir%inity, and "e($ndly '$r the adr$itne"" and "/ill with whi(h "he (an re&air the la(erati$n (au"ed #y the "u#"e,uent $utra%e. That "urely wa" "u''i(iently h$rri#le. >et there "t$$d the h$u"e, im&ertur#a#ly re"&e(ta#le in it" $utward a&&earan(e, a&&arently an indi"&en"a#le ad)un(t $' m$dern (i0ilizati$n, it" e.&erien(ed &r$&rietre"" maintainin% ($n'idential relati$n" with the 4#e"t h$u"e"4 in the We"t2end. Thi" re&airer $' dama%ed 0ir%in" i" n$t a &r$(ure"". *er mi""i$n i" remedial. *er &remi"e" are n$t u"ed '$r &ur&$"e" $' 0i$lati$n. She /n$w" where it i" d$ne, #ut "he (ann$t &re0ent that. What "he d$e" i" t$ minimize &ain and re&air a" e''e(ti0ely a" &$""i#le the ra0a%e" $' the lu"t whi(h "he did n$t (reate, and whi(h "he (ann$t ($ntr$l. !ut "he i" a wi"e w$man, wh$m %reat e.&erien(e ha" tau%ht many "e(ret", and i' "he w$uld #ut "&ea/9 1$t that "he i" a#$0e %i0in% a hint t$ th$"e wh$ "ee/ her ad0i(e a" t$ where little (hildren (an #e"t #e &r$(ured. "h$rt time a%$, "he "ay", there wa" n$ di''i(ulty. 4 ny $' the"e h$u"e",4 menti$nin% "e0eral $' the #e"t /n$wn '$rei%n and 7n%li"h h$u"e" in the We"t and 1$rth2we"t, 4w$uld, "u&&ly (hildren, #ut at &re"ent they are timid. >$u need t$ #e an $ld (u"t$mer t$ #e "er0ed. !ut, a'ter all, it i" e.&en"i0e %ettin% y$un% %irl" '$r them. -' y$u really ha0e a 'an(y that way, why d$ y$u n$t d$ a" Mr. 888 d$e" : -t i" (hea&er, "im&ler, and "a'er.4 4 nd h$w d$e" Mr. 888 d$, and wh$ i" Mr. 888 :4 4@h, Mr. 888 i" a %entleman wh$ ha" a %reat &en(hant '$r little %irl". - d$ n$t /n$w h$w many - ha0e had t$ re&air a'ter him. *e %$e" d$wn t$ the 7a"t2 end and the City, and wat(he" when the %irl" ($me $ut $' "h$&" and 'a(t$rie" '$r lun(h $r at the end $' the day. *e "ee" hi" 'an(y and mar/" her d$wn. -t ta/e" a little time, #ut he win" the (hild3" ($n'iden(e. @ne day he &r$&$"e" a little e.(ur"i$n t$ the We"t. She ($n"ent". 1e.t day - ha0e an$ther "u#)e(t, and Mr. 888 i" $'' with an$ther %irl.4 4 nd what #e($me" $' the "u#)e(t" $n whi(h y$u di"&lay y$ur "/ill:4 4S$me %$ h$me, $ther" %$ #a(/ t$ their "ituati$n", $ther" a%ain are &a""ed $n t$ th$"e wh$ ha0e a ta"te '$r "e($nd2hand arti(le",4 and the %$$d lady intimated that i' my a%ent had "u(h a ta"te, "he wa" n$t with$ut h$&e" that "he mi%ht #e a#le t$ d$ a little trade. W*> T*7 C6-7S @C T*7 B-CT-MS 67 1@T *7 6? t thi" &$int in the in,uiry, the di''i(ulty a%ain $((urred t$ me h$w wa" it &$""i#le '$r the"e $utra%e" t$ ta/e &la(e with$ut dete(ti$n. The midwi'e, when ,ue"ti$ned, "aid there wa" n$ dan%er. S$me $' the h$u"e" had an under%r$und r$$m, 'r$m whi(h n$ "$und ($uld #e heard, and that, a" a matter $' 'a(t, n$ $ne e0er had #een dete(ted. The truth a#$ut the under%r$und (ham#er" i" di''i(ult t$ a"(ertain. Padded r$$m" '$r the &ur&$"e $' "ti'lin% the (rie" $' t$rtured 0i(tim" $' lu"t and #rutality are 'amiliar en$u%h $n the C$ntinent. 4-n my h$u"e,4 "aid a m$"t re"&e(ta#le lady, wh$ /ee&" a 0illa in the we"t $' +$nd$n, 4y$u (an en)$y the

"(ream" $' the %irl with the (ertainty that n$ $ne el"e hear" them #ut y$ur"el'.4 !ut t$ en)$y t$ the 'ull the e.(lu"i0e lu.ury $' re0ellin% in the (rie" $' the immature (hild, it i" n$t ne(e""ary t$ ha0e a &added r$$m, a d$u#le (ham#er, $r an under%r$und r$$m. 4*ere,4 "aid the /ee&er $' a 'a"hi$na#le 0illa, where in day" #y%$ne a &rin(e $' the #l$$d i" "aid t$ ha0e /e&t '$r "$me m$nth" $ne $' hi" innumera#le "ultana", a" "he "h$wed her 0i"it$r $0er the well2a&&$inted r$$m", 4*ere i" a r$$m where y$u (an #e &er'e(tly "e(ure. The h$u"e "tand" in it" $wn %r$und". The wall" are thi(/, there i" a d$u#le (ar&et $n the 'l$$r. The $nly wind$w whi(h 'r$nt" u&$n the #a(/ %arden i" d$u#ly "e(ured, 'ir"t with "hutter" and then with hea0y (urtain". >$u l$(/ the d$$r and then y$u (an d$ a" y$u &lea"e. The %irl may "(ream #lue murder, #ut n$t a "$und will #e heard. The "er0ant" will #e 'ar away in the $ther end $' the h$u"e. - $nly will #e a#$ut "eein% that all i" "nu%.4 4!ut,4 remar/ed her 0i"it$r, 4i' y$u hear the (rie" $' the (hild, y$u may y$ur"el' inter'ere, e"&e(ially i', a" may ea"ily ha&&en, - #adly hurt and in 'a(t all #ut /ill the %irl4 4>$u will n$t /ill her,4 "he an"wered, 4y$u ha0e t$$ mu(h "en"e t$ /ill the %irl. nythin% "h$rt $' that, y$u (an d$ a" y$u &lea"e. " '$r me inter'erin%, d$ y$u thin/ - d$ n$t /n$w my #u"ine"":4 Cl$%%in%, #$th $' men and w$men, %$e" $n re%ularly in $rdinary r$$m", #ut the (ry $' the #leedin% "u#)e(t ne0er attra(t" attenti$n 'r$m the $ut"ide w$rld. What (han(e i" there, then, $' the 'ee#le, timid (ry $' the #etrayed (hild &enetratin% the "huttered and (urtained wind$w", $r $' m$0in% the heart $' the wily wat(her8the w$man wh$"e #u"ine"" it i" t$ "e(ure a#"$lute "a'ety '$r her (lient. When mean" $' "ti'lin% a (ry8a &ill$w, a "heet, $r e0en a &$(/et hand/er(hie'8lie all ar$und, there i" &ra(ti(ally n$ dan%er. T$ "$me men, h$we0er, the "hrie/ $' t$rture i" the e""en(e $' their deli%ht, and they w$uld n$t "ilen(e #y a "in%le n$te the (ry $' a%$ny $0er whi(h they %l$at. 1@ 6@@M C@6 67P71T 1C7. Whether the maid" thu" 0i$lated in the "e(ret (ham#er" $' a(($mm$dati$n h$u"e" are willin% $r unwillin% i" a ,ue"ti$n $n whi(h a /ee&er "hed a 'l$$d $' li%ht #y a 0ery &ertinent and $#0i$u" remar/ < 4- ha0e ne0er had a maid "edu(ed in my h$u"e,4 he "aid, 4unle"" "he wa" willin%. They are willin% en$u%h t$ ($me t$ my h$u"e t$ #e "edu(ed, #ut when the man ($me" they are ne0er willin%.4 nd "he &r$(eeded t$ illu"trate what "he meant #y de"(ri&ti$n" $' "(ene" whi(h had ta/en &la(e in her h$u"e when %irl", wh$ a(($rdin% t$ her "t$ry had im&l$red her t$ all$w them t$ #e "edu(ed in her r$$m", had when the "u&reme m$ment arri0ed re&ented their willin%ne"", and '$u%ht t$$th and nail, when t$$ late, '$r the &r$te(ti$n $' their (ha"tity. T$ u"e her 'amiliar &hra"e, they made 4the de0il3" $wn r$w,4 and $n at lea"t $ne $((a"i$n it wa" e0ident that the %irl3" re"i"tan(e had $nly #een $0er($me a'ter a &r$l$n%ed and de"&erate 'i%ht, in whi(h, what with "(reamin% and 0i$len(e, "he wa" t$$ e.hau"ted t$ ($ntinue the "tru%%le. That wa" in the (a"e $' a 'ull2%r$wn w$man. Children $' twel0e and thirteen (ann$t $''er any "eri$u" re"i"tan(e. They $nly dimly ($m&rehend what it all mean". Their m$ther" "$metime" ($n"ent t$ their "edu(ti$n '$r the "a/e $' the &ri(e &aid #y their "edu(er. The (hild %$e" t$ the

intr$du(in% h$u"e a" a "hee& t$ the "ham#le". @n(e there, "he i" ($m&elled t$ %$ thr$u%h with it. 1$ matter h$w #rutal the man may #e, "he (ann$t e"(a&e. 4-' "he wanted t$ #e "edu(ed, and (ame here t$ #e "edu(ed,4 "ay" the /ee&er, 4- "hall "ee that "he d$e" n$t &lay the '$$l. The %entleman ha" &aid '$r her, and he (an d$ with her what he li/e".4 1either 6hadamanthu" n$r +$rd !ramwell ($uld m$re "ternly e.a(t the ri%$r$u" 'ul'ilment $' the "ti&ulati$n" $' the ($ntra(t. 4@n(e "he i" in my h$u"e,4 "aid a w$rthy landlady, 4"he d$e" n$t %$ $ut till the )$# i" d$ne. She ($me" in willin%ly, #ut n$ matter h$w willin% "he may #e t$ %$ $ut, "he "tay" here till my %entleman ha" d$ne with her. She re&ent" t$$ late when "he re&ent" a'ter (r$""in% my thre"h$ld.4 ST6 PP-1G G-6+S ?@W1 -n the ($ur"e $' my in0e"ti%ati$n" - heard "$me "tran%e tale" ($n(ernin% the &re(auti$n" ta/en t$ render e"(a&e im&$""i#le '$r the %irl wh$"e ruin, with $r with$ut her ($n"ent, ha" #een re"$l0ed u&$n. @ne 'a(t, whi(h i" $' ,uite re(ent $((urren(e in a 'a"hi$na#le +$nd$n "u#ur#, the a((ura(y $' whi(h - wa" a#le t$ 0eri'y, i" an illu"trati$n $' the e.tent t$ whi(h th$"e en%a%ed in thi" tra''i( are willin% t$ %$ t$ "u&&ly the (a&ri(e" $' their (u"t$mer". T$ $#li%e a wealthy (u"t$mer wh$ #y ri$t and e.(e"" had im&aired hi" 0itality t$ "u(h an e.tent that n$thin% ($uld mini"ter t$ hi" )aded "en"e" #ut 0ery y$un% maiden", an eminently re"&e(ta#le lady undert$$/ that whene0er the %irl wa" '$urteen $r 'i'teen year" $' a%e "he "h$uld #e "tra&&ed d$wn hand and '$$t t$ the '$ur &$"t" $' the #ed"tead, "$ that all re"i"tan(e "a0e that $' una0ailin% "(reamin% w$uld #e im&$""i#le. !e'$re the "tra&&in% d$wn wa" 'inally a%reed u&$n the lady $' the h$u"e, a "talwart w$man and e.&erien(ed in the trade, had 0$lunteered her "er0i(e" t$ h$ld the 0ir%in d$wn #y '$r(e while her wealthy &atr$n e''e(ted hi" &ur&$"e. That wa" t$$ mu(h e0en '$r him, and the alternati0e $' 'a"tenin% with "tra&" &added $n the under "ide wa" then a%reed u&$n. Stra&&in% d$wn '$r 0i$lati$n u"ed t$ #e a ($mm$n $((urren(e in *all2m$$n2"treet and in nna 6$"en#er%3" #r$thel at +i0er&$$l. nythin% (an #e d$ne '$r m$ney, i' y$u $nly /n$w where t$ ta/e it. *@W T*7 + W !7TS T*7 C6-M-1 + The "y"tem $' &r$(urati$n, a" - ha0e already e.&lained, i" redu(ed t$ a "(ien(e. The &$$rer #r$thel2/ee&er hunt" u& re(ruit" her"el', while the ri(her are "u&&$rted #y their a%ent". 1$ &rudent /ee&er $' an intr$du(in% h$u"e will re(ei0e %irl" #r$u%ht #y $ther than her a((redited and tru"ted a%ent". The de0i(e" $' the"e a%ent" are innumera#le. They ha0e #een /n$wn t$ &r$'e"" &eniten(e in $rder t$ %ain a((e"" t$ a h$me '$r 'allen w$men, where they th$u%ht "$me Ma%dalen" re&entin% $' their &eniten(e mi%ht #e "e(ured '$r their h$u"e. They %$ int$ w$r/h$u"e", t$ "ee what li/ely %irl" are t$ #e had. They u"e "er0ant"3 re%i"trie". They haunt the d$$r" $' %a$l" when %irl" in '$r their 'ir"t $''en(e are turned adri't $n the e.&iry $' their "enten(e". There are n$ "u#ter'u%e" t$$ (unnin% $r t$$ darin% '$r them t$ re"$rt t$ in the &ur"uit $' their %ame. %ain"t their wile" the law $''er" the (hild $0er thirteen ne.t t$ n$ &r$te(ti$n. -' a (hild $' '$urteen i" (a)$led $r 'ri%htened, $r $0er#$rne #y anythin% "h$rt $' dire(t '$r(e $r the threat $' immediate #$dily harm, int$ h$we0er an unwillin% a(,uie"(en(e

in an a(t the nature $' whi(h "he m$"t im&er'e(tly a&&rehend", the law "te&" in t$ "hield her 0i$lat$r. -' &ermi""i$n i" %i0en, "ay" 4Ste&hen3" ?i%e"t $' the Criminal +aw,4 4 the 'a(t that it wa" $#tained #y 'raud, $r that the w$man did n$t under"tand the nature $' the a(t i" immaterial.4 C*-+? @C T*-6T771 !@=G*T C@6 K5 +et me ($n(lude the (ha&ter $' h$rr$r" #y $ne in(ident, and $nly $ne $' th$"e whi(h are ($n"tantly $((urrin% in th$"e dread re%i$n" $' "u#terranean 0i(e in whi(h "e.ual (rime 'l$uri"he" alm$"t un(he(/ed. - (an &er"$nally 0$u(h '$r the a#"$lute a((ura(y $' e0ery 'a(t in the narrati0e. t the #e%innin% $' thi" ?er#y wee/, a w$man, an $ld hand in the w$r/ $' &r$(urati$n, entered a #r$thel in 888 "t. M888, /e&t #y an $ld a(,uaintan(e, and $&ened ne%$tiati$n" '$r the &ur(ha"e $' a maid. @ne $' the w$men wh$ l$d%ed in the h$u"e had a "i"ter a" yet unt$u(hed. *er m$ther wa" 'ar away, her 'ather wa" dead. The (hild wa" li0in% in the h$u"e, and in all &r$#a#ility w$uld #e "edu(ed and '$ll$w the &r$'e""i$n $' her elder "i"ter. The (hild wa" #etween thirteen and '$urteen, and a'ter "$me #ar%ainin% it wa" a%reed that "he "h$uld #e handed $0er t$ the &r$(ure"" '$r the "um $' K5. The maid wa" wanted, it wa" "aid, t$ "tart a h$u"e with, and there wa" n$ di"%ui"e $n either "ide that the "ale wa" t$ #e e''e(ted '$r imm$ral &ur&$"e". While the ne%$tiati$n" were %$in% $n, a drun/en nei%h#$ur (ame int$ the h$u"e, and "$ little ($n(ealment wa" then u"ed, that "he "&eedily #e(ame aware $' the nature $' the tran"a(ti$n. S$ 'ar 'r$m #ein% h$rri'ied at the &r$&$"ed "ale $' the %irl, "he whi"&ered ea%erly t$ the "eller, 4?$n3t y$u thin/ "he w$uld ta/e $ur +ily: - thin/ "he w$uld "uit.4 +ily wa" her $wn dau%hter, a #ri%ht, 're"h2l$$/in% little %irl, wh$ wa" thirteen year" $ld la"t Chri"tma". The #ar%ain, h$we0er, wa" made '$r the $ther (hild, and +ily3" m$ther 'elt "he had l$"t her mar/et. The ne.t day, ?er#y ?ay a" it ha&&ened, wa" 'i.ed '$r the deli0ery $' thi" human (hattel. !ut a" lu(/ w$uld ha0e it, an$ther "i"ter $' the (hild wh$ wa" t$ #e made $0er t$ the &r$(ure"" heard $' the &r$&$"ed "ale. She wa" li0in% re"&e(ta#ly in a "ituati$n, and $n hearin% $' the 'ate re"er0ed '$r the little $ne "he l$"t n$ time in &er"uadin% her di""$lute "i"ter t$ #rea/ $'' the #ar%ain. When the w$man (ame '$r her &rey the #ird had 'l$wn. Then (ame the (han(e $' +ily3" m$ther. The #r$thel2/ee&er "ent '$r her, and $''ered her a "$0erei%n '$r her dau%hter. The w$man wa" &$$r, di""$lute, and indi''erent t$ e0erythin% #ut drin/. The 'ather, wh$ wa" al"$ a drun/en man, wa" t$ld hi" dau%hter wa" %$in% t$ a "ituati$n. *e re(ei0ed the new" with indi''eren(e, with$ut e0en in,uirin% where "he wa" %$in% t$. The #r$thel2/ee&er ha0in% thu" "e(ured &$""e""i$n $' the (hild, then "$ld her t$ the &r$(ure"" in &la(e $' the (hild wh$"e "i"ter had re"(ued her 'r$m her de"tined d$$m '$r K58KI &aid d$wn and the remainin% KF a'ter her 0ir%inity had #een &r$'e""i$nally (erti'ied. The little %irl, all un"u"&e(tin% the &ur&$"e '$r whi(h "he wa" de"tined, wa" t$ld that "he mu"t %$ with thi" "tran%e w$man t$ a "ituati$n. The &r$(ure"", wh$ wa" well u& t$ her w$r/, t$$/ her away, wa"hed her, dre""ed her u& neatly, and "ent her t$ #id her &arent" %$$d2#ye. The m$ther wa" "$ drun/ "he hardly

re($%nized her dau%hter. The 'ather wa" hardly le"" indi''erent. The (hild le't her h$me, and wa" ta/en t$ the w$man3" l$d%in% in 88"treet. The 'ir"t "te& had thu" #een ta/en. !ut it wa" ne(e""ary t$ &r$(ure the (erti'i(ati$n $' her 0ir%inity8a "$mewhat di''i(ult ta"/, a" the (hild wa" a#"$lutely i%n$rant $' the nature $' the tran"a(ti$n whi(h had tran"'erred her 'r$m h$me t$ the /ee&in% $' thi" "tran%e, #ut a&&arently /ind2hearted w$man. +ily wa" a little ($(/ney (hild, $ne $' th$"e wh$ #y the th$u"and annually de0el$& int$ the "er0ant" $' the &$$rer middle2(la"". She had #een at "(h$$l, ($uld read and write, and alth$u%h her "&ellin% wa" e.tra$rdinary, "he wa" a#le t$ e.&re"" her"el' with mu(h '$r(e and de(i"i$n. *er e.&erien(e $' the w$rld wa" limited t$ the +$nd$n ,uarter in whi(h "he had #een #$rn. With the e.(e&ti$n $' tw$ "(h$$l tri&" t$ 6i(hm$nd and $ne t$ 7&&in% C$re"t, "he had ne0er #een in the ($untry in her li'e, n$r had "he e0er e0en "een the Thame" e.(e&tin% at 6i(hm$nd. She wa" an indu"tri$u", warm2hearted little thin%, a hardy 7n%li"h (hild, "li%htly ($ar"e in te.ture, with dar/ #la(/ eye", and "h$rt, "turdy 'i%ure. *er edu(ati$n wa" "li%ht. She "&elled write 4ri%ht,4 '$r in"tan(e, and her %rammar wa" 0ery "ha/y. !ut "he wa" a l$0in%, a''e(ti$nate (hild, wh$"e /indly 'eelin% '$r the drun/en m$ther wh$ "$ld her int$ namele"" in'amy wa" 0ery t$u(hin% t$ #eh$ld. -n a little letter $' her" whi(h - $n(e "aw, &lenti'ully %arlanded with /i""e", there wa" the '$ll$win% ill2 "&elled (hildi"h 0er"e<8 &s I was in bed *ome little forths gave in my head. I forth of one, I forth of two9 ,ut first of all I forth of you. The &$$r (hild wa" 'ull $' deli%ht at %$in% t$ her new "ituati$n, and (lun% a''e(ti$nately t$ the /ee&er wh$ wa" ta/in% her away8where, "he /new n$t. The 'ir"t thin% t$ #e d$ne a'ter the (hild wa" 'airly "e0ered 'r$m h$me wa" t$ "e(ure the (erti'i(ate $' 0ir%inity with$ut whi(h the re"t $' the &ur(ha"e2m$ney w$uld n$t #e '$rth($min%. -n $rder t$ a0$id tr$u#le "he wa" ta/en in a (a# t$ the h$u"e $' a midwi'e, wh$"e "/ill in &r$n$un(in% u&$n the &hy"i(al e0iden(e" $' 0ir%inity i" %enerally re($%nized in the &r$'e""i$n. The e.aminati$n wa" 0ery #rie' and ($m&letely "ati"'a(t$ry. !ut the y$uth, the ($m&lete inn$(en(e $' the %irl, e.t$rted &ity e0en 'r$m the hardened heart $' the $ld a#$rti$ni"t. 4The &$$r little thin%,4 "he e.(laimed. 4She i" "$ "mall, her &ain will #e e.treme. h$&e y$u will n$t #e t$$ (ruel with her48a" i' t$ lu"t when 'ully r$u"ed the 0ery a(me $' a%$ny $n the &art $' the 0i(tim ha" n$t a 'ier(e deli%ht. T$ ,uiet the $ld lady the a%ent $' the &ur(ha"er a"/ed i' "he ($uld "u&&ly anythin% t$ dull the &ain. She &r$du(ed a "mall &hial $' (hl$r$'$rm. 4Thi",4 "he "aid, 4i" the #e"t. My (lient" 'ind thi" mu(h the m$"t e''e(ti0e.4 The /ee&er t$$/ the #$ttle, #ut una((u"t$med t$ anythin% #ut dru%%in% #y the admini"trati$n $' "lee&in% &$ti$n", "he w$uld in'alli#ly ha0e &$i"$ned the (hild had "he n$t di"($0ered #y e.&eriment that the li,uid #urned the m$uth when an attem&t wa" made t$ "wall$w it. K1 1". wa" &aid '$r the (erti'i(ate $' 0ir%inity8whi(h wa" 0er#al and n$t written8while K1 1E". m$re

wa" (har%ed '$r the (hl$r$'$rm, the net 0alue $' whi(h wa" &r$#a#ly le"" than a "hillin%. n arran%ement wa" made that i' the (hild wa" #adly in)ured Madame w$uld &at(h it u& t$ the #e"t $' her a#ility, and then the &arty le't the h$u"e. Cr$m the midwi'e3" the inn$(ent %irl wa" ta/en t$ a h$u"e $' ill 'ame, 1$. 8, P888 "treet, 6e%ent2"treet, where, n$twith"tandin% her e.treme y$uth, "he wa" admitted with$ut ,ue"ti$n. She wa" ta/en u& "tair", undre""ed, and &ut t$ #ed, the w$man wh$ #$u%ht her &uttin% her t$ "lee&. She wa" rather re"tle"", #ut under the in'luen(e $' (hl$r$'$rm "he "$$n went $0er. Then the w$man withdrew. ll wa" ,uiet and "till. 'ew m$ment" later the d$$r $&ened, and the &ur(ha"er entered the #edr$$m. *e (l$"ed and l$(/ed the d$$r. There wa" a #rie' "ilen(e. nd then there r$"e a wild and &ite$u" (ry8n$t a l$ud "hrie/, #ut a hel&le"", "tartled "(ream li/e the #leat $' a 'ri%htened lam#. nd the (hild3" 0$i(e wa" heard (ryin%, in a((ent" $' terr$r, 4There3" a man in the r$$m9 Ta/e me h$me; $h, ta/e me h$me94 nd then all $n(e m$re wa" "till. That wa" #ut $ne (a"e am$n% many, and #y n$ mean" the w$r"t. -t $nly di''er" 'r$m the re"t #e(au"e - ha0e #een a#le t$ 0eri'y the 'a(t". Many a "imilar (ry will #e rai"ed thi" 0ery ni%ht in the #r$thel" $' +$nd$n, unheeded #y man, #ut n$t unheard #y the &ityin% ear $' *ea0en8 For the child's sob in the dar/ness curseth deeper $han the strong man in his wrath.

T e Maiden Tribute of Modern !abylon "": t e Report of our #ecret $o%%ission W.T. Stead, (The Pall Mall Gazette, July G, 1885) I described yesterday a "(ene whi(h t$$/ &la(e la"t ?er#y day, in a well /n$wn h$u"e, within a ,uarter $' a mile $' @.'$rd2(ir(u". -t i" n$ mean" $ne $' the w$r"t in"tan(e" $' the (rime" that are ($n"tantly &er&etrated in +$nd$n, $r e0en in that 0ery h$u"e. The 0i(tim" $' the ra&e", '$r "u(h they are t$ all intent" and &ur&$"e", are alm$"t alway" 0ery y$un% (hildren #etween thirteen and 'i'teen. The rea"$n '$r that i" 0ery "im&le. The law at &re"ent alm$"t "&e(ially mar/" $ut "u(h (hildren a" the 'air %ame $' di""$lute men. The m$ment a (hild i" thirteen "he i" a w$man in the eye $' the law, with a#"$lute ri%ht t$ di"&$"e $' her &er"$n t$ any $ne wh$ #y '$r(e $r 'raud (an #ully $r (a)$le her int$ &artin% with her 0irtue. -t i" the $ne thin% in the wh$le w$rld whi(h, i' $n(e l$"t, (an ne0er #e re($0ered, it i" the m$"t &re(i$u" thin% a w$man e0er ha", #ut while the law '$r#id" her a#"$lutely t$ di"&$"e $' any $ther 0alua#le" until "he i" "i.teen, it in"i"t" u&$n in0e"tin% her with un'ettered 'reed$m t$ "ell her &er"$n at thirteen. The law, indeed, "eem" "&e(ially 'ramed in $rder t$ ena#le di""$lute men t$ $utra%e the"e le%al w$men $' thirteen with im&unity. C$r t$ ,u$te a%ain 'r$m 4Ste&hen3" ?i%e"t,4 a ra&e in 'a(t i" n$t a ra&e in law i' ($n"ent i" $#tained #y 'raud 'r$m a w$man $r a %irl wh$ wa" t$tally i%n$rant $' the nature $' the a(t t$ whi(h "he a""ented. 1$w it i" a 'a(t

whi(h - ha0e re&eatedly 0eri'ied that %irl" $' thirteen, '$urteen, and e0en 'i'teen, wh$ &r$'e"" them"el0e" &er'e(tly willin% t$ #e "edu(ed, are a#"$lutely and t$tally i%n$rant $' the nature $' the a(t t$ whi(h they a""ent. - d$ n$t mean merely it" rem$ter ($n"e,uen(e" and the e.tent t$ whi(h their ($n"ent will &re)udi(e the wh$le $' their 'uture li'e, #ut e0en the mere &hy"i(al nature $' the a(t t$ whi(h they are le%ally ($m&etent t$ ($n"ent i" un/n$wn t$ them. Perha&" $ne $' the m$"t t$u(hin% in"tan(e" $' thi" and the m$"t ($n(lu"i0e wa" the e.(lamati$n $' relie' that #ur"t 'r$m a !irmin%ham %irl $' '$urteen when the midwi'e had 'ini"hed her e.aminati$n. 4-t3" all $0er n$w,4 "he "aid, 4- am "$ %lad.4 4>$u "illy (hild,4 "aid the &r$(ure"", 4that3" n$thin%. >$u30e n$t #een "edu(ed yet. That i" "till t$ ($me.4 *$w ($uld "he /n$w any #etter, ne0er ha0in% #een tau%ht: ll that the &r$(ure"" had t$ld her wa" that i' "he ($n"ented t$ meet a ri(h %entleman "he w$uld %et l$t" $' m$ney. 70en when an attem&t i" made t$ e.&lain that there will #e "$me &hy"i(al &ain, the in'$rmati$n i" "$ "hr$uded in my"tery that in (a"e" that ha0e ($me under my $wn &er"$nal /n$wled%e i' the man had run a needle int$ the %irl3" thi%h and t$ld her that "he wa" "edu(ed, "he w$uld ha0e #elie0ed it. T*7 67SP@1S-!-+-T> @C T*7 M@T*76S The i%n$ran(e $' the"e %irl" i" alm$"t in(redi#le. -t i" $ne $' the %reate"t "(andal" $' Pr$te"tant trainin% that &arent" are all$wed t$ /ee& their (hildren in t$tal i%n$ran(e $' the "im&le"t truth" $' &hy"i$l$%y, with$ut e0en a rudimentary ($n(e&ti$n $' the nature $' "e.ual m$rality. Cath$li( (hildren are mu(h #etter trained; and whate0er may #e the (a"e in $ther ($untrie", the (ha"tity $' Cath$li( %irl" i" mu(h %reater than that $' Pr$te"tant" in the "ame "$(ial "trata. @win% t$ the "$ul and #$dy de"tr$yin% ta(iturnity $' Pr$te"tant m$ther", %irl" $'ten arri0e at the a%e $' le%al w$manh$$d in t$tal i%n$ran(e, and are turned l$$"e t$ ($ntend with all the wile" $' the &r$(ure"" and the tem&tati$n" $' the "edu(er with$ut the m$"t elementary a(,uaintan(e with the law" $' their $wn e.i"ten(e. 7.&erientia d$(et; #ut in thi" (a"e the 'ir"t e.&erien(e i" t$$ $'ten that $' 0i$lati$n. 70en a'ter the a(t ha" #een ($n"ummated, all that they /n$w i" that they %$t #adly hurt; #ut they thin/ $' it and "&ea/ $' it e.a(tly in the "ame way a" i' it meant n$ m$re '$r them than the &ullin% $ut $' a t$$th. 70en m$re than the "(andal$u" "tate $' the law, the (ul&a#le re'u"al $' m$ther" t$ e.&lain t$ their dau%hter" the realitie" and the dan%er" $' their e.i"ten(e ($ntri#ute" t$ 'ill the #r$thel" $' +$nd$n. 67C6=-T-1G C@6 T*7 *@=S7 @C 7B-+ C M7 Pe$&le ima%ine that the #r$thel 'ill" it"el'. That i" a mi"ta/e. -t i" re(ruited '$r a" dili%ently a" i" the army $' her Ma)e"ty, whi(h i" &erha&" $ne $' it" %reate"t &atr$n". 4!u"ine"" i" 0ery #ad,4 "aid Mr". Je''erie" m$urn'ully, a "h$rt time #e'$re her ($n0i(ti$n. 4- ha0e #een 0ery "la(/ "in(e the Guard" went t$ 7%y&t.4 The h$u"e $' ill2'ame i" a re"er0$ir $' 0i(e 'ed #y a multitude

$' tri#utary rill". P$""i#ly $ne2hal' $' it" inmate" 0$luntarily ele(ted t$ ta/e t$ the "treet" a" a mean" $' li0elih$$d. !ut alth$u%h they are 0$lunteer", they are n$t le't t$ 'ind their way t$ their de"tinati$n #y natural "ele(ti$n. 70ery #r$thel2/ee&er w$rth her "alt i" a &r$(ure"" with her eye" ($n"tantly $n the l$$/2$ut '$r li/ely %irl", and "he i" ,uite a" #u"y wea0in% t$il" in whi(h t$ en"nare 're"h w$men a" "he i" t$ ($mmand 're"h (u"t$mer". When a /ee&er ha" "&$tted a %irl wh$m, "he 'an(ie" will #e 4a %$$d mar/4 "he8'$r in m$"t (a"e" the (reature i" $' the 'eminine %ender8"et" t$ w$r/ t$ "e(ure her '$r her "er0i(e. ?e($y %irl" are laid $n t$ tem&t the %irl with &r$mi"e" $' dre"" and m$ney. The $rdinary '$rmula i" that i' y$u ($me with u" y$u will li0e li/e a lady, ha0e &lenty $' 'ine (l$the", ha0e y$ur $wn way in e0erythin% and d$ a" y$u &lea"e. -' the %irl li"ten", "he i" l$"t. The t$il" (l$"e r$und. She (all" u&$n her 'riend". S$me ni%ht "he "t$&" $ut a'ter the time her mi"tre"" l$(/" the d$$r. She i" $#li%ed t$ return t$ "ee/ "helter, and #e'$re m$rnin% "he i" d$ne '$r. That i" the "t$ry $' th$u"and", and it i" mu(h the m$"t inn$(ent '$rm $' &r$(urati$n. lm$"t e0ery h$u"e $' ill2'ame in +$nd$n i" the (entre $' a netw$r/ $' "nare" and wile" and 4&lant",4 intended t$ #rin% in 're"h %irl". That i" &art $' the re%ular trade. !ut there are $ther meth$d" $' &r$(urati$n mu(h m$re $#)e(ti$na#le. 4Gentlemen4 wh$ "edu(e %irl" under &r$mi"e $' marria%e and then de"ert them are &r$#a#ly n$t re"&$n"i#le '$r m$re than 5 t$ 1E &er (ent. $' $ur &r$"titute", #ut "$ l$n% a" it i" th$u%ht h$n$ura#le and %entlemanly t$ ruin a %irl3" li'e in $rder t$ en)$y hal' an h$ur3" e.(itement, it i" n$ u"e "ayin% anythin% a#$ut that m$de $' re(ruitin% 4the !la(/ rmy4 $' $ur "treet". "mall &r$&$rti$n ta/e t$ it 'r$m "heer &$0erty and a#"$lute de"&air $' e0adin% de"tituti$n. Many m$re ad$&t it $((a"i$nally a" a mean" $' "u&&lementin% "(anty wa%e". =1W-++-1G 67C6=-TS !ut that t$ whi(h - "&e(ially wi"h t$ dire(t attenti$n are the art" #y whi(h the /ee&er "e(ure" unwillin% 0i(tim" '$r her h$u"e. The "im&le"t and #y 'ar the ($mm$ne"t i" t$ en%a%e a %irl '$r the ($untry #y ad0erti"ement $r $therwi"e t$ hel& in the h$u"ew$r/. The (hild8"he i" "eld$m m$re than 'i'teen $r "i.teen8($me" u& 'r$m her ($untry 0illa%e with her #$., and i" in"talled in "er0i(e. t 'ir"t n$thin% i" "aid. 70ery arti'i(e i" u"ed t$ ma/e the un"u"&e(tin% %irl #elie0e that "he i" in a %$$d &la(e with a /ind mi"tre"". 'ter a time "$me "mart dre"" i" %i0en her, and "he i" en($ura%ed t$ #e willin% and "u#mi""i0e, #y &r$mi"e" $' %reater li#erty and &lenty $' m$ney. The %irl i" tem&ted t$ drin/, and #y de%ree" "he i" enli%htened a" t$ the nature $' the h$u"e. -t i" a dread'ul awa/enin%. What i" "he t$ d$: -n all +$nd$n "he /n$w" n$ 'riend8 n$ $ne t$ wh$m "he (an a&&eal. She i" ne0er all$wed t$ %$ $ut"ide al$ne. She dare n$t "&ea/ t$ the &$li(eman, '$r he i" ti&&ed #y her mi"tre"". -' "he a"/" t$ lea0e "he i" t$ld "he mu"t "er0e $ut her term, and then e0ery e''$rt i" red$u#led t$ "edu(e her. -' &$""i#le "he i" made drun/, and then when "he wa/e" "he di"($0er" her ruin ha" #een a(($m&li"hed. *er (hara(ter i" %$ne. *$&ele"" and de"&erate, with$ut m$ney, with$ut 'riend", all a0enue" $' e"(a&e (l$"ed, "he ha" $nly $ne (h$i(e. 4She mu"t d$ a" the $ther" d$48the %reat '$rmula8$r "tar0e in the "treet". 1$ $ne will #elie0e her "t$ry, '$r when a w$man i" $utra%ed, #y 'raud $r '$r(e, her "w$rn te"tim$ny wei%h" n$thin% a%ain"t the li%hte"t w$rd $' the man wh$ &er&etrated the (rime. She "ee" $n $ne hand lei"ure, lu.ury, $n the $ther #lan/ de"&air. Thu" the #r$thel

a(,uire" a new inmate, and an$ther '$(u" $' "in and ($nta%i$n i" added t$ the "treet". T*7 ST@6> @C 1 7SC P7 Within the la"t m$nth - made the a(,uaintan(e $' a %irl $' "e0enteen, wh$ e"(a&ed at the ele0enth h$ur 'r$m )u"t "u(h a tra&. - inter0iewed her, a" - ha0e inter0iewed many $ther", #ut her "t$ry i" "$ "tri/in% an illu"trati$n $' the /ind $' w$r/ that i" %$in% $n all r$und u" that it i" w$rth while %i0in% it )u"t a" "he %a0e it t$ me, merely &remi"in% that - ha0e #een a#le, #y inde&endent in,uirie" at Sh$reham and Pimli($, t$ 0eri'y the ($m&lete a((ura(y $' her "tatement<8 My name is &..9 I am seventeen years old. +ast year, about May, I was living with my grandparents who had brought me up at *horeham. $hey were poor people, and as I had grown up they thought that it was well I should go to service. I saw an advertisement of a situation! 0)anted a girl to help in the general wor/ of the house.0 My grandmother wrote about the situation, and as it seemed satisfactory, it was decided I should go. My mistress had to meet me at %ictoria station and ta/e me to my new home. I arrived all safely, and at first I thought everything was going to be all right. Mrs. (.. was very /ind, and let me go to bed at ten. &fter a time, however, I began to sea something was wrong. $he ladies in the house used to drin/ very much and /eep very late hours. 'entlemen were coming and going till three and four o'cloc/ in the morning. I began to see that I was in a bad house. ,ut when I mentioned it to my mother, who is living a gay life in +ondon, she scolded me, and said she would give me a good hiding if I left my place. )here was I to go to1 ,esides, I thought I might be servant in a bad house without being bad myself. ,y degrees Mrs. (. began to hint that I was too good to be a general servant9 she would get another girl, and I might be a lady li/e the others. ,ut the girl who had been there before me used to cry very much and tell me never to do as she had done. 0@nce I was as good as you, &nnie, but now there is my baby, and what can I do10 and then she would cry bitterly. $he other two girls, when they were sober, would warn me to beware and not come to such a life as theirs, and wish that they had never ta/en to the streets. &nd then they would drin/ again, and go and paint their faces and prepare to receive visitors. I used to be sent with money to buy drin/ for them, and many a time I wondered if I might run off and never come bac/. ,ut I had to bring bac/ either the money or the drin/ or be ta/en for a thief. &nd so I went on day after day. @ne night Mrs. (. brought me a red sil/ dress and a new hat, and said she was going to ta/e me out. *he got into a cab with me and too/ me to the &quarium. $here she wal/ed me about and then brought me home again. $his she did several times, never letting me get out of her sight, never allowing me to go out of doors e"cept for drin/ and when she too/ me to the &quarium. *he became more pressing. *he showed me a beautiful pin/ dress, and promised me that also if I would do as the others did. &nd when I would not, she called me a fool, and used awful language, and said what pleasure I was missing all from stupidity. *ometimes she would tell the gentlemen to ta/e liberties with me, but I /ept them at a distance. @ne night after I had come in with her from the &quarium, a gentleman tried to catch hold of me as I was outside the bedroom. I ran as hard as I could downstairs. #e came after me, but I got into the /itchen first, and there I barricaded the door with chairs and the table, so that he could not get in. I was nearly distracted and did not /now what to do, when I found in my bo" the bac/ of an old hymn-boo/ my grandfather had used. It had on

it the address of 'eneral ,ooth, at the headquarters of the *alvation &rmy. I thought to myself Mr. ,ooth must be a good man or he would not have so many halls all over the country, and then I thought perhaps he will help me to get out of this horrible house, as I never /new what might happen any night. *o I waited quietly all that night, never ta/ing off my clothes. It was usually four o'cloc/ before the house was quiet. &s soon as they all seemed to be asleep, I waited till nearly si", and then I crept to the door, opened it, and stole softly away, not even daring to close the door. I only /new one address in all +ondon.454, Eueen %ictoria-street9 where that was I did not /now. I wal/ed out blindly till I met a policeman, and he told me the right direction. I wal/ed on and on9 it was a long way9 I was very tired. I had had no sleep all night, and I feared at any moment to be overta/en and brought bac/. My red sil/ dress was rather conspicuous, and I did not /now if, even after I got there, whether Mr. ,ooth would help me. ,ut I felt sure he was a good man, and I wal/ed on and on. $he bad house was in 'loucesterstreet, imlico, and it was nearly half-past seven when I got to Eueen %ictoria-street. $he headquarters were closed. I stood waiting outside, wondering if, after all, I might have to go bac/. &t last some one came, and they too/ care of me, and sent me to their home, and then too/ me bac/ to *horeham, where I am now living. @n in,uiry at the Sal0ati$n rmy - '$und thi" "t$ry, "$ 'ar a" they were ($n(erned, wa" "tri(tly ($rre(t. They %i0e the %irl a %$$d (hara(ter, and "ay that her %rand&arent" are 0ery re"&e(ta#le, h$ne"t &e$&le at Sh$reham. They "ent t$ the #r$thel a'ter hearin% her "t$ry, and in"i"ted $n re(ei0in% her #$.. t 'ir"t the w$man demurred, #ut $n #ein% threatened with e.&$"ure relu(tantly %a0e u& the #$., wi"hin% 4the little hu""y had #r$/en her ne(/ in %ettin% $ut $' the wind$w when "he ran away in that 'a"hi$n.4 The %irl i" n$w en%a%ed t$ #e married, and, "$ 'ar a" $ne ($uld )ud%e, "eemed a th$r$u%hly m$de"t, re"&e(ta#le y$un% w$man. !ut '$r the a((ident $' the hymn2#$$/, there i" little d$u#t that "he w$uld m$nth" a%$ ha0e #een a re%ular &r$"titute. -t i" "i%ni'i(ant $' the tena(ity with whi(h the"e &r$(ure""e" (lin% t$ their &rey, that at the time $' !ri%ht$n ra(e", when Mr". C88 and her e"ta#li"hment mi%rated t$ the "ea"ide, her $ld mi"tre"" (ame $0er t$ Sh$reham t$ try t$ hire nnie #y #ri#e" and threat" t$ return t$ t$wn. The 'ri%htened %irl 'led t$ her %randm$ther, and the w$man had t$ return em&ty2handed. ha0e 'ull &arti(ular" $' name", addre""e", date" in my &$""e""i$n, and there i" n$t the lea"t d$u#t $' the "u#"tantial a((ura(y $' her "t$ry. TW@ ST@6-7S C6@M +-C7 -n melan(h$ly ($ntra"t t$ the "t$ry $' nnie i" the "t$ry $' an$ther nnie, a +$nd$n %irl $'

"in%ularly intere"tin% ($untenan(e and &lea"in% manner. Thi" (hild did n$t e"(a&e. - met her in $ne $' the innumera#le '$rei%n re"taurant" whi(h "er0e a" h$u"e" $' a""i%nati$n in the nei%h#$urh$$d $' +ei(e"ter S,uare. She wa" a#$ut 'i'teen year" $' a%e, and at the time when - "aw her had $nly #een $n the "treet" '$r a 'ew wee/". *er "t$ry, a" "he t$ld it me with the utm$"t "im&li(ity and unre"er0e, wa" a" '$ll$w"<8

It was about two months since I was seduced. & friend of mine, ;ane ,.., met me one evening in the street near our house, and as/ed me if I would go for a wal/ with her. I said yes, and she proposed to come and have an ice at the very restaurant in which we are now sitting. 0It is such a famous shop for ices,0 she said, 0and perhaps we shall see my uncle.0 I did not /now her uncle, nor did I thin/ anything about it, but I wal/ed down to +eicester-square to the restaurant. *he as/ed me to come upstairs to a sitting-room, where we had some ices and some ca/e. &fter a time a gentleman came in, whom she said was her uncle9 but I found out afterwards he was no more her uncle than I was. #e as/ed us to have some wine and something to eat, and we sat eating and drin/ing. I had never tasted wine before, but he pressed it on me, and I too/ one glass and then another, until I thin/ I had four glasses. My head got very queer, and I hardly /new what I did. $hen my friend said, .0&nnie, you must come upstairs now.0 0)hat for10 I said. 0<ever mind what for,0 she said 9 0you will get lots of money.0 My head was queer9 I did not care what I did, but I remember thin/ing that it was after no good this going upstairs. *he insisted, however, and I went upstairs. $he man she called her uncle followed us. *he began to undress me. 0)hat are you doing that for10 Isaid. 08ou shan't undress me. I don't want to be undressed here.0 I struggled, and then everything went di22y. I remember nothing more till I wo/e and found that I had been undressed and put in bed. $he man was in bed with me. I screamed, and begged him to go away. #e paid no heed to me, and began to hurt me dreadfully. 0Feep quiet, you silly girl,0 said ...., who stood by the bed9 0you will get lots of money.0 @h, I was frightened, and the man hurt me so muchA ,ut I could do nothing. )hen it was all over the man gave her 37. *he gave me half and /ept the other half for herself, as her pay for getting me seduced. I do not /now who the man was, and I have never seen him since. @' ($ur"e it i" $#0i$u" that thi" "t$ry re"t" "$lely $n the auth$rity $' the (hild her"el'. !ut there wa" n$ rea"$n t$ ,ue"ti$n it" a((ura(y. She t$ld me her "t$ry 0ery "im&ly in the &re"en(e $' a 'riend. -t wa" &er'e(tly natural, and the %irl3" remem#ran(e $' the way in whi(h "he had #een ruined wa" 0ery (lear. She "eemed a %irl $' e.(ellent di"&$"iti$n, a Sunday "(h$lar, and $' re'ined manner", and with a "weetne"" $' e.&re""i$n unu"ual in her (la"". *er ($m&ani$n, a y$un% %irl $' thirteen, wa" a (hild $' mu(h %reater (hara(ter and re"$luti$n, wh$, - am %lad t$ "ay, i" n$w in %$$d hand" in the ($untry. *er "t$ry wa" a" '$ll$w"<8 @ne night a girl I /new came and spo/e to me. 0)ill you come and see a gentleman10 she said. 0Me see a gentleman.what do you mean10 said I. 0@h, I forgot,0 she says9 0will you come and ta/e a wal/10 I had no obBection, so we went for a wal/. &fter a while, she proposed we should go into a house in .. street and get something to eat. )e went in, and after we had been there a little time in came a gentleman. #e sat down and tal/ed a bit, and then my friend says, 0$a/e off your things, +i22ie.0 0<o, I won't,0 I said. 0)hy should I ta/e off my things10 0Don't be a fool,0 says she, 0and do as I tell you, you will get lots of money90 and she began to undress me. I obBected, but she was older than I, and stronger, and the man too/ her side. 0<ow,0 she said after she had undressed me, 0get into bed with you.0 0)hat for10 says I, 0for I had no idea what she meant.0 0Do as I tell you, you little fool, or I will /noc/ youGrH head off you. $his gentleman will give you lots of money, pounds and pounds, if you are good9 but he won't give you a penny if you are stupid.0 &nd she half forced me, half persuaded me, to

get into bed. $hen the gentleman got into bed. I did not /now what he wanted. I was very frightened, and was crying bitterly. $hen he began to hurt me, and I yelled at the top of my voice. Madame who /ept the house heard me scream, and she came running up. 0%ot is you a doin to that von leetle girl 10 she as/ed. 0<othing,0 said the man9 0she has only run a pin into her foot90 and my friend whispered, 0@nly /eep quiet and you shall have it all. I will give you all the money. ,ut mind you won't get off, no matter how you scream.0 Madame went away, and the man finished me. #e gave me 3?. 45s. +izzie, wh$ t$ld me the a#$0e "t$ry, i" a mere (hild, thirteen year" $ld la"t June. *er m$ther wa" dead. *er 'ather wa" a '$reman in a City wareh$u"e. She i" a %irl $' %reat ener%y and re"tle""ne"", a''e(ti$nate, and - #elie0e "he i" n$w d$in% well. !$th $' the"e %irl", a'ter #ein% "edu(ed, went $n the "treet" $((a"i$nally. -t i" the 'ir"t "te& whi(h ($"t", and a'ter ha0in% l$"t their 0irtue, they ar%ued that they mi%ht n$w and then add t$ their "(anty earnin%" #y the ea"ily a(,uired %$ld t$ #e earned in the #r$thel. P6@C=6 T-@1 -1 T*7 W7ST271? The &ri(e $' maid" i" mu(h hi%her in the We"t2end than when the 0ir%in" are &i(/ed u& in the 7a"t. !ut the &ur0eyin% $' maiden" i" d$ne "y"temati(ally en$u%h. Pri(e", - "h$uld "ay, rule a" '$ll$w"<8Cr$m the wh$le"ale 'irm $' Mdme". L. and M., $' whi(h - "hall "&ea/ "h$rtly, K5, at an 7a"t2end #r$thel K1E, at the We"t2end KFE. The"e ,u$tati$n" are a(tual 'i%ure", and ha0e #een %i0en me #y th$"e wh$ were &er'e(tly willin% t$ 'ul'il the ($ntra(t. -n all (a"e" they in(lude the maiden3" $wn 'ee a" well a" the ($mmi""i$n &aid t$ the &ur0ey$r. -n n$ (a"e wa" the "li%hte"t $#)e(ti$n made t$ the "ti&ulati$n that the 0ir%inity $' the %irl "h$uld #e (erti'ied #y a d$(t$r #e'$re deli0ery8a 'a(t whi(h entirely di"&$"e" $' the (ry that n$ #u"ine"" i" d$ne e.(e&tin% in harl$t" 0am&ed u& a" 0ir%in" '$r that $((a"i$n $nly. - had a %$$d $&&$rtunity $' an in"ide 0iew $' &r$(urati$n a" &ra(ti"ed in $ne $' the m$"t "ele(t and re"&e(ta#le h$u"e" in the We"t, where - had ($mmi""i$ned the mi"tre"" t$ &r$(ure me a maid at KFE. She t$ld me, $' ($ur"e8a" they all d$8that "he ne0er did "u(h thin%", that "he ne0er had a maid "edu(ed in her h$u"e in her li'e, and w$uld n$t '$r the w$rld, e0en '$r her $lde"t (u"t$mer, ($n"ent t$ all$w her h$u"e t$ #e u"ed '$r that &ur&$"e. -n 'a(t, "he went "$ 'ar a" t$ "ay that i' a %irl wa" "edu(ed in her h$u"e "he w$uld 'eel a" i' "he were #$und t$ &r$0ide '$r her in an a'terli'e. The 0alue $' the"e &reliminary a""uran(e" may #e %au%ed 'r$m the 'a(t that "he "u#"e,uently undert$$/ t$ &r$0ide me with a maid, and $''ered me the (h$i(e $' any r$$m in her h$u"e '$r the &ur&$"e $' "edu(in% her. She in(identally de"(ri#ed a ($n"idera#le num#er $' %irl" wh$ had #een "edu(ed in her h$u"e, and then let me "$ 'ar int$ her ($n'iden(e a" t$ "ay that "he had three &r$(ure""e" in ($nne(ti$n with her h$u"e wh$"e duty it wa" t$ &i(/ u& %irl" '$r her (u"t$mer". - wa" $''ered the (h$i(e #etween a nur"ery %$0erne"", a nur"emaid, and an$ther %irl. - "ele(ted the nur"ery %$0erne"", wh$, - wa" t$ld, wa" in a %$$d "ituati$n in a %entleman3" 'amily near Bi(t$ria "tati$n. =n'$rtunately the day when we had t$ meet her mi"tre"" "ent her with the (hildren t$ *urlin%ham, and "he ($uld n$t /ee& her a&&$intment, mu(h t$ the di"a&&$intment $' the &r$(ure"", wh$ &aid n$ 'ewer than three 0i"it" t$ the h$u"e. n$ther a&&$intment wa" made, #ut they #r$u%ht a h$u"emaid in"tead $' the %$0erne"". - "aw her in ($m&any with the &r$(ure"", a m$therly $ld lady, wh$"e &r$'e""i$n wa" that $' (harw$man. -

had a l$n% and intere"tin% ($n0er"ati$n with her, whi(h need n$t #e detailed here. The "alient 'eature $' it wa" the ($m&la(en(y with whi(h the %$$d lady re%arded her $((u&ati$n a" &r$(ure"". T$ #e%in with, "he had the e.(u"e $' &$0erty. She wa" a wid$w with a lar%e 'amily, and mu"t d$ "$methin% '$r the (hildren. *er "e($nd )u"ti'i(ati$n wa" the a""um&ti$n that the %irl" wh$m "he &r$(ured w$uld ine0ita#ly #e "edu(ed, and, "aid "he nai0ely, 4-' a %irl i" t$ #e "edu(ed it i" #etter "he "h$uld #e "edu(ed #y a %entleman, and %et "$methin% '$r it than let her"el' #e "edu(ed #y a #$y $r a y$un% 'ell$w wh$ %i0e" her n$thin% '$r it4 The"e tw$ e.(u"e" n$t $nly "ati"'ied the $ld lady3" ($n"(ien(e, #ut made her 'eel that "he wa" ,uite a #ene'a(t$r t$ her "e.. The maid wh$m "he &r$(ured '$r me (alth$u%h - (ann$t "&ea/ &$"iti0ely a" t$ her 0ir%inity, a", $win% t$ the delay $' a tele%ram, my d$(t$r 'ailed t$ arri0e at the try"tin%2&la(e) wa" a &retty y$un% %irl a#$ut 'i'teen, a 0ery "weet 'a(e, and immature 'i%ure. She had #een (ryin% #e(au"e Mr". 88 had "($lded her '$r dre""in% li/e a #utter'ly in"tead $' wearin% #la(/. *er "t$ry wa" that her m$ther wa" ill, whi(h - "u#"e,uently di"($0ered wa" true, and "he wanted t$ %et K1E t$ hel& her in her tr$u#le. She wa" &er'e(tly willin% t$ #e e.amined #y a d$(t$r, '$r, a" the $ld lady "aid, 4i' "he i" %$in% t$ #e "edu(ed "he need n$t mind "eein% a d$(t$r,4 and her readine"" t$ "u#mit t$ the e.aminati$n wa" at lea"t &rima 'a(ie e0iden(e $' the reality $' her (laim t$ #e re%arded a" a maid. The "(ene with the &r$(ure"" and the %irl wa" 0ery "tri/in%. The $ld lady tr$tted $ut the (hild, made her "tand u&, "mile, and %enerally &ut her thr$u%h her &a(e", and "h$wed $'' her &$int". The m$therly 'a"hi$n in whi(h "he &ut her arm" r$und the %irl3" ne(/, and ur%ed her with /i""e" and en($ura%ement n$t t$ #e timid, #ut t$ &lea"e the %entleman, wa" "i(/enin% #ey$nd e.&re""i$n. -t wa" with %reat di''i(ulty that - %$t a 'ew m$ment" al$ne with the %irl. 4Why d$ y$u want t$ #e "edu(ed:4 - a"/ed. 4Tell me the truth.4 4C$r the m$ney,4 "he. re&lied, ,uite "im&ly. 4W$uld y$u rather ha0e K5 and n$t #e "edu(ed, $r the K1E and #e "edu(ed:4 4@h, K5 #y all mean",4 "he "aid, 4and n$t #e "edu(ed.4 nd then the $ld &r$(ure"" returned. The %irl "eemed timid, #ut whether "he wa" really a maid $r n$t - d$ n$t /n$w. When the d$(t$r turned u& a "e($nd time "he did n$t ($me, and - ha0e rea"$n t$ 'ear that "he i" n$ l$n%er li/ely t$ &a"" the $rdeal $' an e.aminati$n. -n the ($ur"e $' ($n0er"ati$n - '$und that (harw$men are re%arded a" e.(ellent &r$(ure""e". They ha0e the entry int$ &ri0ate h$u"e" and int$ "h$&" where many %irl" are em&l$yed. C$min% day a'ter day, early in the m$rnin%, #e'$re the mi"tre"" $r the mana%er i" a#$ut, they ha0e am&le $&&$rtunitie", $' whi(h they ma/e the m$"t, t$ enti(e y$un% %irl" t$ de"tru(ti$n. They ma/e it their duty t$ allay the 'ear" $' the %irl" a" t$ the ($n"e,uen(e" $' "edu(ti$n. The $ld lady wa" ,uite el$,uent and em&hati( in a""urin% me that a %irl ne0er need 'ear ha0in% a (hild a" the re"ult $' a 'ir"t "edu(ti$n. That i" the way in whi(h the de"(en"u" 0erni i" "m$$thed. 41$ harm will ($me the 'ir"t time4 hel&" the %irl t$ ($n"ent, and a'ter "he ha" l$"t her maiden e"tate the ar%ument i", 4>$u (an %$ a "e($nd time.4 4-t i" $nly the 'ir"t "te& that ($"t",4 and "$ the %irl %et" 'airly laun(hed $n an imm$ral li'e. !ut in )u"ti(e t$ thi" e"ta#li"hment - mu"t "ay that they "t$utly re'u"ed t$ deli0er the %irl $0er t$ me alt$%ether. 4mu"t re"t$re her t$ her m$ther3" arm",4 "aid the $ld lady, wh$ in thi" (a"e had '$rti'ied her"el'

with a written (erti'i(ate 'r$m the m$ther de(larin% her a""ent t$ her dau%hter3" "edu(ti$n. C-6M @C P6@C=67SS7S The re(ruitin% '$r the #r$thel i" #y n$ mean" le't t$ $((a"i$nal irre%ular a%ent". -t i" a "y"tematized #u"ine"". Me"dame" L. and M., &r$(ure""e", +$nd$n, i" a 'irm wh$"e addre"" i" n$t t$ #e '$und in 4The P$"t @''i(e ?ire(t$ry.4 -t e.i"t", h$we0er, and it" $&erati$n" are in 'ull "win% at thi" m$ment. -t" mem#er" ha0e made the &r$(urati$n $' 0ir%in" their "&e(iality. The $rdinary h$u"e $' ill2'ame re(ruit" it" inmate" $((a"i$nally #y &ur(ha"e, #y ($ntra(t, #y '$r(e, $r #y 'raud, #ut a" a rule the $rdinary #r$thel /ee&er relie" '$r the "ta&le $' her ($mm$ditie" u&$n th$"e wh$ ha0e already #een "edu(ed. T$ $#li%e a (u"t$mer they will &r$(ure a maid, in many (a"e" &a""in% $'' a" 0ir%in" th$"e wh$ had l$n% #e'$re #ade 'arewell t$ the e"tate $' maidenh$$d; '$r the tri(/" $' w$men are innumera#le, and the ($ntri0an(e" #y whi(h thi" (an #e d$ne are numer$u" and "im&le. The num#er $' 0am&ed2u& 0ir%in" whi(h Mr". Je''erie" i" (urrently re&$rted t$ ha0e &r$(ured '$r her ari"t$(rati( (lientele in the nei%h#$urh$$d $' the Juadrant i" re%arded in the &r$'e""i$n a" $ne $' the m$"t remar/a#le a(hie0ement" $' the %reat Chel"ea &r$(ure"". The"e are, h$we0er, #ut the tri(/" $' the trade, whi(h in n$ way ($n(ern the $#)e(t $' the &re"ent in,uiry. The di''eren(e #etween the 'irm $' Me"dame" L. and M. and the $rdinary /ee&er $' an intr$du(in% h$u"e i" that the &r$(urin% $' maid" (whi(h in the (a"e $' the latter i" $((a"i$nal) i" the ($n"tant $((u&ati$n $' their li0e". They d$ n$thin% el"e. They /ee& n$ h$u"e $' ill2'ame. @ne $' the mem#er" $' thi" remar/a#le 'irm li0e" in all the $d$ur $' &r$&riety i' n$t $' "an(tity with her &arent"; the $ther, wh$ ha" her $wn l$d%in%", n$minally h$ld" a &$"iti$n $' tru"t and $' in'luen(e in the e"ta#li"hment $' a well2/n$wn 'irm in @.'$rd2"treet. The"e thin%", h$we0er, are #ut a" #lind". Their real w$r/, t$ whi(h they de0$te e0ery day in the wee/, i" the &ur0eyin% $' maiden" t$ an e.ten"i0e and e0er2widenin% (ir(le $' (u"t$mer". The $''i(e $' the 'irm i" at 88, 88&la(e, the l$d%in%" $' the )uni$r &artner, where letter" and tele%ram" are "ent and $rder" re(ei0ed, and the ne(e""ary ($rre"&$nden(e ($ndu(ted. !$th &artner" are y$un%, the "eni$r mem#er $' the 'irm #ein% really y$un%er than her &artner. The #u"ine"" wa" "tarted #y Mi"" L88, a y$un% w$man $' ener%y and a#ility and %reat natural "hrewdne"" alm$"t immediately a'ter her "edu(ti$n in 1881. She wa" at that time in her "i.teenth year. %irl wh$ had already 'allen intr$du(ed her t$ a 4%entleman,4 and &$(/eted hal' the &ri(e $' her 0irtue a" ($mmi""i$n. The ea"e with whi(h her &r$(ure"" earned a ($u&le $' &$und" (ame li/e a re0elati$n t$ Mi"" L., and alm$"t immediately a'ter her "edu(ti$n "he #e%an t$ l$$/ a#$ut t$ 'ind maid" '$r (u"t$mer" and (u"t$mer" '$r maid". 'ter tw$ year", #u"ine"" had in(rea"ed t$ "u(h an e.tent that "he wa" $#li%ed t$ ta/e int$ &artner"hi& Mi"" M., an $lder %irl, a#$ut twenty, $' "lenderer 'i%ure and 'airer ($m&le.i$n. t $ne time Mi"" M. %a0e all her time t$ the #u"ine"", #ut $ne $' their (u"t$mer" "u%%e"ted that it w$uld l$$/ m$re re"&e(ta#le, and #e"ide" in(rea"e her $&&$rtunitie", i' "he re"umed her $ld &$"iti$n a" head $' a "ewin%2r$$m in the e"ta#li"hment alluded t$. She a(($rdin%ly went #a(/ t$ her $ld ,uarter" and re"umed the re"&$n"i#ility $' l$$/in% a'ter the m$ral" and manner" $' "$me "($re y$un% a&&renti(e

%irl" wh$ ($me u& 'r$m the ($untry t$ learn the #u"ine"". - am thu" &re(i"e in %i0in% detail" n$t $nly #e(au"e the 'irm i" $nly $ne $' "e0eral whi(h ha0e hithert$ e"(a&ed the attenti$n $' the "$(ial $#"er0er, #ut #e(au"e the 0ery e.i"ten(e $' "u(h an $r%anized #u"ine"" '$r the &r$(urati$n $' 0ir%in" ha" #een "t$utly denied #y th$"e wh$ are #elie0ed t$ /n$w what i" %$in% $n. *@W 11-7 W S P6@C=67? - heard a((identally $' the $&erati$n" $' thi" 'am$u" 'irm in ($n0er"ati$n with a #ri%ht2 l$$/in% y$un% %irl a#$ut "i.teen wh$ wa" tellin% me the way in whi(h "he wa" 'ir"t #r$u%ht $ut. 4@h, Mi"" L. #r$u%ht me $ut,4 "he "aid, 4nearly tw$ year" a%$. - wa" at that time, a" - "till am, in a "ituati$n a" nur"e %irl. - u"ed t$ %$ with the &eram#ulat$r and the #a#y t$ St. Jame"3" Par/ e0ery day. When wheelin% the &eram#ulat$r a ni(ely2dre""ed lady u"ed t$ &a"" me nearly e0ery day. She u"ed t$ "ay, 3G$$d m$rnin%,3 and &a"" $n. @ne day "he "t$&&ed a little t$ tal/ a#$ut the #a#y. 3What a 'ine (hild,3 "ay" "he. 3 nd are y$u it" nur"e:3 nd then "he %a0e the #a#y a hal'&enny and me a &enny, and - th$u%ht her a 0ery /ind lady indeed. 'ter that "he alway" u"ed t$ "t$& and tal/, and - u"ed t$ tell my mi"tre"" what a &lea"ant lady Mi"" L888 wa", and h$w mu(h "he li/ed the #a#y. 3- w$uld li/e t$ "ee Mi"" L8883 "aid my mi"tre"". 3W$uld y$u n$t in0ite her t$ tea "$me time:3 whi(h - did. Mi"" L888 wa", $h9 "$ &$lite, "aid, 3>e", ma3am,3 and 31$, ma3am,3 and ,uite &lea"ed my mi"tre"". 'ter that, $ne day when - wa" in the &ar/, "he (ame u& and "aid, 31an(e, ha0e y$u e0er had a man:3 - did n$t /n$w e.a(tly what "he meant, and "aid "$. She then a"/ed, 3W$uld y$u n$t li/e t$ %et "u(h a l$t $' m$ney:3 @' ($ur"e - "aid, 3>e".3 Then "he "aid, 3- /n$w "e0eral %irl" wh$ ha0e %$t &$und" and &$und", and - (an hel& y$u t$ d$ the "ame.3 3Can y$u:3 "aid -, 3that w$uld #e 0ery /ind.3 3>e",3 "he "aid, 3it i" 0ery ea"y; y$u $nly need t$ ha0e a little %ame with a %entleman.3 3@h,3 - "aid, 3- d$n3t want t$ "ee a %entleman. What w$uld he d$ with me:3 3@h, n$thin%,3 "he "aid. 3!ut ne0er mind; i' y$u d$n3t li/e the (han(e we3ll "ay n$ m$re a#$ut it.3 nd then "he went away, and - did n$t "ee her '$r "$me time. - th$u%ht a %reat deal a#$ut what "he "aid. - wanted "$me new (l$the". - had n$t mu(h wa%e", and "he "aid &$und" and &$und" ($uld #e %$t ,uite ea"ily. - did n$t /n$w what "he meant a#$ut ha0in% 'un with a %entleman. @ne day - "aw her a%ain, and "he (ame u& t$ me and "aid< 31an(e, - am %$in% t$ %i0e y$u an$ther (han(e. Will y$u %$ and "ee a %entleman 'riend $' mine, and y$u will %et &$und", and y$u (an #uy new dre""e", new hat", and net", and all /ind" $' thin%":3 3!ut what '$r:3 - a"/ed. 31e0er mind what '$r, y$u "illy %irl< he will $nly ha0e a %ame with y$u, and y$u will #e n$ne the w$r"e '$r it. !ut l$$/ y$u,3 "he "aid, "&ea/in% ,uite "har&, 3- d$n3t want t$ '$$l away my time $0er y$u. There3" that $ther %irl will )um& at the (han(e -30e $''ered y$u. Say y$u w$n3t and -3ll ta/e her.3 nd then - "aid, 3@h ye", -3ll %$, -3ll %$,3 and "he t$$/ me. -t wa" "$mewhere in the ($untry. We went #y train. Mi"" L88 t$$/ me. The 'ir"t time - wa" 0ery 'ri%htened, and when the %entleman #e%an t$ undre"" me - (ried, '$r - did n$t /n$w what he wa" %$in% t$ d$. S$ he did n$thin% that day, #ut "aid mu"t ($me an$ther time. *e wa" a 0ery /ind %entleman, wh$ li0ed in a 'ine h$u"e and &layed $n the &ian$. *e %a0e me K5 that time. Mi"" L88 #r$u%ht me an$ther day, and that time he "edu(ed me, and %a0e me an$ther K5. - did n$t (ry when he undre""ed me the "e($nd time,

#ut a'terward" - "(reamed. 3+et me %$, let me %$,3 - "h$uted, all in a trem#le, 3and -3ll %$ and w$r/ '$r my li0in%,3 and - "tru%%led t$ %et 'ree. 3Child,3 "aid he, an%rily, 3d$n3t dirty my "hirt"lee0e". ?$n3t dirty my "hirt"lee0e" There i" a dan%er $' ($ur"e that the la"t &hra"e may #e held a&&ly t$ Candahar, #ut we &re'er t$ #elie0e that it re'er" "$le t$ Juetta, whate0er y$u d$,3 '$r - wa" tearin% at them t$ %et 'ree. -t wa" $' n$ u"e, and - wa" d$ne '$r.4 4Wh$ i" thi" Mi"" L88 : 4- a"/ed. 4Mi"" L8,4 "aid 1an(e, 4i" the $ne wh$ %et" nearly all the y$un% %irl" away 'r$m here. She i" a 0ery (le0er w$man, and &er"uade" %irl" t$ meet men.4 4?$ they alway" /n$w what they are %$in% '$r:4 - a"/ed. 4@h, n$,4 "he "aid; 4"$me d$, $' ($ur"e, #ut $ther" d$n3t.4 4 nd the"e $ther"8when they 'ind $ut d$ they %et away:4 4*$w (an they:4 "he re&lied; 4Mi"" L. w$uld /n$(/ their head" $'' i' they tried. 3- am n$t %$in% t$ ha0e y$u ma/e a '$$l $' me and $' my %entleman,3 "he "ay". The %irl (ann$t %et away, then8it i" t$$ late8and i' they ma/e mu(h tr$u#le "he "ay", 3>$u will #e "edu(ed all the "ame whate0er y$u d$, #ut i' y$u ma/e mu(h r$w y$u "han3t ha0e a &enny.3 4 nd "$ the %irl %i0e" in.4 4>@= W 1T M -? ?@ >@=:4

ll thi" wa" "aid with "u(h &er'e(t %$$d 'aith and "im&li(ity, and with$ut the 'ainte"t tin%e $' anim$"ity t$ward" the &r$(ure"", that - wa" (uri$u" t$ ma/e the a(,uaintan(e $' "$ a(($m&li"hed and 0i%$r$u" a lady. n inter0iew wa" arran%ed with$ut mu(h di''i(ulty '$r the tran"a(ti$n $' #u"ine"". =n'$rtunately the "eni$r &artner wa" en%a%ed, #ut Mi"" M888 wa" at li#erty. - e.&lained my #u"ine"". 4@h, y$u want a maid, d$ y$u:4 "he "aid. 4- will #rin% $ne t$2 m$rr$w ni%ht. The &ri(e will #e a#$ut K5, in(ludin% ($mmi""i$n.4 4!ut,4 "aid -, 4"he will ha0e t$ #e (erti'ied #y a d$(t$r $r a midwi'e a" really a maid, $therwi"e - will n$t l$$/ at her.4 4 ll ri%ht,4 "he "aid, 4that i" n$t 0ery u"ual; and y$u will ha0e t$ &ay the d$(t$r. !ut - ha0e had t$ d$ it #e'$re n$w, and there will #e n$ di''i(ulty a#$ut that.4 T*7 @6?76 7L7C=T7? 1e.t ni%ht, &r$m&tly at the a&&$inted time, Mi"" M888 arri0ed with her maid. The (hild wa" a#$ut '$urteen, dar/, with l$n% #la(/ hair and dar/ eye". She wa" n$t 'ully %r$wn, and &r$mi"ed i' well (ared '$r t$ de0el$& int$ a w$man $' "$mewhat "tri/in% a&&earan(e. She wa" a !irmin%ham %irl, and the +$nd$n "ewin%2r$$m" had n$t yet r$##ed her (hee/" $' the rural #l$$m. *er "t$ry wa" "$$n t$ld. She had #een "ent t$ 888, in @.'$rd2"treet, t$ learn dre""ma/in%, a" an a&&renti(e 'r$m the ($untry. She wa" t$ "er0e three m$nth" in return '$r #$ard and l$d%in%". She re(ei0ed n$ wa%e", and wa" illiterate8readin% with di''i(ulty, and n$t writin% at all. She had $nly #een in +$nd$n three wee/", and "he had n$ &$(/et m$ney, n$r wa" "he a#le t$ #uy the (l$the" $r #$$t" whi(h "he wanted. Mi"" M888 had n$ti(ed her $n her arri0al a" a li/ely %irl, and "u%%e"ted that "he mi%ht ma/e a 'ew &$und" #y meetin% a ri(h %entleman. 70ery $ne did it, "he "aid, and "he w$uld %et the m$ney "he needed with$ut any tr$u#le. The %irl, with $nly the 0a%ue"t idea $' what wa" in0$l0ed in meetin% a %entleman, naturally ($n"ented, and "he wa" #r$u%ht t$ me a" willin% t$ #e "edu(ed. -t wa" $n the

M$nday that - "aw her. @n the &re0i$u" Saturday her m$ther had died. She wa" t$ #e #uried $n the '$ll$win% Tue"day. The idea $' the m$ther lyin% dead at h$me while the dau%hter wa" #ein% #r$u%ht $ut '$r "edu(ti$n "tru(/ me a" "$ &e(uliarly %ha"tly that - ($uld n$t re"i"t menti$nin% it t$ the &r$(ure"". 4>e", &$$r thin%,4 "he "aid, 4 it i" a &ity. !ut "t$&&in% in w$uld n$t #rin% her m$ther t$ li'e a%ain, "$ - t$ld her "he had #etter ($me $ut.4 - "ent the %irl t$ a midwi'e. -t wa" thi" (a"e in whi(h the remar/" made #y the (hild a'ter the midwi'e ($n(luded the e.aminati$n, t$ whi(h - ha0e already re'erred, &r$0ed her inn$(en(e. The (hild a(tually ima%ined that the "edu(ti$n had #een a(($m&li"hed when the midwi'e made her "mart. >et that %irl wa" #etween '$urteen and 'i'teen year" $' a%e, and in the eye $' the law had #een '$r nearly tw$ year" 'ully ($m&etent t$ %i0e le%al a""ent t$ her $wn ruin. 1 -1T76B-7W W-T* T*7 C-6M - had a l$n% ($n0er"ati$n with Me"dame" L. and M. $n a "u#"e,uent day, a" t$ their #u"ine""8 the way in whi(h it wa" (arried $n, and the 'a(ility with whi(h they were a#le t$ &r$(ure "u#)e(t". The mem#er" $' the 'irm were 0ery "$(ia#le and ($mmuni(ati0e, and in the ($ur"e $' the e0enin% they %a0e me a %$$d idea $' the wh$le art and my"tery $' &r$(urati$n, a" &ra(ti"ed #y it" m$"t "/il'ul &r$'e""$r". The '$ll$win% i" a re&$rt $' an inter0iew alm$"t uni,ue in it" way<8 4- wa" t$ld the $ther day,4 "aid -, #y way $' $&enin% the ($n0er"ati$n, 4that the demand '$r maidenhead" ha" rather 'allen away $' late, $win% t$ the 'raud" $' the &r$(urer". The mar/et ha" #een %lutted with 0am&ed2u& 0ir%in", $' whi(h the "u&&ly i" alway" in e.(e"" $' the demand, and there are 'ewer in,uirie" '$r the %enuine arti(le.4 4That i" n$t $ur e.&erien(e,4 "aid the "eni$r &artner, a remar/a#le w$man, attra(ti0e #y the '$r(e $' her (hara(ter in "&ite $' the %ha"tline"" $' her (allin%, ($m&ared t$ whi(h that $' the ($mm$n han%man i" m$re h$n$ura#le. 4We d$ n$t /n$w anythin% a#$ut 0am&ed 0ir%in". 1$r, with "$ many %enuine maid" t$ #e had '$r the ta/in%, d$ - thin/ it w$rth while t$ manu'a(ture 0ir%in". - "h$uld "ay the mar/et wa" l$$/in% u& and the demand in(rea"in%. Pri(e" may &erha&" ha0e 'allen, #ut that i" #e(au"e $ur (u"t$mer" %i0e lar%er $rder". C$r in"tan(e, ?r. 88, $ne $' my 'riend", wh$ u"ed t$ ta/e a maid a wee/ at .K1E, n$w ta/e" three a '$rtni%ht at 'r$m K5, t$ KG ea(h.4 4What94 - e.(laimed; 4d$ y$u a(tually "u&&ly $ne %entleman with "e0enty 're"h maid" e0ery year:4 4Certainly,4 "aid "he; 4and he w$uld ta/e a hundred i' we ($uld %et them. !ut he i" "$ 0ery &arti(ular. *e will n$t ta/e a "h$&2%irl, and he alway" mu"t ha0e a maid $0er "i.teen.4 T*7 P6@C=67SS +7 617? -1 T*7 + W 4Why $0er "i.teen:4 "aid -. 4!e(au"e $' the law,4 "he re&lied; 4n$ $ne i" all$wed t$ ta/e away 'r$m her h$me, $r 'r$m her &r$&er %uardian", a %irl wh$ i" under "i.teen. She (an a""ent t$ #e

"edu(ed a'ter "he i" thirteen, #ut e0en i' "he a""ented t$ %$, #$th the /ee&er $' the h$u"e where we t$$/ her, and my &artner and -, w$uld #e lia#le t$ &uni"hment i' "he wa" n$t $0er "i.teen. *en(e my $ld %entleman, wh$ i" 0ery (are'ul, will n$t l$$/ at a %irl under "i.teen. That dimini"he" the area 'r$m whi(h maid" (an #e drawn. The ea"ie"t a%e t$ &i(/ them u& i" '$urteen $r 'i'teen. t thirteen they are )u"t $ut $' "(h$$l, and "till m$re $r le"" #a#ie" under the in'luen(e $' their m$ther". !ut at '$urteen and 'i'teen they #e%in t$ %et m$re li#erty with$ut %ettin% mu(h m$re "en"e; they #e%in t$ want (l$the" and thin%" whi(h m$ney (an #uy, and they d$ n$t under"tand the 0alue $' what they are &artin% with in $rder t$ %et it. 'ter a %irl %et" &a"t "i.teen "he %et" wi"er, and i" m$re di''i(ult t$ "e(ure.4 4>$u "eem t$ /n$w the law,4 "aid -, 4#etter than - /n$w it my"el'.4 4*a0e t$,4 "aid "he &r$m&tly. 4-t3" my #u"ine"". -t w$uld ne0er d$ '$r me n$t t$ /n$w what wa" "a'e and what wa" n$t. We mi%ht %et #$th $ur"el0e" and $ur 'riend" int$ n$ end $' tr$u#le, i' we did n$t /n$w the law.4 4!ut h$w d$ y$u %et t$ /n$w all the"e &$int":4 - in,uired. Cr$m the new"&a&er",4 "he re&lied. 4 lway" read the new"&a&er", they are u"e'ul. 70ery wee/ - ta/e in tw$, +l$yd3" and the Wee/ly ?i"&at(h, and - "&end the %reat &art $' Sunday in readin% all the (a"e" in the ($urt" whi(h relate t$ thi" "u#)e(t. There i" a (a"e n$w %$in% $n at Walw$rth, where a man i" (har%ed with a#du(tin% a %irl, 'i'teen, and it wa" laid d$wn in ($urt that i' "he ($uld #e &r$0ed t$ #e $ne day $0er "i.teen he wa" "a'e. - am wat(hin% that (a"e with %reat intere"t. ll the"e (a"e" when re&$rted - (ut $ut and &ut in a #$$/ '$r re'eren(e, "$ that - /n$w &retty well where - am %$in%.4 T*7 SP7C- +-T> @C T*7-6 !=S-17SS 4Then d$ y$u d$ anythin% in the '$rei%n trade:4 - a"/ed. 4@h, n$,4 "he "aid. 4@ur #u"ine"" i" in maidenhead", n$t in maid". My 'riend" ta/e the %irl" t$ #e "edu(ed and ta/e them #a(/ t$ their "ituati$n" a'ter they ha0e #een "edu(ed, and that i" an end $' it "$ 'ar a" we are ($n(erned. We d$ $nly with 'ir"t "edu(ti$n", a %irl &a""e" $nly $n(e thr$u%h $ur hand", and "he i" d$ne with. @ur %entlemen want maid", n$t dama%ed arti(le", and a" a rule they $nly "ee them $n(e.4 4What ($me" $' the dama%ed arti(le":4 4They all %$ #a(/ t$ their "ituati$n" $r their &la(e". !ut,4 "aid the &r$(ure"" re'le(ti0ely, 4they all %$ t$ the "treet" a'ter a time. When $n(e a %irl ha" #een #ad "he %$e" a%ain and a%ain, and 'inally "he end" li/e the re"t. There are "(ar(ely any e.(e&ti$n". ?$ y$u remem#er any, M.:4 The )uni$r &artner remem#ered $ne $r tw$, #ut a%reed that it wa" 0ery rare %irl" e0er went "trai%ht a'ter $n(e they had #een "edu(ed. 4?$ they e0er ha0e (hildren:4 41$t 0ery $'ten the 'ir"t time. @' ($ur"e we tell them that it ne0er ha&&en". Girl" are "$ "illy, they will #elie0e anythin%. That "illy little (hild we #r$u%ht y$u, '$r in"tan(e, th$u%ht "he had

#een "edu(ed when the midwi'e t$u(hed her. !ut $' ($ur"e "$metime" they %et in the 'amily way the 'ir"t time.4 nd then,4 "aid -, 4- "u&&$"e they a''iliate the (hild:4 4@n wh$m, &ray:4 "aid the "eni$r &artner, lau%hin%. 4We ma/e it a "&e(ial 'eature $' $ur #u"ine"" that the maid ne0er /n$w" wh$ i" her "edu(er, and in m$"t (a"e" they ne0er /n$w $ur addre"". *$w (an "he %et t$ /n$w: - ha0e t$ ta/e a ($$/, '$r in"tan(e, ne.t Sunday at (hur(h time t$ Mr.88, wh$ ha" a &la(e in !ed'$rd2",uare, and three $ther &la(e" at lea"t all a#$ut where maid" are deli0ered. - ta/e the %irl in a (a#. We dri0e thr$u%h, "treet a'ter "treet. Then we "t$& $&&$"ite a d$$r and %$ in. The ($$/ will "ee a %entleman wh$ may#e with her a 'ew minute", $r he may #e with her hal' an h$ur. ?urin% that time "he i" naturally "$mewhat e.(ited and "u''er" m$re $r le"" &ain. " "$$n a" "he i" dre""ed - ta/e her away in a (a# and "he ne0er "ee" that %entleman a%ain. 70en i' "he n$ti(ed the h$u"e, whi(h i" d$u#t'ul, "he d$e" n$t /n$w the name $' it" $wner, and in many (a"e" the h$u"e i" merely a #r$thel. What (an "he d$:4 T*7 C@6C-1G @C =1W-++-1G M -?S 4?$ the maid" e0er re&ent and $#)e(t t$ #e "edu(ed when the time ($me":4 4@h, ye",4 "aid Mi"" L., 4"$metime" we ha0e n$ end $' tr$u#le with the little '$$l". >$u "ee they $'ten ha0e n$ idea in the w$rld a" t$ what #ein% "edu(ed i". We d$ n$t ta/e mu(h tr$u#le t$ e.&lain, and it i" en$u%h '$r u" i' the %irl willin%ly ($n"ent" t$ "ee $r t$ meet $r t$ ha0e a %ame with a ri(h %entleman. What meanin% "he atta(he" t$ "eein% a %entleman it i" n$t $ur #u"ine"" t$ in,uire. ll that we ha0e t$ d$ i" t$ #rin% her there and "ee that "he d$e" n$t ma/e a '$$l $' the %entleman when "he %et" there.4 4>$u alway" mana%e it th$u%h:4 - in,uired. 4Certainly,4 "he "aid. 4-' a %irl" ma/e" t$$ mu(h tr$u#le, "he l$"e" her maidenhead '$r n$thin% in"tead $' l$"in% it '$r m$ney. The ri%ht way t$ deal with the"e "illy %irl" i" t$ ($n0in(e them that n$w they ha0e ($me they ha0e %$t t$ #e "edu(ed, willin% $r unwillin%, and that i' they are unwillin%, they will #e 'ir"t "edu(ed and then turned int$ the "treet" with$ut a &enny. 70en then they "$metime" /i(/ and "(ream and ma/e n$ end $' a r$w. >$u remem#er Janie,4 "he "aid, a&&ealin% t$ Mi"" M. 4?$n3t - )u"t,4 "aid that amia#le lady. 4>$u mean that %irl we had t$ h$ld d$wn:4 4>e",4 "aid Mi"" L. 4We had 'ear'ul tr$u#le with that %irl. She wra&&ed her"el' u& in the #ed2(urtain" and "(reamed and '$u%ht and made "u(h a rum&u", that - and my 'riend had t$ h$ld her d$wn #y main '$r(e in #ed while "he wa" #ein% "edu(ed.4 41$n"en"e,4 - "aid, 4y$u did n$t really:4 ?idn3t we, th$u%h:4 "he re&lied. 4- had t$ h$ld $ne "h$ulder and "he held the $ther, and e0en then it wa" a" mu(h a" we ($uld d$ t$ /ee& her "till. She wa" m$rtally terri'ied, and didn3t "he "(ream and yell94 4-t %a0e me "u(h a "i(/enin%,4 "aid the )uni$r &artner, 4 that - wa" alm$"t %$in% t$ (hu(/ u& the #u"ine"", #ut - %$t int$ it a%ain.4

T*7 P6@C-TS @C


4-t &ay", - "u&&$"e:4 4@h ye", there i" n$ need '$r me t$ %$ t$ w$r/. -t i" $nly '$r a&&earan(e "a/e and $&&$rtunitie". - (an lea0e when - li/e,4 "aid Mi"" M., 4a'ter - %et them "tarted in the m$rnin%. We are &aid #y ($mmi""i$n.4 4Ci'ty &er (ent.: 4- a"/ed. 4That de&end",4 "aid the "eni$r &artner. 4Ta/in% the a0era%e &ri(e $' a maid at K5, we "$metime" ta/e K1; #ut "$metime" we ta/e it all, and merely ma/e the %irl a &re"ent. -t de&end" u&$n the tr$u#le whi(h we ha0e, and the (hara(ter $' the %irl. S$me %irl" are "u(h "illie".4 4*$w d$ y$u mean:4 We3ll ta/e 1an(e, '$r in"tan(e. She wa" a li%htheaded %irl wh$ had ne0er 'an(ied m$ney. We %$t K1E '$r 1an(e. -' "he had %$t hal' that, $r ,uarter, it w$uld ha0e turned her head. She w$uld ha0e %$ne and #$u%ht n$ end $' (l$the", and her mi"tre"" and her m$ther w$uld ha0e '$und it $ut, and 1an(e w$uld ha0e %$t int$ n$ end $' a r$w. S$ '$r 1an(e3" $wn "a/e we $nly %a0e her a &$und, and a" we made her "tand treat $ut $' that, "he had 0ery little le't $ut $' her m$ney t$ &lay the '$$l with. !ut we ha0e #een %$$d t$ 1an(e, a'terward". - %a0e her a #$nnet, a dre"", and a &air $' "h$e". - "h$uld thin/ we ha0e "&ent KF $0er her.4 S$ that "he had alt$%ether KI, and y$u had KG:4 Ju"t "$,4 "aid Mi"" L88, 4and %irl" are $'ten li/e that; we ha0e t$ "a0e them 'r$m them"el0e" #y /ee&in% m$"t $' the m$ney $ut $' their rea(h;4 and the %$$d lady e0idently ($ntem&lated her"el' with the admirati$n due t$ a 0irtue "$ (are'ul $' the intere"t" $' the y$un% "illie" wh$ &la(e them"el0e" in her e.&erien(ed hand". 4Tell me,4 "aid -, re0ertin% t$ a &re0i$u" "u#)e(t, 4when the"e maid" "(ream "$ 'ear'ully d$e" n$ $ne e0er inter'ere:4 41$; we ta/e them t$ a ,uiet &la(e, and the &e$&le $' the h$u"e /n$w u" and w$uld n$t inter'ere, n$ matter what n$i"e went $n. @'ten we ta/e them t$ &ri0ate h$u"e", and there $' ($ur"e all i" "a'e. The time '$r "(reamin% i" n$t l$n%. " "$$n a" it i" $0er the %irl "ee" it i" n$ u"e h$wlin%. She %et" her m$ney and %$e" away. We d$ n$t need any "&e(ially &re&ared r$$m. ny ,uiet r$$m in a h$u"e where y$u are /n$wn will d$. - ha0e ne0er /n$wn $ne (a"e $' inter'eren(e in the '$ur year" - ha0e #een in the #u"ine"".4 W*767 M -?S 67 P-CD7? =P 4Wh$ "u&&lie" m$"t $' y$ur maid":4 41ur"e2%irl" and "h$&2%irl", alth$u%h $((a"i$nally we %et a %$0erne"", and "$metime" ($$/" and $ther "er0ant". We %et t$ /n$w the "er0ant"2thr$u%h2 the nur"e". >$un% %irl" 'r$m the ($untry, 're"h and r$"y, are "$$n &i(/ed u& in the "h$&" $r a"

they run errand". !ut nur"e2%irl" are the %reat 'ield. My $ld 'riend i" alway" "ayin% t$ me, 3Why d$n3t y$u &i(/ u& nur"e2%irl", there are any num#er in *yde Par/ e0ery m$rnin%, and all 0ir%in".3 That i" when we ha0e di"a&&$inted him, whi(h i" n$t 0ery $'ten.4 4!ut h$w d$ y$u mana%e t$ &i(/ u& "$ many:4 The "eni$r &artner re&lied with ($n"(i$u" &ride, 4-t ta/e" time, &atien(e, and e.&erien(e. Many %irl" need m$nth" #e'$re they (an #e #r$u%ht in. >$u need t$ &r$(eed 0ery (auti$u"ly at 'ir"t. 70ery m$rnin% at thi" time $' the year my 'riend and - are u& at "e0en, and a'ter #rea/'a"t we &ut a "hawl r$und $ur "h$ulder" and $'' we %$ t$ "($ur the &ar/. *yde Par/ and the Green Par/ are the #e"t in the m$rnin%; 6e%ent3" Par/ in the a'tern$$n. " we %$ ($a"tin% al$n%, we /ee& a "har& l$$/ $ut '$r any li/ely %irl, and ha0in% "&$tted $ne we ma/e u& t$ her; and wee/ a'ter wee/ we "ee her a" $'ten a" &$""i#le, until we are "u''i(iently in her ($n'iden(e t$ "u%%e"t h$w ea"y it i" t$ earn a 'ew &$und" #y meetin% a man. -n the a'tern$$n $'' %$e" the "hawl and $n %$e" the )a(/et, and we are $'' $n the "ame ,ue"t. Thu" we ha0e alway" a (r$& $' maid" ri&enin%, and at any time we (an underta/e t$ deli0er a maid i' we %et due n$ti(e.4 - @6?76 C-B7 B-6G-1S 4C$me,4 "aid -, in a 0ein $' #ra0ad$, 4what d$ y$u "ay t$ deli0erin% me 'i0e $n Saturday ne.t:48it wa" then Wedne"day84- want them t$ #e retailed t$ my 'riend". >$u are the wh$le"ale 'irm, ($uld y$u deli0er me a &ar(el $' 'i0e maid", '$r me t$ di"tri#ute am$n% my 'riend", a'ter ha0in% them duly (erti'i(ated:4 4Ci0e,4 "he "aid, 4i" a lar%e $rder, - ($uld #rin% y$u three that - /n$w $'; #ut 'i0e9 -t i" di''i(ult %ettin% "$ many %irl" away at the "ame time 'r$m their &la(e". !ut we will try, alth$u%h - ha0e ne0er #e'$re deli0ered m$re than tw$, $r at the m$"t three, at $ne &la(e. -t will l$$/ li/e a #$ardin%2"(h$$l %$in% t$ the midwi'e.4 41e0er mind that. +et u" "ee what y$u (an d$.4 nd then and there an a%reement wa" made that it "h$uld #e d$ne. They were t$ deli0er 'i0e at K5 a head all r$und, ($mmi""i$n in(luded. !ut a" - wa" #uyin% wh$le"ale t$ "ell a%ain it wa" a%reed that they w$uld 'ind the %irl" at a ($mmi""i$n $' FE". a head '$r ea(h (erti'i(ated 0ir%in, and deli0er t$ me a written &led%e, "i%ned with the name and addre"" $' ea(h %irl, ($n"entin% t$ ($me at tw$ day"3 n$ti(e t$ #e "edu(ed at any %i0en &la(e '$r a (ertain "um d$wn. - had t$ &ay the d$(t$r3" 'ee '$r e.aminati$n and ma/e an all$wan(e '$r (a#", N(. T*7 B-6G-1S C76T-C-7? The #ar%ain wa" "tru(/, an arle2&enny wa" &aid $0er, and the &r$(ure""e" "et a#$ut &re&arin% '$r the deli0ery $' their %$$d" the '$ll$win% Saturday. awaited the arri0al $' the ($n0$y. t hal'2&a"t 'i0e $3(l$(/, at a (ertain &$int in Maryle#$ne2r$ad, n$t 'ar 'r$m the 0ery 'a"hi$na#le #r$thel /e&t #y Mr". !88, 'ew minute" a'ter time - "aw Me"dame" L. and M. ($min% al$n% the "treet", #ut with $nly three %irl". @ne wa" tall, &retty, and a&&arently a#$ut "i.teen, the $ther tw$ were y$un%er8"$mewhat hea0y in their #uild. Tw$ $' them were "h$& %irl",

#ein% em&l$yed in di''erent de&artment" $' the well2/n$wn 'irm $' 8 8, the $ther wa" learnin% "$me milliner3" w$r/ at an$ther "h$&. The &r$(ure""e" were &r$'u"e in their a&$l$%ie". They had #een a" 'ar a" *i%h%ate t$ ma/e u& the ,u$ta $' the 'i0e, #ut tw$ $' the %irl" ($uld n$t lea0e their &la(e" $n Saturday. They w$uld #rin% them $n M$nday with$ut 'ail. -n 'a(t, t$ at$ne '$r their ina#ility t$ #rin% 'i0e $n Saturday, they w$uld #rin% three $n M$nday, ma/in% "i. in all. Perha&" al"$ it wa" #etter n$t t$ ma/e a "en"ati$n #y ha0in% "e0en w$men tri&&in% all t$%ether int$ $ne d$(t$r3". -t wa" "a'er t$ ha0e three at a time. They l$$/ed h$t and tired and had already "&ent 5". in (a#". The tall %irl had %i0en them a %reat deal $' tr$u#le, #ut they had %$t her at la"t. We went int$ the d$(t$r3". 1$ne $' the three %irl" /new ea(h $ther. They were n$t all$wed t$ "&ea/ t$ ea(h $ther $r e0en t$ "ha/e hand". " '$r /n$win% my name, the &r$(ure""e" them"el0e" did n$t /n$w it. We went int$ the d$(t$r3". The maid" $ne #y $ne went in t$ #e e.amined. They made n$ $#)e(ti$n. 'ter their e.aminati$n wa" d$ne they "i%ned a '$rmal a%reement '$r their "u#"e,uent "edu(ti$n. T$ the unuttera#le di"%u"t $' the %irl" tw$ $' them were re'u"ed a (erti'i(ate. The d$(t$r ($uld n$t "ay that they were n$t 0ir%in"; #ut neither $' them wa" te(hni(ally a 0ir%$ inta(ta. - then %a0e them 5". &er head '$r their tr$u#le in ($min% t$ #e (erti'i(ated, &aid Me"dame" L. and M. their ($mmi""i$n $n the $ne (erti'i(ated 0ir%in and e.&en"e", and de&arted armed with the '$ll$win% "et $' d$(ument"<8 IIIII IIIII )., ;une 6J, 4KK:. $his is to certify that I have this day e"amined .. D.., aged 4C years, and have found her a virgin. .. .., M.D. &greement. I hereby agree to let you have me for a present of 3? or 37. I will come to any address if you give me two days' notice. <ame .. D .., aged 4C. &ddress <o. 44, .. *treet, #.. !$th the n$n2(erti'i(ated "i%ned a "imilar a%reement, di''erin% $nly in the name, a%e, and addre"". 1$thin% ($uld #e m$re "im&le $r m$re #u"ine""li/e than thi" tran"a(ti$n, whi(h $nly di''ered 'r$m the re%ular $&erati$n" (arried $n e0ery day #y the 'irm $' 'irm $' Me"dame" L. and M., #e(au"e '$r the "edu(ti$n there wa" "u#"tituted a d$(t$r3" e.aminati$n, and the "i%nature $n a "li& $' &a&er, %i0in% me the ri%ht t$ (all u& my 0ir%in" at tw$ day"3 n$ti(e. The d$(t$r, - "h$uld "tate, wa" in the "e(ret, and ($n"ented t$ underta/e the e.aminati$n "$lely in $rder t$ e.&$"e the "y"tem $' &r$(urati$n in whi(h le"" un"(ru&ul$u" medi(al men "$metime" &lay a leadin% &art. The &r$(ure""e" were mu(h u&"et at the re)e(ti$n $' tw$2third" $' their ($n"i%nment. The %irl" were 0ery indi%nant at the re'le(ti$n u&$n their (ha"tity8whi(h a'ter all may ha0e #een

entirely un'$unded. !ut li/e "en"i#le #u"ine"" &e$&le the 'irm determined t$ e.e(ute their $rder with$ut m$re ad$. @n the '$ll$win% M$nday the nur"emaid" were deli0ered at the d$(t$r3". !$th were 0ir%in". - h$ld the '$ll$win% (erti'i(ate" and a%reement"<8 .. .., )., ;une ?L, 4KK:. $his is to certify that I have e"amined .. ).., aged 4J years, and .. F.., aged 4J years, and have found them both virgins. .. .., M.D. &greement. I hereby agree to let you have me for 3 , and will come to any address you send me at two days' notice. <ame, .. F.., aged 4J. &ddress, 67, M.. *treet. &greement. I hereby agree to let you have me for 3 , and will come to any address you send me at two days' notice. <ame, .. N =her mar/>, aged 4J. &ddress, ?4K, * .. *treet. The "um '$r whi(h they a%reed t$ "ell their (ha"tity wa" le't #lan/ in the $ri%inal. Thu" in "i. day" - had "e(ured three (erti'i(ated maid" and tw$ un(erti'i(ated. The tale wa" "till in($m&lete, and alth$u%h - wa" "ati"'ied, the 'irm in"i"ted u&$n h$ldin% me t$ my #ar%ain. Ci0e - had $rdered and 'i0e - "h$uld ha0e, #ut they mu"t ha0e a day $r tw$3" %ra(e. +a"t Criday m$rnin% they arri0ed at the d$(t$r3" with n$ 'ewer than '$ur %irl"8three '$urteen year" $ld, and $ne an under2($$/ $' ei%hteen, 'r$m $ne $' the 'ir"t h$tel" in the We"t2end. They had #r$u%ht '$ur, they e.&lained, le"t any $' them "h$uld 'ail t$ &a"" their e.aminati$n. Sin%ular t$ relate, all the y$un%er (hildren were re)e(ted. @nly the ei%hteen2year2$ld wa" (erti'i(ated. 4ne0er "aw anythin% li/e the"e y$un% thin%",4 "aid Mi"" L.; 4it i" alway" the y$un% $ne" wh$ are una#le t$ "tand the d$(t$r3" e.aminati$n.4 The (erti'i(ated maid "t$$d $ut '$r K5. *ere i" her (erti'i(ate and her a%reement<8 $his is to certify that having e"amined ... D ... , I have found her to be a virgin. .... ... , M.D., Dc. &greement. I hereby agree to let you have me for 3:. I will come to any address if you give me two days' notice. <ame, ... D ... , aged 4K. &ddress,... #otel. - t$$/ an$ther a%reement 'r$m $ne $' the '$urteen2year2$ld un(erti'i(ated (hildren '$r K4, and a""ured the 'irm that - wa" ($ntent. They had #r$u%ht me alt$%ether nine %irl" in ten day" 'r$m the re(ei&t $' the $rder, '$ur $' wh$m were (erti'i(ated a" maid" and 'i0e were re)e(ted. -

ha0e n$w in my &$""e""i$n the a%reement '$r "edu(ti$n $' all the (erti'i(ated maid" and $' three $' the un(erti'i(ated, $' the 0ir%inity $' wh$m - ha0e 0ery little d$u#t. -n all, - ha0e a%reement" "i%ned #y "e0en %irl" 0aryin% 'r$m '$urteen t$ ei%hteen year" $' a%e, wh$ are ready t$ #e "edu(ed #y any $ne when and where - &lea"e, &r$0ided $nly that - %i0e tw$ day"3 n$ti(e, and &ay them alt$%ether a "um n$t le"" than KF4, n$r m$re than KFH. Cee", e.&en"e", N(., in(urred in &r$(urin% the"e %irl" ($"t, "ay, K1E $r K15 m$re. lt$%ether - wa" in a &$"iti$n t$ retail 0ir%in" at K1E ea(h, and ma/e a hand"$me &r$'it $n the tran"a(ti$n. ?7+-B767? C@6 S7?=CT-@1 The 'irm $' Me"dame" L. and M. had, h$we0er, n$ intenti$n $' all$win% me t$ (all u& my 0ir%in" with$ut their inter0enti$n. They had (are'ully in"tru(ted all the %irl" t$ %i0e 'al"e addre""e", in $rder that - mi%ht #e ($m&elled t$ $#tain them thr$u%h the 'irm. Thi" wa" a #rea(h $' ($ntra(t $n the &art $' the 'irm whi(h - had %$$d rea"$n t$ re"ent, e"&e(ially a" $nly di"($0ered it in(identally #y "endin% a "umm$n" t$ (all u& "$me $' the %irl". The rea"$n '$r thi" #rea(h $' 'aith wa", they alle%e, that i' - had ($mmuni(ated dire(tly with the %irl" mi%ht ha0e alarmed their &arent" $r em&l$yer", and that it wa" ne(e""ary t$ d$ it thr$u%h them. The real rea"$n wa" the de"ire $' the 'irm t$ ma/e ,uite "ure that they re(ei0ed the 'i'ty &er (ent, ($mmi""i$n whi(h they (har%ed the un'$rtunate 0i(tim" $' their #ene0$lent inter0enti$n. Cindin% that - ($uld n$t hel& my"el', - $rdered the deli0ery $' tw$ $' th$"e wh$"e a%reement" - held $n Saturday ni%ht la"t. They $nly had "i. in"tead $' '$rty2ei%ht h$ur"3 n$ti(e, #ut they were &un(tually #r$u%ht t$ Mdme. Tu""aud3" at "e0en $3(l$(/. Mdme". L. and M. were #$th in attendan(e, and at 'ir"t in"i"ted u&$n a(($m&anyin% their (har%e" t$ the &la(e $' "edu(ti$n. Thi", h$we0er, '$r $#0i$u" rea"$n" - w$uld n$t &ermit, #ut - had t$ &ay an$ther &$und a head #e'$re - ($uld %et the %irl" $ut $' their (lut(he". My 'riend dr$0e $'' ra&idly in a (a# in an $&&$"ite dire(ti$n t$ the h$u"e in whi(h - awaited them, and then d$u#led #a(/ when the &r$(ure""e" were $ut $' "i%ht. They "ti&ulated, h$we0er, that they had t$ #e returned t$ Mdme. Tu""aud3" at nine $3(l$(/. The tw$ 0ir%in", #$th (erti'i(ated, were am$n% the $lder %irl". @ne, !e""ie, the ($$/, had #een de"tined '$r ?r. 88. wh$ ta/e" three maid" a '$rtni%ht. *e wa" $ut $' t$wn, h$we0er, and "he wa" #r$u%ht $n t$ me, t$ #e handed $0er t$ an ima%inary 'riend, t$ wh$m - wa" "u&&$"ed t$ ha0e re"$ld her. She wa" ei%hteen year" $ld. *er 'ather wa" dead. *er m$ther wa" %i0en t$ drin/, and "he wa" in a %$$d "ituati$n a" under2 ($$/ at a 'ir"t2(la"" h$tel. She (ame &er'e(tly &re&ared t$ #e "edu(ed, a&&arently #elie0in% it wa" the &r$&er thin% t$ d$, alth$u%h her idea" were "$mewhat hazy. - t$ld her #e'$re - ($uld ta/e the re"&$n"i#ility $' handin% her $0er t$ my 'riend - wi"hed t$ #e ,uite "ure, 'ir"t, that "he /new what "he wa" %$in% t$ e.&erien(e, and, "e($ndly, that "he had (al(ulated the ($n"e,uen(e". 4- "u&&$"e - mu"t %$ thr$u%h with it n$w,4 "he "aid, 4whate0er it i".4 4@h, n$,4 re&lied; 4that w$uld #e the (a"e in m$"t &la(e"; #ut here y$u ha0e $nly t$ "ay y$u w$uld rather n$t, and y$u are 'ree t$ %$ at $n(e.4 -n ($n0er"ati$n - '$und that the idea $' #ein% "edu(ed ne0er $((urred t$ her until a m$nth $r tw$ #e'$re, when it wa" &r$&$"ed #y Mi"" L88 a" a thin% e0ery $ne did, and a ($n0enient meth$d $' rai"in% a little ready m$ney. t 'ir"t "he wa" indi%nant and "$mewhat 'ri%htened; #ut an $ld "(h$$l 'riend wh$ had %$ne thr$u%h the

$rdeal a""ured her that it wa" n$t "$ 0ery dread'ul, and the &r$(ure"", t$ u"e her $wn &hra"e, 4"$ &$i"$ned her mind that "he 'elt "he mu"t %$ thr$u%h with it,4 and "he ($n"ented. She wa" t$ ha0e KF. 1E". a" her "hare, the re"t w$uld %$ t$ the 'irm. She did n$t mind the &ain, and "he w$uld (han(e the #a#y, '$r Mi"" L. had t$ld her that %irl" ne0er had #a#ie" the 'ir"t time. She /new it wa" wr$n%, her m$ther w$uld n$t li/e it, and i' "he had a #a#y "he w$uld either %et it &ut away $r "he w$uld dr$wn her"el'. !ut, $n the wh$le, e.(e&t '$r $ne tri0ial detail, "he th$u%ht "he w$uld &re'er t$ #e "edu(ed. 4There are 0ery 'ew 0irtu$u" %irl" a#$ut n$w, they "ay,4 wa" the remar/ #y whi(h "he a&&arently "$$thed her ($n"(ien(e. !ut the tri0iality a&&earin% t$ wei%h with her, - "ent her int$ an$ther r$$m t$ a lady 'riend, and turned my attenti$n t$ the "e($nd maid, wh$ had #een waitin% #el$w. She wa" a ni(e, "im&le, and a''e(ti$nate %irl $' "i.teen, 0ery di''erent 'r$m the $ther, #ut e0en m$re utterly in(a&a#le $' under"tandin% the ($n"e,uen(e" $' her a(t. *er 'ather i" 4a''li(ted48 that i", t$u(hed in hi" wit"; her m$ther i" a (harw$man. She her"el' w$r/" at "$me /ind $' millinery, '$r whi(h "he re(ei0e" 5". a wee/. =ntil a m$nth $r tw$ a%$ "he had attended Sunday "(h$$l, and t$ all a&&earan(e "he wa" a %irl de(idedly a#$0e the a0era%e. She wa" t$ ha0e K4, $' whi(h the 'irm were t$ ha0e KF. The &$$r (hild wa" ner0$u" and timid, and it wa" t$u(hin% t$ "ee the way in whi(h "he #it her li&" t$ re"train her tear". - tal/ed t$ her a" /indly a" &$""i#le, and endea0$ured t$ deter her 'r$m ta/in% the 'atal "te&, #y "ettin% '$rth the &$""i#le ($n"e,uen(e" that mi%ht '$ll$w. She wa" 0ery 'ran/ and - #elie0e &er'e(tly "trai%ht'$rward and "in(ere. The $ne thin% "he dreaded a#$ut #ein% "edu(ed wa" ha0in% t$ #e undre""ed. P$$r (hild, it wa" the $nly thin% "he ($uld realized *er li&" ,ui0ered and her eye" 'illed with tear" a" "he &leaded t$ #e all$wed t$ e"(a&e that $rdeal. What #ein% "edu(ed meant #ey$nd the '$rmula that "he w$uld 4l$"e her maid4 "he had n$t the rem$te"t idea. When a"/ed her what "he w$uld d$ i' "he had a #a#y, "he "tarted, and then "aid, 4!ut ha0in% a #a#y d$e"n3t ($me $' #ein% "edu(ed, d$e" it: - had n$ idea $' that.4 4@' ($ur"e it d$e",4 - re&lied; 4they $u%ht t$ ha0e t$ld y$u "$.4 4!ut they did n$t,4 "he "aid; 4indeed, they "aid #a#ie" ne0er (ame 'r$m a 'ir"t "edu(ti$n.4 1e0erthele"", t$ my a"t$ni"hment, the (hild &er"i"ted that "he wa" ready t$ #e "edu(ed. 4We are 0ery &$$r,4 "he "aid. 4M$ther d$e" n$t /n$w anythin% $' thi"< "he will thin/ a lady 'riend $' Mi"" M.3" ha" %i0en me the m$ney; #ut "he d$e" need it "$ mu(h.4 4!ut,4 - "aid, 4it i" $nly KF.4 4>e",4 "he "aid, 4#ut - w$uld n$t li/e t$ di"a&&$int Mi"" M., wh$ wa" al"$ t$ ha0e KF.4 !y ,ue"ti$nin% - '$und $ut that the art'ul &r$(ure"" had '$r m$nth" &a"t #een a(tually ad0an(in% m$ney t$ the &$$r %irl and her m$ther when they were in di"tre"", in $rder t$ %et h$ld $' her when the time (ame9 She &er"i"ted that Mi"" M. had #een "u(h a %$$d 'riend $' her"; "he wanted t$ %et her "$methin%. She w$uld n$t di"a&&$int her '$r anythin%. 4*$w mu(h d$ y$u thin/ "he ha" %i0en y$u 'ir"t and la"t:4 4 #$ut 1E". - "h$uld thin/, #ut "he %a0e m$ther mu(h m$re.4 4*$w mu(h m$re:4 4Perha&" FE". w$uld ($0er it.4 4That i" t$ "ay, that '$r a year &a"t Mi"" M. ha" #een %i0in% y$u a "hillin% here and a "hillin% there; and why: +i"ten t$ me. She ha" already %$t KI 'r$m me '$r y$u, and y$u will %i0e her KF8 that i" t$ "ay, "he will ma/e K5 $ut $' y$u in return '$r IE"., and in the meantime "he will ha0e "$ld y$u t$ de"tru(ti$n.4 4@h,

#ut Mi"" M. i" "$ /ind94 P$$r, tru"tin% little thin%, what damna#le art the &r$(ure"" mu"t ha0e u"ed t$ atta(h her 0i(tim t$ her in thi" 'a"hi$n9 !ut the %irl wa" ,uite in(a&a#le $' '$rmin% any (al(ulati$n a" t$ the ($n"e,uen(e" $' her $wn a(ti$n. Thi" will a&&ear 'r$m the '$ll$win% ($n0er"ati$n. 41$w,4 "aid -, 4i' y$u are "edu(ed y$u will %et KF '$r y$ur"el'; #ut y$u will l$"e y$ur maidenh$$d; y$u will d$ wr$n%, y$ur (hara(ter will #e %$ne, and y$u may ha0e a #a#y whi(h it will ($"t all y$ur wa%e" t$ /ee&. 1$w - will %i0e y$u K1 i' y$u will n$t #e "edu(ed; whi(h will y$u ha0e:4 4Plea"e "ir,4 "he "aid, 4- will #e "edu(ed.4 4 nd 'a(e the &ain, and the wr$n%2d$in%, and the "hame, and the &$""i#le ruin and endin% y$ur day" $n the "treet", all '$r the di''eren(e $' $ne &$und:4 4>e", "ir,4 and "he #ur"t int$ tear", 4we are "$ &$$r.4 C$uld any &r$$' #e m$re ($n(lu"i0e a" t$ the a#"$lute ina#ility $' thi" %irl $' "i.teen t$ '$rm an e"timate $' the 0alue $' the $nly ($mm$dity with whi(h the law ($n"ider" her am&ly a#le t$ deal the day a'ter "he i" thirteen:

A Fla%e ' ic s all ne(er be )&tinguis ed W.T. Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July 8, 1885) The re&$rt $' $ur Se(ret C$mmi""i$n, it i" n$w e0ident, ha" &r$du(ed an e''e(t un&aralleled in the hi"t$ry $' )$urnali"m. The e.(itement ye"terday in +$nd$n wa" inten"e. The mini"terial "tatement" were ($m&arati0ely $0erl$$/ed in the 'ier(e di"&ute that went $n e0erywhere $0er the re0elati$n" $' $ur C$mmi""i$n. We /new that we had '$r%ed a thunder#$lt; #ut e0en we were hardly &re&ared '$r the $0erwhelmin% im&re""i$n whi(h it ha" &r$du(ed $n the &u#li( mind. The %reat m$n$&$ly $' railway #$$/"tall" that #ear" the name $' $ne $' the mem#er" $' an dmini"trati$n whi(h ha" )u"t de(lared in 'a0$ur $' amendin% the law t$ deal with the (riminal" we ha0e e.&$"ed, '$r#ade the "ale $' the m$"t ($n0in(in% dem$n"trati$n $' the ne(e""ity '$r "u(h le%i"lati$n. Thi" hel&ed u" "$mewhat #y redu(in% a demand whi(h we were "till utterly una#le t$ meet. -n 0iew $' the en$rm$u" re"ult that ha" '$ll$wed the "im&le "ettin% '$rth $' a 'ew $' the indi"&uta#le 'a(t" whi(h the &u#li( ha" hithert$ #een a'raid t$ 'a(e, we are 'illed with a new ($n'iden(e and a %reater h$&e. With all humility we 'eel tem&ted t$ e.(laim with the martyr 6idley, 4!e $' %$$d (heer, '$r we ha0e thi" day li%hted u& "u(h a 'lame in 7n%land a" - tru"t in G$d "hall ne0er #e e.tin%ui"hed.4 We ha0e #een m$"t '$rtunate, n$t $nly in $ur "u&&$rter", #ut e0en m$re "$ in $ur a""ailant". The e0il "eem" t$ unite with the %$$d in $rder t$ in(rea"e t$ the utterm$"t the dynami( e''e(t $' $ur re0elati$n. When we learned #y wh$m the attem&t t$ hide the"e (rime" 'r$m the eye $' the &u#li( wa" headed in Parliament and in the &re"", we t$$/ ($ura%e. 1e.t t$ the h$n$ur $' headin% a (au"e in whi(h we ha0e the enthu"ia"ti( "u&&$rt $' the #e"t men, we ($0et n$thin% "$ mu(h a" that $' ha0in% t$ 'a(e the "trenu$u" $&&$"iti$n $' the w$r"t. We ha0e 'luttered

4d$0e($te" $' C$ri$li,4 and n$ mi"ta/e, and the 0ehemen(e $' the 0itu&erati$n with whi(h we are a""ailed i" "$me "li%ht indi(ati$n $' the ne(e""ity '$r the ta"/ whi(h we ha0e underta/en. " '$r the threat" $' (riminal &r$"e(uti$n in whi(h "$me e0en m$re '$$li"h than the re"t $' their 'ell$w" ha0e th$u%ht 'it t$ indul%e, that i" the $ne thin% $' all $ther" whi(h t$ th$"e wh$ "hrie/ '$r "ilen(e m$"t dread. Surely th$"e "im&let$n" wh$ "end d$wn e0ery a'tern$$n t$ a"/ i' we ha0e #een arre"ted (an hardly ima%ine that the ($n"&irat$r" $' "ilen(e will (reate '$r u" "u(h an $&&$rtunity $' &u#li(ity a" w$uld #e a''$rded #y a trial, in whi(h, a" a di"tin%ui"hed ($rre"&$ndent write", we mi%ht "u#&$ena alm$"t hal' the +e%i"lature in $rder t$ &r$0e the a((ura(y $' $ur re0elati$n". Mr". Je''erie" &leaded %uilty in $rder t$ "a0e her n$#le and 6$yal &atr$n" 'r$m e.&$"ure. There w$uld #e n$ "u(h a#ru&t terminati$n t$ any &r$(eedin%" whi(h mi%ht #e ($mmen(ed a%ain"t u", and that i" 0ery well /n$wn t$ th$"e wh$ tal/ thi" n$n"en"e a#$ut &r$"e(utin% a" (riminal" th$"e wh$ ha0e #een relu(tantly dri0en t$ e.&$"e (rime" at whi(h the nati$n "tand" a%ha"t. We await the ($mmen(ement $' th$"e tal/ed2$' &r$(eedin%" with a ($m&$"ure that m$"t (ertainly i" n$t "hared #y th$"e wh$m in "u(h an e.tremity we "h$uld #e ($m&elled t$ e.&$"e in the witne""2#$.. +et there #e n$ mi"ta/e a#$ut thi" thin%. We ha0e &ut $ur hand t$ the &l$u%h and we are n$t %$in% t$ draw #a(/. ll thi" an%ry (lam$ur we '$re"aw, and all$wed '$r. -t i" 0ery natural, and it am$unt" t$ 0ery little. -' any 4C$n"tant Su#"(ri#er"4 and 4@ld 6eader",4 a#$ut a d$zen $' wh$m with (hara(teri"ti( ($ura%e ha0e "ent u" an$nym$u" e&i"tle" $' a#u"e, ($uld #ut read the a""uran(e" $' enthu"ia"ti( "u&&$rt whi(h rea(h u" #y e0ery &$"t 'r$m the men wh$m all 7n%land re($%nize" a" leader" in e0ery m$ral and reli%i$u" m$0ement, they w$uld (ea"e their (ar&in%, $r at lea"t w$uld #e #$ld en$u%h t$ "i%n their name". We are aware that t$ many %$$d men the "h$(/ $' the"e re0elati$n" mu"t #e "$ %reat that they may w$nder whether they may n$t d$ m$re harm than %$$d. Thi" i" ,uite 'ran/ly re($%nized #y Mr. S&ur%e$n, wh$ in a (hara(teri"ti( letter "ay"<8 0I feel bowed down with shame and indignation. It is a loathsome business, but even sewers must be cleansed. I pray that great good may come of this horrible e"posure. It will incidentally do harm, but the great drift of its result will be lasting benefit. I do not thin/ our (hurches have failed, for they have /ept a pure remnant alive in the land9 but I really believe that many are unaware of the dunghills which ree/ under their nostrils. $han/ all the co-operators in your brave warfare. *pare not the villains, even though they wear stars and garters. )e need to set up a (ommittee of %igilance, a moral police, to put down this infamy. Meanwhile let the light in without stint.0 -n li/e manner write t$ u" the '$rem$"t men in all the Chur(he"8 n%li(an, Cath$li(, We"leyan, and 1$n($n'$rmi"t. -t i" the 4men $' the w$rld4 wh$ (ry $ut8the a(($m&li(e" $' the (riminal" and the a&$l$%i"t" '$r the $''en(e" whi(h we ha0e e.&$"ed. -' we had $nly ($mmitted the"e (rime" in"tead $' e.&$"in% them n$t $ne w$rd w$uld ha0e #een "aid. Thi" i", &erha&", the m$"t 'atal "i%n $' the ($rru&ti$n whi(h ha" eaten int$ the heart $' $ur lu.uri$u" "$(iety. -n readin% the re&$rt whi(h we ($ntinue t$2day, we 'eel a" i' $ur C$mmi""i$ner" 4had "tirred u& *ell T$ hea0e it" l$we"t dre%2'iend" u&&erm$"t, -n 'iery whirl" $' "lime;4 #ut n$t all the damna#le (rew $n wh$"e deed" they ha0e "hed "$ lurid a li%ht8n$, n$t e0en the %reat

+$nd$n Min$taur him"el'8that &$rtent$u" in(arnati$n $' lu"t and wealth8'ill u" with "u(h "$rr$w and "hame a" are $((a"i$ned #y the attitude $' "$me de(ent &e$&le wh$, while admittin% the truth $' all the"e h$rr$r", w$uld ha0e them ($ntinue '$r e0er rather than that their ear" "h$uld #e "h$(/ed #y hearin% $' the h$rr$r" whi(h $ther" ha0e t$ endure. That "urely i" the l$we"t de&th yet 'ath$med #y human "el'i"hne"". @ne w$rd m$re. S$me e.(e&ti$n ha" #een ta/en t$ the "tre"" whi(h we laid u&$n the 'a(t that $ne $' the m$"t 'ri%ht'ul 'eature" $' +$nd$n #r$theld$m i" the e0iden(e whi(h it a''$rd" $' the e.tent t$ whi(h wealth i" u"ed t$ ($rru&t, t$ dem$ralize, and t$ de"tr$y the dau%hter" $' the &$$r. That witne"" i" true. ll the"e &im&", and &ander", and &r$(ure""e", and #r$thel2 /ee&er" are ($m&arati0ely inn$(ent. The "u&reme (riminal i" the wealthy and di""$lute man. There are #ad men en$u%h am$n% the &$$r. !ut &$0erty, n$ matter h$w imm$ral, d$e" n$t (laim a" a &er,ui"ite the ri%ht t$ ($rru&t and de"tr$y the dau%hter" $' the ri(h. Thi" i" dan%er$u" tal/, &erha&", and re0$luti$nary, and we /n$w n$t what. -t i" n$t "$ dan%er$u" a" all$win% thi" ha0$( t$ ($ntinue un(he(/ed, n$r "$ re0$luti$nary a" the attem&t t$ %a% the "in%le 0$i(e that i" rai"ed t$ im&ea(h the ri(h '$r their (rime" a%ain"t the &$$r. 1$ "$(iety, that i" #a"ed $n "u(h r$ttenne"" a" that whi(h we are e.&$"in% (an l$n% endure with$ut "$me %reat (han%e. The re0elati$n $' the"e thin%", i' n$t '$ll$wed #y re'$rmati$n, may #e the &re(ur"$r $' ($n0ul"i$n. 46e"t awhile, (hildren $' wret(hedne"".4 >et i" the day $' 6etri#uti$n ni%h8 )hen stung to rage by ity, eloquent men )ill rouse with pealing voice th' unnumber'd tribes $hat toil and groan and bleed, hungry and blind. -n 0iew $' that ($ntin%en(y, &$""i#ly e0en th$"e %entlemen wh$ (heered Mr. Ca0endi"h !entin(/ ye"terday may "ee 'it t$ d$ what they (an t$ e.&edite the &a""in% $' the 0ital (lau"e" $' the Criminal +aw mendment !ill, with whi(h the G$0ernment, in m$re $r le"" hal'2 hearted 'a"hi$n, intend" t$ &er"e0ere.

T e Maiden Tribute of Modern !abylon """: t e Report of our #ecret $o%%ission W.T. Stead, (The Pall Mall Gazette, July 8, 1885) The advocates of the Criminal +aw mendment !ill are ($n"tantly met #y tw$ mutually

de"tru(ti0e a""erti$n". @n $ne "ide it i" de(lared that the rai"in% $' the a%e $' ($n"ent i" entirely u"ele"", #e(au"e there are any num#er $' y$un% &r$"titute" $n the "treet" under the

le%al a%e $' thirteen, while, $n the $ther, it i" a""erted a" &$"iti0ely that )u0enile &r$"tituti$n #el$w the a%e $' 'i'teen ha" &ra(ti(ally (ea"ed t$ e.i"t. !$th a""erti$n" are entirely 'al"e. There are n$t many (hildren under thirteen &lyin% '$r hire $n the "treet", and there are any num#er t$ #e had #etween the a%e" $' thirteen and "i.teen. There are (hildren, many (hildren, wh$ are ruined #e'$re they are thirteen; #ut the (rime i" $ne &ha"e $' the in(e"t whi(h, a" the 6e&$rt $' the ?wellin%" C$mmi""i$n "h$w", i" in"e&ara#le 'r$m $0er(r$wdin%. !ut the num#er wh$ are $n the "treet" i" "mall. 1$twith"tandin% the m$"t la0i"h $''er" $' m$ney, ($m&letely 'ailed t$ "e(ure a "in%le &r$"titute under thirteen. - ha0e #een re&eatedly &r$mi"ed (hildren under twel0e, #ut they either ne0er a&&eared $r when &r$du(ed admitted that they were $0er thirteen. - ha0e n$ d$u#t that - ($uld di"($0er in time a d$zen $r m$re %irl" $' ele0en $r twel0e wh$ are leadin% imm$ral li0e", #ut they are 0ery di''i(ult t$ 'ind, a" the #$y" $' the "ame a%e wh$ &ur"ue the "ame dread'ul (allin%. Thi" dire(t e0iden(e i" #y n$ mean" all that i" a0aila#le t$ "h$w the deterrent e''e(t $' rai"in% the a%e $' ($n"ent. The 6e"(ue S$(iety, $' Cin"#ury2&a0ement, whi(h ha" an e.&erien(e $' thirty2$ne year", ha" /e&t '$r twenty2'i0e year" a re($rd $' the a%e" at whi(h th$"e wh$m they ha0e re"(ued l$"t their (hara(ter. The '$ll$win% are the num#er" $' the re"(ued wh$ were "edu(ed at the a%e" $' twel0e and thirteen '$r 185F t$ 18G5, when the (l$"e time wa" rai"ed t$ thirteen8II, 55, 55, 1EG, 1EF, 1EI, GG, 5E, G8, 5F, 4E, 4I, IE< t$tal, 855, $r 55 &er annum #etween the a%e" $' twel0e and thirteen. Cr$m 18G5 t$ 188I the 'i%ure" are a" '$ll$w"< FF, F4, 1H, FE, 15, 14, 15, 1E, G; t$tal, 14G; a0era%e, 15 &er annum. ll$wan(e mu"t #e made '$r the 'a(t that the t$tal num#er re"(ued in 188I wa" $nly hal' that re"(ued in 185G, #ut e0en then the num#er $' (hildren "edu(ed at twel0e and thirteen w$uld ha0e #een redu(ed #y $ne2hal' $win% t$ the rai"in% $' the a%e. ll th$"e wh$ ha0e the #e"t mean" $' /n$win% h$w the law w$uld w$r/, %a$l (ha&lain" and the re"t, are "tr$n%ly in 'a0$ur $' e.tendin% the (l$"e time. The &re0enti0e $&erati$n $' the law i" mu(h m$re e''e(ti0e than - anti(i&ated, '$r it i" alm$"t the "$le #arrier a%ain"t a ($n"tantly in(rea"in% a&&etite '$r the immature $' #$th "e.e". That thi" in'ernal ta"te &re0ail" i" un'$rtunately #ey$nd all %ain"ayin%, and '$r &r$$' we need %$ n$ 'urther than the re&$rt" $' the numer$u" re'u%e" and h$me" '$r (hildren whi(h ha0e #een $&ened $' late year" in the nei%h#$urh$$d $' +$nd$n. !ut in the $rdinary mar/et the "u&&ly i" limited t$ %irl" wh$ are $0er thirteen. T*7 6=-1 @C T*7 B76> >@=1G There i" '$rtunately n$ need t$ dwell u&$n thi" re0$ltin% &hra"e $' (riminality, '$r it i" re($%nized #y the law, and the (riminal" when (au%ht are "$undly &uni"hed. My $#)e(t thr$u%h$ut ha" #een t$ indi(ate (rime" 0irtually en($ura%ed #y the law; #ut it i" ne(e""ary t$ re'er t$ (a"e" where e0en &enal "er0itude ha" n$t deterred men 'r$m the &er&etrati$n $' thi" m$"t ruthle"" $' $utra%e", in $rder t$ "h$w the need '$r "tren%thenin% the #arrier whi(h al$ne "tand" #etween in'ant" and the #rutal lu"t $' di""$lute men. *ere, '$r, i" a &$rtrait $' a tiny little mite in the (are $' a re"(ue $''i(er $' $ur e.(ellent S$(iety '$r the Pr$te(ti$n $' Children. *er name i" nnie !ryant, and "he i" n$w )u"t 'i0e year" $ld. >et that #a#y %irl ha"

#een the 0i(tim $' ra&e. She wa" enti(ed t$%ether with a ($m&ani$n int$ a h$u"e in the 1ew Cut $n May F8, and '$r(i#ly $utra%ed, 'ir"t #y a y$un% man named William *emmin%", and then #y a 'ell$w2l$d%er. The $''en(e wa" ($m&leted, and the &$$r little (hild re(ei0ed internal in)urie" 'r$m whi(h it i" d$u#t'ul whether "he will e0er entirely re($0er. The "($undrel i" n$w d$in% tw$ year" &enal "er0itude, #ut hi" a(($m&li(e e"(a&ed. enti(ed the #a#y t$ her ruin. &enny (a/e wa" the lure whi(h " - nur"ed her $n my /nee, and made her ,uite ha&&y with a

"i.&en(e, the matr$n $' the re'u%e where the little wai' wa" "heltered t$ld h$w e0ery ni%ht #e'$re the #a#y %irl went t$ "lee& "he w$uld "hudder and (ry, and whi"&er in her ear. nd n$t until the &$$r (hild wa" "$lemnly a""ured and rea""ured that the d$$r wa" 'a"t, and that n$ 4#ad man4 ($uld &$""i#ly %et in, w$uld "he dare t$ %$ t$ "lee&. 70ery ni%ht it wa" the "ame, and when - "aw her it wa" nearly three wee/" "in(e her e0il 'ate had #e'allen her9 Thi" in"tan(e $' a (hild $' "u(h tender year" #ein% "u#)e(ted t$ $utra%e i" n$t an i"$lated $ne. %irl $' ei%hteen wh$ i" n$w wal/in% 6e%ent2"treet had her little "i"ter $' 'i0e 0i$lated #y a 4%entleman4 wh$m "he had #r$u%ht h$me. She had le't the r$$m '$r a 'ew minute", and he t$$/ ad0anta%e $' her a#"en(e t$ ruin the &$$r (hild, wh$ wa" "lee&in% &ea(e'ully in an$ther ($rner $' the r$$m. The man in thi" (a"e e"(a&ed un&uni"hed. " a rule the (hildren wh$ are "ent t$ h$me" a" 4 'allen4 at the a%e $' ten, ele0en, and twel0e, are (hildren $' &r$"titute", #red t$ the #u"ine"", and #r$/en in &rematurely t$ their dread'ul (allin%. There are (hildren4 $' 'i0e in h$me" n$w wh$, alth$u%h they ha0e n$t te(hni(ally 'allen, are little #etter than animal" &$""e""ed #y an un(lean "&irit, '$r the law $' heredity i" a" terri#ly true in the #r$thel a" el"ewhere. @ne (hild in St. Cy&rian3" wa" turned $ut $n t$ the "treet" #y her m$ther t$ earn a li0in% when ten. t St Mary3" *$me they d$ n$t re(ei0e any (hildren $0er "i.teen. Si"ter 7mma ha" at &re"ent m$re than 'i'ty (hildren in her h$me in *ant". She re(ei0e" n$ne under twel0e. -n $nly '$ur (a"e" wa" the man &uni"hed. The &r$&$rti$n $' 0i(tim" am$n% the &r$te(ted i", h$we0er, ($m&arati0ely "mall t$ th$"e wh$ ha0e &a""ed the 'atal a%e $' thirteen. -' Mr. *a"tin%", wh$ w$uld 'i. the a%e $' ($n"ent at ten, $r Mr. Wart$n, wh$ wa" in 'a0$ur $' e0en a l$wer a%e than ten, wa" all$wed t$ ha0e hi" way, we "h$uld &r$#a#ly ha0e t$ "tart h$me" t$ a(($mm$date in'ant" $' '$ur, 'i0e, and "i. wh$ had #een ruined 4#y their $wn ($n"ent.4 What #la"&hemy9 T*7 C*-+? P6@ST-T=T7 -t ha" #een ($m&uted, "ay" the re&$rt $' a *am&"hire *$me, that there are n$ le"" than 1E,EEE little %irl" li0in% in "in in Chri"tian 7n%land. - d$ n$t /n$w h$w 'ar that i" ($rre(t, #ut there i" n$ d$u#t a" t$ the e.i"ten(e $' a 0a"t and in(rea"in% ma"" $' )u0enile &r$"tituti$n. The 6e&$rt $' the +$rd"3 C$mmittee in 188F "ay"<8 $he evidence before the (ommittee proves beyond doubt that Buvenile prostitution from an almost incredibly early age is increasing to an appalling e"tent In England, and especially in +ondon. $hey are unable, adequately to E"press their tense of the magnitude, both in amoral and physical point of view, of the evil thus brought to light, and of the necessity for ta/ing vigorous measures to cope with it.

=n'$rtunately the e0il, in"tead $' #ein% ($&ed with, i" in the $&ini$n $' the (ha&lain" $' $ur %a$l" rather $n the in(rea"e than $therwi"e. The 0i(tim" are '$r the m$"t &art thirteen, '$urteen, and 'i'teen year" $ld. t We"t end h$u"e" $' the #etter "$rt, that i" t$ "ay, h$u"e" where n$thin% (an #e d$ne with$ut a &reliminary e.&enditure $' a "$0erei%n in a #$ttle $' (ham&a%ne, and where the $rdinary 'ee, with$ut all$win% '$r ti&" and wine, i" K5, they are 0ery timid in &ur0eyin% 0ery y$un% %irl". - "h$uld ha0e had mu(h le"" di''i(ulty in e"ta#li"hin% the 'a(t #ut '$r the awe that ha" 'allen u&$n the unh$ly "i"terh$$d "in(e the (hie' am$n% them all wa" ($m&iled t$ &lead %uilty in $rder t$ "a0e her (lient" 'r$m e.&$"ure. *$u"e" Cren(h, S&ani"h, and 7n%li"h in 'a"hi$na#le l$(alitie" where, a(($rdin% t$ (urrent re&$rt, y$u mi%ht either meet a Ca#inet Mini"ter $r #e "u&&lied with any num#er $' little (hildren, are n$w indi%nant at any a&&li(ati$n #y a "tran%er '$r the a(($mm$dati$n whi(h they $nly e.tend t$ their $ld (lient". !ut at $ne 0illa in the n$rth $' +$nd$n - '$und thr$u%h the a""i"tan(e $' a 'riend a l$0ely (hild #etween '$urteen and 'i'teen, tall '$r her a%e, #ut "in%ularly attra(ti0e in her (hildi"h inn$(en(e. t 'ir"t the /ee&er "trenu$u"ly denied that they had any "u(h arti(le in the h$u"e, #ut $n menti$nin% wh$ had dire(ted u" t$ her &la(e, the 'a(t wa" admitted and an a&&$intment wa" arran%ed. There wa" an$ther %irl in the h$u"e8 a #razen2'a(ed harl$t, wh$"e 'launtin% 0i(e "er0ed a" a '$il t$ "et $'' the (hildli/e, "&irituelle #eauty $' the $ther3" #a#y 'a(e. -t wa" (ruel t$ "ee the &$$r wee 'eature", n$t mu(h lar%er than th$"e $' a d$ll, $' the deli(ately nurtured %irl, a" "he (ame int$ the r$$m with her 'ur mantle wra&&ed (l$"ely r$und her, and timidly a"/ed me i' w$uld ta/e "$me wine. P$$r (hild, "he had #een $ut dri0in% t$ the -n0ent$rie" that m$rnin%, and wa" "$mewhat tired and "till. -t "eemed a &r$'anati$n t$ t$u(h her, "he wa" "$ y$un% and "$ #a#y2li/e. There "he wa", turned $0er t$ the 'ir"t ($mer that w$uld &ay, #ut "till t$ all a&&earan(e "$ m$de"t, the maiden #l$$m n$t alt$%ether ha0in% 'aded $'' her (hildi"h (hee/", and her &atheti( eye", where "till lin%ered the timid %lan(e $' a 'ri%htened 'awn. - 'elt li/e $ne $' the damned. 4She "aw $ld %entlemen,4 "he "aid, 4alm$"t e.(lu"i0ely. S$metime" it wa" rather #ad, #ut "he li/ed the li'e,4 "he "aid, timidly tryin% t$ 'a(e the %rim ine.$ra#le, 4and the wine, "he wa" "$ '$nd $' that,4 alth$u%h her %la"" "t$$d unta"ted #e'$re her. P$$r thin%9 When - le't the h$u"e a" a %uilty thin%, "hrin/in% away a#a"hed 'r$m #e'$re the &re"en(e $' the (hild with her #a#y eye", - "aid t$ the /ee&er wh$ let me $ut, 4She i" t$$ %$$d '$r her trade, &$$r thin%.4 4Wait a #it,4 "aid the w$man, with a leer. 4She i" 0ery y$un% 8$nly turned '$urteen, and ha" )u"t ($me $ut, y$u /n$w. C$me a%ain in a ($u&le $' m$nth", and y$u will "ee a %reat (han%e.4 %reat (han%e, indeed. W$uld t$ G$d "he died #e'$re that9 nd "he wa" #ut $ne.

*@W C6-M-1 +S 67 S*-7+?7? !> T*7 + W Thi" 'ri%ht'ul de0el$&ment $' 'anta"ti( 0i(e i" dire(tly en($ura%ed #y the law, whi(h mar/" $'' all %irl" $0er thirteen a" 'air %ame '$r men. -t i" $nly in the "&rin% $' thi" year that a man wa" "enten(ed t$ a term $' im&ri"$nment '$r inde(ent a""ault u&$n a (hild. -t wa" "h$wn in e0iden(e that he had 0i$lated m$re than a d$zen (hildren )u"t $0er thirteen, wh$m he had

enti(ed int$ #a(/yard" #y &r$mi"e" $' "weetmeat", #ut th$u%h they did n$t /n$w what he wa" d$in% until they 'elt the &ain, they were $0er a%e, and "$ he e"(a&ed "($t 'ree, until $ne day he wa" '$rtunately (au%ht with a (hild under thirteen, and wa" &r$m&tly &uni"hed. The 6e0. J. *$r"ley, the (ha&lain at Cler/enwell, "tated la"t year<8 $here is a monster now wal/ing about who acts as cler/ in a highly respectable establishment #e is fifty years of age. For years it has been his villainous amusement to decoy and ruin children. & very short time ago si"teen cases were proved against him before a magistrate on the *urrey side of the river. $he children were all fearfully inBured, possibly for life. Fourteen of the girls were thirteen years old, and were therefore beyond the protected age, and it could not be proved that they were not consenting parties. $he wife of the scoundrel told the officer who had the case in charge that it was her opinion that her husband ought to be burned. 8et by the English law we cannot touch this monster of depravity, or so much as inflict a small fine on him. C+@S7 T-M7 C@6 G-6+S !e'$re the 14th $' u%u"t it i" a (rime t$ "h$$t a %r$u"e, le"t an immature (hee&er "h$uld n$t yet ha0e a 'air (han(e t$ 'ly. The "&$rt"2man wh$ wi"he" t$ '$ll$w the &artrid%e thr$u%h the "tu##le" mu"t wait till Se&tem#er 1, and the (l$"e time '$r &hea"ant" i" e0en later. dmittin% that w$men are a" 'air %ame a" %r$u"e and &artrid%e", why n$t let u" ha0e a (l$"e time '$r #i&ed" in &etti($at" a" well a" '$r #i&ed" -n 'eather": di"&$"e $' her &er"$n t$ the 'ir"t &ur(ha"er. t &re"ent that (l$"e time i" a#"urdly l$w. The day a'ter a %irl ha" ($m&leted her thirteenth year "he i" &er'e(tly 'ree t$ #a% $' "weet", a 'ine 'eather, a %$$d dinner, $r a treat t$ the theatre are "u''i(ient t$ indu(e her t$ &art with that whi(h may #e l$"t in an h$ur, #ut (an ne0er #e re($0ered. Thi" i" t$$ #ad. -t d$e" n$t %i0e the %irl" a 'air (han(e. The (l$"e time $u%ht t$ #e e.tended until they ha0e at lea"t attained &hy"i(al maturity. That "urely i" n$t &uttin% the matter $n t$$ "entimental %r$und". Ci"h $ut $' "ea"$n are n$t 'it t$ #e eaten. Girl" wh$ ha0e n$t rea(hed the a%e $' &u#erty are n$t 'it e0en t$ #e "edu(ed. The law $u%ht at lea"t t$ #e a" "tri(t a#$ut a li0e (hild a" a#$ut a dead "alm$n. 1$w, what i" the a%e $' &u#erty with 7n%li"h %irl": "u&&$rter $' the C. ?. medi(al man, ?r. +$wnde", wh$ wa"

re($mmended t$ me #y Mr. Ca0endi"h !entin(/ a" a leadin% "ur%e$n $' +i0er&$$l and a %reat (t", "ay"<84- "h$uld li/e t$ tell y$u why "$ many mem#er" $' the medi(al &r$'e""i$n, in(ludin% my"el', w$uld wi"h t$ "ee an e.ten"i$n $' the a%e in 'emale" under whi(h it "h$uld #e a mi"demean$ur '$r any male t$ ha0e (arnal /n$wled%e. -t i" #e(au"e "$ 'ew %irl" are really aptae*(iro, &hy"i(ally and medi(ally, till l$n% a'ter thirteen year" $' a%e. My ($llea%ue ha" a %irl in the +$(/ *$"&ital wh$ i" nineteen year" $ld, ha" #een a &r$"titute '$r "$me time, and yet ha" $nly )u"t attained &u#erty. ll the (a"e" $' a#n$rmal &re($(ity we ha0e heard $', "u(h a" m$ther" at ele0en, N(., are 0ery e.(e&ti$nal, and it "eem" t$ me that (arnal /n$wled%e $' any 'emale under &u#erty i" a (ruel $utra%e.4 That 4(ruel $utra%e4 i" n$t '$r#idden #y the law. -t (an #e &er&etrated and i" &er&etrated ($n"tantly, with &er'e(t im&unity t$ the man, with h$rri#le ($n"e,uen(e" t$ the %irl. -t i" al"$ the 'a(t that "u(h

(hildren are 'ar m$re li/ely t$ tran"mit di"ea"e than a 'ull2%r$wn w$man. S(ienti'i(ally, there'$re, the (l$"e time "h$uld #e e.tended until the w$man ha" at lea"t ($m&leted "i.teen year" $' li'e. The re($mmendati$n $' the +$rd"3 C$mmittee wa" that the (l$"e time "h$uld la"t '$r "i.teen year". That wa" the a%e a((e&ted #y the *$u"e $' +$rd" in tw$ "u((e""i0e year", and that i" the a%e whi(h the late *$me Se(retary &r$mi"ed t$ in"ert in the &re"ent #ill, whi(h le%alize" ($n"ent when the %irl i" 'i'teen year" $ld and a day. J=B71-+7 P6@ST-T=T-@1 -1 T*7 7 ST 1? W7ST -n the 7a"t2end $' +$nd$n 0i(e i" mu(h m$re natural than in the We"t - ha0e made the (a"ual a(,uaintan(e $' "$me "($re $' the y$un%e"t &r$"titute" wh$m the We"t2end e.&ert" ($uld &r$(ure. The C$n%re%ati$nal =ni$n %a0e a "u&&er t$ "$me "e0enty y$un% &r$"titute" in Mi"" Steer3" !rid%e $' *$&e. S$ 'ar a" - ($uld )ud%e, there are 0ery 'ew mu(h under 'i'teen. ?$wn 6at(li''2hi%hway, and in the &art" ad)a(ent, there are &lenty at a#$ut 'i'teen $r "i.teen, #ut the ta"te '$r e.treme y$uth d$e" n$t "eem t$ ha0e de0el$&ed in the (r$wded 7a"t. *ere and there there are (a"e", and there are 0a"t "trata where the (hildren ($ha#it 'r$m &re&$"ter$u"ly early year", #ut that i" ,uite di"tin(t 'r$m &r$"tituti$n. -n the m$"t 'a"hi$na#le h$u"e" $' ill 'ame, "u(h a" Mr". Je''erie"3", Mr". ! 88 3", J 888 3", and $ther", any "tran%er $rderin% y$un% (hildren $' 0ery tender a%e w$uld #e l$$/ed at a"/an(e. The"e thin%" are $nly d$ne '$r $ld (u"t$mer". -n the 7d%ware2r$ad, tw$ /ee&er" $' h$u"e" $' a(($mm$dati$n were '$und 0irtu$u" en$u%h t$ re'u"e admittan(e t$ a %irl $' '$urteen and her ($m&ani$n, #ut they were wat(hed #y a 0i%ilan(e ($mmittee. -n $ne $' the 'a"hi$na#le h$u"e" in Par/2lane, where in,uiry wa" made whether any $#)e(ti$n w$uld #e made t$ re(ei0in% a 0ery, 0ery y$un% %irl wh$ wa" e.&e(ted with an $ld %entleman, the re&ly wa"< 4@' ($ur"e n$t. ?$ y$u thin/ we in"i"t $n the &r$du(ti$n $' the #a&ti"mal re%i"ter $' all the ladie" wh$ 0i"it u":4 - wa" a""ured - mi%ht #rin% wh$m - &lea"ed, a" many a" - &lea"ed, and n$ ,ue"ti$n" w$uld #e a"/ed. -n and a#$ut the Juadrant and 6e%ent2"treet - ha0e ta/en $r (au"ed t$ #e ta/en re&eatedly t$ h$u"e" $' a(($mm$dati$n y$un% %irl" 'r$m thirteen and u&ward" wh$ ha0e #een &i(/ed u& $n the "treet"< n$ $#)e(ti$n wa" e0er rai"ed #y the /ee&er". The"e (hildren were in n$ "en"e mature. They u"ually &r$'e""ed t$ #e 'i'teen, #ut did n$t l$$/ thirteen; they u"ually %$ in ($u&le", &idin% their earnin%", and a" a rule the (hild i" a(($m&anied #y a 'riend wh$ i" $lder than her"el'. Their "t$ry i" &retty mu(h the "ame all r$und. They were &$$r, w$r/ wa" #ad, e0ery (ru"t they ate at h$me wa" %rud%ed, they "t$&&ed $ut all ni%ht with "$me 4%ay4 'riend $' the 'emale "e., and they went the way $' all the re"t. @((a"i$nally they "ay that a %entleman t$$/ them t$ hi" (ham#er" and ruined them, '$r ($n"iderati$n re(ei0ed. M$re $' them are &atr$nized #y $ld men, and early initiated int$ the w$r"t '$rm" $' ela#$rate 0i(e. Many $' them are at w$r/ in the day, and m$"t $' them ha0e t$ #e at h$me at ni%ht at ten $r ele0en. They ha0e the entry t$ ($''ee "h$&" and $ther h$u"e" $' (all. -t wa" n$t ne(e""ary t$ &r$"e(ute thi" #ran(h $' the "u#)e(t t$ any %reat len%th. +e"t any d$u#t "h$uld "till &re0ail a" t$ the reality $' thi" de"(ri&ti$n $' the tra''i(, - may "ay that - ha0e at thi" m$ment an a%reement with the /ee&er $' $ne $' the h$u"e" near 6e%ent2"treet t$ the e''e(t that "he will ha0e ready in

her h$u"e, within a 'ew h$ur" $' re(ei&t $' a line 'r$m me, a %irl under '$urteen. - ha0e $nly te"ted it $n(e, #ut - "h$uld n$t ha0e the lea"t he"itati$n in tru"tin% her t$ 'ul'il it a%ain. T*7 6=-1 @C T*7 >@=1G +-C7. 8 4T*7 ?7M@1 C*-+?4 4The"e y$un% %irl",4 "ay" the 6e&$rt $' the 6e"(ue S$(iety '$r 188I, are m$re di''i(ult t$ deal with than w$men, #e(au"e they are made 'amiliar with "in while "$ y$un% that the m$de"ty that i" "$ natural t$ a w$man they ne0er attain.4 The matr$n $' a +$(/ *$"&ital, a %$$d, /indly, m$therly "$ul, a""ured me that, a(($rdin% t$ their &ain'ul #ut alm$"t in0aria#le e.&erien(e, they '$und that the inn$(ent %irl $n(e $utra%ed "eemed t$ "u''er a la"tin% #li%ht $' the m$ral "en"e. They ne0er (ame t$ any %$$d< the '$ul &a""i$n 'r$m the man "eemed t$ enter int$ the hel&le"" 0i(tim $' hi" lu"t, and "he ne0er a%ain re%ained her &ri"tine &urity $' "$ul. The &hy"i(al ($n"e,uen(e" are $'ten terri#le. *ere i" the "t$ry $' a (hild2&r$"titute wh$, at the a%e $' ele0en, had '$r tw$ year" #een earnin% her li0in% #y 0i(e in the 7a"t2end. My in'$rmant "ay"<8 Emily..*hort of her age, broad and stout, with a pleasant face with varying e"pression9 sometimes a fearfully old loo/, and sometimes with the face of childhood9 she told me she had never had a toy in her life or ever been in a garden. I found her to be fearfully diseased and sent her to the +oc/ #ospital. *he was there about si" wee/s. Meturned loo/ing fat and well, but odd in her ways, her mind fearfully fouled by the life she had led, and which she li/ed to tal/ about. *ome one called her 0the Demon (hild,0 and it was an apt name for her. @ffended, she would scream as if she was being murdered if no one touched her9 only a loo/ from some would set her off! no one seemed able to pacify her9 if possible she would get away from everybody and lie down close to a large bed of mignonette, and put her head amongst it and become calm, 0;ust an e"cuse for idleness and wic/edness,0 some would say, but I saw her do it do2ens of times, and gave directions that she should not be prevented from going into the garden, she was such a child. @ne day I saw her as usual tear shrie/ing along the broad wal/ and away to the path by the greenhouse, sit down under an apple tree, and burying her head in thic/ grass bloom, subside from shrill screams to sobs and low cries and then to a perfect calm, so I went down and said, 0)hy do you always run to this corner, little one9 does the sweet mignonette do you good, and cure you of being naughty10 0It's the devil ma/es me so bad,0 she answered in a moment, 0and I thin/ the nice smell sends him away9'' and down went her head again. Stran%e that the 'ra%ran(e $' the mi%n$nette "h$uld (alm the "hattered ner0e" $' the dem$n (hild, wh$ had &r$#a#ly ne0er #e'$re en)$yed the "mell $' a 'l$wer. lternate im#e(ility and wild "(reamin% are t$$ ($mm$n am$n% the (hild 0i(tim" $' 0i(e. Well may they "(ream8'ar w$r"e their l$t than the little "la0e" $' the l$$m $' wh$m Mr". !r$wnin% "ay" <8 )ell may those children weep before you, $hey are weary ere they ran9 $hey have never seen the sunshine, nor the glory )hich is brighter than the sun. $hey /now the grief of man, but not the wisdom9

$hey sin/ in man's despair without its calm9 &re slaves without the liberty in (hristdom, &re martyrs, by the pang without the palm. &re worn, as if with age, yet unretrievingly <o dear remembrance /eep &re orphans of the earthly love and heavenly. +et them weepA let them weepA *@W T*7 + W C C-+-T T7S !?=CT-@1 -t i" "$metime" "aid that the"e (hildren $u%ht t$ #e l$$/ed a'ter #y their &arent", #ut th$"e wh$ re"$rt t$ that ar%ument '$r%et that the law &lay" int$ the hand" $' the a#du(t$r. Su&&$"e a (hild $' thirteen, either in a 'it $' tem&er $r enti(ed #y the #ri#e" $' a &r$(ure"", $n(e %et" within the &re(in(t" $' a #r$thel, what i" the &arent t$ d$: The #r$thel2/ee&er ha" $nly t$ /ee& the d$$r l$(/ed t$ de'y the 'ather. -' "he had "t$len a d$ll he ($uld ha0e %$t a "ear(h warrant '$r "t$len &r$&erty, #ut a" it i" $nly hi" dau%hter he (an d$ n$thin%. -t i" true that there i" a m$de $' &r$(edure #y ha#ea" ($r&u", #ut that i" "$ (um#r$u" and "$ ($"tly that it i" &ra(ti(ally una0aila#le '$r the &$$r. C$un"el3" $&ini$n wa" re(ently ta/en #y the a#du(t$r $' a #$y a" t$ what "te&" ($uld #e ta/en t$ &re0ent the 'ather $#tainin% &$""e""i$n $' hi" "$n. The an"wer wa" a" '$ll$w"<8 6e'u"e 'ather admittan(e. >$u (an /ee& the #$y until *a#ea" C$r&u" i" $#tained. t the 0ery earlie"t thi" (an n$t #e "e(ured until a'ter twenty2'$ur h$ur" at lea"t. The hearin% $' the (a"e t$ "h$w (au"e will wait a#$ut a wee/ '$r a turn. The ($"t" are un(ertain, 'r$m KIE t$ K5E. What i" the u"e $' a remedy whi(h at the earlie"t (ann$t #e #r$u%ht int$ $&erati$n in le"" than twenty2'$ur h$ur", e0en i' it ($uld #e had '$r n$thin%: needed than he ($uld 'ly. %irl may #e ruined in ten minute". !y ha#ea" ($r&u" a 'ather ha" a mean" $' %ainin% hi" end, #ut he ($uld n$ m$re rai"e the K5E remedy that in0$l0e" a &reliminary e.&enditure $' K5E, and (an then $nly %et int$ a(ti$n in a wee/, i" 0irtually n$n2e.i"tent '$r the &$$r. Ta/e an$ther (a"e. -n *ull la"t u%u"t a man /e&t a (hild3" #r$thel, l$(ally /n$wn a" 4the

-n'ant S(h$$l.4 *e /e&t n$ 'ewer than '$urteen (hildren there, the elde"t $nly 'i'teen, and "$me a" y$un% a" twel0e. The m$ther" had %$ne t$ the h$u"e t$ try and (laim their (hildren, and had #een dri0en $'' #y the &ri"$ner with the m$"t h$rri#le a#u"e, and had n$ &$wer t$ %et the (hildren away $r e0en t$ "ee them. C$rtunately, the $ld re&r$#ate had "$ld drin/ with$ut a li(en(e. C$r thi" $''en(e, and n$t '$r hi" "tealin% (hildren, the &$li(e #r$/e int$ hi" h$u"e and "e(ured hi" ($n0i(ti$n. !y law a#du(ti$n i" n$ $''en(e unle"" the %irl i" in the (u"t$dy $' her 'ather at the time $' her a#du(ti$n. *$w ea"y it i" '$r a man t$ "edu(e a (hild with im&unity the '$ll$win% re($rd ta/en 'r$m the re&$rt $' a (a"e heard in *ammer"mith &$li(e2($urt la"t Mar(h will "h$w<8 )alter Fran/lin, who lived in <orth-avenue, Fulham, was summoned for unlawfully ta/ing &nnie *ummers, an unmarried girl, under the age of si"teen, out of the possession of her master, and against

the will of her father. Mr. 'regory said he appeared on behalf of the *ociety for the rotection of 8oung 'irls to support the summons. $he girl, who was fourteen, was in service, and met the defendant while on her way to her father to obtain a change of linen. #e invited her to his house, where he /ept her all night, and turned her out in the morning. *he was found by her father in (helsea. Mr. *heil referred to the case of 0Eueen and Miller,0 and thought no charge had been disclosed, as she was not in the custody of her father. $he case fell in with the decision in 0Eueen and Miller.0 In that case it was the converse. $he girl had left her father, and was on the way to her mistress. Mr. 'regory! 8on thin/ she was not in the custody of either1 Mr. *heil replied in the &ffirmative. $he summons was then withdrawn. 71T6 PP-1G -6-S* G-6+S - ha0e already "&$/en $' &r$(urin% (hildren and "illy +$nd$n %irl". @' a dee&er "hade $' (riminality i" the "y"tem $' tra&&in% inn$(ent %irl" #y in0ei%lin% them int$ h$u"e" $' ill2'ame whi(h are re&re"ented a" re"&e(ta#le l$d%in%2h$u"e". 'ew year" a%$, when %reat num#er" $' -ri"h %irl" u"ed t$ arri0e in the Thame", they '$rmed a ($n"tant "$ur(e $' re0enue t$ the #r$thel /ee&er" $' 6at(li''e2hi%hway. The m$du" $&erandi wa" 0ery "im&le. The m$ment the "teamer t$u(hed the landin% it wa" h$arded #y men retained #y the #r$thel /ee&er" t$ #rin% %irl" h$me. S$metime" they a(($"ted the %irl, "ayin% that i' "he wanted a (hea& re"&e(ta#le l$d%in% they ($uld ta/e her t$ e.a(tly the /ind $' &la(e "he wanted. M$re 're,uently they "eized her #$. and mar(hed $'' with it, a""urin% her that they were ta/in% it t$ the &la(e where "he had t$ "t$&. The -ri"h %irl, #ein% inn$(ent and ine.&erien(ed, "ettin% '$$t '$r the 'ir"t time in a '$rei%n (ity, with$ut 'riend" and n$t /n$win% where t$ %$, '$ll$wed the &$rter, and wa" "$$n "a'ely h$u"ed hi%hly re"&e(ta#le -ri"h %irl in the "er0i(e $' $ne $' my 'riend" had the utm$"t di''i(ulty in e.tri(atin% her #$. 'r$m the %ra"& $' $ne $' the"e har&ie". ", h$we0er, it wa" the "e($nd 0i"it, and a" "he /new the addre"" where a "ituati$n awaited her, "he "u((eeded in ($m&ellin% him t$ lea0e her #$., and let her %$ t$ the &la(e. le"" e.&erien(ed %irl, wh$ had n$ addre"" t$ whi(h t$ %$, w$uld ha0e 'allen an ea"y &rey. When the %irl i" $n(e within the #r$thel "he i" a#$ut a" hel&le"" a" a "&arr$w when (au%ht #y the 'allin% #ri(/ $' the "(h$$l#$y3" tra&. The meth$d $' her %a$ler i" 0ery "im&le. The $#)e(t #ein% in all (a"e" &urely mer(enary, the 'ir"t thin% i" t$ "tri& her $' all her "(anty "t$re $' m$ney. Thi" i" d$ne n$t #y the't, #ut #y runnin% u& a #ill '$r #$ard and l$d%in%", and t$ thi" end e0ery im&ediment i" &la(ed in the way $' 'indin% her a "ituati$n. The mere 'a(t $' her l$d%in% in "u(h a h$u"e "tand" in the way $' her "u((e"", e0en with$ut the many "im&le #ut e''e(ti0e e.&edient" whi(h (an #e em&l$yed t$ &re0ent her en%a%ement. The ne.t thin% i" t$ %et her int$ de#t, and thi" al"$ i" ea"ily a(($m&li"hed #y the "ame mean". ll the time the #ill i" runnin% u&, the %irl i" in"idi$u"ly tem&ted. She i" &lied with drin/, "i%ni'i(ant hint" are dr$&&ed a" t$ the m$ney "he mi%ht ma/e i' "he w$uld 4d$ a" the $ther" d$;4 &$""i#ly a l$0er i" '$und '$r her, n$ "t$ne i" le't unturned t$ "a& her 0irtue. -' "he i" $#durate t$ the la"t, tw$ thin%" ha&&en. *er #$. ($ntainin% all her w$rldly %$$d" i" "eized and "he i" turned &ennile"" int$ the "treet, late at ni%ht, with$ut a 'riend $r a(,uaintan(e in the wh$le w$rld, and with dire threat" $' #ein% handed $0er t$ the &$li(e '$r n$t &ayin% her #ill.

What i" "he t$ d$:

($untry %irl $' "e0enteen $r ei%hteen with$ut a &enny in her &$(/et in

6at(li''2hi%hway at midni%ht i" mar/ed d$wn '$r de"tru(ti$n. The 0ery ($ntem&lati$n $' "u(h a &$"iti$n i" "u''i(ient t$ ($er(e the %irl, i' n$t int$ ($m&lyin% at lea"t int$ ($n"iderin% her (a&t$r"3 &r$&$"al". C$rl$rn and de"&erate, "he i" tem&ted t$ drin/, "$me "nu'' i" &ut in her #eer, "he #e($me" un($n"(i$u", and when "he wa/e" with a "&littin% heada(he in the m$rnin%, the %irl i" l$"t. Thi" i" n$ 'an(y &i(ture. Prie"t" and harl$t" #$th a%ree that it i" the "im&le truth. Cardinal Mannin% a""ured me that "$ terri#le wa" the ha0$( am$n% the"e immi%rant" that $ne n$t$ri$u" &r$(ure"" in th$"e &art" #$a"ted that n$ 'ewer than 1,5EE %irl" had &a""ed thr$u%h her hand". That, h$we0er, wa" "$me year" a%$. The -ri"h immi%rati$n ha" alm$"t (ea"ed. The in'lu. $' -ri"h immi%rati$n i" ($m&arati0ely "mall, #ut "$me %irl" "till arri0e in +$nd$n 'r$m +i0er&$$l. The "narin% $' the"e %irl" i" a(($m&li"hed with m$re art than #y the la""$in% meth$d that u"ed t$ &re0ail in 6at(li''2hi%hway. @ne $' the m$"t in%eni$u", #ut m$"t dia#$li(al meth$d" $' (a&ture i" that whi(h ($n"i"t" in em&l$yin% a w$man dre""ed a" a Si"ter $' Merry a" a lure. Thi" - ha0e #een a""ured #y ladie" a(ti0ely en%a%ed in w$r/ am$n% the &$$r i" "$metime" ad$&ted with %reat "u((e"". The -ri"h Cath$li( %irl arri0in% at 7u"t$n i" a(($"ted #y what a&&ear" t$ #e a Si"ter $r Mer(y. She i" t$ld that the %$$d +ady Su&eri$r ha" "ent her t$ meet &$$r Cath$li( %irl" t$ ta/e them t$ %$$d l$d%in%", where "he (an l$$/ a#$ut '$r a &la(e. The %irl naturally '$ll$w" her %uide, and a'ter a ra&id ride in a (l$"ed (a# thr$u%h a maze $' "treet" "he i" landed in a h$u"e $' ill 'ame. 'ter "he i" "h$wn t$ her #edr$$m the Si"ter $' Mer(y di"a&&ear", and the 'ield i" (leared '$r her ruin. The %irl ha" n$ idea where "he i". 70ery $ne i" /ind t$ her. The &r$(ure"" win" her ($n'iden(e. Perha&" a "ituati$n i" '$und '$r her in an$ther h$u"e #el$n%in% t$ the "ame mana%ement, '$r "$me #r$th2/ee&er" ha0e "e0eral h$u"e". ?rin/ i" ($n"tantly &la(ed in her way; "he i" ta/en t$ the theatre and dan(e". S$me ni%ht, when w$rn $ut and hal' int$.i(ated, her #edr$$m d$$r i" $&ened 8 '$r there are d$$r" whi(h when l$(/ed in"ide will $&en #y &re""ure 'r$m with$ut 8 and her ruin i" a(($m&li"hed. retr$r"um. ?7C@> G-6+S 1? T*7-6 6TS -t i" #y n$ mean" $nly -ri"h %irl" wh$ are the &rey $' the &r$(ure"". 7n%li"h and S($t(h are &i(/ed u& with e0en %reater 'a(ility. There are de($y %irl" in e0ery %reat th$r$u%h'are 8 a%ent" $' the &r$(ure"" in alm$"t e0ery railway "tati$n. Children a" they %$ t$ and 'r$m day "(h$$l and Sunday "(h$$l are n$ted #y the /een eye $' the &r$'e""i$nal de($y8waited '$r and wat(hed until the time ha" ($me '$r runnin% them d$wn. 4!a/er2"treet "tati$n,4 "aid a 'emale mi""i$nary,4 i" re%ularly haunted #y an $ld de($y, wh$ enti(e" little (hildren t$ a &la(e in Milt$n2"treet. Wat(h ha" #een /e&t '$r wee/" at a time, #ut "he i" wary, and when the wat(h i" $n the de($y %$e" el"ewhere. " "$$n a" the wat(h i" rem$0ed we hear 'r$m (hildren wh$m "he ha" tem&ted that "he i" #a(/ at her $ld haunt".4 M$"t re"&e(ta#le little %irl" $' the middle (la"" are "$metime" a(($"ted when l$$/in% int$ "h$& wind$w" #y &lea"ant2"&$/en, well2 'ter that all i" ea"y 8 e.(e&t the return t$ a m$ral li'e. Be"ti%ia nulla

dre""ed ladie", wh$ $''er t$ #uy anythin% they ta/e a 'an(y t$ in $rder t$ win their ($n'iden(e and %et them away. @ne 'ine (hild $' '$urteen in the !r$m&t$n2r$ad wa" &r$mi"ed #y 4"u(h a ni(e little lady4 ride" $n her #eauti'ul ,uiet &$ny a" $'ten a" "he li/ed, i' "he w$uld $nly %$ h$me with her. The thin% i" n$t d$ne im&r$m&tu. -t i" a (are'ully $r%anized "y"tem, w$r/ed #y &r$'e""i$nal", wh$"e earnin%" are lar%e and wh$"e ri"/ i" "mall. @' I,EEE (a"e" $' whi(h &arti(ular" ha0e #een ta/en in Mill#an/ nearly HEE, $r a#$ut IE &er (ent, attri#uted their ruin t$ de($y %irl". When $n(e a (hild i" enti(ed away "he i" $'ten t$$ mu(h a"hamed t$ %$ #a(/, and e0en i' "he wi"hed, %$$d (are i" ta/en t$ /ee& her in the t$il". " '$r tra(in% her, a needle in a #$ttle $' hay i" a" ea"ily '$und a" a (hild am$n% the '$ur milli$n" $' +$nd$n. S$me year" a%$ an $ld &r$(ure"" enti(ed away the dau%hter $' a (ity mi""i$nary. The %irl di"a&&eared '$r "i. m$nth". The &$li(e were &ut $n the alert. *and#ill" were &rinted and (ir(ulated #r$ad(a"t. 70erythin% wa" d$ne t$ tra(/ the %irl, and e0erythin% wa" d$ne in 0ain. *er m$ther alm$"t l$"t her rea"$n, and all h$&e wa" a#and$ned when the %irl turned u& $ne day at a re'u%e. -t wa" then di"($0ered that "he had ne0er #een $ut $' +$nd$n, that at $ne time "he had #een in the w$r/h$u"e, and that "he ne0er had made any attem&t at /ee&in% $ut $' 0iew. She wa" "im&ly l$"t in the !a#yl$nian maze. 6=-1-1G C@=1T6> G-6+S The ($untry %irl $''er" an alm$"t unre"i"tin% ,uarry. Term time, when y$un% %irl" ($me u& t$ t$wn with their #$.e" t$ "ee/ "ituati$n", i" the %reat #attue "ea"$n $' the &r$(ure"". T$ "u(h a &a"" ha" it ($me that when a mem#er $' the Girl"3 Criendly S$(iety ($me" t$ t$wn t$ a "ituati$n, the "$(iety deem" it indi"&en"a#le t$ "end "$me $ne t$ meet her t$ "ee that "he d$e" n$t 'all int$ #ad hand". -n dealin% with 7n%li"h %irl" the w$man i" "$metime" dre""ed a" a dea($ne"" in"tead $' a "i"ter $' mer(y. 4-t ma/e" $ne3" heart #leed,4 "aid a &$rter at $ne $' the 1$rthern railway "tati$n",4 t$ "ee the"e &$$r %irl" "na&&ed u& #y the"e #ad w$men.4 70en i' they e"(a&e 'r$m the railway "tati$n they are $'ten tra&&ed in the "treet. *ere i" a (a"e whi(h (ame under the &er"$nal /n$wled%e $' the (ha&lain at We"tmin"ter &ri"$n, ($untry %irl arri0ed #y the Great 1$rthern 6ailway at Din%3" Cr$"". She &ut her #$.e" in the le't2lu%%a%e r$$m and went $ut, a" th$u"and" ha0e d$ne #e'$re her, t$ "ee what +$nd$n l$$/ed li/e, and t$ in,uire her way a#$ut. 'ter "$me little time, #ein% hun%ry and tired, "he a"/ed an a&&arently re"&e(ta#le w$man where "he ($uld %et "$methin% t$ eat. The w$man t$$/ her t$ a re're"hment h$u"e, where they had "$me '$$d. The drin/ wa" a&&arently dru%%ed, '$r the %irl remem#ered n$thin% until "e0eral h$ur" a'ter, when "he (ame t$ ($n"(i$u"ne"" in a &$li(e (ell. She had #een '$und lyin%, a&&arently drun/, in the "treet, and had #een run in. @n re($0erin% her"el' "he '$und that her &ur"e had #een ta/en, the ti(/et" '$r her lu%%a%e (arried $'', m$"t $' her under(l$thin% had #een ta/en away, and that "he wa" 0ery "$re and "(rat(hed a#$ut the thi%h". &&arently di"tur#ed #e'$re they were a#le t$ &r$(eed t$ the la"t e.tremity, the (riminal" had hurriedly dre""ed her in a 'ew (l$the" and de&$"ited her in the "treet, where "he wa" '$und "till

un($n"(i$u" #y the &$li(eman. @n in,uiry at the +e't +u%%a%e @''i(e, it wa" '$und that her #$.e" had #een rem$0ed #y "$me $ne wh$ had &r$du(ed the ti(/et, #ut wh$ he wa" n$ $ne ha" e0er #een a#le t$ di"($0er any tra(e. The %irl wa" &r$0ed t$ #e 0ery re"&e(ta#le. &la(e wa" '$und '$r her, and "he ha" d$ne well e0er "in(e. Mr. Merri(/, wh$ "aw her re&eatedly and ,ue"ti$ned her (l$"ely, ha" n$ d$u#t whate0er that "he %a0e a truth'ul "tatement $' what a(tually t$$/ &la(e, and #ut '$r an a((ident "he w$uld ha0e #een $utra%ed a" well a" r$##ed. @ther" le"" lu(/y are n$w $n the "treet"; #ut their "t$rie" $' ($ur"e are ea"ily di"mi""ed. *ere i" an$ther (a"e, the a((ura(y $' whi(h i" 0$u(hed '$r #y a lady en%a%ed in re"(ue w$r/ at Pimli($. y$un% %irl, a%ed "i.teen $r "e0enteen, ($min% 'r$m the ($untry $n a 0i"it t$ her un(le, a wealthy trade"man, wa" l$$/in% a'ter her #$.e" at the railway "tati$n, when a w$man, addre""in% her #y her name, a"/ed her where "he wa" %$in%. 4T$ my un(le, wh$ li0e" at 888.4 The w$man re&lied, 4- ha0e #een "ent t$ 'et(h y$u.4 She t$$/ the %irl in a (a# and landed her in a #r$thel, 'r$m whi(h "he wa" n$t re"(ued '$r "$me time. The w$man had read the %irl3" name in the addre"" $n her #$.e". The"e mal&ra(ti(e" are #y n$ mean" ($n'ined t$ +$nd$n. *ere i" a tale '$r the truth $' whi(h Mr. Charrin%t$n i" ready t$ 0$u(h<8 & young lady applied to the proprietor of a provincial music-hall for an engagement, and as the photograph showed a very pretty girl of some eighteen *ummers, a favourable reply was sent, and respectable =1> lodgings were procured for her. #e allowed her to sing one night, but ere the second night was passed he had drugged her, seduced her, and communicated to her a foul and loathsome disease. My friend =who told me her story> found her literally rotting on some straw in an outhouse where the proprietor had left her to starve. &t first he thought there was no hope of recovery, but her life was saved, although her beauty and her eyesight were both gone. -n a re&$rt $n the "$(ial ($nditi$n $' 7din#ur%h drawn u& #y Mr. Cair#airn, a (ity mi""i$nary in 188I, he "ay"<8 *ome houses which are nominally temperance hotels are in reality brothels =they ta/e the name of temperance hotels because they are thus open to receive people, and at the same time escape police supervision, having no licence>. Into these places girls are entrapped as servants, and drugged or made drun/, and then seduced, and tempted to abandon themselves to prostitution. In two such cases /nown to the missionary, the /eepers have been sent to prison. &t a famous brothel at +iverpool, country girls were frequently trapped.e"cursionists and cheap trippers being the favourite prey. -MP6-S@17? -1 !6@T*7+S -t i" ea"y en$u%h t$ %et int$ a #r$thel, it i" #y n$ mean" ea"y t$ %et $ut. &art 'r$m the dre"" h$u"e", where w$men are &ra(ti(ally &ri"$ner", '$r#idden t$ (r$"" the d$$r"te& and (hained t$ the h$u"e #y de#t, (a"e" are ($n"tantly $((urrin% in whi(h %irl" 'ind them"el0e" under l$(/ and /ey. 70ery n$w and then 'er0id Pr$te"tanti"m la"he" it"el' int$ wild 'ury $0er the alle%ed a#du(ti$n $' "$me %irl wh$ i" #elie0ed t$ ha0e #een "&irited away 'r$m ($n0ent t$ ($n0ent. The"e a#du(ti$n" and im&ri"$nment" are ($n"tantly %$in% $n in the "er0i(e $' 0i(e, #ut n$ $ne

&ay" any heed. The la#yrinth $' +$nd$n, li/e that $' Crete, ha" many (ham#er" and under%r$und &a""a%e"; the (lue that lead" t$ the entran(e i" ea"ily #r$/en. *ere, '$r in"tan(e, i" $ne (a"e in whi(h a %irl wh$ i" n$w in a re"&e(ta#le "ituati$n wa" im&ri"$ned until her ruin wa" e''e(ted. D. S., a nur"emaid, under 'i'teen, wa" $n(e a"/ed t$ ta/e tea #y a w$man wh$"e a(,uaintan(e "he had made. She entered and wa" n$t all$wed t$ %$ $ut. She wa" detained in the h$u"e, #ut /indly treated. @ne ni%ht "he wa" dru%%ed, rendered un($n"(i$u", and when in that ($nditi$n "he wa" ruined, it wa" "aid, #y a n$#leman. *e /e&t her there '$r "$me m$nth", when at la"t "he "u((eeded in ma/in% her e"(a&e. The h$u"e i" in a "treet near the Mar#le *$"&ital, and i" n$w d$in% well. *ere i" an$ther (a"e re&$rted #y a We"tmin"ter 6e"(ue *$me<8 Fanny F., fifteen, was imprisoned in the brothel. #er father was denied all access to the house. #e was in great trouble, but at last he got her out by help of other girl inmates, who had heard of the father's grief. 70en when they d$ e"(a&e the #r$thel /ee&er "eize" &$""e""i$n $' their thin%". The (a"e $' 7"ther Prau"ner, a P$li"h %irl, whi(h (ame #e'$re the Thame" &$li(e ($urt at the end $' June, i"8 *he came to England from 'ermany a few months since, for the purpose of getting a livelihood. &fter she had been over here a few wee/s she was persuaded to live at oplar in a house of ill fame, and the unfortunate girl while there was compelled to lead an immoral life. &t last she declined to stay any longer in the house, and left. )hen she demanded her bo", containing all her things, and also those of a young man whom she intended to marry, the landlady refused to give them up, saying that she should not have them at all. $he girl had paid not only the rent for all the time she lived in the house but also a wee/'s rent in advance in lieu of notice to quit. *till her bo" was not given up. *he as/ed the magistrate's advice as to what she should do to recover her property. Mr. +ushington having directed one of the warrant officers to go to the house and try and obtain the bo", was informed, later on in the day, that the woman would not give it up. #e then directed a summons, free of charge, to be issued against the person referred to for illegally detaining the things. $he young girl, who was nineteen, and appeared in great distress, then withdrew. (a"e whi(h (ame m$re immediately under my &er"$nal /n$wled%e wa" $ne whi(h $((urred $nly la"t year in St. J$hn3"2w$$d. lth$u%h - ha0e n$t #een a#le t$ "ee the %irl her"el' - ha0e re(ei0ed 'r$m tw$ tru"tw$rthy and inde&endent "$ur(e" narrati0e" $' her ad0enture whi(h are "u#"tantially identi(al. -t i" a" '$ll$w"<8 &lice ,., a Devonshire girl of twenty years of age, came to +ondon to service on the death of her father. *he was seduced when in service by a doctor who lodged in the house9 but after he left she /ept company with an apparently respectable young man. *he was engaged to be married, and all seemed to be going well, when one *unday afternooon =sic>, as they were enBoying their *unday wal/, he r(h, /e&t #y Mi""88, wh$ &retended t$ /ee& a dyer3" "h$&. The %irl wa" "ent t$ Che"hire 'r$m the +$(/

proposed to call and see his aunt, who lived, he said, at <o. . Eueen's-road, *t. ;ohn's )ood. $his house, local rumour asserts, is a fashionable brothel, patroni2ed among others by at least one rince and one (abinet Minister. @f that she /new nothing. $ogether with her sweetheart she entered the house and had tea with his supposed aunt. &fter tea she was as/ed if she would not li/e to wash her hands, and she was ta/en upstairs to a handsomely furnished bedroom and left alone. *he first discovered her situation by hearing the /ey turn in the loc/. For three wee/s she was never allowed to leave the room, but was compelled to receive the visits of her first seducer, who seems to have employed her sweetheart to lure her into this den. *he implored her captor to release her, but although he too/ her to the theatre and the opera, dressed her in fine clothes, and tal/ed of marrying her abroad, he never allowed her to escape. )hen he was not with her she was /ept under loc/ and /ey. )hen he was with her, she was a captive under surveillance. $his went on for si" or seven wee/s. $he girl was well fed and cared for, and had a maid to wait on her9 but she fretted in captivity, dreaming constantly of escape, but being utterly unable to get out of the closely guarded house. &t last one morning she was roused by an unusual noise. It was the sweep brushing the chimney. #er door had to be opened to allow him to enter the adBoining room. *he rose, dressed herself in her old clothes -which fortunately had not been removed.and fled for her life. *he found a little side door at the bottom of the bac/ stairs open, and in a moment she was free, *he had neither hat nor bonnet, nor had she a penny she could call her own. #er one thought was to get as far away as possible from the hated house. For three or four days she wandered friendless and helpless about the street, not /nowing where to go. $he police were /ind to her and saved her from insult, but she was nearly starved when by a happy inspiration she made her way to a *alvation &rmy meeting at )hitechapel, where she fell into good hands. *he was passed on to their #ome and then to the Mescue *ociety, by whose agency she found a situation, where she is at the present moment. -t w$uld #e &ain'ul t$ di"($0er h$w many %irl" are at thi" m$ment im&ri"$ned li/e li(e !. in the #r$thel" $' +$nd$n. +@1?@1 M-1@T =6 " in the la#yrinth $' Crete there wa" a m$n"ter /n$wn a" the Min$taur wh$ de0$ured the maiden" wh$ were (a"t int$ the maze" $' that e0il &la(e, "$ in +$nd$n there i" at lea"t $ne m$n"ter wh$ may #e "aid t$ #e an a#"$lute in(arnati$n $' #rutal lu"t. The &$$r mali%ned #rute in the Cretan la#yrinth #ut de0$ured hi" tale $' "e0en maid" and a" many #$y" e0ery ninth year. *ere in +$nd$n, m$0in% a#$ut (lad a" re"&e(ta#ly in #r$ad (l$th and 'ine linen a" any #i"h$&, with n$ '$ul "ha&e $r "em#lan(e $' #rute #ea"t t$ mar/ him $'' 'r$m the re"t $' hi" 'ell$w", i" ?r,888, n$w retired 'r$m hi" &r$'e""i$n and 'ree t$ de0$te hi" '$rtune and hi" lei"ure t$ the ruin $' maid". Thi" i" the 4%entleman4 wh$"e ,uantum $' 0ir%in" 'r$m hi" &r$(ure""e" i" three &er '$rtni%ht8all %irl" wh$ ha0e n$t &re0i$u"ly #een "edu(ed. !ut hi" de0a"tatin% &a""i$n "in/" int$ in"i%ni'i(an(e ($m&ared with that $' Mr. 888, an$ther wealthy man, wh$"e wh$le li'e i" dedi(ated t$ the %rati'i(ati$n $' lu"t. ?urin% my in0e"ti%ati$n" in the "u#terranean realm - wa" ($n"tantly ($min% a(r$"" hi" name. Thi" &r$(ure"" wa" %ettin% %irl" '$r 888, that w$man wa" #eatin% u& maid" '$r 888, thi" %irl wa" waitin% '$r 888, that h$u"e

wa" a n$ted &la(e $' 8883". - ran a(r$"" hi" tra(e" "$ ($n"tantly that - #e%an t$ ma/e in,uirie" in the u&&er w$rld $' thi" red$u#ta#le &er"$na%e. - "$$n $#tained ($n'irmati$n $' the e0iden(e - had %athered at 'ir"t hand #el$w a" t$ the reality $' the e.i"ten(e $' thi" m$dern Min$taur, thi" 7n%li"h Ti#eriu", wh$"e Ca&re(e i" in +$nd$n. -t i" n$ &art $' my ($mmi""i$n t$ h$ld u& in&idual" t$ &$&ular e.e(rati$n, and the name and addre"" $' thi" (reature will n$t a&&ear in the"e ($lumn". !ut the 'a(t that he e.i"t" $u%ht t$ #e &ut $n re($rd, i' $nly a" a "tri/in% illu"trati$n $' the e.tent t$ whi(h it i" &$""i#le '$r a wealthy man t$ ruin n$t merely hundred" #ut th$u"and" $' &$$r w$men, -t i" a(tually Mr. 8883" #$a"t that he ha" ruined I,EEE w$men in hi" time. *e ne0er ha" anythin% t$ d$ with %irl" re%ularly $n the "treet", #ut &ay" li#erally '$r a(tre""e", "h$&2%irl", and the li/e."e, re(reati$n; e0erythin% i" "u#$rdinated t$ the "u&reme end $' hi" li'e. *e ha" &aid hi" 0i(tim", n$ d$u#t8ne0er %i0e" a %irl le"" than K58#ut it i" a ,ue"ti$n whether the la0i"h $utlay $' K,I,EEE t$ K5,EEE $n &ur(ha"in% the a""ent $' %irl" t$ their $wn di"h$n$ur i" n$t a 'ri%ht'ul a%%ra0ati$n $' the wr$n% whi(h he ha" #een '$r "$me my"teri$u" &ur&$"e &ermitted t$ in'li(t $n hi" Dind. '$is not vain fabulous, $hough as esteem'd by shallow ignorance, )hat the sage poets, taught by the heav'nly muse, *toried of old, in high immortal verse, @f dire chimeras and enchanted isles. &nd rifted roc/s whose entrance leads to #ell9 For such there be, but unbelief is blind. The #linde"t un#elie' mu"t admit that in thi" 47n%li"h %entleman4, we ha0e a 'ar m$re hide$u" Min$taur than that whi(h @0id 'a#led and whi(h The"eu" "lew.

To +ur Friends t e )ne%y W.T. Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July H, 1885) We $we $ur hum#le and heart'elt than/" t$ the City S$li(it$r, $r rather t$ th$"e unnamed and a" yet un/n$wn &er"$n" wh$ in"ti%ated him ye"terday t$ attem&t t$ "u&&re"" the "ale $' the Pall Mall Gazette in the City $' +$nd$n. 'ter Mr. Ca0endi"h !entin(/, he ha" &r$#a#ly ($ntri#uted the m$"t t$ #rea/ d$wn the ($n"&ira(y $' "ilen(e whi(h $ur ($ntem&$rarie" are maintainin%, and whi(h we are ,uite willin% they "h$uld maintain until they ha0e #een 'airly "hamed int$ 'a(in% the truth. There i" "$methin% &e(uliarly (hara(teri"ti( in the m$de in whi(h thi" une.&e(ted atta(/ wa" deli0ered. The City S$li(it$r "ent u" n$ n$ti(e that any e.(e&ti$n wa" ta/en #y the City auth$ritie" t$ the

($ntent" $r the Pall Mall Gazette. The 'ir"t intimati$n we re(ei0ed wa" in the "ha&e $' an in(redi#le rum$ur that the City &$li(e were "eizin% the &a&er in all dire(ti$n" and runnin% in the #$y" wh$ "$ld it. t 'ir"t we re'u"ed t$ #elie0e a "t$ry "$ ($ntrary t$ the #e"t traditi$n" $' 7n%li"h li'e. P$li(e "eizure" $' $''endin% )$urnal" are ($mm$n en$u%h in Bienna, #ut in +$nd$n "u(h a hi%h2handed $utra%e $n the 'reed$m $' the Pre"" "eemed im&$""i#le. S$ we di"mi""ed the "t$ry a" the in0enti$n $' in%eni$u" y$uth", an.i$u" t$ "ell '$r "i.&en(e a" a 4"u&&re""ed4 )$urnal a &a&er whi(h they had )u"t #$u%ht at the u"ual trade rate $' nine&en(e the d$zen. S$$n a'terward", h$we0er, the ele0en #$y" wh$ had #een 4had u& #e'$re the +$rd May$r,4 and di"mi""ed $n underta/in% n$t t$ "ell any m$re ($&ie" in the City, arri0ed at 1$rthum#erland2"treet '$r a 're"h "u&&ly. Then we re(ei0ed the re&$rt $' the (a"e 'r$m $ur $rdinary ($rre"&$ndent, when we were relu(tantly ($m&elled t$ re($%nize the 'a(t that the li#erty $' the Pre"" had #een $utra%ed in the 0ery (itadel $' 'reed$m. Then we re)$i(ed and were e.(eedin% %lad at the "t$ut #l$w that had #een "tru(/ in the %$$d (au"e in whi(h we all unw$rthy ha0e #een (alled t$ &lay a leadin% &art. -t wa" rather mean, n$ d$u#t, n$t t$ %i0e u" n$ti(e $' any intenti$n t$ a(t, $therwi"e we mi%ht ha0e #een le%ally re&re"ented when the new"#$y" a&&eared #e'$re the +$rd May$r. !ut it i" the nature $' th$"e wh$"e wea&$n i" the %a% t$ #e "$mewhat un"(ru&ul$u" in it" a&&li(ati$n, and we d$ n$t ($m&lain at thi" 're"h dem$n"trati$n $' the nature $' the e0il with whi(h we ha0e t$ ($ntend. That wa" a #l$w #eneath the #elt whi(h wa" all 0ery well '$r the 'ir"t atta(/, #ut in 'uture we h$&e that the City S$li(it$r will 'i%ht 'air. 1e.t time, in"tead $' wa%in% war a%ain"t #$y" in the "treet, let him ta/e &r$(eedin%" a%ain"t the re"&$n"i#le &artie". -n $ther w$rd", we a"/ the City S$li(it$r t$ &r$(eed, n$t a%ain"t the &$$r lad" wh$, a" the +$rd May$r t$ld him, are in a 0ery min$r de%ree re"&$n"i#le &artie", #ut a%ain"t $ur"el0e". We are "i(/ $' thi" &er&etual harryin% $' the &$$r, and lea0in% the well2t$2d$ al$ne. -' we ha0e &u#li"hed anythin% that (an #y any rea"$na#le ($n"tru(ti$n #e de(lared t$ #e $#"(ene, &r$"e(ute u", n$t the lad" in the "treet. We em&hati(ally deny that we ha0e &u#li"hed a "in%le line whi(h de"er0e" that (en"ure. We are n$ ad0$(ate" $' $#"(enity. S$me $' th$"e wh$ are n$w u"in% the (ant (ry $' de(en(y a" a (l$a/ '$r imm$rality may &erha&" di"($0er #e'$re we ha0e d$ne that we are m$re /een t$ "e(ure the "u&&re""i$n $' $#"(ene literature and the &uni"hment $' th$"e wh$ &r$du(e it than they may alt$%ether reli"h. That, h$we0er, i" #y the way. What we ha0e t$ "ay, a" &lainly a" the 7n%li"h lan%ua%e will ena#le u" t$ "ay it, i" that i' the City S$li(it$r $r hi" #a(/er" 'eel it their duty t$ "tand u& in &u#li( ($urt and de(lare that the Pall Mall Gazette i" an $#"(ene &u#li(ati$n they are ($ward" and w$r"e i' they d$ n$t ta/e &r$(eedin% a%ain"t the &a&er. 7ither we are %uilty $r we are inn$(ent. -' we are %uilty, it i" we wh$ de"er0e t$ #e &uni"hed. -' we are inn$(ent, n$ man, whether the City S$li(it$r $r any $ne el"e, ha" a ri%ht t$ "lander u" in &u#li(, with$ut #ein% ($m&elled t$ ma/e %$$d hi" w$rd". +et there #e n$ mi"ta/e a#$ut thi" matter. We (hallen%e &r$"e(uti$n. We ($urt in,uiry. We ha0e m$"t relu(tantly #een dri0en t$ ad$&t the $nly m$de8that $' &u#li(ity8 '$r ar$u"in% men t$ a "en"e $' the h$rr$r" whi(h are %$in% $n at thi" 0ery m$ment. !ut ha0in% ad$&ted thi" m$de the m$re &u#li(ity we ha0e the #etter. We are &re&ared, i' we are dri0en t$ it, t$ &r$0e

$ur "tatement", and &r$0e them t$ the hilt, alth$u%h in $rder t$ d$ "$ it may #e ne(e""ary t$ "u#&$ena a" witne""e" all th$"e wh$ are alluded t$ in $ur in,uirie", either in &r$$' $' $ur #$na 'ide" $r a" t$ the truth $' $ur "tatement", 'r$m the r(h#i"h$& $' Canter#ury t$ Mr". Je''rie", and 'r$m the Prin(e $' Wale" d$wn t$ the Min$taur $' +$nd$n. @ne thin% we will n$t d$. We will n$t #rea/ 'aith with th$"e wh$ ha0e tru"ted u", #y %i0in% u" ($n'idential in'$rmati$n, whi(h i' admitted #y them in ($urt w$uld lead t$ their im&ri"$nment. !ut when all the"e are e.(luded, wh$m we are #$und t$ "hield 'r$m #ein% &uni"hed '$r the "er0i(e they ha0e rendered in re0ealin% the "e(ret" $' their &ri"$n2h$u"e, there will remain am&ly "u''i(ient witne""e" wh$ are &re&ared t$ "wear t$ the a#"$lute truth $' $ur %ha"tly and h$rri#le narrati0e. We are &re&ared t$ &ut e0ery mem#er $' $ur Se(ret C$mmi""i$n in the witne""2#$., and "u&&$rt their te"tim$ny #y a 0a"t array $' witne""e" drawn 'r$m e0ery ran/, (la"", and ($nditi$n $' men. We ha0e hithert$ re'rained 'r$m indi0idual e.&$"ure. @ur ($n(ern i" n$t with (riminal", #ut with (rime. !ut i' the Chie' ?ire(t$r $' $ur Se(ret C$mmi""i$n i" $n(e &la(ed in the witne""2#$. all that will (ea"e. *i" e.aminati$n will n$t, li/e hi" re0elati$n", #e re&$rted $nly in the ($lumn" $' $ne &a&er, and "(ru&ul$u"ly di0e"ted $' all &er"$nal matter. =nder e.aminati$n it will #e im&$""i#le t$ /ee& "ilen(e, and e0erythin% will ($me $ut. nd we "ay ,uite 'ran/ly that, "$ 'ar a" we are ($n(erned, we ha0e n$ $#)e(ti$n. !ut let th$"e wh$ d$ n$t wi"h t$ "ha/e the 0ery '$undati$n" $' $ur "$(ial $rder thin/ twi(e #e'$re they ($m&el u" t$ ($n'r$nt in the ($urt" $' )u"ti(e #r$thel2/ee&er" with Prin(e" $' the !l$$d, and &r$minent &u#li( men with the un'$rtunate 0i(tim" $' their lawle"" 0i(e. @ne w$rd m$re. We w$uld %rate'ully re($%nize the /indne"" and "ym&athy with whi(h we ha0e #een literally $0erwhelmed 'r$m e0ery "ide "in(e thi" #u"ine"" #e%an. Cr$m the &$$r thie' wh$ %a0e #a(/ the hand/er(hie' he had )u"t &url$ined t$ the %entleman wh$ he ri%htly #elie0ed had hel&ed in thi" e.&$"ure t$ the w$r/in% "il0er"mith wh$, $n hearin% that a &r$"e(uti$n wa" threatened, (ame at $n(e t$ $''er t$ %$ #ail '$r K1,EEE, i' it were re,uired, we ha0e ne0er e.&erien(ed "u(h enthu"ia"ti( de0$ti$n a" we ha0e re(ei0ed thi" wee/. T$ all $ur 'riend" we return $ur heart'elt than/". +et them #e well a""ured $' thi"8we "hall n$t 'lin(h. T e Trut about out #ecret $o%%ission W.T. Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July H, 1885) S$me &e$&le are denyin% the a((ura(y $' $ur 6e&$rt. That - h$&e may #e'$re l$n% #e "u#)e(ted t$ the (ru(ial te"t $' a )udi(ial in0e"ti%ati$n. Pendin% the arri0al $' the h$ur when "hall #e a#le t$ te"ti'y $n $ath #e'$re the )ud%e" $' the land a" t$ wh$ are the men in hi%h &la(e" wh$"e mi"deed" $ur C$mmi""i$n i" e.&$"in%, the time ha" n$w arri0ed when the le%itimate (uri$"ity $' the &u#li( may 'airly #e "ati"'ied a" t$ the $ri%in and the ($n"tituti$n $' the C$mmi""i$n, and the "u&&$rt and a""i"tan(e whi(h it ha" re(ei0ed in the ($ur"e $' it" in0e"ti%ati$n" 8 in0e"ti%ati$n" whi(h, - may add, are ($ntinuin% at thi" m$ment, the &u#li(ati$n $' the '$urth and ($n(ludin% arti(le #ein% &$"t&$ned '$r a day in $rder t$ &ermit

$' the ($m&leti$n $' tw$ 0ery damnin% &ie(e" $' e0iden(e $' %uilt whi(h, a" mu(h a" anythin% yet #r$u%ht t$ li%ht, will a"t$und the w$rld. -t wa" determined t$ #e%in thi" in,uiry $n the Saturday #e'$re Whit Sunday. The &er"$nal in0e"ti%ati$n" were ($mmen(ed $n Whit M$nday, and ha0e #een &r$"e(uted with$ut intermi""i$n ni%ht and day e0er "in(e. aimed at in the Criminal +aw t it" in(e&ti$n the in,uiry wa" limited t$ the $#)e(t" mendment !ill, and it wa" in"tituted in $rder t$ ar$u"e

"u''i(ient &u#li( intere"t in that mea"ure t$ "a0e it 'r$m the e.tin(ti$n t$ whi(h it had #een d$$med #y the el$,uen(e $' Mr. Ca0endi"h !entin(/ the ni%ht #e'$re my indu(ti$n" were i""ued. -t may intere"t the City S$li(it$r t$ /n$w that the "u%%e"ti$n that "u(h an in,uiry "h$uld #e underta/en rea(hed the Pall Mall Gazette $''i(e 'r$m hi" ($llea%ue the City Cham#erlain, Mr. !en). S($tt, wh$"e &$"iti$n a" (hairman $' the +$nd$n C$mmittee '$r the Pre0enti$n $' Tra''i( in 7n%li"h Girl" ena#led him t$ "&ea/ with ($n"idera#le auth$rity $n thi" ,ue"ti$n. *e #r$u%ht new" $' what i" (alled the Sh$reham (a"e8the e"(a&e $' the %irl nnie 'r$m a rmy

Pimli($ #r$thel, than/" t$ the addre"" $' the Sal0ati$n rmy $n the #a(/ $' an $ld hymn #$$/. The 'ir"t "te& in the in,uiry wa" t$ a"(ertain 'r$m the head,uarter" $' the Sal0ati$n (hie'" $' the Sal0ati$n whether the "t$ry wa" ($rre(tly re&$rted. Thi" #r$u%ht me int$ (l$"e ($mmuni(ati$n with the rmy, with wh$m - had &re0i$u"ly #een in ($mmuni(ati$n $n the nd "u#)e(t, #y wh$m thi" in,uiry wa" wel($med with enthu"ia"m and a""i"ted t$ the utterm$"t in e0ery way #y all it" mem#er" 'r$m the Chie' $' the Sta'' d$wn t$ the hum#le"t &ri0ate. here let me "tate a" a matter $' "im&le )u"ti(e t$ the Sal0ati$n rmy that, "$ 'ar a" $ur in,uiry ne(e""itated $&erati$n" $' re"(ue, $ur C$mmi""i$n w$uld ha0e #een alm$"t hel&le"" with$ut the aid whi(h wa" e.tended t$ u" with$ut "tint at any h$ur $' the day $r the ni%ht, at any "a(ri'i(e $' &er"$nal tr$u#le $r ri"/ $' &er"$nal dan%er, #y the intre&id "$ldier" $' that admira#le $r%anizati$n. 1$r d$e" that #y any mean" e.hau"t $ur inde#tedne"" t$ the rmy. -n the elu(idati$n $' 'a(t", in the in0e"ti%ati$n $' $#"(ure (a"e", in the 'urni"hin% at a m$ment3" n$ti(e $' men and w$men ready t$ d$ anythin% and %$ anywhere, the aid whi(h we re(ei0ed 'r$m Mr. !ramwell !$$th and hi" de0$ted ($mrade" wa" "im&ly in(al(ula#le, and 'ar e.(eedin% that rendered #y all the $ther e.i"tin% $r%anizati$n" &ut t$%ether. 'ter 0eri'yin% the 'a(t" a#$ut the Sh$reham (a"e, and #ein% a""ured $' the hearty ($2 $&erati$n and l$yal "u&&$rt $' the +$nd$n C$mmittee '$r the Su&&re""i$n $' the Tra''i( in 7n%li"h Girl", $' Mr". J$"e&hine !utler, wh$"e 0a"t e.&erien(e wa" &la(ed unre"er0edly at $ur di"&$"al, and $' the Sal0ati$n rmy, the w$r/ $' in0e"ti%ati$n wa" #e%un in earne"t The %eneral idea wa" t$ wa"te n$ time $n mere 0i(e, t$ "ti(/ t$ the in0e"ti%ati$n $' (rime, and t$ #rin% u& t$ date the e0iden(e $n the "u#)e(t" dealt with #y the +$rd"3 C$mmittee. The Se(ret C$mmi""i$n $r%anized under my dire(ti$n wa" ($m&$"ed $' mem#er" $' the "ta'' $' the Pall Mall Gazette, and it wa" in"tru(ted t$ elu(idate 'a(t" alt$%ether inde&endently $' the &$li(e. C$mmuni(ati$n" were $&ened with the *$me @''i(e and the +$(al G$0ernment !$ard, #ut Sir W. *ar($urt, while wel($min% any inde&endent in0e"ti%ati$n (al(ulated t$ &r$0e the need '$r

a #ill "$ ur%ently demanded #y the intere"t" $' the w$r/in% (la""e", de&re(ated $n $''i(ial %r$und" the inter0iewin% $' &$li(e "u&erintendent" and in"&e(t$r" #y new"&a&er &e$&le. Thu" we were "a0ed at the $ut"et 'r$m a 'al"e "te& whi(h mi%ht ea"ily ha0e marred the "u((e"" $' the wh$le in,uiry. -' the nature $' $ur in0e"ti%ati$n had #een %enerally /n$wn t$ the &$li(e, the #r$thel2/ee&er" w$uld ha0e #een &ut $n their %uard, and we "h$uld ha0e learned n$thin%. C$r that e"(a&e, and '$r that al$ne, we ha0e t$ than/ Sir William *ar($urt. -t i" the $nly ($ntri#uti$n $' im&$rtan(e whi(h he ha" rendered t$ the (au"e. Cr$m the +$(al G$0ernment !$ard - re(ei0ed "$me a""i"tan(e in &r$(urin% "tati"ti(" 'r$m ma"ter" $' w$r/h$u"e", t$%ether with the a""uran(e $' the =nder2Se(retary3" hearty "ym&athy. t an early "ta%e in the in,uiry - waited u&$n the r(h#i"h$& $' Canter#ury. *e de&re(ated

the ri"/, &hy"i(al and m$ral, whi(h w$uld #e run #y mem#er" $' $ur C$mmi""i$n, and did hi" #e"t t$ di""uade me &er"$nally, with the utm$"t /indne"", 'r$m an enter&ri"e whi(h mi%ht end in my #ein% /illed in a #r$thel. !ut he wa" 0ery ($rdial, and &r$mi"ed that he w$uld u"e hi" utm$"t e.erti$n" t$ 'urther the $#)e(t - had in 0iew. The !i"h$& $' +$nd$n, ?r. Tem&le, t$ wh$m the $&erati$n" $' the C$mmi""i$n were ($mmuni(ated, wa" e,ually hearty in hi" a""uran(e" $' "u&&$rt. -n additi$n t$ the"e &relate" $' the 7"ta#li"hment, - di"(u""ed the wh$le matter with the Cardinal r(h#i"h$& $' We"tmin"ter, 'r$m wh$m - re(ei0ed the warme"t wel($me, the heartie"t "u&&$rt, and the /indlie"t ($un"el. T$ him and t$ hi" de0$ted (ler%y, e"&e(ially t$ Can$n 6in%, - am dee&ly inde#ted '$r their ready hel& and Chri"tian "ym&athy. Cr$m the C$n%re%ati$nal =ni$n al"$ the C$mmi""i$n re(ei0ed un%rud%in% and ($n"tant "u&&$rt. Mr. Mearn", and the inde'ati%a#le men wh$ a""i"ted in %ettin% u& the 'a(t" $n whi(h wa" #a"ed 4The !itter Cry $' @ut(a"t +$nd$n4 threw them"el0e" heartily int$ the w$r/, and their a""i"tan(e in $ur in,uiry in the 7a"t wa" in0alua#le. Mr. Charrin%t$n al"$ rendered u" %$$d "er0i(e. *i" w$r/ in the 7a"t2end i" $nly #e%innin% t$ #e a&&re(iated. *e i" a %$$d, earne"t man, wh$ ha" a &er"$nal a(,uaintan(e with "$ many $' the w$r"t (hara(ter", re(laimed and yet t$ #e re(laimed, that he wa" a#le t$ 'urni"h u" with many hint" and "$me m$"t 0alua#le intr$du(ti$n". Cr$m the (ha&lain" $' the We"tmin"ter and Cler/enwell Ga$l" re(ei0ed the m$"t 0alua#le in'$rmati$n, and n$t le"" 0alua#le en($ura%ement and "u&&$rt. !e"ide" the Chur(he", - &la(ed my"el' in &er"$nal ($mmuni(ati$n with m$"t $' the a""$(iati$n" '$rmed '$r re"(ue $r &re0enti0e w$r/, the matr$n" $' h$"&ital" and h$me", and %enerally with all th$"e wh$"e &hilanthr$&i( $r reli%i$u" zeal &la(ed them in dire(t ($nta(t with a(tual 'a(t". The Min$r" J$int Pr$te(ti$n C$mmittee, $' whi(h Mr. Charle" Mit(hell and Mr. !untin% are leadin% mem#er"; the White 6i##$n rmy, whi(h ha" Mi"" 7lli(e *$&/in" a" it" J$an $' r(; the S$(iety '$r the Pre0enti$n $' Cruelty t$ Children8an e.(ellent "$(iety, n$t t$ #e ($n'$unded with that hal'2m$ri#und a""$(iati$n the S$(iety '$r the Pr$te(ti$n $' W$men and Children; the +$nd$n City Mi""i$n, t$ whi(h - wa" re($mmended #y +$rd Sha'te"#ury; the 6e'$rmat$ry and 6e'u%e =ni$n, $' whi(h Mr. Maddi"$n i" the "e(retary at Charin% (r$""; the 6e"(ue S$(iety in Cin"#ury2&a0ement; Mr. Th$ma"3" re"(ue w$r/, the Pimli($ +adie"3 ""$(iati$n, the 0ari$u" 0i%ilan(e a""$(iati$n", that e.(ellent "$(iety the M$ral 6e'$rm =ni$n, wh$"e inde'ati%a#le "e(retary, Mi"" l#ert, 'urni"hed me with mu(h u"e'ul

in'$rmati$n8all were enli"ted in the (au"e, and a""ured u" $' their hearty "u&&$rt and "ym&athy in the attem&t t$ dra% thi" %reat e0il t$ li%ht. Mem#er" $' $ur C$mmi""i$n 0i"ited the +$(/ *$"&ital, Mi"" Steer3" !rid%e $' *$&e, Mr". Wil/e"3" *$me at P$&lar, the Chur(h $' 7n%land *$me" '$r +ittle Children at St. Cy&rian3", *urlin%ham, Waltham"t$w, N(., the 6e"(ue *$me whi(h Mr". !ramwell !$$th ha" e"ta#li"hed at Cla&t$n, and 0ari$u" $ther &u#li( in"tituti$n". ll thi" may#e "aid t$ ha0e #een &reliminary. The ($llatin% $' in'$rmati$n 'r$m the %$$d went $n "ide #y "ide with the dire(t in0e"ti%ati$n int$ the (rime" $' the #ad. *$w the C$mmi""i$n ($ndu(ted it" in0e"ti%ati$n" in the "u#terranean re%i$n 'r$m whi(h it i" n$w at la"t emer%in% in une.&e(ted "a'ety - "hall n$t "ay, #ey$nd remar/in% that it wa" (arried $ut $n the "$und )$urnali"ti( &rin(i&le $' the uni0er"al inter0iew. -ndi0idually and ($lle(ti0ely we inter0iewed e0ery $ne, 'r$m +$rd ?alh$u"ie and r(hdea($n Carrer t$ Me"dame" L. and M. and Mr". Je''erie". nd here let me "ay $ne w$rd '$r that mu(h mali%ned lady. She wa" %$$d en$u%h t$ a(($rd $ne $' the a#le"t and m$"t inde'ati%a#le $' my "ta'' tw$ inter0iew" $' "e0eral h$ur"3 durati$n, in the ($ur"e $' whi(h "he "hed a 'l$$d $' li%ht u&$n the &r$'e""i$n $' whi(h "he ha" #een '$r many year" the a(/n$wled%ed (hie'. S$ 'ar a" $ur in,uiry %$e" Mr". Je''rie" /e&t her #u"ine"" $n a" re"&e(ta#le a '$$tin% a" that %ha"tly (allin% &ermit". C$m&ared with $ther /ee&er" (($n(ernin% wh$m Mr". Je''erie" wa" 0ery ($mmuni(ati0e), the h$u"e" $' a(($mm$dati$n whi(h "he i" "aid t$ ha0e /e&t '$r 888888, and whi(h, a(($rdin% t$ her $wn "t$ry, were 're,uented #y &er"$na%e" wh$ w$uld ta/e &re(eden(e $' either, were well ($ndu(ted, and it wa" the ir$ny $' de"tiny that they "h$uld ha0e #een "in%led $ut '$r &r$"e(uti$n while "$ many $ther" "$ mu(h w$r"e were all$wed t$ 'l$uri"h unt$u(hed. " an in"tan(e $' the th$r$u%hne"" with whi(h thi" in,uiry wa" ($ndu(ted, - may "ay that in the e.e(uti$n $' my duty - e0en inter0iewed Mr. Ca0endi"h !entin(/. T$ a0$id e.(itin% undue e.&e(tati$n", - may "ay it wa" di"a&&$intin%. @' the re"ult" $' the in,uiry - need n$t "&ea/. -t "&ea/" '$r it"el'. w'ul a" are the re0elati$n" whi(h we ha0e #r$u%ht t$ li%ht, they are 'ar le"" aw'ul than the a(tual 'a(t". We ha0e #ut "/immed the "ur'a(e $' the "u#)e(t. ll that ha" #een d$ne ha" #een d$ne in "i. wee/", at a t$tal $utlay $' n$t m$re than KIEE in e.&en"e" 8 le"" than a ri(h man will "&end in &r$(urin% the ($rru&ti$n $' a "in%le "h$& %irl $' the #etter (la"", "ay the dau%hter $' a (ler%yman $r $' a d$(t$r. 4-t i" unuttera#ly &ain'ul t$ read $' the"e (rime",4 "ay" h$rri'ied "$(iety, whi(h 'ind" it in'initely ea"y t$ all$w them t$ #e &er&etrated #y th$"e wh$ ha0e the entry t$ all it" drawin%2 r$$m", #ut h$w mu(h m$re &ain'ul mu"t it ha0e #een, thin/ y$u, t$ ha0e t$ "ee the 0i(tim" 'a(e t$ 'a(e, t$ "ee their tear" and hear their "$#", and t$ wat(h the t$il" (l$"in% r$und the d$$med with$ut #ein% a#le t$ inter'ere a%ain"t an indi0idual with$ut #etrayin% the intere"t" $' the in0e"ti%ati$n underta/en in the intere"t" $' the wh$le : -n the wh$le $' that h$rri#le &il%rima%e, h$we0er, $ne th$u%ht "u"tained me. >et a little while, and the day w$uld ($me when - "h$uld #e a#le t$ de(lare trum&et2t$n%ued $0er "ea and land the wh$le in'ernal truth in the ear" $' a "tartled w$rld. -' $nly they /new $' the"e thin%" the ($n"&ira(y $' "ilen(e w$uld &eri"h, and the %$$d '$r(e" $' the w$rld w$uld at la"t #e "et 'ree t$ ($m#at the e0il in

the $ne 'ield in whi(h the latter ha" had all it" $wn way.

nd "tr$n% in the "tren%th $' that

h$&e we &er"i"ted in $ur dread'ul w$r/. !e the re"ult" what they may, n$ n$#ler w$r/ ($uld a man e0er #e &ri0ile%ed t$ ta/e. 70en a hum#le &art in it i" en$u%h t$ ma/e $ne %rate'ul '$r the &ri0ile%e $' li'e. -t wa" terri#le #ut ?i0ine t$ t$il with #leedin% heart, and eye" that $'t ($uld hardly "ee '$r #itter wee&in%, u& $ne $' th$"e m$unt" $' an%ui"h whi(h mar/8 #ow each generation learned @ne new word of that (redo which in prophet hearts hath burned, *ince the first man stood 'od-conquered with his face to heaven upturned. T e #iege of Nort u%berland #treet W.T. Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July H, 1885) -n the"e ($lumn" we ha0e $'ten de"(ri#ed war" and tumult" $' war, "ie%e" and ri$t", and e.&l$"i$n" #y dynamite. We ha0e n$w had t$ l$$/ t$ $ur $wn h$u"e. 6e&$rt ha" "aid that 1$. F, 1$rthum#erland2"treet ha" #een wre(/ed and &illa%ed; #ut the 'a#ri( "till "tand", th$u%h '$r the la"t three day" it ha" #een alm$"t in a "tate $' "ie%e. The "t$ry $' the"e three day" i" w$rth tellin% in #rie', a" un&re(edented in the hi"t$ry $' a new"&a&er $''i(e. C$r three day" the (r$wd $' hun%ry runner" ha0e "ur%ed d$wn u&$n u". Gaunt, h$ll$w2'a(ed men and w$men, with trailin% dre"" and ra%%ed ($at". +i/e $ther" in +$m#ard2"treet and Ca&el2($urt, they '$u%ht '$r &r$'it, #uyin% in a (hea& mar/et t$ "ell in a dear $ne. 1either #etter n$r w$r"e. +$nd$n i" ra%in% '$r new" and "end" it" re%iment" '$r the "u&&ly. nd "$ the (r$wd ra%ed at the d$$r under the "ummer "/y8ra%ed and wre"tled, '$u%ht with 'i"t and 'eet, with t$$th and nail, (lam$urin% '$r the "heet" wet 'r$m the &re"", a "ea $' human 'a(e", t$""ed hither and thither #y the re"i"tle"" tide whi(h "we&t 'r$m the Strand a#$0e; %e"ti(ulatin%, un(ea"in%ly h$$tin%, %r$anin%, (lim#in% $n wind$w2"ill, ta/in% re'u%e $n d$$r"te&". -t #r$u%ht it" '$$d and waited it" turn till minute" %rew t$ h$ur". 1$w and then there wa" a #rea/, #ut it d$"ed u& a%ain li/e the tide $0er a dr$wnin% man. rti"t" (ame with their #$$/", re&$rter" 'r$m a 'riendly &re"", and (andid 'riend" in #r$ad (l$th with m$uth" a%a&e. nd the "ur%in% '$r(e %rew in num#er" and #attled at the d$$r" li/e tr$$&" $' de0il". t n$$n The $''i(e under l$(/ and /ey. 70ery d$$r wa" #arri(aded. @nly ni%ht inter0ened.

ye"terday the arm $' the law wa" re,ui"iti$ned and re"&$nded. C$ur $' the m$"t "talwart $' the &$li(e mar(hed d$wn 'r$m !$w2"treet8at their head an $''i(er. The three d$$r" $' entry t$ the $''i(e were under %uard. n h$ur &a""ed and the h$wlin% 0end$r" were &a""ed in '$r 're"h "u&&lie" #y re%iment" $' twel0e. The &r$(e"" wa" t$$ "l$w. t $ne the wind$w "ma"hin% #e%an. The wind$w" $' ma(hine2r$$m, the wind$w" $' &u#li"hin% $''i(e 'ell. ?emand" '$r rein'$r(ement" t$ !$w2"treet and S($tland2yard, ,ui(/ly re"&$nded t$ #y a m$re '$rmida#le #and $' '$rty m$re men $' the '$r(e, a(tin% under the dire(ti$n $' Su&erintendent Th$m&"$n, 'am$u" in the annal" $' the &$li(e, and alert '$r 'ame. ?$wn ($me" the mana%er, ha%%ard and ree/in% with hi" la#$ur", ($n"ult". 4>$ur "u%%e"ti$n, Su&erintendent:4 4 dmit #y $ne d$$r; #y the $ther.4 4@ur (u"t$mary &r$(edure.4 Within three #rie' minute" Cha$" wa" tran"'$rmed t$ @rder. The "tr$n% arm $' the law &re0ailed. The wind$w "ma"hin% (ea"ed. -ndeed, the "hi0ered %la"" "tu(/ u& in "har& an%le" and made a (he0au. de 'ri"e whi(h the harde"t "/inned re'u"ed t$ "t$rm. 1$t until ye"terday did the 'ier(e "tru%%le #etween "u&&ly and demand rea(h it" hei%ht. ?emand alway" in e.(e"". M$nday and Tue"day we '$u%ht the tide $' murmur with $ur $wn re"$ur(e". @n Wedne"day it wa" im&$""i#le. Mr. Th$m&"$n and the +aw (ame t$ the re"(ue and "a0ed the $''i(e 'r$m the ra%in% m$#. C$r three day"8'$r thirty2"i. h$ur"8the &re"" ha" ne0er (ea"ed. ll the a'tern$$n $' Wedne"day the #lue ($rd$n /e&t #a(/ the (r$wd $' hun%ry #uyer". t 'i0e the "treet wa" (leared, 'ir"t &a0ement, then r$adway, then "treet. =ntil ei%ht "e(ti$n a'ter "e(ti$n wa" admitted. With the dyin% "tr$/e" $' ei%ht, $ran%e2($l$ured #ill" were &la(ed $n the wind$w" ann$un(in% that 4 T e Pall Mall Gazette $' Wedne"day, July 8th, wa" $ut $' &rint.4 =ntil midni%ht a&&li(ati$n" were made, #ut with$ut a0ail, and "$ ended '$r the day a "erie" $' "(ene" un&re(edented in the annal" $' a new"&a&er. 6$ll a'ter r$ll $' &a&er ha" arri0ed at the $''i(e d$$r. 6$ll a'ter r$ll ha" #een ta/en d$wn t$ 'eed the &re"". t la"t the "u&&ly wa" e.hau"ted. The (r$wd wa" 4$#"(ene4 "$me "aid. Then here i" a "t$ry '$r 4"$me.4 well2/n$wn (ler%yman wa" '$r(in% hi" way man'ully d$wn the "treet. *e rea(hed the d$$r in "a'ety. Whil"t (ra0in% admi""i$n $ne $' the (r$wd (ame u& t$ him with 437re3" yre wi&e, Gu03n$r. -' y$u30e #een in thi" #u"ine"", y$u ain3t a #ad "$rt.4 Therewith he made $0er the &ar"$n3" hand/er(hie' whi(h had #een e.tra(ted durin% hi" &a""a%e thr$u%h the (r$wd. +f Good $ eer "ndeed W.T. Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July 1E, 1885) The "t$rm whi(h #e%an t$ ra%e when we &u#li"hed the 'ir"t $' the "erie" $' arti(le" whi(h we ($n(lude thi" a'tern$$n i" e.tendin% 'ar #ey$nd the limit" within whi(h at $ne time it wa" e.&e(ted t$ "&end it"el'. 70ery day we re(ei0e tele%ram" 'r$m the =nited State" #e%%in% '$r tele%ra&hi( in'$rmati$n a" t$ the &r$%re"" $' the %reat e.&$"ure; and in Cran(e and !el%ium the new"&a&er", un%a%%ed #y the a#"urd ($n"&ira(y $' "ilen(e whi(h i" ma/in% $ur ($ntem&$rarie" "$ "u&remely ludi(r$u", are ($mmentin% 'reely, and $n the wh$le 'a0$ura#ly, u&$n the a(ti$n whi(h we ha0e "een 'it t$ ta/e. -n the meantime the demand '$r the authenti( detail" $' thi" terri#le re0elati$n ($ntinue" una#ated. >e"terday, alth$u%h the "erie" wa" interru&ted '$r a day, the demand wa" a" %reat a" e0er8"$ %reat indeed that, $win% t$ the la(/ $' a #$dy $' &$li(e "u''i(iently "tr$n% t$ "e(ure a((e"" t$ $ur &remi"e", the &u#li(ati$n $' the &a&er wa" &ra(ti(ally "u&&re""ed '$r three h$ur". What will #e the (a"e t$2day we d$ n$t /n$w, alth$u%h we ha0e rea"$n t$ h$&e that the a(ti$n ener%eti(ally ta/en ye"terday at the ele0enth h$ur #y C$l$nel Pear"$n and Mr. Su&erintendent Th$m&"$n will #e ($ntinued t$2day, and thu" we "hall #e a#le t$ i""ue the la"t $' thi" m$ment$u" "erie" with$ut ha0in% $ur $''i(e ta/en #y "t$rm #y th$"e wh$ ye"terday were "h$t headl$n% thr$u%h the wind$w" with re(/le"" di"re%ard $' the "a'ety $' li'e $r lim#.

We ha0e n$w &a""ed the w$r"t $' the a#u"e with whi(h many hailed the une.&e(ted and re0$ltin% &i(ture $' the a(tual 'a(t" whi(h we ha0e #een ($m&elled #y a "tern "en"e $' duty t$ un'$ld #e'$re the !riti"h &u#li(. The !riti"h ($n"(ien(e ha" had time t$ a""ert it"el', and, a" u"ual, the ($mm$n "en"e $' the &u#li( ha" rallied t$ the "ide $' truth and &urity. m$n% $ur wee/ly ($ntem&$rarie" we ha0e heartily t$ than/ the !riti"h Medi(al J$urnal, whi(h, "&ea/in% 'r$m a &r$'e""i$nal &$int $' 0iew, de(lare"<8 @f one thing we feel certain, and that is that a great will be served by this e"posure, underta/en, as we feel assured it was, with intense sincerity, and with an overruling hatred and fierce anger of practices which have too long secretly prevailed in our midst, and have too long passed unscathed by public indignation. Desperate diseases need strong remedies. & cancer such as this, which is eating away the vital morality of whole classes of society, spreading widely, ravaging the unprotected classes, calls for the /nife. It has been applied publicly, red-hot, and with an unsparing hand. m$n% the reli%i$u" &a&er" the Ta#let, the Chur(h 6e0iew, the Meth$di"t Time", the Chri"tian, and $ther" l$yally de(lare them"el0e" in 'a0$ur $' the (ru"ade whi(h ha" n$w #een re"$lutely ($mmen(ed. The =&&er *$u"e $' C$n0$(ati$n ha" unanim$u"ly e.&re""ed the "tr$n%e"t $&ini$n in 'a0$ur $' &r$m&t le%i"lati0e a(ti$n; and her Ma)e"ty the Jueen, we ha0e rea"$n t$ /n$w, ha" re%arded with inten"e &ain and "$rr$w the &r$#a#ility that the le%al &r$te(ti$n $' min$r" mi%ht #e &$"t&$ned '$r an$ther year, $win% t$ the "u&eri$r (laim" $' &arty &$liti(". That di"a"ter ha" n$w, we re)$i(e t$ thin/, #een de(i"i0ely a0erted, and in the "e($nd readin% $' the Criminal +aw mendment !ill in the *$u"e $' C$mm$n" la"t ni%ht her Ma)e"ty will "ee the earne"t $' the har0e"t $' %$$d that i" (ertain t$ #e rea&ed whene0er the truth i" "&$/en ($ura%e$u"ly in the (au"e $' the hel&le"" and $&&re""ed. We d$ n$t &r$&$"e t$ enter '$r $ne m$ment int$ the di"(u""i$n $' the detail" $' the Criminal +aw mendment !ill, #ut we re)$i(e t$ #elie0e that 'r$m the Prime Mini"ter $' the Cr$wn d$wnward" there i" a 0ery %eneral ($n0i(ti$n that the (lau"e" in(rea"in% the ar#itrary &$wer $' the &$li(e $0er the un'$rtunate w$men mu"t #e a#and$ned. The !ill will ha0e t$ #e "ti''ened materially in $ne $r tw$ &$int", #ut n$t in the dire(ti$n $' a &$li(e de" mAur". The $''i(ial li(en"in% and in"&e(ti$n $' the h$u"e" $' ill 'ame i" the a#"$lute ne%ati$n $' the truth whi(h the m$ral and reli%i$u" &art $' the ($mmunity i" n$w re)$i(in% t$ a''irm. When the G$0ernment underta/e" t$ &ut it" $''i(ial "eal u&$n h$u"e" $' thi" (hara(ter it i" a" i' the nati$n in it" $r%ani( '$rm were t$ write $0er the wh$le $' the"e %ha"tly and in'ernal h$rr$r", in letter" lar%e en$u%h t$ #e read and under"tanded ("i() $' all men< 4Thi" i" the will $' G$d.4 %ain"t thi" ?ei'i(ati$n $' e0il the &r$te"t whi(h i" ri"in% hi%her and hi%her e0ery day in $ur land i" the #e"t and m$"t e''e(ti0e antid$te, a" Mr. *$&w$$d mi%ht 0ery well "ee. We may d$ many thin%" in 7n%land whi(h are #ad and "hamele"" and 0ile, #ut we ha0e n$t yet "un/ t$ "u(h an a#y"mal de&th $' &ra(ti(al athei"m. We wel($me 0ery heartily the &u#li( $''er $' Mr. Samuel M$rley t$ underta/e with any $ther tw$ $' the %entlemen named in $ur 'ir"t arti(le an in0e"ti%ati$n int$ the truth $' the "tatement" whi(h we ha0e made. Cardinal Mannin% ha" already #een /ind en$u%h t$ intimate hi" readine"" t$ ta/e &art in "u(h an in,uiry. There n$w $nly remain" the "ele(ti$n $' the third

&arty. The &er"$n" wh$m we named in additi$n t$ Cardinal Mannin% were the r(h#i"h$& $' Canter#ury, +$rd Sha'te"#ury, +$rd ?alh$u"ie, and Mr. *$ward Bin(ent. " Mr. M$rley made the &r$&$"iti$n, &erha&" he will #e %$$d en$u%h, a'ter ($n"ultati$n with Cardinal Mannin%, t$ de(ide wh$ "h$uld #e the third &arty. T$ the $ri%inal li"t we are ,uite willin% t$ add the name $' the. !i"h$& $' +$nd$n $r the +$rd May$r, i' either w$uld ($mmend them"el0e" t$ Mr. M$rley and Cardinal Mannin%. !e'$re thi" C$mmittee $' Three, when $n(e it ($me" t$%ether, and the "$$ner it meet" the #etter, we are ready t$ &r$du(e all the mem#er" $' $ur Se(ret C$mmi""i$n, and, a'ter re(ei0in% an a""uran(e that the in'$rmati$n whi(h we "hall &r$du(e will n$t #e made u"e $' either '$r (riminal &r$(eedin%" $r &er"$nal e.&$"ure, we "hall #e &re&ared t$ "u#"tantiate e0ery "tatement ($ntained in $ur 6e&$rt, and t$ lay #e'$re the C$mmittee $' -n0e"ti%ati$n all the material whi(h we ha0e a((umulated in the ($ur"e $' thi" in,uiry. We ha0e n$t the "li%hte"t d$u#t $' the re"ult $' the in0e"ti%ati$n. )$urnal li/e the Pall Mall Gazette i" n$t %i0en t$ ma/e &lun%e" $' thi" de"(ri&ti$n with$ut /n$win% it" 'a(t". The truth a#$ut the 4Maiden Tri#ute4 will #e "u#"tantiated a" ($m&letely a" wa" the 4Truth a#$ut the 1a0y,4 and the "$$ner that $&&$rtunity i" a''$rded u" the #etter it will #e '$r all ($n(erned. nd in the meantime, &erha&" it w$uld #e a" well '$r the City S$li(it$r, #e'$re he a%ain ma/e" (alamit$u" "tatement" in the &$li(e2($urt, whi(h $n &er"$nal a&&li(ati$n he re'u"e" either t$ "u#"tantiate $r t$ withdraw, t$ ta/e, "ay, $ne2hundredth &art $' the tr$u#le t$ ma/e "ure $' hi" 'a(t" that we ha0e already ta/en t$ 0eri'y the a((ura(y $' $ur $wn. T e Maiden Tribute of Modern !abylon ",: t e Report of our #ecret $o%%ission W.T. Stead, (The Pall Mall Gazette, July 1E, 1885)

watchword with whi(h we "tarted, +i#erty '$r Bi(e, 6e&re""i$n '$r Crime, i" the $nly "a'e /eyn$te '$r the +e%i"lature in dealin% with thi" ,ue"ti$n. The Criminal +aw mendment !ill, a" 'ramed #y Sir W. *ar($urt, wa" n$t "$ mu(h a #ill '$r rai"in% the a%e $' ($n"ent and in(rea"in% the "trin%en(y $' the &r$0i"i$n" a%ain"t &r$(urati$n and the tra''i( in 7n%li"h %irl" a" a #ill '$r in(rea"in% the ar#itrary &$wer $' the &$li(e in the "treet". 1$ $ne wh$ ha" any a(,uaintan(e with the en$rm$u" 0ariety $' the dutie" whi(h m$dern (i0ilizati$n im&$"e" u&$n the &$li(e (an "ym&athize with the a#u"e "$ i%n$rantly and un(harita#ly "h$wered u&$n the '$r(e. The ($n"ta#le i" the $''i(ial u&$n wh$m m$dern "$(iety ha" de0$l0ed all the dutie" $' the an(ient /ni%ht errant. There i" n$ m$re u"e'ul #ein% in the w$rld, and there are 'ew n$#ler ideal" $' human a(ti0ity than the daily li'e $' a really &u#li(2"&irited, (hi0alr$u" &$li(eman. !ut the ma)$rity $' &$li(emen, #ein% $nly m$rtal, are n$ m$re t$ #e tru"ted with ar#itrary &$wer than any $ther human #ein%", e"&e(ially $0er the $ther "e.. -t" &$""e""i$n lead" t$ ($rru&ti$n, and the m$re that &$wer i" in(rea"ed the m$re mi"(hie' i" d$ne. - ha0e n$ wi"h t$ #rin% any railin% a((u"ati$n" a%ain"t a #$dy $' men wh$ are ($n"tantly &er'$rmin% the m$"t ardu$u" dutie" in the &u#li( "er0i(e; #ut th$"e wh$ thin/ m$"t hi%hly $' the '$r(e "h$uld #e m$"t an.i$u" t$ "a0e it 'r$m any in(rea"e $' a tem&tati$n

whi(h already "eri$u"ly im&air" #$th it" m$rale and it" e''i(ien(y. -n thi", - am in'$rmed, - am e.&re""in% n$t $nly the unanim$u" $&ini$n $' $ur C$mmi""i$n, #ut al"$ the matured ($n0i(ti$n $' "$me $' the #e"t auth$ritie" in the '$r(e. The &$wer $' the &$li(e $0er w$men in the "treet" i" already am&le, n$t merely '$r the &ur&$"e" $' maintainin% $rder and '$r &re0entin% inde(en(y and m$le"tati$n, #ut al"$ '$r the &ur&$"e $' le0yin% #la(/mail u&$n un'$rtunate". - ha0e #een a""ured #y a (ha&lain $' $ne $' her Ma)e"ty3" %a$l", wh$ &erha&" ha" m$re $&&$rtunitie" $' tal/in% t$ the"e w$men than any $ther indi0idual in the realm, that there i" a#"$lute unanimity in the ran/" that i' they d$ n$t ti& the &$li(e they %et run in. Cr$m the hi%he"t t$ the l$we"t, he in'$rm" me, the uni0er"al te"tim$ny i" that y$u mu"t &ay the ($n"ta#le, $r y$u %et int$ tr$u#le. With them it ha" ($me t$ #e &art $' the re($%nized ne(e""itie" $' their &r$'e""i$n. Ti&&in% &$rter" i" ($ntrary t$ the #y2law" $' the railway ($m&anie", yet it i" ($n"tantly d$ne #y &a""en%er"; and ti&&in% the &$li(e i" a" ($n"tant a &ra(ti(e $n the &art $' the w$men $' the "treet. S$me &ay with &ur"e, $ther" with &er"$n8 many &$$r wret(he" with #$th. There are %$$d &$li(emen wh$ w$uld n$t t$u(h the m$ney $' a harl$t $r drin/ with her, mu(h le"" ha0e anythin% t$ d$ with her $therwi"e. !ut there are %reat num#er" wh$ re%ard the"e thin%" a" the &er,ui"ite" $' their $''i(e, and wh$ a(t $n their #elie'. The &$wer $' a &$li(eman $0er a %irl $' the "treet", alth$u%h the$reti(ally 0ery "li%ht, i" in reality alm$"t de"&$ti(. 4-' y$u ,uarrel with a &$li(eman y$u are d$ne '$r,4 i" n$t 'ar 'r$m the truth. The e"&rit de ($r&" $' the '$r(e i" "tr$n%, and #$th &r$"titute" and &$li(emen a%ree in thi", that i' a %irl were $n(e t$ ti& and tell "he mi%ht )u"t a" well lea0e +$nd$n at $n(e. She w$uld #e harried $ut $' di0i"i$n a'ter di0i"i$n, and ne0er all$wed t$ re"t until "he wa" $ut"ide the radiu" $' the metr$&$litan di"tri(t. -' &$li(emen (an d$ that t$ a0en%e a #rea(h $' 'aith, it need n$t #e &$inted $ut that they are a#le materially t$ a''e(t a %irl3" &$"iti$n and &r$"&e(t" with$ut a#"$lutely d$in% anythin% wr$n%. They ha0e $nly t$ a&&ear in($n0eniently in,ui"iti0e when a #ar%ain i" #ein% dri0en in $rder t$ "(are $'' a (u"t$mer, and at any time, i' they (h$$"e t$ #e animated #y a "e0ere "en"e $' &u#li( duty, they (an di"($0er e0iden(e "u''i(ient t$ )u"ti'y at lea"t a threat $' a&&rehen"i$n. %irl3" li0elih$$d i" in a &$li(eman3" hand, and in t$$ many (a"e" he ma/e" the m$"t $' hi" $&&$rtunity. T$ in(rea"e #y $ne )$t $r $ne tittle the &$wer $' the man in uni'$rm $0er the w$men wh$ are le't un'riended e0en #y their $wn "e. i" a (rime a%ain"t li#erty and )u"ti(e, whi(h n$ im&atien(e at mar/et" $' 0i(e, $r h$ly h$rr$r at the "i%ht $' %irl" $n the "treet", $u%ht t$ #e all$wed t$ e.(u"e. -' we "ay that the &$li(eman i" ($n"tantly tem&ted t$ tran"mute hi" &$wer int$ (a"h, we $nly "ay that he i" human and that he i" &$$r. !ut it i" t$$ #ad t$ ($n0ert the trun(he$ned (u"t$dian" $' &u#li( $rder int$ a "et $' 4&$n(e"4 in uni'$rm, le0yin% a di"%ra(e'ul tri#ute $n the 'allen maiden" $' m$dern !a#yl$n. 1 =11 T=6 + ++- 1C7 -' the &$li(e are ($n"tantly in dan%er $' #ein% ($rru&ted #y the ar#itrary &$wer whi(h they,

&$""e"", $0er &r$"titute", the tem&tati$n &re"ented #y #r$thel" i" "till m$re in"idi$u". 70ery $ne /n$w" h$w Mr". Je''erie" tried t$ ti& Minahan, and h$w hi" "u&eri$r" lau%hed him t$ "($rn #e(au"e he did n$t ta/e hu"h m$ney li/e the re"t. The &$li(eman the$reti(ally ha" n$ &$wer $0er the h$u"e $' ill 'ame. !ut i' he (h$$"e" he (an ma/e it alm$"t im&$""i#le '$r any #r$thel t$ d$ %$$d #u"ine"". The &$li(e, #y "im&le re'u"al t$ a((e&t ye"terday an inter&retati$n $' their duty $n whi(h they had a(ted the &re0i$u" a'tern$$n, made 1$rthum#erland2"treet im&a""a#le and delayed the &u#li(ati$n $' the Pall Mall Gazette #y three h$ur". nythin% m$re "(andal$u", that wa" n$t $&enly ri$t$u"8'$r the (r$wd wa" 0ery %$$d2hum$ured8than the "(ene u&$n whi(h +$rd #erdeen, the *$n. u#er$n *er#ert, and many $ther", l$$/ed d$wn u&$n 'r$m $ur $''i(e wind$w" ye"terday it w$uld #e di''i(ult t$ ($n(ei0e. Men were 'lun% #$dily thr$u%h $ur wind$w", and had a "in%le d$$r %i0en way the $''i(e w$uld ha0e #een l$$ted $' e0ery &a&er it ($ntained. The &$li(e '$r h$ur" %a0e u" n$ &r$te(ti$n, and did little $r n$thin% t$ "e(ure 'reed$m $' e%re"" and $' t$ $ur &remi"e". Whate0er may ha0e #een the rea"$n it wa" n$t until a ,ue"ti$n wa" a"/ed in the *$u"e $' C$mm$n", and a '$rmal ($m&laint l$d%ed at the *$me @''i(e, that the &$li(e a#and$ned an inter&retati$n $' their duty whi(h '$r the %reater &art $' the day rendered it im&$""i#le '$r any $ne t$ %ain a((e"" t$ $ur &remi"e", $r '$r the $rdinary and le%itimate #u"ine"" $' a new"&a&er t$ #e (arried $n. 1$w, i' the &$li(e (an d$ thi" in dealin% with an in'luential )$urnal, with &$wer'ul 'riend" in #$th *$u"e" $' Parliament and an immen"e '$ll$win% in the ($untry, what (an they n$t d$ in dealin% with a #r$thel2/ee&er, wh$ i" ($n"tantly within an a(e $' #rea/in% the law, e0en i' he d$e" n$t, a" a %reat many $' them d$, ($n0ert hi" h$u"e int$ a "he#een: The ine0ita#le re"ult '$ll$w". 70ery #r$thel #e($me" m$re $r le"" a "$ur(e $' re0enue t$ the &$li(emen $n the #eat. 4The &$li(e are the #r$thel2 /ee&er"3 #e"t 'riend",4 "aid an $ld /ee&er t$ me "ententi$u"ly. 4 3C$" why: They /ee& thin%" "nu%. nd the #r$thel2/ee&er" are the &$li(e3" #e"t 'riend, 3($" they &ay them.4 4*$w mu(h did y$u &ay the &$li(e:4 - a"/ed. 4KI a wee/ year in and year $ut,4 he "aid re'le(ti0ely, 4and mine wa" $nly a "mall h$u"e.4 - ha0e #een t$ld that at $ne 'am$u" h$u"e in the 7a"t2end the &$li(e all$wan(e i" a" mu(h a" K5EE a year, t$ "ay n$thin% $' 'ree ,uarter" when they are wanted, '$r either the ($n"ta#le" $r the dete(ti0e". Thi" $' ($ur"e - (ann$t 0eri'y< - (an $nly "ay that it i" a matter2$' ($mm$n re&ute in the 7a"t, and i' Sir 6i(hard Cr$"" wi"he" t$ /n$w the name and the addre"" $' the h$u"e '$r &ur&$"e" $' inde&endent in,uiry it i" at hi" "er0i(e. What i" the natural re"ult: #etween the #r$thel /ee&er and the ($n"ta#le. n allian(e i" "tru(/ u& lady "/illed in re"(ue w$r/, and in a &$"iti$n

t$ "&ea/ auth$ritati0ely, t$ld me that i' e0er "he wi"hed t$ "a0e a %irl 'r$m a #ad h$u"e in the We"t2end "he had t$ ta/e the %reate"t (are n$t t$ all$w a whi"&er $' her intenti$n t$ rea(h the ear" $' the &$li(e. 4-' - d$.4 "he "aid, 4- nearly alway" 'ind that the /ee&er ha" re(ei0ed a warnin%, and that the &$$r %irl ha" #een "&irited $'' t$ "$me $ther h$u"e.4 -t i" #etter in the 7a"t; #ut in the We"t, i' y$u want t$ (ir(um0ent the men wh$"e (rime" - ha0e #een e.&$"in%, d$n3t tell the &$li(e.

T*7 !+ CD S*77P @C T*7 C+@CD @' ($ur"e there are &$li(e and &$li(e. S$me the #e"t $' men, $ther" 0ery mu(h the re0er"e. =ntil C$l$nel *ender"$n &ut hi" '$$t d$wn, and %a0e hi" "u&erintendent" t$ under"tand that the r$u%h" were n$t t$ #e all$wed t$ maltreat the &r$(e""i$n" $' the Sal0ati$n rmy, the di''eren(e #etween a &er'e(tly &ea(e'ul dem$n"trati$n and a %eneral ri$t de&ended alm$"t entirely u&$n the %$$dwill $r the re0er"e $' the ($n"ta#le $n the #eat. *en(e an en$rm$u" re"&$n"i#ility de&end" u&$n th$"e wh$ are (har%ed with the maintenan(e $' the hi%h (hara(ter $' the '$r(e. S$me $' the "u&erintendent" are e.(ellent men, and many $' the in"&e(t$r". @ther" hardly de"er0e "u(h &rai"e. Mr. Charrin%t$n, in a letter re(ei0ed thi" m$rnin%, a""ure" me that when he ha" %$ne t$ try and re"(ue &$$r little $utra%ed (hildren the &$li(e ha0e d$ne their #e"t t$ &re0ent him. @n $ne $((a"i$n he de(lare" tw$ &$li(emen a(tually handed him $0er t$ the #u"ie" 'r$m the #r$thel" t$ #e murdered, "ayin% at the "ame time they w$uld %$ r$und the ($rner and n$t "ee it. 4@nly a 'ew wee/" a%$ when "$me %$$d h$ne"t &$li(emen did d$ their duty and &r$te(ted me #y ta/in% int$ (u"t$dy a man wh$ a""aulted me, they were immediately ta/en away 'r$m the "&$t and $rdered n$t t$ %$ near it, while the "($undrel wh$ did hi" #e"t t$ %et him murdered wa" all$wed t$ remain.4 n e.2 $''i(er $' l$n% "tandin% a""ured me that 4&$li(emen and "$ldier" #etween them ruin m$re %irl" than any $ther (la"" $' men in +$nd$n.4 Cr$m 7din#ur%h - re(ei0e a re&$rt 'r$m a City mi""i$nary that he met with a (a"e in that (ity where a %entleman "a0ed a %irl 'r$m a &$li(eman wh$ had threatened t$ run her in unle"" he mi%ht ha0e hi" will with her, and, a" he add" "i%ni'i(antly, '$r $ne whi(h we 'ind there may #e many. Many $' the &$li(e are unmarried men, li0in% in #arra(/" a" mu(h a" "$ldier", and are n$ m$re 'it t$ #e in0e"ted with a#"$lute ($ntr$l $' the "treet", whi(h, a'ter all, are the drawin%2r$$m $' the &$$r, than are the Guard". S$metime" there i" a th$r$u%hly #ad "hee& in the 'l$(/, and hi" &re"en(e ($rru&t" the re"t. ST 6T+-1G ST T7M71T We ha0e re(ei0ed a h$rri#le "tatement ($n(ernin% $ne $''i(er wh$ wa" re(ently in hi%h ($mmand in the Metr$&$litan &$li(e8a "t$ry "$ h$rri#le, #$th in it" (entral 'a(t and "till m$re a" t$ the tyranny whi(h it re&re"ent", that we '$r "$me time he"itated t$ &u#li"h it. 70en n$w, while &r$mi"in% t$ ($mmuni(ate t$ the *$me Se(retary, in $rder that the (har%e may #e "tri(tly in0e"ti%ated, the name $' the &er"$n a((u"ed we merely %i0e the tale in $utline, "$ in(redi#le d$e" it a&&ear t$ u", e.tra(ted 'r$m a written de(larati$n n$w #e'$re u", whi(h wa" "w$rn ye"terday #e'$re the may$r $' Win(he"ter<8 &.,., an officer of high standing in the force, fifteen years ago violently seduced his daughter, who was then si"teen years old. &lter this intercourse had continued some time she left home, but afterwards falling into distress appealed to her father for help, saying that unless she got relief she would be compelled to apply to the magistrate. #e sent a married sister to threaten her with imprisonment if she did anything of the /ind. I continue the story in the words of the daughter, who is now a woman of

thirty-one years of age, and engaged to be married to a man named 'ibbons. 0@n receiving my statement that I would apply to the magistrate, he, having influence in *cotland-yard, sent two detectives in plain clothes to my lodgings, 4, (aledonian-street, Fing's-cross. I was alone. @ne of the men set his bac/ against the door, and they began to intimidate me. $hey said I was to write a letter to my father and sign it, declaring that my accusation of him was untrue. I refused to write and sign any such letter, as it would be a falsehood. I as/ed if I could call in Mr. 'ibbons, a young man to whom I was engaged to be married, that he might be present as a witness. $hey then threatened me with ten years' imprisonment and 'ibbons with five if I did not write the letter. $hey had no warrant, but had merely been directed to intimidate me. $hey brought some note-paper. I had fainted with fear and distress. @ne of the policemen held me up to the table and composed the letter he wished me to write, and under the threat that they would ta/e me up to prison there and then they held my hand, and forced me to write the letter. I told them, when written, that it was every bit false. I fainted again, and they left me in that condition and went away. I wrote again to my father telling him that although he had sent these detectives to my room to force me lo write the letter I'd rather suffer imprisonment to let the truth be /nown. @n the same day that my father received this letter he applied for his pension, and in a short time afterwards he retired from the force on a good pension. )e applied to a magistrate in (ler/enwell. #e told us he must consult a brother magistrate, and later he informed us that, considering the position of the gentleman who was accused, he would rather not have anything to do with the case. $hrough the influence of the police reports against Mr. 'ibbons were set afloat, and in consequence he lost his situation as a carpenter. Mr. 'ibbons has made his statement before a public prosecutor.0 $his statement and other documents relating to the case are, it is said, in the hands of rofessor *tuart, M. . *he further avers that Mr. ,enBamin *cott, chairman of the +ondon (ommittee for *topping the $raffic in English 'irls, sent persons to verify my story, and found it to be correct. 1$w, i' thi" "t$ry #e true8and we &u#li"h it merely in $rder t$ (hallen%e the m$"t "ear(hin% in,uiry, and i' &$""i#le t$ "e(ure it" immediate ($ntradi(ti$n 8what a &ie(e $' wi(/edne"" i" here e.&$"ed t$ li%ht9 nd what "e(urity (an there #e '$r indi0idual li#erty and the &r$te(ti$n $' 'emale h$n$ur i' the &$li(e in auth$rity $n any #eat $r in any di0i"i$n "h$uld #e (a&a#le $' "u(h a (rime. !ut it d$e" n$t need "$ "tartlin% a &ie(e $' e0iden(e a" thi" t$ "h$w that men, e0en when helmet" are &la(ed $n their head", are n$t 'it t$ #e tru"ted with what i" &ra(ti(ally a#"$lute &$wer $0er w$men wh$ are e0en wea/er and le"" &r$te(ted than the re"t $' their "e.. *en(e - re%ard the e.(i"i$n $' the (lau"e" in(rea"in% the &$wer $' the &$li(e $0er w$men in the "treet" a" a#"$lutely ne(e""ary. W* T, T*71, !@=T T*7 ST T7 @C T*7 ST677TS: 1$thin% (an #e m$re a#"urdly e.a%%erated than the u"ual tal/ a#$ut the "(andal$u" "tate $' the "treet". @' ($ur"e 6e%ent2"treet at midni%ht i" a %rim and "$ul2"addenin% "i%ht, and "$ are $ne $r tw$ $ther nei%h#$urh$$d" that mi%ht #e named. -t may #e &$""i#le t$ le%i"late "$lely '$r the"e ,uarter" where 0i(e i" ($n%e"ted, #y treatin% them a" di"$rderly &la(e", t$ #e (leared #y e.(e&ti$nal &$wer", $nly t$ #e #r$u%ht int$"e #y the initiati0e $' tw$ $r m$re re"ident" in the nei%h#$urh$$d. !ut we are a%ain"t e.(e&ti$nal &$wer", e0en when initiated

#y &ri0ate (itizen". -' any num#er $' &e$&le are really in earne"t a#$ut a#atin% thi" "(andal, why (an they n$t imitate the $' the &e$&le $' St. Jude3", Din%3"2(r$"", and $r%anize a 0i%ilan(e ($mmittee: @ne $r tw$ mem#er" $' thi" ($mmittee a&&eared t$ %i0e e0iden(e $' %eneral ann$yan(e, while the &$li(e &r$0ed the indi0idual a(t" $' "$li(itati$n. That (leared the "treet" at St. Jude3", and it w$uld (lear 6e%ent2"treet. The "treet" #el$n% t$ the &r$"titute a" mu(h a" t$ the 0e"tryman, and her ri%ht t$ wal/ there a" l$n% a" "he #eha0e" her"el' $u%ht t$ #e de'ended t$ the la"t. Th$"e wh$ ta/e their &la(e" i' they are dra%$$ned int$ the "lum" are (ertainly n$ m$re 0irtu$u" than the unre(laimed Ma%dalen" $' the "treet". " t$ the e.tent $' the e0il $' im&$rtunate "$li(itati$n, - (an #ear &er"$nal te"tim$ny a" t$ the %r$"" e.a%%erati$n $' the &$&ular n$ti$n. - ha0e #een a ni%ht &r$wler '$r wee/". - ha0e %$ne in di''erent %ui"e" t$ m$"t $' the 'a0$urite rendez0$u" $' harl$t". - ha0e "tr$lled al$n% 6at(li''2 hi%hway, and "auntered r$und and r$und the Juadrant at midni%ht. - ha0e haunted St, Jame"3" Par/, and twi(e en)$yed the "tran%e "weetne"" $' "ummer ni%ht #y the "ide" $' the Ser&entine. - ha0e #een at all h$ur" in +ei(e"ter2",uare and the Strand, and ha0e "&ent the midni%ht in Mile2end2r$ad and the 0i(inity $' the T$wer. S$metime" - wa" al$ne; "$metime" a(($m&anied #y a 'riend; and the dee& and "tr$n% im&re""i$n whi(h - ha0e #r$u%ht #a(/ i" $ne $' re"&e(t and admirati$n '$r the e.tra$rdinarily %$$d #eha0i$ur $' the 7n%li"h %irl" wh$ &ur"ue thi" dread'ul (allin%. -n the wh$le $' my wanderin%" - ha0e n$t #een a(($"ted hal'2a2 d$zen time", and then - wa" m$re t$ #lame than the w$man. - wa" turned $ut $' *yde Par/ at midni%ht in ($m&any with a drun/en &r$"titute, #ut "he did n$t #e%in the ($n0er"ati$n. ha0e #een mu(h m$re $''en"i0ely a(($"ted in Pari"ian #$ule0ard" than - ha0e e0er #een in 7n%li"h &ar/ $r 7n%li"h "treet, and $n the wh$le - ha0e #r$u%ht #a(/ 'r$m the in'ernal la#yrinth a 0ery dee& ($n0i(ti$n that i' there i" $ne truth in the !i#le that i" truer than an$ther it i" thi", that the &u#li(an" and harl$t" are nearer the /in%d$m $' hea0en than the "(ri#e" and &hari"ee" wh$ are alway" tryin% t$ ,uali'y '$r a &a""&$rt t$ #li"" herea'ter #y dri0in% their un'$rtunate "i"ter" here t$ the 0ery real hell $' a &$li(e de"&$ti"m. @nly in $ne re"&e(t w$uld - li/e t$ "ee the &$wer" $' the &$li(e "tren%thened, and that i" in e.a(tly a""imilatin% the law a" t$ man and w$man in m$le"tati$n and "$li(itati$n. Why "h$uld n$t the male anal$%ue $' a &r$"titute 8 the man wh$ ha#itually and &er"i"tently ann$y" w$men #y "$li(itati$n 8 #e "u#)e(t t$ the "ame &uni"hment '$r ann$yin% %irl" #y $''en"i0e $0erture" a" are w$men wh$ ann$y men: -t w$uld #e a real %ain t$ %et rid $' $ne little #it, h$we0er "mall, $' the "(andal$u" imm$rality $' ha0in% a "e0ere law '$r the wea/ and a la. law '$r the "tr$n%. ?@ T*7 P@+-C7 D1@W @C T*7S7 C6-M7S There i" $ne ar%ument that i" ($n"tantly u"ed, whi(h i" utterly w$rthle"". The"e thin%" ($uld n$t ha0e ha&&ened, it i" "aid, #e(au"e the &$li(e w$uld ha0e '$und them $ut l$n% a%$. The &$li(e /new all a#$ut them l$n% a%$, #ut they d$ n$t &ut them d$wn. *ere i" $ne 'a(t '$r the a((ura(y $' whi(h we (an 0$u(h 'r$m $ur $wn &er"$nal /n$wled%e. Pe$&le d$u#t the e.i"ten(e $' the 'irm $' &r$(ure""e" Mdme". L. and M., and their deli0ery $' 0ir%in". What,

then, will they "ay when - tell them, "$ 'ar 'r$m the 'irm ha0in% retired 'r$m #u"ine"" $win% t$ the e.&$"ure with whi(h all +$nd$n i" rin%in%, that ye"terday, with the "treet all 0$(al with the (rie" $' new"#$y" 0endin% the Pall Mall Gazette3" re0elati$n", the"e w$rthy w$men $' #u"ine"" deli0ered $0er tw$ $' the (erti'ied 0ir%in" t$ #e "edu(ed, and entered int$ a 'urther ($ntra(t t$ "u&&ly a %irl '$r e.&$rt t$ a '$rei%n #r$thel: 1$w, d$ the &$li(e /n$w anythin% $' the tran"a(ti$n" $' ye"terday: -' they d$ n$t /n$w n$w, when we ha0e t$ld them all a#$ut it, what 0alue i" the ar%ument that 'a(t" are n$t 'a(t" #e(au"e the &$li(e mu"t ha0e '$und $ut all a#$ut them l$n% a%$ i' they had #een true: T*7 P@+-C7 1? T*7 S7C67T C@MM-SS-@1 - ha0e $'ten #een a"/ed whether, in the ($ur"e $' the "i. wee/" durin% whi(h $ur Se(ret C$mmi""i$n wa" in0e"ti%atin%, any $' it" mem#er" were arre"ted #y the &$li(e $r in any way in($mm$ded in their a&&arently (riminal tran"a(ti$n" #y the auth$ritie" at S($tland2yard. -n n$ "in%le in"tan(e did we e.&erien(e the "li%hte"t in($n0enien(e 'r$m the mem#er" $' the '$r(e. 7.&erimental ($ntra(t" were entered int$ and e.e(uted, maiden" were e.amined and de"&at(hed t$ their de"tinati$n", and arran%ement" made '$r the "u&&$"ed &er&etrati$n $' "imilar (rime" t$ th$"e whi(h ha0e e.(ited the h$rr$r and indi%nati$n $' the &u#li( with$ut the "li%hte"t inter'eren(e $n the &art $' the &$li(e. The $nly (a"e in whi(h any mem#er" $' the C$mmi""i$n (ame int$ di"a%reea#le &r$.imity with the $''i(er" $' the Criminal -n0e"ti%ati$n ?e&artment wa" 0ery "i%ni'i(ant $' the ea"e with whi(h an in"trument de0i"ed '$r the &r$te(ti$n $' the inn$(ent (an #e ($n0erted int$ a wea&$n 'a"hi$ned ready t$ the hand $' the e0il2d$er. @ne $' $ur tru"ted a%ent" #r$u%ht u" w$rd that a little German %irl $' deli(ate health, a#$ut 15 year" $' a%e, wh$ had #een #r$u%ht $0er 'r$m C$l$%ne #y a 'raudulent a%en(y, had )u"t #een laun(hed u&$n the "treet". She wa" "aid t$ #e in the (lut(he" $' a #ully wh$ li0ed u&$n her earnin%". She wa", we were t$ld, dee&ly di"tre""ed at the ne(e""ity whi(h dr$0e her t$ lead "u(h a li'e, and we determined at $n(e t$ re"(ue her i' &$""i#le 'r$m, the (lut(he" $' the man wh$ had im&$rted her in $rder t$ &r$'it #y her ruin. Cren(h &r$(ure"" in $ne $' the ($urt", leadin% $ut $' +ei(e"ter2",uare undert$$/ t$ arran%e a meetin% #etween the little German %irl and my"el', &re"uma#ly, $' ($ur"e, '$r an imm$ral &ur&$"e, #e(au"e i' we had a0$wed $ur real intenti$n we "h$uld ne0er ha0e "et eye" u&$n the %irl. Pun(tually at the time a&&$inted the %irl wa" #r$u%ht t$ the h$u"e $' a""i%nati$n, #ut a" it wa" im&$""i#le t$ arran%e '$r her re"(ue under the eye" $' the &r$(ure"" an e.(u"e wa" made '$r ta/in% her away t$ a re"taurant. The un'$rtunate y$un% %irl, wh$ ($uld $nly "&ea/ German, t$ld a &ite$u" tale. She wa" al$ne in the w$rld, wa" &ennile"" in +$nd$n, wa" "u''erin% 'r$m ($n"um&ti$n, and n$t li/ely t$ li0e m$re than tw$ m$nth". She "aid that "he had #een three day" with$ut '$$d $r l$d%in% #e'$re "he 'ell, and her "t$ry ($n'irmed $ur de"ire t$ "a0e her. Cr$m the re"taurant we t$$/ her t$ a &la(e leadin% $'' the Strand, and awaited the arri0al $' an e.(ellent Swi"" lady, wh$ had arran%ed t$ ta/e the %irl, i' "he wa" willin%, t$ a ($m'$rta#le h$me. When a'ter "$me delay thi" lady arri0ed, the %irl re'u"ed t$ %$ with her that day. She

mi%ht (all t$2m$rr$w, and w$uld #rin% her #$. $n Saturday, #ut %$ h$me that ni%ht "he mu"t, '$r "he had her rent t$ &ay. S$ handin% $0er the "$0erei%n whi(h wa" t$ ha0e #een her 'ee, we let her %$. @n returnin% h$me the %irl a&&ear" t$ ha0e "&$/en $' the attem&t t$ %et her int$ a h$me, and the #ully wh$ li0ed u&$n her %ain" determined t$ 'ru"trate $ur de"i%n". nd what did he d$: *e "eem" t$ ha0e %$ne "trai%ht t$ the &$li(e and there laid an in'$rmati$n a%ain"t u" im&utin% all manner $' attem&t" u&$n the 0irtue, li#erty, and e0en the li'e $' 4an inn$(ent little 7n%li"h %irl48wh$, a" it turned $ut, wa" then, and i" t$ thi" day, a German &r$"titute wal/in% the Strand. The ($n"e,uen(e wa" that the ne.t ni%ht, when tw$ mem#er" $' $ur C$mmi""i$n met a%ain at the "ame &la(e, they were "tartled #y the a&&earan(e $' a dete(ti0e, and thi" i" what &a""ed<8 $he detective too/ a seat in the room, and confronted my friend. 0)ho are you10 he was as/ed. In answer, he produced his card, similar to a railway season tic/et, inscribed with his name. 0I am Detective-*ergeant.., of the . Division, I have been sent here to elucidate a case.0 *o saying, he produced a roll of thin foolscap, numbering, perhaps, si" or seven closely written sheets. #e was requested to tell us what he wanted, and read from his blue foolscap, addressing himself to my friend, who was sitting on the sofa. I do not pretend to give more than the gist of what he read. #e informed us that an old gentleman came here and made an agreement =or a young girl to be sold to him. It was agreed that a certain young English girl should pretend to be modest. 0English girl,0 interrupted my companion, 0you /now she is a little 'erman prostitute now wal/ing the *trand.0 0)ell,0 said he, 0the little 'erman prostitute and the old gentleman met. #e seemed to approve after a tal/ with her, and he was sufficiently satisfied with his bargain to ta/e her to 'atti's to dinner. $hey dined together there, and then she was ta/en to a house in a street leading off the *trand. *he was ta/en by the old gentleman into this house, where no questions were as/ed, led upstairs, where she found another man. $he two tried to persuade her to ta/e a situation, offered her drugged coffee and sweets, none of which she would ta/e, and tal/ed to her for a long time, always endeavouring to persuade her to leave +ondon. resently a woman came in under the guise of the habit of a *ister of Mercy. $his lady then tal/ed to the girl, and gave her a ,ible, which she tore to pieces, and tried every art to prevail upon her to accede to the request of the two gentlemen in the room. ,ut it was all in vain. $he girl saw the fiendish design of the disguised nun, and was eventually allowed to go, having received a douceur for her trouble.0 $his, so far as I remember, was the gist of what the sergeant read. #e then began to cross-e"amine my friend. 08ou need not inculpate yourself, of course, by answering any of my questions9 but I should be obliged if you would tell me all you /now. )hat did you want with the girl, and why did you wish to entice her away10 I thought it best to tell the detective nothing, indeed to try him to the end of his tether by an insolent demeanour and a steady refusal to aid him or the police in any way. 0)ould you allow us to consult in private for five minutes10 I as/ed. 0(ertainly9 I will retire.0 )e then agreed to give up my own name with an address where I could be found, and my address only. $he sergeant seemed surprised, as I was not mentioned in the statement he read. 0$hat is my name and my address. )e refuse to tell you anything. My friend declines to give you either his name and address. <ow do what you can. $a/e us in charge if you li/e9 we should li/e nothing better.0 0 $hat is final. 8ou will give me no more information, then10 0<o.0 #aving ta/en the name and address of the willing .. , *ergeant ..

departed, no wiser than he came, and evidently fancying we were a pair of scoundrels. <o blame to him. I should li/e to say a word for his politeness and civility under trying circumstances, for we purposely tried his temper to the utmost. 'iving him time to get out, I followed him to see if he could stand the test of a bribe. I found him in the court tal/ing to the servant. 0&re you going off to report to Mr. Dunlop10 I as/ed. 0<ever mind what I am going to do. I am sorry I cannot introduce you to him tonight in his official capacity.0 0I have already the pleasure of the superintendent's acquaintance.0 0I dare say,0 was the sardonic reply. 0May I wal/ with you a little way10 0If you please. &re you going to tell me what your fnend wanted with the little girl 10 0(ertainly not, you must find out for yourself. ,ut supposing I had come out to offer you a ten-pound note to say nothing more.0 0<ow don't you try that game, please, you've got the wrong man.0 &nd the sergeant wal/ed off. Sin(e then we ha0e heard a#"$lutely n$thin% m$re $' the (a"e, and we ha0e mu(h &lea"ure in "tatin% that the ($ndu(t $' ?ete(ti0e 88 . wa" &er'e(t thr$u%h$ut. T*7 T67S 1? 7MP@6-=MS %$$d deal ha" #een "aid in the ($ur"e $' the"e arti(le" and in the ($mment" #a"ed u&$n the re0elati$n" already made a" t$ the re"&$n"i#ility $' the di""$lute ri(h '$r the ruin $' the dau%hter" $' the &$$r. 1$ mi"ta/e w$uld #e %reater, h$we0er, than the a""um&ti$n that th$"e an"wera#le '$r the wide2"&read ($rru&ti$n $' the w$r/in% w$men $' +$nd$n are "$lely t$ #e '$und am$n% the 0ery wealthy and the imm$ral idler" $' the 4u&&er ten.4 Their "hare, n$ d$u#t, i" %reat, and %reater i" their re"&$n"i#ility '$r the a#u"e $' &ri0ile%e" %ranted them '$r 0a"tly di''erent end". -', h$we0er, - were a"/ed t$ de"(ri#e a" #y 'ar the m$"t ruin$u" '$rm $' +$nd$n 0i(e, - w$uld &$int, n$t t$ 'a"hi$na#le We"t2end h$u"e", "u(h a" that /e&t #y Mr". Je''rie", n$r t$ the "y"tematized #u"ine"" $' &r$(urati$n, #ut rather t$ (ertain $' the %reat dra&ery and millinery e"ta#li"hment" $' the metr$&$li", in whi(h e0ery year hundred", i' n$t th$u"and", $' y$un% w$men are ruined. -t i" n$t my &ur&$"e t$ %i0e name", and - ha0e n$ wi"h t$ d$ m$re at &re"ent than indi(ate $ne $' the m$"t deadly &la%ue "&$t" $n the "$(ial "y"tem. -t i" &iti'ul t$ thin/ $' the num#er $' y$un% %irl" wh$ ha0e #een tenderly trained and (are'ully edu(ated at h$me and at "(h$$l in $ur ($untry 0illa%e" wh$ will ($me u& t$ t$wn in the ($ur"e $' the &re"ent year $nly t$ di"($0er that the #u"ine"" $n whi(h their &arent" '$ndly #uilt hi%h h$&e" a" t$ their 'uture &$"iti$n in li'e i" little #etter than an $&en d$$rway8a &athway leadin% t$ the hell. -t i" "aid that at a (ertain n$t$ri$u" theatre n$ %irl e0er /e&t her 0irtue m$re than three m$nth"; and that at an e,ually n$t$ri$u" #u"ine"" e"ta#li"hment in We"t +$nd$n it i" rare t$ 'ind a %irl wh$ ha" n$t l$"t her 0irtue in le"" than "i. m$nth". Thi" may #e an e.a%%erati$n, $' ($ur"e. S$me theatri(al mana%er" are, ri%htly $r wr$n%ly, a((u"ed $' in"i"tin% u&$n a (laim t$ ruin a(tre""e" wh$m they all$w t$ a&&ear $n their #$ard"; and it i" t$ #e 'eared that a (ertain &er"i"tent re&$rt i" n$t ill '$unded, and that the head $' a %reat +$nd$n em&$rium re%ard" the w$men in hi" em&l$y in mu(h the "ame a"&e(t a" the Sultan $' Tur/ey re%ard" the inmate" $' hi" "era%li$, the ma"ter $' the e"ta#li"hment "ele(tin% '$r him"el' the &rettie"t %irl" in the "h$&. Su(h an i" naturally '$ll$wed thr$u%h$ut the wh$le wareh$u"e, 'r$m t$& t$

#$tt$m. - ha0e n$t #een a#le t$ de0$te mu(h time t$ the 0eri'i(ati$n $' indi0idual (a"e", #ut "u''i(ient ha" ($me t$ my /n$wled%e t$ )u"ti'y the a""erti$n that while many h$u"e" $' #u"ine"" em&l$yin% hundred" $' w$men may #e and are e.(ellently ($ndu(ted, $ther" are little #etter than h$rri#le ante(ham#er" t$ the #r$thel. !ut u&$n that "u#)e(t - will n$t dwell. -n Pari", $' ($ur"e, in many h$u"e" it i" ,uite under"t$$d that %irl" a((e&t "ituati$n" n$t "$ mu(h '$r the "alary, whi(h i" in"u''i(ient $'ten t$ &ay their l$d%in%", a" '$r the $&&$rtunitie" whi(h they 'urni"h '$r "u&&lementin% le%itimate earnin%" #y the wa%e" $' "in. #$ld the mi"(hie' i" alm$"t irremedia#le. 7MP+@>M71T G71C-7S 1? S76B 1TS3 67G-ST6-7S -t i" #ad en$u%h when a man /ill" a "hee& '$r the "a/e $' it" 'lee(e, #ut it w$uld #e w$r"e i' the animal were "lau%htered "$lely '$r it" ear". Thi" i", h$we0er, a 'air anal$%y t$ the (a"e when %irl" are ruined n$t '$r the "a/e $' the &$""e""i$n $' the 0i(tim, #ut "$lely #e(au"e an intermediary (an turn a mi"era#le ($mmi""i$n #y lurin% them int$ a &$"iti$n 'r$m whi(h a li'e $' 0i(e i" the $nly -n the ($ur"e $' thi" in,uiry it ha" ($me re&eatedly under $ur n$ti(e that while many re"&e(ta#le a%en(ie" are (arried $n, e0en the m$"t re"&e(ta#le are lia#le t$ #e a#u"ed '$r 0i(i$u" &ur&$"e" #y un"(ru&ul$u" men and their 'emale a%ent", and in "$me (a"e" there i" a "u"&i(i$n, alm$"t am$untin% t$ a (ertainty, that the a%en(y it"el' i" little #etter than an $r%anizati$n '$r (arryin% $n the #u"ine"" $' &r$(urati$n. When y$u 'ind that a n$t$ri$u" /ee&er $' imm$ral h$u"e" $((a"i$nally $&en" a "er0ant"3 re%i"try in the inter0al" when the &$li(e ha0e (ha"ed her 'r$m the &ur"uit $' her $rdinary (allin%, "u(h "u"&i(i$n i" natural, and, un'$rtunately, it i" t$$ $'ten the (a"e that &er"$n" en%a%ed in a #u"ine"" whi(h "h$uld #e #ey$nd re&r$a(h ha0e a re($rd m$re $r le"" imm$ral, i' n$t, a" in "$me (a"e", a(tually (riminal. "$)$urn in &ri"$n '$r a 'el$ny i" hardly a #etter &re&arati$n '$r the h$ne"t ($ndu(t $' an em&l$yment a%en(y than the /ee&in% $' a di"$rderly h$u"e. S$me $' the m$"t "(andal$u" $' the"e a%en(ie" are am$n% th$"e whi(h are re&utedly the m$"t re"&e(ta#le. Girl" are #r$u%ht 'r$m a di"tan(e, $'ten 'r$m a#r$ad, #y &r$mi"e" $' a "ituati$n whi(h d$e" n$t e.i"t. They &ay their 'ee and li0e in ($ntinually in(rea"in% an.iety either in l$d%in%" ($nne(ted with the a%en(y $r el"ewhere until their little (a&ital i" e.hau"ted. ?e#t i" in(urred, a%ain"t whi(h their #$. i" held a" "e(urity, and when all h$&e di"a&&ear" the a%ent wh$ tem&ted them t$ +$nd$n with 'air &r$mi"e" $' h$ne"t and &r$'ita#le em&l$yment "u%%e"t" that the $nly m$de $' ma/in% a li0elih$$d i" t$ a((e&t their /ind "er0i(e in intr$du(in% them t$ %entlemen $r t$ /ee&er" $' h$u"e" wh$ are $n the ($n"tant l$$/ $ut '$r re"&e(ta#le y$un% %irl". @nly thi" wee/ $ne $' the m$"t widely2/n$wn %$0erne"" a%en(ie" in +$nd$n $''ered me the (h$i(e $' "e0eral &$$r %irl", "&ea/in% Cren(h and German, t$ a(($m&any me a" an intimate8t$$ intimate8tra0ellin% ($m&ani$n $n the C$ntinent There wa" n$ di"%ui"e whate0er a#$ut the &ur&$"e '$r whi(h the %irl wa" wanted. She had t$ #e y$un%, n$t m$re than twenty2tw$, &retty, li0ely, and $' 'ull 'i%ure, and willin% t$ tra0el al$ne with a %entleman, The num#er $' %irl" wh$m thi" 'irm i" "aid t$ ha0e #een the mean" $' "imilar "y"tem i" (ree&in% int$ "$me 'a"hi$na#le "h$&" in +$nd$n, and when $n(e it $#tain" a 'irm

laun(hin% u&$n the +$nd$n "treet" wh$ w$uld $therwi"e ha0e li0ed ,uietly at h$me in !el%ium, Cran(e, Germany, and Switzerland i" - am a""ured i' ($m&etent auth$ritie" alm$"t in(al(ula#le. @ther %$0erne"" a%en(ie" will $((a"i$nally d$ the "ame thin%. They %et their &r$'it, and '$r them that i" "u''i(ient. T*7 -MP@6T @C C@67-G1 G-6+S T@ +@1?@1 +$nd$n, "ay th$"e wh$ are en%a%ed in the white "la0e trade, i" the %reate"t mar/et $' human 'le"h in the wh$le w$rld. +i/e $ther mar/et" the tra''i( ($n"i"t" $' im&$rt" and e.&$rt", and alth$u%h we ha0e heard a %reat deal $' late a#$ut the e.&$rtati$n $' 7n%li"h %irl" a#r$ad, there i" a (ha&ter ,uite a" %ha"tly whi(h remain" t$ #e written ($n(ernin% the im&$rt $' '$rei%n %irl" int$ 7n%land. The di''eren(e #etween the tw$ i" that in 7n%land 0i(e i" 'ree, wherea" $n the C$ntinent it i" a le%alized "la0ery, and that $' ($ur"e i" immen"e. !ut "$ 'ar a" the ruin $' inn$(ent %irl" i" ($n(erned the ($m&ul"i$n $' &$0erty and hel&le""ne"" ari"in% 'r$m y$uth, ine.&erien(e, 'riendle""ne"", and a#"$lute i%n$ran(e $' the lan%ua%e, i" ,uite a" tyranni(al a" the "a0a%ery $' the State #r$thel2/ee&er and the un'eelin% #ar#arity $' the $''i(ial d$(t$r. Girl" are re%ularly #r$u%ht $0er t$ +$nd$n 'r$m Cran(e, !el%ium, Germany, and Switzerland '$r the &ur&$"e $' #ein% ruined. The idea $' the men wh$ im&$rt the"e %irl", many $' wh$m are &er'e(tly re"&e(ta#le, i" t$ '$r(e them t$ lead a li'e $' 0i(e 'r$m whi(h they (an rea& a hea0y &r$'it. There i" a %reat ($l$ny $' ma,uereau. in the Cren(h ,uarter wh$"e (hie' idea $' "e(urin% an ea"y li0elih$$d i" t$ %et a %irl int$ their &$""e""i$n, #$dy and "$ul, t$ dri0e her u&$n the "treet, and t$ li0e and thri0e u&$n the &r$'it" $' her &r$"tituti$n. S$me 0ery remar/a#le (a"e" $' im&$rtati$n ha0e #een e.&$"ed #y Mi"" Sterlin%, the de0$ted and &u#li(2"&irited '$under $' the 7din#ur%h and +eith Children3" id and 6e'u%e. (($rdin% t$ the $''i(ial ($rre"&$ndent, Ge$r%e 1888, de"(ri#ed #y the &a"t$r in *am#ur% a" 4the y$un% German w$r/man wh$ did (ertainly trade in y$un% %irl",4 %$t tw$ %irl", 7li"e, #y the '$ll$win% ad0erti"ement in the 6e'$rm $' *am#ur%< 4 nnie and %$$d 'amily in

7din#ur%h, in S($tland, wi"h t$ ad$&t a %irl, a%e nine t$ twel0e year" $' a%e; a (hild $' &$$r &arent" $r $r&han &re'erred; addre"" letter" t$ 1$. 4F4, St$(/#rid%e P$"t @''i(e, 7din#ur%h.4 'ter Mi"" Sterlin% re"(ued the"e &$$r (hildren 'r$m hi" (lut(he", 1888 #e(ame 0ery 0i$lent, and &$li(e &r$te(ti$n wa" a''$rded Mi"" Sterlin% '$r 'i0e m$nth". She wa" threatened with death, and went a#$ut in 'ear $' her li'e, her $nly $''en(e #ein% that "he had re"(ued tw$ wee #airn" 'r$m the hand $' a "la0e trader. -t i" a&&arently an $r%anized trade. Mu(h "ur&ri"e wa" e.&re""ed #y the *am#ur% !ur%$ma"ter that 7n%li"h law did n$t deal with "u(h (a"e", and a" late a" Mar(h 8, 1884, C$unt M n"ter re'erred in term" $' h$n$r t$ the "h$(/in% trade whi(h Ge$r%e 1888 and $ther" "eem t$ ha0e #een (arryin% $n '$r "$me time. The "tewarde""e" $n Currie3" "teamer" are a&&arently u"e'ul in dete(tin% the"e $''en(e". The hint $u%ht n$t t$ #e l$"t here. Se0eral time" in the ($ur"e $' the &re"ent in,uiry we ha0e heard $' (a"e", a&&arently authenti(, in whi(h %irl" wh$ had #een "tru%%lin% 0ainly '$r wee/" a%ain"t the ne(e""ity $'

"ee/in% a li0elih$$d $n the tr$tt$ir had "u((um#ed in "$me (a"e" $nly a wee/, and in $ther" $nly a day #e'$re we heard $' the (a"e. @ne 0ery &ain'ul in"tan(e $' thi" nature will ne0er #e '$r%$tten #y th$"e en%a%ed in thi" in,uiry. German %irl wh$ had #een #r$u%ht $0er #y &r$rmi"e" $' a "ituati$n, and then had '$und her"el' ($n'r$nted #y the alternati0e $' "tar0ati$n $r &r$"tituti$n, wa" a(tually #r$u%ht t$ the h$u"e $' a tru"tw$rthy &er"$n in $rder t$ #e &la(ed #y u" in a &la(e $' "a'ety. S$me mi"under"tandin% ar$"e a#$ut the time when we "h$uld ha0e arri0ed, and the %irl, timid and mi"tru"t'ul, t$$/ alarm at the arri0al $' "$me well2 /n$wn "la0e trader" $' the ($l$ny, le't the h$u"e, and wa" immediately (arried $'' #y the ma,uereau., wh$ wa" 'uri$u" at the th$u%ht that hi" &rey mi%ht e"(a&e him. The &$$r %irl (a"t an a&&ealin% l$$/ t$ her 'riend a" "he wa" hurried $'', #ut it wa" $' n$ a0ail. 4-t i" hi%h time y$u were d$in% "$methin%,4 "aid her (a&t$r. 4>$u mu"t "tart at $n(e.4 That ni%ht "he wa" ($m&elled t$ re(ei0e tw$ 0i"it$r", and then "he di"a&&eared, a" "$ many $ther" ha0e d$ne, int$ the %reat %ul'. 1$ tra(e" $' her ha0e we #een a#le a%ain t$ di"($0er, in "&ite $' all e''$rt". ?urin% the $&erati$n" $' the C$mmi""i$n we ($n"tantly 'elt $ur"el0e" t$ #e in the &$"iti$n $' "&e(tat$r" wh$ wat(h a "hi&wre(/ with "trainin% eye", ma/in% "u(h endea0$ur" a" they (an t$ "nat(h here and there $ne "tray "wimmer 'r$m a watery %ra0e. r$&e i" thr$wn int$ the a#y""; it 'all" a yard "h$rt, and the la"t (han(e i" %$ne. The water" (l$"e $0er the "tr$n% "wimmer in hi" a%$ny, and n$ "e($nd $&&$rtunity i" a''$rded. @((a"i$nally we were m$re '$rtunate8n$t indeed in &re0entin% #ut in re"(uin%; and in the (a"e $' $ne 0i(tim $' thi" (ruelle"t $' all 'raud", we t$$/ d$wn the '$ll$win% "t$ry 'r$m her $wn li&"<8 *@W M 6G=76-T7 W S 6=-17? Mar%uerite de S888, a Cren(h %irl, twenty2$ne year" $' a%e, '$rmerly a leadin% dre""ma/er in a Pari"ian e"ta#li"hment, wh$"e m$ther i" dead, and wh$"e 'ather i" '$reman in a lar%e Cren(h wareh$u"e8a &er"$n $' mu(h re'inement, ,ui(/ intelli%en(e, and &lea"in% manner".2228wa" indu(ed t$ ($me t$ thi" ($untry #y an ad0erti"ement in"erted in the J$urnal de" 6en"ei%nement", &u#li"hed #y Mdme Pilu", 55, 6ue de 6i(helieu, Pari". Thi" Thi" ad0erti"ement $''ered a nur"ery %$0erne""3" &la(e in 7n%land t$ a re"&e(ta#le Cren(h %irl, and an"wer" were were t$ #e addre""ed t$ 4M.! 888, II 888 "treet, +am#eth +$nd$n.4 M. !88 &r$'e""ed him"el' t$ #e the head $' an em&l$yment a%en(y, '$r the re"&e(ta#ility $' whi(h Mdme Palu" ("i() 0$u(hed 4>$u (an &ut y$ur"el' "a'ely in hi" hand",4 "he "aid. 1$w, thi" M.! 888 di"re&uta#le e0en am$n%t the "hadie"t (hara(ter" in the Cren(h ($l$ny. *e li0e" in a r$$m '$r whi(h he &ay" I". 5d. a wee/ rent, and the 'urniture $' hi" (ham#er ($uld &r$#a#ly #e &ur(ha"ed '$r 15". Mar%uerite wr$te t$ M. !88, a&&lyin% '$r the "ituati$n, and wa" '$rwarded a letter in Cren(h, &ur&$rtin% t$ ($me 'r$m a 4Mr. S$uthern, $' @aley2 "treet, +$nd$n,4 wh$ &r$mi"ed that i' "he (ame he w$uld 4treat her a" $ne $' the 'amily.4 Thi" letter wa" written #y a man wh$m - ha0e "een, wh$ ($n'e""e" that he wa" em&l$yed t$ in0ent the wh$le "t$ry. There wa" n$ 4Mr. S$uthern4 in e.i"ten(e, and when "he arri0ed in +$nd$n u&$n the day a%reed u&$n, the &$$r %irl made a l$n% and tryin% "ear(h '$r him in 0ain. She then #et$$/ her"el' t$ M. !8883" r$$m t$ "ee/ e.&lanati$n". The man wh$m M.!88

em&l$yed a" hi" "e(retary here met her in a "tate $' int$.i(ati$n, and in e"($rtin% her (a" he in"i"ted u&$n d$in%) t$ the +$nd$n !rid%e *$tel, where "he had &re0i$u"ly ta/en a r$$m, he made im&r$&er &r$&$"al" t$ her whi(h "he indi%nantly re)e(ted. Thi" the man admit". The ne.t m$rnin% M. !88, wh$m Mar%uerite de"(ri#e" a" 4an e.(eedin%ly ill2l$$/in% man,4 0i"ited her. Tellin% her "he 4arri0ed t$$ late, the 0a(an(y ha0in% #een 'illed u&48"he arri0ed at the time a&&$inted8 M. !888 $''ered t$ 'ind her an$ther &la(e in three day" i' "he w$uld %i0e him 1E"., and "he %a0e him G"., the $nly 7n%li"h m$ney "he had. -n the e0enin% he returned t$ tell her he h$&ed t$ %et her a "ituati$n, #ut he 'eared "he wa" t$$ %$$d2l$$/in% '$r it, a" the lady wa" $' a )eal$u" di"&$"iti$n. Claimin% that he had #een "&endin% m$ney in her intere"t", he %$t an$ther F". @n tw$ '$ll$win% day" he (ame with "imilar "t$rie" with the "ame re"ult, and at the end $' a wee/ "he '$und her "mall "t$(/ $' (a"h had alm$"t di"a&&eared. I felt myself =she says> utterly helpless, and /nowing no other person in +ondon I even clung for guidance and help to M. ,.., whose words and behaviour did not inspire me with more confidence than his loo/s. #e advised me to leave the hotel, and offered to find me a cheap apartment. I accepted his offer, and removed to a room at Cs. a wee/ at 4L, Manners-street, button-street. &fterwards advertisements appeared on my behalf. $here were a few answers, which ,.. gave me to understand were of a trivial or of an immoral character. @n my remar/ing to ,.. that I should soon be without money, he said! 08ou have a nice gold watch and chain9 but if you want to get a good advance on them, you must pledge them through me.0 & day or two before this he tried to get some more money from me. @n my refusing, he presently informed me that he was about to leave for aris for a short trip, as he wanted to find out why Mdme. ilus /ept sending him girls while he had no vacancies open for them. ,efore ta/ing leave of me he said he would as a dcrnier devoir introduce me to the Misses @ppenheim, of ,erners-street, as he had every confidence that those ladies could shortly procure me a nice place. #e too/ me to their office, and they undertoo/ to find a place for me, but the only situation they ever offered me was that of a nursemaid. $his 4 declined and never called on them again. ,..left for aris. &fter being about a month in +ondon I was visited at my room by a person I had not before met, +.., who I afterwards learned was really in league with ,... I had the day before pledged my gold watch and chain, but having paid my landlady and bought some necessaries, I had spent my money, and really did not /now what to do, as I did not li/e to let my father /now how I was situated. I was, therefore, glad to see a person who professed the most friendly intentions in my behalf, as did this +... #e assured me that ,.. and (.. M.. had plotted to rob me of my bo" on my arrival at %ictoria station, as it was there that they e"pected me. #e said ,.. had left in the parcels office a parcel containing nothing more valuable than old newspapers, and it was arranged that when I deposited my bo" in that office, (.. M..should hand to me the tic/et given out for this parcel of newspapers, instead of the one for my bo". $hen +..declared to me that I was in the hands of rogues, that there were three of them, and that they were still conspiring to cheat, rob, and ruin me. 8ou must get out of this house at once,0 he said, 0for if you remain another day ,..will contrive to steal your bo".0 I was greatly alarmed at hearing all this. #e represented himself as an honest man, and I too/ him for such. #e as/ed me to go out and brea/fast with him, and I consenting, he too/ me to a neighbouring restaurant. During the meal he assured me that I was a nice little woman, and that he should li/e to

have one Bust li/e me. #e said he was a merchant, and could earn 3:. #e offered to ta/e an apartment for me, more suitable than the one 4 was in. #e said he would ta/e me to his own apartments, which were in a house /ept by a married couple, but he too/ me instead to apartments in a house /ept by a maquereau and his woman, in oland-street. &s soon as I had ta/en possession of these apartments he unmas/ed himself, telling me I should have to pay 36 a wee/ for the lodgings, ,34 :s, for my board, and 34 :s. for his own board, &ltogether ,37 45s. I as/ed him how 4 was to find the money1 0@h,0 he said, 0of course you must see gentlemen.0 )hen I indignantly refused to prostitute myself in order to /eep him, he gave me a severe beating. #e struc/ me on the nec/ and on the head. I shrie/ed and he left the room, which was ever afterwards closed against him. $he maquereau and his woman too/ my part. ,ut I had brought my bo" and all my things to their house9 I had no money, and there was only one way of paying my way and of saving my things. $he lady of the house said she could introduce me to a nice gentleman, who would pay me well. I saw there was no other way of e"tricating myself from my difficulties, so I consented, and I fell. &fter staying one wee/ at this place I removed to 476, *.. street, where I stayed a fortnight, and then to 46L, in the same street, which was /ept by the same proprietor. 4 stayed at this last place four months, paying only 6Js. Cd. a wee/. 4 then removed to 4:C, )..street, imlico, where I was staying when I was rescued. @ne $' $ur C$mmi""i$ner" inter0iewed !888, and he n$t $nly a(/n$wled%ed the 'raud" whi(h he ha" ($mmitted in #rin%in% Cren(h %irl" $0er, #ut he al"$ $''ered t$ #rin% $0er a Cren(h %irl '$r $ur C$mmi""i$ner &r$0ided we ad0an(ed 1E". '$r the &reliminary e.&en"e" and &aid him K5 $n deli0ery $' the &ar(el. *i" meth$d wa" t$ ad0erti"e in a 1$rmandy 'amily new"&a&er, &r$mi"in% e.(ellent "ituati$n" t$ #e &r$(ured thr$u%h hi" a%en(y. Thi" man i" "till at w$r/. T*7 C@67-G1 7LP@6T T6 ?7 There i" n$t mu(h need t$ "ay mu(h a#$ut the '$rei%n tra''i( in 7n%li"h %irl", than/" t$ the la#$ur" $' Mr. S($tt3" ($mmittee, and the admira#le re&$rt $' Mr. Sna%%e, whi(h Sir W, *ar($urt "eem" t$ ha0e '$r%$tten, #ey$nd thi"8it i" the "u&reme de0el$&ment, the "u&erlati0e and (lima. $' the &$""i#ilitie" $' #lan/ and irremedia#le tem&$ral damnati$n whi(h a %irl inherit" wh$ all$w" her"el' t$ #e "edu(ed. Pr$"tituti$n in 7n%land i" Pur%at$ry; under the State re%ulated "y"tem whi(h &re0ail" a#r$ad it i" *ell. The '$rei%n tra''i( i" the inde'inite &r$l$n%ati$n $' the la#yrinth $' m$dern !a#yl$n, with a#"$lute and utter h$&ele""ne"" $' any redem&ti$n. When a %irl "te&" $0er the 'atal #rin/ "he i" at $n(e re%arded a" 'air %ame '$r the "la0e trader wh$ ($lle(t" hi" human 4&ar(el" 4 in the %reat (entral mart $' +$nd$n '$r tran"mi""i$n t$ the utterm$"t end" $ the earth. They m$0e 'r$m "ta%e t$ "ta%e, 'r$m t$wn t$ t$wn8#$u%ht e.(han%ed, "$ld8dri0en $n and e0er $n li/e the re"tle"" %h$"t" $' the damned, until at la"t they t$$ "lee& 4where the wi(/ed (ea"e 'r$m tr$u#lin% and the weary are at re"t.4 67C6=-TS -1 T*7 P6@B-1C7S -' any "ay that the '$rei%n tra''i( ha" (ea"ed, they de(ei0e them"el0e". @nly la"t wee/ a "am&le l$t $' three 4($il",4 $r &ar(el", le't the re%i$n $' +ei(e"ter2",uare '$r !el%ium. Tw$ $' them are n$w in ntwer&, $ne in !ru""el". mu(h lar%er ($n"i%nment i" e.&e(ted "h$rtly. The #a%men

$' thi" internati$nal tra''i( are n$w in the &r$0in(e". They "ay that the +$nd$n %irl" ha0e #een 'ri%htened #y the re(ent e.&$"ure $' what ($me" $' %$in% a#r$ad. They %$t three with di''i(ulty. -n the &r$0in(e" they will &i(/ them u& m$re ea"ily. -n +$nd$n they ($uld $nly %et three; in the ($untry they h$&e t$ %et three d$zen. They are re(ruitin% n$w. The ne.t ($n"i%nment may "tart t$2m$rr$w ni%ht, #ut $' that - ha0e n$t yet &$"iti0e in'$rmati$n. The w$r/ $' in,uirin% int$ the rami'i(ati$n" $' thi" new "la0e trade wa" the m$"t dan%er$u" &art $' the in0e"ti%ati$n". The tra''i( i" alm$"t entirely in the hand" $' e.2($n0i(t", wh$ /n$w t$$ well the di"($m'$rt" $' the mai"$n ($rre(ti$nelle t$ "ti(/ at any tri'le" whi(h mi%ht rem$0e an in($n0enient witne"" $r hel& them t$ e"(a&e ($n0i(ti$n. -t wa" at 'ir"t a new "en"ati$n '$r me t$ "it "m$/in% and drin/in% with men 're"h 'r$m %a$l in the 4"nu%4 $' a %in &ala(e, and a"/in% a" t$ the &re(i"e ($"t $' di"&$"in% $' %irl" in '$rei%n #r$thel". @ne e.(ellent trader wh$ dwell" in "u(h $d$ur $' "an(tity a" (an ($me 'r$m ha0in% hi" head,uarter" within ar(hie&i"($&al "hade /indly undert$$/ t$ di"&$"e $' a mi"tre"" $' wh$m it wa" "u&&$"ed that wi"hed t$ rid my"el' #e'$re my a&&r$a(hin% marria%e #y de&$"itin% her with$ut any ad$ in a h$u"e $' ill2'ame in !ru""el". C$r thi" ($n"idera#le "er0i(e he w$uld $nly (har%e K1E. n$ther a%ent ea%erly ($m&eted '$r the )$#, and wa" ready t$ &ut it thr$u%h "trai%ht i' the $ther had held #a(/. With a her$i"m and "el'2"a(ri'i(e w$rthy $' the "ainted martyr" a &ure and n$#le %irl 0$lunteered t$ 'a(e the 'ri%ht'ul ri"/" $' #ein% &la(ed in the !el%ian #r$thel i' it wa" th$u%ht ne(e""ary t$ ($m&lete the e.&$"ure. 4G$d ha" #een with me hithert$,4 "aid "he< 4why "h$uld *e '$r"a/e me i' in *i" (au"e - 'a(e the ri"/": Surely *e will ta/e (are $' me there a" well a" here.4 - w$uld n$t "an(ti$n "$ terri#le an e.&eriment. !ut that there are w$men (a&a#le $' "u(h "u#limity $' de0$ti$n t$ the (au"e $' their $utra%ed and de%raded "i"ter" tend" t$ relie0e, a" #y a ray $' *ea0en3" li%ht, the dar/ne"" $' thi" aw'ul hell. 1 -1T76B-7W W-T* 1 7L2S+ B7 T6 ?76 Thi" wee/ - had a l$n% inter0iew with J$hn, the S888, wh$ had within the la"t 'ew wee/" returned t$ +$nd$n 'r$m a &r$l$n%ed8in0$luntary8"$)$urn in hi" nati0e !el%ium. Thi" w$rthy ha" l$n% had a hi%h re&utati$n am$n% the e.&$rter" $' 7n%li"h %irl", n$t $nly #e(au"e $' hi" $wn e.&l$it", #ut "till m$re #e(au"e $' th$"e $' hi" wi'e, an -ri"hw$man, wh$ i" n$w &ra(ti"in% a" &r$(ure"" '$r '$rei%n #r$thel" in the (ity $' Man(he"ter. -n &ril, 1881, J$hn, the S88, wa" ($n0i(ted in the !el%ian ($urt" $' 'el$ny and e.(itement t$ de#au(hery, and ($ndemned t$ "i. year"3 im&ri"$nment in the Mai"$n C$rre(ti$nnelle at Ghent. *e wa" relea"ed la"t &ril, $ne year $' hi" "enten(e #ein% remitted '$r %$$d #eha0i$ur. J$hn i" a man wh$, i' well 'ed and (ared '$r, w$uld #e $' remar/a#le, and e0en ($mmandin%, &re"en(e. 1$w he i" "$mewhat #r$/en d$wn, #ut hi" ($untenan(e i" "tri/in%, and hi" %rey hair %i0e" him an intere"tin% a&&earan(e. We met in a re"taurant in the Strand, where we had a l$n% and ($n'idential ($n0er"ati$n u&$n the trade in 7n%li"h %irl"8a &r$'e""i$n whi(h he de(lare" he ha" n$w '$r e0er a#)ured. *e ha" had t$$ mu(h &lan/ #ed and #read and water, he "ay", and ha0in% re'$rmed he had n$ $#)e(ti$n t$ tal/ 0ery 'reely ($n(ernin% the #u"ine"" $' e.&$rtati$n.

T$ what e.tent,4 - a"/ed, 4d$ y$u thin/ 7n%li"h %irl" lea0e thi" ($untry '$r '$rei%n h$u"e" $' &r$"tituti$n:4 J$hn did n$t re&ly $''hand. *e #e%an an ela#$rate (al(ulati$n a" t$ the num#er" $' #r$thel" in !ru""el", ntwer&, +ille, !$ul$%ne, and @"tend in whi(h, t$ hi" $wn /n$wled%e, 7n%li"h %irl" had #een &la(ed. lter a while he "aid< 4- (an $nly "&ea/ '$r !el%ium and the 1$rth $' Cran(e. - /n$w n$thin% $' the "u&&ly t$ !$rdeau., Pari", *$lland, and the re"t $' the C$ntinent. !ut "h$uld thin/ that, $n an a0era%e, t$ the"e &la(e" whi(h 1 ha0e named twenty 7n%li"h %irl" are in the ha#it $' %$in% e0ery m$nth.4 That i" a#$ut F5E &ar annual, a lar%e 'i%ure. *$w many $' the"e are &r$"titute" #e'$re they "tart :4 #$ut $ne in three, - "h$uld thin/. Tw$2third" $' them thin/ they are %$in% t$ "ituati$n", and $nly learn their 'ate when they are "a'ely within the #r$thel. 70en then the truth i" #r$/en t$ them #y de%ree". The 7n%li"h %irl i" &la(ed al$ne in the mid"t $' '$rei%n w$men, wh$ are (are'ully tut$red n$t t$ e.(ite her "u"&i(i$n" until "he i" #r$/en in. Then, little #y little, "he i" all$wed t$ "ee where "he i", and "he ($me" t$ a((e&t her 'ate a" ine0ita#le, and "u#mit".4 ?$n3t y$u thin/ an e.&$rt $' F5E %irl" &er annum i" rather lar%e when y$u ta/e int$ a(($unt the "mall area whi(h they "u&&ly:4 41$,4 "aid he; 4- thin/ n$t. Girl" d$ n$t a" a rule "tay 0ery l$n% in $ne h$u"e. They are ($n"tantly #ein% e.(han%ed and &a""ed $n 'r$m #r$thel t$ #r$thel, "$ that there i" n$ /n$win% h$w 'ar int$ the interi$r $' the C$ntinent they may ultimately ma/e their way. They #e%in in !el%ium and the 1$rth $' Cran(e, and are w$r/ed %radually inland.4 4*$w many 7n%li"h %irl" d$ y$u re%ard a" the $rdinary ($m&lement $' the h$u"e" whi(h y$u u"ed t$ "u&&ly: 4 4@ne $r tw$ i" the $rdinary rate. - "h$uld "ay that the n$rmal num#er $' 7n%li"h %irl" in !ru""el" i" twenty t$ thirty. -n ntwer& they are mu(h m$re numer$u". - "h$uld "ay that y$u w$uld 'ind little di''i(ulty in 'indin% '$ur $r 'i0e 7n%li"h %irl" in twenty h$u"e" in ntwer&. P$""i#ly there are alt$%ether a hundred 7n%li"h %irl" in !el%ian h$u"e" $' ill 'ame at thi" m$ment. That $' ($ur"e i" m$re $r le"" $' a %ue"" $n my &art. - ha0e n$ "tati"ti(", #ut that i" what - "h$uld e.&e(t 'r$m what - /n$w $' the h$u"e" and their ha#it".4 4*$w are the"e h$u"e" "u&&lied:4 4-t i" a re%ular #u"ine"". - wa" $nly in it in a "mall way. -n 'a(t, - $nly t$$/ a#r$ad ele0en %irl" in all, n$t in(ludin% th$"e whi(h my wi'e "ent. @' the"e - t$$/ 'i0e t$ !ru""el", three t$ ntwer&, tw$ t$ !$ul$%ne, and $ne t$ +ille. !ut my e.&erien(e i" a 'air "am&le $' the lar%er trader"3. - wa" &aid "$ mu(h a %irl #y the /ee&er $' the h$u"e, &r$0ided that $n arri0al "he &a""ed her e.aminati$n a" a healthy "u#)e(t. -' "he wa" di"ea"ed and had t$ #e "ent int$ the h$"&ital - l$"t my m$ney. The /ee&er" u"ed t$ &r$mi"e that i' they (ame $ut (ured, and

entered their h$u"e", they w$uld &ay me my ($mmi""i$n; #ut they ne0er did,4 "aid he, with a "i%h $0er the di"h$ne"ty $' the /ee&er". 4What wa" the u"ual ($mmi""i$n:4 4- ha0e had a" mu(h a" K1E (F5E'.), #ut $ut $' that - had t$ &ay e.&en"e" $' ($lle(ti$n and deli0ery.4 4 re the"e hea0y:4 4@h, n$,4 "aid he, 4railway and "team#$at 'are and a 'ew e.&en"e". My wi'e w$uld %$ $ut int$ the "treet, and &i(/ u& %irl"8 they mi%ht either #e &r$"titute" an.i$u" '$r a (han%e, "er0ant %irl" $ut $' w$r/, $r "h$& %irl". - alway" t$ld them where they were %$in% t$, #ut $ther" - dare "ay were le"" &arti(ular. -t i" 0ery "im&le. >$u %et the %irl t$ li"ten t$ y$u, and y$u (an &er"uade her t$ anythin%. -' they were n$t a" "illy a" they are, they w$uld ne0er #elie0e y$u. !ut they "wall$w anythin%. >$u tell them they will ha0e %$$d "ituati$n", 'ine (l$the", li#erty t$ %$ t$ the theatre, hi%h wa%e", and all the indu(ement" whi(h w$uld ena#le a "har& %irl t$ "mell a rat. !ut they are n$t "har& %irl"; they "wall$w the #ait li/e %ud%e$n", and $'' they %$.4 4*$w d$ they %$:4 4!y ?$0er t$ @"tend '$r the m$"t &art. S$metime" the w$man $' the h$u"e ($me" t$ ?$0er t$ re(ei0e them. She ta/e" %$$d (are $' them a'ter "he %et" h$ld $' them.4 4What are the di''i(ultie" in the way $' the trade:4 4(1.) The &$""i#ility that "$me "tewarde"" $r 7n%li"hw$man $n #$ard the @"tend "teamer may %et int$ ($n0er"ati$n with the %irl", and warn them where they are #ein% ta/en. -' %irl" %et t$ /n$w that $n #$ard, the ($n"i%nee w$uld #e a%ha"t, and the &ar(el w$uld ne0er rea(h it" de"tinati$n. (F.) -' they are "a'ely landed with$ut ha0in% their "u"&i(i$n" ar$u"ed, there i" a dan%er that they may ta/e alarm alter they land, when they ($uld ma/e it 0ery di"a%reea#le '$r u" i' they ($mmuni(ate" with the &$li(e. The !el%ian &$li(e w$uld alway" #e'riend the %irl", #ut then, y$u "ee, the &$li(e "&ea/ n$ 7n%li"h, the %irl" n$ Cren(h. The inter&retin% i" u"ually (arried $n #y the /ee&er, and "he ta/e" %$$d (are t$ ma/e the m$"t $' her ad0anta%e. (I.) 'ter the %irl" are deli0ered at their de"tinati$n they may #e %$t $ut i' any 'riend a&&eal" t$ the Pr$(ureur du 6$i. The 7n%li"h C$n"ul" are n$t mu(h %$$d. !ut the Pr$(ureur du 6$i i" #$und #y law t$ relea"e any 7n%li"h %irl detained in a #r$thel a%ain"t her will, e0en i' "he ha" n$t &aid her de#t.4 4Why, then, d$ %irl" remain:4 4They (ann$t ea"ily "umm$n the Pr$(ureur, and then when the $&&$rtunity $((ur" it i" "$ ea"y t$ de(ei0e a %irl, t$ ma/e her drun/, $r $therwi"e t$ "&$il her (han(e $' e"(a&e. S$metime" %irl" ($m&lain 0ery #itterly, e"&e(ially at the $''i(ial "ur%i(al in"&e(ti$n. 7n%li"h %irl" d$ n$t li/e that, and there ha0e #een (a"e" where they ha0e re"i"ted it 0i$lently. >$u "ee in 7n%land %irl" are "$ 'ree. !el%ium i" n$t "$ 'ree a" 7n%land, #ut it i" #etter than Cran(e. -n the Cren(h &r$0in(ial #r$thel" there i" 0ery little li#erty. Girl" are ($n"tantly #ein% (han%ed.

S$metime" $ne %irl will #e in three $r '$ur h$u"e" in $ne year.4 4Wh$ are the (hie' e.&$rter" n$w:4 4C8888 ha" %$ne t$ +i0er&$$l, a 'ine 'ield '$r &i(/in% u& %irl". My wi'e i" in Man(he"ter, l'red $' the #eauti'ul teeth and "$me hal'2d$zen $ther" are in +$nd$n. D888, P888, C8888, C8888, and 6888, all !el%ian", are all in the #u"ine"". The e.&$rt $' little %irl" $' thirteen $r '$urteen '$r C$ntinental #r$thel" i" (hie'ly in the hand" $' a w$man named Date. - d$ n$t /n$w wh$ "u&&lie" the in'ant" $' ei%ht and nine. M$"t $' the"e a%ent" will &la(e any %irl entru"ted t$ them in a '$rei%n #r$thel, #ut -8n$, n$t '$r a th$u"and &$und"9 -' y$u want t$ "t$& the trade, &la(e a tru"tw$rthy &er"$n $n #$ard "teamer t$ warn the %irl", and %et "$me $ne t$ "ee t$ it that the Pr$(ureur du 6$i d$e" hi" duty. That w$uld (ut the trade u& #y the r$$t" "$ 'ar a" it i" (arried $n in unwillin% %irl".4 1 -1T76B-7W W-T* 4 P 6C7+4 S*-PP7? T@ !@6?7 =L The '$ll$win% i" the "t$ry $' $ne wh$, '$r n$ l$'ty m$ti0e #ut 'r$m the dire ($m&ul"i$n $' ad0er"e de"tiny, wa" d$$med '$r three year" and nine m$nth" t$ "$)$urn in a '$rei%n #r$thel. Thi" &er"$n had "&ent nearly '$ur year" in a h$u"e $' ill2'ame4 in !$rdeau., where "he had #een &la(ed #y a "($undrelly Gree/ wh$ $n(e /e&t a (i%ar "h$& in a "treet leadin% $'' 6e%ent2 "treet, and wh$ t$$/ her and three $ther" $0er 'r$m +$nd$n $n the a""uran(e that he w$uld 'ind them %$$d "ituati$n" either a" #armaid" $r in %entlemen3" 'amilie". *er "t$ry, whi(h i" ($n'irmed in many detail" #y her hu"#and, wh$m "he re)$ined a'ter her &r$l$n%ed "$)$urn in the "$uth $' Cran(e, i" 'airly ty&i(al $' the way in whi(h the '$rei%n "la0e trade i" w$r/ed<8 It is now nearly si" years since =said Mrs. M..>, after my husband's prolonged ill health had brought our little household to the verge of destitution that I left him to ma/e my living. @ne of my friends, an English girl in an honest situation, told me that a certain 'ree/, whose address she mentioned, was an"ious to ta/e her and other three girls to ,ordeau", where he could find them e"cellent situations as soon as they arrived. I was unhappy owing to the quarrel with my husband, and I grasped the suggestion that I should go with her to ,ordeau" as affording the means of escaping from the associations and sufferings with which I was so painfully familiar in +ondon. I saw the 'ree/, and he convinced me that he was quite able to fulfil his promise and place me. In a good situation if I would only put myself in his hands. Foolishly enough, for 4 had not learned wisdom by painful e"perience, I consented to go with my friend and two others. @ur names were Mary #anson, aged twenty, Mosina Mar/s, whose age I don't remember, &nna 'iffard, a dressma/er, aged twenty-five, and myself, &melia M.., but I went by the name of &melia owell. )e were all ta/en down lo *t. Fatharine's Doc/, and placed on board a steamer bound for ,ordeau". )e left +ondon on a $hursday night in February or or March of 4KJL, and arrived in ,ordeau" on *unday, about seven in the evening. From the steamer we were ta/en direct, suspecting nothing, to the house of Mdme. *uchon, ?C, Mue +ambert, which we believed to be an hotel, or the house of the friend to whom the 'ree/ was about to introduce us9 but the landlady was very /ind, and we felt convinced that the 'ree/ was a man of his word. @n Monday, however, a cruel awa/ening awaited us. @ur own clothes were ta/en away, and we were

tric/ed out with sil/ dresses and other finery. ,efore that, however, we were ta/en to a doctor. )e were alarmed at this, and protested, but unfortunately we could spea/ no French, and the doctor was almost as ignorant of English. )hat were we to do1 )e were alone in a strange land9 the man who had ta/en us over had disappeared. )e were absolutely at the mercy of the /eepers of the house. &fter the e"amination the mistress gave us the fine clothes I have spo/en of, and insisted that very night, after giving us champagne, upon introducing us to gentlemen. I obBected, and declared that I should leave. 08ou can't do that,0 said the landlady, 0because you are indebted to me eighteen hundred francs.0 0Eighteen hundred francs10 said I. 0)hy, I have not been in the house two days.0 0@h, you forget,0 said she 9 0you have to pay the cost of your commission for being brought over, and the price of the sil/ dress you are wearing.0 $hat is the regular rule, as I afterwards learned. 'irls are brought from England under the belief that they are going to a pleasant situation, and then they are consigned to one of the houses at so many pounds per head. $his purchase-money or commission, which varies from 345 upward, is entered against the girl as a debt to her landlady. $hat, however, is not the worst. $hey equip you in fine clothes, which they insist upon you ta/ing, and then debit you with twice their value, running up in this way a debt of perhaps 4,K55 f. I was told that I must be a good girl, and do as they wished me to, and I would soon earn sufficient money to get bac/ to my husband, but if I did not I would never see him again. I may mention that I told the doctor that I was a married woman. 0)here is your husband10 he said, and proceeded without further notice with my e"amination. It was some time before I could reconcile myself to receiving gentlemen, but what weighed with me was that unless I consented I should never earn sufficient money to pay off my debt and return to +ondon. In order to raise funds I was submissive, and being then young and attractive I earned my money in less than si" months. @f course none of that money actually remains with you. It is entered to your credit in the boo/s of the establishment, and the theory is that when you have wor/ed off your debt you are free to go, but the /eeper ta/es very good care that you shall never wor/ off your debt. )hen the account shows that you have only four or five hundred francs against you the mistress sets to wor/ to induce you, by co2ening, caBoling, or absolute fraud, to accept other articles of clothing. $hus you go on month after month. 0#ow long did you stay there10 0$hree years and nine months.0 0&nd why in the world did you not communicate with your husband10 0)e were never allowed to send letters out of the house. +etters were allowed to come in after they had been read by the mistress, but no replies were ever permitted. *ometimes we used to try and send messages by English sailors who used to visit us, but never any answer came. $here were seventeen girls in the house, which was a large one, the entry being three francs. @urs was a middle-class house as distinguished from the low class one, the entrance to which is one franc, and the fashionable house in Mue ,erguin, where the entrance fee is ten francs and only four girls are /ept. )hen I was there an English girl called *.., who was said to be the daughter of a coach-builder in the Edgware-road, died. & sum stood on the boo/ as due to the house, and when a brother came over from +ondon to ta/e her dead body home for burial, the mistress refused to allow the corpse to be removed until the debt was paid. *he had been ta/en from England to *pain and had been bought or e"changed from the *panish house to the one in ,ordeau" where she died. @ne of the English girls who came out with me.Mary #anson.was sold off to *outh &merica. )hen I say sold I mean that an agent who was pic/ing up girls arranged to pay her debt, and too/ her off with him

to the new world. *he assented, as girls always do when they have been long in one house, and see no prospect of paying their debt, for those who want to remove them always hold out inducements that they will be able to buy their liberty much sooner in the new place to which they are going.0 0Do you /now any girls who have ever bought their liberty10 0<o. )e are always trying and trying, but we never succeed, although we have earned sufficient money over and over again to pay for all that has been spent upon us, but every artifice is used by the /eepers, as I have e"plained, to hold us in their power. Drin/ is a potent agency and easily used.0 0#ow many English girls were there in the house of Mdme. *uchon1 $wo9 but we used to meet with others who were in other houses in the town at the visite when we went to see the doctor at the public building in the Mue 'raffe on $uesdays, $hursdays, and *aturdays. Mary #anson came round to bid us good-bye before she went to *outh &merica.0 0(ould she not have made her escape when visiting10 0*he was not alone. )e were never allowed out e"cept in company with the mistress.0 0#ow was it, then, that you got free10 0& gentleman from $oulouse too/ a fancy to me, paid off all my debts, and gave me money to pay my passage to +ondon. @therwise I should have been thereto this day.0 0)hat English girl did you leave in the house10 0 oor Mosina Mar/s, who cried very piteously when I came away.0 '#ow luc/y you are, &melia,' she said9 'as for me, I shall never be able to pay my debt, and shall die here.'0 0Is Mosina there still10 0$o the best of my belief, but of course she is never allowed to write, and all that I /now is that she was there two years ago, and I have never heard of her death. #er family were publicans in *outhampton, and her father was employed at *quire .. near that town. & very timid girl was Mosina, and madame used to bully her fearfully. I have often wished that something could be done to get her out, but there seems no chance.0 S$me $ne "h$uld try t$ d$ "$methin% '$r &$$r 6$"ina8i' "he #e "till ali0e and i" "till at !$rdeau.. !ut wh$ /n$w": She may #e dead, $r "$ld t$ S&ain $r el"ewhere, $r, li/e many $ther", "he may ha0e drun/ away her rea"$n and her "en"e". There are &lenty m$re %$in% the "ame r$ad. 70ery n$w and then we hear $' the my"teri$u" di"a&&earan(e $' %irl". !$y", alth$u%h mu(h m$re ad0entur$u", d$ n$t di"a&&ear in thi" way. The in'eren(e i" &lain. There ha0e #een the (a"e" 'r$m We"t *am, the (a"e $' the %irl *earnden, at C$l/e"t$ne, the (a"e $' the %randdau%hter $' a ($rre"&$ndent $n the "$uth ($a"t, wh$ ha" written t$ u" im&l$rin% t$ /n$w whether we (an hel& her t$ tidin%" $' her 0ani"hed (hild. 1$w that the "ilen(e ha" #een #r$/en we "hall hear $' many "u(h, and re%ret their endle"" multi&li(ati$n. The $ne "a'e%uard i" &u#li(ity, &u#li(ity, &u#li(ity. nd all wh$ attem&t t$ "ilen(e the 0$i(e $' warnin% mu"t "hare the %uilt $' th$"e u&$n $ne "mall &$rti$n $' wh$"e (rime" it i" $ur &r$ud &ri0ile%e t$ ha0e turned a little $' the wh$le"$me li%ht $' day.

To +ur $ensors: W.T. Stead (The Pall Mall Gazette, July 1I, 1885) The trum&et #la"t whi(h we "$unded $0er "ea and land la"t wee/ ha" r$u"ed the w$rld. The ($n"&ira(y $' "ilen(e ha" 'ailed. ll 7n%land i" rin%in% with the e(h$e" $' $ur e.&$"ure. 1$r i"

it 7n%land $nly. There i" n$t a (a&ital $n the C$ntinent in whi(h &u#li( )$urnal" are n$t re&r$du(in% with min%led w$nder and h$rr$r the 'ri%ht'ul re0elati$n" whi(h we ha0e #r$u%ht t$ li%ht. 1$r i" it $nly in the @ld W$rld that the "hame $' +$nd$n ha" "tru(/ awe int$ the ($n"(ien(e $' man/ind. Cr$m #ey$nd the tlanti( ($me t$ u" wel($me w$rd" $' en($ura%ement and "u&&$rt. The &ure"t )$urnal" in the %reat meri(an 6e&u#li( ha0e re&r$du(ed $ur re0elati$n" in 'ull, and the &eru"al $' $ur narrati0e ha", we are t$ld, "ilen(ed the ad0er"e (riti(i"m #a"ed $n im&er'e(t in'$rmati$n, and ($n0in(ed the meri(an &u#li( that n$ $ther meth$d w$uld ha0e a0ailed t$ r$u"e &u#li( attenti$n t$ the 0ital ne(e""ity $' remedyin% the e.i"tin% a#u"e. The Ne' -ork #un de(lare" that 4the Pall Mall Gazette ha" wrun% the heart and ele(tri'ied the ($n"(ien(e4 $' the !riti"h nati$n. The re0elati$n" were a dernier ressort t$ whi(h re($ur"e wa" ne(e""ary. -t wa" ne(e""ary t$ em&l$y the wea&$n" $' &u#li(ity, #e'$re whi(h thr$ne" ha0e ere n$w t$ttered.4 -n that the meri(an )$urnali"t $nly e.&re""e" the uni0er"al ($n0i(ti$n $' all %$$d men $n thi" "ide $' the water, "$ 'ar a" they ha0e "een 'it t$ ma/e their 0$i(e" audi#le t$ their ($untrymen. We a&&ealed $n Saturday t$ the 0erdi(t $' the Chur(he". What ha" #een the re"ult: -n th$u"and" $' &la(e" $' w$r"hi& thr$u%h$ut the metr$&$li", &la(e" whi(h ha0e n$ raison d.etre i' they d$ n$t in(ul(ate m$rality and de'end 0irtue, &i$u" men "t$$d u& t$ in"tru(t and ad0i"e their 'ell$w" u&$n matter" $' m$rality and $' reli%i$n. m$n% the num#er were !i"h$&" and ?ean" and r(hdea($n" and Bi(ar", and all the "turdy 1$n($n'$rmi"t &rea(her" wh$ re&re"ent the traditi$n" $' Puritan au"terity and Puritan int$leran(e $' 0i(e. We a&&ealed t$ them '$r their 0erdi(t, and what ha" #een the re"ult: We are "im&ly $0erwhelmed thi" m$rnin% with re&$rt" 'r$m hundred" $' (hur(he" and (ha&el", #ut, "$ 'ar a" we ha0e #een a#le t$ e.amine the ($rre"&$nden(e, there ha" n$t #een $ne "in%le w$rd rai"ed in &r$te"t a%ain"t $ur a(ti$n. %ain"t u" are arrayed all the '$r(e" $' wi(/edne"" in hi%h &la(e". We are a((u"ed $' 'l$$din% +$nd$n with 'ilth and $#"(enity. Me""r". W. *. Smith and S$n d$ their #e"t t$ "u&&re"" $ur "ale, the Prin(e $' Wale" "t$&" hi" &a&er, and Mr. Ca0endi"h !entin(/, &$"in% in the name $' $utra%ed m$rality, &lainti0ely (lam$ur" '$r $ur "ummary e.tin(ti$n. !ut u&$n $ur "ide there "tand arrayed with hardly any e.(e&ti$n all the #e"t and &ure"t and n$#le"t men and w$men in +$nd$n. Whether they are &hilanthr$&i"t", $r m$rali"t", $r reli%i$u" men, we are #$rne u& and en($ura%ed #y the enthu"ia"ti( "u&&$rt $' all that i" "$und, and &ure, and healthy in "$(iety and in the nati$n. The re"&$n"e $' the &ul&it" ye"terday wa" ma%ni'i(ent. -n an$ther ($lumn we %i0e "$me e.tra(t" 'r$m "$me $' the "erm$n" &rea(hed ye"terday #y $ur leadin% mini"ter" $' reli%i$n, 'r$m the !i"h$& $' +$nd$n d$wnward. @' ($ur"e all re'eren(e t$ thi" %reat $ut&$urin% $' ri%hte$u" indi%nati$n i" i%n$red #y the m$rnin% &a&er"< that i" the way in whi(h they d$ their duty t$ their reader". !ut e0ery $ne wh$ %lan(e" at the e.tra(t", mea%re and 'ra%mentary a" they are, whi(h we &u#li"h el"ewhere, will "ee what a %lad and enthu"ia"ti( re"&$n"e the %$$d men $' all "e(t" ha0e made t$ $ur trum&et &eal. When !i"h$& Tem&le and Mr. S&ur%e$n, ?ean Bau%han and the Sal0ati$n rmy, the !i"h$& $' 6$(he"ter and Mr. St$&'$rd !r$$/e, the !i"h$& $' 6i&$n and the 6e0. *u%h Pri(e *u%he", ($m#ine t$ li't u& their 0$i(e" in aid and "u&&$rt $' $ur &r$te"t

a%ain"t the "e(ret (rime" $' +$nd$n, we need n$t ($n(ern $ur"el0e" 0ery mu(h a#$ut the (en"ure $' the (lu#" and the in0e(ti0e" $' the 0i(i$u". We indi(ate in an$ther ($lumn the le%al (han%e" whi(h in the $&ini$n $' the Chie' $' $ur Se(ret C$mmi""i$n "h$uld #e made in $rder t$ ($&e with the (rime" t$ whi(h the +e%i"lature i" n$w dire(tin% it" attenti$n. -t i" a "$lid ($ntri#uti$n, 'ull $' 'a(t", and (are'ully drawn u& a'ter ($n"ultati$n with ($m&etent and e.&erien(eded le%al ad0i"er". 1$ $ne wh$ intend" t$ ta/e &art in the di"(u""i$n $' the !ill in C$mmittee (an a''$rd t$ $0erl$$/ it, and we are n$t with$ut h$&e that it may #e $' material a""i"tan(e t$ the *$me Se(retary and the tt$rney2 General in redra'tin% the !ill. >et we are a" yet entirely in the dar/ a" t$ whether Me""r". W. *. Smith and S$n will n$t"e their (en"$r"hi& $n(e m$re, and endea0$ur t$ "u&&re"" thi" ($ntri#uti$n t$ the intelli%ent di"(u""i$n $' a !ill that the Mini"try, $' whi(h the head $' their 'irm i" a leadin% mem#er, i" endea0$urin% t$ (arry thr$u%h the *$u"e $' C$mm$n". %ain"t thi" (en"$r"hi& n$ +i#eral mem#er $' the *$u"e ha" yet #een +i#eral en$u%h t$ rai"e hi" 0$i(e. Mr. Ca0endi"h !entin(/, $ur %reate"t ad0erti"er, intend" t$ a"/ an$ther ,ue"ti$n t$2 ni%ht in the *$u"e $' C$mm$n", '$r whi(h "er0i(e we $we him $ur hearty than/". *e i" "h$(/ed at $ur re'le(ti$n" $n the &$li(e; #ut "$me $' the #e"t mem#er" $' that '$r(e ha0e already ($n'irmed the a#"$lute a((ura(y $' $ur "tatement"Owhi(h, indeed, a" in e0erythin% el"e, are under rather than $0er "tated. rran%ement" are #ein% made '$r "u#mittin% the e0iden(e $n whi(h $ur e.&$"ure i" #a"ed t$ the im&artial C$mmittee "u%%e"ted #y Mr. Samual M$rley, and we await their 6e&$rt with the utm$"t ($m&$"ure. !ut neither #e'$re that C$mmi""i$n n$r #e'$re any $ther auth$ritie" will we #etray the ($n'iden(e re&$"ed in $ur C$mmi""i$ner" #y th$"e wh$ ena#led u" t$ ma/e $ur re(ent e.&$"ure". nd in thi" ($nne(ti$n it i" due t$ $ur"el0e" t$ "ay $ne w$rd. We did n$t underta/e it" in,uiry in $rder t$ unearth the 0i(e" $' the %reat. We ha0e #een m$"t (are'ul t$ a0$id any e.&$"ure $' the name" $' th$"e a(r$"" wh$"e tra(/ $ur C$mmi""i$ner" ran in the ($ur"e $' their in,uiry. T$ "in%le $ut indi0idual" a" "(a&e%$at" w$uld #e t$ de'eat $ur (hie' $#)e(t, #y di0ertin% &u#li( indi%nati$n 'r$m the "y"tem t$ a mere "(al&in% $' a 'ew $' th$"e wh$ w$r/ it. -t wa" n$t until the 'riend" and a(($m&li(e" $' the e0ild$er" #e%an t$ threaten u" with &r$"e(uti$n that, in the intere"t $' 'ree "&ee(h and a 'ree &re"", we %a0e warnin% that the $nly e''e(t $' a &r$"e(uti$n w$uld #e t$ ($m&el u" t$ de&art 'r$m the rule whi(h we ha0e hithert$ $#"er0ed, and 'r$m whi(h, i' the %a%%er" will lea0e u" al$ne, we ha0e n$ intenti$n t$ de&art. !ut i' $n(e we are a(tually dri0en t$ #ay we "hall #e ($m&elled #y the 0ery a(ti$n $' $ur a""ailant" t$ "&ea/ $ut and "&are n$t. Rebecca /arrett.s Narrati(e ((. 1HF8) Sal0ati$n rmy *erita%e Centre *er e.&erien(e written #y her"el' '$r G$d Gl$ry n$t '$r my Gl$ry '$r her"el' #ut '$r G$d al$neP.Q Well a %reat many heard a l$t a#$ut me "$me year" a%$. What a #ad (hara(ter - had #een well ye" it wa" true #ut a l$t ha" t$ d$ with the #rin%in% u&. My 'ather died and le't my

m$ther with G y$un% (hildren with n$ mean" t$ /ee& themP.Q the elde"t $' them #e%%ed $' my m$ther ne0er t$ marry a%ain they w$uld d$ what they ($uld t$ hel& herP.Q tw$ $' them %$t int$ W$$li(h d$(/ yardP.Q 'r$m there they went $'' $n "hi&"P.Q the elde"t w$r/ed in the d$(/yard '$r "$me timeP.Q my elde"t "i"ter wa" "ent t$ Mel#$urne in u"traliaP.Q we ne0er heard $' her a%ainP.Q - wa" the #a#y le'tP.Q the tw$ #$y" %$t l$"t in the "hi& F "i"ter" died with (h$lerie "$ wa" $nly le't with my m$therP.Q "he had t$ /ee& her h$me $n '$r me and her "el'P.Q "he had t$ w$r/ hard '$r her li0in%P.Q "he "ent me t$ a %$$d &ri0ate "(h$$l #ut - wa" le't a l$t t$ my "el' P.Q $n Sunday my m$ther wa" at h$me it t$$/ her all m$rnin% t$ (lean u& and %et her h$me (lean and "trait l$$/ a'ter my (l$the" t$ "ee they were (lean and tidy '$r me t$ %$ t$ "(h$$l with the ne.t dayP.Q "he wa" 0ery &r$ud $' my hair P$$r $ld m$therP.Q - had 0ery 'air hair then it t$$/ her "$me time t$ wa"h it and /ee& it (lean and then i' it wa" 'ine "he ta/e me t$ Crem$rne %arden" i' "he had the m$ney t$ "&are i' n$t there wa" Pu#li( h$u"e ri%ht 'a(in% Chel"ea ($lle%eP.Q in that %arden" wa" a" mu(h wr$n% %$in% $n a" there wa" in Crem$rne #ut they were the $ld &en"i$ner" and the w$menP.Q it wa" little "ummer h$u"e" many a time - had t$ #rin% my &$$r m$ther h$me the w$r"e '$r drin/ $n Sunday ni%ht. - wa" $nly 8 $r 1E year" $'' a%eP.Q y$u w$nder why "$ y$un% - %$t in the way $'' an im&ure li'e why wa" #r$u%ht u& in it th$u%h (lean #ut im&ureP.Q That wa" why - le't my h$me "$ early t$ #e%in my li'e $' "in and de%radati$nP.Q at Crem$rne - %$t my m$ney wa" well /n$wnP.Q at a%e 1I wa" "tandin% l$$/in% at the #u"e" #ein% 'illed with &e$&le at the Pu#li( *$u"e in Chel"eaP.Q an $ld man "t$$d at my "ide d$in% the "ame a" - wa" - th$u%ht till he "aid t$ me w$uld y$u li/e a ride in a #u" - "aid will y$u #rin% me h$me a%ain he "aid - willP.Q - went in the #u" with him he t$$/ me t$$ *yde Par/P.Q %$t $ut there went int$ the Par/ it wa" ,uite dar/P.Q - ($uld n$t "ee him #ut - '$und a" he wa" m$0in% what hi" meanin% wa"P.Q - %$t away 'r$m him and run h$meP.Q - ne0er "t$$d t$ wat(h the #u"e" a%ainP.Q that $ld man wa" GE - 'eel ,uite "ure "$ when - %$t ($n0erted that wa" my 'ir"t aimP.Q $'' ($ur"e the li'e - led with my m$ther and her drin/ - t$$/ t$ drin/P.Q - %$t "u(h a "udden drin/er - (ared '$r n$thin% t$ eat. - went time a'ter time t$ the d$(t$r" they "aid - mu"t %i0e u& the drin/ $r it w$uld ta/e me $''P.Q - tried hardP.Q ($uld n$t eat "$ the drin/ wa" what - li0ed $n '$r "$me year" till $ne day - "t$&&ed at the h$tel "eein% in 'r$nt a lar%e #$ard $n it wa" Sal0ati$n rmy Jail %reat d$in% were %$in% $n SundayP.Q - a"/ed "$me $ne what it meant they t$ld me it wa" a new reli%i$n %$t u& li/e the M$rm$n"P.Q $ut $' (uri$"ity - went the S. . - e.&e(t my dre"" drawed the attenti$n $' "$me $' the S. . &e$&leP.Q then my hat with %reat #lue 'eather" and my 'air hair drawed their attenti$nP.Q they '$und $ut where - wa" "t$&&in% they (ame t$ "ee me in the h$tel they '$und me "$ ill they t$$/ me t$ their d$(t$r he t$ld them it wa" drin/P.Q they %$t me u& t$ +$nd$n t$ "ee Mr" !$$th - wa" ta/en 1$0em#er 1885 - wa" intr$du(ed t$ Mr". !ramwell !$$th in a P$$r little h$me in *an#ury at White(ha&elP.Q - had t$ %$ int$ the h$"&ital '$r their &$$r little h$me wa" n$t a#le t$ nur"e and l$$/ a'ter me in 'a(t they ne0er had "u(h a #ad drin/ (a"eP.Q 'an(y: 'r$m a %irl $' 1I $r 14 ri%ht u& t$ I5 t$$ $ld t$ #e ta/en int$ a h$meP.Q - wa" ta/en t$ the +$nd$n h$"&ital /e&t their '$r 1E wee/" (ame $ut (ured and well #een wat(hed with the %reate"t (are #y the S. . and Mr". J$"e&hine !utler and $ther &re(i$u" 'riend"P.Q ri%ht u& till

t$ day - ha0e neither ta/en any $r e0en wanted a" ea(h year ma/e" me "tr$n%er and "tr$n%er n$t $nly 'r$m the drin/ #ut 'r$m my un(lean li'e all t$%etherP.Q My Je"u" ha" d$ne a &er'e(t w$r/ in meP.Q My aim dire(tly wa" t$ hel& $ther wi(h - did try at the time $' the rm"tr$n% (a"e (ame $nP.Q - had H %irl" wi(h - had %$t $'' 'r$m their #ad li'e - &rayed with them ea(h day t$ld them *$w G$d had (han%ed my *eart. - had a %$$d *$me a ni(e lar%e h$u"e - had e0ery hel& - needed when - wa" a"/ed t$ &r$0e - ($uld %et a &$$r (hild $' 1I year $' a%e - wa" a"/ed t$ &r$0e it wi(h y$u all /n$w - didP.Q the m$ther wa" in the Pu#li( h$u"e drin/in% with the m$ney - had )u"t %i0en her t$ld her - wa" a l$$"e w$man "he did n$t e0en ($me $0er t$ #id her %$$d #yeP.Q the &$$r (hild wa" ta/en the %reate"t (are $'' ta/en t$$ a l$0ely h$me with a real titled lady "$ - wa" went t$ &ri"$n '$r 5 m$nth"P.Q the (are - &r$0ed G$d t$$/ $'' me made me m$re and m$re "tr$n%er in hi" w$r/P.Q $' ($ur"e my h$me had t$ #e (l$"ed while - went t$ &ri"$n the &$$r "i(/ %irl" were (ared '$r #y the S. . at 'ir"t - wa" ta/en t$ Cler/enwell *$u"e $' ?ententi$n '$r a timeP.Q my letter were all read #e'$re - %$t them #y the (ler%ymanP.Q *e ($uld n$t #ear the S. . - wa" in their a wee/ $ne a'tern$$n all at $n(e - heard "$me $ne "in%in%P.Q the Pri"$ner" wh$ wa" there detained a" well a" me "h$uted $ut the S. . wa" ($min% in "in%in%P.Q n$ ne0er al$ne *e a" &r$mi"ed ne0er t$ lea0e meP.Q when near were - wa" - '$und it wa" Mi"" 70a !$$th ($me t$ (heer me u&P.Q the (ler%yman did n$t li/e it #ut the Pri"$ner" they all did P.Q 'r$m their - went t$ !$w Street what a timeP.Q n$t $ne hair $'' my head %$t hurtP.Q we &rayed ea(h ni%ht li/e &$$r ?aniel %$in% d$wn int$ the li$n" den '$r @ur Cather (areP.Q it wa" %i0en t$ me $ne ni%ht - had t$ wal/ $ut al$ne ri%ht d$wn in the middle $'' th$"e &e$&leP.Q - heard "$me $'' them "ay - /n$w her when - "ee herP.Q there - wa" in the middle $' themP.Q My Cather (are $'' meP.Q the S. . did all they ($uld t$ hel& meP.Q an$ther time - wa" &ut int$ a (a# #y 1 d$zen &$li(emen wh$ "tarted me with 1EE r$und me yellin% at the t$& $'' their 0$i(e" tryin% t$ turn the (a# $0er #ut the &$li(e /e&t the m$# $''P.Q the (a#men )u"t %$t me away 'r$m the &$li(e #ut n$t 'ar $ut $' !$w St. when he &ut me d$wn "aid he ($uld n$t ta/e me any 'urtherP.Q we ha&&ened t$ "ee what he wa" d$in% he wa" waitin% '$r the ra##le t$ ($me u& t$ me where there wa" n$ &$li(eP.Q we a"/ed what he wa" "t$&&in% '$r *e "aid (ann$t ta/e y$u any 'urtherP.Q why we $nly )u"t %$t int$ the (a# #ut we )um&ed $utP.Q we did n$t "t$& t$ ar%ue with him the (r$wd w$uld ha0e %$t u& t$ u" and n$ &$li(e nearP.Q we "ee an$ther (a# "tandin% em&ty we )um&ed int$ it #e'$re he ($uld turn ar$und we wa" %$neP.Q an$ther time we t$$/ a (a# and wa" dri0in% d$wn Whitehall r$ad when "$me $'' the r$u%her $ne" (alled $ut %eneral !$$th in the (a# "$ that a#$ut 1EE $' the r$u%her (la"" "h$utedP.Q we ($uld n$t ma/e $ut why they were "h$utin% at la"t $ne $'' the r$u%h" %$t in 'r$nt $'' the (a# "aid why it i" tw$ w$men y$u '$$l" "$ they turned #a(/P.Q then my trial ($mmen(edP.Q - wa" $ut $n !ail - 0alued 5EE+ P.Q F %entlemen wa" re"&$n"i#le '$r the m$ney when - '$und $ut wh$ they were - than/ed themP.Q they "aid "$ /indly t$ me 6e#e((a i' it had #een F th$u"and &$und we w$uld ha0e #een y$ur #ailer"P.Q wa" it n$t l$0ely $'' themP.Q G$d wa" %$$dP.Q "$ $n the "tren%th $'' the #ailin% $ut - went t$ !ri%ht$n and "&ent my time at the "ea "ideP.Q ea(h time - went int$ the "ea - had a %reat thi(/ r$&e r$und me wai"t y$u "ee - 0alued 5EE+P.Q $'ten lau%hed $0er it allP.Q then - went #a(/ t$ 'ini"h my trialP.Q my "enten(e wa" 5 m$nth" in Mill#an/ Pri"$nP.Q - mu"t "ay - wa" treated #y all the $''i(er" with the %reate"t /indne"" and

(are and re"&e(tP.Q the dear $ld rmy M$ther wal/ed with HE ladie" with many m$re name" t$ %et me $ut #ut the *$me Se(retary (ame t$ "ee me a"/ed me h$w - wa" in my health - "aid &retty 'air #ut - 'elt the ($ldP.Q thr$u%h the &etiti$n - %$t a warmer (ellP.Q - had ind$$r"e May G$d reward th$"e dear ladie" wh$ wal/ed with the dear $ld rmy M$ther with that &etiti$n #ut the Cha&lin "aid #e #ra0e y$u ha0e d$ne a %$$d w$r/ '$r that (au"eP.Q $n Lma" day 1885 - "&ent in my &ri"$n (ell a tin (u& $' %ruel wa" my Lma" #rea/'a"t with a dry "mall l$a'P.Q the dear $ld C$mmi""i$ner 6ailt$n wr$te me "u(h a l$0ely letter t$ (heer me u&P.Q *e wi"hed he ($uld ta/e my &la(e #ut the Cha&lin Mr. Merri(/ t$ld me they ($uld n$t '$r i' they let me 'ree they w$uld ha0e t$ d$ '$r $ther" wh$ really %$t li/e &$$r (hildren '$r the imm$ral &ur&$"e. S$ - "ettled d$wn t$ "&end my Lma" in my Pri"$n (ellP.Q $'' ($ur"e "$me $' the &ri"$ner" wa" n$i"y we went t$ (hur(hP.Q it wa" aw'ull n$t "u(h mu(h a" a #it $'' %reen t$ (heer u"P.Q we were all l$(/ed in durin% the dinner h$ur it wa" aw'ullP.Q the %rum#lin% and "wearin% they all de(lare they ne0er did anythin% t$ %et there they $nly "t$$d $ut"ide a liner dra&er "h$& a r$ll $' 'lanellette 'ell d$wn they were (au%ht &i(/in% it u& and l$(/ed u& I m$nth" and et( n$ne $' them had n$t any #u"ine"" t$ #e there #y their $wn taleP.Q - wa" the $nly $ne wh$ wa" %uilty #ut the dear $ld rmy M$ther wr$te t$ me Mr" !ramwell !$$th Mr" J$"h !utler and a#$ut FE $therP.Q the warm 0e"t - had "ent int$ me 4 warm "hawl" made #y ladie" $ne $ld lady made me a run% w$r/ed in w$$l with her $wn hand" the w$rd were With l$0in% /indne"" ha" - with drawn there there'$re with l$0e will i wat(h $0er thee lleluia Prai"e G$d "$ my m$nth went $n e0ery $ne /ind and %$$d t$ meP.Q - wa" ta/en ill near the end $'' my time - laid $n my &lan/ $'' w$$d )u"t F in(he" 'r$m the "t$ne 'l$$r all ni%ht when the m$rnin% (ame the (ell d$$r wa" $&ened - %$t u& and went $ut t$ the $''i(er and t$ld her h$w ill "he t$$/ me #a(/ t$ my (ell and made me lay d$wn a%ainP.Q - "ee the d$(t$r a#$ut 1E wa" (arried u& "tair" #ut t$ #ed $n a #ed"teadP.Q - had a (u& $'' tea the 'ir"t - had "in(e - had #een in Mill#an/ Pri"$nP.Q - a"/ed t$ let me die #ut *e l$$/ed "$ /indly at me n$ 1$ 4 y$u ha0e t$ %et #etter and d$ m$re w$r/ yetP.Q *i" /ind 'a(e and the $''i(er" (are %$t me u& a%ainP.Q - then had a ni(e h$t dinner a /ni'e and '$r/ t$ eat them withP.Q - then wa" ta/en int$ the wardP.Q had #een in a "mall r$$m #y my "el' - %$t tea u& there it wa" all ri%ht e0en th$"e &$$r thin% wh$ had d$ne "$me t$ %et there wa" ni(e and /ind t$ me and treated me with the %reate"t $'' re"&e(tP.Q a" - l$$/ed in there &$$r 'a(e" - 'elt a %reat #i% lum& $'' %ratitude rai"e u& in my heart $nly '$r G$d3" (hildren - mi%ht ha0e #een w$r"e than themP.Q my &ri"$n (ell (ille%i#le) &rayin% me my Je"u" wa" there my Criend" $ut"ide wa" #earin% me u& n$w while - wa" in that ward wi(h wa" $nly 1 wee/P.Q "$me $' th$"e Pri"$ner" "aid t$ me d$ y$u /n$w wh$ i" u& here dyein%P.Q - "aid n$P.Q they "aid the 'ren(h w$man wh$ had #een "ellin% the dru%" t$ "tu&i'y &$$r little (hildren $'' 1I year" $' a%e #e'$re they were u"ed #y th$"e wret(hed menP.Q it wa" t$$ dull there "en"e" it wa" t$ deaden "hame it wa" t$ de&ri0e them $'' that m$de"ty that $u%ht t$ ha0e #eenP.Q what wret(hed (hara(ter" t$ u"e &$$r little %irl" than/ G$d their are "$me %$$d w$r/er" #ut we want m$reP.Q - ha0e "&ent many year" in the S F5H Mare Street "$ - "ee a %reat deal their e''$rt t$ "a0e $ur y$un% "i"ter"P.Q well my time went $n %ettin% near my

5 m$nth" end the weather #e%an t$ %et a #it warmerP.Q - ($uld %$ $ut "ide n$w '$r"e a" we all mar(hed r$und in a (ir(leP.Q they u"ed t$$ tal/ t$ ea(h $therP.Q y$u wa" n$t "u&&$"ed t$ let the $''i(er wh$ "tand" in the middle hear y$u #ut "he w$uld hear the tal/in% #ut a" they all "eemed t$ #e tal/in% t$%ether "he ($uld n$t ($rre(t #ut they were n$t all$wed t$ tal/ $ut i' "he (au%ht $ne "he w$uld "t$& their"e '$r 1 wee/ "$ they d$ it 0ery ,uietly wal/in% "trait #ehind $ne an$therP.Q $ne m$rnin% - wa" $ut"ide"in% when at the #a(/ $'' me "$me $ne "aid - /n$w wh$ y$u are - "aid wh$ "he "aid Jarrett $'' the rm"tr$n% (a"eP.Q - "aid well "he "aid y$u time i" near u& - "aid ye" tw$ m$re wee/ "he "aid will t$ try t$ %et me $ut when y$u %$P.Q - "aid wh$ are y$uP.Q "he "aid +u(y - '$r%et the "urname "he did tell meP.Q - "aid what y$u ha0e d$neP.Q "he "aid the "ame a" y$u ha0e d$neP.Q - "aid h$w l$n% ha0e y$u %$t 5 year" "he "aid me and my manP.Q - "aid +u(y - am "$rry '$r y$u - ($uld n$t turn ar$und and "ee her 'a(e #ut it wa" '$r "h$win% that w$r/ u& y$u and y$ur man %ettin% a li0in% #y %ettin% th$"e &$$r little (hildren "$metime" dru%%in% themP.Q - than/ed G$d '$r hel&in% t$ "h$w it u&P.Q - "aid n$ +u(y Mr Stead n$r any $'' my 'riend" will li"ten t$ me y$u remem#er y$u and y$ur man %ettin% a li0in% '$r G year" 'r$m it thin/ $'' th$"e &$$r y$un% %irl" in a Chri"tian ($untry with Chri"tian" all ar$undP.Q "$ - d$ne my 5 m$nth" in Mill#an/ &ri"$n - le't with G" 5d %$$d ($ndu(t m$neyP.Q - le't early 8 $(l$(/ wa" dre""ed with n$ end $' &ar(el" $0er FEE letter"P.Q wa" l$adedP.Q e0ery $ne $' the $''i(er" #id me %$$d #ye and hel&ed me with all my &ar(el" and letter" and G85 %$$d ($ndu(t m$neyP.Q - had a (a# waitin% $ut"ide '$r meP.Q - %$t in with all my lu%%a%e the (a# wa" t$ld t$ ta/e me t$ We"tmini"ter #rid%eP.Q at 8.15 - %$t then $ne (arria%e - wa" t$ld t$ %et $ut and "ee wh$ it wa" in itP.Q a" - %$t near - "ee a #$nnet there "at $ne $'' my 'aith'ul 'riend" Mr". !ramwell !$$th wh$ t$$/ me and all my &ar(el t$ %et "$me tea a" - had n$ %ruel a" - wa" lea0in% early lleluia Prai"e G$d For allowing me to do something For #is ,lessed <ame ;esus - le't Mill#an/ &ri"$n $n &ril 1EP.Q tried t$ $&en my h$me a%ain #ut - ($uld n$t it wa" t$$ tryin% )u"t ($min% my "el' $ut $'' Pri"$nP.Q letter" - had "ent t$ me #y &e$&le wh$ "aid - wa" in the wr$n% &la(e - $u%ht #e "hielded 'r$m $ut"ide li'e all t$%ether $'' ($ur"e 'r$m $ut"ide they did n$t under"tand my li'eP.Q they 'elt - $u%ht t$ #e "hut u& in a #$. and ne0er let $ut a%ainP.Q it i" a mi"ta/e - w$uld n$t d$ itP.Q - "h$uld ha0e l$"t my rea"$n #ut my Pre(i$u" Criend Mr". Gen. !$$th held $n t$ meP.Q *ere - am 4E year" "in(e - 'ir"t entered the Sal0ati$n rmy *$me in *an#ury St. a &$$r drun/en #r$/en u& w$man Mr". Gen. and Mr". !ramwell !$$th did n$t l$$/ at that "ideP.Q - wa" de%raded "un/en d$wn l$w #y drin/P.Q their w$r/ wa" t$ try and rai"e me u& they 'ir"t %$t me int$ the h$"&ital were - wa" /e&t 1E wee/ t$ de'eat the $ld de0il ?rin/P.Q the d$(t$r" did their w$r/ and hel&ed when - (ame $ut $'' the h$"&ital - wa" wat(hed and (ared '$rP.Q t$ day - ha0e de'eated the de0il drin/ IH year"P.Q *ere - am li0in% am$n%"t th$"e wh$ li/e my"el' $n(e are 'i%htin% the drin/P.Q - &ray ea(h day '$r G$d t$ hel& me - am n$w nearin% my $ther *$meP.Q - am near GH year" in a%e #ut - am (l$"in% my earthly li'e with "in(ere %ratitude t$ the Sal0ati$n rmy and the &re(i$u" $''i(er" '$r their (are and de0$ti$n t$

me. Passing of Rebecca /arrett T e War $ry (Mar(h 1E, 1HF8) @ne $' the m$"t "tirrin% e&i"$de" in The rmy3" hi"t$ry ha" #een re(alled #y the &r$m$ti$n t$ Gl$ry $' 6e#e((a Jarrett, wh$ wa" a""$(iated with the General and Mr. W. T. Stead in the 4Maiden Tri#ute4 (a"e, the (ulminatin% (ha&ter in the "u((e""'ul e''$rt t$ &r$te(t y$un% %irl" 'r$m the e0il" $' white2"la0e tra''i(/er". 7arly in li'e "he wa" a""$(iated with thi" 0i(i$u" #u"ine"". !ut it wa" while $n a 0i"it t$ 1$rtham&t$n that "he 'ell $n 0ery e0il day" and, when in a di"tre""in% ($nditi$n, "he wa" '$und #y a well2/n$wn @''i(er $' that day, wh$ w$r/ed &atiently and &er"i"tently in "ee/in% t$ lead 6e#e((a t$ Sal0ati$n. She hel&ed her in many way", and, in due ($ur"e, had her tran"'erred t$ $ur 'ir"t 6e"(ue *$me in +$nd$n, a "mall h$u"e in White(ha&el. Mr". !$$th had ta/en (har%e $' thi" *$me and wa" alm$"t $0erwhelmed #y the terri#le ($nditi$n" "he '$und. The a%e $' ($n"ent wa" then $nly thirteen, and it wa" t$ her an a&&allin% re0elati$n t$ 'ind that the"e y$un% %irl"Oreally (hildrenOwere daily arre"ted and harried #y the &$li(e a" ($mm$n &r$"titute" a'ter #ein% a#and$ned #y their de"tr$yer". Th$"e wh$ 'ir"t (ame under her (are were all y$un% %irl" in their teen". S$me $nly ele0en and twel0e year" $' a%e. She learned, t$$, that a trade wa" (arried $n in the"e y$un% li0e" #etween 7n%land and the C$ntinent, and that it in0$l0ed "u(h an%ui"h and de%radati$n a", in her $&ini$n, ($uld n$t #e mat(hed #y any trade in human #ein%" /n$wn t$ hi"t$ry. " the General ha" written, 4-t wa" n$t the imm$rality that "tun% u" "$ mu(h, h$rri#le a" it wa"; it wa" the deli#erate "(hemin% and &lannin% where#y mere (hildren were #$u%ht and "$ld a" irre0$(a#ly a" in a "la0e2mar/et.4 Thin/in% $' the mi"erie" $' the"e &$$r (reature" Mr". !$$th, then a y$un% wi'e and m$ther, (ried her"el' t$ "lee& ni%ht a'ter ni%ht. Gradually her hu"#and, $ur &re"ent General, #e(ame aware that there wa" n$ e.a%%erati$n in the "t$rie" "he wa" hearin% day a'ter day, and the re0elati$n" nearly #r$/e hi" heart. With the inten"ity that (hara(terized +in($ln and +i0in%"t$ne in ($nne.i$n with the #la(/2"la0e trade, he "et him"el' t$ the ta"/ $' ar$u"in% the ($untry t$ a /n$wled%e $' the h$rri#le ($nditi$n $' the %irl" $n the "treet" $' +$nd$n and $ur %reat (itie", and $' the white2"la0e tra''i( (arried $n with $ther ($untrie". T@ C@6C7 P 6+- M71T The *$u"e $' C$mm$n" had treated the matter with indi''eren(e, alth$u%h the *$u"e $' +$rd" had mani'e"ted "$me ($n(ern and it" mem#er" were in 'a0$ur, at lea"t, $' rai"in% the a%e $' ($n"ent 'r$m thirteen t$ "i.teen year", and $' &a""in% a !ill t$ en"ure %reater &r$te(ti$n '$r %irl" and y$un% w$men. -' the &u#li( ($uld #e #r$u%ht t$ /n$w the a(tual 'a(t", the General 'elt "ure that Parliament w$uld #e '$r(ed t$ a(t. *en(e he ($n'erred with 0ari$u"

'riend", in(ludin% !en)amin S($tt (Cham#erlain $' the City $' +$nd$n) and Mr". J$"e&hine !utter, n$ted (ham&i$n $' wr$n%ed w$manh$$d, and a'terward ($n"ulted W. T. Stead, then 7dit$r $' the Pall Mall Gazette. T$ him he intr$du(ed !en)amin S($tt, wh$ e.&lained the le%al "ituati$n and al"$ the C$ntinental tra''i(. The General then t$ld Stead that he had '$ur w$men in the ne.t r$$m wh$m he mi%ht inter0iew '$r him"el'. They (ame in, $ne #y $ne, and their "t$rie" were eli(ited #y Mr. Stead. Three $' the"e $ut(a"t" were %irl" under "i.teen, the $ther wa" 6e#e((a Jarrett. *$w Mr. Stead a(ted, a'ter learnin% at 'ir"t hand the nature $' the e0il, i" n$w hi"t$ry, and a'ter the tw$ men had ta/en ($un"el and &rayed t$%ether, they "et $ut 0ery (auti$u"ly u&$n their &lan $' (am&ai%n. They needed a#"$lute 'ir"thand e0iden(e. T$ "e(ure thi" 6e#e((a $''ered t$ "er0e in a (a&a(ity whi(h they "u%%e"ted, and alth$u%h "he "hran/ at 'ir"t 'r$m returnin% t$ the haunt" $' 0i(e whi(h "he had /n$wn, "he a%reed t$ d$ "$ '$r the "a/e $' the inn$(ent" wh$m "he /new were #ein% "$ 0ilely ill2treated. She /new the meth$d #y whi(h the"e %irl" $' tender a%e were &r$(ured, and alth$u%h it i" unne(e""ary t$ detail the h$rri#le r$utine here, it i" en$u%h t$ "ay that "he &ur(ha"ed a %irl and went thr$u%h e0ery &ha"e $' the "i(/enin% tran"a(ti$n, &r$0in% ($n(lu"i0ely that the aw'ul tra''i( wa" (arried $n with$ut ($n"idera#le di''i(ulty. 6e#e((a Jarrett thu" made it &$""i#le '$r a "ma"hin% #l$w t$ #e "tru(/ at thi" hydra2headed m$n"ter, and "$$n the heart $' Chri"tend$m wa" "tirred. " the General ha" written in )c oes and Me%oriesOwhi(h i", #y the way, the #e"t "$ur(e '$r ($m&lete and &re(i"e in'$rmati$n $n the %reat e0ent" $' $ur early hi"t$ryOthe Pall Mall Gazette e.tra $' July 5, 1885, in whi(h Mr. Stead de"(ri#ed the Maiden Tri#ute $' M$dern !a#yl$n, t$$/ the !riti"h &u#li( #y "t$rm in a way that (an hardly #e &aralleled in new"&a&er hi"t$ry. 4The h$t wa0e" $' &u#li( 'eelin% ,ui(/ly "welled and la&&ed u& t$ the d$$r" $' the *$u"e $' C$mm$n".4 The 0i(t$ry wa" w$n. 4We had "u''ered in the 'ray,4 wr$te the General, 4#ut n$thin% ($uld und$ the re"ult $' the (am&ai%n.4 The enemy then t$$/ ad0anta%e $' a te(hni(ality, and, t$ the amazement and h$rr$r $' th$u"and" $' 7n%li"hmen, Stead, !ramwell !$$th, and 6e#e((a Jarrett, with $ther", had t$ "tand their trial '$r #rea/in% the 0ery law whi(h their e''$rt had #r$u%ht int$ #ein%. They had a#du(ted a %irl9 -t wa" n$thin% that "he wa" (are'ully "hielded thr$u%h$ut the wh$le $' the tran"a(ti$n, and that Mr. Stead had $&enly de(lared thi" a(ti$n wa" ne(e""ary in $rder t$ e.&$"e the 0ile"t tra''i( ima%ina#le. The"e (ham&i$n" $' the hel&le"" OStead and 6e#e((a JarrettOwere "ent t$ )ail, Stead '$r three m$nth" and 6e#e((a '$r "i.. The General and th$"e in0$l0ed with him in the (a"e were a(,uitted. ll h$n$ur t$ th$"e wh$ "hared in thi" n$ta#le 0i(t$ry9 When her "enten(e wa" ($m&leted 6e#e((a Jarrett went t$ a h$me Mr". J$"e&hine !utler had $&ened. -t wa" 'elt that there w$uld #e le"" &u#li(ity '$r her under Mr". !utler3" (are. She had 'elt her im&ri"$nment 0ery /eenly. %ain and a%ain "he alm$"t yielded t$ de"&air. Mr". !ramwell !$$th, Mr". J$"e&hine !utler, and $ther", "&ent h$ur" with her in her terri#le

#attle" with di"($ura%ement and $ther e0il". Their &rayer", their l$0e, and 'aith &re0ailed, and #y the #le""in% $' G$d "he ($n,uered. C$r a time thi" redeemed "$ul a""i"ted in the re"(ue $' %irl" and w$men and hel&ed %enerally in Mr". !utler3" h$me. +$n% a%$, h$we0er, "he returned t$ Mr". !$$th" (are and wa" ($m'$rta#ly a(($mm$dated at F5H Mare Street, *a(/ney, and wa" th$r$u%hly at h$me there until the day $' her death. m$n% her %reate"t trea"ure" wa" the !i#le %i0en t$ her #y Mr". !$$th, and, until a wee/ $r tw$ #e'$re her death, "he w$uld turn it" &a%e", and with dee& em$ti$n &$int t$ a 0er"e whi(h Mr". !$$th, realizin% the nature $' the te"t &ri"$n li'e w$uld mean, had "&e(ially underlined. Thi" wa" -"aiah .li. 1E< 0Fear t ou not1 for " a% 'it t ee: be not dis%ayed1 for " a% t y God: " 'ill strengt en t ee1 yea2 " 'ill elp t ee1 yea2 " 'ill up old t ee 'it t e rig t and of My rig teousness30 Sin(e July $' la"t year "he had #een ($n'ined t$ her #ed. ?urin% the"e day" "he wa" reminded that "he w$uld #e a#le t$ "ee the C$under when "he (r$""ed the 6i0er. *er 'a(e "h$ne a" "he li'ted her hand and "h$uted 4*allelu)ah94 C$mmi""i$ner Catherine !$$th /e&t in (l$"e t$u(h with 6e#e((a, wh$ "$ l$0ed, and wa" "$ %reatly inde#ted t$, her m$ther and %randm$ther. @n the $((a"i$n $' the la"t 0i"it the C$mmi""i$ner wa" in'$rmed, 4She will n$t /n$w y$u.4 She re($%nized her 0i"it$r, h$we0er, and "aid, 4Gi0e my l$0e t$ y$ur dear 'ather and m$ther. - $we e0erythin% t$ them.4 4S*7 * S ?@17 W7++94 *er la"t me""a%e wa"; 4Gi0e Mr". !$$th all my l$0e< tell her -3m ready and -3m %$in% *$me.4 *er General had already written $' her, 4She ha" d$ne well.4 1$w "he ha" entered int$ the )$y $' her +$rd and heard *i". 4Well, d$ne.4 The 'uneral "er0i(e in #ney Par/ Cemetery, $n Thur"day a'tern$$n, wa" ($ndu(ted #y C$mmi""i$ner +am#, a""i"ted #y C$mmi""i$ner Catherine !$$th, wh$ t$ld $' the ($n'li(t" and 0i(t$rie" $' thi" %reat tr$&hy. She dem$n"trated in the l$n% year" $' ,uietude and ($n"i"tent Sal0ati$ni"m that the w$r/ d$ne in her heart in 1$rtham&t$n, nearly '$rty2'i0e year" a%$, wa" $' G$d. *er &a""in% (reated %reat intere"t. The new"&a&er" $' the Metr$&$li", where the"e e&i( "(ene" had #een ena(ted, t$ld $' her &r$m$ti$n t$ Gl$ry, de"(ri#ed the )$y'ul "(ene" at the %ra0e"ide, and, in retellin% the "t$rie" $' the day" $' the Maiden Tri#ute, "h$wed h$w G$d i" u"in% $ur rmy t$ e''e(t *i" %l$ri$u" &ur&$"e" in the w$rld.

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