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Created by Amrit Chhetri for CBSE-MWT XII ; Copyright(C): Amrit Chhetri



Sample paper-I
Time allowed : 3 hours 1. Maximum Marks: 70 Name :_____________________ Roll No.:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please write down the serial number of the question before answering it. (a) What is a RDBMS? Give one difference between Primary Key and Foreign Key. (b) What is a Candidate Key? Define Auto Number and Number data types of MS-Access ? (c) Study the following-data and answer the questions given below : Table: Customers Customer Cust_No Acct_CreateDt Amount Manish CNR_101 21/03/2001 450000 Rahul CNR_204 03/04/2001 250000 Manpreet CNR_375 15/01/2001 350000 Rajen CNR_424 24/06/2001 650000 (1 (1

Table: Transactions Trxn_ID Cust_No Trxn_Date Withdrawal_Amt 2310201201 CNR_101 23/10/2012 14500 2410201202 CNR_101 24/10/2012 1500 2110201203 CNR_375 21/10/2012 12000 2410201204 CNR_424 12/10/2012 16000 i. Name the field, which can act as the primary key for the table Customers and the table Transactions respectively. (1 ii. Name the field, which can act as the foreign key for the table Transactions. (1 iii. What are the Cardinality and Degree of the table Customers ? (1 (d) What are the full forms of MIDI and AVI ? (1 (e) Differentiate between .SWF and .PSD file formats. (2 (f) What are Video Conferencing and Virtual Reality ? (1 (g) Name any two formats in which a Flash movie can be published. (1 2. Questions given below are based on Macromedia Flash : (a) Define the term Tweening. What are different Tweening? (b) What is the difference between hiding and locking a layer ? (c) Explain how to insert sound in a Flash movie ? (d) What do you understand by Frame Rate ? (e) Observe the figure given below and do as directed : The image on the right hand side shows the position and size of the image for frame1. The image on the left hand side shows the position and size of the image for frame 40. The dotted line shows the path of motion of the ball. Write the procedure and property settings for animating the above scenario. 3. Questions given below are based on HTML : (1 (2 (2 (1 (4

Created by Amrit Chhetri for CBSE-MWT XII ; Copyright(C): Amrit Chhetri

(a) What is use of Select tag in HTML? (b) Name the tag and attribute used to set a target frame in HTML. (c) Write the HTML code to generate a Web Page in the format given below : Consider the following while writing the HTML code 1. Background color of the page should be Magenta, text color should be Maroon . 2. Title of the page is Darjeeling-Queen Of Hills. 3. Text color of main heading on the page should be Blue. 4. Font face of text in the page should be Arial. 5. Picture used in the page is the file darjeeling.jpg. 6. Use the concept of select list to display the given drop-box. 7. Pages linked to : * None

(1 (1 (8

4. Questions given below are based on ASP : (a). What is Client Side Scripting? Give two examples. (b) Differentiate between Client Side scripting and Server-side scripting with examples. (c) What are sever variable of Request Object. Explain one of them (d) Give name of object to which the following methods/properties belong: (i) Form (ii) Write (1 (2 (2 (2

(e) Give output of the following statements : (3 (I) Response.Write(UCASE (LEFT (Times Of India, 4))) (ii) Response.write((5-3)*(4/2-3)) (iii Response.Write(MONTHNAME (MONTH (CDATE (23/08/2012))),Yes) 5. Questions given below are based on ASP: (a) Differentiate between an Read and ReadLine methods of the TextStream . (b) What is PWS ? What is the role of ADO on OLEDB connection? (c) Rewrite, the following code after removing errors with each correction underlined. <% dim num =25 b = 2 do num > 0 step 7 b = num mod 10 num = num - 2 next loop document.write b %> (1 (2 (2

Created by Amrit Chhetri for CBSE-MWT XII ; Copyright(C): Amrit Chhetri

(d) Give the output for the following code segment: <% Y = 15 FOR X = 1 TO 4 IF X < Y THEN Document.Write (Y) ELSE Document.Write (X) END IF Y = Y -6 NEXT %>


(e) A e-Learning Company company Future Learning wishes to design an ASP coded web page with the following specifications: The company wish to display time(without date) and the logo of the company on the landing page. To display a greeting message Welcome to Virtual Classroom if the user accesses the website. Write Write the ASP code for the above details. (3

6. Questions given below are based on VBScript: (a) What is Procedure and Function? Differentiate between Procedure and Function? How we call procedure from main program using <Script> tag. (b) Name the event to be used in the following situations: (1) To perform an action when a button is clicked. (2) To perform an action as soon as a text fields gains a cursor. (c) Give the output of the following code segment: <Script Language = text/VBScript> Name = "CES 2013" startword = 1 For i = 1 to Len (Name) if (startword <>0 ) Then document.Write (right (Name, i) ) if (Mid (Name, i, 1)) = "" Then startword = 0 else startWord = 5 End if End If Next </Script>

(2 (2


(d) Write the HTML code for creating the form given below and also write the embedded VBScript code for checking text-input at name field. When the user clicks on 'submit' button it display name types in a message box. (4

7. Questions given below are based on the unit Web Technologies: (a) What is a Hub and Modem? (b) Differentiate between Ring and Star Topology.

(1 (2

Created by Amrit Chhetri for CBSE-MWT XII ; Copyright(C): Amrit Chhetri

(c) Explain the following terms and give two examples for each: (i) FOSS (ii) Linux (iii) WLL (d) ProActor School of Acting in Mumbai is setting up the network between its different wings. There are 4 wings named as SENIOR(S), JUNIOR(J), ADMIN(A), and HOSTEL(H).


Distance between various wings are given below:

Number of computers in each wing is as given below:

Answer the following questions based on the above given information: (i) Suggest suitable cable layout(s) or topology for connecting the wings. (ii) Where do you think the server and repeater should be placed and explain why? (iii) Where and why should repeaters and switch be used? (iv) Suggest the type of cable should be used if the organization wants the most economical option. (1 (1 (1 (1

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