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Model answers for attachment: Outline and evaluate the learning theory of attachment; The learning theory suggest

attachments form due to classical conditioning, operant conditioning and the social learning theory. According to classical conditioning, food (an unconditioned stimulus) provides pleasure (an unconditioned response). Over time the mother becomes associated with the food therefore becomes a conditioned stimulus. This suggests attachment form due to association to the pleasant response the mother brings. According to operant conditioning, food satisfies the infants hunger (a primary driver) making the infant more comfortable (drive reduction). Over time the mother becomes associated with the food therefore becomes a secondary reinforce. This suggest the infant becomes attached because she is the source of reward. According to the social learning theory the infant becomes attached to the mother because she is a model for the infant to emulate. Schaffer and Emerson found that 39% of the infant formed attachment to people who didnt provide food. Which limits the validity of the learning theory as their research found that attachment form primarily as a result of responsiveness rather than food. Harlows research with the monkeys also showed that attachments contact comfort had a higher importance in forming attachment in comparison to food. Bowlbys theory of attachment also suggest that attachments form due to human being genetically dispose to forming attachment rather than mainly because of the supply of food a s the learning theory would suggest.

Explain how a psychologist would investigate attachment type using strange situation (3) The psychologist would observe the infant behaviour when alone with the parent, when the parent leaves the room, when alone with a stranger, when left alone and when the mother returns.

Outline what research has shown about cultural variations. (5) Most of the research into cross cultural variations used the strange situations procedure. Ijzendoorn and kroonbergs meta-analysis showed secure attachments were the most common type of attachment. With Great Britain having the highest amount of secure attachments and China having the least. Their research also showed variation within cultures was 1.5 times greater than variation between cultures. The meta-analysis showed that insecure avoidant was the next most common except for in Japan and Israel. Takahasi found that the high levels of resistant were due to the infant not being used to being away from the mother and unused to strangers due Japans collectivist culture which places emphasis on being part if s group.

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