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2, and W-$-.A /)ooth .igration to LTE LTE0 1nno"ati"e+ cost-e!!ecti"e and !uture-*roo!

technology %rotecting ser"ice *ro"iders in"est)ents as they e"ol"e !ro) 2,23,

Why go to LTE?
By 2010 mobile broadband (700M users) will surpass fixed broadband (500M users) (Source: O um! S"ra"e#y $naly"ics)% Mobile Broadband increase is bein# dri en mainly by &S'$ wi"( o er )0* of "(e world Mobile broadband connec"ions bein# &S'$ in 201+ ($ era#e of $B, (-+ 200)) and ,n.S"a" (/une 200)) and "o a lesser ex"en" 012O% 340 will be adop"ed by #rea"er "(an )0* of wireless carriers leadin# "o a "(ri in# eco.sys"em and massi e economies of scale e ol in# from "oday5s 525 01.2O de ices (100 6e $ ) and 7 1800 &S'$ de ices (280 &S9'$)% 4(an:s "o adop"ion of new smar" p(ones suc( as i'(one "(e da"a mar:e" is #rowin# fas"% 9sa#e of applica"ions from "(e mobile li:e ideo! music MMS and #ames is muc( more impor"an" and "(e ne"wor: s(ould follow "(is new "rend "o cope wi"( "(e new demand in da"a "raffic% 4(e cos" per By"e will be :ey "o main"ainin# compe"i"i eness% 340 "ec(nolo#y is "(e mos" ;os" effec"i e 6adio access "ec(nolo#y for "(e opera"or%

What is needed to launch an LTE network?

Sufficien" spec"rum is needed! 340 suppor"ed fre<uencies ran#e from 700 M&= "o 2%> ?&=% 4(e coun"ry specific re#ula"or will de"ermine w(a" fre<uencies can be used for 340% 2. 340 will be firs" "ar#e"ed a" 2a"a &o" Spo"s (loca"ions of ery (i#( mobile broadband pene"ra"ion) curren"ly ser ed by &S'$% $" some s"a#e! "(e business case will become ery a""rac"i e "o s(if" "o 340 due "o "(e lower ;os" per By"e of 340% 3. 0 en for (o" spo" =ones w(ere 340 will be deployed! a fallbac: ne"wor: will also be re<uired% 3aunc(in# 340 is abou" es"ablis(in# complemen"ary ne"wor:s: &S'$ co era#e is a success enabler for 340% 4. 2e ice a ailabili"y is a :ey fac"or "o come "o success% 4(e ecosys"em s(ould be ready meanin# "(a" you s(ould #e" de ices suppor"in# planned oice and da"a ser ices for low cos"% 4(e price s(ould be par" of "(e business plan as "(ey may defer "o &S'$ de ices% 9nli:e ?SM and &S'$! 340 does no" suppor" a circui" swi"c( oice offerin#% 340 suppor"s 1oice ser ices "(rou#( a 1o,' solu"ion u"ili=in# ,MS 1.


Alcatel-Lucent s LTE solution is cost-e!!ecti"e !or #oth $A%E& and '%E&

(ene!it !ro) a $A%E&-contained de*loy)ent+ with LTE !ro) Alcatel-Lucent
With our pioneering multi-standard BTS in the 620,000 multi-standard cabinets weve shipped since 1 , our hardware is alread! read! "or #T$% We have driven man! &smooth evolution' success stories, "or e(ample in )hina% @e (a e a sin#le solu"ion for bo"( 340 A22 and 422! wi"( a sof"ware.only up#rade "o 340 A22 for cus"omers wi"( exis"in# @.;2M$ modules and (i#( le els of in es"men" pro"ec"ion for our ?SM and ;2M$ cus"omers Our con er#ed 6$B s"ra"e#y and Sof"ware 2efinable 6adio (S26) produc"s allow for maximum reuse of exis"in# radio e<uipmen"% $ssumin# "(e same fre<uency (e%#% C00M&=) i" is possible "o sof"ware up#rade our new radio Modules (M;.46DEM;.66&) from ?SM "o @;2M$ and "o 340% Our mas"ery of a arie"y of flexible deploymen" scenarios allows for a Fpay as you #rowG approac( w(ic( s"reamlines spendin#

$lca"el.3ucen" 2? . @.;2M$ Smoo"( Mi#ra"ion "o 340 H Aac" S(ee"

3educe '%E&+ with LTE !ro) Alcatel-Lucent

Our 0x"ended Mana#emen" Solu"ion (DMS) le era#es $lca"el.3ucen"5s compre(ensi e en wireless common O$M applica"ions o Sin#le opera"ional experience for 2?.+?.8? wireless ne"wor: o Sin#le.poin" firs".aler" and ser ice assurance! includin# "rue end."o.end ,'EM'3S ser ice mana#emen" @i"( "(e SOB (Self.Or#ani=in#ESelf.Op"imi=in# Be"wor:) inno a"ions le era#in# $lca"el.3ucen" Bell 3abs exper"ise! opera"ors are enabled wi"( plu# I play eBode B! self.or#ani=ed and self.op"imi=ed 6$B for rapid roll.ou" and "unin#! as well as au"oma"ic nei#(bor lis" confi#ura"ion and op"imi=a"ion mec(anisms%

Alcatel-Lucent s LTE o!!er is end-to-end

4(e $lca"el.3ucen" 340 6$B solu"ion fi"s in"o a comple"e 340 end."o.end offer! w(ic( can include: 1%-ena#led )o#ile trans*ort0 $ll.,'! (i#( -oS! flexible and in"e#ra"ed solu"ion for con er#ed! cos".efficien" 2? J +? J 340 "ranspor" based on Mobile 0 olu"ion 4ranspor" $rc(i"ec"ure (M04$) E"ol"ed %acket $ore0 Ser ice.aware 0'; wi"( ad anced -oS and bes" in class scalabili"y for dynamic ,'! mobili"y and policy mana#emen" /er"ice -eli"ery En"iron)ent0 Open and field.(ardened S20 includin# ,MS Ser ice 2eli ery 'la"form "o efficien"ly blend "elecom wi"( web 2%0 ng$onnect %rogra) 0 by foundin# "(e n# ;onnec" 'ro#ram! $lca"el.3ucen" (as brou#(" "o#e"(er de ice! applica"ion and con"en" companies "o crea"e an end."o.end ecosys"em wi"( all "(e resources and exper"ise re<uired "o rapidly deli er nex" #enera"ion ser ices and applica"ions "o ser ice pro iders! en"erprises and consumers% /er"ices0 6an:ed BK 2 worldwide in "(e Ser ices se#men"! $lca"el.3ucen" (as experienced proLec" "eams in mos" coun"ries w(o can pro ide "op <uali"y proLec" mana#emen"! ins"alla"ion! in"e#ra"ion! op"imi=a"ion and main"enance ser ices! w(ic( are so essen"ial for "elecom proLec"s "o succeed% @e also (a e "(e processes in place so "(a" our experiences wi"( one cus"omer benefi" all of "(e o"(ers%

/*ectru) re!ar)ing is key

340 s"andards define a new radio access and fla".,' core! w(ic( en(ances performance and opera"in# cos"s! based on "(ree "ec(nolo#y pillars: Ala".,'! OA2M and M,MO% Beyond "(a"! 340 is c(arac"eri=ed by i"s abili"y "o be deployed on arious bandwid"( (from 1%8M&= "o 20M&=) and in differen" fre<uency bands! from 700M&= "o 2%>?&=! includin# all of "(e +?'' bands% 4(is flexibili"y enables many deploymen" scenarios! includin# spec"rum re.farmin#! i%e% re.alloca"ion of spec"rum used for ?SM or @.;2M$ "o 340% 3ower fre<uency bands! w(ic( benefi" from excellen" propa#a"ion proper"ies! can for ins"ance be re.alloca"ed for 340 co era#e%

900MHz spectrum refarming for coverage enabled by SDR assets (Software Defined Radio)

Beyond "(e re.use of "(e cabine"s! "(e alue of co.loca"in# ?SME@.;2M$ and 340 e<uipmen" also lies in "(e abili"y "o s(are or re.use "(e radio e<uipmen"s! (ence fur"(er reducin# "(e ;$'0D and O'0D% 4(is flexibili"y is possible "(an:s "o Sof"ware 2efined 6adio (S26) e<uipmen" w(ic( (as "(e abili"y "o suppor" differen" radio access "ec(nolo#ies! and Lumpin# from one "ec(nolo#y "o ano"(er ia simple sof"ware up#rade% ,n ad anced mar:e"s! ?SME@;2M$ opera"ors will ini"ially deploy 340 in new bands (e%#% 2%>?&= in 0urope) "o co er (o" =ones% ,n a second s"ep! re.farmin# of par" of "(e ?SME@.;2M$ spec"rum! especially in "(e C00M&= band allows for a broadband co era#e in rural en ironmen" and be""er in.door pene"ra"ion% ,deal case for an opera"or is ob iously "o (a e addi"ional spec"rum in "(e )00M&= band (di#i"al di idend) for example "o be able "o co er 6ural areas or use "(is spec"rum for umbrella cells in 9rban en ironmen"% $lca"el.3ucen" 2? H @.;2M$ Mi#ra"ion "o 340 2

1nlay or o"erlay? 4(e opera"or (as "wo op"ions: deploy 340 in "(e same band as ?SM (E@;2M$ or in ano"(er band% ,n "(e firs" case! or inlay deploymen"! some of "(e @.;2M$ spec"rum is alloca"ed "o 340% S26 modules ini"ially opera"e in @.;2M$ and "(e opera"or can dynamically alloca"e par" of "(e spec"rum resource "o 340% 4(e 340 capaci"y #rows w(ile "(e @.;2M$ capaci"y decreases%

,n "(e second case! 340 e<uipmen"s (os"ed in "(e @.;2M$ cabine"s opera"e in ano"(er band! "(erefore no" impac"in# "(e @.;2M$ capaci"y.

$on"erged 3A40 Alcatel-Lucent solution !or )igration !ro) ,/. 2 W$-.A to LTE
$lca"el.3ucen" (as de eloped "(e ;on er#ed 6$B! an end."o.end approac( "o enable resources op"imi=a"ion! "o accelera"e your radio access ne"wor: deploymen"s "o#e"(er wi"( -oS con"inui"y o er a c(eaper "ranspor" ne"wor:% @i"( $lca"el.3ucen" ;on er#ed 6$B you no" only pro"ec" your ?SM and @.;2M$ in es"men"s! bu" also ensure a simple pa"( as you e ol e your ne"wor: "o 340% ,n "(is brief paper we will focus on "(e ;on er#ed B4S%

The Converged RAN


Converged Radio

Converged Mo ility !eatures

Converged Transport

Converged Manage"ent

#$% &$ & LTE 'et(ork and Service Manager

Circuit Core Internet


Cell Site Access

Multi-Layer Transport & Aggregation

Control Packet Core & Evolved Packet Core

$lca"el.3ucen" 2? H @.;2M$ Mi#ra"ion "o 340

$on"erged 3A40 The $on"erged (T/

Since 1CCC! $lca"el.3ucen"5s Mul"is"andard s"ra"e#y means "(a" mul"iple differen" "ec(nolo#ies (i%e% radio access s"andards) can be (os"ed in "(e same cabine"% $s a resul"! "(e $lca"el.3ucen" Mul"is"andard Base S"a"ion adap"s "o your re<uiremen"s! as you mo e from ?SM "o ?'6S! 02?0! ?06$B e olu"ion! @.;2M$! &S'$! &S'$J! and 340 and so on% Our /o!tware -e!ined 3adio 5/-36 "ec(nolo#y ma:es i" possible "o suppor" ?SM% @;2M$ andEor 340 simul"aneously wi"( "(e same 6adio modules "(rou#( ne"wor: reconfi#ura"ion only and will no" re<uire cos"ly"e in"er en"ion "o deploy new radio modules% 4(e fi#ure below s(ow "(e $lca"el.lucen" con er#ed B4S solu"ion! consis"in# of radio modules (66&! 4629 and M;.46D) and 2i#i"al modules (BB9 for @;2M$E340) and S9Mx (?SM con"roller)% $lca"el.lucen" is "(e only endor offerin# a "o"ally sof"ware up#rade solu"ion of our di#i"al B4S from @;2M$ "o 340% $ll o"(er e<uipmen" endors re<uire "(e addi"ion of plu# in modules (con"roller and modem cards) "o mo e from @;2M$ and 340% $no"(er :ey difference of "(e $lca"el.lucen" solu"ion is "o ensure "(a" ?SM con"rol is independen" from @;2M$E340 "o a oid a sin#le poin" of failure in case "(e B4S fails%

%lug-in radio )odules

for ?SM or @;2M$ cabine"s

3e)ote 3adio 7eads

=ero foo".prin" solu"ions



/ingle %A

/ingle %A

-ual %A

LTE W-$-.A
$o))on (ase (and 8nit 5d286 ((8


*S+ )ontroller S,+-

/ingle %A

,/. W$-.A LTE

,/. W$-.A LTE

9::.7; 1<:: .7; -ual %A

9::.7; 1<:: .7;

$lca"el.3ucen" 2? H @.;2M$ Mi#ra"ion "o 340

LTE .igration E>a)*le A0 E>isting ,/. 9::21<::.7; and 8.T/ 21::.7; network
200 . /nstalled base with *S+ twin T00011200 +34 and ,+TS1#T$ T05, 2100+34 2010. 0eplace *S+ Twin T0- with *S+1,+TS1#T$ +)-T0-% 6er"orm e(isting 0011200+34 spectrum refarming and activate b! SW onl! ,+TS 00 +34 and #T$ 1200 +34% /ncrease BB, capacit! to absorb #T$ tra""ic% 2011. 7ctivate all +)-T0- in multi-mode b! SW onl! 2012. )onvert one *S+8,+TS +)-T0- 00 into ,+TS 00+34 onl! as well as one *S+8#T$ +)-T0- 1200 +34 into #T$ 1200 +34 onl!% 7ctivate #T$ 2100 +34 b! SW upgrade onl! and introduce dedicated #T$ 2600 +34 module%

Installed base
,/. 9:: ,/. 9:: ,/. 9::

,/. = 8.T/ 9:: ,/. = LTE 1<::

,/. ,/. = = 8.T/ 8.T/ 9:: 9:: ,/. ,/. = = LTE LTE 1<:: 1<::

,/. = 8.T/ 8.T/ 9:: 9:: ,/. = LTE LTE 1<:: 1<:: 8.T/ = LTE LTE 2?:: 21::

,/. ,/. 1<:: 1<::

,/. 1<::

8.T/ 8.T/ 21:: 21::

8.T/ 8.T/ 21:: 21::

8.T/ 8.T/ 21:: 21::

8.T/ 21::

8.T/2LTE ((8

8.T/2LTE ((8

8.T/2LTE ((8

8.T/2LTE ((8

8.T/21:: 21::.7; .7; 8.T/ ,/. 1<:: .7; ,/. 1<:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7;

LTE1<:: 1<::.7; .7; LTE 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/9:: 9::.7; .7; 8.T/ ,/.1<:: 1<::.7; .7; ,/. ,/. 9:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7;

LTE1<:: 1<::.7; .7; LTE 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/9:: 9::.7; .7; 8.T/ ,/.1<:: 1<::.7; .7; ,/. ,/. 9:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7;

LTE2?:: 2?::.7; .7; LTE LTE 21:: .7; LTE 21:: .7; LTE1<:: 1<::.7; .7; LTE 8.T/21:: 21::.7; .7; 8.T/ 8.T/ 9:: .7; 8.T/ 9:: .7; ,/.1<:: 1<::.7; .7; ,/. ,/. 9:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7;

LTE .igration E>a)*le (0 ,/. (T/ reno"ation to LTE

,/. 9:: ,/. = 8.T/ 9:: ,/. = LTE 1<::

,/. ,/. = = 8.T/ 8.T/ 9:: 9:: ,/. = LTE 1<:: ,/. = LTE 1<::

,/. = 8.T/ 8.T/ 9:: 9:: ,/. = LTE 1<::

2010.5eplo!ment with *S+1,+TS1#T$ +)-T00011200 +34 and ,+TS1#T$ T05, 2100 +34 2011. )onvert all +)-T0- into multi-mode b! SW onl! 2012. )onvert some +)-T0- into ,+TS onl! and #T$ onl! b! SW% 7ctivate #T$ 2100 +34 b! SW and introduce #T$ 2600 +34%

,/. 1<::

LTE 1<::

8.T/ 8.T/ 21:: 21::

8.T/ 21::

8.T/ 21::

8.T/ 21::

8.T/ = LTE 21::

LTE 2?::

8.T/2LTE ((8

8.T/2LTE ((8

8.T/2LTE ((8

LTE 1<:: .7; LTE 1<:: .7; 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/ 9:: .7; 8.T/ 9:: .7; ,/. 1<:: .7; ,/. 1<:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7;

LTE 1<:: .7; LTE 1<:: .7; 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/ 9:: .7; 8.T/ 9:: .7; ,/. 1<:: .7; ,/. 1<:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7;

LTE 2?:: .7; LTE 2?:: .7; LTE 21:: .7; LTE 21:: .7; LTE 1<:: .7; LTE 1<:: .7; 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/ 21:: .7; 8.T/ 9:: .7; 8.T/ 9:: .7; ,/. 1<:: .7; ,/. 1<:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7; ,/. 9:: .7;

$lca"el.3ucen" will ensure "(a" i"s wireless s"ra"e#y leads you "o a lon# "erm success% $lca"el.3ucen" 'or"folio enables a seamless up#radeable pa"( from exis"in# @ireless ne"wor:s "o 340 for all of i"s curren" wireless cus"omers in order "o "a:e ad an"a#e and pro"ec" i"s embedded base% $lca"el.3ucen" (as "(e scale and exper"ise "o dri e "(e e olu"ion from any "ec(nolo#y and spec"rum and "o +?! 8? and beyond! ma:in# "(e company an ideal par"ner for opera"ors as "(ey pursue "(eir compe"i"i e "ransforma"ion ini"ia"i es%

$lca"el.3ucen" 2? H @.;2M$ Mi#ra"ion "o 340

$lca"el.3ucen" 2? H @.;2M$ Mi#ra"ion "o 340


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