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by Mary kaslmor

CopyrlghL 2014

ubllshed by 8lazevCx [books]

All rlghLs reserved. no parL of Lhls book may be reproduced wlLhouL
Lhe publlsher's wrlLLen permlsslon, excepL for brlef quoLaLlons ln revlews.

rlnLed ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca

lnLerlor deslgn and LypeseLLlng by Ceoffrey CaLza
Cover ArL: SLalrwalkers by noah saLersLrom

llrsL LdlLlon
lS8n: 978-1-60964-173-3
Llbrary of Congress ConLrol number: 2014930339

8lazevCx [books]
131 Luclld Ave
kenmore, n? 14217


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8lazevCx [ books ]

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#-&6 /0* 7%&8 &# 5$31/5

marla CoreLLl's whlLe 8CnL Chlna
wearlng A
8LCnuL wlg and
mermald feeL 1PL waLer
spreads lLsell
1Pln anoLher
llSP of Women
ln ACl1A1lCn
CP S1. vaglna Lhe uoor separaLed
you l8CM
?our moLher Anu Lhe PLAullnes sC8LAmed
Murder lnulScreLlon
kepL ?Cu dead A SubLle
SAln1 of ulsgrace
no one 8LAu Lhe Lrue
narraLlve of 8ACk alley
buLchers among
1PL unuLAu afLer an afLernoon
movle heaven
MCved Lhe earLh and uuMSLers
fllled wlLh
Lyes and WlnCS and weddlng
8lnCS a ModesL
ALLemp aL coverL LSplonage
?our 1CLS were alnLed
8Lu A
marked 1PL SC1
?ou aLe PlS skln on
aLL souls' uA?

%"%%$79 0$%%"431$/3&15 31 /0* %37-$-9


please submlL
Lo explaln pure handllng plans break breeze
pleces off
lLlneranL plalncloLhes people
monks and nuns and mlmes
grab onLo wheels
Lo move Lhe red Lruck
performance burlesque squeezes dloxldes
falls upon my dog
prom cosLs more penny dalsles
ready Lo bloom

machlnaLlng chalrs


l rose Lo Lhe nlghLs of plnk husLle. furLherlng Lhe sLory changes Lo
a fully cloLhed serles of exhlblLs Lhelr blessed may selves a perfecL
carved memory plggybacklng onLo need. whaL separaLes Lhe economy
from Lhe counLry Lhe anxlous wheel drlves Lhe numbers. survlval wlLh
no muslc Lhe plano plays Lhe braln a phanLom flre eaLer's word swallows
for submlsslon purposes only. half a verslon of horse Lo where lL ends
chaslng lLself agaln unsuccessful wlLh sounds Lo dream.



and l sLepped ouL onLo Lhe sLreeL walLlng Lo be hlL
wanLlng more Lhan LhaL losL llfe wlLh no chance
of wlnnlng Lhe fuLure
or movlng forward
pasL Lhe lnformaLlon
l couldn'L Lell you more Lhen l moved Lhe furnlLure
[usL Lo change places mlrror reflecLlons
ln Lhe garden
and whaL grew was a small name
of a plece for peonles a fugue for ourselves
noL [usL me
buL all Lhe reflecLlons changlng wlLh marglns for error
Lhe deer ln Lhe llbrary halluclnaLlons
walled for whaL were ldenLlfled
wlLh an x blended LogeLher wlLh Lhe shame
of self wlLh unspeakable
arL LhaL reflecLed ourselves lnslde and ouL
l fell lnLo a dream


you fell ouL of llfe llke llfe beLween borders
where Lhe muslc felL resLless and a broken
and a broken gulLar are spare pleces for
Lhe wlld dog LhaL aLe Lhe hearL (alr) Lhe wlld blrd
flylng lnLo Lhe cave Lhe house always locked
Lhe sleep dreamed Lhe skln lefL ouL Lo
dry Lhe days faclng Lhe deserL Lhe flowers confuslon
dead as a sLone



l wore only a rlng and Lhe bells rang ouL.

wlLh Lhe LasLe of blood l cleaned my hands, flLLlng Lhem lnLo a Leacup.

made of flne bones, my face was a breeze on Lhe red flowered velns ln

ln Lhe whlLe snow l wore Lhe whlLe sllence.

walLlng for Llme Lo break every meanlng of exlsLence, l hung myself
llke walls.

l faced down my own reflecLlons.

l dlscovered my shadow Lo flnd my paLhs openlng Lhe book.

for lack of reflecLlon, l made myself.

:"-%5 31 5&3% ; 235/$14*

purl & knlL
l knoL from A lamb's MouLh
l dellver naLure's C8uue

SClL'S blood ln Lhe wheaL & corn
Lylng ln uneven 8owS
dangles A reproducLlon palnLed LA8CL

l bloom 1WC llps
Lhe bleedlng flnger Lhumbs
1PL Skeln

many hues made Cl flngers
a bloody S1uM of sun

purls Lnu
no Cne sells ruLabagas

& dlrL's Lrembllng 8ooLs
from Lhe grave
Cl a black L?ed Susan

l eaL Lhe SalL
& Lhose who eaL Lhe 8Lue
knl1 a CauLlonA8? Lale

:%$1*/5 31 7*/+**1

Lakes no loLus
llghL only
mornlng breaLh
am words
splayed unhlnged
moon drama
desulLory Lralls of nlghL 0&%%&+ hollow

bone dlamonds
floaLlng 6:01
wlnd am skln dusL
swepL lmplanLs

memorlzlng lonellness
marchlng forward

yeasL hollows honey
sLuck ln blood planLed
ln corners
cloLLed rlvers
am soggy
dogs & rhododendron
blooms floaL
frog Lalls
compuLer chlld
erupLlon ls noL funded <=>?

am bus holds molsL
quesLlons ln mlsL
flsLs memorabllla bounces off
facebook lnLo edlble and lnLrlcaLe
puzzles of LasLe
dog nap


on small blrd planeLs
7:00-3:00 ln
beLween doLLed llnes squeezlng ouL
Lhe prlces of
flash & sadness
spllLs carrlers of lnLelllgence
LhoughL ls
noL so much Lhe words
[usL a crow
wlLh quesLlons
wearlng lL
naLure balances
on a wlng
31 9&"- "17*$-$7%* :&53/3&1

4&"1/318 315*4/5 *$/318 56$%%

earLh's gravlLy angles lace space absurdlLy
and bone
elemenLs dlagrammlng
snalls and wasps lmage drama of
lnsecLs eaLlng small chunks of farmland
of famlshed eLernlLy
from black
holes ln whlLe lnvlslble
fuLures alLer ego sold as
Lhe grand canyon Lhe leLLers began aL
blrLh and Lhe belng
replaced a Lree
Lhe foresL and wheaL counL knlves and
forks a mysLery ln
mlssed posslblllLles and Lhe bees search
for angles Llme noLes Lo lLself
Lhe earLh LhaL was never
malleable and made ouL
of llghL and once llghL
Lhey burled Lhe flngers of Lhe body and lL dwelL
among lL selves
wlLhouL a sLrlng a plano a needle or Lhe spun
darkness LhaL
opens cupboards of flowers
and Leacups and plaLes and
bowls no secreLs Lo explaln no lons
no clouds no
sweaLers and Lhe raln poured ouL shlny skln
lnLo Lhe wlndows
among Lhe doors of secreLs and mercy
depends on
Lhe Lelllng of Lhe angle Lhe face
when lL falls lnLo Lhe body
burled secreLly sLarLlng Lhe llneage
of whom we dldn'L know
and no one was numbered and
we named hlm wlLhouL
an lnherlLance as we are scaLLered
as we repeaL ourselves


lnslde Lhe sLorm clear eyes a surprlse among
oLher ln
Lhe sounds of Lhe blrds pourlng Lhemselves lnLo
form LhaL same face wlLhouL a surface
or eyes
buL muslc flew wlLh Lhe black crows of lengLh and so
we saL ln our chalrs holdlng
spoons and some Lhlngs changed ln black
coLLon mosLly
names wlLhouL homes and nomadlc for waLer
and Lrees and
flaL surface sun and earLh and Lhe blood
of meaLs anlmals Lhe frulL of Lhe womb's
naLural sugar Lhe bables
kepL comlng and we lefL ourselves
Lo be sold alone before
we sLarLed maLhemaLlcs lLself wlLhouL so much

/0* 0$12 6$4031*

Lhe world felL slmple
lylng on Lhe page
Llke planeLs
llke 8CCLSSlCnS

& breakfasL knows marmalade
& she
ls noL a caL
Lhe dog lles under slmpllclLy
uLLerlng velveL
& darkness

no sLars
Lhe broodlng sleep moves
kln &
8one & body
a safe presence ln drawers
openlng & closlng
Lhe prlvacy Cf exhausLlon
ln a carefully
folded fuLure

& Lrends falled
ln AnoLher Lrend of
words palnLed as
wooden voodoo
WlLh quesLlons of
keeplng quleL spaces
addlng angles
for 24 suns unLylng knoLs
from a body locklng ln
a caL Lrance

l1 feels new & she
dressed dlfferenLly
from Lhe oLher Lwo
havlng Spoken beLween
llps & Lhe hand MACPlnL


Lhe CLhers
wove a fasL
message LhaL faded
aL 1PL edge
of Lhe AfLernoon Llme
for Lea & whlskey
a day ln complex
AnonymlLy feaLures
ln blood sLalns
& Lndlng wlLhouL dogs
8arklng or dlshes
washlng or nolse changlng
deaf doors

83-% 7$12

Lwlg people who dldn'L belleve
fall lnLo four dlmenslons Lhey
never sLood sLralghL
Lhey never counLed
Lhemselves more Lhan once
whaL exlsLs ln a zlp lock
bag ls a pre-exlsLlng condlLlon
Lhere are no sunny days for
cerLalnLy 300,000 dream women
spake ln Llny Longues formed Lhe
flrsL glrl band Lrees see
Lhrough songs a deplcLlon of
fluLLerlng wlngs LapesLry of hybrld
unlcorns and plums whaL more
Lhan snake sklns ellxlrs do
you wanL we packed ourselves
exploslves no one felL beLLer
compuLers spllled ouL
orgasms swollen seeds for Lhe
manufacLurlng of dogma
fragmenLed llsL of enemles 300,000
Lhe song on Lwo sLrlngs
[apanese Lones ln Lhe flrsL layer
of Lears no one crled Lhe sound
of broken beauLy opened and
bled onLo Lhe parklng loLs
heads dully fall Lhud men
crouched around flre
women wearlng cheap fllmsy
bodles feel a processlon of anLs
LlghL and magnlflcenL

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