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Olmstead 1 Jesse Olmstead Raymond English 1102 15 April 2014 Works Cited Carter, Paul A.

Prohibition and Democracy: The Noble Experiment Reassessed. The Wisconsin Magazine of History. 56.3 (1973): 193-194. Print. In text: (Carter). Summary: This source summarizes the political side of prohibition. The purpose of the source was to show that prohibition was a failure as an experiment. Throughout Carters banter, he repeatedly acknowledged he had no statistical evidence of some of his numbers, limiting the use. Though the source was written in a very scholarly manner, many comments seemed off subject. Project Purpose: Carter helps show the historical side of prohibition, allowing his piece to be used in the introduction. Buenker, John D. The Illinois Legislature and Prohibition, 1907-1919 Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984). 62.4 (1969): 364-365. Print. In text: (Buenker) Summary: This source is a summary of Illinois specific case of prohibition. Buenker gives a specific case, which though it limits the use of an entire population, it does give a sample worthy of representing a majority of the population. From

Olmstead 2 an economics standpoint, the source is not as useful as it could be, but it does give surprising amounts of evidence. Project Purpose: Buenker gives a specific case of prohibition, which can be used in the project to give an example with some statistical evidence. Warburton, Clark. Prohibition and Economic Welfare. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 163 (1973): 92-94. Print. In text: (Warburton) Summary: Warburton does a good job of showing how prohibition allowed for crime leaders to gain a lot of money through prohibition. In doing so the source is very strong with statistical data. However, some of the data seems random. Project Purpose: In all actuality, this source will be used only to show how money from alcohol sales was not lost, but instead went to mafia leaders. Jones, Bartlett C. Prohibition and Prosperity, 1920-1930 Social Science 50.2 (1975): 78-86. Print. In text: (Jones) Summary: Bartlett Jones critics how prosperity was actually gained through prohibitin. This was a bit of a weak source because it seemed very emotionally driven. Never the less, from it was derived a notion that the poor really suffered from prohibition, and the rich found loopholes around it. Project Purpose: Since the economic side is being studied, it is interesting to consider how social classes were able to establish their means of obtaining a higher priced alcohol.

Olmstead 3 Fochler, Rike. "Al Capone: The Untouchable Legend. Online Video Clip. Youtube. Youtube. 6 Jul. 2009. Web 09 Apr. 2014. In text: (Fochler) Summary: Fochlers video on Al Capones life does not have a concrete weakness. The documentary highlights his life, and how he came to power making millions of dollars. through bootlegging . Project Purpose: The documentary will be used to capture just how criminals came to power in a rundown, immigrant overrun, America. Brown, Ames. Prohibition. The North American Review. Vol. 202 (1915): 2-9. Web. 14 May 2014. In text: (Brown) Summary: The purpose of Browns work was to highlight key parts of the economics concerning prohibition. Since the magazine at the time was out in the 1915s America had not yet seen the affects of prohibition. Nevertheless, Brown used statistical analysis to prove would could and did happen. Project Purpose: This source will allow us to show what peoples thoughts were before prohibition. Thorton, Mike . The Economics of Prohibition. University of Utah Press. (1991): 916. Mises. PDF file. In text: (Thorton) Summary: Thorthon shows a large variety of statically data. Explanations of this data are a definite strength. He lacks consistency in his thought process however.

Olmstead 4 Project Purpose The source allows for more data to be displayed about the time period. Thorton, Mike. Alcohol Prohibition was a Failure. The Cato Institute. Cato Institute n.d. Web. 6 April 2014. In text: (Thorton) Summary: Very similar to his other works, Thorton goes into deeps about prohibition using graphs to represent trends in the time period. He limits himself to only statistics however, and not personal accounts. Project Purpose the graphs are perfect for visual images. Levine, Harry G, Craig Reinarman. Alcohol Prohibition and Drug Prohibition: Lessons from Alcohol Policy for Drug Policy. Cedro. n.p. n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2014. In Text: (Levine and Reinarman). Summary: The authos basically talk about how prohibition acts are failures. Many personal accounts are used, but some are inconsistent. The source seems to try and blend stats with commentary, but comes up shorthanded. Prohibition then; MADD today. United States History: Focus on Economics. Council for Economic Education. n.d. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. In text: (Prohibition then) Summary: This source talks about the reasons people at the time supported prohibition. Though we have lots of evidence to disprove some of the stated claims, it is an interesting counterweight to hear the oppositions perspective on the matter.

Olmstead 5 Purpose: As said in the summary, the perspective is a nice counter weight to the argument against prohibition. We believe both sides should be explored.

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