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Aknowledgement About Parle G Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. Company profile Products range About Biscuits Classification of biscuits Analysis of biscuits

Brief escription ! "ses #f $aw %aterial Processing #f Biscuits process manufacturing of glucose biscuits digramatic representation process Layout #f Parle Biscuits raw material storage mi&ing unit oven cooling' packing (ntended "se #f Parle G Biscuits (mportant etails About $aw %aterials %isslanious )astages *pecification #f +inis,ed Biscuits +actors Affecting Processing #f Biscuits


AKNOWLEDGEMENT ( e&press my sincere gratitude towards %r. *. Panday -%anager. parle pantanagar plant/ t,at enables me inside into t,e biscuit industry and wit,out t,ose support t,is training e&perience would not ,ave been possible. ( am e&tremely grateful to %r .*an0ay 1adav -Production %anager/ and %r. $o,it Gupta -2uality assurance inc,arge/ for t,eir consistent support and guidance. Also ( am grately t,ankfull to %r. *,is,ir -3$/ and %r. *onu ,imaan -production department/ for t,eir ,elp and valuable suggestions. Beside t,is. ( ,eartly wis, to e&press my sincere t,anks to %r. %anavendra *ing, -mi&ing inc,arge/. %r. As,ok Arya -production/ and t,e entire management staff. workers and all employee team of t,e plant. for t,eir significant contribution towards t,e completion of t,e training and wit,out w,ose support t,is fantastic and knowledgeful training e&perience would not ,ave been possible.

*aurab, 4umar *,ukla

About Parle G Biscuits Pvt. Ltd.

Company profile
The company Parle G Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. set up in 1929, the first Indian company to manufacture biscuits and confectionary in the country. any o! parle products , "iscuits and con!ectionary are mar#et leaders in their cate$ory. %ne o! its ma&or variety Parle G has "een con!erred 'ith a presti$ious distintion o! "ein$ the orld lar!est sellin! biscuits. (ith a )*+ share in the total "iscuits mar#et , a lar$e no. o! manu!acturin$ units in the "iscuits industry, the company en&oys a 'orld, class reputation and the Parle "rand sym"oli-es .uality, health and $ood taste !or its products.

"roducts ran!e The company is associated 'ith the manu!acturin$ o! a

'ide varity o! "iscuits and con!ectionary items/ #iscuits$ Parle, G ,0tta,G , a$i1 , anaco, 2rac#&ac# , 3ide45ee# anaco , 6un center , 5i1er, 7im#in , 8i$estive arie% Confectionary$ Poppins , elody , an$o Bite , 2ismi To!!ee Bar ,9ho1, :olacola , To!!ee, %ran$e 9andy . 0mon$ Parle G Biscuits varieties, parle $ and atta $ comprises the $lucose "iscuits. The pantna$ar plant location o! the company is involved 'ith the manu!acturin$ o! the $lucose "iscuits parle G and cream "iscuit creams oran$e.

Introduction about biscuits

Biscuits are chemically leavened and "a#ed product made principally !rom !lour, su$er and !at. They typically have a moisture content o! less than )+ and 'hen pac#ed in moisture proo! container has a lon$ shel! li!e, perhaps ; month or more. The use o! "iscuits is more and common in homes due to there ready to eat characteristics. The appeal to the customer is determined "y the appearance and the eatin$ .uality. They are made in various shape and si-e and a!ter "a#in$ may "e coated 'ith chocolate, sand'iched 'ith a !at "ased !illin$ or other pleasantly !lavored additions.

Classification of biscuits
a< 8ependin$ on te1ture and hardness ,chan$e in shape o! oven the e1tensi"ility o! dou$h or various dou$h is handled prior to "iscuit !ormation. i% &ard dou!' biscuit $ it has hi$h 'ater and relatively lo' !at content .the dou$h is tou$h and e1tensi"le. They e1hi"it viscoelastic properties similar to "read dou$h "ecause o! the three,dimensional $luten net'or# o! !lour protein. (oft dou!' biscuit $ They contain much less 'ater and relatively hi$h level o! !at and su$ar. The dou$h is short and e1hi"it very lo' e1tensi"le character. 5o!t dou$h coheres under pressure "ut has a short !racture under tension = very little dou$h development ta#es place durin$ mi1in$.



b) ( eet ?n s'eet "iscuits, the !at and su$er level are $enerally hi$h . The variety provides very short "ite, s'eet taste and !lavor. ?t is dependin$ o! relative proportion o! !at and su$er. @$. Glucose "iscuits c) (emi*( eet 5emis'eet "iscuit have a lo' level o! s'eetness. The product is hard in te1ture and lo' in !at. e$. marie d) Crac+ers They sho'in$ typical type o! !la#y inner structer !ormed due to speci!ic processin$ methaodolo$ies . These can "e !ermented and non !ermented and non !ermented type e$. 5nac#s e) Coo+ies 9oo#ies product are salty in "ite compared to the s'eet. They may enriched "y incorporation o! nuts, dry !ruits, chocolate etc. and have hi$h su$er and !at in comparison to s'eet.

Glucose biscuits
These "iscuit contain reletively more !at and su$er content and !all under the cate$ory o! s'eet "iscuits. The su$er used mainly in the !orm o! $lucose and thats 'hy it is called $lucose "iscuits. They !orm healthy diet and a $ood source o! ener$y and are economically cheaper than other variety o! "iscuits. 0 ma&ority around ;>+ o! the total "iscuits manu!actured in ?ndia are $lucose "iscuits.

Analysis #f Biscuits
Glucose Biscuits
(ei$ht per "iscuit 8imention o! "iscuits 9olour o! "iscuits p3 5tac# hei$ht >.>* $m >>A3;AB> $olden "ro'n ;.> appro1 B.> mm


Biscuits are small baked product made principally from flour, suger, and fat. They have moisture content of less than 2.0% and when packed in moisture proof containers have a long shelf life perhaps months or more. "ariety !i$e Taste Design impression #luco biscuits %&'%&( !weet )ectangular



Bite ,olor -eight

0f *arle+g !ime hard #olden brown for /% baked biscuits

*acket si$e polybags, !tack height+ of

( gm, /00gm, /kg 2kg 0ar above //. 1below /22mm /% biscuits

/ 2 ' 4

2aida !uger !.2.*. !alt !oda

6uantity Per Batc,

//0 kg '' kg 3.0 gm /200gm ' 0 gm 20 gm 300 gm 2 liter /3 ml /0 kg 2/./ kg // liter

% ( . 3 /0 // /2

!.2.B.!. 5.B.,. 6ecithin *.7.2. -ater vanaspati 8nvert sugar

,% Maida ?t is the in$ridient added in the lar$est ammount in the preperation o! "iscuit dou$h. ),eat flour ,as a uni2ue property to form gluten - glutenin 7 gladin/. 8,is glutin entrops C# 9 -carbon di o&ide/ released by leavning agents and get incorporated in doug, w,ic, escapes during baking. Thus it e1pends the product. ?t is principally responsi"le !or structure and te1ture o! "iscuits. -% (u!er ?t $ives s'eet taste to the "iscuits. ?t is responsi"le !or structer and hardness in short dou$h "iscuits due to crysalli-ation !ormation. 0part !orm that it also in colour development due to ceremeli-ation. ?t also has moisture retainin$ properties. .% (%M%"% ?t provide nutrient to the product and $ives li.uid media !or dou$h !ormation. ?t also add !at, salt, vitamins and some en-ymes to the "iscuits. ?t also inhi"its the e!!ect o! acid. /% (alt ?t inhance !lavour and sourness o! acid. ?t e!!ects rheolo$y o! dou$h and improve color "y action o! $lutin. ?ncrese in salt concentration len$th in mi1in$ time. 0% (odium bi carbonate ?t is used as a leavenin$ a$ent. Leavenin$ is a process o! incresin$ the area o! dou$h "y creatin$ small sacs o! 9%2 . ?t is used to control the acidity o! dou$h. 1% (%M%#%( ?t is a preservative used in "iscuits in very small .uantity. ?t causes $luten to "ecome more e1tenci"le and less elastic and there!ore reduce the shrin#a$e o! dou$h pieces durin$ "a#in$ .


2% A%#%C%3ammonium bi carbonate) ?t is also used as a leavinin$ a$ent 'hich discomposes complete 'hen heated, "rea#nin$ do'n.

4% Lecit'in ?t is an e1tract !rom soy and act as an emulsi!ier used !or "indin$ o! !at and 'ater molecole. ?t improve moisture retention and it e!!ect at very lo' concentration and does not allo' to seperation o! 'ater and !at durin$ "a#in$ , There"y preventin$ the crust !ormation. 5% "%6%M% it $ives parle $ ,it $ives cheracterstic !lavour and aroma. ,7%6at 8 9anaspati it !orms a layer over the !lour particles product a tender te1ture to the !inished product . it mains !unction is shorten to $luten stren$th and allo' $reater e1pentiono! product durin$ pro!!in$it 'or#s as atenderisin$ a$ent ,durin$ mi1in$ it intraps air to theincorporation o! other in$radients to !inished productdurin$ "a#in$ it "ecome melt and release air "u""les 'hich contri"ute to the leavinin$ actiono! "a#in$ po'der and e1pend the steam .melted shortenin$ are deposited around the cell 'all o! coa$ulatin$ structure to provide a tenderi-e e!!ect and lu"ericate the te1ture .it also prevents hardenin$ o! "iscuit durin$ and a!ter "a#in$ . 11. In:ert (u!er it made "y the hydrolysis o! sucroose to $lucose and !ructose .the process is #no'n as invertionit prevents thecrystelisation o! su$er and resistant to micro"iol spoila$e due to its lo' 'ater also helps in moisture retention .at hi$h temprature ,it easily under$oes "ro'nin$ reaction. Thus $ivin$ color and !lavour to the "iscuits.


"rocessin! of #iscuits


Processin$ o! the "iscuit involve these steps, 1. 2. 3. ). >. i1in$ o! ra' materials :otary moldin$ o! dou$h Ba#in$ process in oven 9oolin$ o! "iscuits Pac#e$in$ and stora$e

Process manufacturing of glucose biscuits

3andlin$ = material o! in$ridients i1in$ o! the in$redients :otary moldin$ o! "iscuits Ba#in$ o! "iscuits 9oolin$ Pac#a$in$ = 5tora$e

";OCE((ING O6 #I(C<IT( =di!ramatic representation>

12 5u$er






E all the ra' materials mi1ed here< i1ed product #no'n as dou$h

(end to rotary



o:en Coolin! con:eyor (tac+er "ac+a!in! ;eady to Eat



6irst o! all Plants o! Parle Biscuits Pvt. Ltd "uys ra' materials !rom the various suppliers and stored them into the store room. These ra' materials are then sent to la"oratory !or testin$ and a!ter testin$ only then these are used !or manu!acturin$ Parle G "iscuits. 6or the production o! Parle G Biscuits the 'hole plant consists o! di!!erent units to per!orm various 'or#s. Parle Biscuit plant is divided into di!!erent sections, they are as !ollo'sF, 1. :a' aterial 5tora$e 2. aida 5u$ar 5ection 3. i1in$ Gnit ). :otary Gnit >. %ven ;. Pac#in$ Gnit

$aw %aterial *torage':

@ach industrial plant should have an area !or ra' material stora$e. ?n these stora$e areas, the ra' materials are #ept until they are used !or the production o! desired !inish product. 6or the production o! Parle,G Biscuits a variety o! ra' materials are re.uired such as aida, 5u$ar, 5u$ar 5yrup, Hanaspati EGhee<, etc. ?n aida 5u$ar 5ection, "oth aida and su$ar are stored in lar$e vertical tan#. :B8 EHanaspati< is stored in vertical silo. These stora$e areas should "e !ree !rom moisture, 'ater lo$$in$, direct sun li$ht, insects, and rodents, so to #eep the material sa!e "e!ore it is used.

%i&ing "nit':


?n the production o! "iscuits this i1in$ unit is most important part o! total production area. This unit consists o! various vessels or mi1ers to per!orm mi1in$ 'or# in a measura"le 'ay !or di!!erent in$redients used in "iscuits productionF, P%(8@: H@55@L L?IG?8 H@55@L 9:@0 H@55@L 5T@P3@7 ?J@:

,% "OWDE; 9E((EL$* Po'der vessel receives aida !rom aida 5ervice tan# throu$h pipelines. This vessel receives 11* #$ o! aida per "atch. oisture content in aida is a"out 13+ E12K1<. 2.


9reamer vessel receives three in$redient i.e. Ghee, Po'ered 5u$ar, 5olid il# po'dered. 2*.9**#$ Ghee per "atch is supplied to vessel !rom :B8 silo throu$h pipelines at a temperature o! a"out )9L9. Po'dered su$ar o! a"out 33#$ per "atch is supplied to vessel throu$h Po'dered 5u$ar 5ervices tan# and thirdly 5 P 9>*$m is provided manually to the creamer vessel. 6inamul is used as an emulsi!ier 'hich is mi1ed 'ith Ghee. ?n C**#$ o! Ghee, 2.)9*#$ 6inamul is mi1ed. Particularly in each "atch *.*;>#$ 6inamul is added 'ith 2*.9**#$ o! Ghee. 6inamul is directly supplied throu$h pipeline 'ith $hee to the creamer vessel. 9H 0$itator is attached to the vessel to a$itate the in$redients properly.
3. LIA<ID 9E((EL$*

Li.uid vessel receives 550 E5oda M5altM Ammonia), Sugar Syrup, PFM (Parle Flavor Mix), and water. 2.5kg of SSA i provided manually to ve el. A!out ""kg of ugar yrup and ""kg of water i upplied to t#e ve el t#roug# pipeline . $nly "%&ml of PFM i u ed in a ingle !at'#. (emperature of ugar yrup #ould !e a!out )2*+ and for water temperature #ould !e 2.,*+ during ummer time. +olor of ugar yrup i -olden .rown. ./01 for ugar yrup i a!out 25 3 4& and p5 i a!out 2.%.

67 Agitator i atta'#ed to ve el to agitate t#e ingredient properly. (#e amount of SSA #ould !e in u'# a way t#at 8&&gm oda 9 "2&&gm ammonia 9 ,5&gm alt i to !e taken per !at'#. Ammonia i u ed for puffing of !i 'uit during !aking and to maintain t#e ta'k #eig#t of !i 'uit . 0f t#e amount of ammonia i more t#an t#e ta'k #eig#t will in'rea e and vi'e ver a. Anot#er Pa te preparation ma'#ine i al o fixed at mixing ite to make /. pa te of /epro'e ed .i 'uit. (#i /. Pa te i al o mixed in doug# wit# 2kg per !at'#. Sigma mixer i u ed in to prepare pa te. 0n Parle plant t#e total weig#t of ingle !at'# i a!out 2&)kg. 0t may vary from 2&2kg to 2&5kg per !at'#.

STEPHEN MIXER (#e Step#an (: Mixer i an ideal 'omponent to fully automati'ally feed t#e down; tream make;up e<uipment for !i 'uit . After re'eiving t#e different ingredient from t#ree ve el it work to mix t#em in proper way. (#ere are two type of motor atta'# to it to mix all material properly. $ne i .affle motor and ot#er i Mixer motor. .affle motor rotate in two dire'tional motion one i 'lo'kwi e dire'tion during di '#arge of mixture to t#e #opper and anot#er i in anti'lo'kwi e dire'tion during mixing. /otation round in Step#en Mixer i a!out ,&& to 2&& revolution . Iuality improvement and automatic "atchin$ are the main advanta$es o! the 5tephan i1er. Biscuits and rolls 'ill have "i$$er volumes, more uni!orm te1ture and a more tender and delicate crum". 3i$h volume output results !rom the short #neadin$ time and !ast in$redient char$in$ 1*** #$Nh to ;*** #$Nh dependin$ on the model. ?n a !e' seconds, all in$redients are homo$eneously mi1ed. (hen all material is mi1ed properly mi1ture is dischar$ed in the hopper 'hich is a part o! rotary section. Brine solution is used around the 5tephen i1er to ma#e the temperature cool a"out ,1>L9.

The operation can "e divided into !our phasesF,, loadin$, mi1in$, #neadin$ and dischar$in$. 0!ter loadin$ the mi1er 'i t# all ingredient , t#e mixing
tart . (#e uni<ue #ape of t#e mixing=kneading tool, 'om!ined wit# t#e mixing !affle, produ'e a very #omogeneou mix. (#e 'om!ination of t#e mixing tool allow for t#e optimum #ydration of t#e flour. >ue to t#i inten ive #ydration, a #ig#er yield i po i!le in t#e range of ".5;8? depending on t#e type of doug#. (#i 'omplete development lead to a deli'ate 'rum! and an extremely ma'#ine a!le doug#. @ ing a pe'ial atta'#ment, t#e Step#an Mixer 'an knead t#e doug#A under a va'uum, if it i de ired to #ave a uper fine pore tru'ture like Ameri'an or Bngli # w#ite pan !read



:otary hopper has rotary "lades to rotates and mi1 it !inally as the !inal dou$h is !ormed. 8ou$h temperature is a"out 33.>L9. :oller rolls the dou$h and cuttin$ #ni!e help in 'utting t#e doug# in preaded form o t#at doug# #ould pa from roller die e<uivalently and ea'# 'up of die re'eive appropriate amount of doug# to form !i 'uit . /u!!er roll provide a pre ure to doug# of 2.5kg for !etter #ape of !i 'uit in die. :u""er lined anvil roller is ad&usta"le in hei$ht so that pressure can "e controlled at "oth sides in parallel or independently. The anvil roll is "ein$ driven "y !riction o! the cuttin$ 'e", 'hich is independently po'ered "y its o'n separate drive. 6or sa!ety reasons the cuttin$ roll is provided 'ith $uard, removal o! 'hich stops the motor.
:oller 8ie drum has 12 cups in circle and 31cups in len$th o! the die drum. 8ie $ive the shape and si-e to "iscuits and also imprint the name o! product on "iscuit i.e. Parle G on the top side o! "iscuits. 0!ter this "iscuits are passed on to rotary "elt. Then these "iscuits are conveyed up to oven and these "iscuits are passed on the 'ire "and "elt !in oven.


Biscuits At Wirement After Rotary

The oven "ody consists o! steel steam ti$ht tunnel 'ith e.ually divided -ones o! the radiators. 5tainless steel e1pansion &oints are provided "et'een these -ones in order to eliminate the e1pansion o! the oven section. The inspection doors are provided !or inspection o! the "a#in$ $oods durin$ the process. Len$th o! oven is 32) !eet !rom drum to drum. The complete cham"er is insulated 'ith heat proo! 'all !rom outside to conserve heat and increase e!!iciency. This insulated cham"er reduces the chance o! heat loss into the surroundin$ atmosphere .The !ully automatic imported "urner shall "e !itted to the cham"er and the temperature shall "e controlled "y automatic temperature controller on the control panel. The complete oven 'ill "e covered 'ith 1*O thic# mineral 'ool insulation !rom top, "ottom and the sides. The "ottom portion o! the oven at the sides 'ill "e covered 'ith 9:9 sheets !or the conveyor protection and to avoid heat loss. ?n oven total num"ers o! "urners are 333. There are three types o! "urnersF

1. Balancin$ "urners 2. 7on Balancin$ "urners


12> in num"er 19* in num"er


3. Preheatin$ "urners

1C in num"er

Preheatin$ "urners 'or#s as to heat the 'ire "and 'hich is $oin$ in the reverse direction to'ard the rotary. Total len$th o! oven is divided in three -ones i.e. !irst 3*+ len$th o! oven is #no'n as pu!!in$ -one, middle )*+ len$th o! oven is #no'n as "a#in$ -one and last 3*+ len$th is #no'n as colorin$ -one. Temperatures in the oven is in para"olic ran$e durin$ startin$ and end three -ones temperature 'ill "e less and in middle !our -ones, the temperature 'ill "e hi$h up to 32*K2*L9.

O:en Temperature ;an!e$*

At ;"M C .- $*

Done ,

Done -

Done .

Done /

Done 0

Done 1

Done 2

Done 4

Done 5

Done ,7

--7E-7 -/7E-7 -17E-7 -47E-7 -57E-7 .77E-7 -20E-7 -/0E-7 -/7E7

#ottom -77E-7 -.7E-7 -07E-7 -27E-7 -40E-7 -57E-7 -07E-7 -.7E-7 -.0E-7 ,57E-7


There are damper plates at each -one o! oven 'hose openin$ and closin$ maintain the steam inside the oven. 8urin$ !irst three -ones damper plates are 2*+ to 3*+ open, so as to maintain the steam in oven !or "etter pu!!in$ o! "iscuits. ?n -ones no. ), >, ; = B the damper plate is open a"out )*+ to ;*+ at this level "iscuits are "a#ed and temperature o! these is also hi$h. 0nd last three -ones i.e. C, 9 = 1* the damper plates is almost totally opened to released all steam !rom the oven. Last three -ones are #no'n as colorin$ -one. Pones no. ;, B = C is #no'n as 99P -one E9ritical 9ontrol Point<. inimum temperature o! 99P -one is 23*L9 to 32*L9.These -ones helps in controllin$ the moisture o! "iscuits and also increase the shel! li!e o! the !inished product. This 99P -one is most important -one amon$ all other -ones "ecause it maintains the shel! li!e o! the "iscuits. 99P should "e monitored time to time to ensure that this -one is receivin$ the desired temperature ran$e or not. (hen "iscuits are !ully "a#ed at the 1* th -one they are released on the coolin$ conveyin$ "elt !or "etter coolin$ o! hot "a#ed "iscuit. 9olor o! !ully "a#ed "iscuit is Golden Bro'n.

The hot "a#ed "iscuits !rom oven are conveyed throu$h coolin$ conveyin$ "elt !or coolin$ o! "iscuits. The total travel o! the coolin$ conveyor is 1.> times o! the oven len$th. The "iscuit continues to run on it !or > to B minutes so
that the "iscuits "ecome cool and all the moisture that "iscuits contain $ets evaporated. 0nd "ecause o! the a"ove reason the !actory has QS FLOW LAYOUT in t#e fa'tory. A metal dete'tor i pla'ed after 'ooling w#en !i 'uit move toward pa'king o t#at to en ure t#at t#e !i 'uit i free from any metalli' 'ontamination. (#i will #elp in redu'ing t#e '#an'e of 'ontamination in !i 'uit .

The conveyor continues to move to countin$ ta"le 'here "iscuits are counted and seen that it is $oin$ on properly or not. The conveyor continues till the "iscuits reach the STALKING TABLE at w#i'# t#e !i 'uit are pa'ked in very orderly
manner. From 'ooling 'onveyor um !i 'uit are diverted t#roug# AUTO FEEDING MACHINE to anot#er talking ma'#ine w#ere pa'king i done. 0n auto feeder ma'#ine #a inline pu #er #aving , #ot and 'ro pu #er. +ro pu #er maintain t#e 'ounting of !i 'uit u'# a ", !i 'uit in one pa'ket.


Particularly stac# hei$ht o! "iscuits is also chec# at this level. The stac# hei$ht o! 1; "iscuits is 122mm.(ei$ht o! 1; "iscuits at rotary is 1*)$m. (ei$ht o! ) "iscuits a!ter comin$ out !rom oven is 22.)$m. 5tac# hei$ht should "e chec#ed every one hour to maintain the pro!it o! company, "ecause i! stac# hei$ht 'ill increase then pro!it 'ill reduce. 5tac# hei$ht is monitored "y re$ulatin$ the amount o! 0mmonia = (ater durin$ mi1in$. 0uto 6eeder machine has a control panel to control cross pusher. 6rom stal#in$ ta"le the "iscuits are moved on conveyor to M<LTI "ACK W;A""ING MAC&INE 'ere 1; "iscuits are pac#ed into a re$ular Parle G 'rapper so that the 'ei$ht o! 1; "iscuits comes up to 12*K2 $rams. achine speed is a"out 132,13> PP . Plant runs on 3> :P . %n increasin$ 1 :P then 3.> PP 'ill increase. 8urin$ sealin$ o! pac#et the temperature o! GR EGpper Ra'< is 13CL9 and LR ELo'er Ra'< 139L9. There are t'o roller sealers i.e. :L1 = :L2 !or "ottom sealin$. Temperature o! :L1 is 2*2L9 and :L2 is 2*>L9. (hen 1; "iscuits are pac#ed in plastic 'rapper these pac#ets are conveyed in !or'ard direction.Then 2) pac#ets o! Parle G "iscuits are pac#ed into a "OL@ #AG% 0nd a!ter pac#in$ it into poly "a$ it is sent to (EALING MAC&INE 'here it is sealed, then it is sent to CO;;<GATE #OB (ECTION in 'hich ; poly "a$s are placed manually and "o1 is conveyed !or !inal sealin$.



5i1 such poly "a$s are placed in one such corru$ated "o1 and the "o1 is passed throu$h the tappin$ machine 'here the "o1es are tapped and la"elin$ o! date, "atch no. and other detail is also done at this tappin$ machine, then these are sent throu$h a lon$ diversion conveyer "elt. This "elt helps to trans!er the "o1 to the dispatch section directly. 3; "o1es are arran$ed on pallet in the dispatch section, !rom 'here they are trans!erred to the various dealers all over the ?ndia and 'orld'ide

(ntended "se #f parle G biscuits;

Where it is sold..?? Directly to the consumers of India and abroad. People of all age group except below one year infants.

Who will consume.?

Sensitive consumer

Glutin llergic! Diebitic Person! Infants below "# year.

*ome (mportant etails about;


$aw %aterials':
Moi ture Sedimentation value -lutein per'entage Al'o#oli' a'idity (otal a # A'id in olu!le a # "8? ("2C") "4;28ml 4?;"&? D...; &.,2 E >...; &.,5 "? &.&)?

P7 (Peroxide value) Free Fatty a'id 0odine value Moi ture per'entage Melting Point ".25me<=kg &." ?( max.) )5;5, &."? 85*+ to 82*+

Moi ture per'entage (otal a # Protein )? 4.2? 8)?



Reasons for increasing Stack Height:(#ere are variou fa'tor due to w#i'# t#e ta'k #eig#t of !i 'uit will in'rea e. Following are t#e rea on w#i'# in'rea e ta'k #eig#tF 1) Dou ! "u#$%&' Guantity of -#ee i le Guantity of ugar i le . .

>oug# temperature i more. 0n'rea e in amount of Ammonia.

() Mo$)%* More weig#t of !i 'uit. Pre ure due to /oller i le .

+) B#,%* >amper po ition. Proofing Hone #a #ig# temperature.

R-#.o* /o0 %*10-#.- %* $-* &! o/ B%.1u%&:1) Dou ! "u#$%&' Moi ture 'ontent of doug# i le Amount of ugar i le . .

2> Amount of -#ee i le Mixing time i more. /epro'e a!le doug# i more. .

() B#,%* >i tan'e !etween two !i 'uit i more on wire !and.

+) Ro&#0' Speed of /u!!er /oll i more. Standing time at proofing Hone i more.

R-#.o*. /o0 %*10-#.- %* 2%)&! o/ B%.1u%&.:1) Dou ! "u#$%&' +on i ten'y of doug# i not proper. Amount of -#ee i more. Amount of ugar i more. Parti'le iHe of ugar i Parti'le iHe of Maida i mall. mall.

() M%3%* Mixing time i le .

0mproper temperature of doug#.

+) B#,%*

2; .ottom temperature i le .

Mo tly damper plate are 'lo ed. (emperature of " t Hone i le .

4) Mo$)%* Deig#t of !i 'uit i more. Bx'e ive pre ure of /u!!er /oll.

?! an industry produces some products on a lar$e scale then there is also a chance o! 'asta$e o! ra' material or any other material used in production. There are various types o! 'asta$e in production o! "iscuits. (asta$es includes li#e 'asta$e o! in$redients used in production, droppin$ 'asta$e, 'rapper, corru$ated "o1 and such other. 8urin$ mi1in$ the 'asta$e o! ra' material are as !ollo'sF

List of ;a Materials
aida 5u$ar

Wasta!e 3in !m) per s'ift

2)*, 2C* 2**,2>*


Paste 5 B5 0B9

3** 2> 1*2*

5ame as durin$ pac#in$ there is droppin$ 'asta$e i.e. droppin$ o! "iscuits or dama$in$ o! "iscuits 'hich is a"out 1>#$ to 3*#$ per machine per shi!t. These "iscuits are !urther reprocessed and #no'n as :B Paste. 8urin$ pac#in$ o! "iscuits in pac#in$ area there is 'asta$e o! 'rapper at each pac#in$ machine is a"out 3**$m S )>*$m 'rapper per shi!t. ?t may vary !rom machine to machine. ?! there is any technical pro"lem related in pac#in$ machine then this value may varies. 0t last there is a chance o! 'asta$e o! corru$ated "o1 in 'hich ; poly "a$s are pac#ed. (asta$e o! corru$ated "o1 is a"out 2* "o1es to 3* "o1es per shi!t.

*pecification of finis,ed biscuits

ph oisture 0sh 6at 0cidity o! e1tracted !at ;.C,B.* less than 2.*+ 1.> Ema1.< 13.*Emin< 1.* Ema1<

*pecification of biscuits s,elf life study


/ 2 ' 4

0(+0%+20/0 0.+0%+20/0 03+0%+20/0 /0+0%+20/0 //+0%+20/0

%oistur e
/../ /.. /.30 /..' /..

/2..3 /2.( /2.3. /2.3( /2..

9: 9: 9: 9: 9:

9: 9: 9: 9: 9:

+actors affecting Processing of Biscuits

The ma&or !actor $overnin$ the eatin$ chacterstics o! $lucose "iscuits is the consistency o! dou$h !ormed as a result o! mi1in$. The nature o! viscoelastic properties o! dou$h mainly $overns the te1ture, spread, color and "ite o! the resultin$ "iscuits. This depends upon nature o! the !lour,and its $lutin !ormin$ chacterstics. ore e1tensi"le or less elastic dou$h is desired durin$ "iscuit manu!acturin$. 5ometimes improper mi1in$ o! !at and 'ater in the "atch results in e1cess $lutin !ormation ,as te !lour is more in contact o! 'ater. This causes the dou$h to "ecome less e1te'nsi"le or more elastic leadin$ to improper spread and te1ture o! the "iscuit. This can "e overcome


"y creamin$ o! !at usin$ emulsi!ier Ee$. Lecithin or !inamul< and then mi1in$ 'ith 'ater so that it v!orms a $ood emulsion o! "oth. This causes the dispersion o! !at evenly thou$hout the dou$h and limits the !ormation o! $lutin. 5u$ers, dependin$ upon the leveland type e!!ect therheolo$ical chariostics o! the dou$h . increasin$ the su$er content reduces the e1trusion time, dou$h consistency, "ia1ial e1tensional viscosity and increases the spread. 8evelopment o! $lutin is also reduced and there is an improvement in the te1ture o! "iscuits. ?ncorporation o! additional reducin$ su$er, particularly li.uid $lucoseee and syrup limits $lutin !ormation and produces chan$es the adhesiveness and stic#iness o! the dou$h. The mi1in$ time as 'ell as the standin$ time o! the dou$h also a!!ects its characterics.i! the dou$h a!ter mi1in$ is allo'ed to stand !or a lon$er period, $lutin !ormation enhances and the dou$h "ecome harder. The content o! leavenin$ a$ent in the dou$h as 'ell as condition o! temperature and pressure inside the oven in!luence the "a#in$ characterstics to a $reat e1tent . "iscuits "a#ed under reduced paper than the normal have "etter te1tural pro!iles . The control o! moisture in the "iscuit is critical to insure its $reater shel! li!e and micro"iolo$ical sa!ety as spoila$e accelerates in presence p! hi$h moisture content .as soon as the "iscuit cools,it must "e pa#ed in minimum possi"le time so that it does not a"sor" moisture !rom the surroundin$ atmosphere . @mulsi!ication improves the a"lity o! the protein !ilm to entrap air in the "atter durin$creamin$ or mi1in$ .thus the "iscuit opn outmore


durin$ the "iscuit,thus improvin$ the palata"ility .the "iscuit made "yusin$ emulsi!ier have more crispness. 9olour o! the "iscuits is due to, allard reaction 9eremeli-ation o! su$er Time re.uires to "a#e the "iscuits in oven is $enerally 3,) min.Ba#in$ time depend on rpm o! die and rotary. 3i$her the :P , lo'er 'ill "e the "a#in$ time = vice versa. Generally one dou$h "atch servives upto 1> min and nearly 2* "atches are served per hour, depends on :P o! rotary = sta#er. 99P !or physical ha-ards T etalU is chec#ed at rotary as 'ell as coolin$ conveyor !or 'hich metal detector is placed. 99P !or metal detector isF 6or !errous D 1.> mm 6or non,!erous D 2.* mm 6or 5.5. D 2.> mm


The Pantna$ar plant location o! the company involved 'ith he manu!acturin$ the $lucose "iscuit Parle,G . Generaly "iscuits are small chemically leavened "a#ed product made principally !orm !lour su$er and


!at .their $lucose "iscuit contain relatively more !at and su$ar content and !all under the cate$ory o! s'eet "iscuit .The su$ar used is mainly in the !orm o! $lucose and hence it is called $lucose "iscuit .They !orm a health diet and a $ood source o! ener$y as 'ell as re economically cheaper than another vareity o! "iscuit around ;>+ o! total "iscuit manu!actured in india are $lucose "iscuits. 5ome time de!ects lie crac#in$ cho#in$, e1cessive spreadin$ perishin can detected in the "iscuits "ut these pro"lems hence relevant remedies. The elasticity o! dou$h mainly $overns the te1ture, color and "ite o! resultin$ "iscuits.The in turn depend on the nature o! the !lour and its $lutin !ormin$ characteristics. 0 less elestic and more e1tensi"le dou$h is desira"le durin$ "iscuit ma#in$. 5u$er dependin$ on the level and type e!!ect the rheolo$ical characterstics o! the dou$h . development o! $lutin is also redused and there is improvement in the te1ture o! "iscuits. The mi1in$ time as 'ell as standin$ time o! the dou$h also a!!ects . ?ts characterstics $luten !ormation enhance and dou$h "ecome harder condition o! temprature and pressure inside the oven in!luence the "a#in$ charecterstic to a $reat e1tent the control o! moisture in the "iscuit is critical to insure it $reater shell li!e and micro"iolo$ical sa!ety . 0s soon as the "iscuit is coo#ed it must "e pac#ed in minimum possi"le time so that it does not a"sor" moisture !rom the sorroundin$ atmosphere. ADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDA

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