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Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin once said that a balanced human capital is vital in ensuring

that the workforce remains relevant to the needs of the current market. A holistic human capital development which includes soft skills and the spiritual aspect, he added, would allow graduates to better compete in the international arena. Human capital development that is holistic will enable transformation to take place in a broader context, which includes the transformation of the individual, families, community and country. This will help produce Malaysians with balanced personalities who are superior intellectually and spiritually, skilled, competent, patriotic, disciplined and practice good values. The development of holistic human capital was an important element in determining the success of the countrys development which was driven by the strength in knowledge and innovation. One of the subject that I need to learn when entering this degree courses is EDU 3101 Philosophy and Education in Malaysia. The credit hours for this course is 3 hours per week. The lecturer that teach this subject is Mr. Ng Weng Tutt. The first time I learn about this subject, I found out that this subject is very difficult as there are many things that I need to remember about the past history and at the same time I didnt like history during when I was in secondary school. Although until now I didnt quite likes this subject but some part of I quite like this subject as it had teach me a lot about the past and it helps me in order for me to become a good teacher in the future. One of the topics i studied in this subject is about National Philosophy of Education (FPK) and as we know, Malaysia is a developing nation. Therefore, it is imperative for us to have our own philosophy of education. With this realization, in 1988, the FPK was formulated based on some of our policy documents and ideologies. With reference to the FPK, Government aspires for holistic human development encompassing the spiritual, emotionally, intellectual and physical domains. After I know this National Philosophy of Education (Malaysia), I can recognized and plan how to get the aims of education at school. As a teacher I must be refer this philosophy everyday before go to school. Because when I want start teaching I must be plan what i want to do first. Example I want make a lesson plan, so i must put something element from FPK and link to my objective teaching and learning at class. The subject I teach also must be to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and physically balanced and harmonic.

As we know through education can make people change mind and attitude. So each person are encouraged to seek knowledge as much as possible. Education very important for all students who want change her/him life from poor to good and honorable. So as a

teacher I should teach my students using multiple skills and look back what aims the Philosophy of Education and Philosophy of Teacher Education, this can help me to be a good teacher in the world. The Philosophy of Education deals with how children should be educated, what they should be educated in, and what the ultimate purpose of education should be for society. How and why a society educates its children will be dispositive for the following generations and long-term political health. In other words, we define our society and the society of our future by how and why we educate the young children. Do we want our students to be educated for democracy or consumerism? Should students learn by rote memorization or through creative problem solving? Does school exist to teach values or skills for use in the job market? Because these decisions will affect the course of society for decades to come, the questions asked are as important as those found in any other branch. The importance of a philosophy of education is that it defines the purpose and focus of an educational institution. It becomes a part of its mission statement which in turn defines what subjects are taught, how they are taught and, perhaps more importantly, the values that are taught both implicitly and explicitly along with the subjects being covered. So on learning about this subject, uncounciously I get to learn about what types of teachers that I will be in the future. There is an old proverb that says "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." While it is certainly true that most children get most of their values from their parents (the hand that rocks the cradle) they also get much from their teachers. Teachers, especially in a society that hands off much of the child raising responsibility to schools, get to do their share of cradle rocking. It is also true that what a school teaches may either support or undermine what parents teach at home.Whether intended or unintended, schools serve to reproduce a culture. Education is a critical part of a child's socialization. It is where they learn not just the obvious tools for life but the cultural mores, values and social tools for life. In this subjects, I get to learn about different concept of islamic,western and eastern philosophy of education.So using the concept that I had studied, I can teach them a good values that they need in order to be a hollistic students. In traditional days,school uses teacher-centered philosophies. This philosophy emphasize the importance of transferring knowledge, information, and skills from the older (presumably wiser) generation to the younger one. The teacher's role is to instill respect for authority, perseverance, duty, consideration, and practicality. When students demonstrate through tests and writings that they are competent in academic subjects and traditional skills, and through their actions that they have disciplined minds and adhere to traditional morals and behavior, then both the school and the teacher have been successful. The major teacher-centered philosophies of education are essentialism and perennialism.

In summary, learning this subject helps me to know more about teachers' responses and actions toward educating a human capital that is balanced in holistic and ready to uphold the nations aspirations. Besides maintaining a united, democratic, progressive and discplined society.

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