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OAS Commission Again Sides With Shoshone Indians

By Martin Edwin Andersen Insight on the News Jan. 18, 2003 The Organization of Ameri an !tates "OA!# h$man%rights ommission yesterday reaffirmed an ear&ier de ision in fa'or of &and%rights &aims (y )tah*s +estern !hoshone ,ndian tri(e, re-e ting an 11th%ho$r attem.t (y the federa& go'ernment to derai& the /ati'e Ameri ans* &ega& arg$ments. ,t mar0ed the first time that the ,nter%Ameri an 1ommission on 2$man 3ights ",A123# fo$nd that treatment of /ati'e Ameri ans (y the ).!. go'ernment 'io&ated internationa& h$man%rights &aw. The ,A123 did not re4$ire that any &ands &aimed (y the +estern !hoshone (e ret$rned to them, ($t it did a&& on the )nited !tates to esta(&ish a fair &ega& .ro ess to determine the merits of the &and &aims. 5This is a 'ery reasona(&e res$&t that res.e ts the f$ndamenta& h$man rights of the ,ndians ($t does not .&a e any $nd$e ($rden on the )nited !tates,5 said !te'e T$&&(erg, +ashington dire tor of the ,ndian 6aw 3eso$r e 1enter, one of the gro$.s re.resenting the +estern !hoshone. At iss$e was a 30%year%o&d dis.$te (etween two e&der&y +estern !hoshone sisters, 1arrie and Mary 7ann, o'er the right to graze their &i'esto 0 on traditiona& ,ndian &ands. ,n !e.tem(er, 80 hea'i&y armed federa& agents (a 0ed (y a he&i o.ter seized 229 of the 7anns* att&e and so&d them at a .$(&i a$ tion. On 7e . 19, two go'ernment agents ser'ed the 7anns with a noti e of &aiming their $na$thorized $se of 5federa& &ands5 and ordered them to remo'e their &i'esto 0 %% some 2:0 att&e and 1,000 horses %% from the .remises. The B$rea$ of 6and Management "B6M# &aimed that the 7anns* &i'esto 0 o'ergrazed the range, &o ated a(o$t ;0 mi&es so$theast of E&0o, /e'. The B6M a&so a&&eged that the 7anns owed grazing fees of a&most <3 mi&&ion %% re.resenting three de ades of a $m$&ated arrears. 2owe'er, the 7anns o$ntered that they ha'e a right to .ast$re their anima&s on the federa& &and $nder the terms of the 18;3 Treaty of 3$(y =a&&ey. The +estern !hoshone ha'e ref$sed to .ay fees for grazing their anima&s on &and they onsider .art of their (irthright. !ome 2; mi&&ion a res in /e'ada a&one are $nder dis.$te, range&and the ,ndians say they ne'er &ega&&y t$rned o'er to the federa& go'ernment. ,n ma0ing its .ro'isiona& r$&ing in O to(er, the ,A123 fo$nd that the )nited !tates $sed i&&egitimate means to gain ontro& of the Ameri an ,ndians* an estra& &ands. The federa& go'ernment, it said, 'io&ated the e4$a&%.rote tion, fair%tria& and right%to%.ri' &a$ses of the Ameri an 7e &aration on the 3ights and 7$ties of Man. The rights (ody demanded that the ).!. go'ernment ret$rn the 7anns* onfis ated att&e and ha&t f$rther a tions against the sisters .ending re'iew of the ase. Offi ia&s at the !tate 7e.artment re.orted&y are 5'ery $.set5 with the OA! r$&ing, and ,ndian rights a ti'ists say they fear s$ h hosti&ity signa&s the federa& go'ernment*s ontin$ed intention to defy the ,A123.
Martin Edwin Andersen is a re.orter for Insight.

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