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Math 454

Homework #4 Solutions

Spring, 2010

Exercise 2.3.4. Show that limits, if they exist, must e uni!ue. "n other wor#s, assume lim an = l1 an# lim an = l2, an# pro$e that l1 = l2. Proof #1 (appeal to Algebraic Limit Thm): i!ce the se"#e!ce (a!) is co!$erge!t% &ith limit l1% a!' si!ce the se"#e!ce (a!) is co!$erge!t% &ith limit l2% the h(potheses for Theorem 2.3.3 are satisfie'. )( co!cl#sio! (i) of that theorem% &ith c * +1% &e ,!o& that lim (+a!) * +l2. )( co!cl#sio! (ii)% &e ha$e - * lim (-) * lim (a! . (/a!)) * l1 . (+l2) * l1 / l2. 0e ha$e sho&! that l1 / l2 * -% &hich &as to be sho&!. Proof#2 (b( 'efi!itio! of limit): Let 1 2 - be gi$e!. 0e i!te!' to sho& that 3l1 / l23 4 1% a!' therefore% l1 * l2. i!ce (a!) 5 l1% &e ca! choose 61 s#ch that if ! 2 61% the! 3a! / ll3 4 172. i!ce (a!) 5 l2% &e ca! choose 62 s#ch that if ! 2 62% the! 3a! / l23 4 172. Let 6 be the larger of 61 a!' 62 % a!' co!si'er a!( ! 2 6. The! l1 / l23 * 3l1 / al . a1 / l23 8 3l1 / al 3 . 3a1 / l23 4 172 . 172 * 1% &hich &as to be sho&!. Exercise 2.3.9. %a& Show that if (bn) b, then the se!uen'e of a solute $alues |bn| 'on$erges to |b|. Proof: (6ote a cle$er &a( to re&rite the tria!gle i!e"#alit( here). :or a!( real !#mbers x a!' (% 3x3 * 3(x / () . (3 8 3x / (3 . 3(3. #btracti!g 3(3 from both si'es% &e get 3x3 + 3(3 8 3x / (3. 6o& &e co#l' i!tercha!ge the roles of x a!' ( abo$e a!' co!cl#'e that 3(3 + 3x3 8 3( / x3 * 3x / (3. o &e ha$e a #sef#l alter!ati$e $ersio! of the tria!gle i!e"#alit(: 3x / (3 ; 3 3x3 + 3(3 3 (the absol#te $al#e of the 'iffere!ce is greater tha! (or e"#al to) the 'iffere!ce of the absol#te $al#es). 6o& bac, to o#r reg#larl( sche'#le' proof. Let 1 2 - be gi$e!% a!' choose the 6 as i! the 'efi!itio! of (b!) 5 b. <o!si'er a!( ! 2 6. The! 3 3b!3 + 3b3 3 8 3b! / b3 (from o#r !e& tria!gle i!e"#alit() 4 1% &hich pro$es that (3b!3) 5 3b3. % & "s the 'on$erse of part %a& true( "f we know that |bn| |b|, 'an we #e#u'e that (bn) b? ol#tio!) 6ot tr#e. A! ob$io#s co#!terexample is the se"#e!ce (b!) i! &hich b! * (+ 1)!. Exercise 2.4.3. *ollowing the mo#el of +xer'ise 2.4.2, show that the se!uen'e #efine# y y1 = 1 an# yn+1 = 4 1/yn 'on$erges an# fin# the limit. ol#tio!: <hec,i!g the first fe& $al#es s#ggests this se"#e!ce is i!creasi!g. 0e set o#t to pro$e that i! fact (! 2 - a!' (!.1 2 (! for all !. 0e #se i!'#ctio! for that. =t is clearl( tr#e for ! * 1% as (1 * 1 a!' (2 * 3. o co!si'er a!( ! for &hich it is tr#e (positi$e a!' i!creasi!g). >#ltipl( the i!e"#alit( (!.1 2 (! b( the !egati$e !#mber +17((! (!.1) to get the res#lti!g i!e"#alit(% +17(! 2 +17(!.1. 6o& &e a'' 4 to both si'es% a!' get 4 +17(! 2 4 +17(!.1% or (!.2 2 (!.1. )( i!'#ctio! &e ha$e (! 2 - a!' (!.1 2 (! for all !. )( the rec#rre!ce relatio! yn+1 = 4 1/yn (a!' the fact that (! 2 -) &e see that the se"#e!ce is bo#!'e' abo$e b( 4. )( the mo!oto!e co!$erge!ce theorem &e co!cl#'e that the se"#e!ce ((!) co!$erges to a limit% sa( ?. To fi!' its limit &e ta,e the limit of both si'es of the rec#rre!ce relatio!. 0e get ? * 4 / 17?. The o!l(

Math 454

Homework #4 Solutions

Spring, 2010

sol#tio!s of that e"#atio! are ? * 2 @ A3. i!ce &e ,!o& that (2 * 3 a!' the se"#e!ce is i!creasi!g% &e reBect 2 + A3. The limit m#st be ? * 2 . A3.

Exercise 2.C.1. ,ro$e -heorem 2.5.2 %Su se!uen'es of a 'on$ergent se!uen'e 'on$erge to the same limit as the original se!uen'e.& Proof) 0e 'e!ote o#r co!$erge!t se"#e!ce b( (an) 5 a% a!' let % a n & be a!( s#bse"#e!ce. Let 1 2 - be gi$e!% a!' choose 6 so that if ! 2 6 the! 3an a3 4 1 (This is possible b( h(photheses.) 6o& co!si'er B 2 6. i!ce &e ha$e a s#bse"#e!ce% &e ,!o& that !B ; B 2 6% so . a n a . 4 1% &hich is all &e ha$e to sho&.

Exercise 2.C.3. /i$e an example of ea'h of the following, or argue that su'h a re!uest is impossi le. %a& 0 se!uen'e that #oes not 'ontain 0 or 1 as a term ut 'ontains su se!uen'es 'on$erging to ea'h of these $alues. ol#tio!: :or example &e ca! i!terlace (17!) * (1%172%173%174% D ) a!' (!7(!.1)). (172%273%374%47C% D). The first fe& terms of the i!terlace' se"#e!ce &o#l' be (1%172%172%273%173%374%174%47C%D) % & 0 monotone se!uen'e that #i$erges ut has a 'on$ergent su se!uen'e. ol#tio!: <a!!ot be. )( the mo!oto!e co!$erge!ce theorem &e co!cl#'e that o#r 'i$erge!t mo!oto!e se"#e!ce ca!!ot be bo#!'e' (si!ce a bo#!'e' mo!oto!e se"#e!ce &o#l' ha$e to co!$erge). )#t that mea!s that a!( s#bse"#e!ce is also #!bo#!'e' (a!' therefore ca!!ot co!$erge% si!ce co!$erge!t se"#e!ces m#st be bo#!'e') %'& 0 se!uen'e that 'ontains su se!uen'es 'on$erging to e$ery point in the infinite set 11, 2, 134, 5, 67. ol#tio!: 0e i!terlace a! i!fi!ite set of co!sta!t se"#e!ces i! a $er( cle$er &a(. The se"#e!ces are (1%1%1%1%1%D)% (172% E% E% E% D)% (173%173%173%173%173%D)% (174% F% F% D). The i!terlaci!g is that &e begi! &ith the first se"#e!ce% the! ha$e a E follo& the seco!' occ#rre!ce of 1 a!' e$er( occ#rre!ce thereafterG i!sert a 173 follo&i!g the seco!' occ#rre!ce of E a!' e$er( s#bse"#e!t o!e% a!' 'o this i!'efi!itel(. The res#lt is (1% 1%172% 1%172%173% 1%172%173%174% 1%172%173%174%17C% 1%172%173%174%17C%179% 1%172%173%174%17C%179%17H% D) %#& 0n un oun#e# se!uen'e with a 'on$ergent su se!uen'e. ol#tio!: (1%2%1%3%1%4%1%C%1%9%D) %e& 0 se!uen'e that has a su se!uen'e that is oun#e# ut 'ontains no su se!uen'e that 'on$erges. ol#tio!: <a!!ot be. That bo#!'e' se"#e!ce m#st (b( )olIa!o 0eierstrass) ha$e a co!$erge!t s#bse"#e!ce.

Exercise 2.C.C. +xten# the result pro$e# in +xample 2.5.4 %/i$en 0 8 8 1, the se!uen'e (bn) 0& to the 'ase |b| < 1. Show lim (bn) = 0 whene$er -1 < b < 1. Proof: b is either positi$e% !egati$e% or Iero. =f b 2 -% Example 2.C.3 'oes the Bob. =f b * -% the se"#e!ce is (-%-%-%-%D) a!' &e ,!o& a co!sta!t se"#e!ce co!$erges to the 2

Math 454

Homework #4 Solutions

Spring, 2010

co!sta!t $al#e (Exercise 2.3.1). =f b 4 -% let a * 3b3. a 2 -% so &e ,!o& that (a!) co!$erges to Iero (Example 2.C.3 agai!)% so for a!( 1 2 - there exists 6 s#ch that if ! 2 6% the! 3a! / -3 4 1. )#t 3b! / -3 * 3a! / -3 4 1 (si!ce 3b!3 * 3a!3 for all !). Exercise 2.9.1. /i$e an example of ea'h of the following, or argue that su'h a re!uest is impossi le. %a& 0 9au'hy se!uen'e that is not monotone. ol#tio!) ( i!ce <a#ch( is e"#i$ale!t to co!$erge!t% &e ca! choose a!( !o!+mo!oto!e co!$erge!t se"#e!ce). Ta,e ((-1)n/n) = (-1, , -1/3, , -1/5, 1/6, ). % & 0 monotone se!uen'e that is not 9au'hy. ol#tio!) Agai!% the( are ple!tif#l. Jo& abo#t (n) = (1,2,3,)? %'& 0 9au'hy se!uen'e with a #i$ergent su se!uen'e. ol#tio!) = 'o!Kt thi!, so. i!ce a <a#ch( se"#e!ce m#st !ecessaril( co!$erge% a!' si!ce e$er( se"#e!ce of a co!$erge!t se"#e!ce itself co!$erges% !o 'i$erge!t s#bse"#e!ce ca! exist. %#& 0n un oun#e# se!uen'e 'ontaining a su se!uen'e that is 9au'hy. ol#tio!: 0e ca! i!terlace a! #!bo#!'e' se"#e!ce s#ch as (n) &ith a co!$erge!t se"#e!ce s#ch as (1/n). o% D% (1,1,2, , 3, 1/3, 4, , 5, 1/5, ). This sho#l' 'o it. Exercise.2.9.2. Supply a proof for -heorem 2.:.2 %+$ery 'on$ergent se!uen'e is a 9au'hy se!uen'e.& Proof: 0e 'e!ote the co!$erge!t se"#e!ce b( (an) a!' its limit b( a. 0e let 1 2 - be gi$e!. Lf co#rse 172 2 -% so there exists a !at#ral !#mber 6 s#ch that if , is a!( i!'ex greater tha! 6% &e ha$e |ak a| < /2. 6o& co!si'er a!( m%! 2 6. 0e m#st sho& that |am an| < . )#t |am an| = |am a + a - an| |am a| + |a - an| < /2 + /2 = % &hich &as to be sho&!. Exercise 2.9.4. 0ssume (an) an# (bn) are 9au'hy se!uen'es. ;se a triangle ine!uality to pro$e cn = |an bn| is 9au'hy. Proof: Let 1 2 - be gi$e!. The! 172 2 -. i!ce (an) is <a#ch( &e ca! choose 61 so that if ! a!' m are greater tha! 61 the! |an am| < /2. i!ce (b!) is <a#ch( &e ca! choose 62 so that if ! a!' m are greater tha! 62 the! |bn bm| < /2. 0e !o& choose 6 to be the larger of 61 a!' 62% a!' co!si'er a!( ! a!' m greater tha! 6. The! ! a!' m are greater tha! 61 a!' 62% so &e ha$e |cn cm| = |(an - bn) (am - bm)| = |(an am) + (bm bn)| |an am| + |bm bn| (here is the #se of o#r tria!gle i!e"#alit() 4 172 . 172 * 1. 0e see b( 'efi!itio! that the se"#e!ce (cn) is <a#ch(.

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