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Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is the accumulation of such substances at levels that adversely affect the behavior of soils. Substances, these concentration levels become toxic to soil organisms. It is therefore a chemical degradation that causes partial or total loss of soil productivity. We talk about soil contamination when substances or elements of this solid, liquid or gaseous type that cause the soil biota is affected, plants, animal life and human health are introduced. The soil is usually contaminated when underground storage tanks, application of pesticides, sewage leaks and cesspools, or direct accumulation of industrial or radioactive products, which produce soils become infertile break. A soil can be degraded to accumulate in it such substances at levels that adversely affect the behavior of soils. The most common chemicals include petroleum products, solvents, pesticides and other heavy metals. This phenomenon is closely related to the degree of industrialization and intensity of use of chemicals. Regarding soil contamination risk is primarily your health, directly and in contact with drinking water. The delineation of contaminated areas and the resulting cleaning tasks that are time and money consuming, requiring extensive skills in geology, hydrography, chemistry and computer models

The main causes are: plastics, organics, solvents, Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) or radioactive substances.

Insecticides can be kept 10 years or more in the soil and decomposed . It has been shown that organochlorine insecticides, such as DDT, are introduced into the food chain and concentrate in the fatty tissue of animals. The top is in the chain, ie , further away from the plant , the insecticide will be more concentrated . Apart from the above mentioned purposes in general, there are other effects induced by a contaminated soil : landscape degradation: the presence of discharges and waste buildup in places unconditioned generate a loss of landscape quality , which would be added in more severe cases the vegetation deterioration , abandonment of agricultural activity and the disappearance of wildlife. Loss of land value : economically , and without considering the costs of recovery from soil contaminants in an area involves the devaluation of the same , arising from the use restrictions to be imposed on this soil , and therefore an economic loss to their owners .

Alteration of biogeochemical cycles. Contamination of groundwater. Disruption of biological processes.

Promotes the use of fertilizers Promotes the use of Bio pesticides and fungicides recycle waste reuse Opt for organic products Helps prevent deforestation

Es mejor usar estircol, tanto como fertilizante, as como los plaguicidas, ya que tiene mucho menos efectos secundarios en comparacin con su homlogo qumico. Evita el uso de productos qumicos nocivos si no son de extrema importancia. Lo nico que dejan son residuos txicos. Evitar el exceso de cultivo y el pastoreo, ya que conduce a la erosin del suelo, la inundacin y un mayor deterioro de la capa de suelo. Influye para que tu comunidad adopte formas de tratar los residuos antes de su eliminacin para evitar la contaminacin.

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