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1. INT. BEDROOM - DAWN The sun rises through a gap in the curtains of a small boxy room. CHRISTIAN MATHERS (18) sleeps in a single bed. The floor is covered in clothes and junk. Gig tickets, posters and photographs cover the walls. A phone on the bedside table violently vibrates and Christian stirs. He sits up and then reaching for a packet of cigarettes on the table he lights up with a silver zippo and takes a deep drag. The phone continues to buzz while Christian stares absentmindedly into the middle distance. The phone stops vibrating and he looks over at the screen. 1 Missed Call Dad PA. Chistian puts down the phone and stands up with the cigarette dangling from his mouth. He walks into the small en-suite bathroom and flicks the shower on, throwing the cigarette into the toilet. Stepping out of the shower Christian drags on a pair of jeans, a t shirt and jacket before wandering into the shared kitchen of his university halls. He pours himself a glass of orange juice and looks out of the window. The sun is still rising. Leaving the glass on the window sill Christian leaves the room and heads out into the car park. 2. EXT. CAR - MORNING Christian climbs into his battered old car and leans back against the headrest. Lighting another cigarette he inhales deeply and closes his eyes. The smoke floats around his head and fills the car. He starts the engine and presses play on the ipod plugged into the cheap CD player. An acoustic tune leaks from the speakers and Christian pulls out and drives down the road. The phone rings again and this time Christian answers in a lazy drawl. CHRISTIAN Yes Christine Im on my way. Chill out, have a smoke, go and get laid, your boss is dead take a fucking day off. Ill be there in an hour. He hangs up the phone and throws it down onto the seat next to him, cranking up the volume on the stereo. Grey flats and groups of kids hanging out on street corners give way to shiny skyscrapers and posh bistros. Christian scowls and pulls into a multi-story car park. Parking up, Christian steps out of the car and grinds his foot into (CONTINUED)



the butt of a cigarette. Locking the door he turns from the car and walks away. Leaving the car park Christian crosses the street and heads into one of the skyscrapers surrounding the road. 3. INT. OFFICE - MORNING CHRISTINE JOHNSON (26) A woman in a dark skirted suit sits perched on the edge of a desk her legs crossed, reading over a sheaf of papers. There is a knock and the door opens. Christian walks in. CHRISTINE Ah, the absentee son finally arrives. CHRISTIAN Cut the crap Christine lets get this over with. Christine shakes her head and looks over her glasses at Christian. CHRISTINE Very well. Christine slowly uncrosses her legs and slips off the desk allowing Christian a glimpse of her thighs. He narrows his eyes and stares at her, then walks forward and accepts the sheet of papers she is proffering him. He quickly scans it, and snorts loudly. CHRISTIAN Hes left me ten million quid? Jesus fuckin hell. CHRISTINE Id rather fuck in hell than not at all Christian... Christian turns again to assess Christine coolly. She pulls a spliff out of her bra and raises her eyebrows at Christian. CHRISTINE I took the day off, now how about that smoke? She lights the spliff and blows smoke meaningfully at Christian filling the space between them with a grey mist. He steps forward and picks up the spliff.




CHRISTIAN Ever done a blowback Christine? He takes a deep drag and blows a series of smoke rings in her direction. CHRISTINE Christian! You naughty boy.. He puts the spliff in his mouth cherry first and leans towards Christine who touches lips with him and inhales while Christian blows smoke into her mouth. The spliff falls to the floor as Christian grabs Christine, and throws her onto the desk where the have fast, uncompromising, slightly violent sex. Christian sits down on the desk, and ruffles his hair with one hand. Christine looks up at him. CHRISTIAN Why did he leave me this Christine? It makes no sense that he doesnt talk to me for 5 years then all of a sudden hes left everything to me. CHRISTINE Here, he left this too. You should go Christian. This shouldnt have happened. She hands him a sealed envelope and stands up redressing herself. Christian remains seated, and Christine walks from the room glancing back quickly from the door before closing it quietly. 4. EXT. CAR - MORNING Christian sits in the car. He lights a cigarette and stares at the unopened letter in his hand. CHRISTIAN (Aloud, to himself) Ten million. A lifetime of work given to the child he forsook to earn it? He rips open the letter and stares at it. 5.


INT. BAR - EVENING Christian sits at the bar, sinking shots of whiskey, the open letter in front of him. DAD (V.O) (Echoing) Dear Christian. I want to start by saying Im sorry. Ive left everything to you, you are my sole heir. I love you son..... The voice drifts off and a hand snakes around his chest from behind and Christines head appears behind his shoulder. CHRISTINE (whispers) I just couldnt keep away. Christian jumps slightly, then sinks back down. DAD (V.O) I did it all for you Christian... CHRISTIAN Is it true? What the letter says. Is it true that everything he did was for me? Christine, sits down on the stool next to him and waves at the bartender for a round of drinks. CHRISTINE He realised a long time ago that he wasnt a good father, or a good role model, so he chose to stay away and create a future for you, and thats that. CHRISTIAN So he thought that by giving me a future instead of letting me create my own was the way to make up for never being there for me? What a joke. Christian stands up and sways slightly. CHRISTIAN Thanks Christine. Ill see you around. Christian goes to leave and Christine grabs his hand, stands and kisses him.




CHRISTINE Christian, wait. CHRISTIAN What was that? Christine holds out a framed picture of an 8 year old Christian. CHRISTINE Your Dad kept this on his desk. See you around Christian. Christine walks past Christian and out of the bar. Christian sits back down on the bar stool and lets the picture of himself fall into his lap. 6. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT Christian staggers down the road to his flat. He looks unsuccessfully for his keys and then attempts to open the door to the flat. Sliding down to the floor he sits against the door and stares at the picture and the letter. 7. EXT. ROAD - MORNING Someone tries to open the door behind Christian and he stirs. Shuffling to his feet Christian moves out of the way of the man who tried to leave, who gives him a strange look before walking past. Christian stands up and lights a cigarette, taking a drag he pulls out his phone and checks the power, one bar. He scrolls through the few contacts in his phone and settles on Dad PA. He raises his hand to his head and ruffles his hair nervously. Christine, myself out come over? meet me at bye. CHRISTIAN hi. I kind of locked last night and...I can Great, thanks. Yeah, the station?...okay,

He takes a deep breath and walks down the road. 8.


EXT. UNDERGROUND STATION - MORNING Christian walks out of the station, lighting a cigarette as he goes, and towards Christine who is waiting with two coffees by a bench. She gestures at the bench and Christian shakes his head taking the coffee. They greet each other wordlessly and slightly awkward. They start to walk down the high street. CHRISTIAN I need to know more Christine. I need to know why I missed out on a Dad, and why he didnt even have the balls to turn up to my mums funeral. I havent seen him for 5 years Christine! CHRISTINE Hes been dead for 5 years Christian. Christian stares at Christine dumbfounded. She continues. CHRISTINE He put it in his will that when you turned 18 you would inherit his fortune and find out the truth. Your Father was in a car crash, hed gone slightly insane, and I couldnt convince him what he was doing was crazy and unfair. CHRISTIAN So this whole time youve been lying to me? And my dad, hes been dead for 5 years? I dont believe you. Christian stares angrily and in disbelief at Christine. He walks quickly over to a nearby bench and sits down. Christine walks slowly after him. CHRISTINE The truth is Christian, your dad loved you very, very much. And he made a poor decision in the end. But I loved your father as a mentor and out of respect for him I followed his wishes. You shouldnt hold that against him in death. Christian considers whats been said, sighs and then stands up again.




CHRISTIAN Youre right. And even if he was wrong, the decision was made, its been made. His tone suddenly changes and a grin lights up his face. CHRISTIAN So your place then? I could do with a shower. Christine looks up at him surprised. Then smiles. 9. INT. BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Christian lies in bed with Christine stroking her arm while she sleeps. Looking thoughtful, he reaches over to the bedside table and picks up his phone. Accessing the internet he donates 9,000,000 to charity. The phone starts to vibrate incessantly, he stares at it, and lights a cigarette.

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