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The Precious Moment

Inspirational Message Seema M. Dewan August 29, 2011

Whenever you are agitated or upset begin to observe yoursel . !bserve the train o thoughts that have illed your mind moments ago. !bserve your rea"tion them. !bserve how many o those thoughts be"ame real to you. !bserve how you rea"ted to them internally. !bserve how you brought the internal rea"tion to the e#ternal environment. !bserve how many people you trans erred your agitation to. !bserve how many people you blamed or your own thin$ing. !bserve how you eel their pain, and now retreat to observe your thought that was needless% &nstead o going through a pro"ess o pain, irst observe the thoughts that disturb you. &nstead o waiting or the ears to grow sub'e"t the ears to truth. (urn the mind immediately inward. (hin$ o one good moment you had with your loved one. )ven i the ears $eep persisting, you too must persist or the mind to thin$ and remember that spe"ial moment. (urn to love you elt and ill yoursel with it. Smile and say to yoursel that another spe"ial moment is "lose to you% you "an bring it to you i you "onne"t with the love you eel. *oo$ at the pi"ture o the loved one that pleases you. Smile and wish or that same pea"e to enter you. Soon the agitation will begin to lessen% your unreal e#pe"tations will begin to ade% +our desire to be happy will turn to your aith that you "an be happy i you are patient% your ambition to turn moments your way will turn toward a""epting moment to moment with the pea"e o pure love. Always remember that the pre"ious moments that "ome to you in li e were une#pe"ted. +ou had not desired the moments. (hey "ame to you with ,od-s gra"e and ,od-s will. (hat is why they are so pre"ious to you. (he moments you have planned and even re"eived will never be a sour"e o pea"e to you. )ven though you were su""ess ul in re"eiving what you wanted they are a sour"e o ear to you. (he present moment holds in it the gi ts o the pre"ious moments to "ome. ,ive yoursel to that present moment. .e at pea"e% /onne"t yoursel to pure love% 0emain still in that and the moment to "ome shall shower you with Divine ,ra"e. 1eep within your mind only the thought that $eeps you "on ident. A thought that ma$es you eel wea$ and desperate must be ignored. Do not sub'e"t yoursel and your li e to what you thin$. As long as you are bound to desire the ups and downs will emerge and be"ome real to you. .ut i you are "ommitted to being at pea"e then you will do your very best moment to moment and

whatever is the out"ome you will a""ept and eagerly return to the pea"e o your soul. (he pre"ious moment that "ame to you was only be"ause you were "ontent in yoursel and e#pe"ted nothing. +ou had given up your thought or a moment and the simple gi ts o the soul "ame to you. A genuine smile never "omes when you have planned what ma$es you happy. &t "omes when you are rela#ed in aith% "ontent in ,od-s will and simple in your thought. Many su"h pre"ious moments await you% .ut you too must wait and not try to go ahead to "apture them. (hey will "ome% at the pre"ise moment, and you shall marvel at their timeliness%

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