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Happiness is not an ideal of reason, but of imagination

When I hear the word "happiness," I think of warm smiles, bright days, and well-stocked grocery carts
overflowing with groceries. But when I think about how difficult a task happiness is, it often feels like
an insurmountable mountain looming in front of me. There is no silver bullet to solve my problems;
there's always going to be more strife ahead than beauty behind me. Even when you try your best to
find happiness within yourself, it often seems impossible. However, we must not forget that there is
something that many do not consider when they are looking for happiness: imagination.
I know it's hard to imagine your life as a happy one when there have been so many hurtles in front of
you: your mother dying, your father leaving you, the harsh words of someone who used to be like a
brother to you. I'm sure we've all come across people who are always unhappy; they feel that no
matter what happens, they won't be able to find happiness in their lives. To them, I say: if you spent
so much time thinking about what is making you unhappy about life and trying to fix it, wouldn't that
be taking away from the amount of time that you could spend thinking about what makes you happy?
I don't mean think about the things that make me happy every second.

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